Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Satellite A210 del fabbricante Toshiba
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T OSHIBA Satellite A210/ Satellite Pro A210 Portable Personal Computer User ’ s Manual.
ii User ’s Manual Copyrigh t © 2007 by TOSHIBA Corporation. All rights reserved. Unde r the copyright laws, this manual cannot be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of TOSHIBA. No patent liabilit y is assumed, with respect to the use of the info rmation contain ed herein.
User ’s Manual iii Bluetoot h is a registered trademark owned b y its propri etor and used b y TOSHIBA u nder license. DVD MovieFactory is trademarks of the Ulead Systems. Inc. Labelflash™ is a trademark of Y AMAH A CORPORA TION. Manufactured und er license from Dolby Lab oratories.
iv User ’s Manual resulting excessive c urrent follow can cause ex tremely high temperatur es and may re sult in dam age from burn s. ❑ Be sure that noting rest s on your AC adapter ’ s power cab le and that the cable is not located wher e it can be tripped over o r stepped on.
User ’s Manual v mined by tu rning the equi pment of f and on, th e user is encourag ed to try to cor- rect the interference by one or more of the following measures: ❑ Reorient or relocate the receivin g antenna. ❑ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver .
vi User ’s Manual BSMI Notice (T aiwan Only) EU Declaration o f Conformity Supplementary Information: “The product complies with the requirements of the Low V oltage Directive 2006/95 /EC, the EMC Directive 89/336/EE C and/or the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC.
User ’s Manual vii Cet appareil nu mérique de la class B re specte toutes les exgences du Règlemen t sur le matériel brouileur du Canada. Modem warning notice Conformity Statem ent The equipment .
viii User ’s Manu al Japan regulations Region selection If you are us ing the computer in Japan, t echnical regulati ons described i n the T elecommunications Business Law require th at you select th e Japan re gion mode. It is illegal to use the modem in Jap an with any other selection.
User ’s Manual ix systems ) is proh ibited. Con nection t o party lines service is subject to state tariffs. If you have any questions about your teleph one line, such as how many p ieces of equipment you can connect to it, the telephone company will provide this infor- mati on up on requ est.
x User ’s Manual Instructions for IC CS-03 certifi ed equipment 1 The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipmen t meets certain telecommun icat.
User ’s Manual xi Notes for Users in Australia and New Zealand Modem warning notice for Australia Modems connected to the Australian telecoms network m ust have a valid Austel permit. Thi s modem has been designed to s pecifically configure to ens ure com- pliance with Austel standa rds when the country/region selection is set to Austra- lia.
xii User ’s Manual ❑ Some parameters required for compliance with T elecom’ s P TC Specifica- tions are depend ent on the equipment (PC ) associated with this modem.
User ’s Manual xiii ❑ The transmit level from this device is set at a fixed level and because of this there may be circum stances where th e perfor mance is less than optimal.
xiv User ’s Manual Following information is only for E U-member states: The symbol indicate s that this product may no t be treated as household waste. Please e nsure this product is prop erly disposed as i nappropriate w aste handling of this produc t may cause potential hazards to the environme nt and human health.
User ’s Manual x v Important Notice Copyrig hted works incl uding, but n ot limited t o music, vid eo, computer pro- gram, databas es are protected by copyright laws.
xvi User ’s Manual CD-R W/DVD-ROM drive safety instructions T oshiba Samsung TS-L462D ❑ The drive employs a laser system. T o ensur e pr oper use of this pr oduct, pleas e r ead this instr uction manua l car efully and r eta in for future r efer ence.
xviii User ’s Manu al HD DVD-ROM and HD DVD-R drive safety instructions T oshiba TS-L802A ❑ The drive employs a laser system. T o ensur e pr oper use of this pr oduct, pleas e r ead this instr uction manua l car efully and r eta in for future r efer ence.
xx User ’s Manual DVD Super Multi (+-R DL) drive safety instructions Matsushita UJ-850U ❑ The drive employs a laser system. T o ensur e pr oper use of this pr oduct, pleas e r ead this instr uction manua l car efully and r eta in for future r efer ence.
xxii User ’s Manu al Pio n eer DVR- K17T T oshiba Samsung TS-L632D Location of the r equired label COMPLIES WITHFDA RADIA TION PERFORMANCE ST ANDARDS, 21 CFR SUBCHAPTER J.
Us er ’s M anu al x xii i CAUTION: This appli ance contains a laser system a nd is clas sified as a “CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT .” T o use this model pro perl y , read the instruction manual car ef ully and keep this manual for your futur e r efer ence.
xxiv User ’s Manual OBS ! Appar aten innehål ler laserkom ponent som avger laser stråining överstigand e gränsen för lase rklass 1. VA R O I T U S . Suojakoteloa s i saa avata. Laite sisältää la ser diodin, jo ka lähetää näkymätöntä silmilie va arallista laser säteilyä.
Us er ’s Ma nu al x xv T able of Contents Preface Manual contents .......... ..... .............. .............. .... ............ xxxiii Conventions ....... .............. .............. .............. ................ xxxiv Abbreviatio ns ........
xx vi Use r ’s M an ua l Options ..... .............. .............. .............. ................... ......... 1-17 Chapter 2 The G rand Tour Front with the display clos ed ................ .............. ........... 2-1 Left side .... ..... ....
U ser ’s Ma nu al xxvi i Sleep mode.......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .. 3-7 Restarti ng the computer .......... ..... .... ..... .............. ........... 3-8 System Re covery Options ................ ..........
xx vi ii Use r ’s M anu al Using the Computer in place of an HD DVD Player .... 4-26 Before Conne cting .................. .............. .............. ......... 4-26 Connecting to the Comp uter ............ .............. .............. 4-27 Switching between Co mputer and Televisi on Display .
User ’s Manual xxix Moving the c omputer ................ .............. .............. ......... 4-58 Heat dispers al ............. .............. .............. .............. ......... 4-59 Chapter 5 The Keyboard Typewriter k eys .. .............
xx x Us er ’s M an ua l Replacing the battery pack ............... .............. .............. 6-14 Removing th e battery pa ck .............. .............. .............. 6-14 Installin g the batter y pack ................ .............. .......
User ’s Manual xxxi Precaution s ............... .............. .............. .............. ......... 8-14 Connecting........... .............. .............. .............. .............. 8-15 Disconnecting .. .............. .............. ......
xx xi i User ’s M an ual Wireless LAN ............ ..... .... ..... ..... .............. .............. .... 9-24 Bluetooth.............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 9-25 i.LINK (IEEE 139 4) ............. ..... ......
U ser ’s Ma nu al xxxi ii Preface Congratulations on your purchase of the TOSHIBA Satellite A210 /Satellite Pro A210 comput er . This powerfu l, lightweigh t notebook comp uter is desi gned to provide years of reliable, high-performance computing. This manua l tells how to set up and begin using your Satell ite A210/Satellite Pro A210 comput er .
Preface xx xi v User ’s Man ua l Chapte r 6, Power and Power-Up Mo des , gives d etails on the co mputer ’ s power resources an d battery save mo des. Chapte r 7, HW Setup and Pass wor ds , explains ho w to configure the compu ter using the HW Setup program.
U ser ’s Ma nu al xxxv Preface Key operation Some operation s require yo u to simultan eously use two or more keys. W e id en- tify such operations b y the key to p symbols separated by a p lus sign (+). For example, CTRL + C means you must hol d down CTRL and at the same time press C .
Preface xx xv i User ’s Man ua l.
User ’s Manua l xx xvii General Precautions TOSHIBA compu ters are designed to optim ize safety , minimize strain and with- stand the rigors of portability . Howeve r , certain precautions shoul d be observed to further redu ce the risk of personal injury or damage to the computer .
Gener al Precau tions x xx v ii i U s er ’s M a n ua l Heat inju ry ❑ A void prolonged phy sical contact with the computer . If the comp uter is used for long per iods, its surface can become ver y warm.
User ’s Manual 1-1 I NTRO DUCTION Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter pro vides an equipment checklist, and it identifi es the computer ’ s features, options and acces sories. Equipmen t ch ecklist Carefully unpack yo ur computer . Save th e box and packing materials for future use.
Introduction 1 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l I NTROD UCTIO N Software Windows V ista™ ◆ The following software is preinstalled: •M i c r o s o f t ® W indows V ista™ • Modem Dr iver (Can be us.
User ’s Manual 1-3 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION ◆ Documentat ion: • User Informatio n Guide •M i c r o s o f t ® W indows V ista™ manual packag e (provided w ith some mod- els) • Instr uc.
Introduction 1 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l I NTROD UCTIO N Disks Hard dis k drive The comp uter has an i ntegrated, 2 1/ 2" hard dis k drive (HDD) for nonvolatile storage of data and software.
User ’s Manual 1-5 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION DVD Super Multi (+-R DL) drive Some models are equipped with a full-size DVD Super Multi (+- R DL) drive module that lets you record data to rewritable CD/DVDs as well as run either 12 cm (4.72") or 8 cm (3.
Introduction 1 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l I NTROD UCTIO N HD DVD ROM driv e Some models are equipped with a full-size HD DVD- ROM drive module that lets you run CD's or DVD's without using an adaptor .
User ’s Manual 1-7 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION Keyboard HD DVD-R drive Some models are equipped with a full-size HD DVD-R drive module that lets you run CD's or DVD's without using an ad aptor .
Introduction 1 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l I NTROD UCTIO N Pointing Device Power Ports Built-in A T o uch Pad/Dual Mode Pad and control buttons in the palm rest enable co ntrol of the on -screen pointer . Battery pack The computer is powered by one rec hargeable lithium- ion battery pack.
User ’s Manual 1-9 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION Slots Multimedia Communications Multiple Digital Media Card This slot lets you easily transfer data from devices, such as digital cameras and Pers onal Digital Assistants, that use flash memory (SD/SD HC/MS/MS Pr o/MMC/xD memory cards ).
Introduction 1 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al I NTROD UCTIO N Security Software Modem Some computers in this series a re equipped with an internal modem. Th e internal modem provid es capabil- ity for d ata and fax communication. It supports V .90 (V .92).
User ’s Manual 1-1 1 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION Specia l Feature s The following features are either unique to T O SHIBA comp uters or are advanced features , which make the computer more co nvenient to use.
Introduction 1 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al I NTROD UCTIO N Battery s ave mode This feature lets you save battery power . Y ou can s pec- ify the Power Save Mode in the Profile item in TOSHIBA Power Saver .
User ’s Manual 1-13 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION T OSHIBA V alue Adde d Pac kage This section describes th e T OSHIBA Com ponent features pre-installed on the computer . TOSHI BA Powe r Saver TO SHIBA Power Sa ver provides yo u with the feat ure of more various powe r supply man agements.
Introduction 1 -1 4 Us e r ’s M an u al I NTROD UCTIO N Utilities and Application This section describ es pre-installed utilities and tells how to start them. For details on operation, refer to each utility’ s online manual, help file s or readme.
User ’s Manual 1-15 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION TOSHI BA DVD-RAM Uti lity TOSHIBA DVD-RAM Utility has the functio n of Phys- ical Format and W r ite-Protect to DVD-RAM. This utility is contained the setup module of TOSHIBA Disc Creator . Y ou can boot TOSHIBA DVD-RAM Utility from the menu bar as f ollow s.
Introduction 1 -1 6 Us e r ’s M an u al I NTROD UCTIO N Fingerprint Utility This product has a fi ngerprint utility installed for the purpose of enrolling and recognizing fingerprints. By enrolling the ID an d password to the fingerprint authen- tication device, it is no long er necessary to input the passw ord from the keyboard.
User ’s Manual 1-17 Introducti on I NTROD UCTION Options Y ou can ad d a number of op tions to make your co mputer even mo re powerful and convenient to use. The following op tions are available: Memory expansion T wo memory exp ansion slots are available for installing 512 MB, 10 24 MB or 2048 MB memory mod ules.
Introduction 1 -1 8 Us e r ’s M an u al I NTROD UCTIO N.
User ’s Manual 2-1 T HE G RAND T OUR Chapter 2 The Grand T our This chapter identifies the various comp onents of your compu ter . Become famil- iar with each componen t before you operate th e computer . Front wi th the di splay closed Figure 2-1 shows the computer ’ s front with its display panel in the closed posi- tion.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE G RAND T OUR V olume control Use this di al to adjust the v olume of the system speaker and headph ones. Microphone jack A standar d 3.5 mm mini microphone jack enables con- nection of a monaural mi crophone or ot her device for audio inp ut.
User ’s Manual 2-3 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Left side Figu re 2-2 shows the com puter ’ s l eft si de. Figur e 2-2 The left side of the co mputer Exte rnal monito r port This 15-p in port lets you conn ect an external monitor . Fan vent Provides air flow for the fan .
The Gr and T o ur 2 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE G RAND T OUR Vide o-out jack Plug a 4-pin S -V ideo connector i nto this j ack. LAN jack This jack lets you co nnect to a LAN. The adap tor has built- in support f or Ethernet LA N (10 Mbi t/s, 10BASE- T) or Fast Ethernet LAN (100 Mbit/s, 100B ASE-TX).
User ’s Manual 2-5 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR . Universa l Serial Bus Ports The two Universal Serial Bu s (USB) ports comply with USB Serial 2.0 standards, which enables data transfer speeds 40 times fas ter than the USB 1.1 standa rds. (The ports also suppo rt USB 1.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE G RAND T OUR Right s ide Figure 2 -3 shows t he computer’ s right side. Figur e 2-3 The righ t side of the co mputer Universa l Serial Bus Ports The two Universal Serial Bu s (USB) ports comply with USB Serial 2.
User ’s Manual 2-7 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Back side Figure 2-4 show s the computer ’ s back side. Figur e 2-4 The computer ’ s back side Securi ty lock slot A security cable att aches to this slot. Th e optional secu- rity cabl e anchors y our computer to a desk or other lar ge object to deter theft.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE G RAND T OUR Under side Figure 2-5 shows t he undersid e of the compu ter . Make sure the display i s closed before tur ning over your co mputer . Figur e 2-5 The un derside of the co mpute r Battery pack The battery pack powers the computer when the AC adaptor is n ot connected.
User ’s Manual 2-9 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Front with th e disp lay open Figure 2-6 show s the front of the compu ter with the display op en. T o open the display , slide the display latch on the front of the computer and lift the display up.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Stere o Spea ker The speaker emits sound g enerated by your softwar e as well as audio alarms, such as low battery condition, gen- erated by the sys tem.
User ’s Manual 2-1 1 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR AV B u t t o n Six butt ons are provi ded with s ome models. A vailable for use: Internet, CD/DVD, Play/Pause, Stop , Previous, Next. These buttons allow you to m a nage Audio/V ideo, run applications and access util ities.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR System indicat ors Figure 2-7 show s the system indicators, which ligh t when various compu ter operations are i n progress. Figur e 2-7 System i ndicators Power source/sys tem indicators DC IN The DC IN in dica tor gl ows b lue when DC power is sup- plied from the AC power adapto r .
User ’s Manual 2-13 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Keyboard indicators When the CAPS LOCK indicator glows the keyboard is in all-caps mode. Figur e 2-8 CAPS L OCK indicat or The figures b elow show t he positions of the keypad over lay indicators and the CAPS LOCK indi cator.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -1 4 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Optical disc drive CD-R W/DVD-ROM d rive, DVD Super Multi (+-R DL) drive, HD DVD-ROM drive or a HD DVD-R driv e. An A T API in terface controller is used for CD/DVD/ HD DVD-ROM operation.
User ’s Manual 2-15 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR dard. This device does not support advanced features of the HD DVD V ideo standard as defined by the DVD Forum, including picture-in-picture and network do wload features . Screen movement may not be smoo th, and per- formance may be lowered with some HD DVD content.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -1 6 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Writabl e discs This section describes th e types of writable CD/DVD/HD DVD discs. Check the specifications for your drive to for the type of discs it can write. Use T OSHIBA Disc Creator to write compact dis cs.
User ’s Manual 2-17 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR HD DV D s ❑ Like CD and DVD, HD DVD is div ided into the read-only and reco rdable- formats listedbelow . ❑ Some media cann ot be used wit h this produ ct. Be sure to t horoughly read section "HD DVD-ROM drive" or "HD DVD-R drive" of this before using this pr oduct.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -1 8 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Formats CD-RW/DVD-ROM driv e The full-size CD-R W/DVD-ROM drive module lets you record d ata to rewrit- able CDs as well as run either 12 cm (4.72") or 8 cm (3.15") CD/DVDs without using an adap tor.
User ’s Manual 2-19 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR DVD Super Multi (+-R DL) drive The full-size DVD Super Multi drive module lets you record data to s as rewrit- able CDs as well as run either 12 cm (4.72") or 8 cm (3.15") CD/DVDs without using an adap tor.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -2 0 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR HD DVD ROM dr ive The full-size HD DVD ROM drive module lets you record data to s as rewritable CDs as well as run either 12 c m (4.72") HD DVD,12 cm (4.72") o r 8 cm (3.15") CD/DVDs wi thout usi ng an adaptor.
User ’s Manual 2-21 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR HD DVD-R drive The full-size HD DVD-R drive module lets you record data to s as rewritable CDs as well as run either 12 c m (4.72") HD DVD,12 cm (4.72") o r 8 cm (3.15") CD/DVDs wi thout usi ng an adaptor.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -2 2 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Remote Controller Y our co mputer includ es a Remote C ontroller whic h enables y ou to perfor m some functions of your computer from a distant location. The following figure shows th e buttons on the Remote Controller .
User ’s Manual 2-23 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Refer to the Using the Remote Controller secti on in this chapter for information on how to use the Remote Controller as well as how to install and remove its bat- teries.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -2 4 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Power Starts or terminates the o perating system.This butto n function s like the Power b utton of your computer . By default, t he Sleep Mode is equivalent to the Power Of f state of you r computer .
User ’s Manual 2-25 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Vo l u m e + Increases the volume while viewing DVD's or replaying CD's. Vo l u m e - Decreases th e volume while viewing DVD's or replay- ing CD's. Star t Opens Media Center to the main wind ow .
The Gr and T o ur 2 -2 6 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Using the Remote Controller This computer includes a remote control unit, which allows you to control some of your com puter ' s functions from a distant location. Operational r ange of the Remote Controlle Point the Rem ote controller at your co m put er and press a button .
User ’s Manual 2-27 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR *The appearance o f the provi ded Remote Con troller may va ry from model to model, and it is not provided with some m odel. Installing/Removin g batteries Be sure to i nstall the dry b atteries provid ed with this pr oduct bef ore using the Remote Controller .
The Gr and T o ur 2 -2 8 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR T ype of battery that can be used for the Remote Control- ler When the batteries shipped with the Remote Contro ller are discharged , replace them with commercially available AA ma nganese batteries or AA alkaline bat- teri es.
User ’s Manual 2-29 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR Figur e 2-12 Opening the ba ttery cover 2. Insert the batteries in place. Be sure to place the batteries with their polarities (+ and -) in the correct posit ion. Figur e 2-13 Inser ting the ba tteries 3.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -3 0 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR Replacing the batteries When the batteries in the Remote Contro ller reach the end of their life, the Remote Controller may not operate correctly or work only within a short dis- tance from y our computer .
User ’s Manual 2-31 The Gr and T our T HE G RAND T OUR AC ad aptor The AC adapto r converts AC pow er to DC power and reduces t he voltage su p- plied to the co mputer . It can automatically adjust to any vo ltage from 100 to 240 volts and to a frequency o f either 50 or 60 h ertz, enabling you to u se the com- puter in almost any region.
The Gr and T o ur 2 -3 2 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE G RAND T OUR.
User ’s Manual 3-1 G ETTING S TART ED Chapter 3 Getting Started This chapt er provides basic information to get you started usi ng your comput er . It cove rs the follo wing topics: ❑ Connecting t.
Gettin g Started 3 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l G ETTING S TARTED Connec ting the AC adap tor Attach the AC adaptor when yo u need to char ge the battery o r you want to oper- ate from AC power . It is also the fastest way to get started, b ecause the battery pack will need to be charged before you can operate from battery power .
User ’s Manual 3-3 Getting Started G ETTING S TARTED 3. Plug the p ower cord into a liv e wall outlet. The Battery and DC IN indicator on the fro nt of the co mputer should glow . Opening th e display The display panel can be rot ated in a wide r ange of angl es for optimal viewing.
Gettin g Started 3 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l G ETTING S TARTED Figur e 3-4 T u rnin g on the pow er Starting up for the first time When you first turn on the po wer, the computer ’ s initial screen is the Microsoft ® W indows V ista™ Startup Screen Logo.
User ’s Manual 3-5 Getting Started G ETTING S TARTED 3. Click W indows Start button, point to , and then sel ect Shut Down . 4. T urn off the power to any perip heral devices. Hibernati on mo de The hibernation featu re saves the contents of memory to the har d disk when the computer is turned o ff.
Gettin g Started 3 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l G ETTING S TARTED Starting Hiberna tion T o enter Hibernation mode, follow the steps below . Windows Vista™ 1.
User ’s Manual 3-7 Getting Started G ETTING S TARTED Sleep mode In sleep mode the power rema ins on, but the CPU and all other devices are in sleep mode. Benefi ts of sl eep The sleep feature p rovides the following b enefits: ❑ Restores t he previous work ing enviro nment more rapidl y than does hi berna- tion.
Gettin g Started 3 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l G ETTING S TARTED When you t urn the power back on, you can co ntinue where y ou left when you shut do wn the comput er . Sleep limitations Sleep will not function under the following conditi ons: ❑ Power is turned back on immediately after shutting do wn.
User ’s Manual 3-9 Getting Started G ETTING S TARTED System R ecovery Options About 1.5GB hidden partition is allo cated on the hard disk drive for the System Recovery Options. This partition stores files which can be used to repair the sys- tem in the event of a problem.
Gettin g Started 3 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al G ETTING S TARTED Create Op tic al Recovery Discs For HDD Recovery model A recovery image of your co mputer is stor ed on the hard disk. Y ou may use this image to create CD or DVD recovery discs using the following steps: 1.
User ’s Manual 3-1 1 Getting Started G ETTING S TARTED In addition, if you use a third-party partitioning p rogram to reconfigure partitions on your har d disk, it may become impos sible to re- setup your co mputer . Y ou can not use System Recovery Options if restoring the pre-in stalled software without Sys tem Recovery Option s.
Gettin g Started 3 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al G ETTING S TARTED 3. Use the up or down cursor key to select CD /DVD in the display menu. For details, refer to the Boot Priority section in Chapter 7, HW Set up and Pass- wor ds . 4. A menu appears. Follow the on-screen instructions.
User ’s Manual 4-1 O PERATING B ASIC S Chapter 4 Operating Basics This chapter gives informat ion on basi c operations inclu ding using t he T ouch Pad/Dual Mode Pad, the fi ngerprint sens or , optical di sc drives, the web camera, the microphone, the internal modem, wireless co mmunication and LAN.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PER ATING B ASI CS Dual Mo de Pad But ton function (Dual Mo de Pad is provided wi th some mode ls) Figur e 4-2 Dual Mode Pad Button Switch button T o switch between Cursor Mode and Butt on Mode. When you swit ch to Butto n Mode, the pad blinks blu e.
User ’s Manual 4-3 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Using t he Fingerprin t Sensor This product has a fingerprint utility instal led for the purpose of enrollin g and recognizing fingerprints. By enrolling the ID and password to the fingerprint authentication device, it is no lon ger n ecessary to input the pas sword from the keyboard.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PER ATING B ASI CS Points to note abo ut the Fingerprint Sensor Failure to follow these g uidelines might result in (1) damage to the sensor or cause sensor fail ure, (2) finger recog nition problems , or lower finger recogn ition success rate.
User ’s Manual 4-5 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS recognition success rate. Also if the fingerpr int is worn down or the finger becomes thinner or fatter , the recognition success rate may be lowered. ❑ The finger print for each finger is di f ferent and unique.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PER ATING B ASI CS ❑ T oshiba does not guarantee that the fi ngerprint sensor will recognize the enrolled user or accurately s creen out unauthorized users at all times.
User ’s Manual 4-7 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS 1. Click St art , Point to All P rograms , point to Protec tor Suite QL and cli ck User Enroll ment . 2. Th e Use r's Password screen is displayed. Ensure the sam e W i ndows logon username is displayed before entering a password into the Enter your Pass word field.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PER ATING B ASI CS Windows Logon via Fingerpr int Authentication In place of the usual W indows logon by ID and pas sword, fingerprint authentica- tion also allows lo gon to W indows. This is useful especially when many us ers are using the PCs, as user selection can be skip ped.
User ’s Manual 4-9 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Fingerprint System Boot Authentication General The fingerprint authentication system can be used to r eplace the keyboardbased User Password authenticatio n s yste m when booti ng up.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS 4. Power-on Se curity screen is d isplayed. Place a checkmar k in Replace the po wer-on and hard drive passwords wi th the fingerpri nt reader and clic k OK . The modified conf iguration for Fingerprin t Power -on Security becomes effective the next time the system is booted up.
User ’s Manual 4-1 1 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Fingerprint utility limitat ions TOSHIBA does not guarantee that the Fingerprint utility tech nology will be completely secure or erro r-fr ee. TOSHIBA does not gu arantee that the Finger- print utili ty will accurately screen o ut unauthorized users at all times.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Using o ptical disc drive s The text and illustrations in this sectio n refer primarily to the optical disc drive. However , operation i s the same for all other opti cal disc drives .
User ’s Manual 4-13 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Loading discs T o load CD/DVDs, follow the steps below and refer to figures 4-3 to 4-7. 1. a. When the power is on, press the eject butto n to open the drawer slightly . Figur e 4-3 Pr essing the eject button b.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -1 4 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS 2. Grasp the drawer gently and pull until it is fully open ed. Figu r e 4-5 Pul lin g the dr awer o pen 3.
User ’s Manual 4-15 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS 4. Press gently at the center of the CD /DVD/HD DVD until you feel it click into place. Th e CD/DVD/HD DVD should lie below the top of the spindle, flus h with the sp indle base. 5. Push the center of the drawer to close it.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -1 6 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS 2. The CD/DVD/HD DVD extends slightly over the sides of the drawer so you can grasp it. Hold the CD/DVD/HD DVD gently and lift it out. Figur e 4-8 Removing a CD-R W/ DVD/HD DVD-ROM 3.
User ’s Manual 4-17 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Using TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER to enjoy HD DVDs HD DVD Playback Rest rictions HD DVD-ROM drive and HD DV D-R drive model allow users to enjoy the strong visuals of HD DVDV ideo. "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" software is provided for playback of H D DVD- Vi d e o .
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -1 8 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Notes on playing HD DVD V ideo discs HD DVD Video discs ❑ Please use "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" for HD DVD V ideo playback. "W i ndows Media Player" and other commercially available software cannot be used for HD DVD V ideo playback.
User ’s Manual 4-19 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS ❑ Do not configure the Display automa tic power of f function to run while the "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" is running. ❑ The W indows Aero function is disabled while the "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" is r unning.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -2 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS T OSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER ❑ "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" software is supported for playback of HD DVD V ideo, DVD-V ideo and DVD-VR. ❑ The "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" does not have a parental control func- tion.
User ’s Manual 4-21 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS If this occurs , select Play HD D VD movie or Run the HD DVD Lau nche r , then click OK to launch the T OSHI BA HD DVD PLA YER . Figur e 4-10 Applic ation selec tion scr een 2. T ou ch the CD/DVD panel on the Front operation panel.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -2 2 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS ❑ If the men u is opened in the Displa y Area using the Control wi ndow's T op Menu or Menu b uttons, touch pad and mous e menu operation s may not be able to be used. Figur e 4-1 1 TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER windows Display Area Dis plays video.
User ’s Manual 4-23 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Open T OSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER HELP TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER features and instructions are also explained in detail in "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER Help". Use the following procedure to open "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER Help".
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -2 4 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Figur e 4-13 TOSHIBA HD D VD PLA Y ER Control window (2) Always on top Sets the control window as always on top, so that it is not hidd en by othe r windows or full sc reen display .
User ’s Manual 4-25 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Figur e 4-14 T OSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER Contr ol window (3) *1: Displayed when an HD DVD (T win form at disc) is placed in the optical disc drive. Subtitle Switches between available subtitles. Sound Switches between audio tracks for titles which have more than 1 au dio track.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -2 6 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Using th e Computer in place of an HD DVD Pla yer V ideos played using "TOSHIBA HD DVD PLA YER" included with the com- puter can be di splayed on a t elevision equi pped with an H DMI input port .
User ’s Manual 4-27 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Connecting to the Compu ter T urn of f the television and com puter before connecting . 1. Insert the HDMI cable plug into the HDMI out port on the com- pute r . Figur e 4-15 Conn ecting the HDMI o ut port 2.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -2 8 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Notes on O peration ❑ Change the display device setting before playing HD DVD-V ideo . Do not change the display device while playing HD DVD-V ideo. ❑ Do not c hange the d isplay dev ice at the following times.
User ’s Manual 4-29 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS W riting CDs on CD-RW /DVD-ROM drive Y ou can use the CD-R W/DVD -ROM drive to write data to either CD-R or CD- R W discs. The following applications for writing are supplied: TOSHIBA Disc Creator.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -3 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS ◆ Do not run software such as a s creen saver which can put a heavy load on the CPU. ◆ Operate the computer at f ull power . Do not use power -saving features. ◆ Do not write while virus check software is running.
User ’s Manual 4-31 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Disclaimer ( CD-RW/ DVD-ROM drive) TOSHIBA does not bear responsibility for the following: ◆ Damage to any CD-R/R W disc that may be caused by writing or rewriting with this produ ct.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -3 2 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS ◆ However , in no event does T OSHIBA guarantee the o peration, quality or performance of any disc. Disc quality can affect write or rewrite success rates. ◆ If the disc is poor in quality , dirty or damaged, writing or rewriting errors may occur .
User ’s Manual 4-33 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS ◆ The actual number of rewrites to CD-R W , DVD-R W , DVD+R W or DVD- RAM is affected by the quality of the disc and the way it is used. ◆ There are two t ypes of DVD-R discs: author ing and g eneral use discs .
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -3 4 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS ◆ Do not write while virus check software is runn ing. W ait for it to finish, and then disab le virus d etection prog rams including any s oftware that checks files automatically in the background.
User ’s Manual 4-35 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Disclaimer (DVD Super Multi (+-R DL) drive) TOSHIBA does not bear responsibility for the following: ◆ Damage to any CD-R/R W or DVD-R/-R DL/-R W/+R/+R DL/+R W/ DVD- RAM disc that may be caused by writing or rewriting with this product.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -3 6 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS For further info rmation on T OSHIBA Disc Creator an d Ulead ® DVD MovieFac- tory ® , please refer to each software’ s online manual or online help s. Refer to HD DVD Guide for information on accessing the online manual or on line help.
User ’s Manual 4-37 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS ◆ Damage that may be caused by u sing third party equipment or softwar e. Given the technological limitati ons of current optical disc writing drives, you may experience unexpected writing or rewriting errors due to disc quality or problems with hardware devices.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -3 8 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS ◆ If the disc is poor in quality , or is dirty or damaged, writing or rewriting errors may be noted - ens ure that you check all discs f or dirt or damag e before you use them.
User ’s Manual 4-39 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS stance, even if you write only a small am ount of data, i t might take ad di- tional time to fill in the dum my data. ◆ When multiple drives th at can write data to discs are connected, be sur e that you do no t write to or delete da ta from the wro ng drive.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -4 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS ◆ Do not per form any of the fo llowing action s: • Cha nge use rs in the W i ndow s V ista TM ope rating system . • Operate the compu ter for any othe r function, including such tasks as using a m ouse or T ouch Pad, o r closing/open ing the disp lay panel.
User ’s Manual 4-41 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS ◆ DVD-RAM dis cs cannot be backed up using t he 'Disc Backup ' functionof TO SHI BA Dis c Creat or .
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -4 2 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Data V erification T o v erify that data has been written or rewritten correctly to a data CD/DV D/HD DVD you should follow the steps below before you begin the write/rewrite pro- cess: 1.
User ’s Manual 4-43 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS 5. Ch oose DV D Drive for Prin ter . e. g.< E :> PIONEER DVD.... 6. Add an d customize the l ook of your imag es and tex t. 7. Click Labelflash setting and choose Draw Quality . 8. Click Pr int .
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -4 4 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Important information for use Note the following limitations when y ou write video DVD: 1. Ed iti ng digi tal vi deo. ❑ Log in with Administrator rights to use DVD MovieFactory . ❑ Make sure t hat your comp uter is running on AC power w hen using DV D MovieFactory .
User ’s Manual 4-45 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS • Install, remove or connect extern al devices, including the following: Express Car d, SD card, USB device, external display , i.LINK devices, optical digital devices. ❑ Please verify your d isc after recording impo rtant data.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -4 6 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Media care This secti on provides t ips on protect ing data st ored on you r CD/DVD / HD DVD. Handle your med ia with care. The following simp le precautions will increase the lifetime of your media and protect the data s tored on them: CD/DVD/HD DVD 1.
User ’s Manual 4-47 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Using t he W eb Camera(Bu ilt-in W eb Camera is provided with some mod- els. ) This section describe s the bundled webcam utility , which can capture still and video images. The web camer a will auto-run when W indows starts.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -4 8 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Using the software The web camera software is pre-configured to start when you turn on W indows V ista; if you need to restart it go to Start → Programs → Camera Assi stant Software → Camera Assistan t Software Figur e 4-17 Usin g the Softwar e 1.
User ’s Manual 4-49 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Using t he micro phone Y our computer has a built-in micropho ne that can be used to r ecord monaural sounds into yo ur applications. It can als o be used to iss ue voice commands to applications that support s uch functions.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -5 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Modem The availability of this f eature is depending on the m odel you purchas ed. This section des cribes how to connect and di sconnect the inter nal modem to and from a teleph one jack.
User ’s Manual 4-51 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS 4. Select a r egion from t he region menu or a telepho ny location f rom the sub- menu. • When you click a region it b ecomes the modem’ s region sel ection, and the New Location for telephony will be set auto matically .
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -5 2 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Dialing Properties Select this item to display the dialing properties. Connecting T o connect the internal mode m cable, follow the steps below . 1. Plug one end of the modular cable into th e modem jack.
User ’s Manual 4-53 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Wireless c ommunications The computer’ s wireless commu nication functi on supports both W ireless LAN and Bluetoot h devices.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -5 4 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Security ◆ Be sure to enable encryption function. Otherwise your computer will allow the illegal access by outsider through wireless LAN to cause illegal instruc- tion, eaves dropping, an d loss or dest ruction of s tored data.
User ’s Manual 4-55 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Wirele ss communic ation switch Y ou can enable or disable W ireless LAN an d Bluet ooth functi ons, wi th the on /off switch.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -5 6 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS LAN The computer has built-in s upport for Eth ernet LAN (10 m egabits per second, 10BASE-T) o r Fast Ethe rnet LAN (100 megabits per s econd, 100B ASE- TX)(dependin g on model you purchas ed).
User ’s Manual 4-57 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS 2. Plug one en d of the cable into the LAN jack. Press gently un til you hear the latch click into place. Figur e 4-21 Connecti ng the LAN cab le 3. Plug the other end of the cable into a LAN hub connector .
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -5 8 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS Cleanin g the co mputer T o help ensure long , trouble-fr ee operati on, keep the computer free o f dust and use care with liquids around the computer . ◆ Be careful not to spill liquids into the computer .
User ’s Manual 4-59 Operat ing Basi cs O PERATING B ASICS Heat dispe rsa l T o protect from overheating, the CPU has an internal temperature senso r . If the computer ’ s internal temp erature rises to a certain level, the cooling fan is turned on or the processing speed is lowered.
Operat ing Basi cs 4 -6 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PER ATING B ASI CS.
User ’s Manual 5-1 T HE K EYBOARD Chapter 5 The Keyboard The computer’ s keybo ard layouts are comp atib le with a 104/105-key enhanced keyboard. B y pressing some keys in combination, all the 104/10 5-key keybo ard functions can b e executed on the compu ter .
The K eyboard 5 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE K EYBOARD F1 ... F12 functio n keys The funct ion key s, not to be co nfuse d with FN , are the 12 keys at the top of your keyboard. Th ese keys are da rk gray , but function differentl y from the ot her dark gray keys.
User ’s Manual 5-3 The Ke yboard T HE K EYBOARD tion in this chapter for more information on h ow to operate these keys. Th e power on default for bot h settings is of f. Pre ss FN + F12 ( Sc rLock ) to lock the cu rsor on a specific line. The power on defa ult is of f.
The K eyboard 5 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE K EYBOARD Instan t securi ty: Pr essing FN + F1 to enter “L ock computer” mode. T o restore your desktop, you n eed to log on agai n. Power Pla n: Pressing FN + F2 changes the power settings. Sleep: Pressing FN + F3 switches the system to Sleep mode.
User ’s Manual 5-5 The Ke yboard T HE K EYBOARD Brightness Down: Pressi ng FN + F6 decreases the computer ’ s display panel brightnes s in individual s teps. Brightness Up: Pressing FN + F7 increases the computer ’ s display panel brightnes s in indiv iual step s.
The K eyboard 5 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE K EYBOARD Zoom: Pressi ng FN + space changes the display resolution. TOSHIBA Zooming Utility (reduce): Press ing FN + 1 reduc es the icon size on the deskt op or the f ont sizes w ithin one of t he supporte d application wi ndows.
User ’s Manual 5-7 The Ke yboard T HE K EYBOARD Windows sp ecial key s The keyboard provides tw o keys that hav e special fun ctions in W indows: one activates the Star t menu and the other has the same fu nction as the secondary mous e but ton. This key activates the W indows Star t menu.
The K eyboard 5 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T HE K EYBOARD Nume ri c mode T o turn on the Numeric mode, pres s FN + F1 1 . The Numeric mode indicator lights. Now try numeric data entry using the keys in figure 5-1. Press FN + F1 1 again to turn of f the overlay .
User ’s Manual 5-9 The Ke yboard T HE K EYBOARD T emporaril y using overlay (overlay off) While using the normal keyb oard, you can tempo rarily use the keypad over lay without turnin g it on: 1. Pr ess and ho ld dow n FN . 2. Check the keybo ard indicators.
The K eyboard 5 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al T HE K EYBOARD.
User ’s Manual 6-1 P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Chapter 6 Power and Power-Up Modes The computer’ s power resources include the AC adaptor and intern al batteries. This chapter gives d etails on making the most ef fective use of these resources including ch arging an d changing ba tteries, tips fo r saving batt ery power , and power up modes.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES T able 1: Power con ditions Power on Powe r off (no oper at i on) AC adaptor conn ecte d Battery fully charge d .
User ’s Manual 6-3 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Power indicators The Battery , DC IN and Power indi cators on the system in dicator panel al ert you to the computer ’ s operating capability and battery charge status. Battery indicator Check the Battery indicator to deter mine the status of the b attery .
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Power indicator Check the Power indicator to determine the power status . Blue Indicates power is being supplied to the computer and the computer is tur ned on. Blinking amber Indicates the power wa s tur ned off while the computer was in Resum e mode.
User ’s Manual 6-5 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES The battery rechar ges the R TC batteries. The battery maintains the state of the computer when yo u enable Resume.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Care and use of the batter y pa ck The battery pack is a vital component of p ortable computing. T aking p roper care of it will help ensure longer operating tim e on battery power as well as a longer life for your battery pack.
User ’s Manual 6-7 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES packs have different vo ltages and terminal polari ties. Use of an improper battery co uld cause smoke, fire or rupture of th e battery pack. 7. Never subject a battery p ack to heat, such as stor age near a heat source.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Cau tion 1. Never continue to use a battery pac k after its rechar ging capacity has become impaired , or after the display of a warning message indicating th at the batte ry pack’ s power is exhausted.
User ’s Manual 6-9 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Charging the batteries When the power in the ba ttery pack becomes low , the Battery indicator flashes amber indicat ing that onl y a few minutes of battery pow er remain.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Battery charging notice The battery may no t charge right aw ay und er the following conditions: ❑ The battery is extremely hot or cold. If the battery is ex tremely hot, it might not char ge at all.
User ’s Manual 6-1 1 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Monitoring battery capacity Remaining b attery power can be monitore d in TOS HIBA Power Save r . ❑ W a it at least 16 seconds after turning o n the computer befor e trying to monitor th e r emain ing operating time.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Maxi m izing ba ttery op erat ing t ime A battery’ s usefuln ess depend s on how lon g it can su pply power on a single charge.
User ’s Manual 6-13 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Retaining data with power off When you turn of f your computer w ith fully charged batteries, the batteries retain data for the following approximate time periods: Battery pack (3 cell) about 1.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -1 4 Us e r ’s M an u al P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES ❑ If you are n ot going to use the compute r for more than eight hours, discon- nect the AC adaptor . ❑ Store spare battery packs in a cool dry pl ace out of direct sunligh t.
User ’s Manual 6-15 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Figur e 6-1 Slide the locking latch to the unlocked position 6. Slide the battery release latch to free the battery pack for removal, then lift up the battery pack. Figur e 6-2 Removing th e battery pack 7.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -1 6 Us e r ’s M an u al P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Installing the battery pack T o install a battery pack, follow the s teps below . 1. Be sure the com puter ’ s power is of f and all cables are disco nnected. 2. Insert the battery p ack.
User ’s Manual 6-17 Power an d Power-Up M odes P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES T o start up the computer with th e user pas sword, follow these steps: 1. T urn on the pow er as described i n Chapter 3, Get ting Start ed . The follow- ing mess age appears: Password = 2.
Power and Pow er-U p Modes 6 -1 8 Us e r ’s M an u al P OWER AND P OWER - U P M ODES Panel power on/off Y ou can set up your computer so that power turns off automatically when you close the di splay panel. When you op en the panel, pow er turns o n in Sleep or Hibernation mode but no t in boot mo de.
User ’s Manual 7-1 HW S ETUP AND P ASSW ORDS Chapter 7 HW Setup and Passwords This chapter explains h ow to use TO SHIBA H W Setup prog ram to config ure your comput er and how t o set pass words. HW Setup TOSHIBA HW Setup le ts you configure settin gs for Display , CPU, Boot priority , Keyboard, USB, LAN, Gener al and passwor d.
HW Setu p and Password s 7 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l HW S ETUP AND P ASSWORD S General This windo w displays the BIOS vers ion and contai ns two but tons: Default and About . Setup This field displays BIOS Version and date. Passwor d User Password This option allows yo u to set or reset the user password for p ower on.
User ’s Manual 7-3 HW Setu p and Password s HW S ETUP AND P ASSWORD S T o delete a user pas sword: 1. Select Not Registered to di splay the following prompt: Enter Password: 2. Enter the curr ently registered passwo rd. The character string you enter is disp layed as a string of asteris ks.
HW Setu p and Password s 7 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l HW S ETUP AND P ASSWORD S CPU Dynamic CP U Frequency Mo de This option lets you choos e fro m the followin g settings: Boot Priority Boot Priority Options This option sets the priority for booting the computer .
User ’s Manual 7-5 HW Setu p and Password s HW S ETUP AND P ASSWORD S If there are only 2 HDDs, the Boot Priority Options setting will be like the fol- lowing. Y ou can overr ide the settings and manu ally select a boot device by pressing one of the following keys while the computer is booting: This procedure does not affect the settings.
HW Setu p and Password s 7 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l HW S ETUP AND P ASSWORD S Keyboard Wake-up on Keyboard When this feature is enabled a nd the comp uter is in s leep mode, you can turn on the computer by pressing any key . It is ef fective only for the inter nal keyboard and only when the computer i s in sleep m ode.
User ’s Manual 8-1 O PTIONAL D EVICES Chapter 8 Optional Devices Optional devices can expand the comp uter’s capabilities and its versati lity . The following optional dev ices are available from .
Option al Devices 8 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PTIONAL D EVICES Express Card Installing an Express Card The Express Car d slot is located on the left side of the computer . Y ou can install one Express Card in the slot. W indows’ hot-install feature lets you in stall Express C ard while the computer ’ s power is o n.
User ’s Manual 8-3 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES Removing an Express Card T o remove the Express Card, follow the steps below . 1. In W indows V ista™, open the Sa fely Remove H ardware icon on t he system tray and disable the Express Card.
Option al Devices 8 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PTIONAL D EVICES Multiple Di gital Med ia Card Slot Some models ar e equipped with a Mult iple Digital Media Card Slot th at can accom modate Se cure Digit al (SD)/ S ecure Dig ital High Ca pacity (S DHC)/ Me m- ory Stick (MS)/Mem ory Stick Pro (MS Pr o)/Mu lti Media Card (MMC)/xD mem - ory cards.
User ’s Manual 8-5 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES 2. Press gently to en sure a firm connection. Figur e 8-3 Inserting the memory car d ❑ Keep for eign objects out of th e Multiple Digita l Media Card Slot.
Option al Devices 8 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PTIONAL D EVICES Removing a SD/SDHC/MS/MS Pro/MM C/xD card T o remove the memory c ard, follow the steps b elow . 1. In W indows V ista™, open the Safely Remove Hardwar e icon on the system tray and disable the inserted memo ry card.
User ’s Manual 8-7 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES Memory ex pansio n Y ou can install ad ditional memory i n the computer ’ s m emory module to increase the amount of RAM. Insta lli ng me m ory mo dul e T o in stall a memory module, make sure the computer is in boot mode then: 1.
Option al Devices 8 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l O PTIONAL D EVICES Figur e 8-5 Removing the cover 6. Insert the memory module into the connector on the co mputer . Press the module carefu lly and firmly to ensure a s olid connection. 7. Push the module down so that it lies flat and is secured by two latches.
User ’s Manual 8-9 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES memory is recognized. If it is not r ecognized, check the module’ s connec- tion. Remo vin g memor y mo dule T o remove the memory m odule, make su re the computer i s in boot mo de then: 1.
Option al Devices 8 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al O PTIONAL D EVICES Figur e 8-7 Removing th e memory modu le 7. Seat the cover and secure it with one screw .
User ’s Manual 8-1 1 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES External monitor An external analog monitor can be connect ed to the external monito r port on the computer , Port Replicator . The computer supports VGA and Super VGA video modes. T o connect a monito r , follow th e steps below .
Option al Devices 8 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al O PTIONAL D EVICES T ele vision A television can be con nected to the video out por t on the computer . T o connect a television, follow the steps be low . 1. T urn the computer of f. 2. Use a video cab le (not supplied) to conn ect the television to the vide o out port .
User ’s Manual 8-13 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES HDMI A HDMI monitor can be co nnected to the HDMI out port o n the computer . 1080i, 7 20p, 576p and 480p signal formats can be supported . But actual s ignal format you can use depends on HDMI monit o r .
Option al Devices 8 -1 4 Us e r ’s M an u al O PTIONAL D EVICES Settings for audio on HDMI T o set the audio device to use the HDMI, follow the s teps below . 1. Click Start. 2. Clic k Control P anel. 3. Click H ardware and S ound. 4. Click R ealtek HD Audio Manager .
User ’s Manual 8-15 Opti onal De vices O PTI ONA L D EVICES 3. If you ar e transferring data thro ugh an IEEE1 394 hub, do no t connect or disco nnect other devices from the hub during dat a transfer . There is a lik eli- hood t hat da ta wi ll be da maged .
Option al Devices 8 -1 6 Us e r ’s M an u al O PTIONAL D EVICES Disconnecting 1. Open the Safe ty Remove Hardware i con on the T ask Bar . 2. Point to i.LINK (I EE E1 394) de vice and click. 3. Disconnect the cable fro m the co mputer then from the i.
User ’s Manual 9-1 T ROUBL ESHOOTING Chapter 9 T roubleshooting TOSH IBA desig ned the computer f or durabil ity . However , shoul d problems occur , following the procedu r es in this chapter can help to determine the cause. All readers should b ecome familiar with this chapt er .
T rou bleshooting 9 -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T ROUBL ESHOOTING ❑ Check that your diskette is correctly inserted and that the disk ette’ s write protect tab is corr ectly set. Make notes of your observ ations and keep them in a permanen t error log.
User ’s Manual 9-3 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING Hardwa re and sy st em checkl ist This se ction discusse s problems caused by y our comput er ’ s ha rdware or a ttached peripherals.
T rou bleshooting 9 -4 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T ROUBL ESHOOTING Self t est When the computer starts up, the self-test will be run automatically , and the fol- lowing will be displayed: In Touch with Tomorrow TOSHIBA This message remains o n the screen for a few seconds.
User ’s Manual 9-5 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING AC powe r If you have trouble turn ing on the comp uter with the AC ad aptor connecte d, check the DC IN indicator .
T rou bleshooting 9 -6 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T ROUBL ESHOOTING Bat tery If you susp ect a problem with the battery , check the DC IN indicator as well as the battery indicator . For information on indicators and battery operation see Chapte r 6, Power and Power-Up Mo des .
User ’s Manual 9-7 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING Password Key boar d Keyboard p roblems can b e caused by yo ur setup con figuration. For more inf or- mation refer to Chapter 5, The Keyboa r d and Chapter 7, H W Setup an d Pass- wor ds .
T rou bleshooting 9 -8 U s e r ’s M a nu a l T ROUBL ESHOOTING LCD pane l Apparent LCD problems may be related to the computer’ s setup. Refe r to Chap- ter 7, HW Setu p and P asswo r d s , for more inf ormation.
User ’s Manual 9-9 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING CD-RW/DVD-ROM driv e For more informatio n, refer to Chap ter 4, Operating Bas ics . Problem Procedure Y ou cannot access a CD/DVD in the dri ve M ake sur e the driv e’s drawer is securely closed .
T rou bleshooting 9 -1 0 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING HD DVD ROM dr ive For more informatio n, refer to Chap ter 4, Operating Bas ics . Problem Procedure Y ou cannot access a CD/DVD in the dri ve M ake sur e the driv e’s drawer is securely closed .
User ’s Manual 9-1 1 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING HD DVD-R drive For more informatio n, refer to Chap ter 4, Operating Bas ics . Problem Procedure Y ou cannot access a CD/DVD in the dri ve M ake sur e the driv e’s drawer is securely closed .
T rou bleshooting 9 -1 2 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING DVD Super Multi (+-R DL) drive For more informatio n, refer to Chap ter 4, Operating Bas ics .
User ’s Manual 9-13 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING Check the type of DVD/CD you are using. Th e drive s upports: DVD-ROM:D VD-RO M, DVD-Video CD-ROM:CD-DA, CD-T ext, Photo CD (single/ multi- session), CD -ROM Mode 1 , Mode 2, CD- ROMXA Mo de 2 (Form 1, Form2), Enh anced CD (CD-EXTRA), CD-G (Audio CD on ly) Check the regio n code on the DVD.
T rou bleshooting 9 -1 4 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING Diskette drive Infrared port Refer also to the docu mentation for your I rDA compatible device and related software. Pointing device If you are using a USB mouse, also refer to the USB section in this chapter and to your mous e documentation .
User ’s Manual 9-15 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING T ouch Pad/Dual Mode Pad Problem Procedure On-sc reen poi nte r does n ot respond t o Pad oper ation The s ystem might be busy . If the po inter is shaped as an ho urglass, wai t for it to resume i ts normal shape and tr y again to m ove it.
T rou bleshooting 9 -1 6 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING When t he reaction of T ouch pad/D ual Mode Pad is s ensitiv e to slow Adjust the to uch Sen s itivit y . 1. Open t he Control Pa nel. 2. Click the P rinters ico n and then the O ther Hardware icon.
User ’s Manual 9-17 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING USB mouse This section applies only with W in dows V is ta™ o perati ng syste ms. Problem Procedure On-sc reen poi nte r does n ot respond t o mous e operat ion The s ystem might be busy .
T rou bleshooting 9 -1 8 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING Fingerprint Sensor Problem Procedure Reading of the fingerprint wa s not succ essful. Pleas e try again using the c orrect po sture. Re fer to Usin g the Finger print Sensor i n Chapter 4, Operating Basics .
User ’s Manual 9-19 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING Express Card Refer also to Chapter 8, Op tional Devices . SD/SDHC/MS/MS Pro/MMC/xD card Refer also to Chapter 8, Op tional Devices . Problem Procedure Express Card error occurs Re seat the E xpress Ca rd to make s ure it is firmly c onnected.
T rou bleshooting 9 -2 0 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING Monitor Refer al so to Ch apter 8, Optional Devices , and to your monitor’ s documentation. Problem Procedure Monitor does not turn on Make sure th at the external monitor ’s power switch is on.
User ’s Manual 9-21 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING Sound system TV output signal Refer also to your Personal Conferencing Kit’ s documentation. Problem Procedure No sound i s heard Adjus t the volu me contr ol dial. Check the software v olume setti ngs.
T rou bleshooting 9 -2 2 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING USB Refer also to your USB dev ice’ s documentatio n. Modem Problem Procedure USB devi ce does not work Check for a firm c able connec tion betwe en the USB por ts on the co mputer and the USB de vice.
User ’s Manual 9-23 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING After mak ing a ca ll you can’ t hear a ri ng Make s ure the to ne or pulse selecti on in yo ur commun ications a pplicati on is set c orrectly . Y ou can a lso use the A TD com mand. Refer to the cha pter on A T com mands in onli ne help files for Ap pendix C, A T C ommand .
T rou bleshooting 9 -2 4 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING Sleep/Hiber nation LAN Wireless LAN If the following p rocedures do no t restore LAN access, cons ult your LAN admin- istrator . For more information on wireless communication, refer to Chapter 4, Operating Basics .
User ’s Manual 9-25 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING Bluetooth For more information on wireless communication, refer to Chapter 4, Operat ing Basics . i.LINK (IEE E1394) Problem Procedure Cannot acc ess Blue- tooth de vice Make s ure the com puter ’s wirele ss commun ica- tion sw itch is set to o n.
T rou bleshooting 9 -2 6 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING Recovery Disc s Problem Procedure The foll owing mes- sage a ppears w hen executi ng Recove ry Disc Creator . " The Re covery Disc Creator can not be launched because there is no reco very partition.
User ’s Manual 9-27 T roub leshooti ng T ROUBLE SHOOTING T OSHIBA support If you require any additional help using your computer or if yo u are having prob- lems opera ting the compu ter , you may n eed to contact TOSHIBA for ad ditional technical assistance.
T rou bleshooting 9 -2 8 Us e r ’s M an u al T ROUBL ESHOOTING Out si de of Eu rope In Eu rope Australia TOSHIBA Australia Pty . Ltd. Info rmation Systems Division 84-92 T alaver a Road North R yde N.S .W . 21 13 Sydney Germany & Austria TOSH IBA Europe (I.
User ’s Manual 10-1 D IS CLAIM ERS Chapter 10 Disclaimers This chapter slates the Disclaimer(s ) information applicable to TOSHIBA com- puters. CPU Central Processing Unit ("CPU") Per formance Dis claimer .
Discla imers 1 0- 2 Us e r ’s M an u al D ISCL AIME RS product d ocumentation. Contact T oshiba t echnical service and s upport, refer to TOSHIBA support section in chapter 9 T r oubleshootin g for more inf ormation. 64-Bit Comp uting. 64-bit pr ocessors are design ed to take advantage of 32 and 64 bit computing.
User ’s Manual 10-3 Disc laimer s D ISCLAIME RS shipped with your co mputer , or visit the T oshiba web site at www .pcsup- por t.tosh m. HDD Drive Capacity 1 Gigabyte (GB) means = 1,000,000 ,000 bytes usi ng powers of 10.
Discla imers 1 0- 4 Us e r ’s M an u al D ISCL AIME RS Wireless L AN The transmission speed over the wireless LAN and the distance over which wire- less LAN can reach may var y dependi ng o n surrounding electrom agnetic envi- ronment, obstacles, acces s point design and configuration, and client design and software/hardware configu rations.
User ’s Manual A PPENDIXES Appendixes Appendix A Specifications ......... ................... ................... .................... .................. A-1 Appendix B Display Contro ller and Modes ....... .......................... ...............
Appendi xes-2 User ’s Manual A PPENDIXES.
User ’s Manua l A-1 A PPENDIX A Append ix A Specifications This appendix su mmarizes the comp uter ’ s technical specifications. Physical Dime nsions Size W ith TF T display 362 (w) x 267.8 (d) x 33.5 (front) / 39.3 (rear) millimeters W eight (typ ical*) < 2.
Specif icat ions A -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l A PPENDIX A Buil t-in Mod em The ability of this feature i s depending on the model you p urchased. Network control unit (NCU) Ty p e o f N C U A A T ype .
User ’s Manua l B-1 A PPEND IX B Append ix B Display Controller and Modes Disp la y co ntroll e r The display controller interprets software commands into hardware commands that turn par ticular pels on or of f.
B -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l A PPENDIX B V ideo M odes The computer s upports video modes defined in the tabl e below . If your applica- tion offers a selection of mode numbers that do not match the numbers on the table, sel ect a mode based o n, resoluti on, number of co lors and refr esh rates.
User ’s Manual C-1 A PPENDIX C Append ix C V .90/V .92 The TO SHIBA internal modem uses V .90 technology . The modem is capab le of downstream speeds of 56K bps (kilob its per second) when connected to an Inter- net service p rovider that supports V .
C -2 U se r ’s M an u a l A PPENDIX C T able Result codes f or a V .90 co nnection No. Resu lt code Descriptio n 70 CONNECT 32000 EC* Connection at 32000 bits/s 72 CONNECT 36000 EC* Connection at 36.
User ’s Manual C-3 A PPENDIX C A T Command -V90=* V .90 Di al Line Rate -V90 sets the max imum V .90 downstream that the modem att empts to connect. -V90=0 V .
C -4 U se r ’s M an u a l A PPENDIX C.
User ’s Manual D-1 A PPENDIX D Append ix D Wireless LAN This appendi x is intended to help you get your W ireless LAN network up and runn ing, w ith a minimu m of pa rame ters.
D -2 U se r ’s M an u a l A PPENDIX D The range of the wireless signal is related to the transmit rate of the wireless communication. Commun ications at lower transmit r ange may travel lar ger distances. ◆ The range of y our wireless devices can b e affected when the an tennas are placed near metal su rfaces and solid high-density materials.
User ’s Manual D-3 A PPENDIX D When installin g W ireless LAN cards, the channel configuration is managed as follows: ◆ For wireless clients that operate in a W ireless LAN infrastructure, the Wi re- less LAN card will automatically start operation at the channel identified by the W ireless LAN Access Point.
D -4 U se r ’s M an u a l A PPENDIX D *1 Factory-set default channels *2 Refer to the sheet Appr oved Countries /Regions for use for the countries/ regions that in which these channels can be used . *3 These channels are av ailable to A/B/G combo type only .
User ’s Manua l E-1 A PPENDIX E Appe ndix E AC Power Cord and Connectors The power cord’ s AC input plug must be compatible with the various intern a- tional AC power outlets and the cord must meet the standards for the country/ region in which it is used.
E -2 U s e r ’s M a nu a l A PPENDIX E The following illustratio ns show the plug shapes for the U.S.A. and Canada, the United King dom, Austra lia, Europe and C hina.
User ’s Manual Glossary -1 G LOSSARY Glossary The terms in this glossary cover the topics discussed in this manual. Altern ate naming is included for reference.
G lo s sa r y - 2 Us e r ’s M an u al G LOSSARY SCSI (Abbr eviat ions c ontin ued) SCSI : small comp uter system inter- face SIO: serial input/output SO-D IMM: small-outline dual in-line memory modu.
Us er ’s Ma nu al Glos sa ry- 3 G LOSSARY AUTO EXEC.BA T : A batch file that executes a series of MS-DOS com- mands and prog rams each time you start the computer . B backup: A d uplicate copy of files kept as a spare in case the orig inal is destroyed.
G lo s sa r y - 4 Us e r ’s M an u al G LOSSARY cache memory C cache memory: High speed m emory which stores da ta that increases pro- cessor speed and data transfer rate. When the CPU reads data f rom main memory , it s tores a copy of this data in cache memory .
Us er ’s Ma nu al Glos sa ry- 5 G LOSSARY communi cations: The means by which a computer tran smits and receives data to and fr om another com- puter or device.
G lo s sa r y - 6 Us e r ’s M an u al G LOSSARY delete delete: T o remove dat a from a di sk or other dat a storage device. Synonymo us with erase. device driver: A program that con- trols communication between a spe- cific peripheral device and the computer .
Us er ’s Ma nu al Glos sa ry- 7 G LOSSARY escape: 1) A code (ASCII code 27), signaling the computer th at what fol- lows are commands; used with periph- eral devices such as printer s and modems. 2) A means of aborting the task currently in progress.
G lo s sa r y - 8 Us e r ’s M an u al G LOSSARY hexadecimal hexadecimal : The base 16 numbering system composed of the digits 0 through 9 and the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F . host computer: The computer that controls, regulates, and t ransmits information to a device or another computer .
Us er ’s Ma nu al Glos sa ry- 9 G LOSSARY KB: See k ilobyte. keyb oard : An input device contain- ing switches that ar e activated by man- ually pressing marked keys. Each keystroke activates a s witch that trans- mits a sp ecific code to the computer .
G l o s s a r y - 1 0 U s e r ’s M a n u a l G LOSSARY monitor moni tor: A device that uses rows and columns of pixels to di splay alphanu - meric characters or graphic images. See CR T . motherboard: A name sometimes used to refer to the main printed circuit board in processing equipment.
U se r ’s M a nu a l G l os s a ry - 1 1 G LOSSARY parity: 1) The symmetrical relatio n- ship between two paramete r values (integers) both of which are either on or of f; odd or even ; 0 or 1. 2) In serial communications, an err or detection bit that is added to a group of data bits making the s um of the bits even or odd.
G l o s s a r y - 1 2 U s e r ’s M a n u a l G LOSSARY restart rest art: Resetting a computer without turning it off (also called ‘war m boot’ or ‘soft reset’). T o restart the computer , press CTRL + AL T + DEL whil e th e computer is on. See also boot.
U se r ’s M a nu a l G l os s a ry - 13 G LOSSARY S-vid eo: This co nnection pr ovides separate lines for con trast and color , which produ ces a video image s uperior to that produced by a composite con- nection. See also RCA ja ck. synchr onous: Ha ving a constant t ime interval between successive bits, char- acters or events.
G l o s s a r y - 1 4 U s e r ’s M a n u a l G LOSSARY.
User ’s Manua l Index-1 I NDEX Index A AC adaptor 1-8, 2-7 DC IN 15V port 2-6 additional 1-17, 8-10 connecting 3-2 ASCII characters 5-9 Auto power on, See Power B Battery pack 6-6 additional 8-10 lo.
Index Index- 2 User ’s Manu al I NDEX FN Sti cky key 5-6 Functi on keys 5-2 H Hard disk drive 1-4 automatic power off 1-11 problems 9-8 HD DVD-ROM drive using 4-35 Hibernation 1-12, 5-4 problems 9-2.
User ’s Manual Index-3 Index I NDEX Monitor external problems 9-20 Moving the comput er 4-58 N Numeric keypad, See Keyp ad overlay O Operating System 1-10 Overlay, See Keypad ove rlay P Panel power .
Index Index- 4 User ’s Manu al I NDEX problems 9-21 speake r 2-10 volume con trol 2-2 T TOSHIBA Power Saver 1-13 TV 8-12 U Utilities lis t 1-13 USB 1-8 loc atio n 2-3, 2-6 problems 9-22 V Video mode.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Toshiba Satellite A210 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Toshiba Satellite A210 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Toshiba Satellite A210 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Toshiba Satellite A210 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Toshiba Satellite A210, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Toshiba Satellite A210.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Toshiba Satellite A210. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Toshiba Satellite A210 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.