Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PCG-F709 del fabbricante Sony
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nN So ny Notebook Computer Use r Gu ide PC G-F701 / PCG-F70 7 / PCG-F709 (Window s ® 98) PCG-F7 09K (Windows ® 2000 Professiona l) © 2 000 b y Son y Cor po rati on .
Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 2 nN Notice to User s © 200 0 Sony Co rpora tion. A l l rig hts reserv ed. Thi s manu al and the s oftw are desc rib ed he r ein, in w hole or in part, may not be r eproduced , translated, or r educed to any machine-r eadable form without prior w ritten app rov al.
Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 3 nN Safety Inf ormation Ow ner’s Rec or d The model number and serial num b er are located on th e bottom of your Sony notebook computer . Recor d the serial number in the spa ce provided her e. Refer to the model and seria l number when you call V AIO- Link .
Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 4 nN Audio/ Video Audio an d pictur e distorti o n may occur i f this equipmen t is positio ned in close prox imity to any equipment emittin g electro magneti c radiation. Con nectiv i t y Neve r instal l modem o r telepho ne wi ring duri ng a ligh tning st orm.
Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 5 nN Regulatory I nformation This p r o duct confo rms to t he following E ur opea n Directives: 73/23 /EEC ( Low V oltag e Directive ) 89/ 336/EEC, 92/31 /EEC (EMC .
Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 6 nN DISPOSAL OF LITHIUM ION BA TTERY ! Do no t hand le dam aged o r leaki ng Li thium i on bat teries. Dis pose o f pro mptly and pr operly . ! Danger of explos ion if battery is inco rrectly rep laced. Replace only wit h the same or equiva l ent typ e recom me nded by the ma nufac turer .
We lc om e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 7 nN We lc o me Con gratu l a tions o n purch asing a Sony V AI O not ebook c omput er . So n y ha s co mbined leading -edge techn ology in audi o, video, compu ting and com municatio ns to provide you with s ta te-of-the-art personal computing.
We lc om e About the U s e r Guides Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 8 nN About t he User Gu i des Y our D ocum entation P ack co ntains p aper an d on-lin e us er gu ides on a Document ation CD-ROM.
We lc om e About the U s e r Guides Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 9 nN Abo ut the So ftw ar e i s a sho rt d esc ript ion o f the feat ure s of the sof twa re pre- installed o n your syst em.
We lc om e Unpacking Y our Notebook Compute r Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 10 nN Un pack in g Y our No teb ook Co mpu ter Remov e the fo llowing h ar dware it ems from t he box: *De pen ding o n the ty pe of So ny not ebo ok c ompu ter yo u ha ve purch ased, som e accessori es may be op tio nal .
We lc om e Ergonomic Cons ide r a ti ons Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 11 nN Ergo nomi c C onside rations Y ou will be using you r n otebook c ompute r a s a por t able de vice in a variety of en vi r o nm en ts .
We lc om e Ergonomic Cons ide r a ti ons Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 12 nN Furniture and p os ture – Sit in a chai r with goo d back support. Adjust the level of th e cha ir so y our f eet a re fla t on t he flo o r . A f oot rest m ay m ake you m ore comf o rtab le.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Locating the Controls and Conne ctors Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 13 nN Using Y our Notebook Computer Th is s ecti on descr ibes how t o start u sing your co mput er and h ow to use y our com pu ter ’ s intern al devices, such as the touchpad, t he disk drives and the batt ery .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Locating the Controls and Conne ctors Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 14 nN Left S400 i.LINK TM connector (page 70) m Micr ophon e connect or (pag e 77) Infrared p.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Locating the Controls and Conne ctors Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 15 nN Front LC D sc r e en (page 32) Le ft/r igh t but tons (p age 34) Nu m Lock indicat or (.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Locating the Controls and Conne ctors Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 16 nN Back Phon e Li ne j ack (page 46) a M oni tor con nector (page 64) Mouse connector (pag.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Locating the Controls and Conne ctors Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 17 nN Bottom Port replicator connector c over T ilt stands Release lever 1 3 2.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Connecting a P o w er So urc e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 18 nN Conn ect ing a Pow e r Sourc e Y ou c a n use either AC power or a r echar geable battery pa ck as a power sour ce. Using the AC Adapter 1 Plu g th e ca ble a tta che d to th e AC a dap te r int o th e DC In c onn e ctor o n th e com pu ter .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Connecting a P o w er So urc e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 19 nN Using Ba tte r y Pow er Y ou can use one or two batter ies as a sour ce of power. Y ou can inser t the second batter y pack into the m ul ti-purpose bay on the right side of the com put er .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Connecting a P o w er So urc e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 20 nN 3 Cl ose the cover of the batt ery bay unt i l i t clic k s . T o charge the batter y pack 1 Conn e c t the A C adapter t o the comput er . 2 Insert the ba ttery pack.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Connecting a P o w er So urc e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 21 nN Battery Indicat or Meani ng 1 Indica tes th e statu s of the ba ttery p ack in th e batter y bay on the left side of the computer .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Connecting a P o w er So urc e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 22 nN F or s ome s oftw are ap plic a tion s an d so me p eri phe ra l de vi ces , y our co mput er m ay not en te r sys t em hib ernati on mod e when ba ttery life is low.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Connecting a P o w er So urc e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 23 nN T o remov e the b att ery pack 1 Open the cover of the battery bay .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Startin g Y our Computer Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 24 nN St arti ng Y ou r Co mpu ter 1 Slide th e LC D lock l ever in the direction of the arro w , and lift the c over . 2 Pres s the power button of the computer until t he green power indicat o r li ght tur ns o n.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Shutting Down Y our Computer Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 25 nN Sh utt ing D ow n Y our C omp uter 1 Click the Start button o n t he W indows ® taskbar . 2 Cl i c k Shut D own at the bott om of the Sta rt menu to di s pla y the Shu t Down W in dows dia log box .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Registering Y our Computer Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 26 nN Reg ister ing Y our Comp uter Y ou c a n take advant age of Sony ’ s commitment to qua li ty cus.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 27 nN Usin g the Keyb oard Y our k eyboard is ve ry similar t o a deskto p comput er ’ s, but the keyboard has additi onal keys that perform specific n o t ebook computer-r elated t as ks.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 28 nN Corr ection keys The Insert, Ba c k Space, and Delete keys enab le you to make cor rection s in y our doc um ents. Fu nction k eys The tw elve functi on keys alo ng th e top of th e key b oard a re used to perf orm designated tasks.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 29 nN Combinations a nd Functions with the Windows ® Ke y Applications key The Applications key d i sp la ys a shortcut menu of context-sensitive choic es; pres sing thi s key is the equivale nt o f cl ickin g the right mouse butto n.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 30 nN Indicators Indica tor Functions Pow er Pow er on : li g hts green.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 31 nN Combinations a nd Functions with the Fn Key Ca ps Lock T u r n so nw h e nt h el e t t e r s appear in uppe rcase as yo u type. The Shift key lowers the ca se of type d letter s when C aps Lock is on.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 32 nN Fn+ 2 (F4 ) Speake r volu me Adjusts the built-in speakers ’ vo lume. T o inc r ea s e volume, press Fn+F4 an d then V or b T o decrease volume, pr ess Fn+F4 and t h en v or B Fn+ 8 (F5 ) Br ig ht nes s cont rol Adjusts the bri ght ness o f t h e LCD.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 33 nN Fn+D Vi d e o s ta nd b y T u r n so f ft h eL C Di no r d e rt o s a v ep o w e r . Fn+F Cha nge Dis play s ize Zooms the display size in or out when the display is set to a low res ol ut io n.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the T ouc hpa d Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 34 nN Usi n g the T ouchpa d Th e keyboa r d c ontain s a curs or -po inting devi ce calle d a touc hpad. Y ou can point to, select, drag, and scroll objects on the s cr een using the built-in touchpad.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the T ouc hpa d Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 35 nN Drag Slid e one fi nger while p ressing the l eft butt on. Scr ol l Mov e your fing er along th e right edg e of t he touchpad to sc ro ll vert ically . Mo ve you r finger alo ng the bot t om t o scroll horizo ntally .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Floppy Disk Drive Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 36 nN Using t he Floppy Disk Driv e The c omputer comes with the flo ppy disk d rive in t he multi-purpose bay . T o inser t a dis kette 1 Hold the d iskette w ith the l abel s ide facing up .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Floppy Disk Drive Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 37 nN T o remove the floppy di s k dri ve 1 T urn of f the co mputer . 2 Ther e is a R ELEASE lever on the bottom o f the computer . Slide this lever i n the direc tion of the arrow .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Floppy Disk Drive Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 38 nN T o r e - insert the floppy disk drive 1 T urn of f the co mputer . 2 If another devic e is in the mu lti-purpos e bay , remove the devi ce. See “ To r e m o v e the second batter y pack ” o n page 54.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the DV D-ROM / CD-ROM Drive Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 39 nN Using th e DVD-ROM / CD-ROM Drive Depending on the model you purchased , your computer is equipped with a DVD- ROM or a CD- ROM dri v e . The DVD- ROM dr ive plays both DVD-RO M and C D-RO M d iscs.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the DV D-ROM / CD-ROM Drive Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 40 nN T o play DVD-ROM discs (only on model s equi pped wi t h a DVD-ROM drive) T o achiev e optimum performance when playing DVD-ROM discs, you should use the fo llo wi ng r ec omm end at ions .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using PC Cards Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 41 nN Usi ng PC Cards Y our co mputer inc ludes tw o PC card slots . PC cards allo w you to con nect por table exter nal devic es. T o inser t a P C c ard Us e the lo wer s lot f or PC t ype I II car ds.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using PC Cards Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 42 nN T o remove a PC card (on Windo w s ® 9 8 sy stem s) Follow the s teps below to remove a PC ca r d while yo ur compu t er is on. If the PC c ar d is n ot pr op erly re move d, you r system may mal function .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using PC Cards Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 43 nN T o remove a PC card (on Windo w s ® 2 000 Profess ional s ystem s) Follow the s teps below to remove a PC ca r d while yo ur compu t er is on. If the PC c ar d is n ot pr op erly re move d, you r system may mal function .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Usi ng Pro g rammab l e Powe r Ke ys (PPK ) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 44 nN Usi ng Pr ogram m able Po wer Ke ys (P PK) Pr ess a pr ogrammabl e power key to st art your fa vori te softw are wi thout h avin g to cli ck the sh ortc ut s on t he d esk to p.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Usi ng Pro g rammab l e Powe r Ke ys (PPK ) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 45 nN Alt + P 1 The V AI O-Li nk W eb site Shif t + P1 The V AIO W eb site Ctrl + P1 In.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Modem Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 46 nN Using th e Modem Y ou r notebook computer is equipped with an intern al modem. For further details on s ettin g u p the mod em for use, see "C onfigu ring the Modem " in your So ftwa re Guide.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using Smart Conne ct and Smart Conne ct Moni tor Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 47 nN Usi n g Smar t Conne ct and Sma rt Conn ect Moni tor W ith Smart Connect you can copy , edit or delete files on another V A IO computer (equipped wit h Smart Connect) connected t o your computer with an i.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using Infra red Communication De vices Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 48 nN Usin g Infrare d C ommunica tion Device s Y our com puter i ncl ude s a n inf rar ed por t *.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using Infra red Communication De vices Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 49 nN T o use Infr ar e d Communicat i on with another Computer Align the infr ared ports on the two computers so that they ar e in a d ir ec t li ne.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using Power Saving M odes Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 50 nN Usi ng Po wer S aving Mo des When you us e a batte ry as the so u r ce of power for you r compute r , you can ta ke adva ntage of po w er man agement s etti ngs to con serve batt ery li fe.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using Power Saving M odes Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 51 nN System Suspe nd Mode The co mputer sa ves the curr ent stat e of the syste m in RAM and switch es of f power to the CPU. The amber power light flashes in t his mode.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using a Second Batte ry Pack Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 52 nN Usi ng a Se cond Ba ttery Pack Y ou c a n purchase a second rechar geable battery pack. W it h two battery packs, you can extend the time that you us e y o ur computer with battery power .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using a Second Batte ry Pack Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 53 nN 3 Attac h the W eig ht Sa ver to the computer to stabilize the ba t tery pack. Slid e the eje ct leve r on the bot tom of the W eight Sav er toward t he fr ont of th e compu te r to lock it.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using a Second Batte ry Pack Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 54 nN T o remove the sec ond battery pack 1 Ther e is an E j ec t lever on t he bottom of t h e weigh t saver .
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Weight Saver Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 55 nN Using t he Weight Sa ver The weight saver protects the multi-purpose bay wh en i t is empty . T o at tac h the W e i ght Sa ver 1 If an other dev ice is i n the multi-purpo s e ba y , r emo ve t h e device.
Usi ng Y ou r Notebo ok Comp uter Using the Weight Saver Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 56 nN T o r e move the Weig ht S ave r T o r emove the weigh t s av er , slide the Eject lever of the weight saver in the direction of the arrow 1, then slide the R E LEASE lever on the bottom of th e computer in the direc tion of the arrow 2.
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 57 nN Connecti ng peripheral devices Y ou can add func tionality to your co mputer by connec t ing or usi ng any o f these peri.
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Port Replic ator Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 58 nN Port Repl ic at or Y ou r n oteboo k computer su pports the use of a n optional por t replic at or . Attaching a port repl icator enables you to connect additi onal peripherals to your computer .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Port Replic ator Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 59 nN 3 At tac h the b ot tom o f the co m pute r to th e po rt rep lic ato r con nec tor u nt il it cli ck s. 4 Plu g the cabl e attac hed to the AC adapter in to the DC IN connec tor on the por t re pl icator .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Port Replic ator Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 60 nN 5 Th e po wer indic ator light turn s green. 6 T urn on the computer .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Port Replic ator Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 61 nN T o di sconnect your com puter fr om the p ort r eplicator 1 T urn of f your c ompute r and the c on nect ed per ip h er als. 2 Pull the levers on eac h side of the port r eplicator to disengage the computer fr o m the por t repl icator .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Prin ter Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 62 nN Prin ter Y ou c an connect a W indows-compatible printer to y o ur com put er to print d ocuments . T o connect a print er using the USB connect or Y ou can conn ect a U SB pr inter com patible with your ver sion of W in dows ® to your com pu ter .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Prin ter Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 63 nN T o connect a print er usi ng the Print er connector Us e th e sy mb ol to loc ate th e Prin ter c onn ect or . Plug th e prin ter c abl e (supp lied with the prin ter) into t his port on the com puter .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es External Displa y Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 64 nN Ex terna l Disp lay Y ou c a n connect an external display to your notebook com put er . For example, you can use t h e co mputer wit h any of the fol lowing : Comp uter disp lay (moni tor) Multim edia com puter displ a y Pro jector .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es External Displa y Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 65 nN T o connect a multimedi a computer dis play Y ou can connect the notebook computer to a multimedia computer d is play that in clude s buil t-i n spea k er s and a micr ophone .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es External Displa y Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 66 nN Connect ing a projector Y ou c a n use a projector such as the Sony LCD Projector as an external display .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es AV D e v i c e s Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 67 nN A V De vices Y ou can enjoy playin g audio/video by connecting A V d evi ces t o your computer .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Digital Still Camera or O t he r Serial Devic e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 68 nN Digit al Still C amera or Other Serial D evice Y ou can conn ec t other c omputer peripherals, such as a digital still cam e r a, to the Ser ial con nect or on y our compu ter .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Digital Still Camera or O t he r Serial Devic e Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 69 nN T o use d iskettes with the Digi tal Mavi ca The Digital Mavica provides yo u sti ll images you c an copy and edi t on your com pu ter , usi ng P i ctureG ea r s oftwa re.
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Memory Sticks ™ Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 70 nN Memo ry Stic ks ™ Y ou can enhanc e the memo ry of your digita l ca mera or other d igit al dev ice with Memory St icks ™ .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Digital Video Camera Re corde r Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 71 nN Di gita l V ideo Camera Re corde r Y ou can co nnect a digit al video cam era re co r d er to the i.LINK ™ (IEEE1394) c onnector and use the editi ng featur es of the D Vgat e application.
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es MiniDisc ® deck with MD Player Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 72 nN MiniDisc ® deck wit h MD Player Use the i nter-conne ctivity and c ommon protocols between Sony audio equip ment and your V AIO computer to enjo y the h igh q uality of sound and recordings through opt ical data tran sfer .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es MiniDisc ® deck with MD Player Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 73 nN T o connect the MD recorder to your computer 1 Plug the C ONTROL A 1 or Control A1 I I c .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es External Mouse or Keyboard Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 74 nN Exter nal Mouse o r K eyboa rd Y ou can conn e ct an exter nal mouse or keyboard to your com puter . T o connect bo t h a mouse and a keyboard, use the po r t replic ator (see “ Port Replic ator ” on page 58).
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Universal Se rial Bus ( USB) Device Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 75 nN Univ ersa l Seria l B us (U SB) De vice Y ou c a n connect a U SB device to your computer . T o connect a USB device Use t he s ymbol to loca te the US B conn ector .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Ex ter nal Spea ker s Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 76 nN Ex terna l Sp eakers Y ou c a n enha nce the s ound qu ality of your comp uter by conne cting ex ternal speakers. T o conn ect ex ternal speaker s Use the i s ymbol to lo cate the H eadpho ne connec tor .
Co nnec tin g peri pher al dev i c es Exter nal M i c r ophone Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 77 nN Ex ternal Mi cr ophone Y ou r V A IO n ote bo ok d oe s n ot c on tai n a n in te rn al m ic roph on e. I f y ou ne ed to use a sound input device, for example to chat on the Int er net, you n e ed to plug in an external m icr opho ne.
Getting Help About Sony ’ s Support Opt ions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 78 nN Getting Help This sect ion describes how to get help and support fr om So ny , as well as trou ble sh oot ing ti p s for yo ur c omp ut er . See als o the on- line F AQ provid ed on you r Document ation CD -ROM.
Getting Help About Sony ’ s Support Opt ions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 79 nN Th e Custo mer Servic e Guide giv es you co mplet e informa tion on c ommun icat ing with V AIO - L ink Response Centre.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 80 nN T r oubl es hoo ting (Wi ndo ws ® 98 sy stems) This section desc ribes how to solve common pr oblems you may en c ounter when using y our Windows ® co m pu ter.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 81 nN If you have plugged the c o mput er into an U PS, make sure the U PS is tur ned on and w orkin g. If you are usin g an external display , c heck tha t i t is plugged in t o a pow er source and turned o n.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 82 nN 4 P r e s st h e a r r o wk e y st os e l e c tt h e E x i tm e n u . 5 Pres s t he arr ow k eys to select Get Defaul t V alues and then press the Enter key .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 83 nN My comput er “ lock s up ” T r yr e s t a r t i n gt h ec o m p u t e r . O nt h eW i n d o w s t a s k b a r , c l i c kt h eS t a r t b u t t o n ,c l i c k Shut Down, select Restart and clic k OK.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 84 nN My touchpad in terprets a single tap as a doubl e-cli ck Open th e Mouse icon in the Contr ol Pane l and chang e the but ton assignmen ts in the Mous e Properties dia log box.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 85 nN The scre en i mage on my external disp l ay is not ce ntered or si zed properl y Use the c ontrols on y our exter nal displa y to adjus t the im a g e. Pleas e ref e r to th e ma nual sup pli ed with your d isplay fo r more in format ion .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 86 nN ROM d rive in your notebo ok co mputer . The region co de is lis ted on th e disc ’ s packaging. If you hear sound but can not s ee video, your comput er ’ s vid eo resolutio n m ay be se t too high.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 87 nN Check that the diskette is properl y inserted into the floppy d isk drive. About sound My spea kers are not produci ng sound The built-in speakers may be turned off.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 88 nN Installin g a peripher al devic e with audi o functio ns ma y call t he Wi n d o w s ® controller .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 89 nN My m o dem co nnection i s slow Many factors influence modem connection speed, including telephone line noise or comp atibility w ith tele phone equ ipmen t ( s uch as fa x machin es or ot her mod e m s).
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 98 systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 90 nN I c annot prin t . Ch eck t ha t a ll t he cables of the printer are correctly connected . Check that your pr int er is co rrec tly configured a nd that you ha ve up to date drivers If needed, contact your d eal er .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 91 nN T r oubl es hoo ting (Wi ndo ws ® 2000 P rof ession al system s) This section desc ribes how to solve common pr oblems you may en c ounter when using y our Windows ® 2000 Pro fess ion al compute r .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 92 nN If you are usin g an external display , c heck tha t i t is plugged in t o a pow er source and turned o n.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 93 nN Th e mess age “ Sa ve configur ation ch a ng es and exit now ? ” app ear s. 8 Check that [Y es] is selected, then press the Enter key .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 94 nN My softwar e progr am “ loc ks up ” or cr ash e s Conta ct the so ftwar e publis her or designated pro vider for technical suppor t. P lease re fer to y our So ftwar e guide f or infor mation on how t o cont act t h e m.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 95 nN About the display My LCD does not disp l ay anythi ng Check that the computer is plugged into a power sour ce and that it is turned on. Check that the p ower indicator on the front panel of th e comput er is on.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 96 nN Check the volume of y our speakers. Clean th e CD- ROM di sc. Moi stur e cond ens atio n may have oc curr ed. Lea ve the co mpute r fo r at leas t 1 hour while it is turned on.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 97 nN When I double- click an appli catio n icon a mess age s uc h as “ Y ou must in ser t .
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 98 nN If you have conn ected an audio cabl e to the Headpho ne connecto r , discon nect the cab le.
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 99 nN My m o dem co nnection i s slow Many factors influence modem connection speed, including telephone line noise or comp atibility w ith tele phone equ ipmen t ( s uch as fa x machin es or ot her mod e m s).
Getting Help T roubleshooti ng (Windows ® 2000 Professi ona l systems) Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 100 nN I c annot prin t . Ch eck t ha t a ll t he cables of the printer are correctly connected . Check that your pr int er is co rrec tly configured a nd that you ha ve up to date drivers If needed, contact your d eal er .
No te s on Us e Adding Memory Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 101 nN Notes on Use This section desc ribes safety guidelines and pr ec aut ions to help protect yo ur compute r from potential damage. Add ing Memor y In the fu tur e you may w ant to ins tall mem ory modu les to expand the fun ctiona lity of your compu t er .
No te s on Us e Adding Memory Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 102 nN Pre cauti ons On handlin g Be ca refu l w he n addi ng me mo ry . M ist ake s on inst al lat ion or rem ova l of the m emo ry mo dul e may cau se a malfu ncti on. Electrostati c discha r ge c an damage elec t ronic co mponents .
No te s on Us e Adding Memory Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 103 nN On keeping Use the special bag deliver ed with the mem ory module or wrap the module in alum inium foil to protec t it from electrostat ic discharge.
No te s on Us e Adding Memory Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 104 nN 2 Unplug your computer and remove the bat tery pack(s). 3 W ait until the computer cools down. Th en turn your com puter upside down and open the cover on the b ott om by unscr ewing the screw .
No te s on Us e Adding Memory Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 105 nN 6 Close the cover and gently tighten the screw . 7 T urn on the computer . 1 Pull the tabs in the direction o f the arrows. The memory mo dule is released. 2 Pull the memory module in the direction of the arro w.
No te s on Us e Adding Memory Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 106 nN 8 Click the My Computer ico n with the right button and s elec t Properties. 9 The System Properties screen will appear . 10 Click the Performanc e tab to view the memory amoun t.
No te s on Us e Other precautions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 107 nN Ot her preca uti on s On Handl in g the Hard Di s k The har d disk has a high storage den sity and r eads or writes data in a short t ime. On t he othe r ha nd , it ma y be ea si l y dam ag ed by me c hani ca l vi bra t ion , sh ock or du st .
No te s on Us e Other precautions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 108 nN Do not sc ratch th e LCD or exe rt pr essur e on it. This c ould caus e malfu nction . Using the computer in low temperatur e conditions may produce a r esi dual image on the scr een.
No te s on Us e Other precautions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 109 nN On Handling C l e a nt h ec a b i n e tw i t has o f t ,d r y c l o t ho ras o f tc l o t hl i g h t l ym o i s t e n e dw i t ha mild dete r gen t solut ion.
No te s on Us e Other precautions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 110 nN The computer uses high-fr eq uenc y radio signals and may cause interferenc e to radio or TV recep t io n. Sh o uld this oc cur , rel ocate the c omputer a suitable dis t an ce aw ay f ro m t he s et.
No te s on Us e Other precautions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 111 nN On Cle aning CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Discs Fin ger prin ts and du st on the surf ace of a d is c m ay ca use r ea d errors . P r op er care of t he disc i s essenti al to mai ntain its r eliabi lity .
No te s on Us e Other precautions Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 112 nN If, afte r fully c harging th e battery p ack, the b attery po wer is still low , the b a t tery pack may be reach ing the end of its life and should be replaced . Y ou do not need to d isc harge the battery before rec harging.
Spec ificatio ns Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 113 nN Specif ications Model Number PCG-F701 PCG-F707 PCG- F709 / F7 09K Process or Mo bile Intel ® Cel ero n ™ processor 500 M Hz Intel ® Mob i.
Spec ificatio ns Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 114 nN DVD-ROM / C D-ROM Drive CD- ROM 24x Laser Diode properties: W ave Length : 795 nm Las er Output : 16.5 µ W DVD - RO M up to 8x Laser Diode properties: W ave Leng th : 780 and 650 n m Las er Output : 77.
Spec ificatio ns Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 115 nN Suppli ed Accessor i es CD-R OM drive, F loppy disk dr ive, Rec hargeabl e batt ery , AC adapt e r , Phone c able, Ph one plug, W eight saver.
Spec ificatio ns Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 116 nN . ‡ See our special Guarantee extension conditions. Spe cific ations are s ubjec t to change wit h ou t n oti ce.
Inde x Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 117 nN Index A AC ad ap t er 18 AC power 18 ad ding hardw are 57 per iphe ral s 57 prin ters 62 air c irc u lation 109 Alt key 28 Applications ke y 29 atta ch.
Inde x Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 118 nN co nd ensa tio n 110 lithium ion ba ttery 6 star ting 24 trou blesh ootin g 80 , 83 , 91 , 93 , 94 conn ecting digita l s till c amera 68 digita l vide.
Inde x Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 119 nN bat t er y pac ks 54 CD -RO M / DVD-RO M disc s 39 disket tes 36 weight saver 56 ergonomic co nsiderat ions 11 , 12 Escap e key 28 Exte rnal 76 externa.
Inde x Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 120 nN inter ference 109 K keyboa rd 28 , 58 conn ecting 74 co nnec to r 15 L LCD 10 7 lock lever 24 selecting t o display output 66 trou blesh ootin g 84 , 8.
Inde x Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 121 nN slots 14 , 41 trou blesh ootin g 89 , 99 Typ e III 41 port replicato r conn ecting 58 dis connecting 61 pow er co rd 18 indicator light 15 prog rammabl.
Inde x Sony Notebook Computer User Gui de 122 nN Start butto n 25 star ting co mpu ter 24 star tup problems 25 Sys tem Hi ber na tion m o de 51 Sys tem Su spe nd m od e 51 T tech nica l spe cifica tio.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony PCG-F709 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony PCG-F709 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony PCG-F709 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony PCG-F709 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony PCG-F709, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony PCG-F709.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony PCG-F709. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony PCG-F709 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.