Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A2PYID-8 del fabbricante Smeg
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51 Contents INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USER: these co ntain user advice, the description of the controls and the correct procedures for c l eaning and maintena nce of the appliance. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INST ALLER: these are intended for the qualified technici an who must install th e appliance, set it functioning and carry ou t an inspection test.
General instructions 52 1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This manual is an integral part of the applianc e. It must be kept in its entirety and in an accessible place f or the whole wor king life of the appliance . We recommend reading this manual and all information it contains carefu lly before using the appliance.
General instructions 53 Do not use sealed tins or containers in the appliance. Overpressure may occur inside the containers during cooking, cr eating a danger of explosion. Do not cov er the bottom of the oven with aluminium or tin foil sheets during cooking and do not place pans or tray s on it to av oid damage to the enamelled surface.
General instructions 54 2. SAFETY PRECA UTIONS Consult the installation instructions for safe ty standards on electrical or gas appliances and for v entilation functions.
General instructions 55 The appliance is intended f or use by adults . Do no t allow children to go near it or pla y with it. This appliance may be used by children fr om the age of 8 and by people of.
Instructions f or disposal 56 3. ENVIR ONMENT AL CARE 3.1 Our en vironmenta l care Pursuant to Directives 2002/95/EC , 200 2/96/EC and 2003/10 8/EC relating to the reduction of the use of hazardous s .
Instructions f or the user 57 4. GET T O KNO W Y OUR APPLIANCE Cooking hob Rack/tra y sup por t frames Control panel F an Ov en seal Door Ov en light Stor age compartment.
Instructions f or the user 58 4.1 Description of the contr ols on the front pane l 4.1.1 Programming c lock The programming clock allo ws to displa y t he current time or to set a timer or a programmed cooking operation.
Instructions f or the user 59 4.1.5 A uxiliary oven temperature knob This knob allows to select the cooking temperature f or the auxiliar y oven. T o set the knob on “O” tur n it always anti-clockwise . The indicator light co mes on to indicate that the ov en is heating up.
Instructions f or the user 60 5. A V AILABLE A CCESSORIES NO TE: Some models are not provided with all accessories. Rack: useful f or hol ding cooking containers. T r ay r a ck : to b e placed ov er the top of the ov en tra y; for cooking f oo ds which may drip .
Instructions f or the user 61 Rotisserie frame: suppor ts the rotisser ie rod. Rotisserie rod: useful f or cooking chicken and all f oods which require uniform cooking over their entire surf ace. Scraper: useful for cleaning the glass ceramic hob . Do not use on other s urfaces.
Instructions f or the user 62 5.1 Using the rack The racks and tr ays are equipped with a mechanical safety lock which pre vents them from being take n out accidentally . T o inse r t the rack or tr ay correctly , chec k that the loc k is f acing downwards (as sho wn in the figure).
Instructions f or the user 63 5.3 Usi ng the rotisserie rod When cooking with the ro tisser ie, position the rod frame on the second r unner (see 7.2 Oven runners). Once the rod frame is inser ted, the shaped par t must sit facing outwards (as shown in the figure).
Instructions f or the user 64 6. USING THE HOB 6.1 General war nings and advi ce On first connection to the electr ical mains, an operating c heck will be carried ou t automatically and al l indicator lights will come on fo r a fe w seconds. After use , turn off the hot plates us ed returning the appropriate kn ob to the “O” position.
Instructions f or the user 65 T o prev ent damage to the appliance o r ad jacent units, all pans or gr iddles must be placed inside the per imeter of the hob .
Instructions f or the user 66 6.4 Limiting the cooking duration The hob has an automatic device which limits the dur ation of use. If the cooking zone settings are not changed, the maximum duration of operation of each zone depends on the power le vel selected.
Instructions f or the user 67 6.7 Po wer le vels The power in the cooking zone can be adjusted to various lev els. The table shows the le vels suitable f or various types of cooking.
Instructions f or the user 68 6.9 Residual hea t If the cooking zone is still hot after being switched off , the symbol will appear on the display . The symbol clears once th e temperature drops below 60°C. Super vise children careful ly as they cannot readily se e the residual heat indicator .
Instructions f or the user 69 6.12 P ower mana gement The hob is fitted with a power management mo dule that optimises/limits con sumption. If the ov erall set power lev els sur pass the maximum limi ts per mitted, the electronic circuit board will au tomatica lly manage the power supplied b y the hot plates.
Instructions f or the user 70 7. USING THE O VEN 7.1 Befor e using the appliance • Remove an y labels (apar t from the technical data plate) from trays , dripp ing pans and the coo king compar tment.
Instructions f or the user 71 7.5 S torage compartment The storage compar tmen t is in the bottom of the cooker , under neath the ovens. T o open it, p ull on the bottom of the door . It provides storage space f or the appliance’ s meta l accessories and must not be used to store flammable materials, cloths, paper etc.
Instructions f or the user 72 T o prev ent e xcessive amounts of condensation from forming on the inter nal glass, hot f ood should not be left inside the oven f or too lon g after cooking. While cooking desser ts or veg etable s, excessive condensation may f orm on the glass.
Instructions f or the user 73 7.8 Analogue c lock operation 7.8.1 Setting the time When the oven is used f or the first ti me, or after an interr uption in the electr icity supply , the display flashes at regular inter vals . Press the key to stop the display flashing.
Instructions f or the user 74 7.8.3 Pr ogramming Cooking durati on: the 2 nd ke y can be pressed to set the co oking duration. Before it can be set, the thermostat knob must be turned to the required cooking temperature and the function selector kn ob to any setting.
Instructions f or the user 75 Cooking star t: as well as setting a cooking duration, the cooking star t time can also be set (wi th a maximum delay of 12 hours in relation to the curre nt time). T o set the cooking star t/end time, proceed as follows: • Set the cooking duration as describ ed in the previous point.
Instructions f or the user 76 8. O VEN FUNCTIONS ST A TIC: As the heat comes from above and below at the same time, this system is par ticular ly suitable f or cer tain types of food. T raditional cooki ng, also known as static or ther ma l radiation cooking, is suitable f or cooking just one dish at a time.
Instructions f or the user 77 WIDE GRILL: The heat coming from the gril l element gives perfect grilling results, especially f or thin and medium thickness meat and, in combination with the rotisse rie (when present), it allows the f ood to be browned ev enly at the end of cooking.
Instructions f or the user 78 8.1 Cooking ad vice and instruct ions 8.1.1 General advice W e recommend preheating the o ven before putting f ood in. • For cooking on se veral lev els, we recommend using a f an-assisted function to achiev e uniform cooking at all hei ghts.
Instructions f or the user 79 8.1.4 Advice f or cooking with the Gril l and th e Fan-assisted gr ill • Using the Gr ill function (where p resent), meat can be gr illed ev en when it is put into the cold oven; preheating is recommended if you wish to chang e the eff ect of the coo king.
Instructions f or the user 80 8.3 Coo king table (m ain oven) TYPES OF FOOD WEIGHT FUNCTION FIRST COURSES LASAGNE 3-4 kg Static O VEN-BAKED P AST A 2 kg Static MEA T RO AST VE AL 1.2 kg F an-assisted static LOIN OF PORK 1.2 kg Fan-assisted static SHOULDER OF PORK 1.
Instructions f or the user 81 RUNNER POSITION FRO M BO TT OM TEMPERA TURE °C TIME IN MINUTES 1 220 - 230 50 - 60 12 2 0 - 2 3 0 4 0 2 180 - 190 70 - 80 2 180 - 190 70 - 80 2 180 - 1 90 90 - 100 2 180.
Instructions f or the user 82 TYPES OF FOOD WEIGHT FUNCTION PIZZA 1 kg F an-assisted static BREAD 1 kg Circular FOCA CCIA 1 kg Tu r b o DESSERTS RING CAKE 1 kg F an-assisted st atic FR UIT T ART 1 kg F an-assisted static SHOR T P ASTR Y 0.5 kg F an-assisted bottom J A M TA R T S 1 .
Instructions f or the user 83 RUNNER POSITION FRO M BO TT OM TEMPERA TURE °C TIME IN MINUTES 1 250 - 280 6 -10 2 190 - 200 25 -30 2 180 - 190 15 -20 2 160 50 - 60 2 160 30 - 35 2 160 - 170 20 - 25 2 .
Instructions f or the user 84 8.4 Coo king table (aux iliar y oven) TYPES OF FOOD WEI GHT FUNCTION MEA T RO TISSERIE CHICKEN 1-1. 2 kg Rotisserie gr ill RO TISSERIE PORK NECK 2.5 kg Rotisser ie grill RO AST R ABBIT 1 kg Static RO AST C HICKEN 1 kg Static GRILLED MEA TS PORK CHOPS 0.
Instructions f or the user 85 RUNNER POSITION FRO M BO TT OM TEMPERA TURE °C TIME IN MINUTES 220 - 250 70 - 80 200 200 - 220 2 190 - 200 85 - 90 2 190 - 200 80 - 85 1 ST SURF ACE 2 ND SURF A CE 42 5 .
Instructions f or the user 86 9. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Do not use steam jets to c lean the appliance. The steam could reach th e electronics, damaging them and causing short-circuits. W ARNING: For your safety , you are advised to wear pr otective gloves while perf orming any c leaning or extraor dinary maintenance.
Instructions f or the user 87 9.4 C leaning the gl ass ceramic hob The glass ceramic hob should be regularly cle aned, preferably after every use, once the symbol has disappeared from all displays. Smudges from aluminium-based pans can be easily cleaned off with a cloth dampened in vineg ar .
Instructions f or the user 88 9.6 Cleaning the oven F or the best oven upk ee p , clean it regularly afte r having allow ed it to cool. T ake out all removable par ts. • Clean the ov en racks with warm water and non-abrasive detergent. Rinse and dr y .
Instructions f or the user 89 9.7 Cleaning the door glazing The glass in the door should alwa ys be kept thoroughly clean. Use absorbent kitchen roll; remov e stubborn dir t with a damp sponge and an ordinar y detergent. Do not use abrasive or corro sive deter gents to clean the oven's do or glass panels (e.
Instructions f or the user 90 9.10 Pyrol ysis: automatic o ven clea ning Pyrolysis may be carried out at any time of the da y or night (if you wish to benefit from the lower cost of electr icity ov ern ight).
Instructions f or the user 91 Refer to the fo llowing diagr am f or setting the cleaning cycle duration: CLEANING DURA TION LIGHT DIRT MEDIUM DIRT HEA VY DIRT 120 MIN.
Instructions f or the user 92 10. EXTRA ORDINAR Y MAINTENANCE The ov en requires per iodic minor mainte nance or repl acement of par ts subj ect to wear , such as gaskets, light b ulbs, etc. Specific instr uctions for each operation of this kind are given below .
Instructions f or the user 93 10.3 Remo ving the do or Open the door completely . Inser t two pins into the holes on the hin ges tow ards the back of them until the y engage. Grasp the door on both sid es with both hands, lift it f or ming an angle of around 30° an d remov e it.
Instructions f or the installer 94 11. INST ALLING THE APPLIANCE 11.1 Installing in kitc hen units V eneers, adhe sives or plastic coatings on adjace nt fur niture should be temperature-resistant (no less than 90°C). If they are not sufficiently temperature-resistant, they ma y war p ov er time.
Instructions f or the installer 95 11.2 Electr ical connect ion Make sure the v oltage and the cross-section of the power supply line match the specifications indicated on the identif ication plate positioned on the appliance. Do not remov e this plate f or any reason.
Instructions f or the installer 96 POSSIBLE CONNECTION TYPES CABLE TYPE (if not present) 380 - 415 V 3N~ 5-p ole 5 x 2.5 mm² H05V2V2-F 380 - 415 V 2N~ 4-p ole 4 x 4 mm² H05V2V2-F 220 - 240 V 1N~ 3-p ole 3 x 6 mm² H05V2V2-F • Use H05V2V2-F cables withstan ding temperatures of 90°C or higher .
Instructions f or the installer 97 11.3 P ositioning the skirt • P osition the skir t abov e the top , taking care to align holes A with h oles B . • Secure the skir t to the top by tightening screws C .
Instructions f or the installer 98 11.5 W all mounting instructions (some markets only) 1 F aste n a hook bolt (not supplied) into the wall at a height ( h ) of 800 mm from the floor . The installer must provide the hook bolt when installing the appliance.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Smeg A2PYID-8 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Smeg A2PYID-8 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Smeg A2PYID-8 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Smeg A2PYID-8 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Smeg A2PYID-8, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Smeg A2PYID-8.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Smeg A2PYID-8. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Smeg A2PYID-8 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.