Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SDC 8000 del fabbricante Sennheiser
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Conf erence System S D C 8000 System M anual.
2 Thank you for choosin g Sennheiser! W e h a v e d es i g n e d t h e s e p ro d u c t s t o gi v e y o u re l i a b l e o p er a t i o n o v e r m a ny yea rs .
Con ten ts 3 Contents Safety information .......... ..... .......... ..... ..... .......... ..... .... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... ......... ..... .... . ..... .......... ..... .... 8 SDC 800 0 – the d igita l co nfere nce and i nter pre tat ion sy stem .
Con ten ts 4 Opera ting the centr al unit ..... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ..... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... .. ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... 35 Adjust ing the vo lume of th e consoles’ built -in loudspe akers .
Con ten ts 5 The si x main menus ....... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ..... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ..... ... ......... ... ...... ... ...... ... 54 The subme nus of th e “Confe rence” menu (part 1 of 6) .
Con ten ts 6 Displaying the boot h and de sk number of an inte rpret er console ...... ...... ... ...... ... ...... .. ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ..... . ...... 92 Addin g interp reter consoles to an exi sting c onfigur ation ..... ...... ... ..
Con ten ts 7 Appendix A: Camera control protoc ol ...... ..... .......... ..... ..... .......... .... ..... ..... .......... ..... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... ......... ..... ..... ........ .. .......... 110 Appendix B: Control panel protocol .
Safe ty informatio n 8 Safety information T he Se nnhe is er SD C 80 00 c onf er ence a nd inter pr etat io n sy stem is s t ate o f t he ar t and ha s be en d esign ed t o mee t the re gul ati ons i n for ce.
SDC 8000 – the digital conference and inter pretation system 9 SDC 800 0 – the di gital con ference and interpr etation system The ne w SDC 80 00 con f eren ce a nd i nte rpr eta tio n syst em f r.
Overview of the components of the SDC 8000 syste m 10 Ov erview o f the co mponen ts of the SDC 80 00 system An S DC 800 0 conf erenc e and inter pr etat ion syst em c onsi sts o f the following compo.
Overview of the components of the SDC 8000 syste m 12 y Addit ional f unctions for contro lling t he mic rophone s: Via the c om puter sc ree n, t he c onf er ence m ana ger can e asi ly m onit or wh ich particip ants hav e made a reque st to speak, wh ich par ticipant s are cur ren tl y spe akin g, e tc.
The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail 13 The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail T he com pone nts d escri be d on the fo llowi ng page s are a vai lab le f or th e SDC 8 00 0 c onf eren c e a nd inte rp ret at ion sys tem . The com po nen t s you requ ire depend o n the desi red size and u se of t he SDC 8000 system.
The compone nts of the SDC 8000 system in detail 14 y a dot matri x display (122 x 32 dots) for displa ying voting opt ions, voting result s and ot her i mportant info rmati on y a chip card slot for .
The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail 15 SDC 8000 D con fere nce u nit IN so cket ( RJ 45) OUT soc ket (RJ 45 ) Headp ho ne sock et ( 3.
The compone nts of the SDC 8000 system in detail 16 SDC 8000 C chai rman un it IN so cke t (RJ 45) OUT soc ket (RJ 45 ) He adph on e soc ket (3.
The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail 17 SDC 800 0 DC co nfere n ce un it IN so cket ( RJ 45) OUT soc ket (RJ 45 ) Headp ho ne sock et ( 3.
The compone nts of the SDC 8000 system in detail 18 SDC 8000 C C ch airma n u nit IN so cke t (RJ 45) OUT soc ket (RJ 45 ) He adph on e soc ket (3.
The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail 19 SDC 8000 D V con feren ce uni t 22 22 IN sock et (R J 45 ) OUT so cket (RJ 4 5) He adph on e sock et ( 3.
The compone nts of the SDC 8000 system in detail 20 SDC 8000 C V cha irm an uni t 22 22 IN soc ket (RJ 45 ) OUT so cket (RJ 4 5) He adph on e sock et (3.
The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail 21 SDC 8000 ID in terpre ter co nsole 22 22 IN sock et (R J 45 ) OUT so cket (RJ 4 5) He adph on e sock et ( 3.
The compone nts of the SDC 8000 system in detail 22 The S DC 8000 C U ce ntr al u nit CE COM 1 COM 2 COM 3 AUX OUT 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 AUX OUT 1 AUX IN 2 AUX IN 1 DAT A OUT SLAVE OUT SLAVE IN MASTER OUT PORT 2 PORT 1 PORT 4 PORT 3 PORT 6 PORT 5 PORT 2 100-240 AC 50-60 Hz FUSE (5x20 mm) 3.
The components of the SDC 8000 system in detail 23 The SD C 80 00 AO anal og o utp ut uni t (op tio nal) POWE R SUPP LY L ED ( ligh ts up, if po wer is sup plied to th e SDC 80 00 AO ) SYNC .
The compone nts of the SDC 8000 system in detail 24 The s yste m ca bles T he sys tem cabl es re quire d for yo ur pl ann ed co nf eren ce a nd inter pretation system must be ordered separa tely. The syst em cables are available with lengths of 2 m, 3 m , 5 m, 10 m, 2 0 m and 50 m.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 25 Op erating the comp onents of the SDC 800 0 system Dep endin g on the type of delegate unit , con fer enc e p arti ci pant s ca n: y listen, take the floor or make a request to speak, y rece ive sim ulta neous interp re t ation, y participate i n voti ng sessions.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 26 왘 Press the MICRO key . Pre ssing t he MICRO ke y on your conso le will autom atic all y turn of f the microp hone of the previou s spea ker (“fir st-in- first-ou t” prin ciple) .
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 27 왘 Press the MICRO key . If the spe aker li mit has not ye t been rea che d, you can take the flo or imme diate ly. The red sign a l li ght ri ng an d t he “ M icr oph o ne act iv e” LED on your consol e l i ght up perm anent ly, indi cati ng tha t y ou ca n no w take the fl oor.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 28 8. In “ With request ” mo de : For this mode to function, the SDC 8000 system must be PC controlled. In “ With requ est ” mode, you ha ve to “a pply” for a commen t a nd wait unti l t he co nfer ence m ana ger tur ns on y our mic roph one .
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 29 Adjusti ng the v o lu m e of t he headphones co nnected to a conference con sol e T o adj ust t he vol ume of th e headp hones con necte d to yo ur con fere nce cons ole: 왘 Conne ct Sennhei ser mono head phones to the 3.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 30 왘 T o cast your vote, pr ess the corresponding key below the displ ay. Y our vo te is co unted. A ft er the voti ng sess ion, t he result of the vote i s shown on the displays of the consoles .
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 31 St arti ng a votin g s ession A voting session c an be start ed by either the chair man or – provided that a PC with soft ware con trol is conn ect ed to t he cen tr al unit – the co nfe ren ce manager.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 32 왘 Press the NEXT key . Th e next pa r ticip ant fr om the req uest-to -spe ak lis t is ass igned th e “speakin g right ” .
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 33 Operating the interpreter consoles Adjusting the vo lume and th e middle and treble respons e of the headphones co nnected to th e in terpreter co n.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 34 Setting th e channel to be ou tput via the interpre ter console ’s built-in l ouds peaker T o set t he cha nnel (e.
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 35 Swit ching b etween the A-c hannel a n d the B-channel If you in terpr et into a seco nd langua ge, yo u have t o switc h fro m the A- channe l t o the B-channe l. To switch to the B-channel: 왘 Press the “B-channe l” key .
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 36 The i nt erprete rs can indi vidua lly a djus t both the v olume of their co nso les’ b uil t- in l ou dspe ake rs a nd t he vol ume of the co nnect ed hea dph ones. The F1 , F2 and F3 menu k eys T he F 1 a nd F 3 m en u ke y s s er ve to l o ck t he ce nt ra l uni t .
Operating the compo nents of the SDC 8000 system 37 W orking with the centra l unit’s operating m enu To choose a menu item f rom the central unit’s operating m enu: 왘 M a k e s u r e t h a t t h e c e n t r a l u n i t i s t u r n e d o n a n d t h a t a l l c o n f e r e n c e / int erpre ter consol es are connected.
Structuring the SDC 8000 syste m 38 Structurin g the SDC 8000 system This chap ter prov ides infor matio n on how you r system can be struc tured and whi ch c ompon ents ar e requ ired f or the diff erent expans ion st ages . Finally, this ch apter also gives an overview of addition al audio equ ipment tha t can b e con ne ct ed to th e s yst em .
Structuring the SDC 8000 system 39 Note! I n th e f o l l ow i n g e x a m p l e s , t h e s ta n d a r d l e n g t h o f “ 3 m ” i s a lw a y s g i v e n f or t he s yst em cabl es be tween the c onfer ence cons oles . Howe ver , it i s no pr oblem to use ot he r cable le ngths or cables o f diffe r ing l engths wit hi n th e sa me str in g.
Structuring the SDC 8000 syste m 40 Exp ansi on st age (3 ): seve ral centr al units w ith up to 9 00 co nso les For larg er conf erence and int erpretation systems with up to 900 consoles, you c an inte rconne ct a tot al of 1 0 centr a l uni ts.
Structuring the SDC 8000 system 41 Cal culating the v oltage drop on the syst em cables Ever y m eter of sys tem ca ble an d ev ery co ns ole i n a str in g caus e s a volta ge drop. Thus, the furth er back a cons ole is locat ed in a strin g, the less volt age it receive s.
Structuring the SDC 8000 syste m 42 Sel ectable mo des betw een or within inter preter booths Wi th t he SD C 800 0 syst em, yo u can c hoose be twee n t hre e “mod es betw een boot hs” and tw o “modes i n booth” .
Structuring the SDC 8000 system 43 Mode in booth s: “Mi xed” Int e rpre ters who are sea ted in the same booth an d interpr e t int o the sam e tar g et l an gu ag e ca n ac tiva te th ei r in te rp re te r co n so l es an y t im e by pressi ng the MICRO key – even simultaneously.
Structuring the SDC 8000 syste m 44 The belo w ill ustrati on shows the relay int erpre tation pr ocess (aut o-fl oor). If th e original floor language is a language of which all int erpreters have a com plete un dersta nding and from whi ch th ey wor k, you do n o t have to enable this f unctio n.
Structuring the SDC 8000 system 45 Using external equipment Ex ternal audi o sig na l s can be fed to the confe rence a nd i nterp reta tion syste m and channel s (floo r c hann el and interpr etatio n channe ls) can be ou t pu t .
Structuring the SDC 8000 syste m 46 T he sig nals of up to thre e int erpr eta tion chan nels a r e ava ila ble a t the outputs AUX OUT 3-4-5 of t he 9-pole sub-D soc ket.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 47 Setting up the S DC 8000 system T his chap ter pro vides infor matio n on how to set up and oper ate th e SDC 8 000 co nfe ren ce an d inte rpre tati on sy ste m.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 48 othe r sy nthet ics. De spite a th orough te sting of the synthetic s used b y us, we cannot rule ou t the po ssibility of staining.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 49 Note! T he enti r e conf erenc e an d in terp ret atio n sys tem is c onfig ured, ma naged and c ontr olle d exc lusiv el y via the “m aster ” ce ntr al unit. All operating controls on the “slaves” are locked.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 50 y tran smit th e a udio sig nal o f the floor channel or an interpr etati on channel a s “o rigina l soundtr a ck” to a broadcas ting sta tion, y connect an infra.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 51 Conne cti ng PA system s, reco rdi ng un its, etc. Via the audio out puts you can connect e .g. a PA system, a recording unit, etc.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 52 왘 Con nec t the bl ack RJ 4 5 pl ug of the syst em cab le to the DA T A O UT socket of th e c e n t ra l u n it . 왘 Co nne ct t he gr ey R J 4 5 p lug of the syst em cabl e t o the DIGI T AL B US IN so cket of the ana log output unit.
Setting up the SDC 8000 system 53 Connecti ng a PC to the cen tral unit If your system comp rises interpreter consoles, you require a PC with two seri al i nterf aces : y Th e confe rence man ag eme nt softwar e access es the con feren ce confi gurat i o n via the cent ral unit ’ s COM 3 in terfac e .
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 54 Configurin g the SDC 8000 system Aft er having co nnected al l system compone nts, you h ave to conf igure your conf erenc e an d inte rpre tati on syst em vi a t he cent ral u nit’s oper a t ing menu.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 55 The following overvie w sh ows how to navigate through the main menus. An over view of th e sett ings th at ca n be adj ust ed in th e main and submenus is given on t he f ollowing pages. >Volume = SDC 8000 Vx.xx SDC 8000 Vx.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 56 The submenus of th e “Conference” menu ( part 1 of 6) 1 Conference Conference 1 Operating Mode Conference 2 Max # Microphones Operating Mode ENTER EXIT ENTER EXI.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 57 The submenus of th e “Conference” menu (part 2 of 6) Micro 1 Aut. Gain Red. Aut. Gain Red. = 05 4 Mikro ENTER EXIT EXIT Mikro ENTER EXIT Conference Press ENTER .
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 58 The submenus of th e “Conference” menu ( part 3 of 6) Initialise Unit 1 Manual Init Manual Init 1 Full Init Manual Init 2 Add Unit Full Init Press ENTER to Save .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 59 The submenus of th e “Conference” menu (part 4 of 6) Conference 5 Initialise Units Initialise Units 2 Automatic Init Initialise Units 3 Load Defaults Automatic Init Save initialisation Press ENTER to ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT Load Defaults Configuration will be overwritten.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 60 The submenus of th e “Conference” menu ( part 5 of 6) Options 1 Test Tone Test Tone 1 Status Test Tone 2 Level Test Tone Status = OFF ENTER ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 61 The submenus of th e “Conference” menu (part 6 of 6) Options 3 Light Ring Options 4 Vote Labels Light Ring Blink in request Press ENTER to save Vote Labels 2 + ENTER ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT Vote Labels + = A2 Vote Labels 0 = A3 ENTER EXIT Vote Labels 3 0 ENTER EXIT 6 Reset Conference 7 Options EXIT SDC 8000 Vx.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 62 The submenus of th e “Interpretation ” menu (part 1 of 5) ENTER 1 Conference Interpretation 1 Configuration SDC 8000 Vx.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 63 The submenus of th e “Interpret ation” menu (pa rt 2 of 5) ENTER 1 Conference Interpretation 1 Configuration SDC 8000 Vx.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 64 The submenus of th e “Interpretation ” menu (part 3 of 5) Load Config 1 Press ENTER to load ENTER ENTER EXIT 1 Conference Interpretation 1 Configuration SDC 8000 Vx.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 65 The submenus of th e “Interpret ation” menu (pa rt 4 of 5) Interpretation 2 Initialise Units Initialise Units 1 Full Init Initialise Units 2 Add Unit Full Init .
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 66 The submenus of th e “Interpretation ” menu (part 5 of 5) Interpretation 4 Options Options 1 Max # Booths Options 2 Max # Desks Max # Booths Max Booths = 04 Pres.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 67 The submenus of th e “Aux-In/O ut” menu (part 1 of 6) Aux-In/Out 1 Aux Out 1 & 2 Aux Out 1 & 2 1 Volume Aux Out 1 & 2 2 Status Aux Out 1 & 2 Vol.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 68 The subme nus of the “Aux-In /Out” m enu (part 2 of 6) Aux-In/Out 2 Aux Out 3 Aux Out 3 1 Volume Aux Out 3 2 Channel Aux Out 3 Volume = 00 Press ENTER to Save EN.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 69 The submenus of th e “Aux-In/O ut” menu (part 3 of 6) Aux-In/Out 3 Aux Out 4 Aux Out 4 1 Volume Aux Out 4 2 Channel Aux Out 4 Volume = 00 Press ENTER to Save EN.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 70 The subme nus of the “Aux-In /Out” m enu (part 4 of 6) Aux-In/Out 4 Aux Out 5 Aux Out 5 1 Volume Aux Out 5 2 Channel Aux Out 5 Volume = 00 Press ENTER to Save EN.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 71 The submenus of th e “Aux-In/O ut” menu (part 5 of 6) Aux-In/Out 5 Aux In 1 Aux In 1 1 Level Aux In 1 2 Sensitivity Aux In 1 Level = 00 Press ENTER to Save ENTE.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 72 The subme nus of the “Aux-In /Out” m enu (part 6 of 6) Aux-In/Out 6 Aux In 2 Aux In 2 1 Level Aux In 2 2 Sensitivity Aux In 2 Level = 00 Press ENTER to Save ENTE.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 73 The submenus of t he “System” men u (part 1 of 2) System 1 Diagnostics Diagnostics 1 Port Status Diagnostics 2 Port Errors ENTER ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT ENTER EXI.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 74 The subme nus of the “Sys tem” menu (part 2 of 2) System 4 Ambient Sound Ambient Sound 1 Status Ambient Sound 2 Loudspeaker Status Status = ON Press ENTER to Save ENTER ENTER EXIT EXIT System 5 Version Version xx-xx-xx x.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 75 The submenus of t he “Langu age” and the “L icense” menu (p art 1 of 1) SDC 8000 Vx.xx 5 * Language Language 1 Choose Language License 1 Serial Number Choose Language English ENTER ENTER EXIT EXIT ENTER EXIT Serial Number xxxxxxxx ENTER EXIT SDC 8000 Vx.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 76 Sett ing th e volum e of t he conso les’ built -in lo udspeakers The ba rs on the st ar t d is pla y ind ic ate th e cu r re n t vo lum e se tti ng fo r t he con so les’ bu ilt- in l oud spea ker s.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 77 Man ua ll y in iti a liz ing al l con f er en ce con sol e s If it is im porta nt th at t he con ferenc e c onsole s ar e ass igned microp hone number s in a certain ord er, we r ecomme nd ch oos ing the manu al initia lization .
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 78 왘 Choose “ Add Unit ”. Only the s ignal l ight r ings of the c onfere nce c onsol es not y e t ini ti aliz ed re ma i n f la sh in g. 왘 Press the MICRO key of t h e co nfe ren ce cons oles w hich yo u wa nt to add to yo ur c onfig uratio n.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 79 To as sig n a “res e rv ed” m icr op ho ne n um ber to a c onf eren c e con so le t o be added to an alr eady existi ng configur ation: 왘 Fr om th e ce n tr al u n it’ s op er at i ng m e nu , c h oo s e “ Conference ”, “ Initialize Units ” and “ Manual Init ” on e afte r the o t her .
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 80 Setting th e speake r limit You h av e t o se t the sp ea ker li m it , i.e. th e ma x. num ber of s pe ake rs wh o ca n t ake th e floo r s imu ltan eous ly , f or t he fo llow ing co nfer ence m ode s: y “N o reques t” y “Wit h reque st” y “Wit h Req.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 81 Adjusting the a udio setting s for the consoles’ microph ones Via the “ Micro ” m enu i tem, yo u can adj ust the aud io set tings (au tomati c gain r edu ct ion, bass, middle and treb le response) for the cons oles’ micropho nes.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 82 T estin g the consoles’ b uil t-in l oudspeaker s Via the “ Test Tone ” me nu ite m, you c an check if the co nso les are con nect ed c o rrec tl y a nd if th e c ons ol es’ buil t- in loud spe ak er s a re w ork ing corre ctly .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 83 Configuring the display of the voting options If the c onferenc e manage r or c haiman sta rts a voting sessi on, th e voti ng opti ons are s how n on th e displays.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 84 You can save two diffe rent inter preter conf igurat ions in the cen tral u nit: “ CONFIG 1 ” and “ CONFIG 2 ”. This a llows you to quickly and ea sily adapt yo u inte rp reta tion syst em to a new conf eren ce.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 85 Modifying the cu rren tly active interprete r configur ation You can modi fy the foll owing featu res of th e curr ently ac tive in terprete r config uratio n: y th.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 86 Attention ! If – after having load ed an inter preter configu ration – you have to re- initi alize the inter pre ter co nso les, f or exam ple b ecau se you had .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 87 language. You then have to configure your system so that it comprises thre e int e rpre ter boo th with t wo int erprete r consoles each.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 88 Configuring the languag e options for the interpr eter booths Th e “ Configuration ” men u item on t he “ Interpretation ” me nu allows you to configure the .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 89 왘 Choos e “ B-channel ” and press th e ENTER key. A boot h number i s shown o n the di splay. 왘 Ch oos e t he n umber of the boot h who se ma in ta r get l ang uag e cor responds t o the la ngua ge you want to configur e for the B-channel.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 90 Half- automatic ally init iali z ing al l interp reter consol es on th e c e ntral unit Onc e you hav e con figu red the numbe r of int erpr eter boot h (s ee “S etti ng t he max .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 91 왘 Press the RELA Y 1 key of the desired i nterpret er console and keep it pressed. 왘 While keeping the RELA Y 1 key pressed, press the “MENU 왖 ” or “ME NU 왔 ” menu selecti on key unt il the desi red boot h number (BO O TH ) is s h own o n th e disp l ay.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 92 왘 Press the MICRO key to transmi t the selecte d des k numbe r to th e centr al unit . Note! If an err or occu rs duri ng init ializat ion, the text “ Init Refused ” is shown on the displa ys of the interpr eter consoles .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 93 왘 If all booth and desk nu mbers are assigned correctly, pr ess th e ENTER key on the central unit to save this configuration.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 94 Conf iguring the audio inputs and outputs You can co nnect externa l audio source s such as a CD pl ayer, a microph one wi th prea mpli f ier et c.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 95 As sig ning a ch anne l t o an aud io ou tput Ea ch of the a ud i o out puts AU X OU T 3, A UX OUT 4 a nd AU X OUT 5 can b e assigned a c hannel. T he max imum number of channe ls available depends on yo ur lice nse.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 96 Adjusting the inpu t level of an audio input T o adju st the i nput level of the tw o audio inp uts: 왘 Fro m the cen tr al un it’ s op erat ing m enu , ch oo se “ Aux-In/Out ”. 왘 Choose the de sired a udio input.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 97 The follow ing table sho ws the possible switch p ositions and the re sulting channel assignments: (*) c an be set to p osition “ON” or “O FF” T he r ow mar ked i n gr ey sh ows the fa cto ry- pre set sta nda rd co nfig urat ion.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 98 Making a system diagnosis Displaying the number of c o nsoles connected to the central unit To display the nu m ber of consoles c onnec ted to t he central unit: 왘 Fro m th e cent ral uni t’s op erat ing men u, cho os e “ System ”, “ Diagnostics ” and “ Port Status ” one af te r the ot her.
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 99 Co nfigurin g an “ambient sound” consol e Op tional ly, y ou can use an “a mbient s ound” consol e wi th y our SDC 8000 con fer ence and i nterp retati on syst em.
Configuring the SDC 8000 system 100 T o turn t he AUX out p ut signal of the “ambie nt s ound” consol e on or off: 왘 Fr o m t he ce nt ral un it ’ s op era tin g m enu , ch oo se “ System ”, “ Ambient Sound ” and “ Au x Out ” o n e afte r th e o the r .
Configuring the SD C 8000 system 101 Di splay i ng th e cent ral un it’ s s er ial numb er To display th e central unit’s serial numbe r: 왘 From the ce ntra l unit’s op eratin g menu , ch oose “ License ” and “ Serial Number ” one a fter t h e ot he r.
If pro blems occur... 102 If p r oblems oc cur... Replacing a fuse If the fus e of a centr al unit h a s bl own, the subse q uent c onsol es cannot be pow er ed. T o re plac e t he fus e: 왘 Use a screwdriver to carefully loosen the fuse holder and pull it out completely.
Accessories System c o mponents 9411 S DC 8 00 0 CU Ce n tral u ni t 9419 SDC 8 000 AO Analog output unit with nine outputs on request Cont rol pa nel acco rdin g to cu stome r spe cifi cations 9412 S.
Specifi cations 104 Specificati ons Con s ol es SDC 8000 D Fr eq ue nc y re sp ons e 100 – 14, 000 Hz Pick-up p attern cardioid He ad phon e sock et 3. 5 mm jac k ( ≥ 16 Ω ) Maximum o utput level at headph one socke t 1 .5 V at 32 Ω S/ N at head pho n e ou tpu t > 7 5 d BA Power cons umpt ion m ax.
Sp ecifications 105 SDC 8 000 DC Fr eq ue nc y re sp ons e 100 – 14, 000 Hz Pick-up p attern cardio id He adpho ne so cket 3. 5 mm j ac k ( ≥ 16 Ω ) Maximum o utput level at headpho ne socket 1.5 V at 32 Ω S/N at headph one output > 7 5 dBA Power cons umpt ion m ax.
Specifi cations 106 SDC 8000 DV Fr eq ue nc y re sp ons e 100 – 14, 000 Hz Pick-up p attern cardioid He ad phon e sock et 3. 5 mm jac k ( ≥ 16 Ω ) Maximum o utput level at headph one socke t 1 .5 V at 32 Ω S/ N at head pho n e ou tpu t > 7 5 d BA Po w er co n s u m pt i o n m ax.
Sp ecifications 107 SDC 8 000 ID Fr eq ue nc y re sp ons e 100 – 14, 000 Hz Pick-up p attern cardio id He adpho ne so cket 3. 5 mm j ac k ( ≥ 16 Ω ) Maximum o utput level at headpho ne socket 1.5 V at 32 Ω S/N at headph one output > 7 5 dBA Po w er co n s um pti o n m ax .
Specifi cations 108 S DC 8000 CU ce ntr a l uni t AUX IN 1,2 XLR-3F , transformer balanced Inpu t le vel m ax. +1 4 d Bu Inpu t im ped ance > 6 k Ω at 1 kHz Fr eq ue nc y re sp ons e 100 – 14, 000 Hz AUX OU T 1 XLR -3 M, tr ans for me r ba lanc ed Output level max.
Sp ecifications 109 S DC 8000 AO a na log o utp ut uni t P ow er supply 4 8 V DC supplied via SD C 8000 CU DA TA OUT po rt Fr eq ue nc y re sp ons e 100 – 14, 000 Hz Output level (XLR) max.
Appe ndix A: Came ra contr ol pr otoco l 110 App endix A: Camera c ontrol protoc ol The SDC 8000 conference and int erpretation syste m supports camera cont rol.
Append ix A: Camera con trol p rotoc ol 111 Comman d s: Notatio n of the general syntax: y A ll se p ara te en titi e s in a m es sa ge a re r ep r ese nte d b etw e en cu rly brac k et s, e.g. {C RC} y Lit eral s tring s are b etwee n qu ote s, e. g.
Appe ndix B: Contro l pan el proto col 112 App endix B: Contr ol panel protoc ol The S DC 8 000 co nfer ence and i nte rpret ation s y stem sup por ts a co nt rol pane l.
Appendix B: Control panel p r otoc ol 113 T h e comman d s sen t b y t h e centra l un i t an d rec e i ve d b y t h e contr o l pane l : The comma nds sent by the cont rol panel a nd receiv ed by the c entral u nit: Notatio n of the general syntax: y A ll se p ara te ent iti es in a me s sage a re r ep res e nte d be tw e en cur ly brac k ets , e.
Appendix C: Repeater for th e SDC 8000 system 114 Appendi x C: R ep eater for the S DC 8000 system A repeater is used to boost the signal on a syste m cable. When a system cable reaches a length of 100 m, the sig na l over the system c ables bec om es to o weak.
Appendix C: Repeater for the SDC 8000 syste m 115 Approval SE NN HEI SE R el ectr onic GmbH & Co . KG de clar e t hat th es e de vice s are in compliance with the applicable CE standards and regulations.
Se nnh eis er el ec tron ic G mb H & C o. K G 3090 0 Wede mark , Ge rman y Pho ne +4 9 ( 5130) 60 0 0 Fax +4 9 (513 0) 600 300 www. se nnhe is er. com Pri nted in Ger many Pub l.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sennheiser SDC 8000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sennheiser SDC 8000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sennheiser SDC 8000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sennheiser SDC 8000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sennheiser SDC 8000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sennheiser SDC 8000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sennheiser SDC 8000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sennheiser SDC 8000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.