Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto vcc-zm300p del fabbricante Sanyo
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MANUEL D’INSTRUCTIONS VCC-ZM300P COLOUR CCD ZOOM camera CCD-Farb-Z oomkamera Caméra CCD COULEURS avec ZOOM CCD About this manua l Before installing and using the camera, please read t his manual carefully. Be sure to keep it handy for later ref erence.
CONT ENT S MAIN FEA TURES ..... .... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... . 2 ACCESSO RIES .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... ...... .... ... 2 PRECA UTIO NS ... .... ......
MAIN FEATURES • Buil t in Int erli ne tra nsfe r meth od 1/ 4” CCD, appr ox. 470 ,000 pictu re el emen ts. • High sens itivit y, m inimum requi red illum inatio n is 2.0 lux. (F1.6, gain max) • Mor e tha n 52 0 TV lin es o f ho rizo nt al r esol uti on.
PRECAUTIONS In c ase of pro blem Do not use the came ra if sm oke or a str ange odour comes f rom the unit, or if it seem s not to funct io n corr ectl y. Dis conn ect th e power cord immed iate ly, and cons ult y our dea ler (or a San yo Autho rized Ser vice C entre ).
PARTS NAMES AND FUNC TIONS 1 Video output connector (VIDEO OUT: BNC type) Conne ct this con nect or to a de vice su ch as a t ime laps e VCR o r moni tor w ith a VIDEO I N c onne ct or. 2 Power indicator (P OWER) Come s on whe n th e p ower to t he came ra i s on .
PARTS NAMES AND FUN CTIONS Camera inst allation brac ket The brac ke t ca n be f ixe d at th e to p or b ottom of the ca mera . When fixin g th e brac ket, be su re to u se th e lon ger screw s a nd instal l the shor ter screw s on t he op posi te sid e to seal the openin gs.
CONNEC TIONS Basic co nnection for moni toring or reco rding The peri phera l devices (V CR, monito r, lens, etc.) and ca bles are sold sep arately . 1 Make the video signal connection betwe e n the camera and the monitor or time lapse VCR.
CONNECTIONS Coaxial cable t ype and ma ximum lengt h • Cable type RG-5 9U (3C-2 V), 250 m maxi mum. • Cabl e ty pe R G-6U (5C -2V ), 50 0 m ma ximu m. • Cable type RG-1 1U (7C-2 V), 600 m maxi mum. CAUTION: • The R G-59U t ype cabl e should not be run thro ugh ele ctrical condui ts or throu gh the air .
DISPLAYING/CLOSING THE MENU SCREEN 1 Pres s the SET b utton for a bout 3 secon ds. The MAIN MENU sc reen will appea r. 2 Usi ng th e cu rsor b utton 1 Use the curs or b utton ( l ) to m ove the c urs or d own . When the cur sor re aches th e bott om of th e scr een, it goe s back up to the t op of the scr een.
MENU ITEM FLOW AND MENU OPERATION 1 LANGUAG E sett ing (Se e p10 ) Choose fro m among English, French and German. 2 CAMERA ID setti ng (S ee p11 ) 3S Y N C s e t t i n g ( S e e p 1 2 ) Sets c amer a to i nternal sy nchroniz atio n (IN T) or powe r sou rce synch ronizat ion (L-L).
LANGUAGE SETTING Sele ct one o f the l anguag es sho wn o n t he menu scre en (En glish , Fren ch, Ger man ). 1 In t he M AIN M ENU, use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t SET fo r LANGUA GE, the n pre ss the SE T button. The LANGU AGE scre en wi ll a ppear.
CAMERA ID SETTING Camera ID setting Example: Setting the Camera ID to “CAM 1” 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to CAMERA ID, and t hen u se the c ursor butto n ( d or c ) to change the set ting t o ON. Then pres s th e SET butt on.
CAMERA ID SETTING 4 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to POSITI ON, a nd the n pre ss t he SE T but ton. The came ra I D wil l be d ispl ayed o n on e line . (Displaying the ID on 2 lines.) 1 Use the cursor b utton ( d or c ) to mov e the cursor to the locat ion in th e ID fie ld where the carr iage re turn is wanted.
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PRIVACY MASK) Mask s etti ng 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t SET fo r PRIV ACY MAS K, then p ress the SET but ton. The PR IVACY M ASK SE TTING scre en will a ppear. 2 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SET for MAS K SET a nd pre ss t he SE T but ton.
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PR IVACY MASK) (Abo ut t he P OSI TION scr een) It i s possib le to se t as m any as 4 ma sks o n the s ame PO SITION screen . 4 Use the cu rsor button ( j l d c ) to m ove the gra y mask, then pres s th e SET butt on .
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PR IVACY MASK) PASSWORD setting You can lock the pri vacy m asks i n pl ace as gray pattern s afte r they have be en set . The p assword r equirem ent is ini tially set t o OF F, but to begin using i t, you must en ter the factory set pa sswo rd “ 12 34 ”.
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PR IVACY MASK) PASSWORD LOCK cancellation For use when PASSW ORD LOCK is ON 1 Pres s th e S ET bu tton . The PASS WORD screen w ill appe ar. 2 Enter the fa ctory se t pas sword “ 1234 ”. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t “1”, then use the cu rsor butto n ( c ).
LENS SETTIN G (LENS) This item a llow s adju stme nt of fo cus (for manua l fo cus or auto focus) and adj ustment of zoo m when nee ded. FOCUS setting ☞ Sett ing the m anual focus (MANU) Sets a limit for nea r dista nce foc using and se ts f ocu s spe ed for manu al focu s.
LENS SETTING (LENS) ☞ Sett ing the auto focu s (AU TO) Sets a limit for nea r distan ce focu sing and sets fo cusi ng sensit ivity and focus iris. Note: As a n ormal practice , use m anual f ocu s wh en keepi ng the cam era focused on the sam e targe t obje ct f or a long p eriod o f t ime (ov er 2 4 ho urs) .
LENS SETTING (LENS) 5 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SET for AREA, and pr ess the SET butt on. The A REA SE TTIN G scr een for AR EA 2 (in itial se tting) w ill appear to al low setti ng of foc us target ar ea. 6 Use the cur sor but ton ( d or c ) to selec t the foc us target area.
LENS SETTING (LENS) ZOOM setting Sets z ooming sp eed an d ma gni fica tion p ower of the el ectr onic zo om. Thi s it em a lso has a set ting fo r im prov emen t of v erti cal re s olution of stil l pict ures. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t SET fo r LEN S, then press the SET button .
LENS SETTING (LENS) 5 V-RES O.UP (Ver tica l r esol ution ) s etti ng Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to V-RESO .UP, then us e the curso r but ton ( d or c ) to select the vertical resolution.
VIEW SETTING ITE M FLOW ☞ Signifies that VIEW SETT ING 1 is the came ra settin g 1. The c urs or butt on can be used ( d or c ) to selec t o ne of th e nine VIEW SETT ING patt erns (0 – 8) . A IRIS setti ng (S ee p24) This setting allow s select ion of I RIS to either au toir is (AUT O) o r m anual i ris (MAN U).
VIEW SETTING ITEM FLOW (About creating image setting files in VIEW SETTING) You can se t 9 differ ent patt erns with view fi les. U se the cu rso r butt on ( d or c ) to c han ge the f il e num ber (1) for VI EW SET TI NG and pr ess the SET button. The s elec ted im age s etting file wi ll appear .
VIEW SETTING A IRIS setting Ther e ar e 2 poss ible set tings f or I RIS, auto iris (AUT O) an d ma nual iris (MA NU) . Autoiris setting (AUTO) Sets b acklight c ompensatio n, magnif ication o f ele c tro nic sensit ivity an d iris lev el. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING Backlight compensation additional settings 1 • • • • Multi-spot evaluative metering ( MULT) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to BLC, then us e th e cu rsor b utton ( d or c ) to select a backlight compensa t ion method.
VIEW SETTING Backlight compensation additional settings 2 • • • • 5 spot centerweighted average metering (CENT) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( d or c ) to selec t CENT, then press the SET bu tton. The B L C SET TING (POS ITION) sc reen will app ear.
VIEW SETTING Exam ple of set ting the ma sk in the cen ter weigh ting pos ition . 6 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t a z one, t hen use th e cursor but ton ( d or c ) to adj ust weigh ting . Each set ting will cha nge as sh own in t he illu str atio n.
VIEW SETTING Backlight compensation additional settings 3 • • • • 48 multi-spot metering (MASK) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( d or c ) to selec t MASK, the n press the SET bu tton. The BLC MASK ING scr een will ap pear and the mask p attern will b e bl inki ng.
VIEW SETTING SEN SE UP sett ing Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SENSE UP, t hen u se the curs or bu tton ( d or c ) to selec t th e power of the electronic sensitivity.
VIEW SETTING Manual iris setting Sets e lectro nic ir is ON/OF F, l ens aper ture and iris lev el. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button. (Ex: 1) The VIEW SETT ING 1 screen will a ppe ar.
VIEW SETTING B WHITE BALANCE adjustment Adjustme nts can be made to 3 m ethods of white balan ce c orrectio n: Auto t race whi te bal ance (A TW), one-pus h automa tic whit e bala nce (AWC ), an d ma nual whit e balance (MWB). 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING White balance additional set t ings 1 MWB setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to WHIT E BA LANCE , then us e the cursor butto n ( d or c ) to s elect a white balance type (Ex: MWB). The n press the SET button.
VIEW SETTING 3 Use the cur sor but ton ( j l d c ) to move the mask patte rn over the b right lig ht sourc e, then pre ss the SET button. Use t he same s teps to pl ace addi tion m asks a s ne eded . Note: Initia l settin gs place no masks on the s creen.
VIEW SETTING White balance additional set t ings 3 AWC setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to AWC for WHITE BALANCE and press the SET button. The AWC S ETT ING s cr een will appe ar. 2 With SET blinking for AWC LOCK, press the SET button.
VIEW SETTING C Electronic SHUTTER setting Sets the ele ctroni c shutte r to e ither t he fa st s hutter s peed m ode (SHOR T) or the slow shutter spee d mode (LONG). Fast shutter speed (SHORT) mode set ting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING Slow shutter speed (LONG) mode settin g 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SHUTTE R, th en use the cursor button ( d or c ) to selec t the spee d mode f or the electro nic s hutter. (Ex: LONG) Then pr ess the S ET b utton.
VIEW SETTING D MOTION detector settin g This func tion div ides th e mo nitor sc reen int o 48 zone s (8 x 6) . Ba sed on i nfor mati on f rom the sep arate zon es, ta rget image s th at show intrud er mov ements are detec ted and an ala rm is gener ated.
VIEW SETTING 4 Set the size of t he t arget obj ect desi red for detec tion 1 Determine the vertical size Tilt t he curso r button t o the rig ht ( c ). The “ V ” va lue (v erti cal patt ern) will cha nge t o “ 2 ” an d th e detect ion patt ern will expan d dow nward.
VIEW SETTING MOTION MAS KING set ting Maskin g targ et obj ects t hat are not d esir ed for detec tion (s wayin g trees , fl icke rs o f light , et c.) wi ll pre vent un wanted alar m s from being gene rated. This is done in the M OTION SETT ING scr een.
VIEW SETTING SENSITIVITY setting Set th e deg ree o f sensitiv ity for motion detection correspon ding to MOT ION SIZ E. Se nsit ivit y ca n be set so that natur al m otions on the screen such as wi nd and light chan ges wi ll not be detected . When t his i s nece ssar y, activ ate the follo wing s etting.
VIEW SETTING ZOOM setting This i tem is set in the MOTI ON SETT ING s creen. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to ZOOM , then u se the c ursor bu tton ( d or c ) to se lect the zoom magnification power (Ex.: x2). Available settin gs: O FF, x1.
VIEW SETTING ALARM SIGN setting This i tem is set in the MOTI ON SETT ING s creen. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to move the c ursor to OFF for A LARM SI GN, and then use the cursor bu tton ( d o r c ) to se lect ON. Available settin gs: • ON: The cam era ID displ ay bli nks wh en mot ion is detec ted.
VIEW SETTING E Profile compensation setting (APERTURE) Set th is f unction to fur ther em phasize the pro file o f the target objec t. The amount of com pensat ion ca n be adjust ed for horizon tal or vert ical d irections. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING F Automatic gain control (AGC) s etting Sets AGC to ON or OFF and adju sts th e gai n. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button. (Ex: 1) The VIEW SETT ING 1 screen will a ppe ar.
VIEW SETTING G GAMMA correction sett ing In addi tion t o tur ning gamma cor rect ion ON o r OFF, con tras t se nsit ivity can be b oost ed a t 2 leve ls. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
OPTION SETTIN G CONTROL setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to OPTI ON, the n pre ss the SE T button. The O PTION scree n will ap pear.
OPTION SETTING ADDRESS setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to OPTI ON, the n pre ss the SE T button. The O PTION scree n will ap pear.
OPTION SETTING Motion sensor inpu t setting (MOTION) Matc hes inf orma tion f rom the c amer a’s moti on sen sor and the extern al ala rm a nd outpu ts it. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to MOTION, then u se t he cur sor butt on ( d or c ) to sel ect the input.
OPTION SETTING B Alarm ou tpu t sett ing (AL ARM OU T) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to ALARM OUT , th en us e th e cur sor button ( d or c ) to select the “ON” or “ OFF” .
OPTION SETTING c Operation of alarm signal ou tput to the System Controller setting (LINE OU T) Outpu ts alarm signal to the Syst em Contro ller. The ALARM lamp on th e Sys tem Con trolle r wil l bl ink when it rece ives an alar m signal .
SPECIFICATIONS Pickup device : 1/4" Effective pixels : 752 (H) x 582 (V) Hor izon tal re solut ion : Over 520 TV lines Lens : 22 power zoom lens, f=4.
SPECIFICATIONS Dimensi ons Extern al a ppearan ce an d spe cifi cation s s ubjec t to chang e with out notice. 124.3 mm 54 mm 1/4"-20UNC 115 mm 9.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sanyo vcc-zm300p è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sanyo vcc-zm300p - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sanyo vcc-zm300p imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sanyo vcc-zm300p ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sanyo vcc-zm300p, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sanyo vcc-zm300p.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sanyo vcc-zm300p. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sanyo vcc-zm300p insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.