Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6-01658-05 del fabbricante Quantum
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StorNext StorNext ® 3.5 6-01658-05 User's Guide User's Guide User's Guide User's Guide User's Guide 6-01658-05.
StorNext User’s Guide, 6-01658-05 , Ver. A, Rel. 3.5 , December 2008, Made in USA. Quantum Corporation provides this publ ication “as is” without warranty of an y kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merc hantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de i Content s Chapter 1 Introduction 1 About StorNext File System ............ ... ......... .............. ........... .............. ...... 1 About StorNext Storage Manager ........ ........... .............. .............. .
ii StorNext User’s Guide The SNSM Home Page . ............... ........... .............. .............. ....... 23 SNSM Home Page Drop-Down Menus .. .............. .............. .... 23 The Configuration Wizard ...................... ..............
StorNext U ser’s Gui de iii Chapter 5 Backing Up StorNext 76 Types of StorNext Software Backups ..................... .............. ................. ....... 76 Setting up Email Notification For Backup ........... .............. ................. .
iv StorNext User’s Guide Retrieving a File ............... .............. ............... .............. ............. 140 Retrieving a Directory ......................... .............. .............. ........ 141 Freeing Disk Blocks ............ .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de v Adding a Drive Pool .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ........ 200 Modifying a Drive Pool ........... .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 202 Deleting a Drive Pool .
vi StorNext User’s Guide Adding a Storage Policy ......... .............. ............... ................ ........... 253 Adding a Policy Cl ass Thro ugh SNSM Wit hout a Relation Point ........... ............ .............. .............. ........
StorNext U ser’s Gui de vii Chapter 14 Customer Assistance 322 Quantum Technical Assistance Center ....... .............. .............. .............. ..... 322 Appendix A Operating Guidelines 327 The Reserved Space Parameter .............. .......
viii StorNext User’s Guide Manual Disk-to-Disk Re location ................ .............. ............. 365 Enabling Stub File Support .......... .............. .............. .............. ........ 366 Managing Storage Disks with Dedu plication Enabled .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de ix Figures Figure 1 StorNext Login Window ................ ................ ............... .............. 7 Figure 2 StorNext Home Page ................ ................. .............. .............. ...... 8 Figure 3 File System Monitor .
x StorNext User’s Guide Figure 18 Complete Start/Stop SNFS Screen.............. .............. . 37 Figure 19 SNFS Config uration Wiza rd Screen ......................... . 38 Figure 20 Enter License Introduction Screen ................ ............
StorNext U ser’s Gui de xi Figure 47 Backup Policy Screen ........................ .............. ............... ............ 80 Figure 48 File System - Introduction Screen ............ .............. .............. .... 83 Figure 49 Add New File System Sc reen .
xii StorNext User’s Guide Figure 76 Exclusive Stri pe Group Screen .............. .............. ..... 126 Figure 77 Complete Add Affi nity Task Screen...................... .. 127 Figure 78 Add, Modify, or Delete Affinities Screen.............. .. 128 Figure 79 Add Affinity Screen .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de xiii Figure 105 Move Options Screen ............. ................. .............. .............. ..... 161 Figure 106 Dat a Stripe Grou p Move Scr een.................. ........... .............. .. 162 Figure 107 No Writable Stripe Groups Warning .
xiv StorNext User’s Guide Figure 134 Mat ch Devices with Sl ot s Screen......................... ..... 194 Figure 135 Tape Drive Mapping Help Screen ................... ........ 195 Figure 136 Configure Drives Screen................. .............. .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de xv Figure 163 Sele ct Destination Librar y Sc reen ......... .............. .............. ..... 223 Figure 164 Library Operator Interface Screen .. .............. ............... .......... 224 Figure 165 LOI Enter Screen ..
xvi StorNext User’s Guide Figure 192 Complete Storage Policy Task Screen ........ ............. 260 Figure 193 Manage Policy Classes Screen .................. .............. .. 261 Figure 194 Add Policy Class Screen ........... .............. ......
StorNext U ser’s Gui de xvii Figure 220 Storage Disk Report Screen ... ........... .............. ............ ............. 297 Figure 221 Stora ge Disk Information Re port .......... .............. .............. ..... 298 Figure 222 Affinities Report Screen .
xviii StorNext User’s Guide Figure 7 Cleaning of Drive Failed RAS........................ ........... 383 Figure 8 Wrong Firmware Leve l/Invalid Drive Type RAS 383 Figure 9 Drive Removed RAS ......................... .............. ........... 384 Figure 10 Tape Drive -Configuration Failed RAS .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de xix Figure 36 Disk Sp ace Allocation Failur e RAS .................. .............. ........ 399 Figure 37 System Resource Failure RAS................... .............. .............. .. 399 Figure 38 Affinity Config uration Violations RAS .
xx StorNext User’s Guide.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 1 Chapter 1 1 Introduction StorNext is data management soft ware that enables customers to complete projects faster and confiden tly store more da ta at a lower cost. Used in the world's most demanding envir onments, StorNext is the standard for high performance shared workflow operations and multitier archives.
Chapter 1 Introduction StorNext U ser’s Gui de 2 reconfigure applications t o retrieve data from disparate locations. Instead, applicat ions continue to access files n ormally and SNSM automatically handles data acce ss – regardless of where the file resid es.
Chapter 1 Introduction Purpose of This Guid e StorNext U ser’s Gui de 3 Purpose of This Guide This guide is intended to assi st St orNext users perfor m day-to-day tasks with the software.
Chapter 1 Introduction Notes, Cautions, and Warni ngs StorNext U ser’s Gui de 4 • Appendix C, Using The Command Line Interface • Appendix D, RAS Messages Notes, Cautions, and W arnings The following table describes importa nt information about Notes, Cautions, and Warnings used throughout this gu ide.
Chapter 1 Introduction Document Conventions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 5 Document Conventions This guide uses the following document conventions to help you recognize different types of information. Conventions Example s For all UNIX-based commands, the # prompt is implied, although it is not shown.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 6 an Chapter 2 2 S torNext GUI Overview This section descri bes how to access and navigate through the StorNext GUI, which includes both S NFS and SNSM .
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view Accessing the StorNext GUI StorNext U ser’s Gui de 7 Use this procedure to access the StorNext GUI. 1 Open a Web browser. 2 In the browser’s Address field, type the full address of the machine and its port number, and then press Enter .
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view Accessing the StorNext GUI StorNext U ser’s Gui de 8 The following illustration shows the main components of the StorNext Home Page.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 9 The S torNext Home Page On the home page you will find the following: • Link to the Quantum Home Page - Click th.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 10 • 10 minutes The File Syste m Monitor 2 The File System Monitor enables you to view statistics on each configured file system. When you open a browser to access StorNext, the File System Monitor appears at the top of the browser window.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 11 • # SAN Client s : The number of StorNext SAN clients (connected via fibre channel or iSCSI) for which you are licensed • # LAN Clients : The number of StorNext distribute d LAN clients for which you are licensed.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 12 • Refresh Rate : Set the Library Monitor ref resh rate with this drop down menu.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 13 state during blockpool verification because this process could take a long time to complete, dependin g on the blockpool size. Storage disks in the online-pending state ar e not used for store operations.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 14 • Enter License : Enter StorNe xt license information • Add File System : Add a file sys tem to your environm.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 15 Report s Menu Options 2 The following Reports menu options allow you to view StorNext reports: • SNFS : View the following SNFS reports: • Affinities : View the existing affinities for a selected directory in the file sy stem.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 16 Service Menu Options 2 The following Service menu options help you monitor and capture system status information:.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 17 Figure 6 Service - Syste m S tatus screen You can display tickets according to Op en or Closed status, or view all tickets. If there are multiple scre ens of tickets, you can display the Previous or Next screen by clicking those buttons.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 18 • MSM media console errors • MSM drive dismount request when drive is already dismounted • MSM media audi t failures To view admin alerts, select Admin Al erts from the StorNext home page’s Service menu.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The StorNext Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 19 Stor Next Server S t atus 2 The StorNext Server Status button is located a t the bottom right of the StorNext Home Page.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 20 Figure 8 Applicati on Link The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages The Navigation Pane on the left side of the screen contains links to the SNFS and SNSM home pages along with a Home button to return to the main StorNext Home Page.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 21 • A file system monitor • System and server status indicators Figure 9 SNFS Home Page SNFS Home Page Dro.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 22 The SNFS Config Menu 2 The following options on the SNFS Config menu allow you to add, modify and delete fil.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 23 • Metadata Du mp : Generate a Metadat a dump of a file system • Check File System : Run a check on your file system be fore expanding the file system or migrating a stripe group.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 24 Figure 10 SNSM Menu The SNSM File Menu 2 The following SNSM File menu options allow you to manage file data .
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The SNFS and SNSM Home Pages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 25 The SNSM Media Menu 2 The following SNSM Media menu options help you manage media and libraries: • Library.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The Configuration Wizard StorNext U ser’s Gui de 26 • Alternate Retrieval L ocation : Retrieve a copy of a truncated file from a specified foreign machi ne when copi es of the file are not accessible from the local StorNext Storage Manager machine.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The Configuration Wizard StorNext U ser’s Gui de 27 Figure 1 1 S torNe xt Configuration Wizard You can display the Configuration Wiza rd at any time by selecting Configuration Wizard from the StorNext home page’s Config menu.
Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Ove r view The Configuration Wizard StorNext U ser’s Gui de 28 Figure 12 Config Menu Options Each of the Configuration Wizard’ s tasks are des cribed in detail elsewhere in .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 29 Chapter 3 3 SNFS-Only GUI Overview The SNFS GUI is browser-bas ed and can be accessed remotely from any machine with access to the local network and the SNFS server. This chapter describes how to access an d navigate through the SNFS-only GUI.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview Accessing the SNFS GUI StorNext U ser’s Gui de 30 2 In the browser’s Address field, type the full address of the machine and its port number, and then press Enter . For example: http:// < machine name >:<port number> .
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 31 The SNFS Home Page The SNFS home page contains the following components: • A link to th e Quantum Home Pa ge • Th.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 32 The File System Monitor has a Refresh button that allows you to manually update (refresh) the information shown in the monitor.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 33 • Used Inodes : The number of inodes currently in use on the file system • #Store Candidates : Number of files selected for storage to secondary media. This field does not appl y to SNFS-only configurations.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 34 • Globals : Modify global settings • Disks : Add or del ete a disk to a file system • Stripe Groups : Add, modi.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 35 The Help Menu 3 The Help menu provides you with acce ss to Stor Next referen ce materia l such as this user’s guide , the in stallation guide, and other useful documents.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 36 • Start/Stop StorNext : Start or Stop StorNex t Software. For more information about starting and stopping StorNext, see S torNext Server Status on page 36. Home and Help Links 3 In the upper right corner of the screen are Home and Help links.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Home Pa ge StorNext U ser’s Gui de 37 1 On the Start/Stop SNFS screen, sel ect Start or Stop to ma nual ly sta rt or stop the StorNext File System. 2 Select Enable or Disable to enable or disable the feature that automatically starts SNFS upon re boot.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Configuration Wizard StorNext U ser’s Gui de 38 The SNFS Configuration Wizard SNFS includes a Configuration Wizard that gu ides you through the steps necessary to obtain a StorNext licens e and create a file system.
Chapter 3 SNFS-Only GUI Ov erview The SNFS Configuration Wizard StorNext U ser’s Gui de 39 For more information about comple ting the two Configuration Wizard tasks, see Entering the StorNext License on page 40, and Adding a Fi le System on page 83.
StorNext User’s Guide 40 Chapter 4 4 Common S torNext T asks This chapter provides instructions on performing the following StorNext and SNFS tasks: • Entering the StorNext License • Controlling.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 41 To obtain a permanent license, you must contact the Qu antum Technical Assistance Center at and give them the following information: • The serial number from your product CD or box.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 42 Figure 20 Enter License Introduction Screen 2 Click Next to continue. The Quantum license agreement appears. You must accept the license agreement in ord er to continue with the licensing process.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 43 Figure 21 Quantum License Agreement.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 44 3 Read the license agreement and then click Accept . The Enter License Strings screen appe ars. This screen summarizes the information you must send to licenses@Quantum.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 45 5 After selecting Generate 30 day temporar y license , click Next to continue.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 46 7 Click OK to close the message box. 8 In order to receive your permanent StorNext license you must email to licenses@quantum.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Entering the StorNext Li cense StorNext User’s Guide 47 Figure 25 Complete Ente r License Screen (Permanent) 10 Review the information on the screen, and then click Next to continue, or Ba ck to make ch anges. 11 After the status screen infor ms you that the operation was completed successfully, click Finish .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Controlling User Access StorNext User’s Guide 48 Figure 26 License S tring Example Controlling User Access This section describes the follow ing User Access Control .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Controlling User Access StorNext User’s Guide 49 Changing the Admin Password 4 Use this procedure to change the admin password. 1 From the StorNext Home Page choose User Access Control from the Admin menu. Th e User Access Control screen appears.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Controlling User Access StorNext User’s Guide 50 2 From the User Access Contr ol screen, select Admin in the Use r List and click Modify . The Modify User “admin” screen appears. Figure 28 Modify User Screen 3 Enter your new password.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Controlling User Access StorNext User’s Guide 51 Adding a New User 4 Use this procedure to add a new StorNext user. 1 From the User Access Control screen, cli ck Add .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Controlling User Access StorNext User’s Guide 52 2 In the Enter User Name field , type the name the new user will enter at the User ID field when he or she logs on to StorNext. 3 In the Enter Passwor d field, type the password the new user will enter when logging on to StorNext.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Controlling User Access StorNext User’s Guide 53 Modifying an Ex isting User 4 Use this procedure to modify an existing user’s StorNext access. 1 From the User Access Contr ol screen, select a name (other than “admin”) from the User List and click Modi fy .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Starting and Stopping StorNext Componen ts StorNext User’s Guide 54 2 Change the user’s password or mo dify permissi ons as described in Adding a New User , and the n click OK . 3 Click Close when the Status screen displays Success .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Starting and Stopping StorNext Componen ts StorNext User’s Guide 55 Figure 31 S tart/S top StorNext Screen 2 Select either the Start or Stop option.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Accessing StorNext Logs StorNext User’s Guide 56 Figure 32 Complete S tart/S top S torNext T ask Screen 6 Click Next .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Accessing StorNext Logs StorNext User’s Guide 57 • SNSM - Libr ary Manager Lo gs : Logs that track library events and status • Server System Logs : Logs that rec.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Accessing StorNext Logs StorNext User’s Guide 58 2 Select the type of log you wish to view, and then click Next . The Select File screen appears.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 59 • Cancel to close the window Figure 35 Log File Example 5 When you are finished viewing logs, click Cancel to close the Select File window.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 60 • Full Backup : By default, a full backup is run once a week to back up the entire database, configuration fi les, and the file sy stem metadata dump file. • Health Check : By default, health checks are set up to run every day of the week, starting at 7:00 a.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 61 Figure 36 Schedule Events Screen 1 2 Select an event type: •C l e a n I n f o • Clean Versions •F u l l B a c k u p • Health Check •P a r t i a l B a c k u p • Rebuild Policy 3 Click Configure .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 62 Figure 37 Schedule Events Screen 2 4 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the schedule. (You can also click Back to return to the previous scr een.) Adding a New Schedule 4 Use the following procedure to schedule StorNext events.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 63 3 Click Configure . The second Schedule Events screen displays the selected event type and any existing schedules ( figure 37 ). 4 Click Add . The third Schedule Events scree n appears.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 64 8 At the Start Window field, specify the window in which you want the StorNext Scheduler to start the event. The Scheduler attempts to begin the event within the specified Start Window time (e.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 65 3 Click Configure . The second Schedule Events screen displays the selected event type and any existing schedules ( figure 37 ). 4 Select the schedule y ou want t o change, and then click Modify .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Scheduling StorNext Events StorNext User’s Guide 66 2 Select an event type: •C l e a n I n f o • Clean Versions •F u l l B a c k u p • Health Check •P a r t i a l B a c k u p • Rebuild Policy 3 Click Configure .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting Up E-mail Notifica tion StorNext User’s Guide 67 • Rebuild Policy 3 Click Configure . The second Schedule Events screen displays the selected event type and any existing schedules ( figure 37 ). 4 Click Reset .
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting Up E-mail Notifica tion StorNext User’s Guide 68 1 From the StorNext home page, choose E-mail Notificatio n from the Admin menu.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting Up E-mail Notifica tion StorNext User’s Guide 69 2 On the Configure E -mail Notificat ion Introduction screen, review your current e-mai l settings (if any) and then click Next to continue. The Configure SMTP E-mail screen appears.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting Up E-mail Notifica tion StorNext User’s Guide 70 • Sender Address : Enter the e- mail addre ss for the entity sending alert messages to recipients. • Send Test E-mail to : Enter an e-mail address to whi ch you can send test messages in or der to confirm successful configur ation.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting Up E-mail Notifica tion StorNext User’s Guide 71 • Service Tickets : Select this option to receive e-mail when a service ticket for your system is generated. Notificati ons for service tickets will be sent for e vents at the specif ied alert level and higher.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Cancelling SNSM Requests StorNext User’s Guide 72 8 Review your selections and do one of the following: •C l i c k Back to change information you entered, or add or remove another e-mail recipient. •C l i c k Next to continue.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting up Alternate R etrieval Locations StorNext User’s Guide 73 2 Select from the Select Request ID list the pending requests you want to cancel. If desi red, you can click Select All t o select all requests. 3 Click Apply to continue.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting up Alternate R etrieval Locations StorNext User’s Guide 74 Setting up this feature consists of t he followin g steps: • Enter the IP address of the alte rnate machine you want to use for retrieval. (This alternate machine may or may not contain StorNext.
Chapter 4 Common StorNe xt Tasks Setting up Alternate R etrieval Locations StorNext User’s Guide 75 Modifying or Disabling This Feature 4 As your needs or configuration c h anges, you can modify the remote machine information or disable the feature on one or more file systems.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 76 Chapter 5 5 Backing Up S torNext This chapter provides ins tructions on backing up the StorNext software. This chapter covers these topics: • Types of StorNext Software .
Chapter 5 Backing Up StorNext Types of StorNext Software Backups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 77 • StorNext database journal s • Configuration files • File system journal file s Setting up Email No.
Chapter 5 Backing Up StorNext Performing a StorNe xt Software Backup StorNext U ser’s Gui de 78 Performing a S torNext Software Backup Use the following procedure to manually run a StorNext backup. 1 From the StorNext home page select Run Backup from the Admin menu.
Chapter 5 Backing Up StorNext Managing the Backup Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 79 2 Select the type of backup you want run ( Full or Partial ), and then click Next . The Complete Backup Task screen appears. Figure 46 Complete Backup T ask Screen 3 Click Next to start the backup.
Chapter 5 Backing Up StorNext Managing the Backup Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 80 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Backups from the Admin menu. The Backup Policy screen appears. Figure 47 Backup Policy Screen 2 Enter the following information: • File Cop y 1 - 4 : For each copy number (1 - 4,) select the media type.
Chapter 5 Backing Up StorNext Managing the Backup Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 81 4 After the Status screen informs you that the operation was performed success fully, click OK .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 82 Chapter 6 6 Managing the File System This chapter describes h ow to manage file systems by performing these major configuration and admini stration tasks: • W orking Wit.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 83 • M odifying a File System • D eleting a File System Adding a File System 6 The following procedure describes how to create an empty file system. The number of file systems you can a dd is limited only by the number of disks available for configuration.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 84 2 Click Next to continue . The Add New File System screen appears. Figure 49 Add New File System Screen 3 On the Add New File System screen, click Browse to enter a m ount point (directory) for the file system.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 85 Figure 50 Directory Browser Window 4 Select from the Select Directory list an existing dire ctory in which you want to create the file system.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 86 8 If desired, select the En able Distributed Lan Server o n this machine option if you want the machine on whic h the file system is located to act as a Distributed Lan server.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 87 10 On the Disk Settings screen, type vali d values and click Next . • Block size field: The block size in by tes for the file system. The block size is the minimum unit of data accessed from physical devices.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 88 Figure 53 Customize S tripe Group Screen 12 Enter values for the Customize Stripe Group screen. • Name Field: The name of the stripe group. • Select disks list: The disk s available to assign to the stripe group.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 89 For more information about 2TB LUN r equirements, see the StorNext Installation Guide . • Label Help : Click this li nk to display guid elines for determi ning whether to select VTOC or EFI labels.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 90 • Metadata , Journal , and User Data checkboxes: Enable one or more of these options (check the boxes) to create a location for metadata, journaling or user data.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 91 Figure 55 Complete File System T ask Screen 15 Review your selections. Click Next to complete the task or Back to make changes. 16 After the status screen informs you that the file system was successfully add ed, click Next .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 92 2. Modify the file system’s global settings. 3. Add disks to the fi le system. 4. Add stripe gr oups for the file s ystem. 5. Make the file system. 6. Start the new file system.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 93 6 Add disks to the file system as explained in Adding Disks on page 109. 7 Configure stripe groups for the file system as explained in Adding a Stripe Grou p on page 114.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 94 • Modifying an Affinity on page 131 • Adding Disks on page 109 • Adding a Stripe Grou p on page 114 • M odifying a Stripe Group on page 117 4 Start the file system as d escribed in Starting an d Stopping the File System on page 107.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With File Systems StorNext U ser’s Gui de 95 • Enable Distribu ted Lan Server on this machine : Select this option to let the machine on which th e file system is located to act as a Distributed LAN server.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 96 Managing File System Operations This section describes task s that can be performed on an individual basis when you administer your file syst em.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 97 Figure 58 Label Disk Device Screen From this screen, you can perform these tasks: • Select Label Type - Specify VTOC or EFI label types for your disks. (The def ault is EFI labels.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 98 2 From the Disk Devices list, select the device you want to label, unlabel, or probe, and then click Label . Labeling a Device 6 Use the following procedure to label a disk device.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 99 Figure 61 Data Loss W arning 5 Click OK to continue and label the device. The Label Disk Devices Status window appears. 6 Click Close when the status displays Success .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 100 2 Click OK to close the warning window and proceed, or click Cance l to abort the unlabeling process. If you click OK , a status window appears. 3 Click Close when the status displays Success .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 101 Before making any chan ges to the file system’s configur ation, carefully review the cvfs_config(4) man pages or the “CVFS Configuration File” help file.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 102 • File System Block Size : This value d efines the granul arity of the fi le system's allocation size. The default setting is 16,384. The block size must be specified in powers of 2.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 103 • Windows Security : Enable this option (check the box) to allow all Windows clients to use Microsoft Wi ndows native security.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 104 • Debug Log Sett ings : Settings to turn on debug functions for the file system server.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 105 subsequen t machines li sted serve as backup coordinators. To create redundancy, it is recommende d that you list two machines. Typically, t he selected systems ar e also configured for F SM services, but this is not a requirement.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 106 Conditions to Make or Re-Make a File Syste m 6 The following are reasons to make or re-make a file system.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 107 3 Click OK . A second confirmation screen warns that all data will be lost on the selected file system. 4 Click OK. 5 After the status screen informs you that the task has completed successfully, click Close .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Managing File System Operations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 108 •T h e Start Stop File System Status screen appears. • Select a file system from the Active File Systems list and click Stop . •T h e Start Stop File System Status screen appears.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Di sks StorNext U ser’s Gui de 109 2 Do one of the following: • Select a file system from the Unmou nted File Systems list and click Mount . The Mount File System Status screen appears. • Select a file system fr om the Mounted Fil e Systems list and click Unmount.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Di sks StorNext U ser’s Gui de 110 1 If the file system is mounted, unmount the file system as descri bed in Mounting or Unmoun ting a File Syst em on page 108. 2 If the file system is started, stop the file system as described in Starting and Stopping the File System on page 107.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Di sks StorNext U ser’s Gui de 111 Figure 68 Add Disk Screen 5 Select from the Available Disks list the disk you want to add to the file system. You can select mul tiple disks by pressing the CTRL key and clicking the disk name.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Di sks StorNext U ser’s Gui de 112 1 From the SNFS home page, choose Disks fr om the Config menu. The Manage Disks screen ( figure 67 ) appears. 2 Select from the File Systems drop-down menu the file system that contains the disk you want to delete.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 113 W orking With S tripe Group s A stripe group is a logical disk volu me in a file system that consists of one or more LUNs used to store me tadata information, journaling information, and user data.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 114 transparently write those files to th e desired disk type. This means you don't have to have two or more separate file systems (e.g., one for cri tical data and another for temporary data).
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 115 Figure 70 Add S tripe Group Screen 3 Enter the fields on the Add Stripe Grou p screen.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 116 2) Select the file system in which the disks reside, and then click Add . 3) Add one or more disks. • Disks in Stripe Group : Disks associated with the new stripe group.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 117 • Non-realtime MB/sec (optional): The lower threshold (in MB per second) that is reserved for non- realtime applications. If both Non-realtime MB/sec and Non- realtime IO/sec Fields are selected, then the system uses the lesser of the two values.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 118 Figure 71 Modify S tripe Group Screen 5 Type valid values for the stripe group.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 119 3) Add one or more disks. • Disks in Stripe Group : Disks associated with the stripe group. • Available Affinities : Affinities asso ciated with existing stripe groups that, if selec ted, would al so apply to this stripe group.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Stripe Groups StorNext U ser’s Gui de 120 • Realtime MB/ sec (optional): The number of megabytes per second that are available to real -time applications. This is an optional setting and can be left blank.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 121 W orking With Af finities An affinity is a label assigned to one or more stripe groups. An affinity enables you to di rect data to its asso ciated stripe groups. A file system can have one or more affinities associated with it.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 122 Figure 72 Add Affinity Introduction Screen 2 Click Next to continue .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 123 Figure 73 Add Affinity Screen 3 Select the file system to which you want to add the affinity. Enter a name for the affinity (up to eight ch aracters long) that begins with a letter.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 124 Figure 74 Select Directory Screen 4 Specify the directory for the new af finity. You can enter a pathname directly in the field, or click Browse to select from a list of e xisting directories.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 125 Figure 75 Assign Affinity Screen 5 Select from the di splayed the list the stripe group to which you want to assign the new affinity.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 126 Figure 76 Exclusive S tripe Group Screen 6 If desired, you can se lect a stripe group that will be used exclusively for the new affinity’s files.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 127 Figure 77 Complete Add Affinity T ask Screen 7 Click Next to continue. After the status screen informs you th at the affinity was added successfull y, click Close .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 128 Figure 78 Add, Modify , or Delete Affinities Screen 4 From the File Systems drop-down menu, select the file system to which you want to add the affinity, and then click Add .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 129 The following stripe groups cannot be selected: • An exclusive stripe group • A metadata stripe group • A.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 130 Figure 80 Set Affinity Screen 2 Select from the File Systems list the file system on which you want to set the new affini ty. 3 Select from the Affinities list the affinity to set on the selected file system.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 131 5 On the Set Affinity screen, click Browse and select or create the directory on the file system to which you want to set the affinity. Click OK . 6 When the status screen informs you that the operation was completed successfully, cli ck OK .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Working With Affinities StorNext U ser’s Gui de 132 9 After the status screen informs you that the affinity has been modified, click Close . The Add , Modify, or Delete Affinities screen ( figure 78 on page 128) appears, showing the association you just created.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing a Metadata Dump StorNext U ser’s Gui de 133 10 Mount the file system as described in Mounting or Unmounting a File System on page 108.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 134 1 From the SNFS home page, choose Metadata Dump from the Admi n menu.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 135 • Retrieving a Directory • Freeing Disk Blocks • M oving Files to New Medi a • Modifying a File’s Attributes These functions are not available if you have only StorNe xt File System and not StorNext Storage Manager.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 136 •C l i c k Browse to display the StorNext Fi le Browser window. On this window locate and select the files you want to store to media, and then click OK .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 137 5 On the Store Files screen, click Apply to continue. 6 After the Status screen informs you that the operation was completed successfully, click OK .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 138 Recovering a File 6 This function allows you to recover a deleted file. Undele ted files are recovered in a truncated state. To retu rn the file back to disk, you must use the Retrieve File function as described in Retrieving a File on page 140.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 139 Figure 88 S torNext Recoverable Files Screen 4 Select from the list the file s you want to undelete. To expe dite file selection, you can use the Select All or Deselect All buttons.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 140 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Recover Direc tory from the File menu.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 141 Figure 90 Retrieve Files Screen 2 Do one of the following: • Enter in the Enter In dividual Filename field the file you want to retrieve. You must enter the complete pathname.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 142 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Retr ieve Directory from the File menu.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 143 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Free Disk Blocks from the File menu.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 144 Moving Files to New Media 6 This function enables you to move files fr om one piece of media to another. When you use this function, files on the original media are deleted.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Using the SNSM File System Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 145 Modifying a F ile’ s Attributes 6 With this function you can change a file’s att ributes, including the associated policy class attributes an d number of file copie s to save on media during storage.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Understanding Dynamic Resource Allo ca tion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 146 5 If the Stub File feature is enabled, indicate how StorNext determines the stub file size:.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Understanding Dynamic Resource Allo ca tion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 147 About Stripe Group Movement 6 Stripe Group Movement mo ves data files off one or more data stripe groups onto the remaining d ata stripe groups in a file s ystem, which frees data LUNS so they can be decommiss ioned or reused.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Checking the File System StorNext U ser’s Gui de 148 Exp ansion and Movement S tep s 6 Here are the steps required for expanding a fi le system and moving stri pe groups: 1 Check the file system before you begin. (See Checking the File System on page 148.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Checking the File System StorNext U ser’s Gui de 149 Figure 95 Check File System Screen 2 Select from the File Systems list t he file system you want t o check. Only file systems elig ible for File System Expansion or Stripe Group Movement are shown in the list.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 150 6 To view a status summary for any success fully run file system checks, click the Success or Failure indicator under the Status heading.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 151 3. Add the new stripe group to an existi ng file system. After you perform these steps, St orNext automatically updates the available file system capacity and pr esents the expanded file system to the StorNext clients.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 152 Figure 97 File System Expansion Introduction Screen 2 Select from the list the file system on which you want to perform File System Expansion. Click Next to continue.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 153 Do one of the following: • If you have not checked the selected file system, click Cancel and then run the file system check as described in Checking the File System on page 148.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 154 Figure 100 Metadump W arning 6 On the Data Stripe Group Selecti on screen, click Next to continue.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 155 Figure 101 Ne w Data S t ripe Group Screen 7 Enter values for the New Stripe Group screen. • Name field: The name of the stripe gr oup. • Select disks list: The disk s available to assign to the stripe group.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing File System Expansion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 156 For more information about 2TB LUN r equirements, see the StorNext Installation Guide . • Label Help : Click this li nk to display guid elines for determi ning whether to select VTOC or EFI labels.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 157 9 Click Next to complete the process. 10 After the status screen informs you that the expansion was completed successfully, click Finish to exit the wizard.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 158 (StorNext has different mechanisms for moving data stripe groups versus metadata/journal stripe groups.) Launching the Moveme nt Wizard 6 Use the following procedure to perform stripe group movement.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 159 Figure 103 Move S tripe Group Screen 2 To update the percentage complete for a move in progress, click Refresh . To remove previously completed moves (with either a Success or Fail status,) click Clear .
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 160 Figure 104 Move S tripe Group Introduction Screen 5 Select the file system for which you want to move stripe groups. Click Next to continue. 6 A message reminds y ou that you must check your fi le system before beginning the movement process.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 161 Figure 105 Move Options Screen 7 Specify whether to move a data stri pe group or a metadata or journal stripe group. (You cannot move a stri pe group that contains both user data and metadata/journal data on the same LUN.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 162 Figure 106 Data S tripe Grou p Move Screen 8 Select the source stripe gr oup from which data will be moved.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 163 Similarly, if Stor Next determines that the avai lable destination st ripe groups are not large enough.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 164 Figure 1 10 Metadata/Journal Move Screen 11 Select from the displayed li sts of available LUNs the source (from) LUN and the destination (to) LUN. Click Insert to continue.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 165 Figure 1 1 1 Complete S tripe Group Move Screen 12 On the Complete Stripe Gro up Move screen, verif y the displayed information about the move and then click Next to continue.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 166 Figure 1 12 Process Initiated S tatus Screen 13 After the status screen informs you that the move was initiated successfully, click Finish to exit the wizard.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 167 Figure 1 13 S tri pe Group Move S tatus Screen 2 When the move status is Success , mark the source stripe group as “down” and then restart the file system.
Chapter 6 Managing the File System Performing Stripe Group Movement StorNext U ser’s Gui de 168 Reusing LUNS in a Metadat a Stripe Group Af ter a Move 6 LUNs in the metadata stripe group used in a successful move can be reused immediately after the move.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 169 Chapter 7 7 Managing Libraries StorNext configures, allocates, an d manages all co mponents associated with libraries. Resou rces that can be used for libraries include a wide variety of storage drives and media.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 170 Adding a Library Use the procedure in this section to add lib raries to St orNext. Stor Next’s Storage Manager (SNSM) component supports three l ibrary types: • SCSI : A SCSI or fibre channel-attache d library.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 171 Figure 1 14 Library Introduction Screen 2 Click Next . The Library Type scree n appears.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 172 Figure 1 15 Library T ype Screen 3 Select the type of library you have : SCSI, Network, or Vault. (If you select Network, choose ACSLS or DAS from the drop-down list.) 4 Click Next to continue .
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 173 Adding a SCSI Library 7 After you specify SCS I on the Library Type screen and then click Next , the Library Name screen appears. Figure 1 16 Library Name Screen (If you have no SCSI libraries config ured, a message informs you that no SCSI devices were detected.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 174 1 On the Library Name screen, accept the default library name or type a name, and then click Next . The Media Types screen appears. Figure 1 17 Media T ypes Screen 2 Select a media type from the list , and then click Next .
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 175 Figure 1 18 SCSI Device Screen.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 176 3 Select a SCSI device from the list and click Next . The Complete A dd Library Task screen appears. Figure 1 19 Complete Add Library T ask Screen 4 Review your selections. When fin ished, click Next to complete the task or Back to make changes.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 177 Adding an ACSLS Network Library 7 After you select Network on the Library Type screen and then choose ACSLS from the drop-down list, the Library Name screen appears. Figure 120 ACSLS Library Name Screen 1 Enter the fields on the Library Name screen.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 178 5 After the status screen notifies yo u that the libr ary was successfully added, click Close . Adding a DAS Network Library 7 After you select Network on the Library Introduction screen and then choose DAS from the drop-down list, the DAS Configur ation screen appears.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 179 Adding a DAS Network Library with Failover 7 1 On the Library Name screen, ente r valid values and click Next . Figure 122 DAS Library Name Screen • Library Name : The name of the library.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 180 • Standby Server Client Name : Standby server client name configured on the network The Media Types screen appears. Figure 123 DAS Media T ypes Screen 2 Use the drop-down lists to map the ma il boxes (EIF ports) to specific media, and then click Next .
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 181 Adding a DAS Network Library wi th or without Dual Aisle Configuration 7 1 On the Library Name screen, ente r valid values and click Next . Figure 124 DAS 2 Library Name Screen • Library Name : The name of the library.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Adding a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 182 4 After a status screen inf orms you that the library was successfully added, click Close . Adding a V ault Library 7 After you select Vault on the Librar y Type screen, the Library Name screen appears.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Modifying a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 183 Modifying a Library This task describes how to modify a library by changing its media ty pe. 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Library > Config Library from the Admin menu.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Deleting a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 184 Figure 127 Modify SCSI Library Screen 3 According to your needs, move media types from the Unconfigured media types list to the Configured media types list, or vice versa.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Rescanning a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 185 • Delete ALL drives associated with the libr ary as described in Deleting a Tape Drive on page 197. 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Library > Config Library from the Admin menu.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Auditing a Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 186 Auditing a Library Use this procedure to audit a library. An audit is a physical check of each library component to verify its integr ity and make sure the database and library are synchronized.
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Changing the Li brary State StorNext U ser’s Gui de 187 4 Click Apply. The library audit la unches, and the Library Audit status screen appears. 5 After the status screen informs you that the library audit was successful, click Close .
Chapter 7 Managing Libraries Changing the Li brary State StorNext U ser’s Gui de 188 3 Select the new state for the library you selected. 4 Click Apply to change the library’s state. 5 When the Status screen informs you that the library state was successfully changed, click OK .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 189 Chapter 8 8 Managing Drives and Disks Tape drives provide I/O for a StorNext media library. For a detail ed list of supported media for the curre nt StorNext release, refer to the StorNext Release Notes .
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 190 Adding a T ape Drive 8 Use this procedure to add tape drives to your libraries. You can add any number of connected tape drives to the Stor Next system. 1 From the StorNext home page, choose Add Tape Drive from the Config menu.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 191 2 Click Next to add a tape drive. The Associated Library screen appears. Figure 131 Associated Library Screen • Configured Libraries list: Select the configured library with which to associate the tape drives you are adding.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 192 3 After you select a configured library on the Associated Library screen, click Next . The Hardware Devices screen appears. Figure 132 Hardware Device s Screen • Hardware Devices list: Select the hardwar e devices you want to add as drives.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 193 4 Click Next to continue . The Complete Add Drive Task screen appears. Figure 133 Complete Add Drive T ask Screen 5 Review your selections. Click Next to complete the task or Back to make changes.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 194 Matching Devices with Slots 8 When you select the Fibre-Chan nel Attached Drives checkbox on the Associated Library screen, the Match Devices with Slots screen appears.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 195 1 If you need to see existin g drive and slot mappings, click Show Mapping Help to display a list of curr ent device mappings. Click Close when you are finished viewing the information on the Tape Drive Mapping Help screen.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 196 Modifying a T ape Drive 8 Use this pr ocedure to modify configured tape drives. 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Drive > Config from the Admin menu. The Configure Drives screen appears.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 197 Figure 137 Modify Drive Screen 3 Modify any of the following information: • Drive Name : The name of the modified drive. • Dismount Delay : Change the dismount delay time (in seconds).
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 198 Figure 138 Delete Warning Window 3 Click OK to close the message window and proceed. 4 After the Status Screen informs you that the drive has been successfully deleted , click Close .
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Tape Drives StorNext U ser’s Gui de 199 4 After the Status Screen infor ms you that the drive’s status was successfully changed, click Close . The Change Drive State screen shows the changed state for the drive you selected.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Dr ive Pools StorNext U ser’s Gui de 200 W orking with Drive Pools Drive pools are groups of tape drives allocated for various administrator- defined storage tasks. Drive pools enab le you to delimit storage processes based on data type, performance, se curity, location, or all of these variables.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Dr ive Pools StorNext U ser’s Gui de 201 Figure 141 Configure Drive Pools Screen 2 Click Add to add a new drive pool. The Add New Drive Pool screen appears. Figure 142 Add New Drive Pool Screen 3 Enter a name for the new drive pool in the Drive Pool Name field.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Dr ive Pools StorNext U ser’s Gui de 202 4 Select from the Select Drive IDs list the drives y ou want to incl ude in the new drive pool, and then click Apply . A message window warns you that continuing with the ta sk restarts the Storage Manager.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Dr ive Pools StorNext U ser’s Gui de 203 Figure 144 Modify Drive Pool Screen 3 Select from the Associated Drives list the drive you want to move to the Available Drives list, and then click Remove Left .
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Working with Dr ive Pools StorNext U ser’s Gui de 204 7 After the status screen informs you that your drive pool modifications were successful, click Close . Deleting a Drive Pool 8 Use this procedure to delete a drive pool.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Managing Disk Space StorNext U ser’s Gui de 205 Managing Disk S pace This function allows you to apply a st orage policy or truncation policy to a file system, and to adjust other pa ramete rs that help you manage di sk space.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Changing Waterm ark Parameters StorNext U ser’s Gui de 206 • Stop at Occupied D isk Space : Specify t he disk-full percentage at which the storage or truncation policy is no longer applied.
Chapter 8 Managing Drives and Disks Changing Waterm ark Parameters StorNext U ser’s Gui de 207 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Watermark Parameters from the Admin menu.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 208 Chapter 9 9 Managing Media In StorNext, data is usually stored on tapes in a media li brary. For a detailed list of supported media, refer to the StorNext Release Notes .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 209 1 From the StorNext home page, choose Add Media from the Confi g menu. The Add Media - Introd uction screen shows a li st of current libraries, along with the number of media each library can hold.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 210 2 Click Next to add media to a configured library. The Associated Library screen appears.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 211 3 On the Associated Library screen, select a configured library to which you want to add media, and then click Next . The second Associated Library screen appears.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 212 5 When you specify Mail box on the Associated Library screen, the Select Mailbo x screen appears. Figure 152 Select Mailbox Screen Select a mailbox and click Next .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 213 6 When the Complete Add Media Task screen appears, review your selections. Figure 153 Complete Add Media T ask Screen Click Next to complete the task or click Back to make changes.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 214 Adding a V ault 9 Use this procedure to add a vault to the library. 1 When you select a media vault on the Associated Library screen, the Select Media Type screen appears.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 215 2 On the Select Media Type screen, s elect the type of me dia you want to add to the vault.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Adding Media to a Configured Library StorNext U ser’s Gui de 216 • Add multipl e media labels by cli cking the New Media button. The Create New Medi a ID screen appears. Figure 156 Create New Media ID Screen 4 On the Create New Media ID screen, perform the following steps: 1 Enter the new media label name.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 217 Removing and Moving Media These procedures enable you to remove or move media from a library to a different library or vault whil e preserving th e existing data.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 218 3 Select from the Select Library list the library from which to remove the media. If the library has more than one media type, specify the type of m edia you wan t to remove from the selected librar y.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 219 5 To remove multiple media, click Br owse . The StorNext Media Browser screen appears. Figure 159 S torNext Media Browser Screen 6 On the StorNext Media Browser scre en, select the Media Class to remove: Blank, Cleaning, or Backup.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 220 9 Select from the Media List the media you want to remove, and then click Next . The Complete Remove/M ove Media Task screen appears. Figure 160 Complete Remove/ Move Media T ask Screen 10 Review your selections and click Next to apply them or Back to make changes.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 221 11 After the status screen informs you that the media has been successfully removed, click Finish . The Library Operator Interface (LOI) screen appears. Figure 161 Library Operator Interface Screen 12 The name of the library on which the media resides is displayed.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 222 • Select All : Click this button to select all media in the Select Media list for removal • Deselect All : Click .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 223 6 Select a media class . The Select Media list is populated with all available media in th e class you selected. 7 Select from the Select Media list the media you want to move, and then click OK .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Removing and Moving Med ia StorNext U ser’s Gui de 224 11 After the status screen informs you that the task was completed successfully, click Finish . The Library Operator Interfac e (LOI) screen appears with the source library flagged.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 225 14 Move the media to the destination library and click the highlighted Enter Media button. The LOI Enter screen appears. Figure 165 LOI Enter Screen 15 Click Eject to continue, and then click Close .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 226 • Transcribing Media . • Changing Media Attributes . • Reclassifyi ng a Media Cl ass Grouping .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 227 Figure 166 Manually Move Media Screen 2 Select from the Source Archive dropdown list the source library that contains the media you want to move. 3 Click Browse when you are re ady to flag specific media for moving manually.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 228 4 On the Media Browser scre en, select from the Select Media list the media you plan to move manually. If desired, you can reduce the number of entries in the media li st by entering a filter in the Medi a Filter field .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 229 Figure 168 Mount Media Screen 2 Select from the Archive drop-down menu the archive that contains the media you want to mount. The screen updates to show available media in the archive you selected.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 230 Figure 169 Dismount Media Screen 2 Select either a Media or Drive ID from the drop-down menu. Depending on which ID you sele cted, the information in the other field automatically populates.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 231 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Remove from the Media menu. The Remove Medi a From SNSM screen appears. Figure 170 Remove Media From SNSM Screen 2 Select from the Select Media list the media you want to remove.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 232 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Assign Policy from the Media menu. The Assign Policy screen appears. Figure 171 Assign Policy Screen 2 Select from the Select Media list the blank media you want to move.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 233 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Transcr ibe from the Media menu. The Transcribe Media screen appears. Figure 172 T ranscribe Media Screen 2 Select from the Select Media to Transcribe list one or more media, and then click Apply .
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 234 Changing Media Attributes 9 This function allows you to change the current state of one or more pieces of media.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 235 5 When the Status screen informs you that the media statuses were successfully changed, click OK . Reclassify ing a Media Class Grouping 9 A media class grouping is a medi a management tool that segregates media into classes.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 236 2 Select from the Source Media Class list the desired source media class, and then click Browse to select the media IDs you want to reclassify. The Media Class Browser window appears.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 237 Cleaning Media 9 This function allows you to clean a fi le system, pol icy class, or media. Periodic cleaning helps prevent inacti ve information from gr owing to an unmanageable s ize.
Chapter 9 Managing Med ia Using the SNSM Media Functions StorNext U ser’s Gui de 238 3 Specify at the Endtime field an ending time for the cleaning process, using the format YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss. For example, enter 2007:12:06:10:08:00 for an endtime of 10:08 on December 6, 2007.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 239 Chapter 10 10 Managing S torage Disks StorNext provides the ability to configure storage disks that function and operate the same way as physical tape media. Storage disks are external devices on UNIX-based file s ystems that can be used for long term data storage.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Storage Disk Deduplication StorNext U ser’s Gui de 240 • Use complete and physi cally dedicated fi le systems (snfs, local, nfs, or other,) for storage disk data, not shared file sys tems or file systems with linked directories.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Adding a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 241 Adding a S torage Disk Storage disks are treated the same as media in the system. Before yo u configure a new storage disk, the disk you want to use must be in a file system that is already created and mounted.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Adding a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 242 2 Click Add . The Add Storage Disk - Intr oduction screen appears, listing any currently c onfigured storage disks.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Adding a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 243 3 Click Next . The Add Storage Di sk screen appears. Figure 180 Add S t orage Disk Screen 4 Enter the fields on the Add Storage Disk screen. • Storage Disk Name : Enter a name for the storage disk, or accept the displayed default name.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Adding a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 244 • Copy # Used for all Policy Classes : Select the copy number (Copy 1, Copy 2, Copy 3, or Co py 4) for the new s torage disk. This copy number will be used by all policy classes.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Modifying a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 245 Modifying a S torage Disk Use this procedure to modify a pr eviously configured storage d isk. 1 From the SNSM home page, choose S torage Disk > Config from the Admin menu.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Deleting a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 246 • Mount Point : The file system mount point for the storage disk. You can change the mount point only on a blank or unused file system. To change the mount poin t, select an existing mount point from the drop-down list, and then click Browse .
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Changing a Storage Disk State StorNext U ser’s Gui de 247 Figure 183 Delete Warning Message 3 Click OK . 4 After the Status screen informs you that the stor age disk was successfully deleted , click Close .
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Changing a Storage Disk State StorNext U ser’s Gui de 248 Figure 184 Change S torage Disk S tate Screen 2 Select the sto rage disk whos e state you wan t to change. 3 Select the stat e ( Online or Offli ne ) to assign to the selected storage disk, and then cl ick Apply .
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Cleaning a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 249 Cleaning a S torage Disk The cleaning process scans the storag e di sk and removes inactive fil es that have not been accessed since the endtime, and orphaned file copies (i.
Chapter 10 Managing Storage Di sks Cleaning a Storage Disk StorNext U ser’s Gui de 250 Note: When you clean a deduplicat ion-enabled storage disk, blocklet s are not immediat ely freed from th e associat ed blockpool. The unused blocklets will be freed when the weekly clninfo schedu le is run.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 251 Chapter 1 1 11 Data Migration Management This chapter describes how to use StorNext to manage data. This chapter covers these topics: • Policy Classes and Relationships.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Policy Classes and Relationships StorNext U ser’s Gui de 252 Policy Classes and Relationships A policy class defines how files will be managed in a di rectory and subdirectories.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 253 remains on disk after data blocks are freed during policy management or space management. Disk-to-Disk Relocation 11 Disk-to-Disk relocation al lows you to move data from one set of disks (disk stripe group) to another withou t affecting the file name space.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 254 1 From the StorNext home page, choose Add Storage Policy from the Config menu. The Storage Poli cy Introduction scre en appears, showing any previously configured policy classe s.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 255 Figure 187 Pol icy Class and Directory Screen 3 Select any of the following options: • Enable Disk- to-Disk : Select this option to activate the Disk-to- Disk Relocation feature.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 256 4 Click Browse . The Directory Browser window appears. Figure 188 Directory Browser Window 5 Select a directory that contains the files you want to migrate, and then click OK .
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 257 Figure 189 Relocation Policy Selection Screen 7 On the Relocation Policy screen, select from the first drop-down list the affinity from which to move your data.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 258 8 Click Next to continue . The Store, Truncate, and Relocate Time screen appears.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 259 • Stub File Size (Kbytes) : The desired target size to allocate for the file stub. This is the read able portion of the file that remains after truncation when the Stub File fe ature is enabled.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 260 9 Select up to four copies to store for each file, including the primary file (File Copy 1).
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 261 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Policy Classes from t he Admin menu. The Manage Policy Classes screen appears. Figure 193 Manage Policy Classes Screen 2 Click Add to continue.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 262 4 Click Properties to change the default parameters of the new policy class.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 263 5 On the Modify Param eters screen, enter both the Standard Options and Advanced Options as desired. • File Copy 1, 2, 3, and 4 : The copy number used when storing assigned media.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 264 database stores data in files on the host computer, so the increase in database size transl ates to a corresponding increas e in disk space requirements. The exact amount of space consumed (whether the feature is enabled or disabled) may vary.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 265 • Enable Retrieve t o Affinity : Enable this option if you want to restore to an alternative affini ty.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Adding a Storage Policy StorNext U ser’s Gui de 266 2 Select the policy class for which you wish to create a relation point, and then click Add . The Add Relationship screen appears. Figure 197 Add Relationship Screen 3 Click Browse to view directorie s to which you can make the relationship.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Modifying a Policy Class StorNext U ser’s Gui de 267 4 Select from the list a directory to which to add the relationship directory. A second Directory Browser window appears, showing the directory you selected in the Current Directory field.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Deleting a Policy Class StorNext U ser’s Gui de 268 1. Log on as root . 2. Change directories to the location where the relation resides. 3. Remove all files and directories. Use the following procedure to delete a policy class.
Chapter 11 Data Migration Management Applying a Policy Class StorNext U ser’s Gui de 269 Applying a Policy Class After you have created at least one poli cy class, you can se lect that policy class and apply it imm ediately. 1 From the SNSM home page, choose Policy Classes from t he Admin menu.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 270 Chapter 12 12 S torNext Reports StorNext enables you to generate and view a number of reports that provide information about your St orNext system. These reports are selectable from the StorNext home page, the SNFS home page, and the SNSM home page.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Backup Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 271 • The Relation Information Report : Pro vides information about the directory-to-policy class relati onships in the file system.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Drive State In formation Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 272 • Status : The current status of backup: PASS, STORED, or NOT. (NOT m eans all co pies of th e back ups were not stored to media.) • Media : The media ID on which the backup was stored Use the following procedure to run the Backup Information Report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Drive State In formation Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 273 • Tape Compression : Indicates whether tape compression is currently turned on or off • Associated Lib.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Drive State In formation Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 274 Use the following procedure to run the Drive State Information Report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 275 2 Sel ect fro m t he d riv es lis t on e o r mo re d ri ves to incl ud e in the re por t, and then click Apply . The Drive State Information Report appears with state information for the selected drives.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 276 • Truncation Immed iately After Store : Indicates whether files are truncated immediately after a store • Fil.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 277 •I n t h e Enter Ind ividual File field , type a file name. Proceed to Step 5—page 278.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Library Informatio n Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 278 5 Click Apply to run the report. The File Informati on Report appears with information for t he selected files. Figure 205 File Information Report 6 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Library Informatio n Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 279 • Import Media Class : The media type to import Use the following procedure to run the Library Information Report. 1 Choose Libraries from the Reports menu. The Li braries Report screen appears.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Library Space Used Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 280 2 Select from the Library List one or more libraries on which to run the report, and then click Apply . The Library Information Report appears with information ab out the selected libraries.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Media Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 281 Use the following procedure to run the Library Space Used Report. 1 Choose Library Space from the Reports menu. The L ibrary Space Used Report appears. Figure 208 Library S pace Used Report 2 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Media Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 282 • Media Class : The media class designated for the tape • Policy Class : Indicates whether a policy cl ass i.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Media Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 283 • Status : The file’s current statu s: Active or Inactive • Modify/Delete Date : The date the file was la st modified or deleted Use the following procedure to run the Media Information Report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Media Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 284 3 When you click Browse, the Media Browser screen appears. Select from the View by: list a library or media class.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Media Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 285 5 Click Apply to continue. The Media Information Report appears.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Policy Class Information Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 286 6 If desired, click the Show Detail s link to view detailed media information. The Detailed Media Inf ormation Report appears. Figure 212 Detailed Media Information Repo rt 7 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Policy Class Information Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 287 • Truncate Immediat ely After Store : Indicates whether files truncate immediately after a store • Ch.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Policy Class Information Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 288 The Schedules section of the report provides the following information about the schedule associat ed wit.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Policy Class Information Repo rt StorNext U ser’s Gui de 289 Use the following procedure to run the Policy Classes report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Relation Info rmation Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 290 4 Click Apply . The Policy Class Information Report appears. Figure 214 Policy Class Information Repo rt 5 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Relation Info rmation Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 291 Figure 215 Directory/Policy Class Relationships Report Screen 2 Select from the Select Managed Directories list the directory on which the report is run, and then click Apply .
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Request Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 292 Figure 216 Relation Information Repo rt 3 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report. The Request Information Report Use the following procedure to run the Requests report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Scheduler Informa tio n Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 293 Figure 217 Request Report Screen 2 Select from the Request ID list one or more request IDs on which to run the report, and then click Apply . The Request Information Report appears.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Scheduler Informa tio n Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 294 • Window : If StorNext was down at the time of the scheduled event and is restarted during the window tim.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Storage Disk Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 295 2 Select one or more of the schedules on which to report, and then click Apply . The Scheduler Infor mation Report appears. Figure 219 Scheduler Information Repo rt 3 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Storage Disk Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 296 • # of Streams : The number of streams that can simultaneously access the storage disk • Status : Sho.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Storage Disk Informa tion Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 297 Figure 220 S torage Disk Report Screen 2 Select the disks on which to run the report and click Apply .
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Directory Affinity Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 298 Figure 221 S torage Disk Information Repo rt 3 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report. The Directory Af finity Report Use the following procedure to run the Affinities report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Directory Affinity Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 299 Figure 222 Affinities Report Screen 2 Do one of the following: •I n t h e Select Individual Director y text box, type the full path of the directory on which the to run the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Directory Affinity Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 300 Figure 223 Directory Browser Screen 3 On the Directory Browser screen, sele ct the directories on which to run the report. 4 Click Apply . The Directory Affinity Information report appears.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System Statistics Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 301 The File System S tatistics Report The File System Statistics Re port provides the following inf ormation: �.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System Statistics Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 302 Use the following procedure to run the File System report. 1 Choose SNFS > Systems from the Reports menu.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Stripe Group Statistics Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 303 2 In the Active File Systems list, select one or more active file systems on which to run the report, and then click Apply . The File System Statistics Report appears, showing statistical data for the selected file systems.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The Stripe Group Statistics Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 304 • Disks in Group : The list of disks assigned to the stripe group Use the following procedure to run the Stripe Groups report. 1 Choose SNFS > Stripe Groups from the Reports menu.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System Client Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 305 3 In the Stripe Groups list, select one or more stripe groups on which to run the report, and then click Apply . The Stripe Group S tatistics Report appears. Figure 228 S tripe Group S tatistics Report 4 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System Client Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 306 • Distributed LAN Servers : The names of the distribute d LAN servers. • Distributed LAN Clients : The names of distributed LAN clients. • LAN Servers : The name of the distributed LAN server for which the subsequent details apply.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System Client Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 307 Figure 229 File System Client Report Screen 2 Select from the Active File Systems list one or more file systems to include in the report. Click Apply to continue. The File System Client Report appears.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System LAN Client Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 308 Figure 230 File System Client Report 3 Click Close when you are finished vie wing the report.
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System LAN Client Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 309 • Read : The speed at which the distri buted LAN client is currently reading data. • Write : The speed at which the distributed LAN client is currently writing data .
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports The File System LAN Client Report StorNext U ser’s Gui de 310 Figure 232 File System LAN Client Report 3 If desired, click Refresh to manually update (refresh) the report data .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 311 Chapter 13 13 Service Management This chapter describes how to use th e StorNext Service Management tools to run a health check on your system, create a log that captures the current state of your system, or chec k current system status.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using Health Check StorNext U ser’s Gui de 312 • Drive : Verify th at all configured drives are online • Media : Verify that there are enough me dia available for a.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using Health Check StorNext U ser’s Gui de 313 1 Select a health check from the Heal th Check Tests screen. 2 Click History . The Health Ch eck History screen appear s. Figure 234 Health Check History Screen 3 Do one of the following: • Select a specific report to view and click Deta ils .
Chapter 13 Service Management Using Health Check StorNext U ser’s Gui de 314 Figure 235 Health Check Results Screen 5 Click Back to view more archives, or close the window when finished.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using State Capture StorNext U ser’s Gui de 315 Using S t ate Capture The StorNext State Capture tool enable s you to create a log that captures the current state of your system. This log assist s Quantum support personnel analyze and debug some pr oblems in the storage system.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using State Capture StorNext U ser’s Gui de 316 2 Click Capture . The Capture State St atus window is shown. 3 When the Status window informs you that the capture was successful, click Close .
Chapter 13 Service Management Using the System Status Tool StorNext U ser’s Gui de 317 Deleting a Previous System Capture 13 When you are finished viewing and analyzing a captu re file, you can delete an unwanted file. 1 From the StorNext home page, choose Capture State fr om the Service menu.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using the System Status Tool StorNext U ser’s Gui de 318 Figure 238 Service - System S tatus Screen The Service - System Stat us screen contains the following informati.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using the System Status Tool StorNext U ser’s Gui de 319 • Refresh : Click this button to refresh the display window 2 Highlight the ticket you wish to view, and the n click Details . The RAS Ticket D etails screen appears.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using the System Status Tool StorNext U ser’s Gui de 320 • Opened : The date and time the ticket was created • Status : The current s tatus of th e ticket: OPE N or.
Chapter 13 Service Management Using the System Status Tool StorNext U ser’s Gui de 321 3 When you click the View Reco mmended Actions link on the RAS Ticket Details screen, the Recommended Actions screen appears. This screen provides information and steps to correct the condition or fault that generated the RAS ticket .
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 322 Chapter 14 14 Customer Assistance More information about this product is available on the Quantum Service and Support website at m/ServiceandSupport . The Quantum Service and Support webs ite contains a collection of information, includ ing answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs ).
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 323 Glossary A Affinity : An association between a r elation point in the file system and a stripe group. It allows the user to direct data to specific primary disks by writing to the affini ties associated relation point. C Clean Media The operation of logi cally removing old file versions fr om a piece of media.
324 StorNext User’s Guide G GUI Graphical User Interface. M Managed Directory A directory that has a policy class relationship. Managed File System A f ile system that enables a utomatic data movement managed by StorNext Storage Manager between the primary disk and secondary storage (e ither disk or tape).
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 325 Retrieve The process of retrieving data for a file from secondary storage (either disk or tape). RHAS Red Hat Advanced Server RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux S SCSI Small Computer System Interface. The interface that is used to talk to most hardware devices such as tape and libraries.
326 StorNext User’s Guide U Undelete The process of retur ning a file from the Trash can to its original location on disk. This can be done only if the Trash can is enabled. Unmanaged File System A f i l e s y s te m t ha t d o e s n o t h a v e a r c h iv e capability controlled by SNSM.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 327 Appendix A A Operating Guidelines This appendix contains information pertinent to operating StorNext, as well as some operating guidelines and limitations you should consider. The Reserved S pace Parameter As of StorNext 3.
The Reserved Space Parameter StorNext U ser’s Gui de 328 • Ye s - (Default) The MDC reserves enou gh dis k space so that de layed allocations can be converted to re al allocations (even when the MDC is restarted and the client is not).
Distributed LAN Server/Client Network a nd Memory Tuning StorNext U ser’s Gui de 329 Distributed LAN Server/Client Network and Memory T uning Using the Distributed LAN Server and Client feature places significant additional demands on network capaci ty and system memory.
Distributed LAN Server/Client Network a nd Memory Tuning StorNext U ser’s Gui de 330 This may reduce the amount of packet loss. However, some Ethernet switches are unable to accommodate true GigE bandwi dth, especi ally when multiple ports are transmitting data at the same time.
Distributed LAN Server/Client Network a nd Memory Tuning StorNext U ser’s Gui de 331 * transfer buffer count * transfer buffer size) For example, suppose a Windows Distributed LAN Server is serving four file systems to 64 clients each using two NICs for data traffic.
Configuring LDAP StorNext U ser’s Gui de 332 * transfer buffer size) For example, consider a Linux Dist ribut ed LAN Server that has two NICs used for Distributed L AN traffic, serve s four file systems, and uses the default eight server buff ers and 256K per buffe r.
Configuring LDAP StorNext U ser’s Gui de 333 UNIX File and Directory Modes 1 When a file or directory is created on Windows, the UNIX modes are controlled by the following file system configuration .
Setting Up Restrictive ACLs StorNext U ser’s Gui de 334 Navigating to the Authentication tab of the Client Configuration Windows utility gives the admini strator the ability to disable the NIS/PCNFSD mapping on a client-by-clie nt basis by selecting Use Active Directory .
Event Handles for fsm.exe on a Windows Metadata Server StorNext U ser’s Gui de 335 Event Handles for fsm.exe on a Windows Met adata Server The metadata server (FSM) has many data structures that are used internally. Each of the d ata structures has some locks ( pthread_mutex_lock ).
FSBlockSize, Metadata Disk Size, and JournalSize Settings StorNext U ser’s Gui de 336 Values less than 16K are not reco mmended in most scenarios because startup and failover time may be ad versely impacted. Setting FsBlockSize (FSB) to higher values is importa nt for multi terabyte file systems for optimal star tup and failover time.
Allowance for Special Characters StorNext U ser’s Gui de 337 The best rule of thumb is to use a 16K FsBlockSize unless other requirements such as direct ory ratio dictate otherwise. This setting is not adjustab le after initial file syste m creation, so it is very important to give it careful considerati on during initial configuration.
Disk Naming Req uirements StorNext U ser’s Gui de 338 Beginning with StorNext 3.1.2, the GU I has been modified to handle all known issues with file names contai ning these non-standard characters. Still, Quantum strongly recommends against deliberately using these characters in filenames.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 339 T able 1 Operating Guide lines and Limitations Operating System / Affected C omponent Description HA configurations In HA (high availa bility) configurations, do not run adic_ control start on the standby server.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 340 Linux StorNext does not support the use of loopback IP addresses other th an . SUSE Ente rprise Lin ux 10 syst ems sometim es have an en try for in the /etc/hosts file.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 341 All UNIX and Linux The swapon command does not work on StorNext file systems. The Linux/ Unix swapon command is used to specify devices on which paging and swapping take place.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 342 Windows On Windows systems, St orNext may log error messages after reboot if it tries to start before some other services. For example, if the network is not yet available, a StorNe xt client cannot contact a St orNext server and posts an error in the logs.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 343 Windows If you are using the StorNext client software with Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows Vista, turn off the Recycle Bin in the StorNext file systems mapped on the Windows machine, so the file systems will work properly.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 344 All To avoid parser errors, do not use “up” or “down” when naming items in the configuration file. This appl ies especial ly to naming affinities or any other string-type keywor d.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 345 All Affinity names cannot be longer than eight characters. StorNext truncates affinity names after the eighth character, so if you have two or more affinities whose first eight characters are identica l, StorNext considers them the same affinity.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 346 All In StorNext 3.0, the default buffer cache settings have been modified. Previously, all reads/wr ites that were 64K or smaller went through the buffer cache while larger I/O requests went dire ct.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 347 All As a result of log rolling chang es in StorNext 3.0, logs are now rolled every 6 hours. Fo r each log, 28 in stances (7 days of logs) are reta ined. Log i nstances are retained in the same directory as the original log.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations StorNext U ser’s Gui de 348 All As of SNFS 2.7, a change was made to the way that the Reserved Extents performance feature affects free space reporting.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 349 Appendix B B HA Failover StorNext is designed to be a resilien t data management solution. StorNext support s operation i n degraded m o de and provides functionality to guarantee data prote ction in the event of a storage device failure or total site outage.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 350 shuts down a degraded MD C and then re boots it so that, on recovery, it becomes the standby MDC in the event future MDC failove r is required.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 351 Appendix C C Using The Command Line Interface Quantum recommends using the GUI to complete most StorNext tasks, but there may be situations where you nee d to use the command line interface instead.
Labeling Disk Devices StorNext U ser’s Gui de 352 Labeling Disk Devices Each drive used by SNFS must be labeled. A new drive only needs to be labeled one time. A drive can be labeled from any StorNext server or client that has a Fibre Channel (FC) connection to the drive.
Modifying Global Settings StorNext U ser’s Gui de 353 The created file displays an entry for disks located by the /usr/cvfs/ bin/cvlabel command. CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/sdb # host 4 lun 1 sectors 639570752 ... CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/sdc # hos t 4 lun 2 sectors 639570752 .
Modifying Global Settings StorNext U ser’s Gui de 354 For most of these parameters, the onl y thing neces sary for the modified parameter to take effect is to rest art the File System Manager (FSM).
Making a File System StorNext U ser’s Gui de 355 4 Make the appropriate edits to the configuration file. 5 Restart the file system. Type: /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin snadmin> start < file_system_nam.
Starting and Stopping SNFS StorNext U ser’s Gui de 356 2 Make sure you are the root user by typing t he follow ing: cd / 3 Unmount the system by typing the following: umount < mount_poin t > where the < mount_poin t > is where you have mounted the SNFS.
Unmounting or Mounting a Fi le System StorNext U ser’s Gui de 357 /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin snadmin> se lect snadmin> st op < file_system_name > Unmounting or Mounting a File System To unmount a file system using the CLI, follow these ste ps: 1 Change the login us er to root .
Creating a File System Server StorNext U ser’s Gui de 358 Creating a File System Server The follow procedure describes how to create a file system server using the CLI. Before initiall y executing any SNF S command line programs, you are required to source either the .
Creating a File System Server StorNext U ser’s Gui de 359 4 Label the FC drives by typing the follow ing: /usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel /user/cvfs/config/cvlabels 5 Copy the example file system configuration file to the config directory by typing the following: cp /usr/cvfs/examples/examp le.
Adding a File System Cl ient StorNext U ser’s Gui de 360 16 Restart the file system. Type: /usr/cvfs/bin/cvadmin snadmin> start < file_system_name > snadmin> activate < file_system_na.
Configuring a Stripe Group StorNext U ser’s Gui de 361 Configuring a S tripe Group Following is an example of a stripe group configuration in a file system configuration file. You can use a text edito r to modify any of these variables. The values shown might not be representative of typical definitions.
Adding an Affin it y StorNext U ser’s Gui de 362 Adding an Af finity This procedure lets you set stri pe group affinities for assigning file locations to a specific file s ystem st ripe group. All subsequent allocations to a file that have been assigned a valid stripe group affinity will occur on the specified stripe group.
Adding an Affin it y StorNext U ser’s Gui de 363 4 Locate the stripe group section and se lect the stripe group to which you want to add the affinity.
Creating a Disk-to-Disk Policy Class StorNext U ser’s Gui de 364 Affinity dat a1aff S tripeBreadth 512 Node Cv fsDisk 2 0 Node Cv fsDisk 3 1 6 Save and close the configuration file.
Creating a Disk-to-Disk Policy Class StorNext U ser’s Gui de 365 source /usr/adic/.cshrc Use the fsaddclass command to create a new po licy class by typing the following: /usr/adic/TS M/exec/fsa ddc.
Enabling Stub File Support StorNext U ser’s Gui de 366 You can also use metacharacters when definin g the file name parameter. For example: /usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsrelocate -a Af f2 / stornext/snfs1/re.
Managing Storage Disks with Deduplication Enabl ed StorNext U ser’s Gui de 367 Managing S torage Disks with Deduplication Enabled Quantum recommends using the StorNext GUI to manage the storage disk deduplication feature , but you can use the CLI to add , modify, or delete storage disks with deduplication enabled ( Dedup Sdisk).
Managing Storage Disks with Deduplication Enabl ed StorNext U ser’s Gui de 368 Obt aining Dedup Sdisk Information 3 You can obtain information for a dedup sdisk by running the fsmedinfo command on the dedup sdisk.
Obtaining Distributed LAN C lient Information StorNext U ser’s Gui de 369 Obt aining Distributed LAN Client Information If your StorNext configuration includ es d istributed LAN clients , you can ob.
Using the Dynamic Resource Allo cation Feature StorNext U ser’s Gui de 370 The proxy who Command 3 Use the proxy who command to display the active disk distributed LAN connections for the specified host, which can be either a disk distributed LAN server or client.
Using the Dynamic Resource Allo cation Feature StorNext U ser’s Gui de 371 Checking the File System 3 Before you use a Dynamic Resource Allocation feature, Quantum strongly recommends running the cvfsck command on the file system you will be using.
Using the Dynamic Resource Allo cation Feature StorNext U ser’s Gui de 372 6 Run the cvupdatefs command. 7 Restart the FSM. Adding and Moving a Dat a Stripe Gr oup 3 New functionality has been added to the sn fsdefrag utility to support operations on multiple stripe groups.
Using the Dynamic Resource Allo cation Feature StorNext U ser’s Gui de 373 8 Run snfsdefrag -G <n> -m 0 -r /filesystemroot where <n> is the zero-based number of the source stripe group from which the move starts, and filesystemroot is the file name of the file system tree’s root.
Using the Dynamic Resource Allo cation Feature StorNext U ser’s Gui de 374 Use the following procedure to move a metadata/journal stripe group from a source LUN to a destination LUN.
Specifying an Alternate Retrieval Loca tion StorNext U ser’s Gui de 375 For example: source-LUN-label-name (the original stripe gr oup name) becomes source-LUN-la bel-name.
StorNext U ser’s Gui de 376 Appendix D D RAS Messages RAS messages appear when StorNext encounters an error condition. The RAS window shows symptoms of the condition, plus workarounds you can try to resolve the condition before calling the Quantum Technical Assistance Center.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 377 Figure 1 No Media Found RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 378 Figure 2 Possible Drive/Media Mount Discrepancy RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 379 Figure 3 T ape Drive Alerts RAS par t 1.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 380 Figure 4 T ape Drive Alerts RAS par t 2.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 381 Figure 5 T ape Drive Alerts RAS par t 3.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 382 Figure 6 Drive Reported Drive Error RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 383 Figure 7 Cleaning of Drive Failed RAS Figure 8 Wrong Firmware Level/Invalid Drive T yp e RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 384 Figure 9 Drive Removed RAS Figure 10 T ape Drive - Configuration Failed RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 385 Figure 1 1 T ape Drive - Reported Media Error RAS Figure 12 Cleaning Media Expired RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 386 Figure 13 No Cleaning Media Available RAS Figure 14 Media Suspect Threshold Count Exceeded RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 387 Figure 15 Media Format Failure RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 388 Figure 16 Invalid Media Label Detected RAS.
Media and Drive RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 389 Figure 17 Media Not Found RAS Figure 18 Duplicate Physical Media Found RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 390 Figure 19 S torage Disk T aken Offline RAS SNFS RAS Messages This section describes RAS mes sages that might appear as a result of a file system-related error condition, such as an I/O error or a mis sing LUN.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 391 Figure 20 Configuration Not Supported RAS Figure 21 Label V alidation Failure RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 392 Figure 22 Connection Reje cted RAS Figure 23 File System Fa ilover RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 393 Figure 24 I/O Error RAS Figure 25 Journaling Error Detected RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 394 Figure 26 SNFS License Required RAS Figure 27 SNFS License Failure RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 395 Figure 28 LUN Mapping Changed RAS Figure 29 Communication Failure RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 396 Figure 30 Metadata Inconsistency Detected RAS Figure 31 Bad File System Metadata Dump RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 397 Figure 32 Metadata Dump Failure RAS Figure 33 File System or Metadata Cap acity W arning RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 398 Figure 34 File Processing Failure RAS Figure 35 Missing LUNs RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 399 Figure 36 Disk S pace Allocation Failure RAS Figure 37 System Resource Failure RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 400 Figure 38 Affinity Configuration Vi olations RAS.
SNFS RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 401 Figure 39 Qu ota Limit or Fragmentation W arnings RAS Figure 40 Shutdown Error RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 402 Figure 41 Initialization Failu re RAS Other RAS Messages This section describes RAS mes sages th at might appear as a result of an error condition that is not relate d to media or the file system.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 403 Figure 42 Checksum Error RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 404 Figure 43 T roubleshooting the S torNext Software RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 405 Figure 44 Software Resource Vi olations RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 406 Figure 45 Closing Service T ickets RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 407 Figure 46 Analyzing Service T ickets RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 408 Figure 47 Viewing Service T ickets RAS Figure 48 V ault Failure RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 409 Figure 49 Robotics - Not Ready RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 410 Figure 50 Robotics - Move Failure RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 411 Figure 51 Robotics - Wrong Firmware Leve l /In va l id Libr ary Ty p e R A S.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 412 Figure 52 Backup Failed RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 413 Figure 53 Backup Errors RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 414 Figure 54 Configuration Vi olations RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 415 Figure 55 Invalid Confi guration RAS part 1.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 416 Figure 56 Invalid Confi guration RAS part 2 Figure 57 Downloading a System S tate Capture RAS.
Other RAS Messages StorNext U ser’s Gui de 417 Figure 58 Capturing a System S tate RAS.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Quantum 6-01658-05 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Quantum 6-01658-05 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Quantum 6-01658-05 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Quantum 6-01658-05 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Quantum 6-01658-05, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Quantum 6-01658-05.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Quantum 6-01658-05. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Quantum 6-01658-05 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.