Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto I Book G3 del fabbricante Apple
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User’ s Guide •• Man uel d e l ’ utilisat eu r • Ben utzerhandb uch Man ual del us uario • Man uale U t ent e • G uia d o U s uár io • Gebr uik er shan dleidin g • Han db o k Br uk .
1 To get start ed usin g yo u r iBo o k, plug in the pow er adapt er and connect a phone cord from a wa ll ja ck t o the modem port. Then press the pow er butt on and follow the onscreen guide t o connect to the Int er net.
2 Yo ur iBo o k at a glance Yo ur comput er has these built-in featu res: Volume and brightness controls Adjust sound volume and screen brightness. Two built-in stereo speakers Listen to music, movies, games, and multimedia.
3 Kensington security slot Attach a lock and cable to prevent theft. Modem Connect to the Internet, browse the World Wide Web, and send and receive electronic mail. Ethernet Share files with another computer or access a computer network. FireWire Connect a digital video camera and use it to create your own desktop movies.
4 Ma c OS X basics The Ma cint osh deskt op is yo u r startin g pla ce. Finder icon Click to open a Finder window so you can see the files and applications on your computer. Window buttons Click the red button to close the window, the yellow one to minimize it into the Dock, and the green one to resize it.
5 Dock Click icons in the Dock to open applications, documents, folders, or minimized windows. Application menu Shows the name of the application you’re using.
6 Chan ge the Ma c OS t o sui t yo u r preferences. There are lots of ways t o cust omize Mac OS X. To change the size of the Dock or move it to a different place, open System Preferences and click Dock. To change Finder settings, choose Preferences from the Finder menu.
7 Click the icons in the Dock or t o olbar t o find an d open files and applications. The triangle indicates the application is open. Drag this bar up or down to resize the Dock. . Drag applications, files, and folders into the Dock for one-click access.
8 Mak e yo ur o wn CDs. Us e iT unes t o transfer music from you r CD collection. If you r iBo o k has a CD -RW or Combo drive, bu r n yo u r own music CDs. T ransfer music t o an iP od or other MP3 player t o list en on the go. Mak e a mov ie. Shoot v ideo on a D V camcorder and import i t int o iMovie .
9 Send digital photos to friends and family. The iBo o k is yo u r digi tal h ub. Watch DVD movies. Listen to music and burn your own CDs. Send email and surf the 'Net.
10 Lis t en t o music on yo u r comput er or on the go . Us e iT unes t o creat e a librar y of music and m ake yo ur o wn CDs. Library Your collection of songs, imported from your own audio CDs or downloaded from the Internet. Easily browse or search for music.
11 If yo u have an iP od, you can transfer up t o 1,000 son gs. 1. Connect iP od usin g the Fire Wire cable included with iP od. iT unes autom atically transfers yo ur music Library to iP od. 2. Unplug iP od. 3. Browse for a son g on iP od and press the Play butt on.
12 Mak e yo u r own movie or wat ch a mov ie on D VD. Us e iMov ie t o edit video from a digita l v ideo cam era. Playback controls Use these to play the movie in the iMovie monitor. Click the Play Full Screen button to use the entire screen. To learn more about iMovie: m Open iMovie and choose iMovie Help from the Help menu.
13 If yo u r comput er has a D VD drive or Combo drive, you can wat ch DVD movies. 2. Us e the controller t o play the movie or see the DVD’ s specia l features. 1. Insert a DVD video disc. DVD Player opens aut omatica lly. To learn more about DVD Player: m Choose DVD Player Help from the Help menu.
14 Search the In t er net. If yo u know the In t er net address, yo u can go there directly . 1 2 1. Click the icon in the Dock t o open Int ernet Explorer . To learn more about Internet Explorer: m Open Internet Explorer and choose Internet Explorer Help from the Help menu.
15 1 1. Click the icon in the Dock t o open Sherlock. 2. Click the Int ernet icon and type a question in the search field. 3. Click the Search butt on ( ). Then do uble-click an it em in the list of si tes. . Click the other buttons to find people, read the news, shop, and more.
16 Get more o ut of the Int er net wi th iT o ols. iT ools is a suit e of Int er net serv ices in t egrat ed in t o Ma c OS X. iDisk Your own storage space on Apple’s Internet server. Share photos, movies, and other files over the Internet. Access your files from another Macintosh or PC.
17 St ore pictu res, mov ies, d ocum ents, an d other files remot ely . 1 2 2. Drag files t o a folder on you r iDisk to copy them. 1. Choose iDisk from the Go men u. . To access your files from another computer, log into your iTools account at
18 Sen d an d receive em ail. F ollo w these st eps t o creat e and sen d a message. 1 1. Click the Mail icon in the Dock to open the Mail application. . To check for new messages, click Get Mail. To view a message, click its subject. . If you entered email information or got a Mac.
19 To learn more about Mail: m Open Mail, then choose Mail Help from the Help menu. m Go to mail.html 2 3 2. To creat e a new email m essage, click Compose. 3. T ype the em ail address and a subject. Then type you r message and click Sen d.
20 Or ganize, plan, and creat e usin g Apple W orks. Us e Apple W orks for writin g, drawin g, makin g presentations, an d more. Layout capabilities Add photos, tables, charts, and sidebars. Link text frames, layer graphics, and wrap text. Word processing Write letters, create brochures, make greeting cards and party invitations.
21 . Click the Web tab to download more templates from the Internet. To learn more about AppleWorks: m See AppleWorks Help, available in the Help menu. m Go to the AppleWorks Web site at 1. Click the icon in the Dock to open Apple W orks.
22 Keep yo u r iBo o k’ s sof tware up-t o-dat e. Us e Sof tware U pdat e t o get the lat est updat es and drivers. 1. Click the icon in the Dock to open Sys tem Preferences. 2. Click Software Updat e. 1 2 . To use Software Update, you must have an Internet connection.
23 3. Then click U pdat e Now . 4. Select the software you want t o updat e and then click Insta ll. 3 4 . Click the name of a software item to learn more about it.
24 L ear n more abo ut usin g yo u r comput er . Lo ok in Mac Help for more infor m ation on usin g yo u r comput er . 1 1. Click the Fin der icon in the Dock. 2. Then choose Mac Help from the Help men u. 3. T ype a question and click Ask. 4. Click an it em in the list of Help t opics.
25 These Apple W eb sit es will help you get the mos t o ut of you r comput er . Apple Service and Support Product support, software updates, and technical information. Apple Store Purchase the latest Apple and third-party hardware, software, and accessories.
26 If yo u d on ’t find the answ er t o you r problem on the followin g pages: Look in Mac Help. m In Mac Help (see page 24), yo u can find a great deal of tro ubleshooting advice, including inform .
27 If the comput er won ’t respond: Try to cancel what the computer is doing. m Tr y to force problem applications t o quit. Hold d own the Option and Comm and ( x ) keys, then press the Esc k ey. Select the application an d click F orce Quit. If that doesn’t work, restart the computer.
28 If the comput er won ’t tu r n on or start up: First, make sure the power adapter is plugged into the computer and into a functioning power outlet. m Yo ur battery may need t o be recharged. Press the sm all butt on on the batt er y . One to fo ur lights glo w indicatin g the battery ’ s level of charge.
29 Other problems: If you have a problem with your Internet connection: m Make su re the t elephone line is connected t o the modem ( W ) por t and the line is functionin g properly . If that doesn’t work, make sure your Internet settings are configured correctly.
30 Ins ta ll memor y an d an AirP or t Card. F or detailed instr uctions, refer t o Ma c Help (see page 24). 2. Release the keyboard by slidin g the two plastic tabs away from the display . Then lift the keyboard, flip it over , and lay it on the pa lm rests.
31 4. Flip up the wire brack et and connect the end of the an tenna t o the AirP or t Card. T ouch a m etal surface inside the comput er . 5. Slide the AirP ort Card (with the AirP ort ID and barcode fa cing up) under the wire bra cket an d int o the slot.
32 Add additiona l memor y . 2. Release the keyboard by slidin g the two plastic tabs away from the display . Then lift the keyboard, flip it over , and lay it on the pa lm rests. 1. Shut do wn you r comput er . Then disconnect the pow er adapter an d phone cord.
33 4. Remove the two screws that secu re the RAM shield, then carefully lift it o ut. 5. Insert the RAM int o the slot at an an gle and press d own t o lock it in place. Repla ce the RAM shield and AirP ort Card (if necessar y). 6. Replace the k eyboard and batt er y.
34 Keyboard and tra ckpad When you use the k eyboard and tra ckpad, you r shoulders sho uld be relaxed. Y ou r upper ar m and forearm should form an angle that is slightly great er than a right angle, wi th you r wrist and han d in roughly a straight line.
35 Chair An adjustable chair that provides firm, comfor table support is best. Adjust the height of the chair so you r thighs are horizonta l and you r feet flat on the floor .
36 When settin g up and usin g you r computer , remember the followin g: m Read all the ins tallation instructions carefully before you plug yo ur comput er int o a wall socket. m Keep these instructions handy for reference by yo u and others. m F ollow all ins tr uctions and war nin gs dealin g with you r syst em.
37 F or you r own safety and that of yo ur equipm ent, always disconnect the pow er plug (by pulling the plug, not the cord), disconnect the phone line, and remove the batt er y if any of the followin.
38 Communications, Telephone, and Modem Regulation Information For information on FCC regulations, radio and television interference, and telephone and modem information related to this product, see the files in the Communications Regulations folder, inside the Documents folder on your hard disk.
www © 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. AirPort, Apple, the Apple logo, AppleWorks, FireWire, the FireWire logo, iBook, Mac, the Mac logo, Macintosh, QuickTime, and Sherlock are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Apple I Book G3 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Apple I Book G3 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Apple I Book G3 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Apple I Book G3 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Apple I Book G3, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Apple I Book G3.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Apple I Book G3. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Apple I Book G3 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.