Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KD6C35W del fabbricante Indesit
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KD6C35 KDP60 KT6C3 Contents Introduction, 2 Installation, 3 Safety Information, 4 Features, 5 Control Panel, 6 Clock/Minute Minder Operation (KD6C35 and KDP60 only), 7-8 Temperature Conversion Chart, .
2 GB Your new appliance is guaranteed* and will give lasting service.This guarantee is only applicable if the appliance has been installed in accordance with the installation instructions detailed in this booklet. To help make best use of your cooking equipment, please read this booklet carefully.
3 GB WARNING - THIS A PPLIANCE MUST BE EA RTHED. Mains Connection Your cooker should have been checked to ensure that the voltage corresponds with your supply voltage, this is stated on the rating plate, which is situated on the outer rear panel.
4 GB When used properly your appliance is completely safe but as with any elect rical product there are certain precautions that must be observed. PLEASE REA D THE PRECAUTIONS BELOW BEFORE USING YOUR APPLIANCE. Always • Remove all packing from the appliance before switching on for the first time.
5 GB Features 1200W Ceramic 1800W Ceramic 1200W Ceramic 1800W Ceramic Clock/Minute Minder: (Models KD6C35 and KDP60 only) Conventional Grill Grill pan with fixed/detachable handle Top oven wirework sh.
6 GB Control Panel Operating controls when the grill is in use In common with all cookers having controls sited above the grill compartment, care must be taken when setting the controls, due to the hot air expelled from the grill compartment. Note: After use, it is advisable to check that all cooker controls have been switched Off .
7 GB Clock and Minute Minder CLOCK OPERA TION To Set Time of Day Ste p 1 Check that the electricity supply to the cooker is turned on. Step 2 When switched on the display will show 0.00 flashing intermittently. Step 3 Press the " " button and then press either the "+" or "-" buttons to set the correct time of day.
8 GB Clock and Minute Minder MINUTE MINDER OPERATION To Set the Minute Minder Step 1 Press the "+" button until the required time is set. A "Bell" symbol will light up. During setting the time adjusts in 10 second intervals up to a maximum of 99mins 50secs.
9 GB Gas Mark °F Main Conventional Oven Main Fan Oven ½ 250 120 100 1 275 140 120 2 300 150 130 3 325 160 140 4 350 180 160 5 375 190 170 6 400 200 180 7 425 220 200 8 450 - 210 9 475 - 220 Temperatures The recommended temperatures given are for conventional and fan ovens.
10 GB WARNING: DO NOT USE THE HOB IF I T IS CRACKED. T O AV OID ELECTRIC SHOCK - SWI TCH OFF AT THE COOKER MAINS CONTROL SWITCH IMMEDIATEL Y AND CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SERVICE OFFICE (see KEY CONTACTS, back page). Ceramic Hob The Working of the Heating Zones Heating only occurs within the marked circular cooking zones.
11 GB Do Always Always Always Always Always ensure that the bottom of the pan is both clean and dry. Dirt or moisture between the pan and the hob can cause pitting of the surface of the glass. We do not recommend the use of utensils with a base diameter greater than 25cm (l0ins).
12 GB Grill pan handle The grill pan handle is detachable from the pan, to facilitate cleaning and storage. The handle can be either detachable from or fixed to the pan. For a fixed handle remove the screw and washers from the grill pan bracket, tilt the handle over the recess adjacent to the bracket (Fig.
13 GB Se tting th e Grill Door in grilling position CAUTI ON - ACCESSI BL E PARTS MAY BECOME HOT WHEN THE GRI LL I S I N USE. CHI LDREN SHOULD BE KEPT AWAY. GRI LL I NG SHOUL D NEVER BE UNDERT AKEN W I TH T HE D OO R CLO SED . Model KT6C3: The grill control is fully variable, from the minimum setting (1), through to the maximum setting (6).
14 GB Pre - heat the grill for 5 minutes on maximum control setting before grilling. GRI LL CHART G u id e T o G rillin g The settings in the above guide have been developed to cook food su ccessfully without excessive fat spitting and splashing. Food Grill Sett ing Appr oxima t e Cook ing T ime Toast i n g of Bread product s 4 / M ax 3 - 10 mins.
15 GB The top oven should be used to cook small quantities of food.The oven is designed so that the grill element operates at a reduced heat output, this is combined with a heating element situated underneath the floor of the oven.
16 GB The oven is fitted with wirework shelf supports and two rod shelves. To heat the oven turn the knob clockwise, selecting the require temperature between 80°C (176°F) and 230°C (450°F) as recommended in the temperature chart. The pilot light will immediately come on and remain on until the oven reaches the required temperature.
17 GB The most accurate method of testing the readiness of joints of meat or whole poultry is to insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of a joint, or the thickest part of poultry thighs, during the cooking period.The meat thermometer will indicate when the required internal temp has been reached.
18 GB Note: If soft margarine is used for cake making, temperatures recommended by the manufacturers should be followed.Temperatures recommended in this chart refer to cakes made with block margarines or butter only.
20 GB Take car e that the rating label edges are not lifted during cleaning, and furthermore that the lettering is not blurred or removed. Control Panel : Wipe with a damp cloth and polish with a dry cloth. Stai nless t ri ms Regularly wipe with a clean, damp cloth and polish with a clean dry cloth.
21 GB NEVER OPERATE THE COOKER WITHOUT THE I NNER DOO R GLASS I N POSITI ON. Refit t he door i nner glass as fol l ows. 1. NOTE: The inner door glass has a special reflective coating on one side. Replace the door inner glass so that the statement: " I MPORT ANT T HI S FACE TOWARDS T HE OVEN" can be read from the inner side of the door.
22 GB Cooki ng Resul t s N ot Sat i sf act or y? Problem Check Grilling Un even cooki n g f r ont t o bac k Ensure t hat the g r ill pa n is pos it i oned cen t ral l y b elo w t he g rill el ement . Fat spl att er i n g Ensure t hat the g r ill is no t s et t o t oo hi g h a sett i n g .
23 GB Som e t hi ng W r ong wi t h your Cooker? Before cont acti ng your nearest Servi ce Centre/ Inst all er, check t he probl em guide below; ther e may be nothing wrong wit h your cooker. Problem Sli g ht odour o r sm al l amount of smok e w hen g r ill / ov en u se d f or fi rst ti me Thi s i s nor mal and shoul d cease aft er a short p eriod .
24 GB Not e s.
25 GB Contact t he Servi ce Off i ce (UK: 08709 066 066) If something is still wrong with your appliance after you have been through the 'Something Wrong' list: 1. Switch off and unplug the appliance from the mains. 2. Call your nearest Service Office or local importer.
26 GB Guarantee 12 months Parts and Labour Guarantee Your appliance has the benefit of our manufacturer's guarantee, which covers the cost of breakdown repairs for twelve months from the date of purchase.
27 GB After Sales Service No one is better placed to care for your Indesit appliance during the course of its working life than us - the manufacturer. Essential Contact Information Indesit Service We .
28 GB 11/2007 - 195055458.02 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Indesit KD6C35W è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Indesit KD6C35W - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Indesit KD6C35W imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Indesit KD6C35W ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Indesit KD6C35W, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Indesit KD6C35W.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Indesit KD6C35W. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Indesit KD6C35W insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.