Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VISTA128BPT/ del fabbricante Honeywell
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800-06905 6/10 R ev C V V V V V V V V I I I I I I I I S S S S S S S S T T T T T T T T A A A A A A A A - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B B B B B B B B P P P P P P P P T .
– 2 – Your Hon eywell s ecur ity sy stem is designe d for us e with devices ma nufactur ed or a pproved by Honeywell for use with you r security system.
– 3 – TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W .................................... 5 General ....................................................... 5 A Partit ioned Sy stem .................................. 6 Zones ..................................
– 4 – Using the 9 Key ................................... 41 VIEWING AL ARM CO MPANY MESSAGE S ............................................. 42 General Inf ormation .................................. 42 PANIC KE YS ................................
– 5 – System Overv iew General Your H oneywell sec urity sy stem consists o f a main cont rol pane l, at least o ne keypad , and va rious s ensors s trategica lly pos itioned throughout the prem ises. The sys tem offers y ou three f orms of protecti on: bu rglary, fi re an d emerg ency.
– 6 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) A Partitioned System Simply state d, a partitio ned system share s one physical alarm sy stem among differen t users , each with th eir o wn req uiremen ts.
– 7 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) NOTE: Cross Zoning and Swinge r Suppre ssion options c an help reduce false alarms. Ask your in stal ler if your s ystem i s program med for eith er of these featu res. An Abort Window featur e exists fo r all non-fire zones.
– 8 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) Speed Key (M acros) The sys tem can store a st ring of up to 3 2 keystrok es, whi ch can b e activa ted anytim e by simply pressing t he “A, B, C, or D” ke y s .
– 9 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) Self-Help Featur e Abbrevi ated user's ins truction s are b uilt i nto the s ystem t hat ca n be eas ily viewed on the alpha k eypad 's message display screen.
– 10 – About The Keypads General IMPORTANT: If th e keypad beeps rapi dly upon enter ing the premises, it ind icates t hat an al arm has occurr ed durin g your absence.
– 11 – Functions of the Keypad 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTANT READY 2 AWAY 5 TEST 8 CODE 0 3 STAY 6 BYPASS # ARMED READY 6160-00-002-V1 9 CHIME A B C D SPEAKER LCD DISPLAY FUNCTION KEYS LEDS IMPORTANT! When using the keypad t o enter codes and commands, sequential key depressions must be made within 3 seconds of one another.
– 12 – Functions of the Keypad (cont’d) ALPHA DI SPLAY WI NDOW: A 2-line, 32-character Li quid Crystal Disp lay (LCD) that d ispla ys pr otecti on p oint id entif ica tion and syst em statu s, message s, and user instruc tions.
–13 – Functions of the Keypad (cont’d) 9 CHIME : Tur ns on & off th e CHI ME mode. When on, an y en try th roug h a protecte d delay o r perimeter zone while th e system is disar med will c ause a ton e to sound at the Keypad(s ).
– 14 – Entry/Exit Delays General Information Your sy stem has ins taller -pr ogrammed tim e de lays, kn own as exit d elay an d entry d elay. Wh enev er yo u arm y our system , exit delay gives yo u time to leave th roug h the d esig nated exit d oor with out settin g off an alar m.
– 15 – Security Codes and Authority Levels General Information At the tim e of install ation , you w ere as signed a n auth ority level and a personal four-digit security code, known only to you and yours. The security code must be entered when ar ming and dis arming the s ystem.
– 16 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) Authority Levels Author ity l eve ls defi ne the system fu ncti ons a p art icular u ser can perf orm. Depend ing on the au thority ass igned to you , ther e are cer tain system func tions y ou may be proh ibited f rom per for ming.
– 17 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) General Rules on Authority Levels and Changes • A user ma y not de lete or chang e the us er cod e of th e SAME or HIGHER author ity than which h e is as signed. • A user may only ADD users to a LOWER author ity level.
– 18 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) To Add a User IMPORTANT: Te mporar y u sers sh ould not b e sho wn h ow to u se any system func tion th ey do not n eed to know (e.g . bypa ssin g prot ecti on z ones). CODE 1. Enter Master or Manager code and press the 8 key.
– 19 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) MULTI-ACCESS ? 0 = NO , 1 = YES If you as a user have access to other partitions, the keypad w ill p romp t for abili ty of this new us er to access ( GOTO ) thos e part itions. Press 0 (NO ) or 1 (YES).
– 20 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) To Change a User's Code CODE 1. Enter Master or Manager code and press the 8 key + user number to be changed.
– 21 – Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d) To Delete a User CODE 1. Enter Master or Manager code and press the 8 key + user number to be delet ed.
– 22 – Accessing Other Partitions To Access another Partition Eac h key pad is ass igne d a defau lt pa rtit ion fo r dis pla y purpose s, and wil l sho w only that partit ion's infor matio n.
– 23 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) Global Arming Notes: • When per form ing a G loba l Arm, if there ar e fau lts in an y of the se lected partit ions, th e sys tem wi ll ent er a Summ ary M ode. Fau lted zon es in all the sele cted par tit ions w ill be displa y ed.
– 24 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) The fol lowing is an example of what wo uld be displayed for a fault co ndition on Zon e 002 ( Loadin g D ock Win dow) on P artit ion 1 ( Wareh ous e) .
– 25 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) Common Lobby Operation When an inst allati on c onsists of a pa rtiti on that is shar ed by user s of oth er partition s in a building, th e shared par tition m ay be as signed as a “c ommon lobby” parti tion for the s ystem.
– 26 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d) How User Codes Affect the Common Lobby Codes w ith “ Globa l” Ar ming If your code is g iven “glob al arming” w hen it is d efined, th e system d isplay s a prompt t hat allows you to pick a nd choose the partit ions to be armed or disarm ed.
– 27 – Checking For Open Zones Using the ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ READY Key Befor e arming your syst em, all p rotec ted d oors , wind ows and other p rotec tion zones m ust be c los ed or by passed (s ee BY PAS SING sect ion) . Ot herw ise the keypad w ill disp lay a " Not Read y" mes sage.
– 28 – Displaying All Zone Descriptors Using the ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ READY Key The Alp ha Key pads can also di splay all the z one de scriptor s tha t are programmed in your syst em. The abbrev iated in struction s for the READY key will appear fir st, foll owed by the z one de scriptors .
– 29 – Bypassing Protection Zone s Using the 6 BYPASS Key This key is us ed w hen yo u wan t to arm y our syste m with one or more z one s intentiona lly unprotected. Bypasse d zones are unprotected and will not ca use an alarm wh en viol ated while you r syst em is armed.
– 30 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont’d) Quick Bypass Your system allow s you to easily bypa ss all open (faulted ) zon es with out having to enter zone numbers indivi dually. NOTE: Al l bypa sses ar e r emoved wh en an O FF s equenc e (s ecurity cod e plu s OFF) is pe rformed.
– 31 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont’d) Group Bypass Your syst em allow s you to easily by pa ss a gr oup of zon es wi thout h aving to enter z one numb ers in divi dually . Th e sy stem p rov ides up to 15 gr oups. Ther e is no lim it to the num ber of zon es that m ay b e assig ned t o any on e gr oup.
– 32 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont’d) Zones Remaining Bypassed After Disarming The sys tem provi des an opti on to al low al l manu ally b ypas sed zones to rema in bypas sed upon disa rming (s ecurity co de + OFF) of th e pa rtition . This option m ust be prog rammed by your installe r.
– 33 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entry Delay ON) Using the 3 STAY key Use thi s key w hen y ou are stay ing h ome, but m ight ex pect some one to u se the en tranc e door later .
– 34 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entry Dela y ON) (cont’d) Auto-STAY Arming Auto- stay all ows th e sy stem t o aut omatical ly by pass c ertain zon es if u pon arming none of th e entr y/ex it zon es are fa ulted duri ng th e exit del ay time ( no one ex its the p remi ses) .
– 35 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 7 INSTANT Key Impor tant: If you are using a Graphic/To uch-Screen Keypad, NIGHT mode is the sam e as INS TANT. Use th is key w hen you are st aying h ome and do not expec t any one to u se the entranc e d oor.
– 36 – Arming All Protection (With Entry Delay ON) Using the 2 AWAY Key Use th is key when n o on e will b e stayin g on the p rem ises. When arm ed in A WAY mode, th e syst em will sou nd an alarm if a prot ected door or w indow is open ed, or if an y mov em ent is d ete cted in sid e the p rem ises.
– 37 – Arming All Protection (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 4 MAXIMUM Ke y Use this k ey wh en th e premi ses will b e vacan t for ex tended period s of tim e such as v ac ations , etc ., o r wh en no on e wil l be mov ing throug h pro tec ted interior are as.
– 38 – Quick Exit Using the # + 9 Keys The Quic k Ex it featur e all ows you to ex it the arm ed partit ion wi thout h avin g to disar m and then rearm the par tition . To Quick Ex it the prem ises: 1. Press the # key and th en press the 9 key. 2.
– 39 – Disarming and Silencing Al arms Using the 1 OFF Key The OFF key is us ed to d isarm the sy stem and to silen ce al arm and trou ble sounds. See "SUMMAR Y OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION" section for information which w ill h elp you to di stingu ish betw een FIRE and BURGLARY alarm sounds.
– 40 – Using the Keyswitch General Your system m ay be equ ipped w ith a k eyswi tch f or use w hen ar min g and disarmi ng a partitio n. A red and gree n light on the k eyswitch pl ate indicate the st atus of y our sy stem as f ollows: Green Light: Ligh ts w hen th e system is di sarmed and ready to be armed ( no op en z ones) .
– 41 – Chime Mode Using the 9 Key Your system can be se t to alert y ou to the op ening of a door or wi nd ow whil e it is di sarm ed by using CH IME m ode. When ac tiva ted, three tone s wil l soun d at the K eyp ad wh enev er a prot ect ed per ime ter d oor or wind ow is op ened, and the N ot Read y m essage will b e disp layed.
– 42 – Viewing Alarm Company Messages General Information User s of th e syst em ma y peri odica lly rec eive m essag es on their displ ay screen s fr om th eir m onito ring agency or in stall er. When a me ssage i s waitin g to be vi ew ed, th e mes sage shown bel ow wil l app ear.
– 43 – Panic Keys (For Manually Activat ing Silent and/Or Audible Alarm s ) Using Panic Keys Your syst em may hav e b een p rogr ammed to u se sp ecia l key combin ati ons t o manually ac tivate panic functi ons. The functi ons that might b e programmed are Silent Emer gency, Audible Emergency, Personal Emergency, and Fire.
– 44 – Speed Key (Macros) General Information The “A”, “B ”, “C”, and/or “D” keys can be us ed to activa te a stri ng of comman ds u p t o 32 k eystr okes eac h. Th ese c omm and s are kn own as a macr o and are stor ed in the sy ste m’s m emory.
– 45 – Speed Key (Macros) (cont’d) key is unne cessary. T he system inte rprets the use of the # key in a Sp eed Key s equenc e as it s desig nated func tion only.
– 46 – Access Door Control General Information Yo ur sy stem m ay be set up s uch that a locked a ccess do or (s uch as in a lob by) can be unloc ked m omentar ily or for a spec ific perio d of time, us ing a keyp ad command. Ask your installer if this has b een done i n our syst em.
– 47 – Using #70 Relay Menu Mode General Information Your sy stem may be set up so that certain lights or other de vices can be turned on or off by using the #70 c ommand from either a keypad or a telephone keypad (if 4286 VIP module is used). Ask y our installer if this has been done in your system.
– 48 – Using Schedules Delaying the Closing Time Your sy stem 's pr ogramm ed sc hedul es may autom atic ally arm the sy stem a t a predet ermin ed t ime .
– 49 – Using Schedules (cont’d) Programming Temporary S chedules Te mpor ary s che dules only a ffe ct th e pa rtitio n fro m which it is enter ed. Temporary schedul es can be reu sed at la ter dates simply by scr olling (by pressing # ) to the DAYS? prompt (describe d below) and activati ng the appropriate da ys.
– 50 – Using Schedules (cont’d) DAYS ? MT WTFSS HIT 0-7 X X This is the pr ompt th at ac tually ac tiva tes the temp orary schedu le, and a llows th e temp orar y schedule t o be cust omized to a p articular w eek's need s. To sel ect the day s whic h are to be activated , ent er the d esired n umber 1- 7 (Mond ay = 1).
– 51 – Programming Device Timers General Information D e vi c e ti me rs co ns i s t o f a n O N t i me & a n OF F ti me , an d s e le ct e d d ay s of t he week in whic h th ey are ac tive. Th er e are up to 2 0 ti mers that c an b e used to control vari ous d evices, such as lig hts or ap plianc es.
– 52 – Programming Device Timers (cont’d) 00 ON TI ME ? 00:00 PM Enter th e time y ou wan t the dev ice tu rned on usi ng 00:01 - 11:59 f orm at. When the dis play show s the d esi red time, p res s the * key to m ove to the AM /PM field. Pres s any key 0-9 to chang e the AM/ PM in dica tion.
– 53 – Programming Device Timers (cont’d) Randomize Output Device Times Devic es in you r sy stem m ay be set for a rand om sc hedule, w her eby th ey wil l turn on and of f at dif feren t tim es eac h day .
– 54 – Using #77 Instant Activation Mode The #77 Inst ant Activ ation Mode i s used to act ivate output s, byp ass zon es, etc. imm ediately upon exit ing th e #77 M ode. Th e act ions th at may be activated are rel ay comma nds, arm/disarm comm ands, z one bypassin g commands, and open/close access conditions.
– 55 – Using #77 Instant Activation Mode (cont’d) Bypass Commands Activation times 1 (Beginning), 2 (End), 3 (D uring ) are the only v alid choic es for bypass commands.
– 56 – Using #77 Instant Activation Mode (cont’d) Additional Commands Action Code Action Specifier 77 Access Po int Gr oup Enab le Group # 78 Access Po int Gr oup Dis able Group # To enter the Instant Activation Mode: Enter your security code, then press the # key followe d by 77.
– 57 – Event Log Procedures General Information The sy stem h as th e abilit y to rec ord v ari ous ev ents in a hist ory log wher ein each ev ent i s recorded in one of five categories (listed below), with the ti me and date of its occurrence.
– 58 – Event Log Procedures (continued) After the last event has been displayed, the END OF EVENT LOG mes sage appears for a few seconds, then the system automatically displays the RECENT/COMPLETE mode selec t scre en again (s ee st ep 2). 5. To EXIT the Event Log: Press [ ∗ ] at any time.
– 59 – Setting the Time and Date 1. Enter Installer or Master Code + # + 63 . Typ ical d isplay show s: TIME/DAT E – T HU 12:01 AM 01/01/ 10 The day of th e wee k is autom atica lly calc ulat ed ba sed on th e dat e enter ed. Time and date entrie s are mad e by simp ly ent ering th e appr opriate hour, minu te, mon th, day and y ear.
– 60 – Testing the System (To Be Conducted W eekly) Using the 5 TEST Key The TEST key put s your system into Test m ode, w hich allows each pr otec tion point t o be check ed f or pr oper oper ati on. 1. Disa rm the system and close all protected windows, doors, etc.
– 61 – Fire Alarm System Your fire alarm system (if instal led) is on 24 hour s a day, pro viding continuous protecti on. In the e vent of an em ergency, the s moke an d hea t detect ors autom atica lly send signals to your Control, trigge ring a loud inter rupting sound from the keypad and the op tion al ext erior so unders .
– 62 – Trouble Conditions Typical Trouble Disp lays The wor d CHECK or TR BL on the K eypad's disp lay , accompanied by a rapid "beepin g" at th e Key pad, indica tes tha t there i s a tr ouble c ondi tion in th e system . To silence th e beeping sound for tr ouble c ondit ions, p res s any k ey.
– 63 – Trouble Conditions (cont ’d) • A display of " Phone Line Cut " accomp anied by rapi d beep ing at the Keypad indicates that a failure has occurred in the telephone line.
– 64 – Recommendations for Proper Protection The following recommendations for the location of fire and burglary detection devices help provid e proper coverage for the protect e d premises.
– 65 – Recommendations for Proper Protection (cont’d) In additi on, we re com mend the follo wing: Instal l a sm oke d etect or i nside ever y bedr oom w her e a sm oker sleep s. Install a sm oke d etector insid e bedro oms where electric al appli ances (su ch as p ortable heaters, air conditione rs or humidifiers) are used.
– 66 – Emergency Evacuation Establi sh an d regu larly pr actice a plan of esc ape in th e ev ent of fir e. Th e foll owing step s are recom mend ed by th e Na tion al Fir e Protec ti on Ass ociati on: 1. Posi tion y our de tector or your in teri or and /or ex ter ior s ound ers so that they can be heard by all oc cupants.
– 67 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The c omp onents of y our sec ur ity sy stem are d esig ned to be a s fre e of maint enanc e as p ossibl e. How ever, ther e are some thin gs you c an d o to m ake sure that your system is i n reliable w orking cond ition.
– 68 – Maintaining Your System (cont’d) Silencing Low Battery Warning Tones at the Keypad The key pad’ s warning tones c an b e silenc ed by perfo rming an O FF sequ enc e (cod e plu s OF F ke.
– 69 – Quick Guide to System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zon es Press [ ✱ ]. To view fa ulted zone s when is system not ready Display A ll Descriptor s Press and hold [ ✱ ] for 5 sec onds. Displ ays all a lpha descr iptors programmed b y install er.
– 70 – Quick Guide to System Functions (cont’d ) FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Delete a Use r Enter master/m anager code . Press CODE [8]. Enter user no. to be deleted . Enter master/m anager code . Press 1 (Yes) at prompt. Master & Mana ger level u s ers can dele te users.
– 71 – Summary of Audible Notifica tion (Alpha Display Keypads) SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPT ED* K eypad & Ext ernal FIRE AL ARM FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. LOUD, CONTINUOUS* K eypad & Ext ernal BURGLARY/ AUDIBLE EMERG ENCY ALARM ALARM is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is also displayed.
– 72 – FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION STATEMENTS The user shall not m ake any c hanges or modificat ions to the equipme nt unless authoriz ed by the Installati on Instructions or User's Manual. Unauthor ized changes or modification s could void the user's author ity to operate the eq uipment.
– 73 – “FEDERAL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 68 NOTIC E This eq uipment c omplies with Par t 68 of t he FCC rule s. On the front c over of this equ ipment is a label that c ontains , among other inform ation, the F CC regis tration n umber an d ringer equ ivalenc e number (R EN) for this equipme nt.
– 74 – CANADIAN DEPART MENT OF COMMUNICATIONS (DOC) STATEMENT NOTICE The Canadian Department of Communicati ons label identifi es certified equipment. This c ertification means that the equi pment meets cert ain telecommunications network protect ive, operational and safety requirements .
– 75 – WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design s ecurity sys tem, it does not offer guaranteed prot ecti on against burglary or fire or other emergency. Any alarm sys tem, whether c ommercial or residenti al, is subj ect to compromise or fai lure to warn for a variety of reasons.
– 76 – Index #70 Command ....................................... 46 4286 VIP M odule .............................. 9, 46 AC Loss.................................................. 62 Access Another Partition ..................... 22 Access Control Comm ands .
– 77 – LO Bat ................................................... 62 Low Battery ........................................... 66 Low Battery Warning ........................... 67 Macros ..................................................... 7 Manager .
– 78 – TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Honey well I nternational I nc., acting through i ts Se curity & Co mmunicat ions busi ness (“S elle r”), 2 Cor p orate Center Dr ive , Melvi ll e, New Yor.
– 79 – NOTES.
Ê800-0 6905EŠ 800-06905 6/10 R ev. C 2 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 100 P .O . Bo x 9040, Melville , NY 11747 Copyright © 2010 Honeywell International Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Honeywell VISTA128BPT/ è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Honeywell VISTA128BPT/ - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Honeywell VISTA128BPT/ imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Honeywell VISTA128BPT/ ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Honeywell VISTA128BPT/, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Honeywell VISTA128BPT/.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Honeywell VISTA128BPT/. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Honeywell VISTA128BPT/ insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.