Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VISTA-50PUL del fabbricante Honeywell
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N5943-6V 2 5/04 R ev A $ $ ' ' ( ( 0 0 & & 2 2 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 6 6 ( ( 5 5 , , ( ( 6 6 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 3 3 9 9.
– 2 –.
– 3 – TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OV ERVIE W ....................................5 General .......................................................5 A Partit ioned S ystem ..................................5 Zones .....................................
– 4 – SPEED K EY (MACRO S) .............................. 38 General Inf ormation .................................. 38 Defining .................................................... 38 Executing .................................................. 39 ACCESS DOO R CONTROL .
– 5 – System Overvi ew General Your Hon eywe ll securi ty sy stem con sists of a main c ontrol p anel, at least one keypa d, and variou s sensor s strate gically posi tione d throughout the premis es. Th e sy stem offe rs you thr ee for ms of prot ecti on: bur gla ry, f ire and emerg ency .
– 6 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) Fire Protection The fir e pr ot ection por tio n of y our secur ity syst em ( if used ) i s alw ays on and will sound an alarm if a f ire condi tion is d etected.
– 7 – System Overview (cont ’ d) Speed Key (M acros) The sy stem can s tore a st ring of up to 32 k eystr oke s, whic h can be ac tivat ed anytime by simp ly pr essi ng th e “A, B, C, or D” keys.
– 8 – System Overview (cont ’ d) Master Keyp ad Operat ion A "Mast er" k eypad is one on wh ich the statu s of al l 8 p artition s i s displ ayed simultane ously. A user ca n get more infor mation about a cer tain parti tion by simply en terin g [ ✳ ] + the desi red partit ion number (1-8 ).
– 9 – About The Keypads General IMPORTANT: If th e keypad beeps ra pidl y upon ent erin g the premises, it ind icates t hat a n alarm h as o ccurred d uring y our absence. LEAVE I MMEDI ATELY and CONT ACT TH E PO LICE from a safe locat ion nearby .
– 10 – Functions Of The Keypad 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTANT READY 2 AWAY 5 TEST 8 CODE 0 3 STAY 6 BYPASS # ARMED READY 6160-00-002-V1 9 CHIME A B C D SPEAKER LCD DISPLAY FUNCTION KEYS LEDS IMPORTANT!: When using the keypad to enter codes and commands, sequential key depressions must be made within 3 seconds of one another.
– 11 – Functions Of The Keypad (cont ’ d) ALPHA DISPLAY WINDO W: A 2-line, 32-character Liquid Cryst al Display (LCD) . Display s pr otec tion p oint identif icati on and system statu s, messa ges, and user instruc tions.
– 12 – Functions Of The Keypad (cont ’ d) 9 CHIME : Tu rns on & off the C HIME mode. When on, any entry th rou gh a protecte d delay or perimete r zone while the system is di sarmed will cause a t one to sound at t h e Keypad(s).
– 13 – Entry/Exit Delays General Information Your sy stem has in stal ler-p rogrammed tim e delays, known as exit d elay an d entry d elay . Wh enev er y ou ar m your sys tem , exit delay gives y ou time to leave th roug h the d esig nated exit d oor w ith out s etting off an alarm.
– 14 – Security Codes & Authority Levels General Information At the tim e of install ati on, you w ere assign ed an authori ty lev el and a personal four-digit security code, known only to you and yours. The security code must be entered when a rming and dis arming the system.
– 15 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) Authority Levels Author ity l eve ls def ine th e syst em f unc tions a p artic ular u ser can perf orm. Depend ing on the au thor ity a ssign ed to y ou, t here ar e cer tain sy stem func tions y ou may be pro hibited from perf ormin g.
– 16 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) General Rules on Authority Levels and Changes • A user m ay not d elete or chan ge the u ser c ode of t he SA ME or HI GHER author ity th an which he is as signed . • A user may only ADD users to a LOWER autho rity level.
– 17 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) To Add a User IMPORTANT: Tem por ary user s shou ld no t be sh ow n how to us e any sy st em func tion th ey do no t need to kn ow ( e.g. by pa ssing prot ection zon es). CODE 1. Enter M a ster or Manager code and press the 8 key.
– 18 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) MULTI-ACCESS ? 0 = NO , 1 = YES If you as a user have access to other partitions, the keypad wi l l prompt for abil i ty of this ne w user to access (GOTO) those partitio ns. Press 0 (NO) or 1 (YES).
– 19 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) To Change a User ’ s Code CODE 1. Enter M a ster or Manager code and press the 8 key + user number to be changed.
– 20 – Accessing Other Partitions To Access Another P artition Eac h keypad is assig ned a default partit ion f or dis pla y purpose s, and w ill sho w onl y that partit ion ’ s inform ati on.
– 21 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont ’ d) ARM P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HIT 0-8 X X X - - X - - The pr ompt disp lay s all the par ti tions. Th e user may only arm /dis arm th e part itions they are assigned acc ess t o. To selec t the pa rtitio n(s) tha t are to be armed , enter th e desir ed num ber 1- 8.
– 22 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont ’ d) Master Keyp ad Operation A "Master " keypad is o ne tha t r eflec ts th e sta tus of the en tire sy stem (Partiti ons 1- 8) on its d isplay .
– 23 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont ’ d) Addition al zon e faults w ill be di splay ed one at a time . To disp lay a n ew partition ’ s s tatu s, pres s ✴ + [ Partiti on No.
– 24 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont ’ d) c. Arming th e last p artition p rogrammed to arm th e lobby will automatic ally attempt to arm th e lobby.
– 25 – Checking For Open Zones Using the ✳ READY Key Befor e arming your syst em , all prot ected door s, wi ndow s and oth er pr otec tion zones m ust b e clo sed or b ypa ssed ( se e BY PASSI NG secti on) . O ther wise th e keypa d will dis play a "Not Ready" messa ge.
– 26 – Displaying All Zone Descriptors Using the ✳ READY Key The Alp ha Key pads can also di splay all th e zon e descript ors th at ar e programmed in your syst em. The abbrev iated in struction s for the READY key will appear fir st, f ollowed by the z on e descript ors.
– 27 – Bypassing Protection Zone s Using the 6 BYPASS Key This key is used whe n you want to arm your s ystem with o ne or more zones intentiona lly unprotected. Bypass ed zones are unprotected and will not ca u se an alarm wh en viol ated while y our sy stem i s armed.
– 28 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont ’ d) Quick Bypass Your system all ows y ou to ea sily byp ass all open ( faulted ) zon es w ithou t having to enter zone numbers indivi dual ly. Note: All by pass es are r em oved wh en an O FF seq uenc e (sec uri ty code p lus OFF) is pe rformed.
– 29 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entry Delay ON) Using the 3 STAY key Use thi s key w hen y ou are st aying home, bu t mig ht exp ect som eon e to us e the en tran ce door la ter.
– 30 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 7 INSTANT Key Impor tant: If you are using a Symphony (Advance d User Interfa ce), NIGHT mode is t he same as INSTANT. Use th is key w hen you are s taying hom e and do no t ex pect any one to use the entranc e d oor.
– 31 – Arming All Protection (With Ent ry Delay ON) Using the 2 AWAY Key Use th is key when no one w ill be stay ing on th e pr emis es. When arm ed in A WAY mode, the sy stem will soun d an alarm if a p rotect ed door or w indow is open ed, or if any m ovem ent i s d ete cted in sid e th e pr emise s.
– 32 – Arming All Protection (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 4 MAXIMUM Key Use this k ey wh en th e pr emises w ill be vacan t for ext ended p eriods of tim e such as v ac ation s, e tc., or w hen n o one w ill be m ovi ng th rough pro tec ted interior are as.
– 33 – Disarming And Silencing Al arms Using the 1 OFF Key The OFF key is u sed to di sarm th e sy stem an d to silenc e al arm and troubl e sounds. See "SUMMAR Y OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION" section for information which w ill help y ou to di stingu ish between FIRE an d BURGLARY alarm sounds.
– 34 – Using The Keyswitch General Your syst em may be equipped with a keyswit ch for use when a rm ing and disarmi ng a partitio n. A red and gree n light on the keys wi tch plate i ndicate the st atus of y our sy stem as f ollow s: Green Light: Ligh ts w hen the sy st em is disarmed and ready to be armed ( no op en z one s).
– 35 – Chime Mode Using the 9 Key Your system can be set t o aler t you to th e op ening of a d oor or win d ow wh ile it is di sarm ed by using C HIME mod e. Wh en ac tiva ted, th ree tone s wil l soun d at the K eyp ad w hen ever a p rotec ted p eri met er do or or wind ow is op ened, and the N ot R eady m essag e will b e di splay ed.
– 36 – Viewing Alarm Company Messages General Information User s of th e syst em ma y p eriodica lly r eceiv e m essag es on th eir d ispl ay screen s fr om th eir m onit orin g agen cy or insta ll er. Wh en a m essag e i s waitin g to be vi ew ed, th e m essag e show n b elow w ill appe ar.
– 37 – Panic Keys (For Manually Activat ing Silent And/Or Audible Alarm s) Using Panic Keys Your syst em may h ave b een prog ram med to us e sp ecia l key c ombin ati ons t o manually ac tivate panic funct ions. The funct ions that might be programmed are Silent Emer gency, Audible Emergency, Personal Emerge ncy, and Fire.
– 38 – Speed Key (Macros) General Information The “ D ” key c an be use d to act iva te a stri ng of co mmands up to 16 keys trokes each. The se comm and s a re kn own a s a m acro and are st or ed in the sy stem ’ s memory.
– 39 – Speed Key (Macros) (cont ’ d) Executing To acti vate a Speed Key, press and hold down the [D] key for 2 seconds. If a user c ode is r equir ed f or any part of the Sp eed Ke y sequ ence , th e follow ing prompt app ear s. Otherwis e, the Speed Key s equenc e automat ically beg ins.
– 40 – Access Door Control General Information Yo ur system m ay be set u p su ch t hat a lo cked a ccess door (s uch as in a lob by) can be unloc ked m omenta rily or for a spec ific p eriod of time, using a keypad command. Ask your installer if this ha s been don e in our sy stem.
– 41 – Using #70 Relay Menu Mode General Information Your syste m may be set up so that certai n lights or other devices can be turned on or off by using th e #70 command from ei ther a keyp ad or a telephon e keypad (if 42 85 or 4286 VI P mod ule i s used) .
– 42 – Using Schedules Delaying the Closing Time Your sy ste m ’ s programmed schedules may automatically arm the system at a predet ermi ned time . In the event a us er mu st st ay on the pr emi ses l ater than usual, users with maste r or manager authority levels can manually dela y the automati c arming (closing) time up to 2 hours.
– 43 – Using Schedules (cont ’ d) Programming Temporary S chedules Te mporary sche dules o n ly aff ect the partit ion fro m which it is ente red . Temporary schedul es can be reu sed at later dat es simply by scrolling (by pressin g #) to the D AY S? promp t (descri bed be low) an d activa ting the approp ria te day s.
– 44 – Using Schedules (cont ’ d) DAYS ? MT WTFSS HIT 0-7 X X This is the p romp t that ac tually activa tes th e temp orary schedu le, an d a llow s the t emp orary schedule t o be cu stomiz ed to a particular w eek ’ s need s. To sel ect the da ys wh ich are to be activated , ent er the d esired number 1- 7 (M onday = 1).
– 45 – Programming Device Timers General Information D ev i ce t i me rs co ns is t o f a n O N t i me & a n O FF t im e , a n d s el e ct e d d a y s o f t he week in wh ich th ey ar e ac tive. Ther e ar e up to 2 0 ti mers th at c an b e used t o control vari ous d evices, such as lights or applianc es.
– 46 – Programming Device Timers (cont ’ d) 00 ON TI ME ? 00:00 PM Enter th e time y ou wan t the d evic e turned on usi ng 00:0 1 - 11: 59 format . When the di splay show s the d es ired time, pr ess th e * key t o m ove to the AM /PM field . Pres s any key 0-9 to chan ge the AM/ PM in dica tion.
– 47 – Event Log Procedures General Information The sy stem ha s the a bili ty to r ecord variou s event s in a hi st ory l og wh erein each even t is rec orded in one of fi ve categ ories (list ed b elow) , with the time an d date of its occur renc e.
– 48 – Event Logging Procedures (continued) 4. Use the [3] & [1] key s (for next and previou s ca teg ories r es pec tively) to displa y the c ateg orie s of even ts. Press [8] to select a category and display the f irst ev ent. Pres s [8] again for ea ch su bsequ ent even t.
– 49 – Testing The System (To Be Conducted Weekl y) Using the 5 TEST Key The TEST key puts your s ystem in to Test mo de, which al lows each prot ection p oint to be ch ecked f or prop er opera ti on. 1. Disarm the system and close all pr otected windows, doors, etc.
– 50 – Fire Alarm System Your fir e alarm sy stem (if installed ) is on 24 hou rs a day, p rov iding continu ous pro tecti on. I n the even t of an emer gen cy, th e sm oke and h eat detectors au tomaticall y send signals to your Control , triggering a loud interru ptin g soun d from the key pad an d the op tional ex teri or sou nder s.
– 51 – Trouble Conditions Typical Trouble Disp lays The w ord CHEC K on the K eypad ’ s display, accompanied b y a rapid "beepin g" at th e Key pad, indi cates tha t ther e is a troubl e cond iti on in the system . To silence the beeping sound f or tr oubl e conditions , press a ny key .
– 52 – Trouble Conditions (cont ’ d) Power Failure If the POWER indica tor is off, opera ting pow er fo r the sy stem has stopp ed and is inoperative. CALL FOR SERVICE IM MEDIATELY. If the POWER indicat or is on, but th e messag e " AC LOSS " is disp layed , the K eypad i s oper ating on ba ttery pow er on ly.
– 53 – Recommendations For Proper Protection The following recommendations for the location of fire and burglary detection devices help provid e proper coverage for the protected premises.
– 54 – Recommendations For Proper Protection (cont ’ d) In addition, we recommend the following: In stall a smok e det ect or in side ev ery bedr oom w her e a sm oker sleep s. Instal l a smo ke det ector in side bedr ooms wh ere electric al appli ances (su ch as p ortab le heaters, air conditione r s or humidifiers) are used.
– 55 – Emergency Evacuation Establi sh an d regu larl y p ractic e a pl an of esc ape in the ev ent of fir e. Th e foll owin g step s are recom mend ed by th e Na ti onal Fir e Pro tec tion A ssoc iati on: 1. Posi tion y our de tector or your inter ior an d/or ext erior soun der s so th at they can be heard by all oc cupan ts.
– 56 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The c omp onen ts of y our secur ity syst em are d esign ed to be a s fre e of maint enanc e as p ossibl e. How ever , ther e ar e so me t hing s you can do t o mak e sure that your system is i n reliabl e working con dition.
– 57 – Maintaining Your System (cont ’ d) Silencing Low Battery Warning Tones at the Keypad The keyp ad ’ s warn ing tones c an b e sil enced by perf or ming an OFF s equen ce (cod e plu s OF .
– 58 – Quick Guide To System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zones Press [ ✱ ]. To view faulte d zones when is system not ready Display All Descrip tors Press and hol d [ ✱ ] for 5 seconds . Displays all alpha descriptors programmed by installer.
– 59 – Quick Guide To System Functions (cont ’ d) FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Delete a Us er Enter master/manager code . Press CODE [8]. Enter user no. to be deleted. Enter master/mana ger code. Press 1 (Yes) at prom pt. Master & M anager level us ers can delete us ers.
– 60 – Summary Of Audible Notification (Alpha Display Keypads) SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPT ED* K eypad & Ext ernal FIRE AL ARM FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. LOUD, CONTINUOUS* K eypad & Ext ernal BURGLARY/ AUDIBLE EM ERGENCY ALARM ALARM is dis played; descriptor of zone in alarm is also displayed.
– 61 – UL NOTICE: This is a “ GRADE A ” system. “ FEDERAL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 15 STATEMENT ” This equipm ent has been tested to FCC requir ements and has been fo und acceptable for us e.
– 62 – “ FEDERAL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 68 NOTIC E This eq uipment compl ies with Part 68 of the F CC rul es. O n the fr ont cov er of thi s equ ipment i s a label that contai ns, amo ng other i nformati on, the FCC registr ation num ber an d ringer equ ivalen ce number (R EN) for this e quipme nt.
– 63 – CANADIAN DEPART MENT OF COMMUNICATIONS (DOC ) STAT EMENT NOTICE The Canadian Department of Communicat ions label identifi es certified equipment. This c ertific ation means that the equi pment meets cert ain telecommunic ations network protect ive, operational and safety requirements .
– 64 – WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced desi gn security system, i t does not off er guaranteed protec tion agains t burglary or f ire or other emergency. Any alarm sys tem, whether c ommercial or res idential, is s ubject to compromis e or failure t o warn for a variety of reasons.
– 65 – Index #70 command ......................................... 41 4285 or 42 86 VI P module ................... 8, 41 AC Loss .................................................. 52 Access A nother P artition ........................ 20 Access Do or .
– 66 – POWER/R EADY INDIC ATO R ............... 12 Quick Arming .................................... 12, 14 Quick Bypa ss ......................................... 28 Quick Gu ide ..................................... 58, 5 9 Ready ...............
– 67 – LIMITED WARRANT Y Honeyw ell Internatio nal Inc., 165 Ei leen Way, Syo sset, New York 11791, war rants its prod uct(s) to b e in conf orman ce with i ts own pl ans a nd specif icati ons and.
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¬19#l N5943-6V 2 5/04 R ev. A 165 Eileen W ay , Syosset, New Y ork 11791 Cop yr ight © 2004 Honeyw ell Inter national, Inc. www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Honeywell VISTA-50PUL è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Honeywell VISTA-50PUL - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Honeywell VISTA-50PUL imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Honeywell VISTA-50PUL ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Honeywell VISTA-50PUL, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Honeywell VISTA-50PUL.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Honeywell VISTA-50PUL. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Honeywell VISTA-50PUL insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.