Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VISTA-21IPSIA del fabbricante Honeywell
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ADEMCO VISTA SERIES VISTA-21iP / VISTA-21iPSIA Security Syst ems User Guid e K14490V1 7/10 R ev. A.
– 2 – IMPORTANT! PROP ER IN T RUS ION P ROT ECT ION For proper intrus ion covera ge, sens ors should b e loca ted at every p ossible p oint of entry to a hom e or comm ercial prem ises. T his would inc lude an y sk y lights that may be prese nt, and the upper wind ows in a m ulti- level bui lding.
– 3 – Table of Contents System Over view ................................................................................................................ ...................... 5 Introductio n ......................................................
– 4 – Table of Contents (cont inued) Macro K ey Programming & Usage .................................................................................................. ...... 27 About Macro Keys .................................................
– 5 – System Overview Introduction Congratu lati ons on your o wnership of a Honeyw ell Securi ty Syst em. You'v e made a wise d ecisi on in ch oosing i t, for it repr esent s the la test in secur ity pr otect ion technolo gy toda y.
– 6 – System Overview (cont’d) Zones and Partitions • Th e sys tem sen sing d evice s have b een as signed to va rious “zone s,” whic h are specific areas of pr otecti on (e.g ., fron t door , kitc hen w indow, e tc.). • Z one number s are di splay ed at the k eypad w hen an alarm or trou ble c ondition occurs on a sensor.
– 7 – System Overview (cont’d) Function Keys • Th e “A, ” “B,” “ C,” and “D” keys can b e prog ramm ed to perf orm v ariou s fun ction s.
– 8 – About The Keypad s General Information Your keypads allo w you to control all system functions and feature t he following: • A tel ephon e style ( digita l) keypad • Liquid Crystal Displ ays ( LCD) that show th e na ture and l ocation of all occur rences • Built-in sounder that so unds durin g alarms and troubl es.
– 9 – About The Keypad s (cont’ d) 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTANT READY 2 AWAY 5 TEST 8 CODE 0 3 STAY 6 BYPASS 9 CHIME # ARMED READY 6150-00-001-V0 Standard Fixed-Word D isplay Keypad 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTA.
– 10 – About The Keypad s (Cont’ d) FIXED-WORD DISPLAY KEYPAD AW AY : All burglary z ones, int erior and perimeter, are armed. ST A Y: Perimeter burglary zones, such as prot ected w indow s and d oors, are armed.
– 12 – Functions of the Keypad s (cont’d) NOTE: The functions pri nted directly on the keys indicate their primary purpose; the functi ons printed under some of the keys (s hown in brackets under the respe ctive key), in dicate their al ternate or s econdar y purpose.
– 13 – Functions of the Keypad s (cont’d) 11. # This key can be used for "Quick Armin g" of the syst em wi thout u se of a security code (i f programmed). [ FUNCTION ] On V oice k eypads, enable s the d esired v oice or volum e functi on.
– 14 – Entry/Exit Delays Entry Delay Entry Delays give yo u time to disa rm the system when yo u re-ente r through the design ated entranc e door .
– 15 – Entry/Exit Delays (cont’d) Exit A larms Exit Error Conditions When ever y ou arm the sy stem, the ex it dela y begi ns. If an entry /exit d oor or inter ior zone is faul ted befo re exit dela y expires and re mains faulted (e .g., exit door left o pen), the sy stem soun ds an alar m and start s the entry delay timer.
– 16 – Checking For Open Zones Using the [ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ] Key to Display and Announce Sy stem Status B efore ar ming your syste m, all pr otect ed door s, win dows an d oth er pr otecti on zon es must be c losed or bypasse d; otherwi se the k eypad will di splay a "Not Ready " message.
– 17 – Arming the System STA Y Mo de: A rms Perimeter On ly , Entry Delay On • U sed wh en you wan t to ar m the sy stem w ith per sons s taying in side ( or if you have pets that are moving t hroughout the premises). • Th e perim eter sensor s are arm ed, but interi or sens ors ar e left di sarm ed.
– 18 – Arming the System (cont’d) A rming Commands Before arming, close all perimeter doo rs and windows and make sure the Ready to Arm message is displayed.
– 19 – Arming the System (cont’d) Single Button Arming The “A” , “B”, “C ”, and/or “D” k eys on y our keyp ad may have be en progr ammed for single-button arming.
– 20 – Keyswitc h Using the Ke y switc h Your system may be equip ped with a keysw itch f or use w hen arm ing an d disa rming . Red and green lights on th e keysw itch p late in dicate the st atus of y our sy stem as follows : Green Light: Lights wh en the sys tem is disarmed and ready to be armed (no open z ones).
– 21 – Disarming and Silencing Alarms Using the [OFF] key The OFF key is used t o disarm the sy stem, silence a larm and trou ble sou nds, and clear alarm memories. IMPORTANT : If you return and the main burgla ry sounder is on, DO NOT ENTER, but CONTAC T THE POLICE from a n earby safe locati on.
– 22 – Bypassing Protection Zo nes Using the BYP A SS Key Use t his key wh en you want to arm your system w ith one or more z ones inten tionally u npr otected .
– 23 – Bypassing Protection Zo nes (cont’d) Quick By pass If programmed, "Quick Bypass" allo ws you to easil y bypass all open (fa ulted) zones without having to enter zone numbers individually. This feature is useful if, for exampl e, you r outin ely lea ve cer tain wind ows open when ar ming a t night.
– 24 – Chime Mode Using the Chime Mode CHIME mode a lerts y ou t o the op ening of a p erimet er door or win dow w hile th e system is di sarmed. When Chime m ode is ac tiv ated: • Th ree ton es s ound at the key pad wh enever a p erimet er door or win dow is ope ned.
– 25 – Date and Time Viewing the Current Date and Time The m aster u sers ca n vie w the sy stem tim e and d ate se tting on an alph a keyp ad. Other user s can vi ew th e tim e/date if a fun ction key h as been progra mmed to do s o.
– 26 – Panic Keys Using Panic Key s Your system may hav e be en progr ammed to us e spe cial keys to manu ally ac tivate emerg ency ( panic) f uncti ons a s follow s: This Function Sends This Sign.
– 27 – Macro Key P rogramming & Usage A bout Macro Ke y s The “A” , “B”, “C ” or “D ” keys can be used to aut omatic ally activa te a seri es of comman ds of u p to 16 keystr okes , if prog rammed for this fu nction . These keys trokes, as a gr oup, ar e call ed “ma cros” an d are stored in the system' s mem ory.
– 28 – Macro Key P rogramming & Usage (cont’d) The keypad beeps to ac knowled ge your inpu t and di splays th e comm and you entered (foll owed by “F”). 4. Enter the nex t comm and, foll owed by p ress/h olding the “D” k ey for at least tw o second s.
– 29 – Using Device Commands A bout De vice Commands Your sy stem m ay be set up so that it can c ontrol c ertain l ights or other d evice s. • Som e dev ices may be aut omatica lly turn ed on or off by the system . • You may be abl e to override automatically controlled devices using the com man ds des cri bed below.
– 30 – Paging Feature A bout Automatic Paging Your system may be set up to automatically send messages to up to four pagers as certain conditions occur in your system. • Th e follow ing ev ents can be p rogram med by your in staller to be s ent to th e pag ers: arming and dis arming † , alar ms , and tro ub le co ndi tion s.
– 31 – Paging Feature (cont’d) A bout Manual Paging Your system may be set up so you can manually send a message to up to four pagers. • You r ins taller pr ogram s th e paging functi on key and th e pag er phon e numb ers. • Pressing the pagi ng keys sends t he message 999 – 9999 to the selected pager .
– 32 – Security Co des & Authority Levels A bout Securit y Codes Your installer assign ed a master c ode tha t is us ed to per form all syst em fun ctions . In addition, yo u can assign up to 47 diffe rent security codes for use by othe r users.
– 33 – Security Co des & Authority Levels (cont’d) How to A ssign Secur ity Codes and At tributes The f ollowing lists the var ious comm and s trings f or ad ding secu rity c odes an d attri.
– 34 – Accessing Other Par titions A bout A ccessing Par titions (GOTO Command and Multi-Partition Arming) Each keypad is ass igned a defaul t partition fo r display purposes, a nd will show only that par tition's in formatio n.
– 35 – Accessing Other Par titions (cont’d) Using the GoTo Command If the u ser is auth orized, a keypad in on e partiti on c an be us ed to p erform syst em func tions in th e oth er part ition by using th e GOTO command. • You must us e an Alph a keypad to access an other pa rtition.
– 36 – Accessing Other Par titions (cont’d) Common Zone Operation Ask your ins taller i f a "commo n zone" w as assigned. If so, ch eck this box Your system may ha ve been set up to use a common zone, which is an area shared by us ers of bo th partiti ons, such as a foyer or lobby.
– 37 – Scheduling A bout Scheduling The sy stem p rovid es to 16 end-u ser sch edul es (pr ogramm able by mast er/insta ller only) , which can control various types of events. • Each schedule ca uses a defined e vent to start and stop (whe n appropriate ) at a specifi ed time .
– 38 – Scheduling (cont’d ) 5. For event numb er “02,” en ter the ac cess grou p numb er . Othe rwis e, t his prom pt is ski pped. Press [ ∗ ] to c ontinu e to th e “Sta rt” prom pt b elow. GROUP NUMB ER X 6. For ev ent numb ers “03- 07,” en ter the partiti on number to be arm ed or disarmed.
– 39 – Event Logging Procedures A bout E vent Logging The sy stem record s vari ous ev ents in a hist ory log, whic h can b e view ed by th e mast er user on an Alpha Di splay keypad. • The Ev ent Log holds up to 100 events . • Events are displayed in chronological orde r, from most recent to oldes t.
– 40 – Event Logging Procedures (cont’d) Code Definition 143 Alarm, Expans ion Module 145 ECP M odule cover tamper 146 Silent Burglary 150 Alarm, 24-Hour Auxiliary/M onitor zone 162 Carbon Monox ide 301 AC Power 302 Low Sy stem Battery/Battery Test F ail 305 System Re set (Log only) 321 Bell/Siren Trouble 333 Trouble, Ex pansion M od.
– 41 – Testing the System A bout Testing the Sy stem Using th e Te st mode allow s each pr otecti on poin t to be c heck ed for pr oper operat ion. Testing should be cond ucted weekly to ensure proper operation . • The key pad s ounds a single b eep ab out ev ery 30 secon ds as a r emind er that th e system is in th e Te st mode.
– 42 – Trouble Cond itions "Check" and "Batte ry " Dis play s T he word CHECK on th e keyp ad's displ ay, accomp anied by a "beeping " at th e keypad , indic ates a tr ouble c onditio n in the sy stem. To silence the beep ing for these conditions, press any key.
– 43 – Trouble Cond itions (cont’d) Word s or let ters in p aren thes es ( ) ar e tho se that a re di splayed on Fixed -Wor d Display keypads . Other Trouble Displays * Any “beeping” th at a.
– 44 – Trouble Conditions (cont’d) Other Trouble Displays (Continued ) AC LOSS The sy stem is opera ting o n battery power (or NO AC ) only due to an AC power fail ure. If only some lig hts ar e out on the premises, check circuit breakers and fuses an d reset or replac e as nece ssary.
– 45 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The c omponen ts of your secu rity sys tem ar e design ed to be as maintenance-fr ee as possi ble. However, to m ake sure th at your system is in reliab le worki ng conditi on, do th e foll owing: 1.
– 46 – Fire Alarm System THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Genera l Your fir e alarm system (if installed) is on 24 hours a d ay, for continu ous pr otect ion.
– 47 – Fire Alarm System (cont’d) THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Manually Initia ting a Fire A larm 1. Sh ould y ou beco me awar e of a f ire em ergen cy bef ore y our smok e o.
– 48 – Fire Alarm System (cont’d) THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS National Fire Protec tion Associatio n Recommenda tions on Smoke Detec tors With r egard to the n umbe r and p .
– 49 – Fire Alarm System (cont’d) THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Emergency Eva cuation 2nd FLOOR BACK FRONT floor_plan-002-V0 BATH CLOSET BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM 1st FLOOR BATH KITCHEN BEDROOM BEDROOM PORCH BA CK DOOR Establish an d regularly practic e a plan of escape in t he event of fir e.
– 50 – Quick Guide to Basic System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zone s Press READY key. View faulted zon es when syste m not read y. Arm Sys tem Ente r code. P ress armin g ke y de sired: (AWAY, STAY, NIGHT-STAY, MAXIMUM, INSTANT) Arms sys tem in mode se lecte d.
– 51 – Summary of Audible/Visual Notificatio ns Fixed-Word Display Keypads SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED * Keypad & Ext. FIRE ALARM or CO ALARM (CO: keypad/d etector only; not ex ternal sounder) FIRE or ALARM (for CO) is displayed; zone number of zo ne in alarm i s displaye d.
– 52 – Summary of A/V Notifications (cont’d) A lpha Displa y Keypads SOUND CAUSE DISPL A Y LOUD, INTERRUPTED* Keypad & Ext. FIRE ALARM or CO ALARM (CO: key pad/detector only ; not external sounder) FIRE or ALARM (for CO) is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displ ayed.
– 53 – Regulatory Statem ents and Warnings FEDERAL COMM UNICA TIONS CO MMISSION (FCC) PART 15 STATEMENTS The us er sha ll n ot make a ny ch anges or mod ifi cati ons t o th e eq uipme nt un less auth or ized b y t he Ins tall ati on Instru ctions or User 's Manual.
– 54 – Regulatory Statem ents (cont’d) Repairs to cer tified equipmen t shoul d be coordin ated by a repre sentative designated by the supplie r.
– 55 – System Features Log Features Comments Exit Delay Part. 1: Par t. 2: Entry Dela y 1 Part. 1: Par t. 2: Entry Dela y 2 Part. 1: Par t. 2: NIG HT- STAY Zo nes Zones: Quick Ar m yes no Quick By.
– 56 – System Features Log (cont’d) User Setup The f ollowing ch art will h elp ke ep track of syst em users. C opies should be dist ributed t o the partition 1 and par tition 2 (if app licable) m asters f or their records. To pr ogram a user a ttribu te: Enter sy stem/p artiti on* mast er cod e + [8] + user n o.
– 57 – System Features Log (cont’d ) User Se tup (cont’d) Enter system /parti tion ma ster c ode + [8] + user no. + “#” comm and list ed in c olumn heading. User No. * User Name User’s Part(s). (sy stem mast er only ) [#] [3] + part(s) + [#] Security Code enter new code Au t h.
– 58 – System Features Log (cont’d ) Schedules*: master code + [#] + [6] [4] No. Event Device No. Group No. Partition Start Stop Repeat Random (see list belo w) for “ 01 ” events: for “ 02.
– 59 – OWNER’S INSURANCE PREMIUM CRE DIT REQUEST This form should be comp leted and forwarded to y our homeown er’s ins urance carri er for possibl e premium credit. A. GENERAL INFOR MATION: Insured’s Name and Address: Insurance C ompany: Policy No.
– 60 – OWNER’S INSURANCE PREMIUM CRE DIT REQUEST (cont.) E. SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS Furnace Room Kitchen Bedrooms Attic Basement Living Room Dining Ro om Hall F.
– 61 – – – – – No te s Notes Notes Notes – – – –.
– 62 – – – – – No te s Notes Notes Notes – – – –.
– 63 – LIMITATIONS OF THIS SYSTEM WARNING! THE LIMITATIO NS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design security system , it does not offer guaranteed protect ion against b urglary or other emergency. Any alarm system, whether commercial or residential, is subject to compromise or failure to warn for a variety of reasons.
TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Honeywe ll Intern ationa l Inc., acting t hrough it s Sec urity & C ommunicat ions business (“Seller ”), 2 Co rporate C enter Dr ive, Me lvi lle, New York 11747 warra.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Honeywell VISTA-21IPSIA insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.