Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto N7003V3 del fabbricante Honeywell
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N7003V3 5/ 04 Rev A $ $ ' ' ( ( 0 0 & & 2 2 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 3DUWLWLRQHG6HFXULW6VWHP 8VHU*XLGH .
– 2 –.
– 3 – TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OV ERVIEW ....................................5 General .......................................................5 A Partit ioned Syst em ..................................5 Zones ......................................
– 4 – Using the 5 TEST Ke y ......................... 39 Testing Your Sy stem ................................ 39 FIRE ALARM SYST EM ................................ 40 In Case Of Fir e Alarm ............................... 40 Silencing A Fire A larm .
– 5 – System Overvi ew General Your Hon eywell s ecurity s ystem con sists of a main contr ol panel, at l east on e keypa d, and variou s sensors st rate gically posi tione d throughout the premis es. Th e syst em offe rs you th ree for ms of protecti on: bur glar y, fire an d emerg ency.
– 6 – System Overvi ew (cont’d) Fire Protection The fir e pr otecti on por tion of your secur ity sy stem (if used ) is alw ays on and will sound an alarm if a fi re condition is d etected.
– 7 – System Overview (cont ’ d) Memory of Alarm When an alarm condit ion occ urs, th e keyp ad di splays th e num ber(s) of th e zone( s) that cau sed the p roblem, an d displ ays th e type of alarm ( ex. FIR E, ALARM). It rema ins disp layed until i t is cleared by disarming the system (see DISARMING T HE SYST EM se ction).
– 8 – System Overview (cont ’ d) Phone Access & Voice Response Capabilit y Your sy stem may includ e a 4285 or 4286 VI P module th at will permit y ou to access th e sys tem via a Tou ch-t one phon e, eith er on-p remise s or by call- in when aw ay.
– 9 – About The Keypads General IMPORTANT: If th e keypad bee ps rapidl y upon ent ering the premises, it indi cates that an alarm h as occur red durin g your absence. LEAVE I MMEDIAT ELY and CONT ACT THE POLICE from a safe locat ion nearby. Your keypa ds allo w you to co ntrol all s ystem funct ions.
– 10 – Functions Of The Keypad 1 OFF 4 MAX 7 INSTANT READY 2 AWAY 5 TEST 8 CODE 0 3 STAY 6 BYPASS # ARMED READY 6160-00-002-V1 9 CHIME A B C D SPEAKER LCD DISPLAY FUNCTION KEYS LEDS IMPORTANT!: When using the keypad to enter codes and co mmands, sequential key depressions must be made within 3 seconds of one another.
– 11 – Functions Of The Keypad (cont ’ d) ALPHA DISPLAY WINDO W: A 2-line, 32-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Display s pro tection point identific ation and system status, m essages, an d user instruc tions.
– 12 – Functions Of The Keypad (cont ’ d) 9 CHIME : Tu rns on & off the C HIME mode. When on, any entry th roug h a protecte d dela y or perimete r zone whil e the system is disarm ed will cause a t one to sound at t he Keypad(s).
– 13 – Entry/Exit Delays General Information Your sy stem h as instal ler-p rogrammed tim e delay s, known as exit d elay an d entry d elay. Whenev er y ou arm y our sy stem , exit del ay gives you time to leave th rough the des ignated exit do or with out s etting off an alarm .
– 14 – Security Codes & Authority Levels General Information At the tim e of in stallati on, you w ere as signed a n authori ty level an d a personal four-digit security code, known only to you and yours. The security code must be entered when a rming and dis arming the s ystem.
– 15 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) Authority Levels Author ity l evels d efine the system functi ons a p artic ular u ser can perf orm. Depend ing on th e auth ority ass igned to you, t here ar e certain system func tions you may be pr ohibited from per form ing.
– 16 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) General Rules on Authority Levels and Changes • A user m ay not de lete or ch ange the u ser cod e of the SA ME or HIG HER author ity than w hich he is assigned. • A user may only ADD users to a LOWER authorit y level.
– 17 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) To Add a User IMPORTANT: Temp orar y user s should not be sh own how to u se any sy stem func tion they do no t need to know (e.g. bypass ing p rotecti on zon es). CODE 1. Enter M aster or Manager code and press the 8 key.
– 18 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) PART.2 - SHOP? 0 = NO , 1 = YES The key pad now promp ts for the user ’ s access to the next partitio n (see GOTO command).
– 19 – Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont ’ d) To Delete a User CODE 1. Enter M aster or Manager code and press the 8 key + user number to be del eted.
– 20 – Accessing Other Partitions To Access Another P artition Eac h ke ypad is ass ign ed a defa ult part itio n fo r di sp lay purpo se s, a nd wil l sho w o nly that pa rtit ion ’ s informati on.
– 21 – Accessing Other Partitions (cont ’ d) ARM P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HIT 0-8 X X X - - X - - The pr ompt displ ays all th e par tition s. The u ser may only arm/d isarm t he part itions th ey are assigned acce ss to. To selec t th e pa rtit io n(s) tha t ar e to be arme d, enter th e desired number 1-8.
– 22 – Checking For Open Zones Using the ✳ READY Key Befor e arming y our sy stem, all protect ed do ors, win dows and other p rotecti on zones m ust be cl osed or by passed (see B YPAS SING secti on). Other wise the keypa d will dis play a "Not Ready" messa ge.
– 23 – Displaying All Zone Descriptors Using the ✳ READY Key The Alp ha Keyp ads can als o display all the z one descrip tors th at are programmed in your system. The abbr eviated instruction s for the READY key will appear fir st, follow ed by the z one de scriptors.
– 24 – Bypassing Protection Zone s Using the 6 BYPASS Key This key is used whe n you want to arm your syst em with o ne or more zones intentiona lly unprotected. Bypass ed zones are unprotected and will not ca use an alarm wh en violat ed wh ile your sy stem is armed.
– 25 – Bypassing Protection Zone s (cont ’ d) Quick Bypass Your system allows y ou to ea sily bypa ss all op en (f aulted) z ones w ithout having to enter zone numbers indivi dually. Note: All by pass es are re moved wh en an OF F sequen ce (secu rity c ode plus OFF) is pe rformed.
– 26 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entry Delay ON) Using the 3 STAY key Use thi s key wh en you are st aying home, but m ight exp ect som eone t o use the en trance d oor la ter.
– 27 – Arming Perimeter Only (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 7 INSTANT Key Use th is key wh en you ar e staying home and do not expect any one to u se the entranc e door .
– 28 – Arming All Protection (With Ent ry Delay ON) Using the 2 AWAY Key Use th is key w hen n o one w ill be stayin g on th e pr emises. When arm ed in AWAY m ode, the sy stem will sound an alarm if a protect ed door or win dow i s open ed, or if any movem ent i s dete cted in side th e pr emises.
– 29 – Arming All Protection (With Entr y Delay OFF) Using the 4 MAXIMUM Key Use this k ey when the pr emises w ill be vacan t for ext ended peri ods of tim e such as v acati ons, e tc., or wh en no one w ill be m oving throug h pro tected interior are as.
– 30 – Disarming And Silencing Al arms Using the 1 OFF Key The O FF k ey is used to disar m the system an d to s ilence al arm and troubl e sounds. See "SUMMAR Y OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION" section for information which wi ll help you to di stingu ish betwe en FIRE an d BURGLARY alarm sounds.
– 31 – Using The Keyswitch General Your syst em may be equipped with a keyswit ch for use when a rming and disarmi ng a partitio n. A red and gree n light on t he keys witch plate i ndicate the st atus of y our sy stem as foll ows: Green Light: Ligh ts wh en the sy stem is dis armed and ready to be armed ( no op en zon es).
– 32 – Chime Mode Using the 9 Key Your system can b e set to alert y ou to th e open ing of a door or win dow w hile it is di sarmed by usin g C HIME m ode. Wh en ac tivated, three tone s will sound at the K eypad when ever a prot ected perim eter d oor or wind ow is op ened , and the N ot Ready messag e will b e disp layed.
– 33 – Viewing Alarm Company Messages General Information User s of the sy stem m ay p eriodica lly receiv e mes sages on their displa y screen s from their m onit oring ag ency or insta ller. When a m essag e is w aiting to be vi ewed , the m essag e shown below will ap pear.
– 34 – Panic Keys (For Manually Activat ing Silent And/Or Audible Alarm s) Using Panic Keys Your system may have b een p rogra mmed t o use specia l key c ombin ations t o manually ac tivate panic funct ions. The funct ions that might be programmed are Silent Emer gency, Audible Emergency, Personal Emergency, and Fi re.
– 35 – Access Door Control General Information Yo ur sy stem m ay be set up suc h th at a lo cke d ac cess doo r (su ch as in a lo bb y) can be unloc ked momen tarily or f or a specific peri od of time, us ing a keypad command. Ask your installer if this has been d one in our sy stem.
– 36 – Using #70 Relay Menu Mode General Information Your syste m may be set up so that certai n lights or o ther devices can be turned on or off by u sing the #70 comman d from eith er a keypad or a telephon e keyp ad (if 4285 or 4286 VIP m odule i s used) .
– 37 – Event Log Procedures General Information The sy stem h as th e ability to rec ord variou s ev ents in a hi story log w herein each event i s rec orded in on e of f ive categ ories ( listed b elow), with th e tim e and date of its oc currenc e.
– 38 – Event Logging Procedures (continued) 4. Use the [3] & [1 ] keys (for ne xt and previou s ca tegori es res pectiv ely) t o displa y the c ategori es of even ts. Press [8] to select a category and display the fir st ev ent. P ress [8 ] again for ea ch subs equen t even t.
– 39 – Testing The System (To Be Conducted Weekl y) Using the 5 TEST Key The TEST key puts your sys tem into Test mode, which a llows ea ch protection po int to be check ed for prop er op erati on. 1. Disa rm the system and cl ose all protected windows, doors, etc.
– 40 – Fire Alarm System Your fir e alarm sys tem ( if installed ) is on 24 hours a day , provid ing continu ous p rotec tion. In th e ev ent of an em ergen cy, the smo ke and h eat detectors automaticall y send signals to your Control, triggering a l oud interru pting sound f rom the key pad and the op tional ext erior s ounder s.
– 41 – Trouble Conditions Typical Trouble Disp lays The w ord CHE CK on the Key pad ’ s display, accompanied by a rapid "beepin g" at the K eypad , indic ates tha t there i s a troubl e condi tion in th e system . To silence the beeping sound f or tr oubl e con ditions , pr ess an y key.
– 42 – Trouble Conditions (cont ’ d) Power Failure If the POWER indica tor is off , oper ating power f or the sy stem has st opped and is inoperative. CALL FOR SERVICE IM MEDIATELY. If the POWER indicat or is on, but the mes sage " AC LOS S " is disp layed, the K eypad is oper ating on batter y pow er only .
– 43 – Recommendations For Proper Protection The following recommendations for the location of fire and burglary detection devices help provid e proper coverage for the protected premises.
– 44 – Recommendations For Proper Protection (cont ’ d) In addition, we recommend the following: I nstall a smok e detec tor in side ev ery bedr oom w here a smok er sleep s. In stall a smo ke detect or insid e bedrooms wh ere el ectrical appli ances (su ch as por table heaters, air conditione rs or humidifiers) are used.
– 45 – Emergency Evacuation Establi sh and regula rly p ractice a plan of esc ape in the ev ent of f ire. Th e fo llowing steps are recom mended by the N ation al Fire Protec tion A ssoci ation: 1. Position y our d etector or y our int erior and /or ex terior sound ers so that they can be heard by all occu pants.
– 46 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The c ompon ents of your secur ity sy stem ar e desig ned to be a s free of maint enance a s poss ible. How ever, there ar e som e thin gs you can do t o make sure that your system is in reliable working condition.
– 47 – Maintaining Your System (cont ’ d) Silencing Low Battery Warning Tones at the Keypad The keyp ad ’ s warnin g ton es can b e silenced by per form ing an O FF sequ ence (cod e plus O FF .
– 48 – Quick Guide To System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zones Press [ ✱ ]. To view faulte d zones when is system not ready Display All Descrip tors Press and hol d [ ✱ ] for 5 seconds . Displays all alpha des criptors programm ed by installer.
– 49 – Summary Of Audible Notification (Alpha Display Keypads) SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPT ED* K eypad & External FIRE AL ARM FIR E is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. LOUD, CONTINUOUS* K eypad & External BURGLARY/ AUDIBLE EME RGENCY ALARM ALARM is dis played; descriptor of zone in alarm is also displayed.
– 50 – UL NOTICE: This is a “ GRADE A ” system. “ FEDERAL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 15 STATEMENT ” This equipm ent has been tes ted to FCC requir ements and has been fo und acceptab le for use.
– 51 – “ FEDERAL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 68 NOTICE This eq uipment com plies w ith Part 68 of the FCC rules. O n the fr ont cover of this equ ipment i s a label that contains, among other informati on, the FCC r egistration n umber and r inger equi valence number (R EN) for this equipme nt.
– 52 – CANADIAN DEPART MENT OF COMMUNICATIONS (DOC ) STATEM ENT NOTICE The Canadian Department of Communications label identifi es certified equi pment. This certific ation means that the equi pment meets certain telec ommunications network protect ive, operational and safety requirements .
– 53 – WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an adv anced design sec urity system, it does not offer guaranteed prot ection agains t burglary or f ire or other emergency. Any alarm system, whether commercial or res idential, is s ubject to compromise or fai lure to warn for a variety of reasons.
– 54 – Index #70 command ............................................... 36 4285 or 4286 VIP module ......................... 8, 36 AC Loss ........................................................ 42 Access A nother Partitio n.....................
– 55 – Quick Arm ..................................................... 12 Quick Armi ng................................................. 14 Quick Bypass ................................................ 25 Quick Guide ..............................
¬1 9'l N7003V3 5/ 04 Rev A ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Honeyw ell Inte rnational Inc ., 165 Ei leen Way, Syo sset, New York 11791, war rants its produc t(s) to be in conf ormance.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Honeywell N7003V3 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Honeywell N7003V3 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Honeywell N7003V3 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Honeywell N7003V3 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Honeywell N7003V3, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Honeywell N7003V3.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Honeywell N7003V3. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Honeywell N7003V3 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.