Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FA130CP del fabbricante First Alert
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ON OFF A R M E D READY A B C D 6 4 7 9 # 3 5 8 0 2 1 FA260 R ARMED R E A D Y FA560 6 4 7 9 # 3 5 8 0 2 1 R A W A Y S T A Y P A G E 8 VHU · V * XLGH R K0736-1 8/02 ! 6 6 H H .
– 2 – IMPORTANT! PROP ER IN TR USION PROT ECT ION For proper intrus ion cover age, s ensors shou ld be locate d at every pos sible point of entr y to a ho me or comm ercial prem ises . This would inclu de an y sk ylights that m a y be present, an d the u pper win dows in a mu lti-leve l buil ding.
– 3 – 7DEOHRI&RQWHQW V System Overview ................................................................................................................ .... 5 Introduction .................................................................
– 4 – 7DEOHRI&RQWHQW V Panic Keys ..................................................................................................................... ......... 24 Using Panic Ke ys ......................................................
– 5 – 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ ,QWURG XFWL RQ Congratula tions on your ownershi p of the Firs t Alert Profes sional Securit y System. You've made a wise decisio n in choo sing it, for it represe nts the la test in security protection t echnology today.
– 6 – 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ &RQWLQXH G Zones • The syst em sensing devices have been as signed to vari ous “ zones ,” which are specific areas of protect ion (e.g., front door, kitc hen window, etc.). • Zone n umbers are d isplayed at the key pad whe n an alarm or trouble con dition occurs on a sensor.
– 7 – 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ &RQWLQXH G Paging Feature • If programmed, the system can automatically send certain system condition message s to a p ager . • The disp lay con sists o f cod e numbe rs that in dicate the typ e of c onditio n that has occurred.
– 8 – $ERXW7KH.HSDGV *HQHUDO ,QIRU PDWLRQ Your keypads allow you to control al l system functions . The keypads fea ture the follow ing: • A telephone s tyle (digi tal) keypa d • Liqu.
– 9 – $ERXW7KH.HSDGV&RQWLQXHG )L[HG:RUG'L VSOD .HSDG AW AY : All bu rglary zone s, interio r and perimeter, are armed.
– 10 – )XQFWLRQVRIWKH.HSDGV NOTE: The functio ns printed directly on the keys indicate their primary purpo se; the functions pr inted und er some of th e keys (shown in br ackets und er th e respec tive k ey), indica te their altern ate or secon dary purpose.
– 12 – (QWU([LW' HODV Your syst em has preset time delays , known as exi t delay and entr y delay. ([LW 'HOD Exit delay gives you time to lea ve through the des ignated exi t door without setting off an alarm.
– 13 – (QWU([LW'HODV &RQWLQXHG ([LW $ODUPV Whenever you arm t he syst em, the exit delay b egins. If a n entry/exit door or int erior zone is fa ulted withi n two minutes aft er the end of the exit delay (e.g., exit door left open), the sys tem sounds an alarm and starts t he entry delay t imer.
– 14 – &KHFNLQJ)RU2SHQ=RQHV 8VLQJWKH > ∗ @.H Before arming your s ystem, a ll protected doors , windows an d other protecti on zones must be clos ed or bypass ed, otherwis e the keypad wi ll displa y a "Not Rea dy" message.
– 15 – $UPLQJWKH6VWHP 6WD0RGH$UPV3HULPH WHU2QO(QWU'HOD2Q • Used when you want t o arm the s ystem with persons staying insi de (or if you have pets that are moving throughout t he premises ). • The perimeter s ensors are armed, but interi or sensors are l eft disarmed.
– 16 – $UPLQJWKH6VWHP $UPLQJ& RPPD QGV Before arming, close all perimeter doors and windows and make sure the Ready to Arm message is displayed.
– 17 – $UPLQJWKH6VWHP 6LQJO H%XW WRQ$UP LQJ The “ A” , “B ” , “ C” , and/or “D ” keys on your keypad may have b een programmed for single- button arm ing. Note that wh ile it will n ot be n ecessary to use a security cod e for arming, a security code must always be used to disarm the system.
– 18 – 8VLQJWKH.HVZLWFK 8VLQJWKH .HVZLWFK Your system ma y be equipped wit h a keyswitch for use when a rming and disarmi ng. Red and green light s on the k eyswitc h plate indicat e the status of your s ystem as follow s: Green Light: Lights when the syst em is disarmed and rea dy to be armed (n o open zones).
– 19 – 'LVDUPLQJDQG6LOHQFLQJ$ODUPV 8VLQJW KH>2 ))@N H The OFF key is used t o disarm the syst em, silence alar m and trouble sounds, and clear alarm memories. IMPORTANT : If you return an d the main bu rglary sou nder is on, DO NOT ENTER, but CONTACT THE POLICE fr om a near by safe locatio n.
– 20 – %SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV 8VLQJ WKH %<3$66.H Use t his key when you want t o arm your sys tem with one or more zones int entionall y unprotected.
– 21 – %SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV 4XLFN%S DVV If programmed, "Quick Bypass" all ows you to easil y bypass all open (faulted) zones without ha ving to enter zone numbers i ndividually. This feature is useful if, for example, you rout inely leave cert ain windows open when arming at night.
– 22 – &KLPH0RGH CHIME mode alert s you to the opening of a perimeter door or wi ndow while the syst em is disarmed. When Chime mode is activated: • Three tones sound at the keypa d whenever a perimeter door or window is opened. • Interior zones do not produce a tone when they a re faulted.
– 23 – 'DWHDQG7LPH 9LHZLQJ WKH&XUUH QW'DW HDQG7 LPH The syst em lets you vi ew its ti me and date sett ing on al pha keypad. +[#] + [6] [3] (Security Code) OR, press the function ke y (A, B, C, o r D) fo r viewing current date and t ime, if programmed.
– 24 – 3DQLF.HV 8VLQJ3DQL F.HV Your syst em may have been programmed t o use special keys to manually a ctivate emergency (panic ) functions a s follows: This Function Sends this signal *.
– 25 – 0DFUR.H3URJUDPPLQJ8VDJH $ERXW 0DFUR. HV The “ A” , “B ” , “ C” or “D ” key s can be used to automa tically activate a serie s of commands of up to 1 6 keystrok es, if programmed for thi s function.
– 26 – 0DFUR.H3URJUDPPLQJ8VDJH FRQW The keypad b eeps to a cknowledge your input an d displa ys the command you entered (fol lowed by “F ” ). 4. Enter the n ext command , followe d by press/h olding the “D ” ke y for at least two seco nds.
– 27 – 8VLQJ'HYLFH&RPPDQGV $ERXW' HYLFH&R PPDQGV Your system may b e set up so that it can control certain l ights or other devices. • Some devices ma y be automat ically turned on or off b y the sys tem. • You may be able to o verride automatically controlled device s using the commands described below.
– 28 – 3DJLQJ)HDWXUH $ERXW$ XWRP DWLF3 DJLQJ Your sys tem may be set up to auto matically send ale rt mess ages to a pager as certain conditions occur in your system. • The followi ng events can be progra mmed by your inst aller to be sent t o the pagers: arming and dis arming † , alarm s, and trouble conditio ns.
– 29 – 3DJLQJ)HDWXUH 0DQXDO3 DJLQJ Your system ma y be set up so you can manually send a mess age to a pager. • Your insta ller programs the pa ging function key an d the pager phone number. • Pressi ng the paging k eys sends t he message 999 – 9999 to the pag er .
– 30 – 6HFXULW&RGHV$XWKRULW/HYHOV $ERXW6 HFXULW &RGHV Your inst aller assigned a master code t hat is us ed to perform all syst em functions. In addition, you can assign up to 15 different s ecurity codes for use by other users .
– 31 – 6HFXULW&RGHV$XWKRULW/HYHOV &RQW +RZWR$ VVLJQ8VHU& RGHV DQG$ WWULEXWHV The following l ists t he various command strings for a dding user codes a nd attributes.
– 32 – 6FKHGXOLQJ $ERXW6 FKHG XOLQJ The syst em provides one end-user s chedule (progra mmable by mas ter/instal ler only), which can control various types of events . • Each schedule caus es a defined event to s tart and stop (when a ppropriate) at a specifie d time.
– 33 – 6FKHGXOLQJFRQWLQXHG 5. For event number “ 02, ” enter the access group number. Otherwis e, this prompt i s skipped. Press [ ∗ ] to co ntinue to the “ Star t ” prompt below. 7. Enter the event ’ s start t ime and da ys of week.
– 34 – (YHQW/RJJLQJ3URFH GXUHV $ERXW( YHQW/ RJJLQJ The syst em records various events in a hist ory log, which ca n be viewed by the mast er user usi ng an Alpha Display k eypad. • The Event Log holds up to 3 2 events. • Events are displayed in chronological order, from most recent to oldest.
– 35 – (YHQW/RJJLQJ3URFHGXUHVFRQWLQXHG 7DEOHRI (YHQW /RJ&RG HV The followi ng tabl e lists the codes that may appea r when viewing t he Event Log.
– 36 – 7HVWLQJWKH6VWHP 7R%H&RQGXFWHG :HHN O $ERXW7 HVWLQJ WKH6V WHP Using T est mode allows each prot ection point to be checked for proper operat ion. • The k eypad s ounds a singl e beep every 40 seconds as a reminder t hat the system is in th e Te st mod e.
– 37 – 7URXEOH&RQGLWLRQV "Check" and "Batte ry " Displa y s * Not all system s use wire less sensors. T he word CHECK on the keypad 's display , accompanied by a "beeping" at the keypa d, indicat es a troubl e condition i n the system.
– 38 – 7URXEOH& RQGLWLRQV &RQWLQXHG Words or l etters in parent heses ( ) are t hose that are displa yed on Alpha Displa y keypads.
– 39 – 7URXEOH& RQGLWLRQV &RQWLQXHG Other Trouble Displays (Continued ) AC LOSS The syst em is operati ng on battery power (or NO AC ) only due to an AC power fail ure. If only some li ghts are out on the premises, check circuit breakers and fuses and reset or replace as necessary.
– 40 – 0DLQWDLQLQJ<RXU6VWHP Taking Care of Your System The components of your security s ystem are desi gned to be as maintenance-fr ee as poss ible. Ho wever, to make sure that y our system is in reliable working conditio n, do the follow ing: 1.
– 41 – )LUH$ODUP6VWHP,I,QVWDOOHG THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Genera l Your fire alarm syste m (if ins talled) is on 24 h ours a d ay, for continuous prot ection.
– 42 – )LUH$ODUP 6VWHP&RQWLQXHG THIS SECTION APPLIES ONLY TO RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS Manually Initia ting a Fire A larm 1. Should you become a ware of a fire emergency befor e your .
– 45 – 4XLFN*XLGHWR%DVLF6VWHP)XQFWLRQV FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zone s Press READY key. View fa ulted z ones when system not ready. Arm System Enter code. Pr ess a rming k ey desi red: (AWAY, STA Y, NIGHT-ST AY, MAXIMUM, INSTANT) Arms system in mode selected .
– 46 – 6XPPDURI$XGLEOH9LVXDO1RWLILFDWLRQV )L[HG:RUG'LVSOD.HSDGV SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED * Keypad & Ext. FIRE ALARM FIRE is displayed; zone number of z one in alarm is di splayed. If a fire alarm is manually activated, zone number 95 will be displayed.
– 47 – 6X PP DU R I$ XGLE OH 9 LV XDO 1 RW LI LF DW LR QV $OSKD'LVSOD.HSDGV SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED* Keypad & Ext. FIRE ALARM. FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. If a fire alarm is manually activat ed, zone number 95 wil l be displayed.
– 48 – 5HJXODWRU6WDW HPHQWVDQG:DUQLQJV NOT E: Th is is a “ Grade A ” Res ident ial Sys tem RADIO F REQUENCY EMISS IONS Federal Com municat ions Comm ission (F CC) Part 15 This device com plies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
– 49 – &KDUWVRI<RXU6VWHP·V)HDWXUHV SERVICING INFORMATION Your loc al author ized ser vice r epres entative is the p erson best qua lified to service your alarm system . Arrangi ng some ki nd of regula r servi ce program wi th him is advisab le.
– 50 – &KDUWVRI <RXU6VWHP·V) HDWXUHV User Se tup The foll owing char t will he lp keep t rack of sy stem u sers. To pr ogram a user att ribute: Enter syst em master c ode + [8] + us er no. + “# ” command list ed in co lumn head ing … User No.
– 51 – ²1RWHV².
– 52 – ²1RWHV².
– 53 – OWNER ’ S INSURAN CE PRE MIUM CR EDIT REQUE ST This for m should be completed and for warded to y our homeow ner ’ s insura nce carrie r for possibl e premiu m credit. A. GENERAL INFOR MATION: Insured ’ s Name and Address: Insurance Comp any: Policy No.
– 54 – OWNER ’ S INSURAN CE PRE MIUM CR EDIT REQUEST (cont.) E. SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATIONS Furna ce Room Kitchen Bedroom s Attic Basement Living Room Dining Room Hall F.
– 55 – /,0,7$7,2162)7+,66<67(0 WARNING! THE LIMI TATIONS OF THI S ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design security system, it does not offer guaranteed prot ection against burglar y or other emergency.
ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRAN TY Pittway Corporation, and its divis ions, su bsidiarie s and a ff iliates (" Seller" ), 165 Eilee n Way, Sy osset, New York 11 791, w arrants its Firs t Ale rt Pr o.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il First Alert FA130CP è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del First Alert FA130CP - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso First Alert FA130CP imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul First Alert FA130CP ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il First Alert FA130CP, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del First Alert FA130CP.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il First Alert FA130CP. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo First Alert FA130CP insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.