Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MPC600F/400 del fabbricante Canon
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Canon SmartBase MPC600F/400 Fax Guide.
This equip ment confor ms with the es sential r equirement s of EC Directiv e 1999/5/E C. We declar e that this product con forms wit h the EMC requi rements of EC Direct ive 1999/5 /EC at nomina l mains in put 230V, 50 Hz although t he rated in put of the pr oduct is 200V-240V , 50/60Hz .
i Using Your Documentation Your machine includes the following documen tation. This documentation has been designed so tha t you can easily use your machine to su it your particular needs. Documentation is included on the CD-ROM in PDF form. Cop yri ght Copyright © 2002 b y Canon, Inc.
ii T rademarks Canon and BJ are registered tradem arks. BCI, Bubble J et, MultiPASS, and UHQ are trademarks of Canon Inc. All other produc t and brand names are registered trade m arks, trademarks or serv ice marks of their respective owners. Super G3 is a phrase used to describe the new generation of fax machine s that use ITU- T V.
iii Contents Chapter 1: Intr oduction Customer Support ...................................... 1-1 Operation Panel ......................................... 1-1 Standby Display ..................... .................... 1-2 Chapter 2: Registeri ng Informati on Methods of Regist ering Information in the Machine .
iv Chapter 7: Reports and Lists Summary of Reports a nd Lists .................. 7-1 ACTIVITY REPORT ............................... .... 7-2 TX (Transmission) REPORT ...................... 7 -3 MULTI TX/RX (Transacti on) REPORT ... 7-4 RX (Reception) REPORT .
v Type Conventions Used in This Guide Please read the list below of symbols, term s, and abbreviations used in this guid e. • Indicates a warning concerning operations that may lead to death or injury t o persons or damage to proper ty if not performed cor rectly.
1-1 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction Customer Support Your machine is designed with the latest technology to pr ovide trouble-free opera tion. If you e ncounter a problem with the machine’s operation, try to solve it by using the informatio n in Chapter 8.
1-2 Standby Display The standby display differs depending on which mode is selected. Wh en the machine is turned on, the Copy Mode standb y display a ppears. You c an switch Copy Mo de to Fax Mod e by pressi ng Fax . The standby display in Fax Mod e is as follows: • The standb y display in Copy Mo de and Scan Mode are, → Reference Guide.
2-1 2 Registering Inform ation Chapter 2 Registering Information Methods of Registering Informatio n in the Machine To customise the mach ine to your particular needs, you can adjust the general operation, sending, receiving, printing, system settings, and speed dialling settings.
2-2 ■ Entering Letters 1 Press to switch to uppercase letter mo de ( :A ) or lowercase letter m ode ( :a ). 2 Press the nu meric button that contain s the letter yo u want. • Press repeatedly until the letter you want appears. Each button cycles through the letters it contains.
2-3 2 2 Registering Inform ation Registering Sender Information ■ What is Se nder Informat ion? When you receive a fax, the na me of the person or compa ny who sent you the fax, their fax/tele phone number, and the date and time of transmission may be printed in sm all type at the top of each page.
2-4 ■ Entering the Date and Time 1 Press Menu . 2 Use or to select FAX SETTINGS . 3 Press OK three times. The date and time current ly set for the machine are displayed. 4 Use the n umeric bu ttons to enter the corr ect day, month, year, an d time in this or der.
2-5 2 2 Registering Inform ation 7 Press OK twice. 8 Use the n umeric bu ttons to enter your name o r compan y name (max . 24 charac ters, in cluding s paces). • If you are unsure how to enter characters, → p. 2-1. • If you have alre ady registered y our name or compa ny name, the previous entry will b e displaye d.
2-6 Setting the Telephone L ine Type Before using yo ur machine, yo u need to make sure it is set for yo ur telephon e line type. If yo u are unsure of your telephone line type, check with your local tele phone company. The factory de fault setting of your machine varies de pending on the curren t country sele ction.
2-7 2 2 Registering Inform ation 3 Press OK twice. 4 Use or to select R-KEY SETTING . 5 Press OK . 6 Use or to select PBX . 7 Press OK . 8 Use or to select the acces s type of your swi tching system. ❚ If you sele cted HOOKING or EARTH CONNECTION i n step 8: 9 Press OK .
3-1 3 Speed Dialling Chapter 3 Speed Dialling What is Speed Dialling? Speed dialling allows you to simplify dialling pro cedures by registering a fax/telephone number(s) and name under a butto n or code. Y ou can then dia l that numbe r by pressin g only one or a few buttons.
3-2 One-Touch Speed Dialling ■ Registering Number s f or One-T ouc h Speed Dialling 1 Press Menu . 2 Use or to select TEL REGISTRATION . 3 Press OK twice. 4 Use or to select a one-to uch speed d iallin g button (01 to 09). • If a one-touch speed dialling button has already been registered, the number registered under that butto n appears.
3-3 3 3 Speed Dialling 9 Press OK . 10 To conti nue regi stering ot her one-t ouch spee d dialli ng butto ns, repeat the proc edure fr om step 4. -or- Press Stop/Reset to return to standb y mode. • You can use the destination labels. Stick these labe ls on your machine for easy reference when dialling.
3-4 7 Press OK . 8 Press Stop/Reset to retu rn to st andby mode. ❚ To Delete a One-Touch Speed Dial ling Entry: 4 Press a nd hold to del ete the f ax/tele phone numbe r. 5 Press OK . 6 Press Stop/Reset to return to sta ndby mode. • The registered nam e is automatically cleared when yo u clear the fax/telephone numbe r.
3-5 3 3 Speed Dialling 8 Use the n umeric buttons to ente r the f ax/tele phone n umber you want to register (max. 120 d igits, inc luding sp aces and pauses). •U s e to enter a space a nd move the cursor to the next digit. S paces are optio nal and are ignored during dialling.
3-6 ❚ To Change a Coded S peed Dial ling Entr y: 4 Use to delet e the previ ous entr y, then re -enter t he fax/ telepho ne number. • If you do not w ant to change the fa x/telephone number, i gnore this step. •U s e to enter a space and move the cu rsor to the ne xt digit.
3-7 3 3 Speed Dialling Group Dialling ■ Creatin g Gr oups 1 Press Menu . 2 Use or to select TEL REGISTRATION . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to select GROUP DIAL . 5 Press OK . 6 Select a on e-touch s peed diall ing button or coded s peed dialling code un der which you want t o regist er the gr oup.
3-8 8 Enter the o ne-touch and/or co ded speed di alling n umbers you want to reg ister in the group. • You cann ot register numb ers in groups that have not be en registere d for speed dial ling. • You can revie w the numbe rs registere d under the group by pre ssing or .
3-9 3 3 Speed Dialling Speed Dialling Lists You can print lists of fax/telephone num bers registered for sp eed dialling. Keep the se lists near you r machine so you can refe r to them whe n diallin g. ■ Printing Speed Dialling Lists 1 Press Menu . 2 Use or to select REPORTS/LISTS .
3-10 Samples of the lists are shown below: ■ 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST ■ CODED SPEED DIAL LIST ■ GROUP DIAL LIST 27/12 2002 17: 02 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001 27/12 2002 17 :03 FAX 123 45 67 CANON 001 ********** ********** ******* ********** ******** *** NO.
4-1 4 Sending Faxes Chapter 4 Sending Faxes Preparing to Send a F ax ■ Documents Y ou Can F ax For information on the types of documents yo u can fax, their requirem ents, and deta ils on loading documents, → Reference Guide.
4-2 Setting the Scanning Resolution Resolution is a measure of the fineness o r clarity o f a printout. Low resolutions may cause te xt and graphi cs to have a jagged appearan ce, while higher resolutions p rovide smoother curv es and lines, crisp text and graphics, and a better match to traditional typeface designs.
4-3 4 4 Sending Faxes ■ Dialling Methods There are several ways of dialling the number of th e party you want to send to. They are as follows: ■ When the Fax Number is No t Registered in the Machi.
4-4 One-T ouch Speed Dialling Dial a fax number by pressing the one-touch speed dialling button ( 01 to 09 ) to which the number is assigned. Ex: • The number re gistered under that on e-touch speed dialling bu tton ( 01-0 9 ) is displaye d. • If you press th e wrong button, press Stop/Reset , then press the correct button.
4-5 4 4 Sending Faxes Gr oup Dialling Dial a group of fax numbers registered under a one-to u ch speed dialling button or coded speed dialling code. ❚ To enter a group re gister ed under a one-touch speed dialling b utton: Press the one-touch speed dialling butto n assigned to the group you wish to fax.
4-6 Sending Methods This section describes the me thods and ad vantages of the two main se nding meth ods: Memory se nding and manual sending via t he handset .
4-7 4 4 Sending Faxes ■ Memory Sending Using the Platen Glass • When documents are loaded into the ADF, the machine will scan docume nts not on the platen glass but in the ADF. You need to remo ve documents fro m the ADF in ad vance. 1 Press Fax to set Fax Mo de.
4-8 ■ Manual Sen ding Via the Hands et Manual send ing via the han dset allows yo u to talk to the other party before sen ding a docum ent. This me thod is useful if the other party mus t manually set their fax machine to rece ive before they can receive a fax .
4-9 4 4 Sending Faxes Cancelling Sending Cancelling Memory Sending ■ Using the ADF ❚ While a docu ment is scan ning: 1 Press Stop/Reset . • The transmission is cancelled. • The machine prints an ERROR TX REPORT. ( → p. 7-3) • When a document r emains in the ADF, remove the other docume nts fro m the ADF, and then press Resume .
4-10 Redialling When the Line is Busy There are two methods of redialling: Manual redialling and Automatic redialling . This section explains these two methods. ■ Manual Redia lling Press Redial/Pause to dial the last numb er you dial led with th e numeric bu ttons.
4-11 4 4 Sending Faxes Sequential Broadcasting Sending a Document to More Than One D estination This feature allows you to scan a doc ument once an d send it to several destinations.
4-12 4 Press Start to begin sca nning fo r sendin g, or wait a few secon ds for t he machine to begin scanning automatica lly. • The machine will first send the document to the one- touch speed dialling destinations, then the coded speed dialling destina tions, and finally to the destinati on dialled using regu lar dialling.
4-13 4 4 Sending Faxes Delayed Sending You can use your ma chine to se nd faxes a t a preset tim e. This fea ture is called Delayed sending or Timer sendin g . By usi ng this feature, you can tak e advantage of lower long distance rates at nig ht, for example.
4-14 ■ Printing a Document in Memory 1 Press Menu . 2 Use or to select MEMORY REFERENCE . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to select PRINT DOCUMENT . 5 Press OK . 6 Use or to select the tran saction number ( TX/RX NO. ) of the docum ent you wa nt to print. • If you want to conf irm the details of a documen t displayed in the LCD, → p.
4-15 4 4 Sending Faxes ■ Deleting a Document fro m Memory 1 Press Menu . 2 Use or to select MEMORY REFERENCE . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to select DELETE DOCUMENT . 5 Press OK . 6 Use or to select the tran saction number ( TX/RX NO. ) of the docum ent you wa nt to delete .
5-1 5 Receiving Faxes Chapter 5 Receiving Faxes Your machine automatically receives faxe s in col our from fax machines with colour capability. When receiving a fax, the machine detects if the incoming fax is a colour or black & white transaction an d prints the fax accordingl y.
5-2 ■ Setting the Options f or F AX/TEL A UT O SW If you set FAX/TEL AUTO SW , you can control precisely how the mac hine handles incomin g calls by adjusting the following settings: • Adjust the time the machin e takes to check whethe r a call is from a fax machine or a telephone ( RING START TIME setting ).
5-3 5 5 Receiving Faxes 1 Make sure FaxTel is displa yed in the LCD . •T o s e t FAX/TEL AUT O SW , → Quick Start Guide. 2 Press Menu . 3 Use or to select FAX SETTINGS . 4 Press OK . 5 Use or to select RX SETTINGS . 6 Press OK . 7 Use or to select FAX/TEL AUTO SW .
5-4 Receiving Faxes Manually In MANUAL MODE , if you connect a telephon e to your machine, y ou can receive voice calls as well as manually activate reception of fax es. You can activate reception from the machine or from the telephone connec ted to the machine (this is called Remote receiving ).
5-5 5 5 Receiving Faxes Receiving Faxes to the MultiPASS Suite When your PC is on, y ou can set the MultiPASS Suite to automatically upload i ncoming faxes from the machine to your PC.
5-6 3 Enter up to 110 fax num bers using any of the foll owing meth ods: ❚ One-touc h speed di alling: Press the desired one-touch speed dialling bu tton(s). ❚ Coded speed dialling: Press Coded Dial , then use the numeric button s to enter the two-digit code .
6-1 6 Special Feature s Chapter 6 Special Features Special Dialling This section explains special dialling features, such as dialling an overseas number, switch ing temporarily to tone dialling, and confirming a dial tone.
6-2 7 Press Start to begin scan ning fo r sending . • To cancel the transm ission on ce dia lling has started, press Stop/Reset then . ( → p. 4 -9) • To take advantage of the speed dialling featur es of your ma chine, register f requently used o verseas numbers for one- touch or coded sp eed dialling.
6-3 6 6 Special Feature s 1 When you come t o a step that req uires you to enter the fa x/ telepho ne number, use th e numeric b uttons to enter t he number up to where di al tone det ection is required . 2 Press D.T. for dial tone dete ction. • A small dot indicates where the machine will wait for the dial tone.
6-4 7 Press OK . 8 Press Stop/Reset to retu rn to st andby mode. Restriction of y our machine is now enabled. No one can ma ke calls or s end faxes. (Th is setting doe s not restrict incoming calls or faxes.) Cancelling Restriction of Y our Machine Follow this procedure to cancel restriction of your machine: 1 Press Menu .
7-1 7 Reports and Lists Chapter 7 Reports and Lists Summary of Reports and Lists The table below shows the repo rts and lists that can be printed from your machine.
7-2 ACTIVITY REPORT The machine is factory-set to automa tically print an ACTIVITY REP ORT after every 20 transactions. If you want to print an ACTIVITY REPORT befo re it is automatically printed, fol.
7-3 7 7 Reports and Lists TX (Transmission) REPORT The machine is factory-set to print a TX (transmission) REPORT only when an erro r occurs during sending.
7-4 ■ MUL T I TX/RX (T ransac tion) REPORT If the transmission was a sequential broadcast, a MU LTI TX/RX (transacti on) REPORT, similar to the one below, will be printed. RX (Reception) REPORT The machine is factory-set not to print an RX (reception) REPORT even if an error occurs durin g reception.
8-1 8 Troubleshooting Chapter 8 Troubleshooting LCD Messages The following messag es are displayed in the LCD when the mach ine is performing a function or encounters an error. This section de scribes messa ges related to fax function s. For other m essages, → Reference Guide.
8-2 Message (Error Code) Cause Action ECM TX The machine is sending a fax using Error Correction Mode (ECM). ECM transmissions may take longer than normal transmissions. Turn off ECM if you need to transmit quickly, or if you know your local lines are in good condition.
8-3 8 8 Troubleshooting Faxing Problems ■ Sending Pro blems ❚ You cannot se nd a fax. The machine may not be set for the type of telephone line in use (pu lse/tone). • Make sure the machine is set fo r the correct telephone line type. ( → p. 2-6) The document may not have been loaded.
8-4 ❚ Cannot s end using Error Corre ction Mo de (ECM). The other party’ s fax machine may not supp ort ECM. • If the other pa rty’s fax machine does not s upport ECM, then the document is s ent in norma l mode witho ut error checking. ECM may be disabl ed.
8-5 8 8 Troubleshooting ❚ Cannot r eceive a d ocument manu ally. You may hav e disconnecte d the call by pressing Start or dialling the remote receiving ID after hanging up the handset. • Always press Start or dial the remote receiving ID before hanging up the handset.
8-6 ❚ Errors occ ur frequentl y while recei ving. The telephone lines may be in poor con dition, or yo u may have a b ad connection . • Lower the reception spee d. ( → RX START SPEE D , p. 9-7) The sending fax machine may no t be functioning prop erly.
8-7 8 8 Troubleshooting If a Power Cut Occurs If power is suddenly lost due to an outage or accident al unplugging , a built-in battery retains the user data settings and the speed dialling setting s. However, any se nt or received documents stored in memory will be lost.
9-1 9 Summary of Settings Chapter 9 Summary of Settings Understanding the Menu Syst em The machine menu system allows you to custom ise the way your machine op erates. It consists of variou s menus, each containing settings th at cont rol different function s of your machine.
9-2 ■ Menus in F AX Mode • The default settings and selectable set tings vary depending on the current coun try selection. The values shown here are average values.
9-3 9 9 Summary of Settings TEL REGIST RA TION FA X S E T T I N G S 2. CODED DIAL LIST Prints the CODED SPEED DIAL LIST. ( → p. 3-9) - SORTED OUTPUT Selects the order yo u want the de stinations to be printed. YES : Prints t he list in alphabetical order.
9-4 * Can only be adjusted for b lack & white transmissions. For colour tran smissions, the TTI information is positioned inside the image area . 5. TX TERMINAL ID Enables/disables printing of the sender information ( → p. 2-3) ON OFF 1. TTI POSITION Selects the position of the identification header (outside or inside the ima ge area).
9-5 9 9 Summary of Settings Name Description Settings 2. RX REPORT Enables/disables automatic printing of a reception report. ( → p. 7-4) OUTPUT NO: No report is printed. PRINT ERROR ONL Y: Prints a report only when a reception error occurs. OUTPUT YES: Prints a report every time you receive a d ocument.
9-6 * Even if you ha ve set INCOMING RI NG to ON , ringing will only occur if you have connected a telephone to your mach ine. 6. COLOUR DIRECT TX Enables/dis ables send ing of colour documents from the ADF to fax machines that do no t have colour faxing capability.
9-7 9 9 Summary of Settings Name Description Settings 5. REMOTE RX Enables/disables remote receiving. ( → p. 5-4) ON OFF REMOTE RX ID If you select s ON ab ove, s elects th e remot e receiving ID. 25 (00 to 99) 6. RX REDUCTION Enables/di sables redu ction of faxes to fit on the paper loaded in the multi-pu rpose tray.
A-1 A Specification s Appendix Specifications Specifications are subject to change withou t notice ■ Fa csimile ■ Applicable Line Public Switched Tele phone Network (PST N) ■ Compatibility G3 .
I-1 I Index Index (-) button ............................. ................. ........... 1-1 (+) (Menu) b utton ...... ................. .................. .. 1-1 1-TOUCH LIST setting ........................... ........... 9-2 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST description .
I-2 DELETE DOCUMENT setting ..........................9-2 Deleting document from memory.....................4-15 Dial tone, confirming.................. ................. ....... 6-2 Dialling coded speed ........... ................. ......... 3-1, 3-4, 4-4 group.
I-3 I I Index Memory sending cancelling........... ................. ................. ........... 4-9 using ADF ................. ...................... ...............4-6 using platen glass....... ...................... ...............4-7 MEMORY USED nn % message .
I-4 Receiving (See also individual receive modes) cancelling........... ................. ................. ........... 5-6 in memory when problem occurs ...................5 -6 manually ........ ................. ................. ...............5-4 methods .
I-5 I I Index T T ( ) button ........................... ................. ........... 1-1 TEL LINE TYPE setting ............................. ........... 9-4 REGISTRATION menu .................. ....... 9-1, 9-3 Tele phone line, setting type ........
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon MPC600F/400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon MPC600F/400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon MPC600F/400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon MPC600F/400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon MPC600F/400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon MPC600F/400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon MPC600F/400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon MPC600F/400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.