Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HFR106 del fabbricante Canon
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PUB. DIE-0343-000 HD Camcorder Instruction Manual.
3 European Union (and EEA) only . These symbols indicate that thi s product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, ac cording to the WEEE Directi ve (2002/96/E C ), the Batter y Directiv e (2006/66/E C ) and/or y our national laws implementing t hose Dire ctives.
4 Exciting F eatures and New Functions High-Definition Vi deo Y our ca mcorder ’ s high-definition image s en s or (HD CMO S ) capture s video at a re s olution of 1 , 920 x 1, 080 pixel s 2 . Vide o s are th en record ed in t he m emory in h igh definition, u s ing A VCHD s pecification s 3 .
5 Smart AUTO (2 4 ) S mart AUTO automatically s ele ct s the be s t s etting s for the s cene yo u want to s hoot. Yo u g e t s pect acular r ecording s ev ery time with out w orry ing abou t s etting s . Video Snap s hot (5 5 ) S hoot or capt ure s hort s cene s and arrange them into a video clip s et to you r favori te bac k gro und mu s ic.
6 Enjoying yo u r Recording s on Ot her D evice s AVCHD MPEG- 2 S D-Video Eye-Fi SD C onnect the c amcorder to an HDTV ( 103) C onnect the camcorde r t o the optional DW-100 DV D Burner ( 106, 108) AV.
Table of conte nt s 7 Introduction 4 Exciting Feature s and New Function s 11 About thi s Manual 13 Getting to Know the Camcorder 13 S uppl ied Acce ss orie s and CD-ROM s 15 Name s of Part s .
8 Table of cont ent s V ide o 37 Ba s ic Recording 37 S hooting Video 38 S electing t he V ideo Quality ( Record ing Mode) 39 Zooming 40 Quic k S tart Function 42 Ba s ic Playbac k 42 Playing .
Table of conte nt s 9 Photos 79 Ba s ic Recording 79 T a k ing P hoto s 80 S electing Photo S ize and Quality 82 Ba s ic Pla yb ac k 82 Viewing Photo s 83 Deleting Photo s 85 Magnifying Photo .
10 Table of cont ent s Additional Information 122 Appendix: Men u Option s Li s t s 122 FUNC. Menu 125 S etup Menu s 135 On s cr een Icon s and Di s play s 139 T rouble ? 139 T rouble s hootin.
Introdu ction 11 Abo u t thi s Man u al Than k yo u for p urcha s ing th e Canon L EGR IA HF R1 8 / LEGRI A HF R1 7 / LEGRIA HF R16 / LEGRIA HF R106. P lea s e read thi s manual carefully befo re you u s e the camcorder and retain it for future r eference.
12 Introduction Selecting the Video Q u ality (Recording M ode) The camcorder offer s 4 recording mode s . Changing the recording mode will change the recording time available on the memory . S elect FXP or XP+ mode for better movie q uality; s ele ct LP mode for longer record ing t ime s .
Introdu ction 13 Getting to K now the Cam co rd er S u pplied Acce ss orie s and CD-ROM s The following acce ss orie s are s upplied with the camcorder: X C A-590E C ompact Power Adapter (incl.
14 Introduction The following CD -ROM s and s of twar e ar e s up plied with the camc order : • PIXELA A pplication - Dis c 1 CD-ROM* and ‘PIXELA Application s’ In s tallatio n G uide - ImageMi xer 3 SE T ran s fer Utilit ie s - Softwa re for s aving and tran s ferring movie s and mu s ic file s you can u s e a s backgr ound mu s ic.
Introdu ction 15 Name s of Part s 1 (camera /play) b utton ( 26) 2 VIDEO S NAP (video s na p s hot) button (5 5 ) 3 // WEB bu tton ( 116) 4 button ( 24 )/ // INDEX S EL.
16 Introduction A s Zoom l ever ( 39 ) A d PHOTO bu tton ( 79 ) A f POW ER b utto n A g ON/OFF (CHG) (c harge) indicator : Green – On Orange – S ta ndby ( 40 ) Red – Cha rging ( 1 8) A h LCD s cre en ( 22) A j Joy s tic k (2 7 ) A k FUNC.
Introdu ction 17 S g Tr i p o d s oc k et ( 1 55) S h Memory card s lot (3 3 ) S j Battery com partmen t S k Battery relea s e latch S l Battery com partmen t cover/Memor y card s lot cover D q Seria l nu mber The s erial nu mber label i s lo cated on the ba ttery com partmen t cover .
18 Prepa rati on s Prepar ation s Thi s cha pter de s cribe s ba s ic op er ation s , s uch a s navigating the menu s , and fir s t time s etting s to help you learn more about your camcord er . Getting Started Charging the Batter y Pack The camco rd er can be power ed with a battery pa c k or direct ly u s ing the com- pact power ada p ter .
Prepa ration s 19 4 Slide the battery compartment cover away from the lens and open it. 5 Remove the battery terminal cover from the battery pack. 6 Insert the battery pack all the way into the compartment and press gently until it clicks. 7 Close the co ver and slide it toward the lens until you hear a click.
20 Prepa rati on s To remove the batte ry pac k 1 S lide the battery compartment cove r a way from th e le n s and open it. 2P r e ss the battery rele a s e latc h and pul l out the batte ry pac k . 3C l o s e the cover and s lide i t toward the len s until you hear a clic k .
Prepa ration s 21 • W e recommen d that you pre p ar e battery pa ck s to la s t 2 to 3 time s longer th an you think you might need . Prep arin g the A cce ss orie s Fasten the grip belt. Adju s t the gri p belt s o that you ca n reac h the zoom l ever with your in d ex finger , and the button with your thumb.
22 Prepa rati on s To attach an optio nal wri s t s trap Pass the attaching end o f the wrist strap through the rear bracket on the cam- corder , thread the wrist strap through the loop and fasten. Y ou can al s o attach the wri s t s trap to the s trap mount on the grip belt to u s e both for extra conveni ence and pro tectio n.
Prepa ration s 23 NOTES • About the LCD scr een: The s cr een i s produced u s ing extr emely high- pre- ci s ion manufactur ing techni que s , with mor e than 99.99% of th e pixel s operating to s pecification. Le ss than 0.01% of the pixel s may occa s ion - ally m i s fire or appear a s black, red, blue or green dot s .
24 Prepa rati on s Ba s ic Operation of the Camcorder Operating Mode s Recording The camcor der of fer s two ba s ic mode s for recording video and photo s : S mar t AU TO ( ) mo de fo r b egin ne.
Prepa ration s 25 •W h e n s hooting i n mode, t he camcor der will automatical l y detect ce rtain cha racteri s tic s of the s ubje ct, ba ckground , lig hting con dition s , et c.
26 Prepa rati on s NOTES • In mode, menu s cannot b e ac ce ss ed but the fol lowing s etti ng s can be chan ged in a dvance. - Recording mode of movie s - Size /qua lity o f phot o s - // Yo u .
Prepa ration s 27 NOTES • // When s witching to a playbac k mode, the memory s elected for playba ck will be the s ame curr ently u s ed fo r reco rdi ng . Joy s tick and Joy s tick G u ide U s e the joy s tic k to op erat e th e cam cord er’ s menu s .
28 Prepa rati on s U s ing the Men us Many of the camcor der’ s fu n ctio n s can be adj u s ted from the menu s that open after p re ss ing . I n mode , menu s cannot be acce ss ed and, e xcept in a few ca s e s , mo s t menu s etting s wil l return to their default value s .
Prepa ration s 29 Selecting an Option from t he Setu p Menus 1P r e s s . 2 Select ( , ) [ Menu] and press to open th e setup menus. Y ou ca n al s o hold pre ss ed down for mor e than 1 s econ d to open dir ectly the s etup m enu s s cre en. 3 Select ( ) the tab of the desired menu.
30 Prepa rati on s Fir s t T ime Setting s Setting the Date an d Time Y ou will need to s et the date and time of the camcor der befor e you can s tart u s ing it. Th e [Date/ Time] s cr een will appear automatically when t he cam- cord er’ s cl oc k i s not s et.
Prepa ration s 31 Changing the Lang u age The default language of the c amcorder i s Engli s h. Y ou can s et it t o one of 23 other language s . NOTES •T h e d i s play s and t hat a ppear in s ome menu s creen s re fe r t o the name of button s on the camcorder and w ill not change, regardl e ss of the language s el ected.
32 Prepa rati on s U s ing a Memor y Card Memory Card s Compati ble fo r U s e with th e Camcorder Y ou can u s e commercially available S DHC ( S D hi gh capacity) memory c ard s and S D me mor y card s with thi s camcorder . How- ever , depending on th e memory c ard, you ma y not be able t o r ecord movie s .
Prepa ration s 33 In s erting and Removing a Memory Card Ma k e s ure to initialize ( 35) all memory card s befo re u s ing them with thi s camcor der . 1 T ur n off the camco rder . Make s ur e the ON/OFF (CHG) indi cator i s of f. 2 Slide the memory car d slot cover away from the lens and open it.
34 Prepa rati on s // Sele cting the M emory for the Recor ding s Y ou can s elect to recor d your movie s an d photo s in the built-in mem- ory or on a mem ory card.
Prepa ration s 35 * The appr oximate availab le recor ding time will now r eflect the combined s pace i n the b uilt-in me mory and memor y card. NOTES • An y of t he following actio n s will deactiva te the r elay rec ord ing func tion.
36 Prepa rati on s *P r e ss to cancel the complete initia lization while it i s in pr ogre ss . All reco rding s will be era s ed and th e memory can be u s ed with out an y pr obl em. Option s IMPORT AN T • Initial izin g th e m emor y w ill per man ently era s e all reco rding s .
Video 37 Video Thi s chapter cover s funct ion s related to s hooting movie s , including rec ording, pla ybac k , advanced function s an d playli s t and s cene operatio n s . Ba s ic Recording Shooting Video 1 T ur n on the camcorder . // By def ault, movi e s are reco r ded in the bu ilt- in memor y .
38 Video •B e s ure to s ave your recor ding s reg ul ar ly ( 1 0 4), e s pe cial ly a fter m ak- ing imp ortan t recording s . Canon s hall no t be l iable for a ny lo ss or co r- ruption of da ta.
Video 39 Zoomin g The camcor der of fer s optical (20x) and digital ( // : 400x, : 800x) zoom. Y ou can turn on the digital zoom with the [Digital Zoom] s etting. Move t he zoo m lever towa rd W (wid e a n g l e ) t o zo o m o u t . M ov e i t t o w ar d T (telephoto) to zoom in.
40 Video • In mode, you can al s o s et [Zoo m Sp eed ] to on e of th ree con s tan t s peed s (3 i s the fa s te s t, 1 the s lowe s t). • When [Z oom Speed] i s s et to [ V ariable], the z oom s peed will be fa s ter in r ecord pau s e mode th an when actually reco r ding, except when pre-r ecording ( 56) i s activat ed.
Video 41 • The camc order will s hu t off if left in s tandby mode f or 10 minut e s , re g a rd l e ss of the [Power Savi ng Mode] s ettin g. Pre ss to tur n on th e camc order . •Y o u c a n s elect the length of time until s hut- off or turn off the Q uick Start function al together with the [Quick Start] s ett i ng.
42 Video Ba s ic Playback Playing Back the Video 1P r e s s . • The or igina l movi e s index s cree n will appear in m o s t ca s e s . • If a photo appear s in s ingle photo view , move the zoom lever toward W to open the photo i ndex s creen.
Video 43 IMPORT AN T •O b s erve th e fol lowing p re caution s while th e ACCES S indi cator i s on or fla s hing. Fail ing to d o s o may re s ult in permane nt data lo ss . - Do not open the me mory card s lot c over . -D o n o t d i s co nne ct th e po wer s our ce or turn of f the camcor der .
44 Video Sk ipping s cen e s Open ( ) the joy s tic k guide S elect ( ) the middle row P u s h the joy s tic k () toward * to sk ip to the beginning o f the current s ce ne or to sk ip to the next s cene. *P u s h the joy s tick/pre ss the button twice to s kip to t he beginn ing of th e previou s s cene.
Video 45 1 In the index screen, move ( ) the orange selection frame to the tabs on the top of the screen. 2 Select ( ) the ta b corresponding to the recordings you want to play back. 3 Return ( ) to the index screen to select a scene or photo. By default, the index s creen will s how up to 6 item s ( s cene s or photo s ).
46 Video // For s cene s in the built-in memory: pr e ss For s cene s on th e memory car d: pr e ss and then s elect [Playli s t]. Pre ss . T o open the index s creen for s cene s conv erted into .
Video 47 • // Y ou ca n s elec t the o rigina l movie s in the built -in memor y or on the memory card . •Y o u c a n p r e ss to open the index s creen for vi deo s nap s hot s ce ne s . 2 Open the calend ar screen. • The ca lendar s creen ap pea r s .
48 Video •T h e l i s t o f re co rdi ng s di s play s all date s in which recordin g s were made. An orange s elect ion frame appear s on the day .
Video 49 NOTES •Y o u c a n p r e ss t o retur n to the nor mal ind ex s creen at any tim e. Pre- s electing Recor ding s from the Index Screen Y ou can s elect in advance a number of original movie s or photo s from the index s cr een in order t o perfor m certain a ction s on them collec- tively , a ll at once.
50 Video 4 Press tw ice to close the menu. To cancel all the s election s NOTES •T h e p r e - s election of s cene s /p hoto s will be canceled if you turn of f the camcorder or change the op erating mode. •S c e n e s in th e playl i s t cannot be included i n the pr e- s elect ion.
Video 51 Thi s s tep i s not ne ce ss ary to dele te all s cene s or prev io u s ly s elected s cene s . 3 Delete the scene(s). *I f y o u s elected an y option o ther th an [Thi s Scene ], you can pre ss to inter - rupt the operation while it i s in pr ogre ss .
52 Video Advanced F u nction s Progra mmed AE and S peci al Sce ne Recor ding Pro gram s The recording program determ ine s how much control y ou have over the camcor der’ s rec o rdi n g- rel at ed s etting s .
Video 53 [S p o r t s ] T o re c o rd s port s s cen e s s uch a s tenni s or golf. [S n o w ] T o re cord in br ig ht s ki r e s ort s without the s ubject being under expo s ed. [ Bea ch ] T o rec ord o n a s unny beach without the s ubject being under expo s ed.
54 Video NOTES • [ Po rtrait]/[ Sport s ]/[ Snow ]/[ B each ]: Th e pi cture ma y n ot appear s mooth during playba ck. • [ Port rait]: The blur e ffe ct of the ba ckground incr ea s e s the mor e you zoom in ( T ). • [ Snow]/[ Beach]: The s ub ject may become over expo s ed on cloud y day s or in s haded place s .
Video 55 To change the frame rate Video Snap s hot Recor d a s erie s of s hort s cene s . Play your video s nap s hot s cene s s et to your favorite mu s ic ( 69) to create your own fun mu s ic video. Y ou will be s urpri s ed how by ch anging the bac k gr ound mu s ic, you can give your s cene s an entir ely new feel.
56 Video Pre-recording F u nction The camcorder will s ta rt recor ding 3 s econd s befor e you pre ss , en s uring you do not mi ss impo rta nt s hooting opportuni- tie s . Thi s i s e s pecially u s eful w hen it i s difficult to predict when to s tart reco rd in g.
Video 57 For movies: Press . The camcorder s tart s r ecordi ng af ter a 10- s econd co unt down . The countdo wn appear s on the s creen. For photos: Press , first halfway to activate the autofocus and then fu lly . The camcorder will record the photo after a 10- s econd countdown .
58 Video •T h e a d j u s tmen t ran ge and t he le ngth of the exp o s ure adju s tment indicat or will var y depen ding o n the init ial brigh tne ss o f the pictu re. • I f you operate the zoom, th e brightne ss of the image may change . 3 Adjust the ( ) the brightness of the image as requir ed , then hide ( ) the joystick guide.
Video 59 • The ce nter of the s cr een will be magn ified to hel p you foc u s mor e ea s ily . Y ou can al s o turn off th i s func tio n wi th th e [Fo cu s A ss i s tance] s etting.
60 Video To s elect the main s ubject If there i s more than one p er s on in the pictur e, the camcorder will auto- maticall y s elect one per s on it d etermine s i s the m ain s ubject. The main s ubject i s indicated by a white fa ce detection frame and th e camcor der will optimize the s etting s for that per s on.
Video 61 * When you s elec t [ Cu s tom WB ], do not pre ss a nd conti nue in s te ad with th e fol low ing pr oc edur e. To s et the cu s tom white balance 1 Point the ca mcorder at a white object s o it fill s the whole s cr een and pre ss . Wh en th e ad ju s tment i s complet ed, s top s fl a s hing a nd s tay s on.
62 Video Imag e Eff ect s Y ou can u s e the image e ffe ct s to cha nge the color s aturat ion and con- tra s t to record movie s an d pho to s with s pecial color ef fect s . POINTS TO CHECK • Se lect a rec ord ing p rogr am oth er than the Spe cial Sc ene r ecor ding pro- gram s .
Video 63 Opt ion s ( Default value) Applying the Sel ected Digi tal Eff ect 1 Open ( ) the joystick guide. 2 Select ( ) [ Dig ital Effects] and pre ss . • The icon of the s elect ed digi tal ef fect turn s green. •P r e ss again to deactivate the digita l eff ect ( it s ico n will turn whi te agai n).
64 Video • Fad er s cannot be u s ed when r ecording vi deo s nap s hot s ce ne s or when pre -rec ord ing i s activated. On-Screen Di s play s a nd Data Code Y ou can turn mo s t on- s cr een di s play s on or off.
Video 65 A u dio Recording Level Y ou can adju s t the audio r ecording level of the built-in micr ophone. Y ou can di s play the a udio l evel in dicat or wh ile r ecor ding. Manual Adju stment of t he Audio Recor ding Level 1 Open ( ) the joystick guide.
66 Video NOTES • When the audi o lev el m eter reach e s the red p oint (0 dB mark), th e s ound may be di s torted. • If the audio level i s too high and the s ound get s di s torted, act ivate the microp hone attenuat or with the [Microphone Attenua tor] s etting.
Video 67 3 Select ( ) the playb ack starting point from the time line ruler . 4 Press to be gin the playback. To s e lect another s ce ne Move ( ) the orange s electio n frame to the lar g e thumbnail and s elect ( ) another s cene .
68 Video 3 Select ( ) the playback starting point fr om the segment ruler . 4 Press to begin the playback. Y ou can s elec t an othe r s cene and mo ve between s e gment rule r page s in th e s am e wa y a s in the movie time line s creen ( 66).
Video 69 Scen e a nd P lay li s t Operation s Playing Back Recor ding s Set to Bac kgr o u nd M us ic Y ou can pla y bac k vid eo s nap s hot s ce ne s , s ce ne s in the playli s t and photo s lide s how s s et to ba c k ground mu s ic (in s tead of the original s ound) u s ing one of the s upplied trac ks .
70 Video •Y o u c a n p r e ss to li s ten to th e t ra ck s elected. Pr e ss to s top the p layback . • Se lect [Of f] to play back s cene s with their ori ginal s ound or to play back s lide s how s w ithout any mu s ic. 4 Back in the index screen, select ( , ) the recor ding from which to start playback.
Video 71 •M a c O S u s er s : U s e the Finde r to tran s fer m u s ic file s from the [M USIC] folder on t he s upplied Cam corder Supplemental Di s c to the memory card aft er it i s in itializ ed. Re fer to About the m u s ic file s ( 168 ) for the folder s truc tu re of t he m emo ry card.
72 Video 5 Select ( ) [Y es] and press . The video fr om the divi s i on point t o the end of the s ce ne will appear a s a new s cene in t he in dex s creen. NOTES • When ad vancing/r ever s ing fr ame s while dividing the s cene s , the interval will be 0.
Video 73 3 Add the scene(s) to the playlist. Opt ion s • When th e operati on i s comp let ed [S cene( s ) added to th e pla yli s t] will be d i s pl ay ed. • // Scene s are added to the playli s t on the s ame mem ory t hey are reco rded on.
74 Video • // Before opening the pl ayli s t, you can s elect the origina l movi e s in the bu ilt-in memory or on the mem ory card to open the play li s t of the r e s pe ctive me mory . • T o open the pl ayli s t index s creen from the o rigina l movie s index s creen: - // For s cene s in the bui lt-i n memor y , pre ss .
Video 75 - P r e ss . •Y o u c a n p r e ss to o pen the p layli s t index s creen for video s nap s hot s cen e s ( 55). 2 Select ( , ) the s cene you want to move. 3 Press , select [ Move] and press . 4 Move ( , ) the orange marker to the desir ed position of the scene and press .
76 Video -S c e n e s that wer e edited u s ing th e s oftware on the s upplied s oftware ImageMixer 3 SE and were then written back to the memory .
Video 77 Opt ion s C op ying the E ntire Pl aylist 1 Open the index screen of the b uilt-in memory’ s playlist. •I n t h e o r i g i n a l m o v i e s in dex s cre en, s ele ct the tab under the icon, an d then open th e playli s t index s cr een: - // For s cene s i n the bu ilt- in memo ry , pr e ss .
78 Video NOTES • If the m emory car d s lot cov er i s open , or the LOCK s witc h on the mem- ory card i s s et to preve nt wr iting, y ou wi ll not be able to co py m ovie s to the memory ca rd.
Photo s 79 Photo s Refer to thi s chapter for detai l s on s hooting photo s – ta k ing photo s and playing t hem ba c k , captu ring ph ot o s fr om vide o and prin tin g photo s . Ba s ic Recording T a king Photo s 1 T ur n on the camcorder . • // By def ault, pho to s are r ecorde d in the b uilt- in memor y .
80 Photo s IMPORT AN T •O b s erve the following pr eca ution s while the ACCESS indicator i s on or fla s hing. Faili ng to do s o may re s ult in perm ane nt da ta l o ss . - Do not ope n the me mory car d s lo t cove r . -D o n o t d i s connect the p ower s ourc e or turn of f th e camcor der .
Photo s 81 NOTES • The ac tua l num be r of ph oto s that ca n be recorded will var y dep endi ng on the s ubject a nd s hoo ting co nd ition s . •T h e c a m c o r d e r r e t a i n s the la s t s etting u s ed even if you s et t he ca m- cor der to mode.
82 Photo s Ba s ic Playback Viewing Photo s 1P r e s s . • The or igina l mo vie s index s cree n will appear in mo s t ca s e s . • If a photo appear s in s ingle photo view , move the zoom lever toward W to open the photo index s creen. Pr oceed to s tep 3.
Photo s 83 Photo Jump Functi on When you hav e recor ded a lar ge number of p hoto s , you can jump 10 or 100 photo s at a time. 1 Open ( ) the joystick guide. 2 Select ( ) the icon and press . 3 Select ( ) [ Jump 10 photos] or [ Jump 100 photos].
84 Photo s [ De lete] ap pear s on the s creen. 2 Select ( ) the photo you want to delete and press . 3 Select ( ) [Y es] and press to delete the photo . 4 Repeat steps 2-3 to delete additio nal photos or press tw ice to close the menu. Deleting Phot os from t he Index Scre en 1 Open the photo index screen.
Photo s 85 Magnifying Photo s d u ring Playback In s ingle photo view , photo s can be magnified up t o 5 time s . will appear f o r pho to s th at cannot be enlar ged. 1 Move the z oom lever tow ard T . • The photo i s magnified by 2 time s and a fram e app ear s indicati ng the po s ition of the ma gnifi ed area.
86 Photo s Additional F u nction s Slide s how Y ou can play a s lide s how of all the p hoto s and even s et it to mu s ic ( 69). 1 Open the photo index screen. 2 Select the background music to use when p laying back the photo slideshow ( 69) . 3 Back in the index screen, select first photo of the slideshow .
Photo s 87 NOTES • The backgr ound mu s ic ma y not be played back corr ectly when p laying back a s lide s how f rom a memory card with s low t ran s f er rate s . • Whe n playi ng back a s lide s how wi th mu s ic from an ext er nal aud io play er , the s lide s how will repeat until the mu s ic fi ni s he s .
88 Photo s The ar ea to the right of the hi s togram rep re s ent s highlight s and the left s ide rep re s ent s s hadow s . A photo who s e hi s togram sk ew s to the right i s re la - tively bright; while one who s e hi s to- gram pe a ks to the left, i s r elatively dar k .
Photo s 89 IMPORT AN T • Whe n capturing photo s on an Eye-F i card, phot o s will be uploade d automati cally if you are wi thin the ra nge of a confi gured network. Alw ay s verif y th at E ye-F i card s ha ve be en app roved in the cou ntry /region o f u s e.
90 Photo s // Y ou can s elect the pho to s in the built- in memory or on the memory card. 2 Select ( , ) the photo you want to protect. Option s IMPORT AN T • Initial izin g th e m emor y w ill per man ently era s e all reco rding s , inc ludin g protected photo s .
Photo s 91 2 Open the pho to selection s creen. [ Copy ( )] a ppear s on the s creen. 3 Select ( ) the photo you w ant to co py and p ress . 4 Select ( ) [Y es] and press to copy the photo. 5 Repeat steps 3-4 to copy additional photos or pr ess twic e to close th e menu.
92 Photo s Option s IMPORT AN T •O b s erve the following pr eca ution s while the ACCESS indicator i s on or fla s hing. Faili ng to do s o may re s ult in perm ane nt da ta l o ss . - Do not ope n the me mory car d s lo t cove r . -D o n o t d i s connect the p ower s ourc e or turn of f th e camcor der .
Photo s 93 Printing Photo s Printi ng Ph oto s (Dir ect Print) The camc order can be c onnected t o any Pi ctBridge-co mpatible printer . Y ou can mar k in advance t he photo s you want to print and s et the de s ir ed number of copie s a s a print or der ( 96 ).
94 Photo s - Removing all print order s NOTES • w i l l a p p e a r f o r p h o t o s th at c ann ot be prin ted. • W e recommend poweri ng the camc or der u s ing the com pact powe r adapt er . • R efer al s o to the pr inter ’s in s truction m anual.
Photo s 95 Opt ion s [P a p e r S i z e ] * Available pa per s ize s vary depending on the printer model . [P a p e r T y p e ] * Select [Ph oto], [Fa s t Photo], [Plain] or [Default]. [ Page Layout]* Select [Default], [Border ed] or one of the follow- ing page layout s .
96 Photo s NOTES •P r i n t s etting option s and [Defau lt] s etting s vary depending on the printer model. For det ail s , re fer to th e printe r ’s in s truction man ual. To cancel a print job 1P r e ss ([ S top]) w hile printing. 2 S elect ( ) [O K ] and pre ss .
Photo s 97 POINTS TO CHECK •O n l y p h o t o s on the me mo ry card can be s et for print order s . Marking Sing le Photos w ith Print Order s 1 In single photo view , open the p hoto selectio n screen. appea r s on th e s cr een. 2 Select ( ) the phot o you want t o mark with a pri nt or der .
98 Photo s Option s NOTES • // To s et p rint or der s s et for ph oto s reco rd ed in the built-in me mory , copy the photo s to the memor y car d in advanc e.
External Conne ction s 99 External Connect ion s Thi s chapter expl ain s how to connect y our camcor der to an external d evice s uch a s a TV , VCR, o r compu ter .
100 Exter nal Co nnecti on s Conne ction D iagr am s In the following connection diagram s , the l eft s ide s how s the te rminal s on the camcor der and the right s ide s how s (f o r re fe ren ce o n ly ) a n example of terminal s o n a connected device.
External Conne ction s 101 C onnectio n T ype: Analog Q u ality: High definition O u tp u t o nly C onnect to a high-d efinition TV (HDTV) with compo nent video input termina ls. C onnectio n T ype: Analog Q u ality: Standard def inition O u tp u t only C onnect to a s tandard TV or a V C R with au dio/video i nput terminals .
102 Exter nal Co nnecti on s C onnection T ype: Digital data connection C onnect to a computer to save your re cordings, to the o ptional DW-100 DVD Burner to create D VD discs from them, or to a printer to print out photos .
External Conne ction s 103 Playback on a TV Sc reen Connect the camcor der to a TV to enjoy your r ecordi ng s with f amil y and f rie nd s . Playbac k on a n H D T V u s ing one of the high-d efinition con- nection s will en s ur e the be s t playbac k q uality .
104 Exter nal Co nnecti on s Saving and Sharing Y o u r Record ing s Saving Recording s on a Comp u ter Movie s a nd pho to s rec ord e d wi t h t hi s camcorder ar e s aved in t he built -in memor y ( // onl y) or on the me mor y car d.
External Conne ction s 105 U s ing the s oftware 1 Power the camcorder with the co mpact power adapter . 2 Set the camcorder to mo de, in sing le photo view. 3 Connect the camcorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable. • Connecti on . Refer to Connection Di agram s ( 102).
106 Exter nal Co nnecti on s In s uch c a s e, s elect [S kip] to s top the proce ss and u s e the comp uter ’s Saf el y R em o ve H ard wa re f un cti on (W indo w s ) or Eject function (Mac OS) to end the connec tion t o the c amcorde r . Di s connect the USB ca ble, s et the camc order to mode and re s tor e the connecti on.
External Conne ction s 107 C onnecting to the DW-100 DVD Burn er and C reat ing a Dis c 1 T ur n on the DVD bur ner . Refer to Crea ting DVD s . 2 Connect the camcorder to the DVD bur ner using the supplied USB cable. • Connecti on . Refer to Connection Di agram s ( 102) and Connecti on s .
108 Exter nal Co nnecti on s IMPORT AN T •W h i l e t h e c a m c o r d e r i s connected to t he DVD burner , do not open the memory card s lot co ver a nd do not remove th e memory car d. •O b s erve the following pr eca ution s while the ACCESS indicator on the camc or der i s on or fla s hing.
External Conne ction s 109 Y ou can complete the conver s ion to s tand ard definition in the cam- corde r and then u s e the s upplied s oftw are I mageMixer 3 SE to s ave the co nverted s cene s and bur n them on to DVD s in your computer . Y our computer mu s t hav e a prein s ta lled DVD drive with writing cap abil- itie s .
110 Exter nal Co nnecti on s 1 If a me ss age a ppear s rega rding mu s ic file s , follo w the in s tru ction s on the s creen. 2 Thi s s tep in no t nece ss ar y for s cene s i n the playli s t.
External Conne ction s 111 -A l l t h e s el ected s cene s ar e merged into one conver ted s cene. Howe ver , if th e co nve rte d s ce ne i s t oo la rge, it w ill be s plit int o 2 GB- s ized s ce ne s .
112 Exter nal Co nnecti on s •O b s erve the following pr eca ution s while the ACCESS indicator on the camc or der i s on or fla s hing. Fai ling to do s o may r e s ult in perman ent data lo ss . - Do not ope n the me mory car d s lo t cove r .
External Conne ction s 113 NOTES • When the ca mcorder co ntai n s a large nu mber of s cene s to be s aved on di s c s , it may t ake a lon g ti me for th e conn ectio n to th e DVD bur ner to be completed. For be s t performan ce, we recomm end lim iting the num- ber of s cene s to be s aved to 500 or fewer s cene s .
114 Exter nal Co nnecti on s - Do not change the camcorder ’s operating mode. NOTES • If you ar e creating a Photo DVD from photo s on th e memor y car d and the me mory c ard cont ain s s cen.
External Conne ction s 115 IMPORT AN T • Whi le the ca mcor der i s conne cted to the DVD burner , do not op en the memory card s lot co ver and do n ot r emove t he me mory car d. NOTES •O n l y A V C H D d i s c s cre ated with the DW-100 DVD burner can be pl ayed back u s ing the DVD bu r ner .
116 Exter nal Co nnecti on s In S tandar d De finition Y ou can copy your movie s by connecti ng the cam co r der to a VCR o r a digital v ideo r ecord er with anal og audio/vid eo input s . Vi deo output w ill be in s tandard definition, although the origina l s cene s ar e in high defi- nition.
External Conne ction s 117 If you are u s i n g an Eye-Fi car d, after conv erting your video r ecording s into s tandard definition s cene s you can upload your movie s wir ele ss ly , dir ectly fr om the camcor der . Refer to Eye-Fi’ s homep age for the late s t information on compatible W eb s ite s .
118 Exter nal Co nnecti on s •I f a m e ss ag e a ppear s reg ardi n g mu s ic fi le s , f ollow the in s truction s on the s creen. •T h e l e f t s ide of th e s creen di s play s the tot al.
External Conne ction s 119 NOTES • Wh en conver ting s cene s in the play li s t or video s na p s hot i ndex s cr een: -T h e s cen e s are conve rted with the s elec ted back ground mu s ic ( 69) in s tead of the ori ginal s ou nd. -A l l t h e s el ected s cene s ar e merged into one conver ted s cene.
120 Exter nal Co nnecti on s IMPORT AN T •W h i l e t h e c a m c o r d e r i s connected to t he computer , do not open t he memory card s lot co ver a nd do not remove th e memory car d. •O b s erve the following pr eca ution s while the ACCESS indicator i s on or fla s hing.
External Conne ction s 121 IMPORT AN T U s ing an Eye-Fi card: •T h i s pr oduc t i s not guaranteed to s upport Eye-Fi card function s (inc lud- ing w irele ss tran s fer). I n ca s e of an i ss u e with an Eye-F i card, plea s e check wi th the car d manufact ure r .
122 Additional Information Additional Information Thi s chapte r contain s trouble s hooting advice, s creen m e s - s age s , handling and maintenance tip s , and other infor mation. Appendix: Men u Option s Li s t s Menu item s not available appear grayed out.
Addition al Informatio n 123 Setup Menus FUNC. M enu (Playba c k Mode s ) (movie playback ), (p layback of video s na p s hot s cene s ): - available only in t he orig in al i nde x s creen; - available on ly in the playli s t ind ex s creen; z - avail- able in bo th; — - not availabl e in either .
124 Additional Information 1 // Ava i l ab l e on l y fo r p ho t o s on the memo ry car d. 2 Available o nly for s cen e s in the built in memory .
Addition al Informatio n 125 Set u p Men us Camera S etup 1 ( Mode) [Frame Rate]: Select s the frame ra te to be u s ed wh en recording . [ PF25]: 25 frame s per s econ d, pr ogre ss ive. U s in g thi s frame r ate wi ll give your r ecord ing s a ci nemat ic l ook.
126 Additional Information * [ 80 0x] for t he . ** Fo r movi e s only . [Digita l Zoom]: De term ine s the operation of the digital zoom. The col or of the indic ator indi - cate s the zoom. • When ac tivat ed, the cam- corder wi ll s witch autom aticall y to digital zoom when you zoom in beyond the optical zoom range.
Addition al Informatio n 127 • If the degree of camcorder s hake i s too high, the image s tabi lizer m ay not be abl e to fully c ompen s ate. Th e ima ge s ta biliz er ma y no t be a ble to s ucce ss fully elimi nate all blur if the camc or der or the s ubje ct i s movi ng too much.
128 Additional Information [Focus Assist ance]: When t he focu s a ss i s tance i s activ ated , the image at the center of the s creen i s magn ified to he lp you focu s manually ( 58). •U s ing t he fo cu s a ss i s tance wil l not aff ect the r ecor ding s .
Addition al Informatio n 129 [D ata Co de] : Di s pl ay s t he date a nd/or time when the s cene w a s r ecor ded. [ Cam era Data ]: Di s play s the apert ure (f - s top) and s hutter s peed u s ed when rec ording th e s cene.
130 Additional Information [LCD Brightness ] : Adju s t s the brightne ss of the LCD s cre en. • Changi ng the brightne ss of the LCD s cre en doe s not affect the br ight- ne ss of y our rec ordi ng s or the br ightne ss o f the play back ima ge on a TV .
Addition al Informatio n 131 1 Option not available when the camcorder i s connecte d to an HDTV u s ing an HDMI cable. 2 Option available only fr om th e original movie s index s creen. [Notif icati on Sounds]: A beep wil l acco mpa ny s ome operation s l ike tur n- ing on the camcorder , the s elf-timer countd own, etc.
132 Additional Information • Depen ding on th e TV s et, ad ditio nal s etting s may be requir ed on the TV it s elf to activat e the HDMI-CEC fu nction. Refer to the TV ’s in s truction manual. • Cor re ct oper ation of the HDMI -CEC func tion c annot b e gua ranteed even when co nnect ing the cam cord er to compa tible TV s et s .
Addition al Informatio n 133 Lang uage and Da te/T ime S etup [Date Format]: Select the date format to be u s ed for mo s t on- s creen di s - play s , and (if s elected) f or the da te printed on photo s . [Calenda r Start D ay]: Select th e day o n whi ch the w eek s tart s for th e cal- enda r di s pl ay ( 46).
134 Additional Information [Memor y Info]/ [Memor y Ca rd Info]: Di s pla y s a s creen wher e you can ver - i f y h o w m u c h o f t h e b u i lt -i n m em or y o r t h e me mo ry ca r d i s currently in u s e ( total r ecording time and total number of photo s ) and how much s pace rema in s availa ble fo r recording .
Addition al Informatio n 135 Appendix: On s creen Icon s and Di s play s Recording Movies 1 Operatin g mode ( 24) 2 Recordi ng program ( 52, 54) 3 White balan ce ( 60) 4 Image effect ( 62) 5 Digit.
136 Additional Information Recording Photos S f Zoom ( 39), Expo s ure ( 57) S g Photo q uality/ s ize ( 80) S h S el f time r ( 56) S j Number of available photo s On the m emory card // In the b.
Addition al Informatio n 137 * The ligh t meterin g mode can not be chan ged. Viewing Photos D f Hi s togra m ( 87) D g Current ph oto / T otal number of photo s D h Photo numb er ( 131) D j Prot .
138 Additional Information Memory operation Recor d, Recor d pau se, Pl ayba ck, Pla ybac k paus e, Fast pl aybac k, Fa st re ver se p layb ack , Slow pla yback, Slow rev erse p layback Remaining battery time • The icon shows a rough est imate of the remaini ng charge as a percentage of the full charge of the batt ery p ack.
Addition al Informatio n 139 Trou b le ? Tr o u ble s hooting If you have a pro blem with your camcor der , refer to thi s s ection. S om e- time s what you thin k i s a malfunction of the camc or.
140 Additional Information Recording Pre ss ing will not s tart record ing. - Y ou cannot record while the camcorder is writi ng previous recordings onto the memory (while the A CC ESS indicator is on or flashing). Wait until the camcorder has finished.
Addition al Informatio n 141 Cannot move s cene s in the playli s t. - The memory is full. Delete some recordings ( 50, 83) or initialize the memory ( 35) to free some space. Cannot delete a s cene . - Y ou may not be able to delete s cenes recorded or edited usi ng another device.
142 Additional Information Indi cat ors a nd On scree n Display s light s u p in red. - Battery pack is exhausted. Repl ace or charge the battery pack. light s u p in red. - A memor y card error occurre d. T urn off the camcorder . Remov e and reinsert the memor y card.
Addition al Informatio n 143 Screen di s play s t u rn on and off repeatedly . - The battery pack is exhausted. Re place or charge the battery pack. - Remove the battery pack and reattach it correctl y . Abnormal character s appear on the s creen and the camcorder doe s not oper ate properly .
144 Additional Information - The folder and file numbers have reached their maximum value. Set [Photo Number- ing] to [Reset] and insert a new memory card. Cannot u pload file s us ing an Eye-Fi card. - Files cannot be uplo aded when [Eye-Fi C ommunication] is set to [Off] (when appears on the screen).
Addition al Informatio n 145 - Disconnect the USB cable and turn off the camcorder . After a short while, turn it on again and restore the connection. - C onnect the camcorder to a different USB port on the c omputer . - The camcorder will not be recognized while all pho tos are being deleted or all print orders are being removed.
146 Additional Information Back u p recordin g s reg u larly - This message may appear when you tur n on the camcorder . In the event o f a malfunction, recordings may be lost s o back up your recordings regula rly . B u ff er ov er fl ow. Reco rdi ng wa s s topped.
Addition al Informatio n 147 Cannot play back - There is a problem w ith the memory . If this message appears often without apparent reason, contact a C a non Service C enter . // Cannot play back Cannot acce ss the b u ilt-in memory - There is a problem with the built-in memory .
148 Additional Information Cannot reco rd movie s on thi s memor y card - Movies cannot be reco rded on a 64 MB or smaller memo ry card. Use a recommended mem- ory card ( 32). Cannot reco rd movie s on thi s memor y card Initialize only us ing the camcorder - The memory card in the camcorder was initia lized using a computer .
Addition al Informatio n 149 Initialize only us ing the ca mcorder - There is a problem with the file system that prevents accessing the s elected memory . Initial- ize the memory with this camcorder ( 35). LCD Screen ha s been dimmed -H o l d pressed for 2 seconds to restore the L C D screen to its previous brightness set- ting.
150 Additional Information - After selecting [Scene Search] [Sce nes with F aces], no scene s contain people’ s faces or no scenes were reco rded using the face detection functio n. - // This message will appear when ther e are no high-definition scenes on the memory card.
Addition al Informatio n 151 Thi s photo co u ld not be deleted - Protected photos ( ) cannot be deleted. Remove the protecti on ( 89). // T h i s memory card contain s s cene s . Delete all s cene s to us e rel ay recording. - Save the movies on the memo ry card ( 115) and initialize the memory card ( 35).
152 Additional Information Cannot read the di s c. Chec k th e di s c. - During disc recording mode, thi s message can appear when a commercially available DVD disc (a DVD disc containing mov ies, software, et c.) or an 8 cm mini DVD disc is ins erted.
Addition al Informatio n 153 Direct Print Rela ted Messag es Data tran s fer error - C ancel printing, disconnec t the USB cable and turn off the printer . After a while, turn the printer back on and reconnect the USB cable. - Y ou attempted to print from a memory card that contains a large number of pho t os.
154 Additional Information Print head not in s talled - No print head is installed in the printer or the print head is defectiv e. Printer cover open - C lose the printer c over secure ly . Printer e rror - A malfunction has occurred that may require r epairs.
Additional Information 155 Do’ s and Don’t s Handling Pre ca u tion s Camcorder Be s ure to ob s erve the following p recauti on s to en s ur e maximum per- forma nce.
156 Additional Information • When record ing movies, try to get a calm, stable pictur e. Exce ss iv e camc or der move ment whil e s hooting and exten s ive u s e of fa s t zoom s and pann ing can r e s ult in jit tery s cene s .
Additional Information 157 About the b att ery te rminal co ver The battery terminal cover ha s a [ ]- s hap ed hole. Thi s i s u s eful whe n you wi s h to differ e ntiate between charged and uncharged ba ttery pack s . Memory Card • W e reco mmend backi ng u p the r ecordi ng s on the memory car d onto your com put er .
158 Additional Information B u ilt- in Rec hargeable Lithi u m Battery The camcor der ha s a built-in rechar geable lithium batter y to k eep th e date/time and other s etting s .
Additional Information 159 Maintenance/Other s Cleaning Camcor der Body •U s e a s oft, dry cloth to cle an the camcor der body . Never u s e chemical ly tr eated cl oth s or vola tile s olvent s s uch a s pai nt thinner .
160 Additional Information • Remo ve the mem ory ca rd and b attery pack . Then , plac e th e camc order in an airt ight pla s tic bag a nd let it adju s t grad ually t o temperatur e change s be fore rem ov ing it f rom th e ba g. When cond en s atio n i s detected The ca mcorde r autom ati cally s hut s off.
Additional Information 161 Genera l Inform ation Acce ss orie s Optional acce ss orie s not li s ted below ar e de s cribed in more detail in the following page s . * Supplied wi th the camcorder; no t available a s an opti onal acce ss ory . ** If nece ss ary , u s e a com mercially avai lable SCA RT ada pter .
162 Additional Information Option al Acce ss orie s Batte ry Pac ks When you need extra battery p ack s , s elec t the NB -2L H. The s upplied BP-2L 5 i s not available a s a s epar ate optio nal acce ss ory . CB-2 L WE Ba tter y Charg er U s e th e batte ry cha rger t o charge the battery pack s .
Additional Information 163 decrea s e when r ecor ding in cold s urr ounding s , whe n u s ing th e brig hter s creen s etting s , etc. // Using the bu ilt-in memor y Usi ng a m emory card * Approxima te time s fo r recording wi th repeated op eration s s uch a s s tart/ s top, zoom ing, and p ower on/o ff .
164 Additional Information S C-2000 S oft Carry ing Ca s e A handy camcorder bag with padded compar tmen t s and plenty of s pace f or acce ss orie s . HTC-100 HDMI Cable U s e thi s cable to connect the camcor der to an external device u s ing a n all-digital connecti on, all owing you to enjoy play- back at the highe s t qu ality .
Additional Information 165 Specification s LEGRIA HF R 18 / LEGRIA HF R17 / LEGRIA HF R16 / LEGR IA HF R10 6 S y s tem • Recording Sy s tem Movies: AV C HD Video compression: MPEG-4 AV C /H.264; Audio compression: Dolby Digital 2ch Photos: D C F (Design rule for C amera File system), compatible with Exif* Ver .
166 Additional Information Effective pixels (all figures are approximate values) Movies: 1,040,000 pixels (optical zoom, [Image Stabilizer] set to [Dynamic]) 1,560,000 pixels ([Image Stabilizer] set to [Off] or [Standard]) 16:9 photos: 1,560,000 pixels 4:3 photos: 1,730,000 pixels • LCD Screen: 6.
Additional Information 167 Power/Oth er s • Power su pply (rated) 7.4 V D C (battery pack), 8.4 V D C (compact power adapter) • Power con su mption: 2.
168 Additional Information Abou t the mu s ic file s The s pecif ica tion s of the mu s ic file s compatibl e with the camcor der are a s follow s .
Additional Information 169 Index 25p Cin ema Mo de . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 A Abroa d, u s i ng t he camc order . . . . 1 60 A s pect ra tio of a co nnecte d TV (TV type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Au di o rec o rd in g le ve l .
170 Additional Information I Image effect s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Image s tabilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Index s creen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 4 4 Initializatio n (built- in memory */me mory card) . . . 35 J Joy s tic k .
Additional Information 171 T Te l e p h o t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Time zon e/D S T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Tr a n s ferring recording s to a compute r . . . . . . . .
Canon Europa N.V . Bovenkerkerweg 59-61, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands www Canon UK Ltd CCI Service Centre, Unit 130 Centennial Park, Borehamwood, Hertfordshir e, WD6 3SE, United Kingdom T elephone 0870-241-2161 Canon Australia Pty Ltd T el: 13-13-83 (within Australia only) (61) 02-9805-2555 www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon HFR106 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon HFR106 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon HFR106 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon HFR106 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon HFR106, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon HFR106.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon HFR106. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon HFR106 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.