Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto P-touch 7500VP del fabbricante Brother
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7500/7600 Printed in China L W2458001 USER´S GUIDE USER´S GUIDE • Read this User’s Guide before you start using your P-touch. • Keep this User’s Guide in a handy place for future reference.
i Before Using Your P-touch Thank you for purchasing the PT-7500/7600. Your new P-touch is an easy to operate, fe ature packed labellin g system that makes creating professional, high qualit y labels a breeze.
ii WARNING Rechargeabl e battery p ack (for P T-7600 only ) Follow thes e guidelin es to avoid fi re, heat, dam age, and el ectric sho ck. Do not use t his P-tou ch with any rechargea ble batter y pack other th an that specified.
iii Batteries (Alkaline /Rechargea ble) Follow thes e guidelin es to avoid lea kage, or dam age to the ba tteries. Do not use me tallic art icles, such a s tweezers or a metalli c pen, when exchanging the batter ies. Do not char ge the bat teries in high temperatur e locations .
iv CAUTION Tape Cutter Follow the se guideline s to avoi d personal injury and damage of t he P-touch. Do not open the tape co mpartment cover when operat ing the cut ter unit.
v General Precautions ● Do not use the P-touch in any way or for any purpose not described in this guide. Doing so may result in accide nts or damage to the machine. ● Do not put any forei gn ob jects into the tape exit slot, AC adapter connector, or USB port (for PT-7600 only), etc.
vi Contents Before Usin g Your P-touch .............. ............. ................ ............. ..... i Safety precautions .................... ........... ......... ........... ........... ......... ........... ........ i General Precautions .....
vii Entering an acce nted character .... ........... ........... ......... ........... ........... ......... 22 Entering a bar c ode ................... ......... ........... ........... ......... ............ ........... .. 23 Entering a symbol .....
viii Using P-touch Ed itor 5.0 ........ ............. ............. ................ ............ 5 4 Starting P-touch Editor ..... ......... ........... ......... ......... ........... ......... ........... ..... 55 Layout window ............ .......
1 Getting Started 1 1 Getting Started Unpacking Your P-touch Check that the package contains the following before using your P-touch. PT-7600 P-touch Rechargeable battery pack (B A-7000) TZ tape casse tte Strap belt CD-R OM User's Guide USB cable A C adapter (AD-18U or AD-18E) (The design of the adapte r may differ by country.
2 PT-7500 P-touch Strap belt TZ tape cassette User's Guide A C adapter (AD-18U or AD-18E) (The design of the adapte r may differ by country.) PT75007600uk.
3 Getting Started General Description Top view & bottom view Tape cutter button USB port (for PT-7600 only) Keyboard AC adapter connector Display Back cover Release lever Print head Tape exit slot Tape cassette compartment Battery compartment Top view Bottom view PT75007600uk.
4 Keyboard & LCD screen 1 Left text alignment (page 33) 2 Centre text alignment (page 33) 3 Right text alignment (page 33) 4 Justified text alignment (page 33) 5 Bold text style (page 32) 6 Outlin.
5 Getting Started Back light Press g and f to turn on or turn off the back li ght. The back light can be used when you wish to see the display more cl early. The defa ult setting is ON. Power Supply The P-touch can be supplied with po wer in two or three ways.
6 Notes on the AC ada pter ☞ Only use the AC adapter designed exclusively for this machine. ☞ Disconnect the AC adapter if you do not intend to us e this P-touch for an extended period of time. When the power is disconnec ted , all text shown in the display and stored in the memory will be lost.
7 Getting Started ☞ Make sure that the batteries are inserted so that their poles point in the correct direction. With batteries inst alled, the P-touch dete rmines the remaining battery charge during printing and feeding. If a low battery charge is detected, the lo w battery indicator ( ) ) comes on.
8 Charging the recharg eable batter y pack Insert the plug on the AC adapter cord into the connector on the machine and insert the AC adapter plug into a standard electrical outlet. While the rechargeable battery pack is charging, the charging indica tor light lights up.
9 Getting Started Notes on the rechargeable bat tery pack ☞ Be sure to use the suggested AC adapter (AD-18U or AD-18E) ☞ Connect the AC adapter directly to the P-t ouch to use it immediately after purchase or when the rechargeable battery pack’s charge becomes low.
10 Notes on tape cassettes ☞ Before installing th e tape cassette, make sure that the end of th e tape feeds under the tape guides. ☞ If the tape cassette to be installed h as an i nk ribbon and t.
11 Getting Started Flexible ID Ta pe ☞ For applications that require more flexible labels, such as around sharp bends and cylindrical objects, we recommend using Flexible ID Tape. ☞ Labels made with Flexible ID Tape are not designed for use as electrical insulation.
12 Turning the P-touch On/Off Press o to turn on or turn off the P-touch . If the P-touch is powered by the AC adaptor or batteries, the previous session’s text is displayed when the P-touch is turned on agai n. This featur e allows you to stop work on a label, turn off the machine, and return to it later without having to re-enter the text.
13 Label Type Modes 2 2 Label Type Modes Selecting a Label Type Mode Pressi ng a allows you to select one of the two re gular modes for design ing and prin ting your own custom la bels, or any of the six sp ecial modes available fo r printing labe ls pre- formatted for identifying pa tch panels, cables, connectors an d other compone nts.
14 After selecting the Label Type mode NORMAL or VERTICAL , the label text can be entered, formatted, printed and cut as usual. With the Normal Label Type mode, the entered text is printed horizon tally along the la bel. With the Vertical Label Type mode, the entered text is printe d vertically along the label.
15 Label Type Modes Flag Mode Labels printed using th is Labe l Type mode can be wrapped around cable or wire with the ends stuck together to form a flag. With the FLAG Label Type mode, ea ch block of text is printed at both ends of sepa rate labels. The length of the unprinted part of this label is equal to the circumference of the cable or wire.
16 Port and Panel1 Modes Labels printed using these Label Type modes can be used to identify various components or panels. With the Port Label Type mode, each block of the text is pri nted on a sep arate label, ma king these labels useful fo r identifying different components or ports that are not equally spaced.
17 Label Type Modes ● BL. LEN. ( block length): * For the PORT Label Type mode: 20.0 to 200.0 mm Default: 30.0 mm * For the PANEL1 Label Type mode: 6.
18 ● BLOCK : 1 to 50 blocks Default: 1 LENGTH: 6.0 to 200.0 mm Default: 17.5mm MULTIPLE: x1 to x9 Default: 1 ● FRAME : OFF , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 Default: OFF ● PRINT : IN ORDER, REVERSE Default: IN ORDER ● ROTATE : OFF, ON Default: OFF ☞ The number of blocks can be specified or changed only with the BLOCK parameter.
19 3 3 Basic Functions Basic Functions Performing Basic Operations Choosing functions, parameters, setting s and groups ● If “ WX ” appears, press l to sel ect the previous item or r to select the next item. ● If “ S T ” appears, press u to select the previous item o r d to select the next item.
20 Inputting Label Data Entering and editing text Entering charac ters ● To type a lowercas e letter, a number, a co mma or a period, simp ly pr ess the key for that charac ter. ● To type an uppercase letter, press h to enter Shift mode, and then press the applicable let ter.
21 Basic Functions Adding a new line of text ● To end the current line of te xt and start a new one, press n . “ ” appears at the end of the line. Adding a new t ext block ● To create a new text block so that one section of the text can have a different number of lines than another, pr ess g , then n .
22 Deleting text ● To remove character s to the left of the cursor’s current positio n, press b until all of the characters that you wi sh to delete are removed.
23 Basic Functions 4 For each additio nal accented characte r, repeat steps 2 and 3 . 5 Press n . Entering a bar code The Bar Code function allows bar codes to be printed as part of labels. In addition, the various bar code parameters enable you to cr eate more customized bar codes.
24 Setting bar code par ameters 1 Press g , then c . 2 Press l or r until the parameter that you wi sh to change is displayed. 3 Press u or d until the desired se tting is displayed. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all para meters are se t as you wish. 5 Press n .
25 Basic Functions The followi ng special characters c an only be added to bar cod es created using protocols EAN128 and CODE128 . Entering a symbol There are 164 symbols and pictures av ailable with the Symb ol function. 1 Press s . The last category us ed is displayed.
26 • To add a single symbol or the last one in a series, skip to step 6 . • To add a series of symbols to the text, press g , then n . 5 For each additional symbol, re peat steps 2 through 4 . 6 Press n . The following symbols are available. ☞ A symbol can also be selected by typing in the corresponding code from the table below.
27 Basic Functions 01 2 1 2 00 01 02 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 00 01 02 03 04 05 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 34 35 36 3.
28 Formatting the Label Specifying a label length The length of the label can be specifie d as follows. 1 Press g , then A . 2 Press l or r until LENGTH is displayed. 3 Press u or d until the desi red label length is displayed (or use the number keys to type in the desired setting).
29 Basic Functions Framing the text 1 Press g , then B . 2 Press u or d until the desired frame setting is displayed. 3 Press n . The selected setting is applie d to the entir e text. The following frame st yles are available . Frame Setting Sample Frame Setting Sample 18 29 31 0 41 1 51 2 61 3 71 4 PT75007600uk.
30 Specifying the character size The character si ze can be specified for all text in the label or only for the text in the line that the cursor is in. Formatting the Global chara cter size of all text 1 Press t . 2 Press l or r until G. SIZE is displayed.
31 Basic Functions Specifying the character width Formatting the Global width of all text 1 Press t . 2 Press l or r until G. WIDTH is displayed. 3 Press u or d until the desired character width setting is di splayed. 4 Press n . The selecte d setting is applie d to the entir e text.
32 Specifying the character style Formatting the Gl obal character st yle of all text 1 Press t . 2 Press l or r until G. STYLE is displayed. 3 Press u or d until the desired character style setting is displayed. 4 Press n . The selecte d setting is applie d to the entir e text.
33 Basic Functions Specifying the alig nment for a ll lines in the text 1 Press t . 2 Press l or r until ALIGN is displayed. 3 Press u or d until the desired se tting is displayed. 4 Press n . The selecte d setting is applie d to the entir e text. The following alignment settings are available.
34 1 Press g , then the n umber key wh ere the te mplate that y ou wi sh t o use i s assigned. 2 Press n . The first field for the selected template is displaye d. 3 Press u or d to display each field, a nd then type in the text. 4 • To print a single copy, press p .
35 Basic Functions Feeding tape ● To feed out 23 mm of tape, press f . The message “FEED” is displayed. Printing a label ● To print out a label, press p . The message “WORKING”, then “COPIES” followed by the number of the labe l being printed is displayed.
36 Printing multiple copies with incremental chara cters The Numbering function can be used to print several copies of the same text while increme nting the val ues of certai n characters (letters, numbers or bar code data ) after each label is printed.
37 Basic Functions Printing a range of text blocks The Block Printing function enables you to select the range of text blocks to print. 1 Press g , then a .
38 4 Press r so that the second number in the ran ge displayed below BLOCK NO. is flashing. 5 Press u or d until the desired block number is displayed (or use the number keys to type in the desired setting). 6 Press n (or p ). CONFIRM appears in the Print Option menu.
39 Basic Functions Combining special printing funct ions Many of the special printing functions can be combined, depending on various conditions, such as which Label Type mode is selected or whether a template is being used.
40 Recalling text that has been stored 1 Press m . 2 Press u or d until RECALL is displayed. 3 Press n . 4 Press u or d until the file numbe r containing the text that you wish to recall is displayed. 5 Press n . Any text previou sly entered in the display is er ased and the text stored under the selected file numb er is recalled into the display.
41 Basic Functions 6 Press n . The message “OK TO CLEAR?” (or “CLEAR AL L?” if all f iles were selected) appe ars. 7 Press n . The text stored in the selecte d files is dele ted. ☞ If you do not wish to delete the selected text file(s), press b instead of n in step 7 .
42 4 4 Machine Adjustments Various functions are available for changing and adjusting the operation of the P-touch. Selecting how tape is fed and cut The Cut function enables you to specify how the ta pe is fed out after it is printed.
43 Machine Adjustments 1 Press g , then Z . 2 Press l or r until CONTRAST is displayed. 3 Press u or d until the desired setting is displayed, and then press n .
44 Specifying if the PERSONAL symbol ca tegory is continually updated You can specify wh ether symbols continue to be added to the PERSONAL symbol category (with the older symbols deleted) when the category becomes full ( ON ) or symbols are no longer added after the PERSONAL symbol category becomes full ( OFF ).
45 Machine Adjustments Cleaning Occasionally, certai n parts of the P-touch may need to be cleaned. Dust or dirt may become attached to the P-touch’s print head and rollers, particularly when the unit is used outdoors or in a very dusty environment.
46 Notes on cleaning t he print head & rollers ☞ If a blank horizontal streak appears through the label text, clean the machine’s prin t head. ☞ The print head can be cleaned more easily if the optional print head cleaning cassette (TZ-CL4) is used.
47 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) 5 5 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) This P-touch is equipped with a USB port, allowing you to connect it to a comp uter running Microsoft ® Windows ® . The enclosed CD-ROM contains P-touch Editor 5.
48 CD-ROM Precautions ● Do not scratch the CD-ROM. ● Do not subject the CD-ROM to extremel y high or extremely low temperatures. ● Do not put heavy objects on the CD- ROM or apply force to the CD-ROM. ● The software contained on the CD-ROM is meant for use with your purchased machine only.
49 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Installing the P-touch Edit or 5.0 1 Start your PC making sure to log on as a user with Administrator privileges. 2 Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The P-touch Setup Screen will appear. 3 Select the desired language, and double click the type of setup you prefer.
50 Installing the Printe r driver The installation procedure for the printer driver differs depending on the operating system being used. - For Windows ® 2000 Professional (page 50) - For Windows ® .
51 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) 3 The printer is detected, and then a message appears again, warni ng that no digital signature was found. Click [Yes] to install the printer driver. 4 You will be prompted to register your P-touch online, click [Yes] a nd then click [Next].
52 3 The printer is detected, and then the “Found New Hardware Wizard” starts up. Sele ct [No, not this time], and then click [Next]. In the dialog box for selecting the installation method, select “Insta ll the software automatically (Recommended)”, a nd then click [Next].
53 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) 3 The printer is detected, and then the driver is installed. 4 You will be prompted to register your P-touch online, click [Yes] a nd then click [Next]. If you have selected to register the product your default internet browser will be launched in a new window.
54 Using P-touch Editor 5.0 P-touch Editor 5.0 makes it easy for anyone to design and print more complex labels, for almost any need imaginable. See the P-touch Editor Help for samples of various kinds of labels and details on creating, printing, and savi ng the labels.
55 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) ☞ If the number or order of fields in a database are changed and only the database (*.csv file) is transferred to update it, the database may not link correctly with the template.
56 • When you choose [New], choos e either vertical wri ting style or horizontal writing style. • When you choose [Select by Use], you can choose by labe l applications. • When you choose [Help-How To], the P-touch Editor Help appears. The Help files allow you to learn step by step how to crea te a label layout.
57 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Layout window Express Mode This mode provides easy label creation with text and images. The layout window consists of the following sections: 1 Menu bar Commands are categorized under each menu (File, Edit, View, and I nsert, etc.
58 Professional Mode This mode provide s full-scale label creation fo r creating the templates. The layout window consists of the following sections: 1 Menu bar Commands are categorized under each menu (File, Edit, View, and I nsert, etc.) by function.
59 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Snap Mode With this mode, you can capture th e screen, print it as image, and save it for future use. To start Snap mo de, follow the steps below. 1 When you click [Snap Mode], the Snap mode description dial og box appears.
60 2 In the [New/Open] dialog, click [Help-How To]. Starting f rom P-touc h Editor Click Help menu and choos e P-touch Editor Help. Starting f rom Snap m ode Right click the mouse and c hoose P-touch Editor Help. Express Mode Professional Mode PT75007600uk.
61 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Printing the Help description The information given in P-touch Editor Help can be printed. Use your nor mal printer to print the P-touch Editor Help information. 1 In the [Contents] tab, choose any topic you want to print.
62 How to use P-touch Transf er Manager & P-touch Library P-touch Transfer Manager: The PT-7600 can transfer te mplates created in P-touch Editor. Also, you can save the Label template s data from P-touch onto the computer as a back up.
63 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Layout window 1 Menu Commands are ca tegorized int o each me nu (Fil e, Edit, View , Tool, and Help) by function. 2 Toolbar There are icons for frequently used co mmands. Click on one to access that command.
64 Explanations of the Icons Transferring label templates from the PC 1 Select the P-touch to transfer dat a to. 2 Right click the [Configurations] folder, then select [New] and c reate a new folder. Here, as an example , we create the folder “Transfer”.
65 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) 3 Drag the transfer data to the folder you created. Drag the transfer da ta from All cont ents, Layouts or another folder under Filter. When transferring multiple sets of data, you can move all the transfer data to the folde r you created.
66 6 Click [OK]. The data in the folder selec ted in the folder view is transferred to the P-touch. Adding a user-defined character image to the text If a user-defined character ima ge (a bitm ap character not usua lly available on the P-touch) is assigned to a PF key, that character can be added to a ny label that you create on the P-touch.
67 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Using a template not linked to a data base Using a template not linked to a database is the same as using any of the preset Auto Format templates. For detail s on using Auto Format templa tes, refer to Using the pre- formatted Auto Format templates o n page 33.
68 Using downloaded database data Either an *.mdb database, crea ted with P-touch Editor 5.0, or a database converted to a *.csv file can be transferred to the P- touch. The database data can be used either with a template or added to a lab el created on the P-touch withou t using a template.
69 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) Using database data in a Label Type mode This function enables you to select the range of database fields to print. 1 Press a , and then select the Label Type mode as described in chapter 2. 2 Press g , then a .
70 Searching the dat abase While select ing a database record to be used in a templ ate or while selecting a database record whose data is to be added to a labe l, the database can be searched for records containing specific characters or records with a specific number.
71 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) 2 Select the P-touch to back up from, then click . The backup confirmation message is displayed. 3 Click [OK]. A new folder with a name containing the current date i s created in side the P-to uch folder, and all the P-touch’s data is transferred to that new folder.
72 Starting up the P-touch Library You can start up the P-touch Libr ary and edit and print labels. 1 Click the [Start] button, then choose [All programs (Programs)] - [Brother P- touch] - [P-touch Tools] - [P-touch Library 2.1]. The P-touch Library starts up.
73 Using P-touch With a Computer (for PT-7600 only) 2 Check the items to be used as search conditions and set the search items. The search items tha t can be set are as follows. 3 Click [Search Results]. The search is started and the search results are displayed.
74 6 6 Appendix Resetting the P-touch You can reset the internal memory of your P-touch when you want to clear all saved label files, or in the event the P-touch is not working properly. 1 Turn off the machine and then while holding down g and R , press o to turn the machine bac k on.
75 Appendix The label is not pr inted after press ing p . Has text bee n entered? A label will not be printed if there is no text enter ed. Is the tape cas sette installe d correctly, and is ther e enough tape remaining? Check that th e tape casset te is install ed correctl y, and th at there is enough tape remaining.
76 Error Message List Label file s saved previously ar e now empty . Have the ba tteries an d AC adapter been disconnec ted? All files store d in the internal memory ar e lost if th e batteries and AC adapt er are disc onnected fo r longer th an two min utes.
77 Appendix BUFFER EMPTY! • This mes sage appear s if no text has be en typed i n when you try to p rint or Pr eview function. • Type in some text b efore trying to perform any of these oper ations.
78 IMAGE CHARACTER SIZE ERROR! • This mes sage appear s if a wide user-d efined ch aracter image is en tered when th e Vertical Label Type mode is select ed.
79 Appendix SET 24mm! • This mes sage appear s if a 24-mm-wide tape ca ssette is not installed wh en printing an Auto Format templ ate created for 24 -mm-wide tape.
80 VALUE OUT OF RANGE! • This messa ge appears if the value entered while setting the Marg in , Lengt h , and Block Le ngth function is not within the allowable range. • This mes sage appear s if the specified cha racters cann ot be found in the datab ase.
81 Appendix Machine Specifications Main Unit Item Specification Input Device K eyboard (56 key) Display LCD 16 characters x 2 lines (132 dot x 48 dot) * Line indicator and 15 chara cters = 16 characters LCD Contrast 5 levels (+2, +1, 0, -1, -2) Back light Yes Printing Print method Thermal printer Print head 128 dot / 180 dpi Print height 18.
82 Memory Memory size Maximum 2000 characters Other Features Frame 15 frame patterns Auto-Format Templates: 10 PC Interface (for PT-7600 only) Yes (Transfer Only) Transfer Function (for PT-7600 only) Download Templates and Image Characters (Max.
83 Appendix Operating Environme nt: Windows ® (for PT-7600 only) Accessories ● Supplies Obtain tape cassettes from your nearest authorised de aler. Use only Brother TZ tapes w ith this machine. Brother cannot be held respon- sible for trouble caused by the use of unautho rised supplies .
84 TZ-655 White characters on oran ge tape TZ-751 Black characters on green ta pe TZ-755 White characters on gree n tape TZ-951 Black char acters on silv er tape TZ-M951 Bla ck characte rs on silver (.
85 Appendix Non-laminated tapes (length: 8 m) TZ-D31 Black chara cters on flu orescent gr een tape (l ength: 5 m) TZ-M31 Black characters on cle ar (mat) tape 9 mm TZ-121 Black characters on clear tap.
86 Strong adhesive tapes (length: 8 m) Laminated tapes with stronger adhesive, ideal for rough surfa ces or harsh environments. Flexible ID tapes (length: 8 m) Flexible laminate d tapes ideal for labelling net work cables, electrical wires, etc. Stock No.
87 Appendix Security tape (len gth: 8 m) This tape leaves a checke red pattern when removed. Fabric tape (le ngth: 3 m) These fabric labels can be affixe d to other fabric using an iron. Print head c leaning cass ette Cassette tape for cleaning the print head of your P-touch.
88 Index A AC adapter ................... ........... ........ 5 Accent function ............... .............. 22 alignment ............... .............. ......... 33 arrow keys ......... ........... ....... 4, 19, 20 Auto Format function ... ......
89 I indicators ........................ ........... ..... 4 block number ................... ........... 4 bold text style ......................... ..... 4 Caps ................. .............. ............. 4 centre text alignment .............. ..
90 problems ...................... .............. ... 74 P-touch Editor installing......................... ........... 47 starting . .............. ............ ........... 54 template ...................... .............. 66 R recalling ............ Page 91 Mon da y, February 25, 2008 6:04 PM. Page 92 Mon da y, February 25, 2008 6:04 PM.
7500/7600 Printed in China L W2458001 A USER´S GUIDE USER´S GUIDE • Read this User’s Guide before you start using your P-touch. • Keep this User’s Guide in a handy place for future reference.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother P-touch 7500VP è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother P-touch 7500VP - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother P-touch 7500VP imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother P-touch 7500VP ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother P-touch 7500VP, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother P-touch 7500VP.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother P-touch 7500VP. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother P-touch 7500VP insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.