Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A-3140 del fabbricante Argox
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A SE R IE P RI NT E RS A-2240 , A-2240E, A-2240Z, A-2240 ZE, A-3140, A-31 40Z User ’ s Manual W e bsite: http: //www A Serie s User ’s Manual 2 Introduction Proprietar y Statem ent This manual conta ins p roprietary i n f o rm at ion of Argox Inform ation Co.
A Serie s User ’s Manual 3 anyone e l se invo lved in the cre ation, produc tion, or de l ive ry of the acco mpanying produc t (inc l ud i ng ha rdware and so f twa r e ) be liable for any da m ages.
A Serie s User ’s Manual 5 T able of Con tents Introduction....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... . 2 Proprietary S tat eme nt ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ...... ...
A Serie s User ’s Manual 7 Gettin g Started Congra tulations on choosing the Argox Amigo Seri es desktop barcode printer . This user ’s m an ual w ill help you get to know your ne w pri nter .
A Serie s User ’s Manual 9 Conne c ting the Power S upply Connect t he pow er supply as below . WA RNING : 1. do not o p erate the printer and power s u pply in an area where they mi g ht get w e t. 1. Make sure the power sw i tch is in the "O" po si tion .
A Serie s User ’s Manual 1 1 Po wer Cord A Serie s User ’s Manual 12 Getting to K now Y our Printer The illustrations th a t follow descri be th e p rinter ’s p a rt s, fea tures, controls, and indicat o rs.
A Serie s User ’s Manual 13 Ribb o n P ick-up Holde r Releas e Le vers Media Hanger Ribb o n Supp ly Ho l der Therm a l Pr in t head A Serie s User ’s Manual 14 Controls and Indicator s The printer ’s controls and i nd icators are shown in the diagram belo w .
A Serie s User ’s Manual 15 Control / In dic ato r Function Power Switch On: turns on normal o peration Off: turns off power Note: Turn powe r o ff bef ore connec tin g or disconnecting cabl.
A Serie s User ’s Manual 17 Ribb o n Supp ly Ho l der Media Com p art m e nt Releas e L e ve r Prin t Head Modul e A Serie s User ’s Manual 18 4. Unwrap the rib b on roll p ack and separate th e ribbon r o ll and the bare core. 5. Attach the ed ge o f the ribbon on t h e bare c o re and win d it a little bit onto the core.
A Serie s User ’s Manual 19 7. Turn back the p rint head m o dule a nd then i n sert the ba re cor e into the pick-up holder. ( First snap in the right side , t hen the left side.) A Serie s User ’s Manual 20 8. Turn the wheel of the print head m odule to en sure the ri b bon is tightly wound.
A Serie s User ’s Manual 21 Loading Media The Amigo Se ries print e rs offer three di ffe r e nt loa ding modes: standard, p e el-of f, or with a cut te r . St andard mo de allows you to c ollect e ach lab e l freely . Pee l-o ff mode peels backing m at erial aw ay f rom t he l a bel as it prints.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 23 6. Lead the labels thr ough the media guides wi th t he ot h er hand. The media guide c a n be adjusted ce n trally to f it w ith dif ferent labe l wid ths. Media Guides A Seri es User ’s Manual 24 7. Press the pri nt h ead modul e down f irmly o n both sides until you hear a snap.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 25 8. Close the top cover and turn on the printer or press the f eed button if the printer is a lready on . Fee d Butto n A Seri es User ’s Manual 26 Peel Off Mode 1. Unscrew the two screws b ehind the front c o ver . 2. Remove the f r on t cover .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 27 3. P l u g in the dis pense r connecter. 4. Mount the dispenser mo d ule. Dis p e ns er Connecter Dis p e ns er Modu l e A Seri es User ’s Manual 28 5. Secure the two scr e ws be h ind the f ront cover . 6. Lead the labels thr ough the media guides and d ispe nser .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 29 7. P r ess down the print h e ad modul e firmly until y ou hear a snap. 8. Clos e t he top cover and t u rn on th e printe r o r pr ess the feed button if the printer is already on. Fee d Butto n A Seri es User ’s Manual 30 9.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 31 Cutter Mod e Note: For cutter mo d e you mus t f irst i nstall the cutter and cut te r baby board to J 1 6 on the m ain board 1. T u rn off t h e PO W ER switch . 2. Unscrew the two screws behind the f ron t cover . 3. Remove the front cover .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 33 A Seri es User ’s Manual 34 7. Remove the whole prin t head assembly by rele a si ng the 4 screws at its fee t. 8. Plug the cutter baby b o ard to J16 on the mai n board.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 35 9. Reattempt t he pri nt he a d assembly by s ecuring the 4 scr ews and pull the front sid e o f "Mi d dle Cover" to put it b a ck. 10. Screw the 2 screws on the p rin te r bottom. 11. Unscrew the screw on th e printer module.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 37 Media Guides 15. Lead the label t hro ugh t he media g u ides a nd cutt e r slo t. 16. Press down th e print h ead m odule f irmly on both sides until you hear a snap. A Seri es User ’s Manual 38 Note: The feed butt on does not m ake the printer cut.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 39 Configurati on and Conf iguration This section discusse s ca li b ration, printing co nf igu ratio n and resetting the printer to factory defaults. Perfor m ing Calib ration and a Configur ation Repor t 1. T u rn of f the printer power .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 41 Computer Connection s Note: You must i nsert the power supply’s b ar rel c on nec tor into the power jack on th e back of the printer before connecting comm unica tion cable s.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 43 Power Co rd A Seri es User ’s Manual 44 Etherne t 10/100 Internal P rinter Serv er Option This connector is fo r Ethernet applicatio n; it is co nvenient to u se several printers by Eth ernet connector at the sam e time.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 45 Ethernet Stat us/Ac tivit y Indicato rs LED S tatus Des cri ptio n Both Of f No Ethernet li n k dete cted Spee d LED Green LED On: 100 Mb ps link Of f: l0 Mb ps lin k Lin.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 47 In sta lling a Plug and Play printer dri ver (for USB only) 1. T urn off the print e r . Plug the power c ab l e into the power socket on the wall, a nd then c onne ct t he other e nd of the cable to printer's p owe r s o cket.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 49 Instead of the f lash prompt a bo ve, an o ther w a y to inst all Seagull driver is to r un the Dri ve r W izard utility fro m the Installation Dir ectory w here t he S e agull driver f iles are lo cated.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 51 7. Check all the dat a on the showing scr een, if it is corr e ct, click "Finish" . Argox A-2240 PPLB Argox A-2240 PPLB U S B002 7.1.9_M-5 A Seri es User ’s Manual 52 8. Aft er the rel ated f il es hav e been copi e d to yo u r sy ste m, click "Finish".
A Seri es User ’s Manual 53 9. Aft er driver i nsta ll a tion is comple te , click "Close". The driver should no w be installe d. Installed printer Argox A-2240 PPLB A Seri es User ’s Manual 54 In sta lling the Printer Driver 1. T urn off the print e r .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 55 3. Und er A-2240 product sel ect i on prompt, c hoo se Seagull Driver version and th e n st art i nstallation: Instead of the f lash prompt a bo ve, an o ther w a y to inst all Seagull driver is to r un the Dri ve r W izard utility fro m the Installation Dir ectory w here t he S e agull driver f iles are lo cated.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 57 5. Assign the directory to kee p Seagull driver, (for ex a mple: C:Seagull) and click "Next ". A Seri es User ’s Manual 58 6.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 59 7. Se lect I n stall printer driv ers and Click "Next" A Seri es User ’s Manual 60 8. Se lect mo d el & e mulation - the followin g exa m ples are based o.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 61 9. Se lect t h e port o f the print e r and click "Next". A Seri es User ’s Manual 62 10. Enter Printer name (i .e . A rgox A-2240 PPLB ) and select "do not share this p rinter” , and click "N e xt".
A Seri es User ’s Manual 63 11. Check all th e dat a on the showing screen, if it is correct, click "Finish". 12. Argox A-2240 PPLB Argox A - 2240 PPLB U S B001 7.1.9_M-5 A Seri es User ’s Manual 64 13. Afte r th e related f iles hav e been c o pied to yo ur system, click "Finish".
A Seri es User ’s Manual 65 14. Afte r driver i nsta ll at ion is c o mplete, click "Cl o se". The driver should now b e installe d. Installed p r in ter Argox A-2240 P PLB A Seri es User .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 67 LED In d icato rs: Power and Rea dy LEDs blink alternatel y Power LED Ready LED ON OFF OFF ON Possib le Pr o blems Solutions Remarks Rib bon out Suppl y the ribbon roll Rib bon j a m Recover t he j a m Rib bon sensor error Repl ace ribbon sensor Not applica ble to dire ct thermal type.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 69 Miscellaneou s If the host s ho ws " Printe r T ime out" 1. Check if the commu nica ti o n cable (seri al) is connected securely to your serial port on the PC and to t h e c onne ctor on the printer at th e other e n d.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 71 Caring for Y ou r Printer Adhesives and co a tings o f media can ove r tim e trans fe r onto the printer components along the medi a path inclu d ing the th ermal print head and m e dia sensor . T his build -up c an ac cu mulate dust and d e bris.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 73 Special Ca uti on: Warranty o f print heads wi ll be void if print head se rial numb e r is removed, altered, d efected, o r made illeg i b le, und e r every circumst a nce. A Seri es User ’s Manual 74 Replacing Therm al Print He ad 1.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 75 3. Loosen the 2 scr e ws(C) and t ake of f COVER-TPH(79) 4. Unplug the 2 print h ead cables from the connect ors on the old TPH-mo d ule. 5. Plug the 2 print h ead cable t o the n e w T P H-module. 6. Screw the COVER-TPH (7 9).
A Seri es User ’s Manual 77 Technical Refere nce General Spe cifica tions S peci f icatio n A-2240 A-2240E A-2240Z A-3140 A- 3140Z Printing me thod Direct T ransfer/Thermal T rans fer Printing res o.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 79 Fonts, B ar Codes a nd Gr aphics Sp ecificatio n The speci f ications of f onts, bar codes a nd graphics depends on the printer emulation . The e mulations PPLA, PPLB and PP LZ are printer programming la nguage s, throu g h which th e host ca n communicate with yo ur p rinter.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 81 Prin ter Programm i ng L anguage Z , PPLZ Programmin g Language PPLZ Intern al font s 8 (A~H) f onts with dif ferent po i nt s ize. 8 AGF A f ont s: 7 (P ~V) font s w i th fixed dif ferent point size (can’t scale). 1 (0 ) f ont with scal i ng poin t size.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 83 Interface Sp ecific ations USB Interface This is port complies w ith USB 2.0 Full S peed. T Connector Terminal Pi n Assignm e nt Pin Signal Descript ion 1 VBUS 5V 2 D - D.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 85 Ethernet The follow i ng port complies w ith E t hern et co mm un i cati on. Pin Signal 1 T ran sm i t+ 2 T ran sm i t- 3 Recei ve+ 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Recei ve- 7 Re.
A Seri es User ’s Manual 87 Printer T e rminal/H o st Pin 2- RxData ……… TxData Pin 3- TxD a ta ……… RxData Pin 5- Ground ……… Ground In general, as long a s the d a ta quantity is not too large a nd you use Xon/Xoff as f low control, i t will be problem fre e .
A Seri es User ’s Manual 89 4. Remove the middle cover. Slot for Ex tension card A Seri es User ’s Manual 90 5. Mount the extension card to J1 4 on th e main boar d. N ote : RTC card: Dip switc h on DIP 5 should b e put on OFF position. Add - o n card: Dip swit ch on DIP 5 should be put on On position.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Argox A-3140 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Argox A-3140 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Argox A-3140 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Argox A-3140 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Argox A-3140, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Argox A-3140.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Argox A-3140. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Argox A-3140 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.