Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW del fabbricante Brother
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1 Start Here MFC-9130CW / MFC-9330CDW MFC-9340CDW Quick Se tup Guide USA/CA N Versi on 0 Thank y ou fo r choosing Brother, your supp ort is im portant to us and we v alue your bus iness. Your Brother p roduct is engineered and manufacture d to the highest standards to deliver reliable performance, day -in and day-out.
2 WARNING • Plasti c bags are u sed i n the packin g of y our mac hine. Pl astic b ags are not to ys. To avoid the d anger of s uffocation, keep th ese bag s away fro m b abies and childr en, and dispose of them co rrectly. • This m achine is heavy and weigh s more than 44.
3 2 Remove the packing materi al fro m the machine CAUTION CAUTION DO NOT eat the silica gel pa ck, p lease throw it away. If ingested, seek medical attention immediate ly. a Remove t he pac king ta pe from the outside of the ma chine, the silic a gel pack on the support flap and t he fi lm covering the scanner gl ass.
4 f Remove the orange packing piece fro m each drum and toner cartridge assembly. g Using both hands, hold each drum and toner cartridge assem bly level, and g ently s hake it from side to side several times to distribute t he toner evenly inside the assemb ly.
5 d Load paper in the tray and m ake sure: The pap er is below t he ma ximum paper mar k ( bbb ) a . Overf illin g the pape r tray will cause paper jams . The side to b e printed on is face down . The pap er gu ides touch the sid es of the paper s o it will f eed properly.
6 WARNING The mach in e must be gr ounde d us ing a 3 -pro ng plu g. Si nce the mac hine is grou nde d thro ug h the pow er outlet, you can protect yourself from pot ent i a lly ha za r dou s el ec tr i cal c ond i ti on s o n the telephone network by ke eping the pow er cord conn ected to your mach ine when y ou con nect it to a telephone line.
7 6 Choose the corr ect Recei ve Mode The correct Recei ve Mode is determin ed by the external devices a nd teleph one subscr iber services (Voice Mail , D isti n c tive Ring, etc.) you have (or will be using) on the same line as the B rother ma chine (for detail s, see Basic U ser's Guide: Using receive modes ).
8 7 Set the da te and ti me The T ouchsc r e en displays the date and time. Yo u can also a dd the current date and ti me to ea ch fax you sen d by setting your Station ID (see step 8 ). a Pre ss . b Pre ss ( Date & Time ). c Swipe up or down, or press a or b to displ ay Date .
9 9 Fax Transmissi on Report You r Brot h er machine i s equipped with a Trans mission Verification Report that can be used as con firmation that you sent a fax.
10 12 Dial Prefi x The dial prefix setting will automatically dial a pre defined num ber b efore every f ax number you dial. For exampl e: If your phone system requires a 9 to d ial an out side number, this setting will automat ically dial 9 for every fax you send.
11 Windows ® USB Macintosh Windows ® Macintosh Wired Network Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh 15 Choose your connecti on type These installation instructions are for W indows ® XP Ho me/Windows ® XP Professional, Windo ws ® XP Profes sional x64 Edition, Windows Vista ® , Windows ® 7, Windo ws ® 8, and Mac OS X v10.
12 Windows ® USB For W indow s ® USB I nte rfac e Use rs (Win dows ® XP/XP Profess ional x64 Editi on/Win dows Vis ta ® / Win dows ® 7/W indow s ® 8) 16 Before you i nstal l a Make sure your computer is ON and you are logged on with Administrator r ight s.
13 Windows ® USB Windows ® USB Macintosh d Follow the on -screen inst r u ctions until the Plug in the USB cable screen appears . e Connect the USB cable to the USB port marked with the symbo l on your machine, and the n conn ect the c able to your c omputer.
14 Maci nto sh USB Fo r Maci ntos h USB Inte rf ace Use rs (M ac OS X v10 .6.8 , 10 .7 .x , 10 .8 .x ) 16 Before you i nstal l a Make su re your mac hine is connec ted to an AC power source and your Macintosh is ON. You must b e logged on with A dministrator righ ts.
15 Macintosh USB Windows ® USB Macintosh 18 Do wnloa d an d ins tall Presto! PageManager W hen Presto! PageMan ager is i nstalled, OC R cap ability is ad ded to Brother ControlCenter2. You can easily s can, share and organize p hotos and doc uments using Presto! Page Manager.
16 Windows ® Wired Network For W indow s ® Wire d Net work I nterf ac e Users (Win dows ® XP/XP Profess ion al x64 Editi on/Win dows Vis ta ® / Win dows ® 7/W indow s ® 8) ( MFC-9 330 CDW / MF C-93 40CD W) 16 Before you i nstal l a Make sure your computer is ON and you are logged on with Administrator r ight s.
17 Windows ® Wired Network Windows ® Macintosh Wired Network c Choose Wi red Netw ork Connec tion (E th er ne t) , a nd then click Next . d When the Firew all/ Anti Viru s de tect ed screen appears, choo se Chan ge the Fi rew all por t settings to enable n etwork c onnection and continue with the installation.
18 Windows ® Wired Network 19 Ins t all M FL- Pro Suite on additi onal compute rs (if needed) If you want to use your machine with multiple comput ers on the network, install M FL-P ro Suite on eac h comput er. Go to st ep 16 on page 16. NOTE Network licen se ( W indows ® ) This product includes a PC license for u p to five users.
19 Macintosh Wired Network Windows ® Macintosh Wired Network Fo r Maci ntos h Wire d Net work In terf ace Us ers (Ma c OS X v10.6 .8 , 10 .7 .x , 10 .8.x ) (MFC- 9 330 CDW / MFC -934 0CDW ) 16 Before you i nstal l a Make su re your mac hine is connec ted to an AC power so urce and your Ma cintosh is ON.
20 Maci nto sh Wired Network f When the Add Printer screen appears, click Add Printer . g Choose your mac hine from the l ist, click Ad d , and then click Next . (O S X v1 0 .8 . x ) Sel ec t MFC-XXXX CUPS driver f rom the Use pop-up menu (where XXXX is y our m odel name).
21 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh Fo r Wire le ss Ne twork In terfac e Use rs 16 Be fore yo u begin First you must configure the wireless network setting s o f your machine to commu nicate with your wireless access point/rou ter.
22 For Wi reless Network Users 17 Choose your wirel ess setup metho d T he fo llowi ng inst ruc tion s w ill off er th re e m etho ds for se tti ng up you r Broth er machine on a wireless network. Choose the method you prefer for your environ ment. For m ethods b and c , start your w ireless setup by pressing th e button on the Touchsc reen.
23 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh b Ma nua l set up f rom th e con trol pane l usi ng t he S etu p Wizar d (W indo ws ® , Macintosh and mobile d evices) If your w.
24 For Wi reless Network Users Setup usi ng the CD-ROM and temporar ily usin g a USB cable (W ind ow s ® and Macintosh) 18 Set up the wi reless sett ings a Put t he CD-ROM into y our CD-ROM drive. b (Windows ® ) Clic k Install MFL-Pro Suite , an d click Yes in the next two windo ws if you accept the license agreemen ts.
25 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh d When the Firew all/ Anti Viru s de tect ed screen appears, choo se Chan ge the Fi rew all por t settings to enable n etwork c onnection and continue with the installation. (Recommen ded) a nd cl ick Next .
26 For Wi reless Network Users k Confirm th e wireless ne twork se ttings, and then cl ick Nex t . The settings will be sent to your machine. l Disconnect the USB cable between the computer and the machine , and t hen click Next . To install t h e M FL-Pro S uite, co ntinue to step 20 .
27 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh Manual se tup fro m the cont rol panel usi ng the Setup Wizard ( Wi ndow s ® , Macin tosh and mobile devices) 18 Set up the wi reless sett ings a On your machine, press . Pre ss Setup Wizard .
28 For Wi reless Network Users To install t h e M FL-Pro S uite, co ntinue to step 19 . For W ind ow s ® Users: Now go to pag e 34 For Maci ntosh Users: Now go to pag e 37 NOTE For mobile device users, see the Advanced Network User's Guide s for detail s on how to us e your machine with your mobile device(s).
29 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh One- pu sh set up usi ng WP S (Wi - Fi Pr ot ec ted Se tu p) or AOSS ™ ( Wi ndow s ® , Macin tosh and mobile devices) 18 Configure t he wirel ess sett ings a Confirm that your wirel ess access point/ro uter has the WPS or A OSS™ symbol as s hown below.
30 For Wi reless Network Users Tr ouble sh ooting To fin d the wir eless se ttings (S SID (N etwork Name ) and Ne two rk K ey)* * The Net work Key may also be described as the Password, Security Key, or E ncryption Key. * If the wireless access point/router is set not to broad cast the SSID, the SS ID will not be detected autom atically.
31 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh TS- 03 The wireless network and security set ting yo u entered may be incorrect. C onfirm t h at t he wireless network settings are correct (see To f ind the wi reless settings (SSID (Net work Na me) and Network Key)* on p age 30).
32 For Wi reless Network Users TS- 07 The mach ine cannot detect a wireless access po int/router that has WP S or AOSS ™ enabled . To configure you r wireles s settings us ing W PS or A OSS™ , you m ust op erate bot h your machin e a nd the wireless acc ess point/rout er.
33 For Wir eless Network Us ers Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh En te ri ng Text W hen you are setting certain menu selections, you may nee d to enter text into the machine. Press repeated ly to cho ose be tween letters, numbers a nd spe cial ch aracters.
34 Windows ® Wire less Net work In stall t he Driv ers and Soft ware (W ind ow s ® XP/XP Professio nal x64 Edi tio n/Windows Vist a ® / Win dows ® 7/W indow s ® 8) 19 Before you i nstal l a Make sure your computer is ON and you are logged on with Administrator r ight s.
35 Windows ® Wirel ess N etwork Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh e Choose the mac hine fr om the l ist, and then cli ck Next . f The install ation w ill autom atically continue. The installation screens appe ar one after ano ther. I f prompted, follow any on-screen instructions.
36 Windows ® Wire less Net work Fini sh The in stallatio n i s now comp lete. NOTE • For W indows ® 8 users: if t he B rother m anuals included on the CD-ROM are in PDF format, use Adobe ® Reader ® t o open the m.
37 Macintosh Wirel ess N etwork Wireless Network Windows ® Ma cintosh In stall t he Dri vers and Soft w a re (Mac OS X v10.6.8 , 10.7 .x, 10.8.x ) 19 Before you i nstal l a Make su re your mac hine is connec ted to an AC power so urce and your Ma cintosh is ON.
38 Maci nto sh Wire less Net work f When the Add Printer screen appears, click Add Printer . g Choose your mac hine from the l ist, click Ad d , and then click Next . (O S X v1 0 .8 . x ) Sel ec t MFC-XXXX CUPS driver f rom the Use pop-up menu (where XXXX is y our m odel name).
39 For Network Us ers Web B ased Manag eme nt (w eb br ow se r ) The B rother print server is equipped with a web server that allows you to monitor its stat us or change some of its configuration settings using HTTP (Hype r text Transf er Protocol). a Open your browser.
Other Information 40 Col or Co rre cti on The output density and print position of eac h color may va ry depending on the machine's environ ment. Facto rs li ke tempe rature and humidity can affect color. Color calibration a nd color registration help you to improve the color density an d the print po sition of each color.
41 Consumables Co nsum able s W hen the time comes to replace consum able items such as toner or drums, a n e r ro r mes sage will appear on your machi ne's T ouchscreen. For m ore information about the con sumables for you r machine, visit us at http://www.
www.brothereart Trademar ks The B rot he r log o is a r egist ered tr ade mark of Bro ther I nd ustr ies, Ltd. B rot he r is a tr ade m ark o f B roth er In dust r ies, Lt d.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother MFC-MFC-9130CW MFC-9330CDW insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.