Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFC-J6710DW del fabbricante Brother
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i User's Guide s and where do I find it? Which manu al? What' s in it? Where is it? Safe ty an d Le gal Read this Guide first. Pl ease read the Safety Instructions before you set up your machin e. See th i s Guide for tr ademar k s and l egal limitations.
ii Table of Conte nts 1 Gene ral setu p 1 Mem or y sto ra ge ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. . 1 Vol um e Set ti n gs... .. .. ... .. .. ... ..
iii 4 Receiv ing a fa x 18 Mem or y R ece iv e (Bl ac k & W h ite o nly ) .... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 1 8 Re ce iv ing fa xe s in to memo ry wh en p aper tra y is empty . ... .. .. ... .
iv 7 Making c opies 39 Co py se tti ngs .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. . 3 9 St op co py ing .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .
v 9 Prin ting phot os f ro m a cam era 65 Print ing photos dir ectly fro m a P ictBr idge camera ......... . .... . .... . ...... ......... ..... . ...... 65 Pic t Bri d ge re qui rem en t s .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..
1 1 1 Mem ory s tor age 1 Even if there is a power f ailur e, you will not lose the settin gs you have chosen usi ng the Me nu key b ecause they are stor ed permanent ly. Also, you will not lose your sett ings in the FA X , SC AN , COPY and PHOTO CAPTURE mod e key menus if yo u have cho s en Set New Default .
Chapter 1 2 Beep er Vo lume 1 When t he beeper is on, the machine will beep when yo u press a key, make a mistake, or aft er you send or re c eive a fax. You can choos e a range of beeper volume leve ls , fro m High to Off . a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to c hoos e General Setup .
General setup 3 1 Automatic Daylight Saving Time 1 You can set the m achine to change automatical ly for d aylight s avi ng time. I t will reset i t self f orward one hour in the Spring and backward one h our in the Fall. Make sure you have set the correct dat e and time in the Date&Time setti ng.
Chapter 1 4 LC D sc reen 1 Setting the ba cklight br ig ht ness 1 You can adjust the brightnes s of the LCD bac k light . If yo u are havin g diffic ulty r eading the LCD, tr y chan ging the bri ght ness setting. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to c hoos e General Setup .
General setup 5 1 Dial Prefix 1 The Dial Prefix s etting w ill autom atically dial a predefined num ber before every fax number you di al. For e x ample: If your telephone system r equires a 9 to dial an out side number use this setting t o automat ically dial 9 for every fax you send.
Chapter 1 6 Mode Time r 1 The mach ine has four tempo r ary mode keys on t he control panel: FAX , SCA N , COPY an d PHOTO CAPT URE . You c an chang e the amou nt of time the machine ta kes after the las t Scan, Copy or PhotoCapt ure operation before it returns to Fa x mode.
7 2 2 Secure Functio n Lock 2.0 2 Secure F unction L ock let s you res tr ic t publi c access to cert ain machine fun c tion s: Fax Tx (F ax T ransmit) Fax Rx (Fax Receiv e) Copy Scan .
Chapter 2 8 Note If y ou are using a Web browser to configur e t he machi ne's setti ng f or the first time, set a pass word. 1 Clic k Please configure t he password . 2 Enter a password you want to use (up to 32 char acters). 3 Re-e nt er the pa s swo rd in Confi rm n ew password box.
Security features 9 2 Chan ging the a dmini stra tor pa ss word 2 a Clic k Admin istrat o r . b Clic k Sec u re Fu nct i on L ock . c Enter a four-d igit numb er for the new password in th e New Pas sword box. d Re-enter t he password in th e Retype Pas sw ord box.
Chapter 2 10 Turning Se cu re Funct ion Lock o n/of f 2 Note Make a careful note of t he admini s trator password. If you enter the wrong password, the LCD will show Wrong Password . Enter th e corre ct password. If you forge t it, please call Brothe r Customer S ervice.
11 3 3 Additional sen ding options 3 Send ing faxes using mult iple set ti ngs 3 When you send a fax you can choose any combinat ion of these sett ings: resolu t ion, cont rast, sca n size, et c. a Press ( FAX ). The LC D shows: b Press a or b to choose a setti ng y ou want to change.
Chapter 3 12 Chan ging f ax re so luti on 3 The quali ty of a f ax can be improve d by cha nging the f ax resolut ion. a Pres s ( FAX ). b Pres s a or b to c hoos e Fax Resolution .
Sending a fax 13 3 Additional sen ding o peration s 3 Send ing a fax ma nually 3 Manual t ran smissio n lets you he ar the dialing , ringing and fax-r ecei v ing to nes while sending a fax. Note To send a m ultiple page f ax, use t he ADF. a Press ( FAX ).
Chapter 3 14 Broa dcas ting (Bla ck & Whit e o n l y) 3 Broad c asting is when t he same fa x mes s age is automatically sent to mor e than o ne fax numb er. You can include Groups, One Touch, Speed Dial numbers , and up to 50 m anually diale d numbers in th e same bro adcast.
Sending a fax 15 3 Ca nc eli ng a Broa dcas t i n pro gres s 3 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Fax . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Remaining Jobs . Press OK . The LCD will sho w the fax num ber being dialed and the Broadcast jo b numbe r.
Chapter 3 16 Delaye d Faxing (Bla ck & Whit e o n l y) 3 You can store up to 50 fa x es in the memory to be sent wit hin 24 hours. These faxes will be s ent at t he ti m e of da y you e nter in step e . a Pres s ( FAX ). b Load your docum ent. c Pres s a or b to c hoos e Delayed Fax .
Sending a fax 17 3 Po lling o vervi ew 3 Polling lets you set up your m achin e so other people can receiv e faxes from you, but they pay for t he c all. I t als o lets you cal l somebody else’s fax mac hine and receive a fax from it, so you pay for the call.
18 4 Memory Rec eiv e (Black & White only) 4 You can only us e one Memory Receive oper at ion at a time: Fax Forwar ding Paging Fax Storag e PC-Fax Receiv e Off You can change y our s electi on at any t ime.
Rec eiving a fax 19 4 Pagin g 4 When you choose Paging, your machine dials t he c ell p hone or pa ger numbe r you have program med. This activ ates your cell phone or pager so you will know that you have a fax message in th e memory. If you have s et Paging , a backu p copy of t he received fax will automat ically be printed at the machine.
Chapter 4 20 Fax St orage 4 If you choose Fax Storage, your machine stor es the received fa x in the memory. You will be able t o retrieve fa x messages from anoth er loca tion usi ng the remote ret rieval commands . If you have set Fax Storage, a backu p copy will aut omatically be pr int ed at the machine.
Rec eiving a fax 21 4 PC-F ax Recei ve (W indo ws ® onl y) 4 If you turn on the PC-Fax Rec eive feature your machin e will store receiv ed f axe s in memory and send them to your PC automatical ly. You c an then use your PC to view and store the s e faxes.
Chapter 4 22 f The LCD shows the message Run PC-Fax on your computer. Pres s OK . g Pres s a or b to c hoos e Change . Pres s OK . h Pres s a or b t o choose <USB> , or the PC you want t o receiv e faxes. Pres s OK . i Pres s a or b to c hoos e Backup Print:On or Backup Print:Off .
Rec eiving a fax 23 4 Remote Retriev al 4 You can call your mach ine from any touch-tone te lephone or fax machine and then use the remot e access c ode an d remote com mands to re trieve f ax mess ages.
Chapter 4 24 Remo te F ax command s 4 Foll ow the commands below to access fea tures when you are away from the machine . When you call t he machine and ente r your remote access code (3 digit s followed by ), the system will give two shor t beeps and you must ente r a remote command.
Rec eiving a fax 25 4 Ret ri eving f ax me ssages 4 You can call your mach ine from any touch-tone telephon e and ha ve your fax messages sent to a mac hine. Before y ou use this feat ure, you ha v e to turn on Fax S t orage. a Dial y our f ax number.
Chapter 4 26 Additiona l receivin g operations 4 Pr int i ng a re duc ed i nco mi ng fa x 4 If you choose On , the machin e automatic ally red uces each page of an incoming f ax to fit on one p age of Letter, L egal, Ledger , A4 or A3 si z e paper.
Rec eiving a fax 27 4 Po lling o vervi ew 4 Polling lets you set up your m achin e so other people can receiv e faxes from you, but they pay for t he c all. I t als o lets you cal l somebody else’s fax mac hine and receive a fax from it, so you pay for the call.
28 5 Voice opera tions 5 Voi c e call s can be made e it her with an exter nal teleph one by di aling manual ly or by usi ng Q uick Dial numbers . To ne or Puls e (Can ada only ) 5 If you have a Pulse.
Dialing and s toring n umbers 29 5 S ett in g u p yo ur area co de (US A on l y) 5 When returning c alls from the Caller ID history your m achine will aut omatically dial “1” plus t he area code f or all call s.
Chapter 5 30 Co n vert ing tele p ho ne wall outlets 5 There ar e t hree ways to conver t to an RJ11 jac k. T he first t wo ways may requir e help from the telephone c ompany.
Dialing and s toring n umbers 31 5 Additional dial ing o peration s 5 Out goi ng Ca ll 5 The last 30 numbers you sent a fax to will be stored in the outgoi ng c all hist ory. Y ou can choose one of these num bers to fax to, add to One Touch or S peed Dial, or del ete from t he hist ory.
Chapter 5 32 Note • (USA on ly) I f you red ial f rom the Caller ID histor y outside your area co de, you must set up your AREA CODE in advanc e. (See Setting up your area code (USA only) on page 29.) • You c an print th e Caller ID List . (See How to print a report on pa ge 3 8.
Dialing and s toring n umbers 33 5 Additional wa ys to store num bers 5 Stor ing O ne Touc h nu mbers fr om Out goi ng Cal ls 5 You can store O ne Touch num bers from t he Outgoing Call history. a Press R e d i al / P au s e . You can a lso choose Outgoing Call by pressi ng ( FAX ).
Chapter 5 34 h Pres s a or b to c hoos e Complet e . Pres s OK . i Pres s Stop/Ex it . Storing Sp eed D ial num ber s fro m Ou tg o in g C all s 5 You can al s o store S peed Dial numbers from the Outgoi ng Call his tory. a Pres s Redial/Pau se . You can al s o choos e Outgoing Call by pre s sing ( FA X ).
Dialing and s toring n umbers 35 5 e Do one of the following : If you want to store the displayed nam e, press OK . En te r t h e n am e (u p t o 16 c h ar ac te r s ) usi ng t he dial pad. Press OK . (To help y ou ent er lett ers , see Entering Text in appendix C of the Basi c User’s Guid e .
Chapter 5 36 g To add numbers to the gro up, press a or b to ch oos e Alphabetic Ord er or Numeri c Order and OK . Pr ess a or b to s elec t a number and OK . h Do one of the following: To add anot her number to the group, repe at steps f to g . If you are f inished add ing numbers t o the group, press a or b to choose Complete .
37 6 6 F ax re ports 6 You need to set up the Transmi ssion Verifi c ation Repor t and Journal Period us ing the Me nu keys. Tran smissi on V eri fica tion Re port 6 You can use the Transmissi on Verificat ion Report as proof t hat you sent a fax.
Chapter 6 38 Reports 6 The fol lowing rep orts are availabl e: Transmission Print s a Transmission Verif ication Report for y our last transmission. Help List A he lp list showi ng how to program your machine. Quick Dial Lists names and numbers stored in the One T ouch and Spe ed Dial mem ory, i n alphabet ical or numerical or der.
39 7 7 Copy se ttings 7 You can change the copy se t tings t emporarily for th e ne xt c opy . These setting s are tempora ry, and the mach i ne retu rns to it s d efau lt se tting s 1 minu t e af t er copying, u nless you have s et the Mode Timer to 30 seconds or les s.
Chapter 7 40 Enlarging or reduc ing the co pied i ma ge 7 You can choose an enla rgement or reduction ratio. I f you choose Fit to Page , your machi ne will adju s t the size aut om atical ly to the paper s i ze you set. a Pres s ( CO PY ). b Load your docum ent.
Making c opies 41 7 M aking N in 1 copie s or a post er ( P a ge L ayout) 7 The N in 1 copy feature c an help you save paper by letting y ou copy two or four pages onto one printed page. The 1 to 2 f eature c opies one Ledger or A3 size page onto two Letter or A4 size page s .
Chapter 7 42 i Place the next pa ge on t he scanner glass. Pres s OK . j Repeat st eps h and i for ea c h page o f the la y out. k After all t he pages have been scann ed, press 2 to fin is h. Note If you have chosen phot o paper as the Paper T ype for N in 1 copie s , the m achi ne will p rint t he images as if pl ain paper had been chosen.
Making c opies 43 7 Poster(2 x 2) Poster(3 x 3) 2 in 1 ID Copy 7 You can copy both sides of your ident ification card onto one page, keep ing the original c ard size. Make s ure t he paper si z e is set to Letter or A4. Note You c an copy an ide ntification card to t he extent permitte d under applicabl e laws.
Chapter 7 44 Sorting c opies u sing the ADF 7 You can sor t multiple c opies. Page s will be stac ked in the order 321, 321, 321, and so on. a Pres s ( CO PY ). b Load your docum ent. c Enter t he nu m ber of copies you want. d Pres s a or b to c hoos e Stack/S ort .
Making c opies 45 7 g If you do no t want to cha nge any additi onal settings , pres s Black Start or Color S tart . Note • Watermark Copy , Book Copy , Skew Adjustment , Thin Paper Copy and Page Layout are not availabl e with Ink Save Mode . • Ink Save Mode may make y our prin t outs l ook differ ent from y our original document .
Chapter 7 46 Book Co py 7 Book copy corrects dark borders and skew when co py ing from the scanner glass. Your machi ne c an correct the data aut omatical ly or you can make specific correcti ons. a Pres s ( CO PY ). b Load your docum ent. c Enter t he nu m ber of copies you want.
Making c opies 47 7 Us in g a med ia ca rd or USB Flas h memor y drive 7 a Press ( CO P Y ). b Load y our document . c Enter the number of copies you want. d Press a or b to choose Advanced Settings . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Watermark Copy .
Chapter 7 48 Dupl ex ( 2-sided) c opying 7 You can reduce t he amount of paper u sed for cop ies by c opyi ng on both sides of the pa per. We reco m mend you load your docum ent in the ADF for dupl ex copyin g. For 2-sided doc um ents a nd books use the sc anner glass.
Making c opies 49 7 j Enter the number of copies you want. k Press Black Start or Color St art . If you placed the docum ent in the ADF, the mac hine scans the p ages and start s printing . If you are us ing the sc anner glass, go to step l . l Do one of the following : Pl ace the next page on the scanne r glass.
50 8 PhotoCapture Center™ operations 8 Mem ory card s, USB Fla sh memo ry drive a nd f ol der stru cture s 8 Your mac hine is designed to be compatibl e with modern digital camera image fi les, memory cards and USB Flash memory dri ves; however, please read the poin ts below to avoid errors: The i m age f ile extens ion must be .
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 51 8 Movi e pri nti ng 8 You can print images from movie fi les that are stored on a memory card or USB Flash me mor y dr iv e.
Chapter 8 52 c Pres s a or b to c hoos e Layout Format . Pre ss d or c to choose 6 Images/Line or 5 Images/Line . Pres s OK . Pr int ti me for 5 Images/Line will be slower th an 6 Images/Line , but the quality is better.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 53 8 Print All Phot os 8 You can print al l t he photo s on your memor y card or USB Flash memory driv e. a Make sure you have put the memory card or USB Flash mem ory drive in the proper slot .
Chapter 8 54 En hanc e Ski n-To ne 8 Enha nce Skin-Tone i s best us ed for adjus t ing por t rait phot ographs. It detects human ski n col or in your photos a nd adjust s t he ima ge. a Make sure you have put th e memory card or USB Flash memo ry drive in the proper slot.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 55 8 d Press a or b to choose Remove Red-Eye . Press OK . When Remove Red-Eye is succes sful, the phot o with th e effect is shown. The adjust ed part is shown in a red f r ame.
Chapter 8 56 Whiteboard 8 Whit eboard is best used for adjusting photo graphs. It detects let t ers on a whit eboard in your photo and makes them more legi ble. a Make sure you have put th e memory card or USB Flash memo ry drive in the proper slot. Pres s ( PHO TO CAPTURE ).
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 57 8 Sear ch by Date 8 You can find your photos bas ed on date. a Make sure you have put the memory card or USB Flash mem ory drive in the proper slot . Press ( PHOTO CAPT URE ).
Chapter 8 58 Trimming 8 You can trim your photo an d print a p art of the ima ge. Note If your photo is ve ry small or a n irregular shape you m ay not be able to trim the photo. The LCD w ill show Image Too Small. or Image Too Long. a Make sure you have put th e memory card or USB Flash memo ry drive in the proper slot.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 59 8 PhotoCapture Cente r™ pri nt settings 8 You can change t he print set tings tempor arily for th e next p rinting.
Chapter 8 60 Adjusting Brightness , C o ntr ast an d Color 8 Brig ht ness 8 a Pres s a or b to c hoos e Brightn ess . b Pres s d to make a darker print or press c to make a lighter pr int. Pres s OK . c If y ou do not want to chan ge a dditional settings, press Color S tart to pri nt.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 61 8 Cr opp ing 8 If your photo is too long or wide to fit the availab le space on your c hosen layout , part of the image will aut omat ica lly be cropp ed.
Chapter 8 62 Set ting yo ur c ha nge s a s the new de fault 8 You can save the print set tings you use m ost oft en by set t ing t hem as t he default settings . These settings will st ay un t il y ou c hange them again. a Pres s a or b an d d or c t o choose your new setting.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB F lash m emory dri ve 63 8 Auto Cr o p 8 You can scan multip le documents placed on the scanner glass . An indivi dual document can be previewed on the LCD bef ore you save it . When y ou choos e Auto Crop , the machine wi ll scan eac h document and create separate files.
Chapter 8 64 IMPORT ANT DO NOT take out the memory car d or USB Flash memory dr ive while PHOTO CAPTURE is b linkin g to av oid damagi ng the card, USB Flash memory drive or the dat a stored on them.
65 9 9 Printi ng photos directly from a PictBri dge came ra 9 Your Br other machin e supports the PictBridge s tandard, all owing you to connect to and print photo s directly from any PictBridge c ompatible digita l camera.
Chapter 9 66 When your camera d oes not have any menu selections, these sett ings are al so used. The n am es and a vailabi lity of each setting depends on the spe cification of you r camera. Ple ase refer to the docu m entation suppli ed with your c am era f or more detaile d info r mation on changi ng PictB ridge settings.
Printing photo s from a camera 67 9 Printi ng photos directly from a digita l ca mer a (withou t PictBridge) 9 If your camera i s usin g the USB Mass Storage sta ndard, you can connec t your camera in s torage mode . This en ables you to print photos from your camera.
68 A Cleani ng and chec king the machi ne A C leanin g the out side o f th e mach ine A IMPORT ANT • Use neutra l detergents. Cleanin g with volatile liquids such as th inner or benz ine will dama ge the outside sur face of the machine. • DO NOT use cleaning mate r ials that contain am m onia.
Routin e maintenan ce 69 A Cl e an in g th e ma ch i ne’ s pr in ter pl ate n A CAUTIO N Be sure to unp lug the machine f rom the A C power outlet before cleaning the printer platen to avoid an elect rical shock . a Using both hands, use th e plastic tabs on each side of the machin e to lift the scanner cover in t o th e open p osition.
70 c Lift the Jam Clear fl ap ( 2), and then clean the back side of the Paper Feed Roller s (1) wit h a soft lint -free cloth moiste ned wit h water. After c leaning, wipe th e rol lers with a dry , li nt-f ree sof t cl ot h to rem ove al l moist ure.
Routin e maintenan ce 71 A c Open t he Jam Cl ear Cover (1) at the back of the machin e. d Clean t he Paper Pick- up Rollers (1) with a s of t l int-free c loth moistened with water. Slowl y turn the r ollers so t hat the whole surfa c e is cleaned. After cl eaning, wipe the rollers with a dry , lint-fr ee soft cloth to remov e all moisture.
72 C leani ng t he pa pe r pi ck- u p roller s for pa pe r tra y #2 ( MFC- J6710 DW only) A a Unplug the m achine fro m the AC power outlet . Pull tray #2 completely out of the machine. Note If the paper support flap is open, cl ose it, and then clos e the paper support .
Routin e maintenan ce 73 A Packi ng an d ship ping the ma chine A When you transpo rt the machine, us e the packing m ateria ls that came wit h your machine. If you do not pack the machine properly, any damage that may occur in transit m ay not be cov ered by you r warrant y.
74 h Install the orange prot ect ive part and then clo se the ink cartr idge cover. IMPORT ANT • Make sure the plastic tab on the right side of the orange protecti ve part (1) clicks securely into plac e (2). • I f you are not able to find the orange protec t ive part, DO NOT remo v e the ink cartri dges before shipp ing.
75 B This is a c omprehens ive list of fea tures and terms t hat app ear in Brother manuals. Av ailabi lity of these featu r es depends on the model yo u purchased. B Glossary B ADF (automati c document feeder) The docume nt can be placed in the ADF and s canned one page at a time automat ically.
76 Dual Access Your mac hine can scan ou tgoing fax es or schedule d jobs i nto memory at t he same time it is send ing a f ax from m emory or receiving or printing an inc oming fax. Easy Receive Enable s your machi ne to respond t o CNG tones if you inte r rupt a fax call by answerin g it.
Glos sary 77 B Ma nua l fax You can lif t the handset of the external teleph one or you can press Hook to he ar the rece iving fax machine answer bef ore you press Black Start or Color S tart to begin sen ding. Memory Receive Receiv es faxes into the machi ne's memory when the machin e is out of paper .
78 Sc an ning The proc ess of sending an electroni c image of a paper document into your comput er. Scan to Media You can scan a b lack & white or color document into a memory card or USB Flash m emory drive. Black & white images can be in TIFF or PDF fil e for mat and co lor images can be in P DF or JPEG f ile format.
Index 79 C C Numeri cs 2 in 1 ID Co py . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... . 43 A Acce ss codes, storing and dialing . ... .. .. ... . 32 Apple Macinto s h S ee So ft wa re Use r's Gu i de . B Broadcas t ing ... .. ... .. ..
80 F Fax codes chan ging . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. 2 3 Remote Ac ce ss Code .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. 23 Fax F orwarding chan ging remotely . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... 2 4 , 25 pro gram ming a number .
81 C P Packing an d shipping the machi ne .. .. .. ... . 7 3 Paging . ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... . 19 PaperPor t ™12SE wi th OCR See Softwar e User's Gu ide. S ee also Help in the PaperPort™12S E application .
82 S Scanni ng See Softwar e User's Guide. Security Se cur e fu nc tio n lo ck admi nistrator password .... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 8 rest ricted users ...... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 9 Shi pping the machi ne .. ... .. .. .
Brother Internat ional Corp oration 100 Somerset Co rporate B oulevard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada ) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3 H6 Visi t us on t he Wo rld Wide We b http ://www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother MFC-J6710DW è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother MFC-J6710DW - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother MFC-J6710DW imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother MFC-J6710DW ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother MFC-J6710DW, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother MFC-J6710DW.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother MFC-J6710DW. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother MFC-J6710DW insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.