Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFC-J245 del fabbricante Brother
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Basic User’s Guide MF C-J245 Ver sion 0 USA/CAN.
If y ou ne ed to call Customer Service Ple as e comp let e the fo llow ing in fo rma tio n for fu ture re fer en ce : Model Numbe r: MFC -J2 45 Seri al N um b er: 1 Dat e of Pu rc h ase : Pl ac e o f P ur ch as e : 1 The se rial n umb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i Brother numbers NOTE For technic al help, you must call the count ry wher e you bough t the machine . Calls must be made fro m within t hat c ountry . Re gister yo ur pr odu ct By register ing your pr oduct with Brother Internat iona l Corporat ion, you wil l be recorde d as the origina l o wner o f the prod uct.
ii Ser vice Cent er Lo cato r (US A only ) For the locat ion of a Brother authorized serv ice cente r , call 1- 877-BROTHE R (1-877- 276-8437) or visit us at http:// www.bro service/ . Serv ic e Cen ter L oc at ion s (C an ad a o nly) For the locat ion of a Brother authorized serv ice cente r , call 1- 877-BROTHE R.
iii Acc ess ori es a n d S uppl ies 1 For mo re in formation a bout t he replac e ment co n sumabl es, visit u s a t http:// o m/pag eyield / . Descri ption It em Ink Cartridge S tandar d Yield <bl ack> LC101B K (Prints approx. 300 pages) 1 Ink Cartridge S tandar d Yield <y ellow> LC101Y (Prints app rox.
v Compilati on and Publication Notice Under the s upervision of Br other Indust ries, Ltd., t his manual ha s be en compiled an d published, covering the lat est produ c t desc r ipti ons and spe cification s. The contents of this manual and the specific ations of this pro duct are subject to change wit hout notice.
vi User' s Guide s and w here do I find them? 1 Ne twor k fea tur es a re no t sup port ed b y t he MF C-J2 45. Which Guide? What's in it ? Where is it ? Pr oduc t S af ety G u ide Read th is Gui de first. Pleas e read the Sa fety Instruc tions befor e you set up y our mac hine.
vii Table of Conte nts (Basic Us er’s Guide) 1 General inform ation 1 Usi ng th e doc ume nta tio n ..... .. ... .. .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. . 1 Sym b ols a nd co nve nti ons u sed in the d ocum e nta tio n .
viii Receive Mode s et tings .. . ... . .. . ... . .. ......... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. ......... . ... . 27 Ri ng De lay .. .. .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..
ix A R outi ne m ai nte nance 51 Replac ing the i nk cartr idges ...... . ..... ........ . ..... ........ . ..... ........ . ..... ........ . ..... ........ . ... 51 Cleaning and c hecking t he machine ... . .... ......... . .... ......... . .... ....
x Table of Conten ts (A dva nced User ’s Gu ide) The Advanced U s er’ s Guide explains the fol lowing feat ures and op erations. You can view the Advanced Us er’s Guide on the CD-ROM.
1 1 1 Using the d ocumentation 1 Thank you for buying a Bro ther machine! Reading t he docum entation w ill help you make t he most o f your mac hine. Symb ols a nd conv entio ns us ed in the docum ent ation 1 The followi ng s ymbol s and conventions are used thr oughout t he documentat ion.
Chapter 1 2 Acces sing B rother Utilities (Windows ® 8) 1 If you are using a PC or tabl et running Windo ws ® 8, you can make your selectio ns eith er by tapping th e screen or by click ing with your mo use. After t he printe r driver is instal led, ( Brothe r Utilitie s ) appears on both the Star t screen and the desk t op.
Gener al i nfo rmation 3 1 a Turn on your P C. Insert the Brother CD-ROM into y our CD-R OM dri v e . NOTE If the B rother scre en does not appear , go to Com pute r (My Com pute r) . (Fo r Windows ® 8: Click ( Fi le Expl orer ) on the taskbar , and then go to Comput er .
Chapter 1 4 Presto! P ageMan ager Us er’s G uide (M acint osh) NOTE Presto! PageManager is avai lable as a download from htt p://nj.n ewsoft.c downloa d/ brothe r/PM9 SEIns taller_BR_m ul g The com plete P resto! P ageManager User’s Gu ide can be vi ewed from the Help select ion in the Presto ! PageManager applic at ion.
Gener al i nfo rmation 5 1 To access the Br ot he r CreativeCen ter (http: //www.brot m /creat ivecenter / ) for F REE photo projects and prin t able downloads , clic k Brother Cr eativeCenter . To return to the To p Menu , click Back or if you are finis hed, click Exit .
Chapter 1 6 Contro l panel ov erview 1 1 LCD ( Liqu id Crysta l Display) The LCD displays me ssages to help you s et up and us e your mach ine. 2 Mode keys: FAX Lets you ac cess Fax mode. SCAN Lets you ac cess Scan mo de. COPY Lets you ac cess C opy mode.
Gener al i nfo rmation 7 1 6 Start keys : Black St art Lets you start sendi ng faxe s or making copies in black & whi te. Also lets you s tart a scann ing oper ation (in color or black & whi te depending on the scan se tting in the Contr olCenter s oftware) .
Chapter 1 8 Basic Op erations 1 The following s teps sho w how to change a sett ing in the machine. In this exampl e, the Rec eive Mode set ting is changed f rom Fax Only to Fax/Tel . a Pres s ( FAX ). b Pres s Menu , 3 , 1 , 1 . Fax O nly Selec t ab &O K c Pres s a or b to ch oose Fax/Tel .
9 2 2 L oading pape r and other print m edia 2 Load only one size of paper and one type of paper in the paper tray at a time. (For more informat ion about paper size, weight a nd thickness , see Choosing the right print m edia on pag e 17.) a Pull t h e paper tr ay completely out of the machine.
Chapter 2 10 NOTE When you are using Legal size paper, press and hol d the univers al guide release button (1) as you slide out t he front of the paper tra y . d Fan the stack of paper well t o avoid paper jams and mis feeds. NOTE Always make sur e that the paper is not curled or wr inkled.
Loading pa per 11 2 f Gentl y adjust the pape r width guide s (1) to f it the paper. Make sur e the paper width guides ligh tly touch the sides of the paper. g Close the output paper tray c over. h Slowly and fir m ly push the p aper tr ay complet ely into the machine.
Chapter 2 12 Loading env elope s 2 Abo ut en ve lo pes 2 Use envelop es that weigh from 20 to 25 lb (80 to 95 g/m 2 ). Some envelopes require you to make margin set tings in the appl ication yo u are using. Make sur e you do a t e s t print first before pr inting m u lt iple env elopes.
Loading pa per 13 2 b Put env elopes in t he paper tray wi th the printing surfac e face down. If t he envel ope f laps are on the long edge, load t he envelope s in t he tray w ith the flap on the left , as shown in the illus t rat ion.
Chapter 2 14 Unprint able a rea 2 The unpri ntable area depe nds on the settings in the applicati on y o u are using. T he figures show the unprin table areas on cut-she et paper and envelopes. The machine can print i n the shaded are as of cut- sheet paper only wh en the B orderless print feat ure is avail able and turned on.
Loading pa per 15 2 Paper s ettings 2 Pape r Type 2 To get the be st prin t qualit y, set t he machine for th e type o f paper you a re usi ng. a Press Me nu , 2 , 2 . b Press a or b to choose Plain Paper , Inkjet Paper , Brother BP71 , Other Glossy or Transparency .
Chapter 2 16 Recomm ended p rint media 2 To get the best pri nt quality, we s u ggest using the Br ot he r paper in the table. We reco m mend using 3M Transpare nc y Film when yo u print on transpa r e ncies. Hand ling an d using pr int medi a 2 Store pape r in its original packagi ng and keep it sealed.
Loading pa per 17 2 Ch oosing the rig ht p rint m edia 2 P ap er ty pe an d siz e f or each op era t io n 2 P ap er we ig ht , th ic kn ess a nd cap ac i ty 2 1 Up t o 100 s he ets of plai n p ap er 20 lb (8 0 g/m 2 ). 2 BP 71 69 l b (260 g /m 2 ) pape r is esp ecial ly de si gned f or B rothe r in kjet mac hine s.
18 3 How t o lo ad documents 3 You can send a fax, mak e cop ies, and scan from the ADF (automa t ic document feeder) and f rom the scanner glass. Using the ADF 3 The ADF can hol d up to 20 pages and fee ds eac h sheet individuall y . Use paper t hat i s with in the sizes and w eights s hown in the tabl e.
Loadi ng documen ts 19 3 e After us ing t he ADF, clos e the ADF Document Support. Push down on the upper-l eft portion of the A DF Document Support to c lose it c ompletely. Us ing the scanner glas s 3 You can use the sc a nner glass t o fax, to copy or to scan individual pages or pages in a book.
Chapter 3 20 U n scan nabl e area 3 The unscannable a rea de pends on the sett ings in the appli cation you are using. T hi s figu r e s hows th e unscannable areas. 1 The uns cannab l e area is 0 . 04 i n. (1 mm) when you use th e A DF. Usa ge Docum ent Siz e Top ( 1) Bott om ( 3) Le ft (2) Right (4) Fax Letter 0.
21 4 4 How to send a fax 4 a Do one of the following to load your document : Pl ace the document face d own in the ADF. (S ee Using the ADF on pa ge 18.) Load yo ur documen t f ace down on the sc anner glass. (See Using the scann er glass on page 19.
Chapter 4 22 f Whe n the LC D asks you Next Page? , do one of the following: To sen d a s ingle p age, press 2 to choo s e No(Dial) (or p ress Black St art again). The mach ine s tart s sending the docu m ent. To sen d more t h an one p age, pres s 1 to ch oos e Yes and go t o step g .
Sending a f ax 23 4 Tran smissi on V erif icati on Re port 4 You can use the Transmissi on Veri f ication Report as proof t hat you sent a f ax. This report list s the s ender ’s name or f ax number.
24 5 Recei ve M odes 5 C hoose the c o rr ect Re ceive M od e 5 The cor rect Receive Mode is determined by the external dev ices and telephone subsc riber servic es (Voice Mail, Distinct ive Ring, etc.) you will be using on the same line as the Brother machi ne.
Rec eiving a f ax 25 5 To set the Receive Mode, follo w the instructio n s : a Press ( FAX ). b Press Me nu , 3 , 1 , 1 . NOTE If you cannot change the Receiv e Mode, make sure the Distinct ive Ring feat ure is set to Off . (See Turni ng off Di stinctive Ring on page 31.
Chapter 5 26 Using Receiv e Modes 5 Some Receiv e Modes a nswer automat ically ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). Y ou m ay want to cha nge t he Ring Delay before using t hese mode s . (See Ring De lay on pa ge 27.) Fax O nly 5 Fax Only mode will au tomaticall y answer every cal l as a fax call.
Rec eiving a f ax 27 5 Receiv e Mode s ettings 5 Ring Delay 5 The Ring Delay s et s the number of times t he machine rin gs before it answers in Fax Only or Fax/Tel m ode. If you have exter nal or extensi on telephones on the same line as the machine, keep the R ing Delay setting of 4 ri ngs.
Chapter 5 28 Ea sy Receiv e 5 I f Easy Re ceive is On : 5 The mach ine can recei ve a fax automat ically, eve n if y ou answer t he call. W hen you s ee Receiving on the LCD or he ar a click on t he phone line thr ough the handset you ar e usi ng, just re place t he hand set.
29 6 6 T elephone s ervices 6 Your mac hine suppo r ts t he Call er ID and Distinc t i ve Rin g subscribe r telepho ne service s that some telephone c ompanies offer.
Chapter 6 30 D ist incti ve Ring 6 Dis t i nctive Ring is a function of your Brother machi ne that all ows a per s on wit h one li ne to recei ve fax a nd voice c alls thr ough two diff erent phone numbers on that one line.
Telephone services and external devi ces 31 6 NOTE Ring Patte r n #1 is often called Short - Short and is the m ost commonly used. If t h e ring pa t tern y ou received is not on thi s ch art, call your tele p hone company and ask for one that is shown .
Chapter 6 32 Voice ov er Interne t Protoc ol (Vo IP) 6 VoIP is a typ e of phone system tha t use s an Int ernet conne c tion instead of a tradit ional tele phone line. Telephone provid ers frequen tly bundle VoIP toget her with In ternet and c able s ervi c es.
Telephone services and external devi ces 33 6 Conn ectin g an exte rnal TAD (telephon e an swering devi ce) 6 You may choose to connect an exte r nal answering devic e. However , when you have an external T AD on the same teleph one line as the machine, the TAD answers al l calls and the machine “list ens” for fax-call ing (CNG) tones.
Chapter 6 34 C o n nect io ns 6 The external T AD must be plugged into the jac k labeled EXT on the mac hine. Your machi ne cannot work correc tly if y ou plug t he TAD into a wall jack (unless you are using Dis t i nc tive Ring ) .
Telephone services and external devi ces 35 6 Multi-line connections (PBX) 6 We suggest you ask the company who installed your PBX to connect your machine. If you have a multi-line s ys tem, we sugges t you ask the in s tall er to c onnec t t he m achine to t he last line on the system .
Chapter 6 36 Using ext erna l and ex tens ion teleph ones 6 Usin g extensio n teleph o nes If you answer a fax call at an exten s ion tele phone, you can mak e your mac hine recei ve the fax by pre s sing the Fax Receive Code l 51 .
Telephone services and external devi ces 37 6 Chan ging the remote code s 6 The pres et F ax Receiv e Code i s l 51 . Th e preset T elephon e Answer Code is #51 . If you wa nt t o, you can replace t hem with y our own codes. a Press ( FAX ). b Press Me nu , 3 , 1 , 5 .
38 7 How t o d ial 7 Manua l dialing 7 a Load your docum ent . b Pres s ( FAX ). c Press all of the digits of the fax number . d Pres s Black Star t or Col o r Start . Sp eed Dial ing 7 a Load your docum ent . b Pres s ( A ddre ss B ook ). c Pres s a or b to ch oose Search .
Dialing and s toring number s 39 7 Storing numb ers 7 You can set up your machine to do the followin g types of easy di aling: S peed Dial and Groups for broadcas ting f ax es. (See Advanced User ’s Guide: Setting up Groups for Broadc asting and Broadcas t ing (Blac k & W hite only ) .
Chapter 7 40 Chan ging and deleting Sp eed Di al numb ers 7 If you try to s t ore a Speed Dial number where a number has alr eady been stored, the LCD dis plays the name or number that has been stor ed there, and will ask y ou to do one of the foll owing: #05:M IKE 1.
41 8 8 How to c opy 8 a Do one of the following to load your document : Pl ace the document face d own in the ADF. (See Using t he ADF o n page 1 8.) Pl ace the document fa ce down on the sc anner glass. (See Using the scanner gl ass on pa ge 19.
Chapter 8 42 Copy options 8 When you want to quic kly change t he copy setti ng s tem porarily for t he next copy, use the Co py Op t io ns key. The mach ine returns to its default set tings one m inute af t er it fini s h es copying , or i f the mode time r re turns the machin e to FAX mode .
43 9 9 Prin t i ng a docum ent 9 The machi ne can receiv e and print dat a from your com puter. To print from a comput er, you must instal l t he printer driver. For mo re informat ion, see S oftware and Network User’s G uide: Prin t . a Instal l the Brothe r pr inter dr iver from the CD-ROM.
44 10 Before scanni ng 10 To use the m ach ine as a scanner, i nstall a scanner driver. Install the scanne r drivers from the CD- ROM. (See Quick S etup Gu ide: I nstall MFL- P ro S uite .
How to s can to a comp uter 45 10 c If t he ControlCente r 4 M ode scre en appear s, choose the Advan ced Mode , and then click OK . d Make sure the machi ne you want to use is selec t ed from the Model dr op -d o w n li s t.
Chapter 1 0 46 e Set the scanni ng c onfig uration. Click Conf igura tio n , and then select Button settin gs , Scan and Fi le . The conf iguration dialog box appears. You can c hange the def ault sett ings. 1 Choos e PDF (*.pdf) from t he Fi le Type drop-dow n list.
How to s can to a comp uter 47 10 g Clic k the Scan tab. h Clic k File . i Clic k Scan . The mac hine star t s t he scanning p r o cess. T he folder where the sc anned data i s saved will open aut omatically .
Chapter 1 0 48 Ho w to change the machine’s SCAN mode settings for PDF s can ning using Control Center4 (Windows ® ) 10 Use ControlC enter4 t o change your machine ’s SCAN mode settings .
How to s can to a comp uter 49 10 e Clic k the Fi le t ab . You can change the defau lt settin gs. 1 Choose PDF (* .p df) from the File Ty pe drop-do wn list. 2 You can enter the file nam e you want to use for the document. 3 You can save the file t o the default fol der, or choose your pre ferred folder by c lic king t h e ( Browse ) button.
Chapter 1 0 50 How to sca n a d ocum ent as a PDF file u sing the control panel (Windows ® and Macintos h) 10 a Load your docum ent . (See How to load doc uments on page 18.) b Pres s ( SC AN ). c Pres s a or b to choo se Scan to File . Pres s OK . d Do one of the following: If you want to use the default settings , go to step g .
51 A A Replac ing the ink cartridges A Your mac hine is equipped with an in k dot counter. The ink dot counter mo nitors the level of ink in each of the four c artridges. When the machine de tects an ink ca r tridg e is running out of ink, the machine dis plays a message.
52 b Pr es s t he lo ck r e le as e l ev er ( 1) a s shown to rele as e the cartridg e col or indica t ed on the LCD. Remove the cartrid ge from t he machine. c Open the new ink cartr idge bag for the color indicated on the LCD, and the n take out the ink car tridge.
Routine maintenan ce 53 A e Each color has its own correct position. Inser t the ink c art ridg e in the d irection of the a r ro w on the l abel. f Gentl y push the back of the ink cartri dge—marked PUS H—until it latches , and then clos e the ink cartridg e cover.
54 Cleani ng and checking the machi ne A C leani ng th e sc anne r A a Unplug the m achi ne f ro m the AC power outlet . b Lift the docu m ent cover (1). Clean the scanner glas s (2) and the white plastic (3 ) with a soft lint-f ree c loth moiste ned wit h a non-flammable gla ss cleaner.
Routine maintenan ce 55 A Clea ning the prin t head A To maintain good print quality, the machine will automat ically clean th e print head when needed.
56 h After the cleani ng procedure is fin ished, press Color Sta rt . The mac hine prin t s the Print Quality Check Sheet again. Return to step d to repeat t he procedur e.
Routine maintenan ce 57 A NOTE Setting th e date and ti m e A The LCD display s the dat e and time. If it is not curren t, foll ow these instruc tions t o re-e nter it . You can add the date and time to each fax you send by setting your Station ID. a Press Me nu , 0 , 1 , 1 .
58 B Identifying y our problem B Firs t, c heck the fol lowi ng: The mach ine's power cord i s connecte d correctly an d t he m achine' s power switc h is turned on . All of the protect ive parts have been removed. Paper is ins ert ed corr ect l y in the paper tray.
Troubleshooti ng 59 B Scanning proble ms: Scannin g Diffic ulties on page 86 Software pr oblems: Sof tware Diff iculties on page 86.
60 Error and mainten ance messa ges B As wit h any sophisticat ed office produ c t, errors may occu r and cons umable items may need to be rep laced. If this happens, your machine iden t ifies the error or req uired rout ine m aint enance and dis plays the appropriate message.
Troubleshooti ng 61 B Cannot Detect You instal led a new ink cartridge to o quickly and the mac hine did not detect it. Tak e out the new ink car tridge and reins t al l it slo w ly a n d fi rmly until it latches. (S ee Replacing the ink cartridges on page 51 .
62 Cover is Open The s canner c over i s not locked in the closed position. Lift the s c anne r cov er, and then close it again. Make sure th e telephon e line cord and USB cab le (if us ed) have been guided correc tly through the cable channel and ou t the ba ck of the machine.
Troubleshooti ng 63 B Ink Box Full The ink a bsorber box or flushing b ox is full. T hese componen ts are periodic mainten anc e items that m ay require r eplacement aft er a period of time to ensure optimum performanc e from y our Brothe r machine.
64 Ink Low XXXXXXX One o r more of the ink cartr idges ar e near th e end of their l ife. If one of the color ink cartridges is near the end of its life and someon e is sending y ou a color fa x, your machine’ s “handshak e” wi ll ask that the fax be sent in blac k & whi te .
Troubleshooti ng 65 B No Response/Busy The numbe r you dial ed does n ot answer or is busy. Veri fy the numb er and try aga in. Not Registered You trie d to acces s a Speed D ial number tha t has not be en store d in the m achine. Set up the Sp eed Dial num ber.
66 Wrong Paper Size The Paper Size setting does not match t he size of paper in the tr ay. 1 Check that the Paper Size you choose on the LC D matches the size o f the paper in the tray. (S e e P aper Size o n page 15.) 2 Make sur e you l oaded the pape r in a Por trait positi on and set the paper gu ides at the indicators for your paper size.
Troubleshooti ng 67 B Tran sfer rin g you r faxe s or Fa x Jour nal repo rt B If the LCD displa y s: Clean Unable XX Init Unable XX Print Unable XX Scan Unable XX We rec omm end t ransferri ng your f axes to another f ax machi ne or to y our PC.
68 Tran sf err in g th e Fax Jo ur nal repo rt to an othe r fax mac hine B If you have not set up your Station ID , you can not enter fax trans fer mode . (S ee Quick Setup Gui de: Set your Station ID .) a Pres s Menu , 9 , 0 , 2 . b Enter the fax numb er to which the Fax Journal repor t will be forwa rded.
Troubleshooti ng 69 B Remo vin g sm all d oc uments ja mme d in the ADF B a Lift the Document Cover . b Inser t a piece of stiff paper, such as cardsto c k, i nto t he ADF t o push any small paper s cr aps through. 1 Docum ent Cover c Close the document cov er.
70 e Pull the jammed pape r (1) out of the machine. f Mov e the pri nt head (if nec essar y) to t ake out an y p aper rem ai ning i n thi s area. Mak e sure tha t j ammed p aper i s not l eft in the co rner s of the m achin e (1) and (2) . IMPORTANT • D O NOT touch the encoder strip (1) .
Troubleshooti ng 71 B g Make sure yo u look ca refu lly inside the machine (1) f or any pieces of paper. h Look insid e the machine from a lower angle a nd make sure there are no piece s of paper rem aining. i Ope n th e J am Cle ar Cov er (1) at the ba c k of t he m a ch i ne.
72 k Close the Jam Clear Cov er. Make sure t he cover is closed correctly. l Put th e paper t ray firmly back in the machine. m Lift the scanner cover (1) to releas e the lock. Gentl y push the scanner c over support down (2) and c l ose t he scanner cover (3) using bot h hands.
Troubleshooti ng 73 B c Pull the two green lev ers inside t he machin e t o wards yo u t o remove the jammed paper. d Place bot h hands under th e plastic tabs on bot h sides of the machine to lift the scanner cover in to the op en positi on.
74 f If the t hick paper i s pushing any jam med paper out, rem ove the jammed paper . IMPORTANT DO NOT touch the encoder strip (1) . Doing this ma y cause damage to t he machine. g Pull the thick paper out of the ma chine. h Open the Jam Clear Cover (1) at the back of the mac hine.
Troubleshooti ng 75 B j If the t hick pape r is pushing any jammed paper out, rem ove t he jammed paper . IMPORTANT DO NOT touch the encoder s trip (1) . Doing this m ay cause damage to the machin e. k Pull the thick paper out of the machine. l Close the Jam Clear Cov er.
76 n Put th e paper t ray firmly back in the machine. o Plug t he machine back into t he AC power outlet ..
Troubleshooti ng 77 B I f you are ha ving difficu lty with y our machine B NOTE • For technic al help, you must call the count ry whe re you bought the machine . Calls must be made from wit hin t hat count ry. • If you thin k there is a problem with your machine, chec k the fol lowing chart and follow the troubles hooting t ips.
78 No pr intout. (c onti nued ) If old, un print ed data rema ins i n t he pri nt er dr ive r spo oler , it wil l pre ven t new prin t jobs fro m pri nting. Open th e printer i c on a nd delet e all data as f ollows: (Win d ows ® XP) Clic k Sta rt / Pri nte rs an d Fax es .
Troubleshooti ng 79 B Print Quality Difficu lties Diffic u lty S ugges tio ns P oor pr int qua lit y. C hec k t he print qu alit y. (See C heck ing t he print qu alit y on pa ge 5 5.
80 Pr inting ap pear s dirt y or in k seem s to ru n. Ma ke sur e you a re usi n g the re com m ende d typ es o f pap er. ( Se e A ccept able pape r and o ther pr int m ed ia on pa ge 1 5.) Do no t hand le th e pa per unt il t he ink is dry . Mak e s ure th e pr int i ng sur fac e is fa ce d own in th e pa per tr ay.
Troubleshooti ng 81 B Machin e feeds mu ltiple p a ges. Do the f o l lowing: (See Load ing p aper and oth er pri nt med ia o n pa ge 9.) Mak e sur e the pape r i s lo aded corre ct ly i n the pape r t ray. Re mo ve all the pap er fro m th e tray and fa n the stack of pa pe r well, then put it back in t h e tra y .
82 Pri nting R eceived Faxes Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Co nd ense d pr int Hori zo ntal st reak s To p an d bo ttom sent ence s ar e cu t of f Mi ss in g l i nes T hi s is us uall y caus ed by a poor t ele phon e conn ecti on.
Troubleshooti ng 83 B Rece ivi n g Faxe s Diffic u lty S ugges tio ns Ca nnot re cei ve a f ax. Pr ess Hoo k in Fa x mod e to mak e s ure you r ma chin e ha s a dial to ne. If you h ear stat ic or in ter feren ce on you r fax line , call yo ur lo ca l telep ho ne pr ovid er.
84 Ca nnot rece ive a fa x. (c onti nued ) If you a re us in g a tel epho ne answ eri ng m achi ne ( Ext ernal TAD mode) on the sam e lin e as th e Br othe r mach i ne, ma ke s ure yo ur a nswe ring m a chin e is set up cor rectl y. (S ee C on nect ing an exte rna l T AD (t elep hone ans wer ing d evice ) on pa ge 3 3.
Troubleshooti ng 85 B Sent fax es a re blan k. Mak e su re yo u are lo adin g the doc ume nt co rre ctly . (See Lo adin g do cum en ts on pa ge 18. ) V erti cal bl ack line s when s end ing. B lack vert ic al li nes on f axes you sen d are ty pica lly caus ed b y di rt o r co rr ect ion fl uid on t h e gl as s st rip .
86 Scann i ng D iff icu lt ies Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s TW AI N or W I A er rors appe ar w he n sta rting to scan. (Windows ® ) Ma ke s ure th e B rot her TWAIN or W IA dr iver is c hose n as t he prima ry s ourc e i n your scann in g app lica tion .
Troubleshooti ng 87 B Dia l Tone B Setting the di al tone t o Detection will s horten the dial-det ect pause. a Press Me nu , 0 , 4 . b Press a or b to choos e Detection or No Detection .
88 R eset f unctio ns B The fol lowing reset functions ar e available: 1 Machine Reset You can reset the mac hine’s setting s, such a s the D ate and Time and Ring Delay.
89 C C Using the Menu tabl es C Press t he M enu keys to cho ose the s e t tings and options you want to set as they are displayed on t he LCD. We have inc l uded a step-by-step M enu table and Features tabl es so you can see all the availab le c hoices for each setti ng and feature.
90 Menu keys C To a c cess the menu mode: a Pre ss Me nu . b Choose an option. You can scroll more quic kly through each men u level b y pressing a or b fo r the direction you want . 1.Ink 2.Gen eral Setup 3.Fax 4.Cop y 5.Pri nt Repo rts 6.Mac hine Info.
Menu and f eatur es tables 91 C Menu table C This menu table will help you understand the menu selections and options in the machi ne's LCD menu. The facto r y setting s are shown in bold fo llowed by an asterisk.
92 2. General Se tup (C onti nued ) 3.Paper Size — Letter * Legal A4 A5 Executi ve 4"x6" Sets the si z e of the paper in th e pape r tray. 15 4.Volume 1. Ri ng Off Low Med * High Adj usts the ring vo lume. See . 2.Be eper Of f Low * Med High Adj usts the volu me leve l of the beep er.
Menu and f eatur es tables 93 C 3.Fax 1.S etup Receive 1.Re ce i ve M ode Fax Only * Fax/Tel External TAD Manual Choo se th e R ec eive Mod e that be st suits yo ur need s. 24 2.Ring Del ay 00 01 02 03 04 * Set s the n umb er of rin gs befo re the m achin e answ ers i n Fax Only or Fax/Tel mode.
94 3.Fa x (C onti nued ) 2.Setup Send 1.Fax Resolution Standar d * Fine S.Fine Photo Sets t he default r esolution for ou tgoi ng faxe s. See . 2.Co ntras t Au to * Light Dark Cha ng es the ligh tnes s or dar kne ss o f f a xes y ou send . 3.Re a l Ti me T X Next Fa x Onl y On Off * Sen ds a f ax wi tho ut using the memory.
Menu and f eatur es tables 95 C 3.Fax (Co nti nued ) 0.M iscellaneous 1.TX Lock — Sto ps una uth ori zed us ers f rom c han gi ng th e ma chin e’ s curr ent setti ngs. See . 2.Distinct ive Off * Set ( On ) Uses t he Te leph on e Comp an y’s Dist inc tive Rin g subs cri ber serv ice t o r egis ter the r ing patt ern with the machine.
96 0. Initial Se tup 1.Date&Time 1.Da te&Ti me — A dd s the date an d ti me to t he LCD and i n the head in gs o f the fa xes you send . 57 2.Aut o Daylight On Off * Change this se tting to On if y ou wa nt th e ma c h in e t o chan ge a utom atic ally for Day light Sa v ing Time.
Menu and f eatur es tables 97 C F eatures tabl es C Fa x Res ol ut ion ( ) C Copy Opt ions ( ) C Level1 Level2 Level3 Op tions D e scription s Pa g e ——— Sta ndard * Fine S.Fine Photo Sets t he resolu tion for outg oing faxe s. Se e . See A dv ance d U ser’ s Gu ide.
98 Paper Siz e —— Le tter * Legal A4 A5 Executi ve 4"(W)x6 "(H) Cho ose th e pap er si ze that matc he s the pa pe r in the t ray . 42 Density —— - on nnn + - nonnn + - nnonn + * - nnnon + - nnnno + Adj usts the de nsit y of copi es.
Menu and f eatur es tables 99 C SCAN ( ) C Level1 Level2 Level3 Op tions D e scription s Pa g e Sca n to E-ma il Set Opt ions — Off * On If you wa n t to use the co ntr ol pa nel t o c han ge the ma ch ine’ s setti ngs, choos e On . See . The se ttings be low will a p pe a r w h en On is sel ect ed in Set Optio ns .
100 Scan to I mage S et Options — Of f * On I f you wa nt to use t he cont rol p an el t o chan ge the ma ch ine’ s setti ngs, choo se On . See . The set tings bel ow wil l appea r when On is se lected in Set Opti ons . Scan T ype — Co lor * Bl ack and White You can choo se th e sc an ty pe fo r y ou r d oc um e nt .
Menu and f eatur es tables 101 C Scan to OC R (Ava ilable af ter Presto ! Page Ma na ge r is downlo aded for Ma cint osh u ser s. Se e Acces s i n g B rother Supp ort (M aci ntos h) on pa ge 5. ) Set Opt ions — Off * On If you wa n t to use the co ntr ol pa nel t o c han ge the ma ch ine’ s setti ngs, choos e On .
102 Scan to F ile S et Op tions — Of f * On I f you wa nt to use t he cont rol p an el t o chan ge the ma ch ine’ s setti ngs, choo se On . See . The set tings bel ow wil l appea r when On is se lected in Set Opti ons . Scan T ype — Co lor * Bl ack and White You can choo se th e sc an ty pe fo r y ou r d oc um e nt .
Menu and f eatur es tables 103 C (A ddre ss Book ) C Level1 Level2 Level3 Op tions D e scription s Pa g e Search — — — Di al b y pre ssi ng on ly a f ew ke ys. 38 S e tS p e e dD i a l — — — Y ou c an s et up Sp eed Dia l numbe rs, so you can dial by pr ess ing o nly a few key s (an d St art ).
104 Entering T ext C When you are setting certain men u selections , such as the Station ID, you m ay need to ent er text into the machine. Most dial pad keys hav e three or four lette r s print ed on the keys. The keys for 0 , # a nd l are used fo r special characters .
Menu and f eatur es tables 105 C Spe cial ch ara cters and symbol s C Pre ss l , # or 0 repeatedl y until y ou see t he special char acter o r sy m bol y o u want.
106 D Ge ner al D NOTE This c hapter provid es a summary of t he machine’s s pecifications . F or ad ditional s pecific at i ons that are not included here, visit htt p://www.broth . 1 Me as ured whe n the m ach in e is con ne cted to th e US B inter fa ce.
Specific a ti o ns 107 D 1 No ise de pend s on pri nt ing co ndit ion s. Dimen si on Wei gh t 17.6 lb (8.0 kg) Nois e Level (Sound Pressure) Operating: 50 dB(A) (Ma ximum) 1 Tem per atu re Operati ng:.
108 Print me dia D 1 For glo ssy pape r or t ransp are nci es, r em ove print ed page s fro m th e out put pap er t ray i mmedi at ely a fte r t hey ex it the ma chin e to av oi d smu dgi ng . 2 Use on ly tran sp aren cy p ap er rec om me nded for inkje t prin tin g.
Specific a ti o ns 109 D Fa x D 1 “Pages” re fers to th e “ITU-T T e st Ch art # 1” (a typical busin e ss le tter, Standard re s oluti on, MMR code). S p ecifica tions and p rin ted m a teria ls ar e su bjec t to cha nge w itho ut pr ior no t ice.
110 Cop y D 1 When cop yin g on Lette r s ize paper . Color/ Black Ye s/Yes Co py Widt h 8.26 in. (210 mm) 1 Mul tip le Co pies Stacks/ S or t s up to 99 pages Enlarg e/ Redu ce 25% to 40 0% (in in cr.
Specific a ti o ns 111 D Scanne r D 1 Wind ow s ® XP in this Use r’s Guide inclu des Windows ® XP Home Ed ition, Wind ows ® XP Pr ofe ssion al , an d W ind ows ® XP P rofe ssi onal x64 Ed iti on.
112 Printer D 1 When the B orde rless feature is set t o On. 2 See Pa per ty pe a nd s ize for ea ch ope rat ion o n pa ge 17 . 3 W hen pr int ing on Le tter size pa pe r. 4 For deta iled specifi cations vis it http :// c om/ . Resol u tion Up to 1 200 6000 dpi Printing Wi dth 3 8.
Specific a ti o ns 113 D I nterface s D 1 You r m achi ne has a U SB 2 .0 H i-Sp ee d in ter face . Th e ma ch ine c an also be conn ec ted t o a c om put er th at h as a US B 1. 1 inter fac e. 2 Thi rd pa rty USB ports a r e not sup porte d. USB 12 Use a USB 2.
114 Computer requireme nts D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS PC Interface Hard Disk Sp ace to install Com puter Platform & Operati ng System Versio n US B 2 Processo r For Drive.
Specific a ti o ns 115 D Consuma ble i tems D Ink The machine uses indi vidual Black, Yell ow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separat e from the print head assembly. Serv i ce Life of Ink Cart ri dge Star t e r ink cartr idges a r e in th e box.
Index 116 E A Acces sories and supplie s . ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .... i i Addre s s Book Group dial chang ing .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. 4 0 Spee d Dial chang ing .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. .
117 E Out of Memo ry .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... . 65 Pa per Jam . .. .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... . 6 5 Print Unabl e . .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... . 6 1 Scan Unable .. ... .... .
118 Prest o! PageManager See Softwar e and Network User’s Guide. See also Help in t he Prest o! PageManager applic ation. Print alignm ent check .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .. 56 diff iculties .... ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... ..
www.brothe Brother Internat ional Corp oration 200 Crossin g Bouleva rd P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3H6 Visi t us on t h e Wo rld Wide Web http ://www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother MFC-J245 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother MFC-J245 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother MFC-J245 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother MFC-J245 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother MFC-J245, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother MFC-J245.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother MFC-J245. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother MFC-J245 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.