Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFC-8710DW del fabbricante Brother
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Basic User’s Guide MFC-8510DN MFC-8710DW MFC-8810DW MFC-8910DW Not all models are available in all countries. Version A USA/CAN.
If yo u n eed t o call Custo mer S ervice Plea se co mp l ete th e fo llow ing info rm ation fo r futu re re fe re nc e : Model N umber: M FC-85 10 DN / MF C-8 710DW / M FC-88 10 DW / MF C-8 910DW (Circle your mo del number) Seria l Num ber : 1 Date of Purc hase: Plac e of P urch ase: 1 The s erial number is on the ba ck of t he unit.
i Brother nu mbers Important For t echnical h elp, you m ust call th e country wh ere you bought t he machine. Calls mus t be made from within that country. Re gist er yo ur p rod uct By registe r ing your produ ct with B rother Int er national Corporat ion, y ou will be r eco rded as the original own er of the product.
ii Ordering a cce sso ries a nd s uppli es For best qu ality results use only genu ine Brother acces s ories, which are av ail able at m ost Brother retailers. If you cannot find the ac cessory you ne ed and you have a V isa, MasterCard, Discov er, or American Express credit card, you can order access ories directly from Brother.
iv User's Guides and where d o I find the m? Which Guide? Wha t 's in it ? W here is it? Product Saf ety Guide Read thi s Guide f i rst. Pl ease read t h e Saf ety Instr ucti ons bef ore y ou set up your machine. See this Gui de for tradem arks and l egal limi tati ons.
v 1 PDF pr intin g is no t sup port e d on Wind ows ® Ph one. 2 V isit us at h ttp://s olu tions.b rothe / . Ai rPr int Gu ide This Guide pr ovides i nformat i o n f or us i n g Air Print to print from Mac OS X 10.
vi Tab le of Con ten ts (Basi c Use r ’ s Guide ) 1 Genera l infor mation 1 Usi ng th e docum ent ati on ..... .... ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ..... .. 1 Sy mbols an d conven tio ns used in the docum enta tio n .
vii 5 Receiving a fa x 30 Receive modes ........................... .......................... ........................ ..................... .. 30 Choos e the cor rect Receive Mode ... ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .
viii 9 Making copies 54 How t o cop y . ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ... .... ..... 54 Sto p co pyi ng ... ....... ..... ... .. .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .
ix B Tro ub lesh oot ing 81 Identifying yo ur prob lem .................... ...................................... ............................ 81 Error an d maintena nce mess ages ..... ........................ ..................... .................
x Tab le of Con tents (Adva nced User's G uide) You can view the Advanced User ' s Guide on the Installer CD-ROM. The Advan c ed User's Guide ex plains the following features and operations.
1 1 1 Using the documenta tion 1 Thank yo u for buying a Brother machine! Reading the doc umentation will help you make the m ost of your machine. Sy mbo ls and con ven tions use d in the do cume ntat ion 1 The followin g symbols and co nventions are used throughout the doc umentation.
Chapter 1 2 Acce ssi ng the Adva nced User ’s Guide, Software Use r’s Guide and Ne two rk User’s G uide 1 This Basic User's Guide does not contain all the information abo ut the m achine such as how to use the advanced features for Fax, Copy, Pr inter, Scanner, PC-Fax an d Network.
General i nformat io n 3 1 e Double-click top. pdf . If the co unt ry screen a ppears, choos e your cou ntry. f After the list of Us er’s Guides appears, choose the G uide you want to rea d. How to find Scanning ins tructions 1 There are several ways you can s can docu ments.
Chapter 1 4 How to acces s Guid es for Advance d Fe atures 1 You can view a nd d ownload these Guides from the Brother Solutions C ent er at: http://solutions . brother.c om/ Clic k Ma n ual s on your model's pa ge to download t he d ocume nt ation .
General i nformat io n 5 1 To acce s s the Brother CreativeCenter ( om/creativecenter/ ) for FREE ph oto projects a nd printable dow nl o ad s , c lic k Brothe r CreativeCenter . To return to the main page, click Back . Or , if you have finished, click Exit .
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 MFC-851 0DN , MFC-871 0DW, MFC - 8810DW and MFC-8910DW have the sam e keys. The illustration is based on the MFC-8910DW . 1 One Touch keys These 8 keys give you i nstant access t o 16 previ ously st or e d num bers.
General i nformat io n 7 1 6 Menu Ke ys: Clear Deletes entered dat a or lets you cancel the current setti ng. Me nu Lets y ou acce ss the M enu t o prog ram your setti ngs i n the m ach ine. OK Lets you sto re you r setti ngs in the machin e. Volume keys: d or c Press to scroll backwar ds or forwar ds throu gh menu select i o ns.
Chapter 1 8 Data LED indications 1 The Dat a LE D (light emitting diode) wi ll flash de pending on the machine’s s t atus. LE D Machine Statu s Descri pt i on Ready M ode The mach ine is rea dy to prin t, in Sleep mode, ther e is no print data, o r the power swi tch i s off.
9 2 2 Loading pa per and print media 2 The ma chine c an feed pape r from the standard pape r tr ay, optional lower tray 1 or multi-purpo se tray. W hen you put paper into the paper tray, note the following: If your application s oftware supp orts paper s ize select ion on t he p rint m enu, you can s elect it through t he software.
Chapter 2 10 Note For Le gal or F oli o s ize paper, pre ss the release bu tton (1) in the bottom of the paper tray and then pull out the ba ck of the paper tray. (Legal and Folio size pa per are not available in some regions.) c Fan t he stack of paper well to avoi d paper jam s and m isfeeds.
Loadi ng paper 11 2 f Lift up t he supp ort flap (1) to preven t paper fro m sliding o ff the f ace-do wn output tray, or remove each page as soon as it comes out of the machine. Loadi ng pape r in the mult i-pu rpose tray (M P tra y ) 2 You can load up to 3 envelopes or s pecial print medi a in the MP t ray or up to 50 sheets of plain p aper.
Chapter 2 12 b Pull out the MP t ray support (1) and unfold the flap (2). c Put paper in the MP tray and make sure: The paper stays under th e maximum paper mark (1). The side to be pri nted on mus t be fac e up with the leading edge (t op of the paper) i n first.
Loadi ng paper 13 2 Printi ng on thic k paper, la bels and envelopes f rom the MP tray 2 Before loading, press the c orners and s ides of the envelopes t o make them as flat as pos si bl e. a Open t he back cover (face-up output tra y) . b Open the MP tray and lower it gently.
Chapter 2 14 d Put paper, labels or envelop es in the MP tr ay. Make s ure: The number of envelopes i n the MP tray does not exceed 3. The paper, labels or envelopes stay under the maximum pa per mark (1). The side to be pri nted on mus t be face up.
Loadi ng paper 15 2 Un scan nab le and un prin table are as 2 The figures be low show m aximum u nscannable and unp r intable areas. T hese areas may vary dependi ng on t he paper size o r s etti ngs in the application you are using. Note W hen using BR-Script3 emulation, the edge s of the paper that cannot be printed on are 0.
Chapter 2 16 Paper setti ngs 2 Pape r Ty pe 2 Set up the machine for the type of paper you are using. This will giv e you the best print quality. a Do one o f the f oll owing: To set the paper type for the MP Tray press Men u , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 . To set the paper type for Tray#1 press Men u , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 .
Loadi ng paper 17 2 Note • If y ou choose Any f or the M P Tray Paper Size, you m ust choose MP Only for the Tray Use setting. You cannot use the Any Pap er Size selection for the M P tray when making N in 1 c opies. You must choose one of the other available Paper Size selec t ions f or the MP tray.
Chapter 2 18 Tra y U se in FAX mo de 2 You can change the default tray that the machine will use f or printing received f axes. When y ou choose Tray#1 Only , MP Only or Tray#2 Only 1 , the machine pulls t he paper onl y from that tra y . I f the selected t ray is out of pa per, No Paper will appear on the LCD.
Loadi ng paper 19 2 Accep table pap er and other pri nt media 2 Print quality may vary according to the type of paper y ou are using. You can use the following types of print medi a: plain p aper, thin paper, thick paper, thicker paper, bond paper, re cycled paper, labels or envelopes.
Chapter 2 20 Paper capa city of the paper tra ys 2 1 F olio si ze i s 8 .5 i n. × 13 in. 2 T he op tion al low er t ray i s av aila bl e for MF C-87 10 DW, MFC -881 0DW a nd M FC-8 91 0DW . Recommended paper specifi cations 2 The f ollowing pape r specifications are suitable f or this m achine.
Loadi ng paper 21 2 Ha ndl ing and us ing speci al pape r 2 The ma c hine is designed to work well wi th most types of xerographic and bond pape r. Howev er, some paper variables m ay have an e f fec t on print qualit y or handling reliab ility. Always test samples of paper before purch as ing to e nsure desi r able performanc e.
Chapter 2 22 Envelopes 2 Most envelopes designed for laser printers will be sui table for your m achine. However, some env elopes may have feed and print- quality problems becaus e of the way they have been made. A suitable envelope should have edges with straight, wel l-cr eased f olds.
Loadi ng paper 23 2 Labels 2 The m achine will print on most types of labels designed f or use with a laser machine. Labels shou ld have an adhesive t hat is acrylic-based since this material is more s table at t he high temperat ures in the fuser unit.
24 3 How to lo ad documen ts 3 You can sen d a fax , make c opies, and scan from the ADF (Autom at ic Doc ument Feeder) and t he scan ner glass. Usi n g th e aut omatic doc ume nt fe ed er (A DF) 3 The A DF can hold up to 35 pages (for MFC-851 0DN) or up to 50 pages (for MFC-871 0DW, MFC - 8810DW and MFC-891 0DW) and feeds each sheet individually.
Loading doc uments 25 3 d Adjust the paper guides (1) to f it the width of your document. Note To scan non-standard docum ents, see Using t he sc anner glass uu page 25. Us ing the s cann er g lass 3 You can use t he scanner glass to fax, c opy or scan page s of a book, one page at a ti me.
26 4 Ho w to se nd a fa x 4 The following steps show you how to send a fax. a When you wan t to s end a fax, or change fax send or receive settings , press the ( FAX ) ke y to illu min ate it in b lue. The LCD shows: b Do one o f the f oll owing to load you r document: Place the docum ent face up i n the ADF.
Sending a fa x 27 4 f Pr ess Sta rt . Fax ing from the AD F The m achine st arts scanning the document . Faxing from the scanner glass The m achine starts s canning the first page. Do one of the following: • T o sen d a single page, press 2 to choose No (Send) or press Star t again.
Chapter 4 28 Faxi ng A 4 , Le gal or Folio s i ze doc ume nt s from the sc anne r gla ss 4 When f axing A4, Legal or Folio 1 size doc umen ts, y ou will ne ed to se t the sc an glas s size to A4 or Legal/Folio 1 ; otherwise, a portion of y our faxes will be missin g.
Sending a fa x 29 4 Note • If y ou choose On+Image or Off+Image , the image will on ly ap pear on the Trans mission Verifi cation Report if Real Tim e Transmission is set to Off .
30 5 Rece ive mode s 5 Note You can use four sizes of paper for printing f axes: Letter, A4, Legal or Folio. Cho ose th e c orr ect Rece i ve Mo de 5 The correc t Receiv e Mode is determined by the external de vices and telephone subscriber services (Voice Mail, D isti nctive Ring, etc.
Receivi ng a fax 31 5 To set the receive mode follow the i nstructions below: a Pr ess Me n u , 0 , 1 . 01.Receive Mode a Fax Only Fax/Tel b External TAD Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b to choose Fax Only , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual . Pr ess OK .
Chapter 5 32 Using rece ive mode s 5 Some rec eive m odes answer automa t ically ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ) . You may want to chang e the Ring Delay before using these modes. (See Ring Delay uu page 33.) Fax Only 5 Fax Only m ode will automatically answer every call as a f ax.
Receivi ng a fax 33 5 Recei ve Mode settings 5 Ring De lay 5 The Ring Delay setting sets the number of times the mac hine ri ngs before it answers in Fax Only and Fax/Tel modes. If y ou have exte r nal or extension teleph ones on t he same line a s t he machi ne, keep the Ring Delay setting of 4.
Chapter 5 34 Eas y Rece ive 5 If Eas y Receive is On : 5 The m achine can receive a f ax au tomatically, even if you ans wer the c all. Whe n you see Receiving on the LCD or hear a click on the phone line through the handset you are using, just replace t he handset .
35 6 6 How to use PC-FAX 6 PC-FAX Receive (F or Wind ows ® only ) 6 If you turn on the PC -Fax Recei v e f eature your machine will store rece ived faxes in mem ory and send them to y our PC automat ically. You can t hen use your PC to view and st ore these f axe s .
Chapter 6 36 Note • Before y ou can set up PC-Fax Receive you mus t install th e MFL-Pro S uit e software on your PC. Make s ure y our PC is connected and turned on.
37 7 7 Telephone line servi ces 7 Vo ice M ail 7 If y ou have Voice M ail on t he same telephone line a s yo ur B ro t her machi ne, Voice M ail and the Brother m achine will conf lict with eac h other when receiving incoming calls.
Chapter 7 38 Distin ctiv e Ring 7 Distinctive Ring is a function o f y our Brother machine that allows a person wit h one li ne to receive fax and voice calls through two different phone num bers on that one l ine.
Telep hone servi ces an d exte r nal devi ces 39 7 Before you choose the ring pattern to registe r 7 You can only register one Distinctive R ing pattern with the machine. Some ring patterns cann ot be registered . The ring pa tterns below are supported by your Brother mac hine.
Chapter 7 40 Turning of f distin c t ive r ing 7 a Pre ss Men u , 2 , 0 , 2 . 20.Miscellaneous 2.Distinctive a On b Off Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b t o choos e Off . Pre ss OK . c Pre ss Sto p/ Ex it . Note If you d o not w ant to receive fax es on your Distinctive Ring number, you can turn off Dis tinc tive R in g.
Telep hone servi ces an d exte r nal devi ces 41 7 Conne ctio ns 7 The external T AD must be plugged into the back of the machine, into the jack labeled EXT. You r machine cannot work correctly if you plug the TAD i nt o a wal l jack (unless y ou are us in g Di sti nctive Ring).
Chapter 7 42 Extern al an d extensi on telephon es 7 Co nnec ti ng an exte rna l o r e xtens io n tel ep hone 7 You can connec t a s e parate telephone directly to your machine as shown in the diagram below. Connec t t h e telephone line cord to the jack labeled EX T.
Telep hone servi ces an d exte r nal devi ces 43 7 Us in g a non -Br othe r c ord les s exte rnal ha nd se t 7 If your non-Broth er cordless telephon e is conn ected to t he EXT. jack of the m achine (see page 42) and you typically carry the cordles s handset elsewhere , it is easier to answ er calls during t he Ring Delay.
44 8 How to dial 8 You can dial in any of t he following ways. Man ual d ialing 8 Use the dial pad to enter all the digits of the teleph one or fax number . One Touc h d ial ing 8 Press the One Touch k ey that stores the number you want to call. (See Storing On e Touch Di al num bers uu page 48.
Dial ing and s t or ing n umbers 45 8 Se arch 8 You can searc h alphabetically for names you have stored i n the One Touch and S peed Dial mem ori es. (See S tori ng One Touch Dial num ber s uu page 48 a nd Storing Speed Di al num ber s uu page 50.) a Make s ure you are in F AX m ode .
Chapter 8 46 Storing numb ers 8 You can set up you r machine to d o the following types of easy dialing: O ne Touch, Speed Dial and G roups for Broadcas ti ng faxes. You can also spec ify the default resolution f or each O ne Touch and Speed Dial n umber.
Dial ing and s t or ing n umbers 47 8 On e To uch an d Spee d Dial Sto rage Opt ion s 8 The following chart s hows the s elections for the settings for O ne Touch and S peed Di al num bers when I FAX and E -mail options are on your m achine.
Chapter 8 48 Stori ng a pa use 8 Press Re di al /P au s e to insert a 3 .5-second pause between num bers. You can press Re di al /P au s e as many times as needed to increa s e the length of the pause. Stori ng One To uch Dial numbe rs 8 Your machi ne has 8 One Touch ke y s where you can store 16 fax or telephone numbers for automatic dialing.
Dial ing and s t or ing n umbers 49 8 c Enter the fax/telephone num ber (up t o 20 characters each) or E-mail address (up to 60 characters each). For help entering characters, see Entering text uu page 1 70.
Chapter 8 50 i Pre ss a or b to choose the resolution fro m 100dpi , 200d pi , 300dpi or Auto . Pre ss OK . When you chose Email Gray PDF , go to step k . j Pre ss a or b to choose the resolution fro m 300dpi , 200dpi or 200x100dpi . Pre ss OK . When you chose Email B&W PDF , go to step k .
Dial ing and s t or ing n umbers 51 8 d If you want to save a fax resolution along with the number, do o ne of the following: To store the fax resolution, press a or b to choose Std , Fine , S.Fine or Photo . Press OK . Press OK if you don't want to change th e d efa u lt res olu tio n .
Chapter 8 52 e Do one o f the f oll owing: If yo u want to save a fax/scan resolution along with the num ber, go to the appropriate step as sho wn in the following table: If you do not w ant t o change t he default resol uti on, press OK .
Dial ing and s t or ing n umbers 53 8 Cha nging or Delet i n g On e To uc h an d Spee d Di al num ber s 8 You can change or delet e a O ne Touch or Spee d Dial number that h as alre ady been st ored.
54 9 How to c opy 9 The f ollowing steps show th e basic copy opera t ion. (See Advanced User's G uide.) a When you want to make a copy, press ( COPY ) to illuminate it in blue. Make sure you a r e in COPY mode. The LCD shows: 1 No. of Copi es Use the dial pad to enter the number of copies you want.
55 10 10 W it h the Direct Print feature, you do not need a co mputer to print data. You c an print by just pluggin g your US B Flash memory dr ive into the mach ine’ s USB direct interface. You can also conn ect and pri nt directly from a camera set to USB mass storage m ode.
Chapter 1 0 56 Printing data directly from t he USB Flash memory driv e or digital camera suppo r t ing mass s torage 10 a Connect your US B Flash memory drive or digital c amera to the USB direct interface (1) on the f r ont of t he machine. Yo ur ma ch ine wi ll e n te r D irec t Pr int mod e au tom a tic al ly.
Print ing data from a USB Fl ash memory drive or digit al camera supp or t ing ma ss storag e 57 10 c Pr ess a or b to choose the folder name or file na me you want to print. Pr ess OK . If yo u have chos en the f older na me, press a or b to choose t he file name you want to print.
Chapter 1 0 58 Note • You can change the default tray that the machine will use fo r printing. Press Me nu , 1 , 6 , 3 , and then press a or b to s el e ct t he tray you want a s the n ew default.
59 11 11 Printing a docume nt 11 The ma chine c an receive data from your comput er and print it. To print from a comput er, you must install the pri nter driver. (See Software User's Guide: Pri nting fo r W indows ® or Printing and Faxin g for Macintos h.
60 12 Scanning a docume nt as a PDF file using ControlCenter4 ( Windows ® ) 12 (Detailed i nf ormation uu Sof t ware User's Guide: Scanning ) Note The screens on your PC ma y vary depending on your model. ControlCe nt er4 is a software utility that l ets you quickly and easily access the appl icat ions you use most often.
How to scan to a computer 61 12 e Set the scanning configurat ion. Cli ck Co nf igur atio n , and then select Button setti ngs , Scan a nd Fil e . The configuration dialog box appears. You can change the default settings. 1 Confirm PDF (* .pdf) is s e le cted from the File Ty pe pul l- down list .
Chapter 1 2 62 g Cli ck Fi le . The m achine starts t he scanning process. The folde r where the scann ed d at a is saved wi ll open autom at ically..
How to scan to a computer 63 12 Changing the SCAN key sett ings 12 Bef ore sc anning 12 To use the ma c hine as a scanner, install a scanner driver. If t he machine is on a netwo r k, configu r e it with a TCP/IP address. Install t he s canner drivers f rom the Installer CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 2 64 e Choose the File tab. You can change the defa ult settings. 1 You can choose the file t ype from the pull - down list. 2 You can enter the file name you want to use f or the docume nt . 3 You can save the file to t he default folder, or c hoos e y our preferred folder by clicking the ( Browse ) button.
How to scan to a computer 65 12 Sc anni ng usin g the S CAN ke y 12 a Load your docum ent . (See How t o l oad document s uu page 2 4.) b Pr ess ( SCA N ). c Pr ess a or b to choose Scan to PC . Pr ess OK . d Pr ess a or b to choose File . Pr ess OK .
66 A Replacing the cons umable ite ms A The f ollowing mes sages a ppear on the LCD in the Rea dy mode. These messages prov ide advan c ed warn ings to replace th e consumabl e items before they rea ch the end of t heir life. To avoid any inco nvenience, you may want to buy spare cons umable items before the machi ne stops printing.
Routine mai ntenanc e 67 A You will need to cl ean t he machine regularly a nd repla ce the c onsumable i tems whe n the follow ing mess ages are displayed on th e LC D. 1 Lett er o r A4 siz e sing le- sided pa ges. 2 Appr o x. car trid ge yi el d is decla red in ac c orda nce wit h ISO/ IEC 19 752.
68 Re placin g the to ner cart ridg e A Order No. TN-720, TN-750 The S tandard t oner cartridge can print appro x ima t ely 3,000 pages 1 . The H igh Yield toner cartridge can print approximately 8,000 pages 1 . Act ual page c ount w ill v ary depending on your average t ype of document .
Routine mai ntenanc e 69 A Replacing the toner cartridge A a Leave the machin e turned on for 10 minutes for the internal fan to cool the extremel y hot parts inside t he machin e. b Press the front cove r release button and then o pen the f ront cover.
70 Important • We recommend that y ou place the drum unit and toner cartridge assembly on a clean, flat surface with a p iece of dispos able paper underneath it in c ase you accidentall y spill or scatter tone r . • To preve nt damage to t he machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes shown in the il lustration.
Routine mai ntenanc e 71 A Important • H andle the toner cartri dge caref ully. If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wipe or wash it of f with cold water. • To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu str ation s.
72 Important • W ait to u npack the new t oner c artr idge until im mediately before you put it in the machine . If a toner cartridge is left unpac k ed f or a long time, the toner life will be shortened. • If an unpacked drum unit is put in direct sunlight or room l ight, the un it may be damage d.
Routine mai ntenanc e 73 A g Put the n ew toner cartri dge f irmly into the drum unit u ntil you hea r it loc k into place. If you put it in correctly, the green lock le ver w ill lift auto mati cally . Note Make s ure t hat you put in t he toner cartridge correctl y or it may separate from the drum unit.
74 Cl ea ning t he co ron a w ir e A If you have print quality problems, clean the corona wire as fol lows: a Leave the machine turned on for 10 minutes for the internal f an to cool the extremely hot parts i nside the machine. b Press t he f ront cover release bu tton and then op en the f ront cover.
Routine mai ntenanc e 75 A Important • W e recommend that y ou put the drum unit and tone r cartridge assem bly on a piece of dispos able pap er or cloth i n case you a c cid entally sp ill or scat ter toner. • Ha ndle the drum unit and toner cartridge assembl y caref u ll y.
76 Re pla cing the dru m unit A Order No. DR-720 A n ew drum unit can pri nt approximately 30,000 Lett er or A4 s ize single - sided pages. Note • There a re many factors that determine the actual d r um l ife, such as the temperature, humid it y, type of paper, type o f toner used and s o on.
Routine mai ntenanc e 77 A Replacing the drum unit A Important • W hil e rem oving t he drum unit, handle it carefull y because it may conta in t one r. If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wipe or wash it of f with cold water. • Every t ime y ou replace the drum u nit, clean the inside of the machine.
78 Important • We recommend that y ou place the drum unit and toner cartridge assembly on a clean, flat surface with a p iece of dispos able paper underneath it in c ase you accidentall y spill or scatter tone r . • To preve nt damage to t he machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes shown in the il lustration.
Routine mai ntenanc e 79 A Important • H andle the toner cartri dge caref ully. If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wipe or wash it of f with cold water. • To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu str ation s.
80 f Put the t oner cartridge f irmly into the new drum unit until y ou hear it lock into place. If you put the cartridge in correctly, the green lock lever will lift automatical ly. Note Make sure t hat you put in the toner cartridge correctly or it may s eparate from the drum unit.
81 B B If you think there is a problem wi th your mac hine, chec k each of the item s below f irst and follow the troubleshoot ing tips. You can c orr ect most p r oblems by y ourself. If you need a dditional he lp, t he Brother Solutions Center offers the la test FAQs an d trouble shooting tips.
82 Scannin g problems : Scannin g difficulties uu pag e 111 Software and Network problems : Software diff iculties uu page 111 Network d ifficul ties uu page 1 12.
Troubl es hootin g 83 B Error and mainte nance m essages B As with any sophisticated office product , errors may occur and consumable items may need to be replaced. If this ha ppens, your machine identifies the error or requ ired routine m aintenance a nd show s the appropriate mes s age.
84 Cove r is Open The front c over i s not complet el y c losed. Close the fr ont c over of t he mac hine. The ADF c over is not complet el y c losed. Close the ADF c o ver o f th e mac hine. The ADF is ope n while l oad ing a docum ent. Close the ADF c over of the m ac hine, then press St op/Exit .
Troubl es hootin g 85 B Drum S top It is time to repla c e the drum uni t. Replace the dr um unit. (See Repl acing the drum unit uu page 77.) Dup lex Di sa bl ed The bac k of the machi ne is not clo s ed compl et ely. Close th e back cov er of the machi ne.
86 No R es ponse /Bus y The number you dia led does not an swer or is busy. Veri fy t he number and t ry agai n. No To ner The toner cart ridge or the drum unit and t oner cart ridge assemb ly is not instal led correc tly .
Troubl es hootin g 87 B Out of Mem ory Secu re Print Data is fu ll. The machine’s memory i s full. Press Sto p/Exit an d de lete the p reviousl y stor ed secur e print data . See Softwa re User's Guide : Secure Print Key . Prin t Un able XX The mach ine has a m echani cal probl em.
88 Repl ac e Parts PF Ki t 1 PF Ki t 2 PF Ki t MP It is time to replace t he paper fee ding k it . Call Brot her Customer Servi ce or a Brother Author ized Ser vice Center to repl ace the PF Kit.
Troubl es hootin g 89 B Too Ma ny Fil es There are too many fi les st or ed on t he USB Flas h memor y dr ive . Reduce t he number of f iles st o red on the USB Flash mem ory dri ve. Unus ab le D evic e Remo ve the Devi ce . Turn the powe r of f and back o n ag ain.
90 Tr an sf er ri ng yo ur fa xe s or Fax Jour nal repo rt B If the LC D shows: Print Unable XX Scan Unable XX We rec ommend transferring your f axes to another fax machine or to your PC. (See Transferring f axes to another fax machine uu page 90 or Transferring faxes to your PC uu page 90.
Troubl es hootin g 91 B Document J ams B Docu men t is j ammed in th e to p of the ADF un it B a Take out any paper f rom the A DF that is not j ammed. b Op e n t he A D F co ve r. c Pull th e jammed document out to the left. If the document ri ps or tea rs, be sure you remove all small paper scraps to prevent fut ure jams.
92 Re movi ng s mall d ocu ments jam med in the ADF B a Lift t he document cover. b Insert a pie ce of st iff paper, such as ca rd st oc k, int o the A D F to pu sh an y small pa per scraps through.
Troubl es hootin g 93 B Paper Jams B Alwa y s remove all paper f rom the paper tray and s traighten th e stack when you add new paper. Th is he lps prevent multiple sheets of paper f rom feedi ng throug h the ma chine at one time and prevent s paper j ams.
94 Paper is j amm ed in paper tra y 1 or tray 2 B If the LC D shows Jam Tray 1 or Jam Tray 2 , fol low these steps: a Pull the paper tray co mpletely out of the machine. For Jam Tray 1 : For Jam Tray 2 : b Use both hands to slowly pull out the jammed pap er.
Troubl es hootin g 95 B Pa per is j ammed at the back of th e ma chine B If the LCD shows Jam Rear , a paper jam occurred behind the ba ck cove r . Follow t hese steps: a Leave the machin e turned on for 10 minutes for the internal fan to cool the extremel y hot parts inside t he machin e.
96 WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ernal p arts of the mac hin e will be extremely h ot. Wait for t he machine to cool down before you touch the internal part s of the machine.
Troubl es hootin g 97 B d Open the back cover. WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac hine, so me internal parts of the machine will be extremely hot. Wait for t he machine t o cool down bef ore you tou c h th e internal parts of th e m ac hin e .
98 g Close the fuser cover (1). h Close the back c ove r . i Put the drum unit an d toner cartridge assembly back into the mach ine. j Cl os e th e fro n t co ver of t h e ma c hi ne.
Troubl es hootin g 99 B c Use b ot h han ds to s lowly p ull out the jammed paper. Note • DO NOT use a s harp obj ect to rem ove jam med pap er as it m ay d amage the intern al part s. • Pul li ng t he jammed paper dow nward allows you to remove the paper easier.
100 WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ernal p arts of the mac hin e will be extremely h ot. Wait for t he machine to cool down before you touch the internal part s of the machine.
Troubl es hootin g 101 B f Push down the green lock lever and take the toner cartridge out of the drum unit. Remove the jamm ed paper if t here is any inside the drum unit. g Put the toner cartri dge back into the drum unit until you hear it lock into place.
102 Pape r is jammed in the dup l e x tr ay B If the L CD sho ws Jam Duplex , follow t hese steps: a Leave the machine turned on for 10 minutes for the internal f an to cool the extremely hot parts i nside the machine. b Pull the paper tray co mpletely out of the machine.
Troubl es hootin g 103 B f Pull the duplex t ray com pletely out of the machine. g Pull the jammed pape r out of the machine or out of the duplex tray. h Make su r e tha t the jamm ed paper does not remain under t he machi ne from static electricity. i Put the duplex tray back into the machine.
104 If you are having d ifficult y with y our ma chin e B Important • For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine . Calls must be made from within that country. • If you think there is a problem with your machine, check the chart below and follow the troublesho oting tips.
Troubl es hootin g 105 B The m ach ine p rints t he firs t cou ple of pa ges cor rect ly, th en some page s have text mis si ng . Ch eck th e se tting s in you r app licat ion t o ma ke sur e t hat i t is se t up t o wo rk wit h yo ur m ach in e. Your comp uter is not r e c ognizi ng th e machine ’s in pu t buf f er’ s fu ll si gnal .
106 Th e ma chin e does not fee d pa pe r fr om th e MP Tr a y whe n usin g a lar g e stac k of pa pe r. Fan the pa pe r we ll and mak e sure t he paper is un der t he max im um pape r mar k (1). Stag ge r th e page s an d put th em in the tr ay un til y ou fee l the top pag e tou ch the fe ed roll ers as sh own in th e ill ustra t i on.
Troubl es hootin g 107 B Rec ei ve d faxe s appear as spl it o r blan k page s. Left an d ri ght mar gins ar e cu t off or a sin gl e pa ge is pr inted o n t wo page s. Se e Paper Si ze uu pa ge 16 . T urn o n Auto Redu ctio n. See Adv an ced User ' s Gu ide: Print ing a r ed uced i ncoming fa x .
108 Re ceiv ing fa xes Difficulties Su ggest ion s Ca nn ot re ce iv e a f ax . Make s ure your machin e has a d ial t one by pres sing the Ho ok key. If you hear stat ic or i nterf ere nce on your fa x li ne, ple ase co ntac t you r loc al tele phon e compa ny.
Troubl es hootin g 109 B Ca nnot rec eiv e a fax . (co ntinue d) I f you ar e us ing a te leph on e an sw ering m achi ne ( External TAD mo de) on th e sam e lin e as the B rothe r mach ine, ma ke sur e your a nswe ring ma chine is s et up corr ect l y .
110 Po or se nd ing q ua lity . Tr y ch an ging you r re so lutio n to Fine or S.Fine . M a ke a co py t o c hec k yo ur machi ne’ s sca nner op era tion. If the co py qua l ity i s not g ood, cle an the sc anne r. See A d van ce d Use r's Gu id e: C lean ing the scann er .
Troubl es hootin g 111 B Copying diff iculti e s Difficulties S ugg estion s Ca nnot ma ke a c opy . M ake sure th at COPY is illumi nate d. Se e How to cop y uu page 5 4. Co nt act y our ad mini st rato r t o ch eck yo ur S ecu re F unc tio n Lo ck S ett ing s.
112 Network diffi culties Difficulties Sugg est ions Can not print over a wire d Net work . If yo u a re ha vi ng N etw ork pro blem s . Se e Networ k Us er' s Guide . Mak e su re your mac hine is po were d onan d is onl ine and in Re ady mo d e.
Troubl es hootin g 113 B 1 For W indo ws ® 7 and Wi ndows Se r v er ® 20 08 R2 : P rinte r properties Ca nnot conn ect t o wire less net work. ( MFC-871 0DW, MF C-8 810D W an d MFC -89 10DW ) Inv esti gat e the pr oblem usi ng th e WLAN Report . Pres s Me nu , 6 , 7 .
114 Sett ing Di al To ne dete ction B Setting t he Dial T one to Detection wi ll shorten the Dial Tone detect pause. a (U SA) Pres s Me nu , 0 , 4 . (Canada) Press Me nu , 0 , 5 . 04.Dial Tone a Detection b No Detection Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b t o choos e Detection or No Detection .
Troubl es hootin g 115 B Improving th e print qual ity B If you have a print quality problem, pri nt a test page first ( Menu , 4 , 2 , 3 ). If th e printout looks good, the proble m i s probably not the machine. Check the interface cable connec tions and try printing a dif f erent docum ent.
116 Gray background Make sure tha t you us e paper that meets our specif icati ons . See Accepta ble pa per and other p rint medi a uu page 19 . Check the machi ne’s environm ent. Cond i ti ons such as high tempera t ur es and high hum idi ty can incr eas e the amount of backgr ound shading.
Troubl es hootin g 117 B Toner sp ecks Make sure that you use pap er that meet s our speci f i cati ons. Rough- surfac ed paper may cause the prob lem. See Accep t ab le paper and ot her print media uu page 19. Clean t he corona wire of t he drum un it.
118 White li nes across the page Make sure th at you use paper that meets our specif icat ions. A rough surf aced pape r or thic k print media can cause th is probl em.
Troubl es hootin g 119 B White Spots on black text and graphics at 3.7 i n. (94 m m) int erv als Black Spots at 3.7 i n. (94 m m) int erv als Make 10-15 copi es of a blan k, white sheet of paper .
120 Black lines do wn t he page Print ed pages have toner stains down the page Clean t he c orona wi re inside the drum uni t by sl idi ng the gr een tab. See Cleaning th e corona wir e uu pa ge 74. Make s ure th e green tab of the co r on a wire is at t he h ome posit i o n ( a ).
Troubl es hootin g 121 B Cu rl ed o r wa vy Check the paper type and qual i ty. High t emperatur es and high humidit y will c ause pap er t o curl. See Acceptab l e pap er and other print medi a uu p age 19. Se e Pro duc t Safe ty Gui de: Choosin g a locat ion .
122 Curled Choose Re duce Paper Curl mode i n the printer dri ver. See Software User 's Guide: Pri nting ( for W indo ws ® ). See Software User 's Guide: Pri ntin g and Faxi ng (for Maci ntosh). Open the back cover (fa ce-up out put tray) to let the pri nted paper exit onto the face-up out put tray.
Troubl es hootin g 123 B Machine Information B Ch ecki ng the S erial Num ber B You can see the ma c hine’s Serial Number on the LCD. a Pr ess Me n u , 8 , 1 .
124 How to res et th e mach ine B a (U SA) Pres s Me nu , 0 , 6 . (Canada) Press Me nu , 0 , 7 . 06.Reset 1.Network 2.Address & Fax 3.All Settings Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to choose the reset function you wa nt to use. Pre ss OK . c Do one o f the f oll owing; To reset the settings, press 1 and go to s te p d .
125 C C On -scree n programming C Your ma c hine has been designed to be easy to use. The LC D provid es on-screen pro gramming usin g the me nu ke y s. W e h ave created step by step on-screen instructions to help you program you r machin e. Simply follow the steps as they guide you throug h the menu selec t ions and pr ogr am mi n g o pt ion s .
126 Menu ta ble C The factory settings are shown in Bold with an asterisk. C hoose & OK Choose & OK To accept To exit Le vel 1 L evel 2 Leve l 3 Le vel 4 Op tion s De sc ript ion s Pag e 1.
Menu and feature s 127 C 1. Gener al Se tup (Co nti nued ) 2.Paper (Co nti nued ) 2.Paper Siz e 1.MP Tray A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Any S ets the size o f the pa pe r in t he pape r tra y. 16 2.Tray#1 A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio S ets the size o f the pa pe r in t he pape r tra y.
128 1. Genera l Set up (Con ti nued ) 3.Volume 1.Ring — Low Med * High Off Ad jus ts th e ri ng volu me. See . 2.Beeper — Low Med * High Off Adj usts the volume lev el of th e beep er. 3.Speaker — Low Med * High Off Adj ust s the speak er volu me.
Menu and feature s 129 C 1. Gener al Se tup (Co nti nued ) 6.Tray Use (Co nti nued ) 2.Fax — Tray#1 Only Tray#2 Only MP Only MP>T1>T2 T1>T2>MP * (Tra y# 2 and T2 appe ar if yo u have i nstal le d th e optio nal l owe r tr a y o n MF C-87 10D W, MF C-88 10D W or MF C-89 10D W .
130 1. Genera l Set up (Con ti nued ) 9 . Do cum en t S can 1. G lass Sca nS ize — A4 Letter * Legal/Folio ( Legal/Folio is av ai labl e for MF C- 8710 DW, MF C- 8810 DW and MF C- 8910 DW) Adj ust s the sc an area of th e scan ner gla ss to th e si ze of th e docu ment.
Menu and feature s 131 C Le vel 1 L evel 2 Leve l 3 L ev el 4 Opt ion s D es crip tion s Pa ge 2.Fax 1 .Setu p R ec eiv e ( In FAX mo de only) 1.Ring Dela y — 00 01 02 03 04 * Set s th e numb er of r ings bef ore the ma ch ine an swe rs in Fax On ly or Fa x/Te l mode.
132 2.Fax (Con ti nued ) 2.Setup Send (I n F AX mo de only ) 1.Contrast — Auto * Light Dark Ch ange s t he l ightn ess or dar kne ss of fa xe s yo u send . See . 2. F ax Resol ut ion — Standard * Fine S.Fine Photo Sets the default re soluti on fo r outg oing fa xes.
Menu and feature s 133 C 2.Fax (Co nti nued ) 3 .Addr ess B ook 1. One T ouch Dia l — — Sto r e s up to 16 One T ouc h Di al nu mbe rs , so you c an di al by pres sing one key (a nd Sta rt ). 48 2.Speed Dia l — — Sto r e s up to 30 0 Spee d Dial num bers, so you c an di al by pres sing only a f ew key s (an d Start ).
134 2.Fax (Con ti nued ) 5 . Re mo te Fax O pt (C onti nued ) 3.Pr in t Fax — — Pr int s incom ing fa xes stor e d in the memo ry. See . 6 . Di al Re str ic t. 1.Dial Pad — Ente r # tw ic e On Off * Yo u can se t the machi ne to rest rict dia lin g whe n us ing th e di al pa d.
Menu and feature s 135 C Le vel 1 L evel 2 L evel 3 Opti ons Des crip tio ns Page 3.Copy 1.Quality — Auto * Text Photo Graph Yo u can choo se the Co py r e so luti on fo r your type of do cum ent . See . 2.Brightness — - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Ad just th e bri ghtne ss for co pi es.
136 Le vel 1 Leve l 2 Lev el 3 Op tion s De sc rip tion s P age 4.Printer 1.Emulation — Auto(EPSON) * Auto(IBM) HP LaserJet BR-Script 3 Epson FX-850 IBM Proprinter Cho oses t he emula tion mo de. Se e . 2.Pr int O ptio ns 1. Inter na l F on t 1.HP LaserJet 2.
Menu and feature s 137 C Le vel 1 L evel 2 L evel 3 Opti ons Des crip tio ns Page 5. USB Dire ct I/F 1.Direct Print 1.Paper Size A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Se t s the pape r s ize wh en p rint ing di rec tly from t he U SB fla sh mem ory dr ive.
138 5. USB Di rect I /F (Con ti nued ) 1.Direct Print (Co nti nued ) 6. Print Q ualit y Normal * Fine S ets t he pri nt qu al ity opti on whe n print i ng di r ect ly fr om th e US B Flas h memory dr ive.
Menu and feature s 139 C Le vel 1 L evel 2 L evel 3 Opti ons Des crip tio ns Page 6.Pr int R eport s 1.Transmission 1.View on LCD — You ca n view the Trans missi on Verific atio n Repo rt for yo ur last 200 out goin g fax es an d print the l ast re port.
140 Le vel 1 L ev el 2 Lev el 3 Le ve l 4 Lev el 5 Opt ion s Desc ript io ns Page 7.Ne twork (MFC -8510DN ) 1.TCP/IP 1 . Bo ot Me tho d —— Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Ch oose s the BOOT me thod t hat best suits yo ur need s.
Menu and feature s 141 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8510DN ) (Co ntinued ) 1.TCP/IP (Co ntinue d) 7 .W INS Serv er —— Primary [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [0 00 - 25 5] Secondary [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [0 00 - 25 5] Sp ec ifi es t he IP addr ess of t he pri mary o r sec ond ary W INS serv er.
142 7.Ne twork (MFC -8510DN ) (Cont inu ed) 3.Status —— — Ac ti ve 10 0B- FD Ac ti ve 10 0B- HD Active 10B-FD Active 10B-HD Inactive Yo u can se e the current wir ed st atus . See . 4 . MAC A ddress — ——— S h o w s t h e M A C add res s of th e machi ne.
Menu and feature s 143 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8510DN ) (Co ntinued ) ( 5.E-mai l/ IFAX ) (Co ntinue d) 2 .S etu p Serv er (Con tinued) 2.POP3 1.POP3 Serve r Name (U p to 64 char acter s) IP Address [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [0 00 - 25 5] E nter the POP3 serv er addr e ss.
144 7.Ne twork (MFC -8510DN ) (C ontinued ) ( 5.E-mail/ IFAX ) (Continu ed) 3. Setup Ma il RX (Co ntinued) 4.Del Error Mail — On * Off Deletes error mail s auto mati call y. See . 5. N ot ificat ion — On MDN Off * Receives noti fica tion messa ges.
Menu and feature s 145 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8510DN ) (Co ntinued ) 5.Scan T o FTP ( 7.Scan To FTP ) —— — Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100 dpi Gray 200.
146 Le vel 1 L ev el 2 L ev el 3 Le vel 4 L ev el 5 O pti ons De sc ripti ons Pa ge 7.Ne twork (MFC -8710DW ) 1 .Wire d L AN 1.TCP/IP 1.Boo t Metho d — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Ch oose s the BOOT me thod t hat best suits yo ur need s.
Menu and feature s 147 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8710DW ) (Co ntinued ) 1. Wir ed L AN (C ontinued ) 1.TCP/IP (Con tinued) 7. WI NS Server — Primary [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [0 00 - 25 5] Secondary [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [0 00 - 25 5] Sp ec ifi es t he IP addr ess of t he pri mary o r sec ond ary W INS serv er.
148 7.Ne twork (MFC -8710DW ) (C ontinued ) 1 .Wire d L AN (Con tinued) 3 . Wi red St at us —— Ac ti ve 10 0B- FD Ac ti ve 10 0B- HD Active 10B-FD Active 10B-HD Inactive Wired OFF Yo u can se e the current wir ed st atus . See . 4 . MA C Add res s ——— S h o w s t h e M A C add res s of th e machi ne.
Menu and feature s 149 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8710DW ) (Co ntinued ) 2.WLAN (C ontinued ) 1.TCP/IP (Con tinued) 4.G ateway — [ 000- 255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [00 0-255 ]. [0 00 - 25 5] E nter th e Gatewa y addr ess. Se e . 5. No de N ame — B RWXXX XXX XXXXXX E nter th e Nod e name.
150 7.Ne twork (MFC -8710DW ) (C ontinued ) 2.WLAN (Con tinued) 1.TCP/IP (Co ntinued) 0.IPv6 — On Off * En able or Disa ble the IPv6 p rot ocol . I f you w a nt t o us e the IP v6 proto col, visit http ://so lutio ns. bro ther. co m/ fo r more i nformation.
Menu and feature s 151 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8710DW ) (Co ntinued ) 2.WLAN (C ontinued ) 6. MA C Add res s — — — Shows the MAC addr ess of t he mac hine . Se e . 7.Set to Default —— 1.Reset 2.Exit Rest or e the wi reless netwo rk se tt i ng s to fa ctor y defa ult.
152 7.Ne twork (MFC -8710DW ) (C ontinued ) 3 .W i-F i Dire ct (Con tinued) 6 . St atu s I nf o. 1.Status — G/ O Act iv e(* *) Client Active Not Connected Off Wi red L AN Ac tiv e ** = t he n umb er of de vices Yo u can se e the current Wi-Fi Direct™ network st atus .
Menu and feature s 153 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8710DW ) (Co ntinued ) ( 4.E-mai l/ IFAX ) (C ontinued ) 2 .S etu p Serv er (Con tinued) 1.SMTP ( Con ti nu ed) 4. S MTP S SL/TLS None * SSL TLS You c an send or re ceiv e an E- mail via an E - mai l ser ver th at req uir es se cu re SSL /T L S commun icati on.
154 7.Ne twork (MFC -8710DW ) (C ontinued ) ( 4.E-mail/ IFAX ) (Con tinued) 3. Setup Ma il RX 1. A ut o Poll ing — On * Off Auto mati cally che c ks the PO P3 server fo r new messa ges. See . 2.Poll Freq uency — 10 * [0 1-60 ] M in Sets the in terva l for chec king f or n ew messa ges on the POP3 s erver.
Menu and feature s 155 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8710DW ) (Co ntinued ) ( 5.Scan To E-mail ) —— — Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 30.
156 7.Ne twork (MFC -8710DW ) (C ontinued ) 5.ScanTo Network (Windo ws ® ) ( 7.ScanTo Network ) (Windo ws ® ) —— — Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100.
Menu and feature s 157 C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Leve l 3 Lev el 4 Lev el 5 Optio n s Des cri p tio ns Page 7.N etwor k (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910DW ) 1. Wir ed L AN 1.TCP/IP 1. Bo ot Method — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Ch oos es t he B OOT m ethod that best suit s your need s.
158 7.Ne twork (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910D W) (C ontinued ) 1 .Wire d L AN (Con tinued) 1.TCP/IP (Co ntinued) 8 .DN S Ser ver — Primary [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [0 00-2 55 ] Secondary [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [0 00-2 55 ] Sp ecif ies t he IP add res s of th e pri ma ry or seco ndary D NS ser ver.
Menu and feature s 159 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910DW ) (Co ntinued ) 2.WLAN 1.TCP/IP 1. Bo ot Method — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Ch oos es t he B OOT m ethod that best suit s your need s.
160 7.Ne twork (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910D W) (C ontinued ) 2.WLAN (Con tinued) 1.TCP/IP (Co ntinued) 7.WIN S Serve r — Primary [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [0 00-2 55 ]. [0 00-2 55 ] Secondary [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [000 -255 ]. [0 00-2 55 ] Sp ecif ies t he IP add res s of th e pri ma ry or seco ndary W INS ser ver.
Menu and feature s 161 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910DW ) (Co ntinued ) 2.WLAN (C ontinued ) 5 .W LAN Stat us 1.Status — Active(11n) Active(11b) Active(11g) W ired LAN Ac ti ve WLAN OFF AOSS Active C onnec tio n Fail You c an see t he curre nt wire less netw or k st atu s.
162 7.Ne twork (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910D W) (C ontinued ) 3 .W i-F i Dire ct (Con tinued) 4 . Gr ou p O wne r —— On Off * Se ts yo ur m ach ine as the G rou p Owner. See . 5 . De vic e I nf o. 1.Dev ice Nam e — — Yo u ca n see the devi ce n ame of your ma chi ne.
Menu and feature s 163 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910DW ) (Co ntinued ) 4.E-m ail/IFA X 1 .M ail Ad dress — — — E nter th e E-m ail addr ess. ( Up to 60 char acter s) Se e . 2 .S etu p Serv er 1.SMTP 1.SMTP Serve r Name (U p to 64 char acter s) IP Address [00 0-255 ].
164 7.Ne twork (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910D W) (C ontinued ) 4 . E-mai l/IFAX (Con tinued) 2 . Se tup Se rv er (Co ntinued) 2.POP3 (C ontinued ) 5 .PO P3 SS L/TLS None * SSL TLS Yo u can se nd or re ceiv e an E-ma il via a n E-mai l serv er th at require s s ecure SSL/T LS commu nica tion .
Menu and feature s 165 C 7.N etwor k (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910DW ) (Co ntinued ) 4.E-m ail/IFA X (C ontinued ) 5 .S etup Rel ay (Con tinued) 3. Rel ay Re port — On Off * P rints the Rela y B roadc as t Rep ort.
166 7.Ne twork (MFC -8810DW and M FC-8910D W) (C ontinued ) 7.ScanTo Network (Windo ws ® ) —— — Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gr.
Menu and feature s 167 C Leve l 1 Lev el 2 L evel 3 Op tion s Desc ripti ons Page 8.Machine Info. 1.Serial No. — — Yo u ca n chec k the ser i a l nu mb er of you r mach ine. 123 2.Page Counter — Total Fax/List Copy Print Yo u can ch ec k the numb er of to t al page s the m achi ne has pr inte d durin g i ts life .
168 Le vel 1 L evel 2 L evel 3 Op tion s D esc rip tion s P age 0.Initial Se tup 1.Receive Mode — Fax Only * Fax/Tel External TAD Manual Ch oos es t he recei ve mo de that be st sui ts your needs. 30 2.Date&Time 1.Date&Time — P uts t he date an d time on t he LCD and i n he adin gs o f fa xe s you se nd.
Menu and feature s 169 C 0.Initial Setup (Co nti nued ) 0.Local Language — (in USA) English * Español (i n Cana da) English * Français Al lows y ou to ch ange th e LCD la ng uage for yo ur coun try . See . Leve l 1 Level 2 Leve l 3 O ptions Descrip tions Page See Adva nced Us er' s Gui de .
170 Entering tex t C Wh en setting certain m enu selec tions, suc h as t he Station I D, you w ill need to type te x t characters . The dial p ad keys have letters p rinted o n them. Th e keys: 0 , # and l do not have printed letters because they are used for special characters.
Menu and feature s 171 C Sp eci al cha racters and symbols Press l , # or 0 , then press d or c t o move th e c ursor to th e symbol or letter you wan t . Pres s OK to choose it. The symbols and charac ters bel ow w ill appea r dep ending on your menu selectio n.
172 D Gen eral D Note This chapt er provides a summary of the machines' spec ifications. F or additional spe c ifications visit us at ht tp: //www.
Specif icati on s 173 D Model M FC- 851 0DN MF C-8710DW M FC -8810D W MF C-89 10DW Di m ens i ons (Conti nue d) Weight s ( with co ns um ab les ) 34 .8 l b (15.
174 Document Size D Model M FC- 85 10DN MFC-8710DW MFC- 8810DW MFC- 8910DW Documen t Size (Sing l e- sided) ADF W idth 5.8 t o 8.5 i n. (147. 3 to 215. 9 mm ) ADF Len gth 5.8 t o 14.0 i n. (147. 3 to 355 . 6 mm) Scanner Glass W idt h M a x. 8. 5 i n .
Specif icati on s 175 D Print me dia D 1 F or lab el s, we recom me nd re mov ing p rin ted pa ge s from th e outp ut pap er tr ay im med iat ely aft er th ey exit th e ma ch ine to avo id the p ossib il i ty of s mud ging .
176 Fax D 1 ‘P ages’ refers to th e ‘IT U-T T est Cha rt #1’ (a ty pical busi ness l etter, Sta ndar d res olution , JBIG co de). S peci ficatio ns and pr inte d mater i a ls are su bjec t to c hange wit ho ut pr i or no tic e.
Specif icati on s 177 D Copy D 1 Fro m Read y mode and standa rd tra y Model M FC- 851 0DN MF C-8710DW M FC -8810D W MF C-89 10DW Copy Width Max . 8.27 in.
178 Scanner D 1 For the latest driv er upd ates for t he v ersio n of Mac O S X yo u are using , vis it us a t http :// solutio ns.b rothe . 2 Maxi mum 1200 × 1 200 dp i s can ni ng wit h t he.
Specif icati on s 179 D Printer D 1 The pr i nt sp eed ma y vary dep ending on the ty pe of doc ument yo u print . 2 Fro m Read y mode and standa rd tra y Model M FC- 851 0DN MF C-8710DW M FC -8810D W.
180 Interfa ces D 1 You r mac hi ne h as a Hi -Spe ed US B 2. 0 in ter face . The machi ne can also be co nnec ted to a compu ter t hat has a U SB 1. 1 inter fac e. 2 T hird- par ty U SB por ts are not su ppor ted . 3 For de tail ed ne two r k speci fic atio ns, see Network (LAN) uu pa ge 185 and uu Network Us e r's Gu ide .
Specif icati on s 181 D Direct Prin t feature D 1 PDF da ta in clud ing a JBI G2 ima ge fi le, a JPE G2 00 0 i mag e fil e or a tr a nsp are ncy fil e is not su pp ort ed . Model M FC- 851 0DN MF C-8710DW M FC -8810D W MF C-89 10DW Co mpa tib ility PDF ve rsion 1.
182 Computer requ irements D Minimum System Requir ements an d Supp orted PC Sof tware Funct ions Computer P latform & Operat i ng Syst em Versi on Proces sor Mini m um Speed Mi n im um RAM R e co.
Specif icati on s 183 D 1 For WIA, 12 00 x 12 00 re soluti on. Br oth er Scan ner Uti lit y enab les t o enha nce up to 192 00 x 19200 dpi. 2 Thir d -pa r t y USB port s are no t sup port ed.
184 Consumab le items D 1 App r o x. ca rtri dg e yiel d is de cl are d in acc ord an ce wi t h ISO/ IEC 197 52. 2 Dru m life is a pp roxim a te an d ma y vary by t yp e of us e. Model M FC- 851 0DN MFC-8710DW MFC -8810D W MF C-89 10DW Order No. Toner Ca rtri d ge Inbox Approx.
Specif icati on s 185 D Network (LAN) D Note For m ore inform at ion a bout the Network spec ifications uu Network User's Guide 1 Se e Co mput er r eq uir emen ts uu page 18 2. 2 ( For Wi ndow s ® user s) Brot her BRA dmi n L ight is ava ilabl e on th e C D-RO M pr ovi ded with th e m achi ne.
186 E A Acces s ories and suppl ies . .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. .... i i ADF (autom atic document feeder) using .... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ..... .. 24 Answering machine (TAD) connecting ... .. ..... ..... .. ... .. .
187 E F Fax codes changing ...... .... ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. . 4 3 fax receive code .... ..... ..... .... ... .. .. ..... ..... . 43 telephon e answer c ode ..... .. ..... ..... .. ... .. . 43 Fax, stan d-alone rec eiving ... .
188 O One T ouch using .... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ..... .. 44 One t ouch changing ... ....... .... ... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ....53 setting up .... ..... .... ... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... .... 48 Out of Mem ory message .
189 E S Scan a docum ent to a comput er .... . .... ... .. 6 0 Scanne r gl ass scan si ze for fax sendin g .... ... .. ..... ..... .. . 28 using ....... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. ... ... 2 5 Scanni ng See Sof tware User’s Guide.
Bro th er In tern at iona l C orpor ati on 100 S omer set Corp ora te Boul evar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idge wate r, N J 0 8807-0 911 US A Brot her In terna tional C orp oratio n (Cana da ) Ltd. 1 r ue Hôtel de Ville, Dol lard- des-O rmea ux, QC, Cana da H 9B 3H6 Vi sit us on the World W ide W eb http: //www.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother MFC-8710DW è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother MFC-8710DW - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother MFC-8710DW imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother MFC-8710DW ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother MFC-8710DW, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother MFC-8710DW.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother MFC-8710DW. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother MFC-8710DW insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.