Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto KV0004A-LED del fabbricante Black Box
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KV 0004A KV 0004A -L E D KV0 00 4A- X TR A-LED Ord er toll -free in t he U.S . : C all 877- 877- BBOX (o ut sid e U.S . call 724 -7 46 -550 0 ) FREE tec hnical s upp or t 24 ho ur s a day, 7 days a we.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 2 T rade mark s Use d in this Manual Black Box a nd the Double Diamond logo are register ed trademarks, and Ser vSwitch is a tr ademark, of BB T echnologies, Inc. Mac is a registered tr ad emark of Apple C omputer , Inc.
FC C and IC RF I S t at ements 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 3 Feder al Com mun icatio ns Comm ission a nd Industry C anad a Rad io F requenc y Int erference S tatements This equipmen t ge.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 4 Ins trucciones de Se guridad ( N ormas O ficiales M exicanas Elec trical Safet y Statement) 1 . T odas l as instruc ciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas ant e s de que el aparat o elé c trico sea operado.
T able of Co ntent s 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 5 Contents 1 . Specifications ..............................................................................................................................................................
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 6 1 . Spec ifi cat ions Approvals: C E, FC C Hardware C ompatibili t y: All compute rs with USB interfaces Soft ware C ompatibility : Op.
Cha pter 2 : Over vi ew 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 7 2. O ver view 2. 1 Introdu c tion The ServSwitch ™ Freedom is a compact unit created to allow a single operator to access information and control operations across numerous systems and screens.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 8 2. 2 Features Multiple screens, multi ple systems The Ser v Switch F ree dom unit allo ws you to con trol up to f our individual compu ter systems and their displ ay screens us ing just one k eyboard and mouse set.
Cha pter 2 : Over vi ew 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 9 COMPUTER K/M SPK USB1 USB2 MODE ServSwitch Fr eedom ™ BL AC K BO XD ESKT OP KV M SWIT CH 2.5 Har dwa re Descr ipt ion 2.5. 1 T op P anel Figure 2 - 2 show s the top panel of t he unit.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 10 2.5.2 Rear P anel Figure 2 - 3 shows the rear panel o f the unit. T able 2- 2 describes it s components : Figure 2 - 3. Rear pa nel. T able 2 -2 . Rear panel components. Number Component Description 4 2.
Cha pter 3 : Inst al lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 11 3. Inst al lat ion 3. 1 Locations Please consider the f o llowing i mpor tant points when plannin g the position of the Ser .
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 12 3.3 Connec tions C onnec tions do not need to be carried out in the order given within th is guide; however , w here possible connect the po wer in as a final ste p.
Cha pter 3 : Inst al lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 13 5V 2.5A INDOOR USE O N LY OPTIONS 2 1 4. Audio: W here requ ired, c onnect the lead from your speak er s to the audio sock et. See Figure 3-3. Figure 3- 3. C onnec ting speak ers to the user console.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 14 3.3. 3 Power in c onne c tion The Ser v Switch F ree dom unit is s upplied with a 1 2 .5W power adapter . T here is no on / off s witch on the unit, so operation begin s as soon as a power adapter is c onnected.
Cha pter 3 : Inst al lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 15 3.3. 4 Channel switc hing b y ex ternal c ontrol The OP T IO NS por t allows ex ternal con trol of the curren t channel b y comma nds sent either via RS-23 2 serial input or by switch ing one of the fou r chan nel selec t input lines.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 16 3. 3.4 . 2 Control by RS -232 se rial Serial port parameter settings Ens ure th at the chosen serial port is configur ed to the fol.
Cha pter 3 : Inst al lat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 17 3.3.5 O ption al LED i ndicator c onne c tions The optional Ser vSwitch Fr eedom L ED Monitor module (part number: K V0 0 04 A- L ED) enables you to add LED ( Light E mitting Diode) indicat ors to each of you r video display screens t o show which ar e active.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 18 2 . Link each LED ind icator to a port on the Ser v Switch F reedom LED Monitor module - por ts 1 to 4 are most commonly used.
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 19 4. Configurat ion 4. 1 Using the Confi gur ati on Menu The configur ation mod e allows you to det ermine numer ous aspec ts of the Ser v Switc h Freedom u nit capabilities.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pa g e 20 T able 4- 1 . Con figuration menu options Letter Number Description B Enter the OPTIONS port Baud rate menu 1 1200 (default) 2 2400 .
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 21 4. 2 General con figurat ion 4. 2. 1 Cha ngi ng hot k eys Ser v Swit ch Freedom units use CTR L and AL T as their standard hotk eys. T hese can be changed if they clash with o ther soft ware or hardware within the ins ta llation.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 22 4. 2.4 Swit chin g mode Using the c o nfigu ration menu , you can define a default switchi ng mode.
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 23 4. 2.5 Misce ll aneous functions T o reset co nfiguration to fac tor y defaults 1 . En ter the C onfigur ation menu (see Se ction 4. 1 for detail s) . 2 . Press F t o enter the F unc tions menu 3.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 24 1A 2A 3A 4A 1A 2A 3A 4A 1A 2A 3A 4A 4.3 Glide and Switch con figuration 4.3. 1 Ins tal ling t he Glide a nd S wit ch c onf igu ra ti on applica ti on The Glide and Swit ch con figura tion application is av ailable f or d ownload from the Black Bo x website.
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 25 3. Double - click on each screen repr esentation to set the screen resolution an d, optional l y , add a screen name and/or configure an LED indicator (if used). See Figure 4 -3.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pa g e 26 4.4 Mult i- Monit or Gli de and S witch c onfig ur at ion 4.4 . 1 Instal l ing dr ivers and mu lt i- mon ito r con fig app In order to use Multi-M onitor mode you will need to in stall a Multi- Monitor Glide and S witch driv er (avail able for download from the Black Bo x website .
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 27 4.4 . 2 Config uri ng mult iple mon itors Multi- Monitor con figura tion is simi lar t o normal Glide and S w itch set up except t hat you can add more th an one displa y per PC, up to a to t al of eigh t per machine .
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pa g e 28 4.5 Configuring LED indicator s When the optional Ser vSwitch Fr eedom L ED Monitor i ndicator kit i s used, there ar e several c o nfigu ration option s avai lable that allow you t o customise behavior and these are set usin g the Glide and Switch configuration application.
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pa g e 29 Figure 4 - 7 . Choosing an individual indicator po r t 4. Choose the Ser vSwitch Fr eedom L ED Monitor outp ut por t that you wish t o as sociate with the curr ently selected vide o screen.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 3 0 4.6 Optio na l Gl ide and S witch o pera ti ons and settings 4.6. 1 Down load ing the exi sting l ayo ut from t he Ser v Swit ch F reedom If the Ser v Swit ch Freedom unit h as already been confi gured and you wis h to alt er it (and you don ’t hav e a saved .
Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 31 4.7 Pe r for ming upgrades The Ser v Switch F ree dom unit is f ully upgrad able via flash upgr ade. Su ch upgrades requi re a Windows- based computer system to be link ed via the OP TIONS por t.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pa g e 32 7 . From the mai n K VM Firmware Uploader dialog, click t he B r o w s e ... button and selec t the upgrade file: F RE E D M_xxx. txt where x x x is the firmware version. T he upgrade file details wil l be display ed within the dia log.
Cha pter 5 : Opera ti on 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 33 5. Ope r at ion 5. 1 S electing a compu te r There are five wa ys to switch the common peripher als to s pecific computer ch ann.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 3 4 5. 1 . 2 Selec ti ng a com puter usi ng the front panel The front panel al lows you to determi ne how the variou s peripherals a re switched to one or more c omputer ch annels.
Cha pter 5 : Opera ti on 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P ag e 35 5. 1 . 3 Selec ti ng a compute r using hotk ey s Using ho tk ey combin ations, yo u can quickly switch the k eyb oard, mouse , speakers and USB peripher als to a ny comp uter ch annel.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 3 6 5. 1 . 3. 2 Usi ng addi ti onal hot k ey press com bin ations In addition to the standard hotk ey press combina tions (shown left) , you can also add additional k ey presses in order to determi ne which periphera ls are switched: 1 .
Cha pter 5 : Opera ti on 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 37 5. 2 Loc kin g acc ess to the c omputers When privac y is requir ed, you can lock acc es s to the con nec ted comput ers via the unit. T o lock th e unit 1 . Simul taneously press and hold C TRL and A LT (or other hotk eys, if altered) .
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 3 8 Appendix A. W hat is T rue E mula ti on ? T rue Emu lation repr esents a significant bre akthrough in sh aring USB devices bet ween t wo or more comput er sys tems.
Ap p en dice s 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 39 HOST CONTROLLER USB KEYBOARD OTHER USB DEVICE USB MOUSE USB HUB PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 USB HUB USB HUB USB HUB EMULA TION ENGINE T rue Emu lati.
Ser v Swit ch Freedom 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om Pag e 4 0 Appendix B. Wha t is Gl ide and Sw itc h ? Glide and S witch repr esents true innovation i n K VM s witchin g. For the first time, Glide and S witch allows users to autom atically switch bet ween target computers simply b y moving the mouse point er from screen t o screen.
Ap p en dice s 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P a g e 41 Seri al remot e contr ol and flash u pgr ade cable ( 8p8 c) 8p8c connector D-Type female 9 way 62 TXD RXD 3 2 3 5 RXD GND TXD GND Seri al remot e contr ol and flash u pgr ade cable ( 1 0 p 1 0 c) 10p10c connector D-Type female 9 way 72 TXD RXD 4 3 3 5 RXD GND TXD GND App endix C .
Ap p en dice s 72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om P ag e 42 Appendix D . S afet y informatio n • For use in dr y , oilfree indoor environments only . • Boththe unit andit s power supply generateheatw hen inop erationand willb ecome warmto the touch .
72 4 - 7 46 -5500 | blac kbo x.c om About Bl ack B ox Black Box Network Ser v ices is yo ur source f or more than 1 1 8,0 0 0 net working and i nfr astructure product s.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Black Box KV0004A-LED è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Black Box KV0004A-LED - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Black Box KV0004A-LED imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Black Box KV0004A-LED ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Black Box KV0004A-LED, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Black Box KV0004A-LED.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Black Box KV0004A-LED. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Black Box KV0004A-LED insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.