Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 11680100201 del fabbricante Zebra Technologies
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P1009874-002 Zebra ® Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide.
© 2010 ZIH Corp. The copyrights in this manual and th e software and/or firmw a re in th e prin ter described therein are owned by ZIH Corp. and Zebra’ s licensors. Unaut horized reproducti on of this manu al or th e software and/or firmware in the printer may result in impr isonm ent of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.
3 Declaration of Conformity 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Declaration of Conformity W e have determined that the Zebra printers identified as the Xi4™ Series 1 10Xi4™, R1 10Xi4™, 140X i4™, 170Xi4™, 220Xi4™ manufactured by: Zebra T echnologies Corporation 333 Corporate W oods Parkway V ernon Hills, Illinois 60061-3109 U.
Declaration of Conformity Compliance Information 4 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Compliance Information FCC Compliance S t atement This device compli es with Part 15 rules. Operation is su bject to the followin g two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful in terferen ce, and 2.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Contents Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Compliance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 6 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Install the Control Panel Keyp ad Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 T ypes of Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Contents 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Cleaning Schedule and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 17 Clean the Exte rior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Media S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 1 10Xi4 and R1 10Xi4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 About This Document This section provides yo u wit h cont act information, document structure and or ganization, and additional re ference documents. Content s Who Should Use This Document . . . . . . . . .
About This Document Who Shoul d Us e This Document 10 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Who Should Use This Document This User Guide is intend ed for use by any person who needs to perform routine mai ntenance, upgrade, or trou bleshoot problems with the printer.
7 About This Document Contacts 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Contact s T echnical Support vi a the Internet is a vailable 24 hou rs per day , 365 days per ye ar . W eb Site: www E-mail Back T e chnical L ibrary: E-mail address: emb@zebra.
About This Document Document Conventions 8 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Document Conventions The following co nventions are used throughout this do cument to convey certain information. Alternate Color (online only) C ross-references cont ain hot links to othe r sections in this guide.
9 About This Document Document Conventions 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Illustration Callout s Callouts are used when an illustrati on contains in formation th at needs to be labeled a nd described. A table that contains the labels a nd descriptions follows the graphic.
About This Document Document Conventions 10 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Notes • ___________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 1 Introduction This section provides a high-level over vi ew of the printer and i ts components. Content s Printer Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction Printer Components 16 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Printer Component s Figure 2 shows the standard compon ents inside the med ia compartment of your printe r . Depending on the printer model and the installed option s, your printer may lo ok slightly diff eren t.
17 Introd uction Control Panel 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Control Panel All controls and in dicators for the printer are loca ted on the control panel ( Figure 3 ). •T h e contr ol panel Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) shows the operati ng status and print er parameters.
Introduction Control Pane l 18 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 5 LCD The control pan el LCD functions dif f erently in dif ferent printer mode s. •I n Operating mode , the LCD displays the printer’ s status, sometimes in conjunction with a control pa nel light.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 2 Printer Setup This section provid es the tasks that you must complete and the issue s that you must conside r before you load a nd configure your printer. Content s Before Y ou Begin . . . . . . . . . . .
Printer Setup Before Y ou Begin 20 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Before Y ou Begin Review this checkl ist, and resolve any issues before y ou set up or use your prin ter. Unp ack and Inspect the Printer Have you unpacked the printer and inspected it for damage? If you have not, see Unpack an d Inspect the Printer on page 21 .
21 Printer Setup Handling the Printer 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Handling the Printer This section describes how to han dl e you r printer. Unp ack and Inspect the Printer When you receiv e the printer, immediatel y unpack it and inspec t for shipping damag e.
Printer Setup Select a Site for the Printer 22 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Select a Site for the Printer Consider th e followin g w hen selecti ng an appr op riate loca tion for your pr inter.
23 Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Select a Dat a Communication Interface Ta b l e 3 provides basic information about data co mmunication interfaces that you can use t o connect your printer to a computer .
Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 24 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 IEEE 1284 Bidirectional Parallel Sta nd ar d Limit ations and Requirements • Maximum cabl e length of 10 ft (3 m). • Recommended cable length of 6 ft (1.
25 Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 T winax/Coax Optional Limit ations and Requirements • Acts as an EBC D I C to ASCII co nverter . • Allows for the ability to communicat e with the printer in an IBM ® AS/400 ® en vironment.
Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 26 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Internal wire d Ethernet print serve r Sta nd ar d Limit ations and Requirements • Can print t o the printer from an y computer on your L AN. • Can communic ate with the printer through t he printer’ s web pages when in ZPL mode.
27 Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Dat a Cables and Wireless Cards Y ou mu st supply all dat a cables or wireless cards for your applicati on.
Printer Setup Connect the Printer to a Power Source 28 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Connect the Printer to a Power Source The AC power cord must ha ve a three-prong fema le connector on one end that plugs into t he mating AC power connector at the rear of th e printer.
29 Printer Setup Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Power Cord Specifications Depending on how your p rinter was ordered, a power cord m ay or may not be included .
Printer Setup Install the Control Panel Keypad Cover 30 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Inst all the Control Panel Keypad Cover A protective cove r for the control panel keypad is provid ed with your prin ter ( Figure 6 ). Install this optional cov er if your printer will operate in a moist or dirty environment.
31 Printer Setup T ypes of Media 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 T ypes of Media Y our print er can use various types of med ia: • S tandar d media —Most standard media uses an adhesive backing that sti c ks individual labels or a c ontinuous length of labels to a liner .
Printer Setup T ype s of Me dia 32 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 T able 4 • Roll and Fanfold Media Media T ype How It L ooks Description Non-Continuous Roll Media Roll media is w ound on a 3-in.
33 Printer Setup Ribbon Overview 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Ribbon Overview Ribbon is a t hin film that is coated on one side with wax, resin, or wax resin, which is transferred to the media duri ng the therm al transfer pr ocess. The medi a determine s wh ether you need to use ribbon and how wide the ribbon must be.
Printer Setup Ribbon Overview 34 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Adhesive T est If you have lab els available, perform the adh esive test to determine which side of a ribbon is coated. This method works well for ribbon that is already installed.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 3 Operations This section provides th e procedures for loading and calibrating th e pri nt er. Note • Complete the tasks and resolve the issues in Printer Setup on page 19 before operating the printe r. Content s Print Modes and Printer Options .
Operations Print Modes and Printer Options 36 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Print Modes and Printer Options The printer can use dif ferent print mo des and options for label removal ( Ta b l e 5 ). Use a print mode that matches th e media being used and the prin ter options available.
37 Operations Print Modes and Printer Options 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Media Paths Ta b l e 6 shows the media paths for p rint mode and printer op tion combinations usi ng roll media. Fanfold media uses the same print mode s and printer o ptions as roll media.
Operations Print Modes and Printer Options 38 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Cutter Cutter Rewind Rewind (witho ut Cutter option) T able 6 • Media Paths for Print Modes wi th V arious.
39 Operations Prepare the Media for Lo ading 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Prep are the Media for Loading Y ou can use roll media or fanfold media in yo ur printer .
Operations Prepare the Media for Loading 40 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 3. Follow the instruc tions for your printer mo del to insert media i nto the printer . 1 10Xi4/R1 10Xi4 600 d pi a. Place the roll of media on the media suppl y spin dle.
41 Operations Prepare the Media for Lo ading 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 4. Continue wi th the media loadin g procedure for the de sired print mode. • Load Media in T ear-Off Mode on page 44 • Load Media in Peel-Off Mode on p age 48 • Load Media in Cutter Mode on page 55 • Load Media in Rewind Mo de on page 60 c.
Operations Prepare the Media for Loading 42 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Fanfold Media Y ou can store fanfold media behind the pr in ter (r ear feed) or under the printer (bottom feed). Using the med ia supply hanger is optio nal. T o load fanfold media, complete these step s: 1.
43 Operations Prepare the Media for Lo ading 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Rear feed (shown using a med ia supply hanger) a. Slide out an d, if applicable, flip do wn the media supply guide. b. Drape the media over the media su pply hanger or media spindle.
Operations Load Media in T ear-Off Mode 44 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Load Media in T ear-Off Mode Follow these instructions to operat e the printer in T ear-Of f mode. 1. Set the printe r to T ear-Of f mode. See S elect Print Mode on page 92 for instructions.
45 Operations Load Media in T ear-Off Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 5. Slide the outer media guide ( 1 ) all the way out. 6. If your printer includ es a media dancer assembly ( 1 ), thre ad th e media unde r the media dancer assembly roller .
Operations Load Media in T ear-Off Mode 46 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 7. Push the medi a forward until it passes under the p rinthead assembly ( 1 ), under the snap plate ( 2 ), and then over th e platen roller ( 3 ). 8. Align the media with th e in ner med ia gui de ( 1 ).
47 Operations Load Media in T ear-Off Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 9. T ighten the thumb screw (not visible from this an gle) that is located on the bott om of the outer media guide ( 1 ). 10. Push down the prin thead assembly ( 1 ), and then rotate th e printhead-open lev er ( 2 ) clockwise until it locks into place .
Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 48 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Load Media in Peel-Off Mode Peel-Off mode ( Figure 8 ) advances one label at a time. The printer does not print an other label until the first labe l is removed. The T AKE LABEL light flashes until th e label is removed.
49 Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 T o set up the printer in Peel-Off mode, complete these steps: 1. Remove the rew in d plate (if inst al led) from the fr on t of the print er . Store it on the two mounting screws on the insi de of the prin ter base.
Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 50 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 4. Open the printhead a ssembly by rotating the printh ead-open lever ( 1 ) counter-clockwise. 5. Loosen the thumb screw (not visi ble from this angle) th at is located on the bottom of th e outer media guide ( 1 ).
51 Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 7. If your printer includ es a media dancer assembly ( 1 ), thre ad th e media unde r the media dancer assembly roller . For all printers, thre ad the media under the media guide roller ( 2 ) and then the upper media sensor ( 3 ).
Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 52 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 9. Extend approximately 36 in. (920 mm) of media ou t o f the printer . Remo ve and discard the labels from this exposed media. 10. Remove the ho ok from the rewind spi ndle.
53 Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 12. W i nd the media liner counter cl ock wise around the rew ind spindle. a. Reinstall the hook. Insert the short en d of the hook into the hole in the center o f the adjusting nut ( 1 ).
Operations Load Media in Peel-Off Mode 54 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 14. T ighten the thumb screw (not visible from this an gle) that is located on the bott om of the outer media guide ( 1 ). 15. Push down the prin thead assembly ( 1 ), and then rotate th e printhead-open lev er ( 2 ) clockwise until it locks into place .
55 Operations Load Media in Cutter Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Load Media in Cutter Mode A cutter is a rotating knife with a self-sharpen i ng blade that is attach ed to the front of the printer . The cutter is used to cut in dividual labels as they are printed.
Operations Load Media in Cutter Mode 56 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 3. Open the printhead a ssembly by rotating the printh ead-open lever ( 1 ) counter-clockwise. 4. Loosen the thumb screw (not visi ble from this angle) th at is located on the bottom of th e outer media guide ( 1 ).
57 Operations Load Media in Cutter Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 6. If your printer includ es a media dancer assembly ( 1 ), thre ad th e media unde r the media dancer assembly roller . For all printers, thre ad the media under the media guide roller ( 2 ) and then the upper media sensor ( 3 ).
Operations Load Media in Cutter Mode 58 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 8. Align the media with th e in ner med ia gui de ( 1 ). Slide in the outer media g ui de ( 2 ) until it just touches the edge of the media. 9. T ighten the thumb screw (not visible from this an gle) that is located on the bott om of the outer media guide ( 1 ).
59 Operations Load Media in Cutter Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 10. Push down the prin thead assembly ( 1 ), and then rotate th e printhead-open lev er ( 2 ) clockwise until it locks into place .
Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 60 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Load Media in Rewind Mode Rewind mode ( Figure 10 ) allows the media to be wound on a core after printing. This section shows how to load media for Rewind mode in prin ters that do not have a Cutter option.
61 Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 T o set up the printer in Rewind mode, complete these steps: 1. Remove the rewind plat e from its storage location inside the print er . 2. Position the rewind plate so that the lip on the attached hook plat e points down.
Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 62 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 7. Insert media in to the printe r. See Pr epar e the Media for Load ing on page 39 for instructions. 8. Open the printhead a ssembly by rotating the printh ead-open lever ( 1 ) counter-clockwise.
63 Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 11 . If your printer includes a media dancer assembly ( 1 ), thre ad th e media unde r the media dancer assembly roller . For all printers, thre ad the media under the media guide roller ( 2 ) and then the upper media sensor ( 3 ).
Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 64 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 13. Extend approximately 36 in. (920 mm) of media ou t o f the printer . Remo ve and discard the labels from this exposed media. 14. Remove the ho ok from the rewind spi ndle.
65 Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 18. Rotate the spi ndle counterclockwise several turns to wi nd the media liner over the hook and remove any slack. 19. Align the media with th e in ner med ia gui de ( 1 ).
Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 66 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 20. T ighten the thumb screw (not visible from this an gle) that is located on the bott om of the outer media guide ( 1 ). 21. Push down the prin thead assembly ( 1 ), and then rotate th e printhead-open lev er ( 2 ) clockwise until it locks into place .
67 Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Remove Media Liner from the Rewind S pindle Rewind mode uses the rewind spindle to w ind media, while Peel-Of f mode uses the rewind spindle to wind used liner . Remove the media or the liner from the rewind spindle each time that you change media.
Operations Load Media in Rewind Mode 68 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 2. Pull out the spindle ho ok . 3. Slide the media or l iner off o f the rewind spindle.
69 Operations Load Ribbon 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Load Ribbon Use the instructions i n this section to lo ad ribbon for use with the rmal transfer labels. For direct thermal labels, do not load rib bo n in th e prin te r. The ribbon path is sli gh tly d if ferent for printers with ribbon dancers ( Figure 1 1 ).
Operations Load Ribbon 70 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 2. Align the segments of the ribb on supply spindl e. 3. Orient the ribb on with the loose end unrolling clockwise. 4. Place the roll of ri bbon on the r ibbon supply sp indle. Push th e roll back as far as it wi ll go.
71 Operations Load Ribbon 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 6. Open the printhead assembly by rotating the printh ead-open lever counter -clockwise. 7. Does your print er contain a ri bbon dancer assembly? (See Figure 1 1 on page 69 for the ribbon dancer location.
Operations Load Ribbon 72 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 8. Push the ribb on leader forward u ntil it passes under the printhead assembly (1), over the snap plate (2), and then ov er the platen rol ler (3). Ye s a. T hread the ribbon throu gh the ribbon dance r .
73 Operations Load Ribbon 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 9. Bring the ribbon le ader over the upper ribbon roller ( 1 ) and then toward the ribbon ta ke-up spindle ( 2 ). 10. W i nd the ribbon leader an d attached ribbon coun terclockwise around th e ribbon take-up spindle.
Operations Load Ribbon 74 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 12. Push down the prin thead assembly ( 1 ), and then rotate th e printhead-open lev er ( 2 ) clockwise until it locks into place . Remove Used Ribbon Remove used ribbon from the ribbon take-up spindle e ach time you change the roll of ribbon.
75 Operations Load Ribbon 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 2. While holdin g the ribbon take -up spindle, turn the ribbon release kno b clockwise until it stops. The ribbon release bars piv ot down, easing the spin dle’ s grip on th e u sed ribbon.
Operations Calibrate the Printer 76 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Calibrate the Printer Calibrate the printe r whe n it is fi rst put into serv ic e. Cal ib ra tio n al lows the printer to establish the proper settin gs for the specific medi a and ribbon used in your application .
77 Operations Calibrate the Printer 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Sensor Pr ofile Calibration The printer a uto-calibrates and prints a media sensor profile . Select the SENSOR PROFILE op tion on the control panel. See Print Sen s or Pr ofile on page 100 for instructions.
Operations Adjust T ransmissive Media Sensors 78 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Adjust T ransmissive Media Sensors The transmissive medi a sensor assembly consists of tw o parts: a light source and a light sensor . The lower media sens or is the light so urce, and the upper media sensor is the light sensor .
79 Operations Adjust T ransmissive Media Sensors 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 3. Using a thin, flat-bl ade screwdriver , loosen the upper media sensor adju stment screw . 4. Slide the upper medi a sensor along the slot to th e desired position.
Operations Adjust T ransmissive Media Sensors 80 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 5. T ighten the adjustment screw to secure the up per medi a sensor in its new pos ition. 6. Adjust the lower media sensor to match the new position of the upper media sensor .
81 Operations Adjust T ransmissive Media Sensors 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Lower Media Sensor After you adju st the upper media sen sor , adjust the low er media sensor to match its new position. T o adjust the lower media sensor , complete these step s: 1.
Operations Adjust Printhead Pressure and T oggle Position 82 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Adjust Printhead Pressure and T oggle Position Print quality dep ends on the labels and ribbon used as well as the toggl e pressure and position.
83 Operations Adjust Printhead Pressure and T oggle Position 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Printhead Pressure Adjustment If positioning the toggles properly doe s not solve a print quali ty problem, try adjustin g the printhead pressure .
Operations Adjust Printhead Pressure and T oggle Position 84 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 4. Some media types require hi gher pressure to print we ll. For these media types, inc rease or decrease pressure us ing the lower knurle d nuts ( 1 ) unt il the left and ri ght edges of the printed area are equally dark.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 4 Configuration This section describes the cont rol panel paramete rs that are used to co nfigure the printer for operation. Content s Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuration Setup Mode 86 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Setup Mode After you have inst alled the media and ribbon and the Power- On Self T e st (POST) is complete, the control panel displa ys PRINTER READY .
87 Configuration Setup Mode 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Exit Setup Mode When you exi t setup mode, you have se veral options for savin g, changing, or no t changing parameters. T o leave Setup mode, complete these step s: 1. While in Setup mode, press SETUP/EXIT .
Configuration Change Password-Protected Parame te rs 88 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Change Password-Protected Parameters Certain paramet ers, including the communi cation parameters, are passwo rd-protected by factory defaul t.
89 Configuration Print a Configuration Label 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Print a Configuration Label A configuration lab el lists the printer settin gs that are stored in co nfiguration memory . After you load the me dia and ribbon (i f necessary), print a configuratio n label as a record of your printer’ s current settings.
Configuration Print a Network Configu ration Label 90 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Print a Network Configuration Label If you are using a print server , you can print a ne twork configuration label after the printer is connected to the network.
91 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 S t andard Control Panel Parameters Ta b l e 8 shows parameter s in the order in which they are di splayed when you press NEXT/SA VE after entering Setup mod e.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 92 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Adjust the T ear -Off Position This parameter establ ish es the position of t he medi a over the tear -off/peel -off bar a fter printing. See Figure 14 .
93 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Set Media T ype This paramete r tells the printer the ty pe of media that you a re using (see T ypes of Media on page 31 for more information) .
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 94 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Set Print W idth This paramete r specifies the printabl e area across the width of the label. Ta b l e 9 shows the ranges and defa ult values for print w idth, which are based on the pri nter model and the printhead resolution.
95 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Set Maximum Label Length This paramete r is used during the media portion of the calibration process. Always set maximu m label length to a val ue that is at least 1.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 96 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Set Early W arning fo r Mai ntena nce When this featu re is enabled, the pr inter provides warn ings when the printhead needs to be cleaned. Default V alue: MAINT .
97 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Set Printhead Life for Early W arning This parameter appears on ly when Early W arn in g for Maintenance is enabled . Se t this value to the number of inches of media t hat the printhead is expected to print.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 98 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Print Counter Readings Prints a label t hat lists the odom et er readings for the following: • the.
99 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 List Network Settings This option prin ts a network configuratio n label (see Figure 13 on page 90 ), which list s the settings for any print se rver that is installed.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 100 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Print Sensor Pro file A sensor profile shows sensor settings co mpared to actual sensor readings. This label (which will extend across several actual labels or tags) can be used to troubles hoot printing problems.
101 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Calibrate Me dia and Ribbo n Sensor Sensitiv ity Use this procedu re to adjust sensitivity of media and ribbon sensors. Import ant • Follow this pro cedure exactly as prese nted.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 102 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Set Serial Co mmu n ica tions Select the commun ications port th at matches the one bein g used by the host computer . This setting ap plies only when the serial port is used.
103 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Set Host Handshake This setting ap plies only when the serial port is used. The han dshake protocol of the printer must match the handshake protocol of the host computer for communication to take place.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 104 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Set Cont rol Prefix Character The printer loo ks for this two-digit hex character to indicate the st art of a ZPL/ZPL II control instruction. Note • Do not use the same hex value for the control, format, and delimiter character .
105 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Select ZPL Mode The printer re mains in the selected mode until it is cha nged by this parameter or by usin g a ZPL/ZPL II command.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 106 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Select Head Close Option This paramete r sets the action of th e media when you close the printhead.
107 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Adjust Left Position This parameter adju sts the print positio n horizontally on t he label. Positive numbers adjust printin g to the left by the specified number of do ts.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 108 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Set the V erifier Port The auxiliary port is used to determine h ow the printer reacts to an on line verifier . For more info rmation on the oper ation of the optional v erifier , refer to th e documentation p rovided with th at option.
109 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Set Applicator Error Signal When Printer Pauses When this optio n is enabled and the p rinter is paused, the printer se ts the applicator error state. Default : ENABLED Selections : ENABLED, DISABLED T o change the value shown: 1.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 110 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Set Reprin t Mod e When reprint mod e is enabled, you can rep rint the last label pri nted either by issuing the ~PR ZPL command or by pres sing MINUS (-) on the control panel.
111 Configuration S tandard Control Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Select Fo rmat Conve rt Selects the bitm ap scaling factor . The fi rst number is the original do ts per inch (dpi) value; the second , the dpi to which you would like to scale.
Configuration S tandard Contro l Panel Para meters 112 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Select the Displ ay Language This parameter changes the lang uage displayed on the LCD.
113 Configuration Additional Contro l Panel Parameters 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Additional Control Panel Parameters Additional paramete rs appear in the followi ng situations: • When a Ra dio Frequency Identifica tion (R FID) re ader/encoder is installed.
Configuration Additional Co ntrol Panel Para meters 114 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Notes • ___________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ___________ ___________ ____.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 5 Routine Maintenance This section provid es routine cl eanin g and maintenance p rocedures. Content s Replacing Printer Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Routine Maintenance Replacing Printer Co mponents 116 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Replacing Printer Component s Some printer compon ents, su ch as t he printhead and platen rol ler , may wear out over time an d can be repl aced easily .
117 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Cleaning Schedule and Procedures Cleaning yo ur printer regularly main tains print quality an d may extend the life of the printer . The recommended clea ning schedule is shown in Ta b l e 1 0 .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 118 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Clean the Media Co mp artment After every four rolls of media, inspect the me dia compartment. Use a so ft bristl e brush or a vacuum cleane r to remove any di rt and lint from the interior of the pri nter .
119 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 T o clean the printhead and platen roller , complete these step s: 1. Open the printhead a ssembly by rotating the printh ead-open lever ( 1 ) counter-clockwise.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 120 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 3. Using the swab from the Preventive Mainte nance Kit (part number 4 7362), wipe along the brown strip o n the printhead assembl y from end to end.
121 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Clean the Sensors Brush or vacu um any accumulated paper l int and dust of f the sensors. Clean the sensors according to the r ecommendat ions in Cleaning Sche dule and Pr ocedur es on page 1 17 .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 122 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 T ransmissive Media Sensor The upper and lower transmissive media sensors are show in Figure 17 and Figure 18 .
123 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Media Out Sensor Location The location o f the media out se nsor is shown in Figure 19 .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 124 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Clean the Snap Plate Clean the snap plate when label adhesive or a label is stuck to t he underside. Figure 20 shows the loca tion of the snap plate .
125 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 3. Insert a small-b lade screwdriver or si milar tool into the loop on the left side of the snap plate. Gently lift the left side of the snap pl ate slightly and, if nece ssary , support it with your left hand.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 126 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 6. Using the swab from the Preventive Maintenanc e Kit (pa rt number 47362), clean the back of the snap plate.
127 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 RFID Printers T o clean a plastic snap plate in an RFID printer , complete these step s: 1. 2. 3. Press in the tabs on the sides of the snap plate.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 128 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 5. Remove the snap plate from the printe r . 6. Using the swab from the Preventive Maintenanc e Kit (pa rt number 47362), clean the back of the snap plate.
129 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 8. Press down on the tabs to lock the snap plate into place. 9. Reinstall the medi a and ribbon (if used). 10. Reconnect the data cabl es and AC power cord, and turn on ( l ) the printer .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 130 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Clean the Cutter If the cutter is no t cutting the labels cleanly or if it jams with labels, clean the cutter . T o clean the cutter , complete these step s: 1.
131 Routine Maintena nce Replace the Fuse 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Replace the Fuse The instructions that fol lo w are fo r the 140Xi4, 170Xi4, and 22 0X i4 printers only . Fuses are not user -replaceable in the 1 10Xi4. The printer uses a metric-style fuse (5 × 20 mm IEC) rated a t F5A, 250 V .
Routine Maintenance Replace the Fuse 132 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Figure 22 • Fuse Locations 4. Snap the fuse hold er back into the AC power ent ry module. 5. Reconnect the data cabl es and AC power cord, and turn on ( l ) the printer .
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 6 Troubleshooting This section provides information about errors that you might need to troubl eshoot. Assorted diagnostic test s are includ ed. Content s T roubleshooting Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . .
T roubleshooting T roubleshooti ng Checklists 134 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 T roubleshooting Checklist s If an error condition exist s with the printer, review this checklis t: Is there an error message on the LCD? If yes, see LCD Err or Messages on page 135 .
135 T roubleshoot ing LCD Error Messages 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 LCD Error Messages The LCD disp lays me ssages when there is an error .
T roubleshooting LCD Error Messages 136 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 The RIBBON light is on; the ERROR light flashes. Ribbon is loaded, bu t the printer is set for direct th ermal mode. Ribbon is not req ui red with direct thermal media.
137 T roubleshoot ing LCD Error Messages 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 The printer stops; the ERROR light i s on; the printer cycles through these three messages. Caution • An improperly connected printhead data or power cable can cause these error messag es.
T roubleshooting LCD Error Messages 138 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 The printer prints whi le the ERROR light flashes. Caution • An improperly connected printhead data or power cable can cause this error message. Th e printhead may be hot enou gh to cause severe burns.
139 T roubleshoot ing LCD Error Messages 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 The printer stops. The printer is defragmenting memory . Caution • Do NOT turn off the printer power during defragmenting . Doing so can damage the printer. Allow the p rinter to finish defragmenting.
T roubleshooting LCD Error Messages 140 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 There is not en ough memory to perform the functi on specified on the second line of the error message. Free up some of the printer’ s memory by adjusting th e label format or printer parameters.
141 T roubleshoot ing Print Quality Problems 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Print Quality Problems Ta b l e 1 2 identifies problems with print quality , the possible cause s, and the recommended solutions.
T roubleshooting Print Quality Problems 142 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Wrinkled ribbon Ribbon was fe d through the ribbon system inco rrectly . Load the ri bbon correctly . See Load Ribbon on page 69 . Incorrect burn temperature. Set the darkness to th e lowest possible setting for good print qua lity .
143 T roubleshoot ing Print Quality Problems 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Misreg istration/skips labels The printer i s not calibrated. Recalib rate the printer. The media sensor i s not positioned correctl y . Place the media sensor in the proper position.
T roubleshooting Print Quality Problems 144 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 The bar code printed on a label does not scan. The bar code i s not within specifications b ecause the print is too lig ht or too dark. Perform the FEED Self T est on page 156 .
145 T roubleshoot ing Calibration Problems 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Calibration Problems Ta b l e 1 3 identifies problems with calib ra tion, the possible causes, and t he recommended solutions. T able 13 • Calibration Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution Loss of printing registra tion on labels.
T roubleshooting Communications Problems 146 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Communications Problems Ta b l e 1 4 identifies problems with communication s , the possible causes, and t he recommended solutions.
147 T roubleshoot ing Ribbon Problems 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Ribbon Problems Ta b l e 1 5 identifies problems that may occur w ith ribbon, the possible causes, and the recommended solution s. T able 15 • Ribbon Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution Broken or mel ted ribbon Darkness sett ing too high.
T roubleshooting RFID Problems 148 P1009874-002 A Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 01/07/2010 RFID Problems Ta b l e 1 6 identifies problems that may occur with RFID printers, the possible causes, and t he recommended solution s. F or more information ab out RFID, refer to the RFID Pr ogramming Guide .
149 T roubleshoot ing RFID Problems 01/07/2010 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 A Low yields. T oo many RFID tags per ro ll are voided. The RFID labels a re not within specifications for the printer, which means that the transponder is not in an area that can be programmed consistently .
T roubleshooting RFID Problems 150 P1009874-002 A Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 01/07/2010 RFID parameters do not appear in Setup mode, and RFID information does not appear on the printe r configuration labe l. The printer does not void RFID labels that are not pr ogrammed corr ectly .
151 T roubleshoot ing Miscellaneous Printer Problems 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Miscellaneous Printer Problems Ta b l e 1 7 identifies miscel laneous problems with the printer, the possible ca uses, and the recommended solution s.
T roubleshooting Miscellaneous Printer Problems 152 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 The printer fails to calibrate or detect the top of the labe l. The printer was not calibrated for the labe l being used. Perform the calibration procedure in Calibrate Media and Ri bbon Sensor Sensi tivity on page 101 .
153 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Printer Diagnostics Self tests and other diagnost ics provide specific in formation about t he condition of th e printer. The self tests produce sample printouts and provi de specific information that helps determine the operating conditions for th e prin ter.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 154 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 CANCEL Self T est The CANCEL self test prints a configuration label ( Figure 23 ). T o perform the CANCEL Self T est, complete these step s: 1. Tu r n o ff ( O ) the printer.
155 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 PA U S E S e l f Te s t This self test can be used to provide th e test labels required when making adjustments to the printer’ s mechanical assemb lies or to determine if any printhead elements are not working.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 156 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 FEED Self T est Different types of media may require differen t darkness settings. This sect ion contains a simple but ef fective method for determining the ideal darkness for printi ng bar codes that a re within specifications.
157 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 4. See Figur e 26 and Ta b l e 1 8 . Inspect the test labe ls and determine which one has the best print quality for yo ur app lication. If you have a bar code verifier, use it to measure bars/spaces and calculate the print contrast.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 158 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 5. Note the relat ive darkness value and the print speed printed on the best test label. 6. Add or subtract th e relative darkness va lue from the darkness val ue specified on the configuration la bel.
159 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 FEED and P AUSE Self T est Performing this self test temporarily resets the printer configuration to the factory default values. These v alues are active only u ntil power is turne d off unless you save them permanently in memory .
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 160 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Communications Diagnostics T est The communicat ion d iagno stics test i s a troubl eshoot in g tool for chec king the int erconn ectio n between the prin ter and the host c omputer .
161 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Sensor Profile Use the sensor profil e la bel to troubleshoot th e following types of p roblems: • If the media sen sor experiences dif ficulty in determin ing gaps (web) between lab els.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 162 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Notes • ___________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ___________ ___________ ______________ ____.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 7 Specifications This section provides the features of and sp ecifications for this p rinter . Content s Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications Features 164 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Features This section lists th e standard and optiona l features for the printer . S tandard Features • Thermal transfer and direct thermal printing • 16 MB SDRAM (1 2 MB user-avai lable) • ZebraNet 10/100 Prin t Server (internal) •U S B 2 .
165 Specifications Features 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) ZPL II features include: Bar Codes T ypes of bar codes include: • Downloadable graphics, sc.
Specifications General S pecifications 166 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 General Specifications Physical Specifications Electrical S pecifications Environment al Conditions for O peration and Storage Dimensions 1 10Xi4/R1 10Xi4 140Xi4 170Xi4 220Xi4 Height 15.
167 Specifications Print S pecifications by Mod el 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Print S pecifications by Model Refer to the t ables that follow for printe r specifications.
Specifications Print S pecifications by Model 168 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 140Xi4, 170Xi4, and 220Xi4 Print Specifications 140Xi4 170Xi4 200 dpi 170Xi4 300 d pi 220Xi4 200 dpi 220.
169 Specifications Ribbon S pecifications 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Ribbon S pecifications Refer to the follo wing tables for ribbon specifications. 1 10Xi4 and R1 10Xi4 140Xi4, 170Xi4, and 220Xi4 Note • Consider the following when using ribbon: • Match the ribbon to the label width and printhea d width that you are using.
Specifications Media S pecifications 170 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Media S pecifications Use the correct size and type of labels for best perfor mance.
171 Specifications Media S pecif ic ations 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 1 10Xi4 and R1 10Xi4 Black Mark Sensing 140Xi4, 170Xi4, an d 220Xi4 Printers Media Specifications 200 dpi 300 dpi 600 dpi Mark length (measuring parallel to label/tag e dge) Minimum 0.
Specifications Media S pecifications 172 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 140Xi4, 170Xi4, and 220Xi4 Black Mark Sensing Media Specifications 140Xi4 170Xi4 220Xi4 Mark length (measuring parallel to label or tag edge) Minimum 0.12 in. (3 mm) 0.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 End User License Agreement Please read the terms of this “End User Lic ens e Agreement” (the “Agree ment”) care fully .
End User License Agreement 174 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 3. Documentation. If the Software co ntains documentation which is provided only in electronic form, you may print one copy of such el ectronic docu mentation. Y ou may no t copy the printed materials accompanying the Software.
175 End User License Agr eeme nt 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 10. Export Restrictions. Y ou agree that you w ill not export or re-export the Softwar e, any part thereof, or any pro c .
177 End User License Agr eeme nt 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 16. Governing Law . T o the maximum exten t permitted by law , the laws of the S tate of Illinois, U .S .A., without ref erence to its co nf lict of laws p rovisions, will ap ply to this Agreement.
End User License Agreement 178 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 22. QUESTIONS. Sh ould you have an y questions, or if you desire to contact Zeb ra for any reason, please contact the Zebra.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Glossary alphanumeric Indicating lette rs, numerals, and chara cters such as punct uation marks. backfeed When the printer pulls the medi a and ribbon (if used) backward into the printer so that the beginning of th e label to be printed is pr operly posit io ned behind the printh ead.
Glossary 84 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 dynamic RAM The memory devices used to store the label forma ts in electronic form while they are being p rinted. The amount of DRAM me mory available in the printer determines the maximum size and number of label formats that can be printe d.
85 Glossary 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 ips (inch es-per-secon d) The speed a t whi ch th e l ab el or t ag is p r in ted . Ze bra prin ters c an print from 1 ips to 1 2 ips. Kerberos Network au thentication protoc ol that uses the conce pt of a time-limited “tick et” for access to network resour ces.
Glossary 86 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 printhead wear The degradation of the surface of the printhead an d/or the print elements over time.
1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 Index Numerics 11 0 X i 4 black mark specifications, 171 media specifications, 170 print speci fications, 167 ribbon specifications, 169 140Xi4 black mark.
Index 184 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 cleaning cutter, 130 exterior of printer , 117 media compartment, 118 printhead and platen roll er , 118 recommended schedule, 117 sensors, 121 .
185 Index 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 FEED button FEED and P AUSE self test, 159 FEED self test, 156 function, 18 Flash memory , 99 font list, 98 format convert setting, 111 format l.
Index 186 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 O odometer , 98 operating conditions , 22 Operating mo de, 18 optional features, 164 ordering replacement parts, 116 ordering ribbon and media, .
187 Index 1/7/10 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide P1009874-002 printhe ad cleaning, 11 8 head close sett ing, 106 head test cou nt setting, 107 pressure adjustment, 82 when to cl ea n, 117 protocol setting, .
Index 188 P1009874-002 Xi4™/RXi4™ User Guide 1/7/10 Setup mode defined, 18 enter and use Setup mode, 86 exit Setup mod e, 87 LCD messages, 91 passwords, 88 SETUP/EXIT butto n fu nc tio n , 18 ship.
Zebra T echnologies Corporation Zebra Technolo gies Corporation 475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 6006 9 USA T: +1 847 63 4 6700 Toll-free +1 866 230 9494 F: +1 847 913 8766 Zebra T echnol.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Zebra Technologies 11680100201 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Zebra Technologies 11680100201 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Zebra Technologies 11680100201 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Zebra Technologies 11680100201 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Zebra Technologies 11680100201, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Zebra Technologies 11680100201.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Zebra Technologies 11680100201. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Zebra Technologies 11680100201 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.