Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 43D-F8199-10 del fabbricante Yamaha
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This A 43D-F8199-10 OWNER’S MANUAL LIT-11626-22-13 This ATV should not be ridden by anyone under 12 years of age. WARNING READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY! It contains important safety information.
Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle.This manual should stay with this ve- hicle if it is sold..
INT ROD UCTI ON Co ngr at ul ati on s o n yo ur pu rch as e of th e Y am ah a Y FM 90R Y. T his A TV re pr ese nt s t he r esu lt of m an y ye ar s of Yama ha exper ienc e in the prod uctio n of fine spo rting , tour ing, and paces etting racing mac hines.
in sk ills , phy sica l abil iti es and j udg ment . Som e chil dre n may n ot be ab le to o pera te an AT V saf ely. P aren ts sho uld s upe rvis e th eir c hil d’s u se o f th e ATV at a ll ti mes . Par ent s sh ould per mit c onti nue d use onl y if t hey det ermi ne that th e ch ild has th e ab ili ty t o o pera te the ATV sa fely .
W ARNING N O T I C E TIP Th i s i s t he sa f et y a l e rt sy m bo l . I t i s u se d to a l e rt yo u t o p o te n ti a l personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. damage to the vehicle or other property.
IMP ORT ANT NOT ICE Welc ome to t he Y amaha worl d o f mo tor spor ts! This ATV is desi gned and manuf act ured for OFF -ROAD use onl y. It is ill egal and unsaf e to oper ate this ATV on any p ubli c st reet, ro ad o r hi ghwa y.
TAB LE OF CO NTENTS SA FE TY I NF OR MAT IO N. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .1 -1 LOCATION OF THE WARNING AND SP EC IF IC AT IO N LAB EL S. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..2 -1 DESCR IPTION ............ .......... ........... ........
Cleaning the spark arrester ...................... 8-19 Adjusting the carburetor ........................... 8-20 Adjusting the engi ne idling speed ........ .... 8-20 Checki ng the throttl e cabl e free play ....... 8-21 Timing chain ................
SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 10-1 CONSUMER INFORMATION ..................... 11-1 Identification numbers ............................ 11-1 N oise regulation ..................................... 11-3 Maintenance record ........
1-1 1 SAFETY INFORMATION AN ATV IS NO T A TO Y A ND CAN BE HA ZARD - OUS TO OPE RATE . An AT V hand les di ffe rent ly fr om ot her ve hic les, i n- clu ding mo tor cyc les and car s.
1-2 1 ope rati ng this ATV . Nev er oper ate at spe eds too fast for you r skill s or the ridi ng cond itio ns. Alw ays go at a spe ed tha t is prop er for the ter rain , visi bil ity, opera tin g con diti ons , an d y our exp erie nce . Nev er a tte mpt whe elie s, jump s, or o the r st unt s.
1-3 1 Avo id crossi ng the s ide of a ste ep hill if po ssib le. Alwa ys us e pro per proc edu res i f you stal l or r oll bac kwar ds when climb ing a hill . To avoi d stal l- ing , use the prope r gear and main tai n a stea dy spe ed whe n clim bin g a hill .
1-4 HOW TO AVOI D T HE H AZA RD Alw ays tur n of f th e e ngi ne w hen ref uel ing . Do not refue l righ t afte r the en gin e has bee n run ning an d is st ill ver y ho t. Do not spill gas oli ne on the eng ine or ex- hau st p ipe /muf fle r wh en refu eli ng.
2-1 LO CATI ON O F T HE WA RNING AND SPEC IFI CATI ON LABE LS Read and und ersta nd all of th e lab els on your ATV. The se labels con tain import ant informa tion for sa fe and prop er op erati on.
2-2 2 2 1 l l l l ll ll l l l l ll ll I I I I l I l l I l l I l l l I I I.
2-3 2 4 3 l l I I l 5.
3-1 3 DES CRI PTI ON Lef t v iew Rig ht vie w 1. Fuel cock 2. Rear wheel 3. Footrest 4. F ro n t w h e el 1. Spar k arrester 2. Seat 3. Footrest 1 2 3 1 4 3 2.
3-2 3 Cont rol s an d ins tru ment s 1. Rear brake le ver 2. Parking brake 3. Front brake lever 4. T h r o t t l e l e v e r 5. Main switch 6. Fuel tank cap 7. Handlebar switches 8. Choke 1 2 3 8 7 6 5 4 TIP The ATV you have purc hase d may differ slig htly fro m the fig ures show n in this man ual.
4-1 4 IN STR UME NT AN D C ON TRO L FUN CT ION S W ARNING A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Mai n s wit ch The pos iti ons of t he main sw itch ar e as fo llow s: ON All elec tric al s yste ms ar e su ppli ed w ith power, and the engine can be start ed.
4-2 4 Han dle bar swi tch es Engine stop switch “ENG. STOP” Set th is swit ch to “RUN” b efor e start ing th e engin e. The en gin e stop swit ch cont rol s the igni tion a nd sto ps the en gine when it is ru nnin g. Use this swi tch to sto p the eng ine in an emerg ency situa tion .
4-3 4 Thr ottl e l ever Once the engi ne is runn ing, moveme nt of th e throt - tle leve r wil l inc reas e th e en gine sp eed. Regu late the speed of the ATV by var ying the thro ttle positio n.
4-4 4 4 T he ve h ic l e s p ee d li mi t er k ee p s th e th r ot t le f ro m fu ll y o p e n i n g , e v e n w h e n th e t h r o t t l e l e v e r i s p us he d t o t h e maxim um. The adjust ing screw may be gradually t u r n e d o u t as t h e b e g i n n e r b e c o me s m o r e f a m i l i a r w it h op e rat ing th e ATV.
4-5 4 Engine speed limi ter plat e TIP St o r e t h e s p e ed l im i te r pl a t e w i th t he ow n e r’ s ma n u a l so that it is readily ava ilable whe never you want to reduce t he top eng ine spee d. W ARNING POTENTIAL HAZ ARD Improper adjustme nt of the speed limiter and throt tle.
Fro nt bra ke lev er The front brake lever is locat ed on th e right handl e- bar . To apply the fro nt brak e, pull the brake lev er tow ard the han dle bar gri p. 1. Front brake lever Rea r b rak e l eve r The rea r brake leve r is loc ated on the left han dle - bar .
4-7 Par kin g b rak e Use the park ing brake befor e sta rtin g the en gin e or par king the ATV, espec iall y on a slop e. Apply the fro nt bak e lever and pus h down the lock butto n to app ly the parki ng brake . Squee ze the front brak e lev er t o r elea se the par king br ake.
4-8 Fue l ta nk cap Remo ve the fuel tank cap by turn ing it coun ter- cloc kwise . Fue l Make sure that there is suffi cient fuel in the tan k. Fill the fuel tank to the bottom of the fille r tube as show n. 1. Fuel tank cap 1. Fuel lev el 2. Filler tube Reco mmen ded fue l: UNLEAD ED G ASOLI NE ON LY Fuel ta nk capaci ty: 4.
4-9 W ARNING POTE NTIA L HA ZARD Impr ope r ca re w hen refu eli ng. WHAT CAN HAP PEN Fue l c an spil l, whi ch can cau se a f ire and s e- ver e in jury . Fue l exp ands when it heats up. If the fuel tan k is over fill ed, fuel could spill out due to hea t fr om t he e ngin e or th e su n.
Fue l co ck The fue l cock supp lies fuel from the tank to the car - bure tor while als o fil terin g it . The fue l cock leve r positi ons are explain ed as fol- lows and sho wn in the illu strat ions . 1. Lever positioned over “OFF” RES OFF With the fuel coc k lev er in this posi tion, fuel will not flow .
4-11 Chok e The c hoke is us ed to star t a cold e ngine . Move the chok e in direc tion (a) to tur n on the chok e. Move the chok e in direc tion (b) to tur n off the chok e. See the “Startin g a cold engine ” se ction on page 6-1 for prope r ope rati on.
4-12 To install the seat Inse rt the pr ojection on the fro nt of the seat into the seat ho lder and push d own on the sea t at th e rear. TIP Make sure th at the s eat is s ecurely fitted.
5-1 PRE- OPER ATI ON C HECK S Pre- ope rati on c hec k li st Befo re operat ing this ATV, be su re to che ck the items listed in the fo llowi ng table. TIP Th e m ai nt e na nc e o f s om e i te ms in t h e ta b le h a s to b e p er f or me d b y a Y am a ha d e al er .
9 Make sure that operation is smooth, and check cable free play. Lubricate cable and lever housing if necessary. Control cables Make sure that operation is smooth. Lubricate if necessary. 8-27 Wheels and tires Check wheel condition, and replace if damaged.
5-3 Fuel Make sure that there is sufficient fuel in the tank. (See p age 4- 8.) Engine oil Make su re that the engin e oil is at the spe cified lev- el. Add oil as neces sary. ( See pa ge 8-1 1.) W ARNING POTENTIAL HAZ ARD Improper care whe n refuelin g.
5-4 Tir es W ARNING POTE NTIA L HA ZARD Ope rati ng thi s ATV with improp er ti res, or wit h im prop er o r un even tir e pr essu re. WHAT CAN HAP PEN Use of impro per tires on this ATV, or opera - tio n of this ATV with imp rope r or unev en t ire pres sur e, may cause lo ss of contr ol, incr eas - ing you r ri sk of a ccid ent.
5-5 Mea sur ing th e ti re pre ssu re Use the low -pr essu re tire ga uge. TIP The low -pre ssu re tire gauge is incl ude d as stan- dar d equ ipme nt.
5-6 dir t in the gauge could cau se the fi rst readi ng to be inc orre ct. Set the tire press ure when the tire s are cold. Set the tir e pr essu res to the fol lowi ng s pec ific atio ns: Tir e w ear li mit Rep lace the tir e wh en th e ti re groove dec rea ses to 3 m m (0 .
5-7 Cha ssi s f ast ene rs Mak e su re that all nu ts, bolt s a nd s crew s ar e pr op- erl y ti ght ened . Ins tru men ts and sw itc hes Check that all instruments and switches are wor king prop erl y.
6-1 OPE RAT IO N N O T I C E See the “E ngin e bre ak-i n” s ecti on on p age 6 -4 pri or t o op era ting th e en gin e fo r th e f irst tim e. 1. Set the pa rkin g b rake . 2. Tur n th e f uel coc k to “O N”. 3. Tur n the main switc h to “ON” and the engine sto p sw itc h to “R UN”.
6-2 Ambien t temp ./chok e pos ition 5. Comp letely close the throt tle lever and star t the engi ne b y pu shing the sta rt s witch . TIP If the engine fails to sta rt, rel ease the start switch , then push it again. Pause a few seco nds befor e the nex t attem pt.
6-3 cran k the eng ine more than 10 second s on each atte mpt. 6. If th e engi ne is s tart ed wit h th e cho ke in p osi- tion (1) , the chok e s hould b e r etur ned to posi - tion (2) to war m up t he eng ine. If th e engi ne is star ted with the ch oke in po sitio n ( 2), keep the chok e in this pos ition to warm up the engi ne.
Engi ne break -in Ther e is never a more importa nt per iod in the life of your engin e than the first 320 km (200 mi) or 20 hou rs of ridin g. For this reas on, you shoul d read the follo wing mate rial car efull y. Sinc e the engine is brand new , do not put an ex- cess ive load on it for the first 320 km (200 mi) or 20 hou rs.
6-5 Par king on a slo pe 1. Bring the ATV to a stop by ap plyin g the bra kes in t he d rive posi tion. 2. Stop the eng ine. 1. Parking brake loc k button 1. Locked position W ARNING POTEN TIAL H AZAR D Park ing o n a h ill or othe r inc line . WHAT CAN HAPP EN The A TV coul d roll out of contr ol, inc rea sing the chan ce of an a ccid ent.
6-6 Acc ess ori es a nd loa din g Accessories Acc esso ries can affe ct th e ha ndli ng a nd co ntr ol of you r ATV. Keep the follo wing in mind when co nsi d- eri ng an acc ess ory or ope rat ing an AT V wh ich has acc esso ries . Cho ose onl y acce ssor ies design ed for your ATV .
6-7 the foll owin g po ints in min d: Neve r ex ceed the weig ht l imits sho wn. A n ov er- load ed A TV c an b e u nsta ble. If you are car ryin g c argo an d t owin g a tr ailer , i n- clud e the tongu e weig ht in the maximu m ATV load lim it. Loa d ca rgo on the c arri ers as close to the cent er of the ATV as pos sibl e.
7-1 RI DIN G Y OU R A TV 7.
7-2 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR ATV Thi s AT V is fo r r ecre atio n use. This se ctio n, Ridin g you r ATV, prov ides genera l ATV ridin g instr uct ions for rec rea tion al riding . T he skills an d techni ques des crib ed in th is sectio n, howev er, are ap prop riat e for all type s of rid ing .
7-3 Riding your ATV requires skills acquired through practice over a period of time. Tak e the time to lea rn the basic techn ique s wel l bef ore atte mpti ng more dif fic ult mane uve rs. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. W ARNING POT ENTI AL H AZAR D Ope rati ng thi s ATV witho ut pr oper inst ruc- tio n.
This ATV is designed to carry operator only – passengers prohibited. W ARNING POTEN TIAL HAZAR D Carr ying a pa sseng er on thi s ATV. WHAT CAN H APPEN Grea tly redu ces your abil ity to balanc e and cont rol this ATV. Could caus e an accide nt, resu lting in har m t o yo u an d/or you r pa ssen - ger.
7-5 Apparel W ARNING POT ENTI AL HAZA RD Ope rati ng this ATV wi tho ut w eari ng an ap- pro ved motor cycl e helme t, eye prote ctio n and pro tec tive cl othi ng. WHA T CA N HA PPE N Ope rati ng wit hout an appro ved mot orc ycle hel met incre ases your chanc es of a seve re hea d injur y or dea th in the even t of an acci - den t.
7-6 Do not operate after consuming alcohol or drugs. The opera tor ’s perf orm anc e capab ili ty is red uced by the inf luen ce of a lco hol or drug s. Pre-operation checks Alw ays pe rfo rm the pr e-o per atio n chec ks lis ted on pag e 5-1 bef ore ridin g for pro per care of the ATV and to ens ure saf ety .
7-7 W ARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operat ing this ATV with improp er tires , or with improper o r unev en ti re pres sure. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Use of improper tires on this ATV, or opera- tion of this ATV with imprope r or uneve n tire press ure, may cau se loss of con trol, increas- ing yo ur risk of an a ccide nt.
7-8 e n g i n e s p ee d l i m it e r p l a t e i n s t al l e d t o l i m it t h e a m o un t o f s p e e d a v a i l a b le w h i l e t h e y le ar n. T h e v e h i c l e s p e e d l i m i t e r m a y b e g r a d u a l l y a d j u s t e d t o i n c r e a s e m a x i m um spee d as the begin ner bec omes more f amili ar wit h oper ating th e ATV.
7-9 Avoi d whe elies and jump ing. You may lose con trol of the ATV or o vert urn. W ARNING POTE NTIAL HAZ ARD Remo ving hand s from handl ebars or feet from foo tboar ds d urin g ope rat ion.
7-10 Modifications Exhaust system The exh aust sy stem on the AT V is ver y h ot duri ng and foll owin g operat ion. To preve nt burns , avoid tou chin g the exha ust syst em. Park the ATV in a plac e where ped estr ian s or chi ldre n are not likel y to touc h it .
7-11 BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU RIDE Thi s ATV is de sign ed f or of f-r oad u se on ly. R idin g on pav ed s urf aces ca n ca use los s o f c ontr ol. W ARNING POT ENTI AL HAZA RD Hot exh aus t sy ste m. WHA T CA N HA PPE N Dry gr ass or br ush or ot her com bus tibl e ma- ter ial ac cumu lat ed aro und th e engi ne are a cou ld c atc h fi re.
7-12 Do not rid e on any pu blic ro ad, str eet , or hi ghwa y. Rid ing on publi c road s can re sult in coll isio ns wit h oth er v ehi cles . HOW TO AVOI D T HE H AZA RD Alw ays avoid pave d sur fac es, includ ing side - wal ks, dri vewa ys, par kin g lo ts and str eets .
7-13 Kno w the terr ain whe re you r ide. Ride caut iou sly in unf amil iar are as. Sta y alert for holes , rocks , or roo ts in th e te rrai n, and othe r hi dden ha zard s whi ch m ay caus e t he A TV to u pse t. W ARNING POT ENTI AL HAZA RD Fai lure to us e e xtra ca re whe n o pera tin g t his ATV on unf amil iar ter rain .
7-14 Whe n r idin g in an are a w here y ou migh t not eas ily be see n, such as deser t terra in, mount a caut ion fla g on th e ATV. DO NOT use the flag po le brac ket as a tr ail er h itch .
7-15 Do n ot r ide i n ar eas post ed “no tre spas sing ”. Do not ride on p riva te pro per ty with out ge ttin g per- miss ion. Sele ct a larg e, flat area off-r oad to beco me familia r with your ATV. Make sure that this area is free of obs tacle s and othe r rid ers.
7-16 low spe ed. As you appr oac h a c urv e, s low dow n an d b egin to tur n the han dle bars in the de sire d dire ctio n. As you do so, put you r we igh t on th e fo otb oard to the ou t- sid e of the turn (oppo sit e you r desi red dire ctio n) and lean your upper body into the turn.
7-17 cur ves. Imp rope r ridi ng pro ced ures s uch as ab rupt t hro ttle cha nges , exc essi ve br akin g, in cor rect b ody m ove- men ts, or too muc h spe ed for th e sh arp ness of the tur n m ay cause the AT V to ti p. If th e A TV begin s to tip ov er to the out side while neg oti atin g a t urn, l ean mor e t o th e inside .
7-18 If you ar e cl imb ing a hill and you fin d th at y ou ha ve not pro perl y judge d your abili ty to make it to the top , you sh ould t urn th e ATV ar oun d w hil e you st ill hav e fo rwa rd m otio n ( prov ide d yo u ha ve t he r oom to do so) and go dow n th e h ill.
7-19 If your AT V ha s st alle d or stoppe d an d you bel ieve you can conti nue up th e hill, re star t care full y to mak e sure you do not lift the front whe els whi ch cou ld cause you to los e con tro l. If you are unabl e to co nti nue up the hi ll, di smou nt th e ATV on the up - hil l sid e.
7-20 RIDING DOWNHILL Whe n riding you r ATV downh ill, shi ft your weig ht as far to th e re ar and uphill si de of the ATV as pos - sib le. Mov e back on the se at and sit with yo ur arm s str aigh t. Al low the engi ne c ompr essi on t o do most of the bra king for you.
7-21 hil l. Avoi d shar p angl es whi ch cou ld allo w the AT V to tip or roll ove r. Caref ully cho ose you r path and rid e no faster than you will be able to reac t to ob- sta cles whi ch m ay a ppea r.
7-22 slop es, be sure not to make shar p turns eithe r up or d own hill. If you r ATV doe s begi n to tip over, gradu ally s teer in th e dow nhill dire ction if th ere are no obstacl es in your pa th. As yo u r egain pr oper ba lance , g radu ally stee r ag ain in th e di recti on y ou w ish to tr avel .
7-23 care full y. Enter wher e there is no shar p drop off, and avo id rock s or other obs tacl es which may be slip pery or ups et the ATV. Driv e slowly and car e- full y. Test your brak es after leavin g the water . Do not con tinu e to ride you r ATV with out ver ifyi ng that you hav e reg ain ed p rope r br akin g ab ility .
7-24 N O T I C E Aft er ridi ng your A TV in wate r, be sur e t o drain the tra pped wate r by re movin g th e ch eck hose at the bo ttom of the air filt er case . Wash the ATV in fresh water if it has been ope rate d in sal t wat er o r mu ddy condi tion s.
7-25 SLIDING AND SKIDDING Car e shou ld be used w hen r idin g on lo ose or slip - per y surfac es since the ATV may slide . If u nex- pec ted and unco rrec ted, slid ing coul d lead to an acc iden t.
7-26 Wit h pra ctic e, over a pe riod of time, ski ll at con - tro lled slid ing can be dev elo ped. The terr ain sho uld be cho sen car eful ly before att emp ting suc h man euve rs, sin ce b oth stab ili ty a nd c ontr ol are re- duc ed.
7-27 Lea n more in to the tu rn to reg ain ba lanc e. If nec - ess ary, gra dual ly let off the thro ttle and /or stee r to the outs ide of t he t urn. (Se e pa ge 7 -15 .) If y our ATV sta rts to s lide sid eway s: Stee r in the d irec tion of th e sli de i f you have the roo m.
8-1 PER IOD IC MAI NTE NAN CE AN D M INO R R EPA IR Saf ety is an obli gati on of the own er. Perio dic in- spe ctio n, ad just ment and lubr icat ion will ke ep your ATV in the safe st and best ope rati ng condi tion pos sibl e.
8-2 it fo r yo u. 1. Owner ’ s manual 2. Low-pressure tire gauge 3. Owner ’ s tool kit W ARNING POTEN TIAL H AZAR D Oper ating this ATV with improp er modific a- tions .
8-3 Period ic m ainte nanc e c hart for t he emiss ion c ontro l sy ste m TIP F o r AT Vs n o t e qu i p p e d wi th a n o do m et e r or a n h o u r me te r, f o l l o w t he m o n th m a i n t e n an ce i n t e r va ls .
8-4 6 * Exhaust system Ch e c k f or le a ka g e and re p l ac e ga sk et (s ) if ne ce s - sary . Ch e c k f or lo o se n e ss an d ti gh t en al l sc re w cl a mp s and joints if necessary .
8-5 Gener al ma inten ance and lubri cati on c hart NO . ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB INITIAL EVER Y Whichev- er comes first month 1 3 6 6 12 km (mi) 320 (200) 1300 (800) 2500 (1600) 2500 (1600) 5000 (3200) hours 20 80 160 160 320 1 * Timing chain Check chain tension.
8-6 11 * Shock absorber assemblies Check oper ation and correct if necessary . Che c k f or o il l eak ag e an d r ep lac e if ne ces sary . √√√ 12 * Front knuc kle piv- ots Lubricate with lithium-soap-based grease. √√√ 13 * Steering shaft Lubricate with lithium-soap-based grease.
8-7 8 NO. ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB INITIAL EV ERY Whichev- er comes first month 1 3 6 6 12 km (mi) 320 (200) 1300 (800) 2500 (1600) 2500 (1600) 5000 (3200) hours 20 80 160 160 320 19 * Drive select lever safety system cable • Check operation and adjust or replace if neces- sary .
8-8 TIP 8 The air filte r needs more f requen t servic e if you a re ridin g in u nusually wet or dusty areas. Hydr auli c bra ke se rvice Regula rly chec k and, if necess ary, corr ect the b rake fluid level. Every t wo year s repla ce the internal compon ents of the bra ke mast er cylind er and caliper, and change the br ake flu id.
8-9 8 W ARNING A W A R N I N G i n d i c a t e s a h a z a r d o u s s i t u a t i o n w h i c h , i f n o t a v o i d e d , c o u l d r e s u l t i n d e a t h or serious inju ry. Chec king the s park plug The spa rk plug is a n i mport ant eng ine comp onen t, which is easy to check.
8-10 To check the spark plug 1. Check tha t the porcelain insulator arou nd the cent er electro de of the spark plug is a medi- um-t o-light tan (the ideal color when the ATV is rid den no rmally ). TIP If the spark plug shows a distinctly differen t color, the engine could be operatin g improper ly.
8-11 2. Cle an the surfa ce of the spar k plug gask et and its mati ng surf ace, and then wipe off any gri me fr om th e spa rk p lug threa ds. 3. Insta ll the spa rk plug with the spark plug wre nch, and the n tighte n it to the spe cifie d torq ue.
8-12 4. Ins ert the dipstick into the filler hole (without screwin g it in), and then remove it again to check the oil lev el. TIP The engine oil sh ould be between the minimum and ma ximum level mar ks. 5. If the engine oil is at or below the minimum level mark, add sufficient oil of the recom- mende d type to raise it to the corr ect level.
8-13 8 7. Add the sp ecifie d amount of the r ecom mend- ed eng ine oil, and then inst all and t ighte n the engin e oil filler c ap. Tight ening torque: Engine oil dr ain bo lt: 8 Nm ( 0.8m· kgf, 5. 8 ft·l bf) Recom mende d oil: See page 1 0-1. Oil qu antity : 0.
8-14 8 1. Final transmission oil filler cap 1 1 1. Final transmission oil drain bolt 4. Ins tall th e dr ain bolt , a nd t hen tig hte n it to the specified torque. Final transmission oil The fina l trans mission case m ust be ch ecked fo r o i l l e a k a g e b e f o r e e a c h r i d e .
8-15 8 Tighte ning t orque: Final transmissio n oil dra in bolt: 15 Nm (1.5 m·k gf, 10.8 ft·lbf ) 5. Add the sp ecified amo unt of the re commend- ed final transmission oil, and then check th e oil level. N O T I C E Be sure no foreign materia l enters the final transmission case .
8-16 8 1 2 2 2 1. Re mo ve t he a ir fi l te r ca se c ov er b y remov- ing th e bolts . 1. A i r fi l t er ca s e co v e r (left) 2. Bolts 1. Air f i l t e r case check hose (right) 1 1.
N O T I C E Do not twist the sponge material when squeez - ing it. 5. Chec k the spo nge materi al and re plac e it if dam aged. 1. Air filter element holder 2. Sponge mater ial W ARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Using low- flas h-point s olvents or gasoli ne to clea n the s ponge mat erial.
8-18 6. Apply Yama ha foam a ir filter oil or o ther q ual- ity foa m air filte r oil to the sp onge m aterial. TIP The sponge material should be wet but not drip- ping.
8-19 Clea ning t he s park ar res ter Be sure t he exh aust p ipe and m uffler are coo l be- fore clean ing t he s park arrest er. 1. Remov e the screw and nut. 2. Remove the spark arrester by pulling it out of the muffler. 3. Tap the spark arrester lightly, and then use a w ire b rush to r emov e an y ca rbon depo sits.
8-20 Adjus ting the c arbu reto r The carburet or shoul d be checke d and, if neces- sary , a djuste d a t th e in terv als s peci fied in the peri- odic maint enanc e and lubricat ion chart . The carb ureto r is an importa nt part of the engine and requ ires very sop histic ated adjustm ent.
8-21 8 tion cha rt. TIP A diagno stic tac hom eter is ne ede d to ma ke this adj ustm ent. 1. Star t the engi ne a nd w arm it up . TIP The en gin e is warm when it quick ly res pond s to the thro ttle . 2. Attac h the tac home ter to the spar k plug lead .
8-22 The throttle cable free play should measur e 1.0– 3.0 mm (0.04 –0.12 in) at the throttle lever. Pe riod- ically ch eck the throttle c able free play and , if nec- essar y, have a Yamaha dealer adjust it. Timing c hain The timing chain stretc hes with use, resulting in im- prope r valve timing and engine noise.
8 8-23 Adjusting the front brake lev er free play The bra ke lever free play must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted at the intervals specified in the p eriodic maintena nce and lubrication chart. 1 The brake lever free play should me asure 4.0 – 6.
4. Tigh ten t he l ower loc knut. 5. While applyi ng the fr ont bra ke, tu rn out th e up- per ad just ing bolt u ntil the upp er and lower ca- ble l ength s are e qual . The c able j oint will beco me v ertic al. 1. Upper locknut 2. Upper adjusting bolt 3.
8-25 HOW T O AVO ID THE HAZAR D Afte r se rvicin g: Mak e s ure the brakes opera te smooth ly and that the f ree play is c orrec t. Mak e sur e the bra kes do not dra g. Repl aceme nt of brake compone nts require s prof essio nal knowle dge. Thes e procedu res shou ld be perf ormed by a Yama ha d eale r.
Changin g the rear brak e fluid Checki ng the rear brake leve r free play T h e b r a k e l e v e r f r e e p l a y m u s t b e c h e c k e d a t t h e in te r v a l s sp e c if ie d in t h e pe r i o d i c m a i n t e n a n c e an d lubrication cha rt.
8-27 W ARNING Opera ting with i mprope rly service d o r ad- justed brakes . WHAT CAN HAPPEN You could lose brakin g ability, which could lead t o an a cciden t. HOW TO AVOID THE H AZARD Afte r serv icing: Make su re the br akes operat e smoothly and tha t the free play i s corre ct.
8-28 8 Check ing the whe el hub be arings Th e f r on t an d r e ar w he e l h u b be a ri n g s m u s t b e chec ked at the in ter val s s pec if ied in th e p eri odi c maintenance and lubrication chart.
8-29 Avoid cont act with ski n, ey es or c lothing . Al- ways shield eyes when working near batt er- ies. Keep o ut of r eac h of c hildren . Antid ote: EXTERNA L: Flus h with wate r. INTERN AL: Drink la rge quant ities of wa ter or milk. Follow with milk of ma gnesi a, bea ten egg or vegetab le oil.
8-30 1. Tur n the key to “OF F” and turn off all electr ical circuit s. N O T I C E To prevent accidenta l short-cir cuiting , turn off the main switch when checking or repla cing a fuse . 2. Remove the blown fuse, and then inst all a new fuse o f the s pecifie d am pera ge.
8-31 3. Turn the ke y to “ON” and turn on the electr ical circ uits to ch eck i f th e de vices oper ate. 4. If the fuse immedia tely blows again, have a Yama ha de aler check the elec trica l sys tem.
8-32 2. Elevat e the ATV and place a suitab le stan d unde r th e fra me. 3. Remov e the nut s fr om th e whe el. 4. Remov e the whee l. 1. Wheel nuts Remo ving a whe el 1.
8-33 2. Low er th e ATV to the gr oun d. 3. Tigh ten the wheel nut s to the spec ified torq ues. Tight enin g tor ques : Fron t whe el nu t: 45 N m (4. 5 m·kg f, 33 ft·lbf) Rear whee l nut : 45 N m (4. 5 m·kg f, 33 ft·lbf) whee l. Front 1. Arrow mark Inst alling a whee l 1.
8-34 Trou ble shoo ting Alth ough Yama ha ATVs receive a thorou gh in- spe ction befor e ship ment from the fa ctor y, tr ouble may occu r during oper atio n. Any probl em in t he fu- el, comp ress ion, or ignit ion syste ms, for exam ple, can caus e po or s tart ing and loss of powe r.
8-35 Trou bles hoot ing char t Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. 1. Fuel There is enough fuel. There is no fuel. Check the compression. Supply fuel. The engine does not start. Check the compression. Operate the electric starter. 2. Compression There is compression.
9-1 CLE ANI NG AND STO RAG E Cle anin g Fre quent , tho rough clea ning of your ATV will not only enha nce its appea ranc e but will imp rove its gen eral perfor manc e and exte nd the usef ul life of man y com pone nts. 1. Befo re c leani ng t he A TV: a.
9-2 Sto rage Short-term Alwa ys store your ATV in a cool, dry plac e and, if nec essar y, pro tect it again st dus t with a porous cov er. N O T I C E Stor ing the ATV in a poor ly venti late d room or cov erin g it with a tarp while it is still wet, will allo w water and humi dity to seep in and caus e ru st.
9-3 plu g, and the n pla ce the spa rk pl ug o n the cyli nder head so tha t the elec trode s are gro unde d. (This will limit spark ing duri ng the next step.) d. Turn the engin e over seve ral time s with the sta rter . (This wi ll coat the cylind er wal l with oil.
10-1 10 SPECIFICA TIONS Engine: Engine type: Forced air co oled 4-st roke Cylinder arrang ement: Single c ylinder Displac ement: 88 c m ( 5.37 cu. in) 3 Bore × stro ke: 47.0 × 51.0 mm ( 1.85 x 2.0 in) Compres sion ratio: Starting system: Electric starter & kickstar ter Lubrica tion syst em: Wet sum p 10.
Unle aded gasol ine on ly Engine oil quantity: Periodic o il change: 0.8 L (0 .84 U S qt) (0. 70 Im p.qt) Final t ransmission oil: Type: SAE80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear o il Quantity: 0.30 L (0.32 US qt) (0.27 Imp.qt) Air fil ter: Air filter e lement: Wet eleme nt Fuel: Recomme nded fue l: Fuel tank c apacity: 4.
10-3 10 Rear tire: Type: Tubele ss Size: AT18 x 9-8 Manuf acturer /model: MAXXIS/M 940 Loading : Maximu m loadin g limit: 70.0 kg (1 54 lb) (Tota l weight of rider , cargo, accesso ries, an d tongue ) Tire a ir pres sure ( measur ed on co ld tires ): Recomm ended: Front : 25 kPa (3.
10-4 10 Wheel trav el: 111 mm (4.4 in) Rear susp ensio n: Type : Swing arm Sprin g/sho ck ab sorbe r type: Coil s pring /oil d amper Wheel trav el: 83 mm (3.3 in) Elec trica l sys tem: Ignit ion s ystem : CDI Charg ing s ystem : AC ma gneto Batt ery: Mode l: GTX5L-BS Volta ge, c apacit y: 12 V, 4.
11-1 11 CON SUM ER INFO RMA TIO N Ide ntif icat ion numb ers Reco rd the key identi fica tion num ber, ve hicl e iden- tifi catio n numbe r and model lab el info rmat ion in the spa ces prov ided below for ass istan ce when or- deri ng spar e part s from a Yam aha dea ler or for ref- ere nce i n ca se t he AT V is sto len.
11-2 11 TIP The vehic le i dent ificat ion numbe r is us ed t o id enti- fy y our ATV. Model label The model label is affix ed at the locatio n in the il- lustr atio n. Recor d the inform atio n on this label in the s pace provid ed. T his inf orma tion will be ne ed- ed whe n order ing spare pa rts fr om a Yam aha deal- er.
11-3 Nois e r egul atio n TAMP ERING WITH NOIS E CON TROL SYSTEM PROH IBITE D: Fede ral law pr ohibit s the fol lowin g a cts or th e c ausin g ther eof : ( 1) The re moval or ren derin g i noper ativ.
11-4 Mai nte nanc e r eco rd Copi es of wor k ord ers and/o r rec eip ts fo r par ts you pur cha se an d in stal l will be re quir ed to docum ent main- tena nce do ne in a ccor danc e with the warra nty. Th e chart be low is print ed only as a remi nder to you that the main ten ance work is req uire d.
11-5 YAM AHA MOT OR CORP ORA TION , U .S.A . A TV L IMIT ED W ARR ANT Y Y amaha Motor Cor porat ion, U.S.A. h ereby war rants th a t new Y am ah a A T Vs pu rc ha s ed fr om an autho rized Y amaha A T.
11-6 W ARRAN TY QUE STION S AND ANSW ERS Q. Wha t cos ts ar e my re sponsi bilit y dur ing the war ranty peri od? A. The c us tom er ’ s re sp on sib il ity i nc lud es a ll co sts o f norm al m ain.
11-7 YAM AHA EXTE NDED SER VICE (Y. E.S. ) K e e p y o u r Y a m a h a p r o t e c t e d e v e n a f t e r y o u r w a r r a n t y e x p i r e s w i t h g e n u i n e Y a m a h a E x t e n d e d S e r v i c e ( Y .
11 11-8 We u r g e y o u t o a c t n ow. Y ou ’ l l g e t t h e e x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t s o f T R I P c o v e r a g e r i g h t a w a y, a n d y o u ’ l l r e s t e a s y k n o w i n g y o.
11-9 11.
INDEX A Accessories and loading ................................................ 6-6 Air filter element, cleaning ............................................ 8-15 B Battery ...........................................................................8-28 Brake lever, front.
O Owner’s manual and tool kit ........................................... 8-1 P Parking ........................................................................... 6-4 Parking brake ................................................................. 4-7 Parking on a slope .
PRINTED IN TAIWAN 2008.07 (E) Y AMAHA MOTOR CO. , L TD. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER LOC ATE AND READ OWNE R’S MA NUAL . F OLL OW ALL INST RUCT IO NS A ND W ARNI NGS. (For replacement manual, call 1-800-532-1558) WARNING ALWAYS: use proper riding techniques to avoid v ehi cle ov ert urns o n h ill s and rou gh t erra in and in turns.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Yamaha 43D-F8199-10 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Yamaha 43D-F8199-10 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Yamaha 43D-F8199-10 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Yamaha 43D-F8199-10 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Yamaha 43D-F8199-10, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Yamaha 43D-F8199-10.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Yamaha 43D-F8199-10. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Yamaha 43D-F8199-10 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.