Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto WorkCentre 390 del fabbricante Xerox
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User Guide 610E34790 WorkCentre 390 LASER ALL-IN-ONE USER GUIDE 390ug.bk Page 1 Friday, April 28, 2000 12:13 PM.
Prepared by: Xerox Industrial Design Human Interface Graphic Design Jefferson Road Henrietta New York ©2000 by Xerox Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and .
User Guide iii USER GUIDE Table of Contents Where Do I Find It v 1. GETTING STARTED 1-1 Introduction 1-1 Front View 1-2 Rear View / Inside View 1-3 Using the Control Panel 1-4 Using the Number Keypad 1-7 Entering Alphanumeric Characters 1-8 Using the Automatic Paper Feeder 1-10 Using the Manual Paper Feeder 1-14 2.
User Guide iv Cancelling Transmission 3-3 Confirming Transmission 3-4 4. RECEIVING A FAX 4-1 Reception Modes 4-1 Determining the Reception Mode 4-2 Receiving Automatically in FAX Mode 4-3 Receiving Manually in TEL Mode 4-4 Receiving Automatically in ANS/FAX Mode 4-5 Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) 4-6 5.
User Guide WHERE DO I FIND IT v Where Do I Find It CD-ROM • W orkCentre 390 Installation prog ram • Print and Scan dr iver s •P a g i s P r o • T extBridge Pro 98 • W or kCentre 390 electron.
User Guide vi 390ug.bk Page vi Friday, April 28, 2000 12:13 PM.
User Guide 1.1 1 1 Chapter One GETTING STARTED Introduction This guide provides reference material for installations where the WorkCentre 390 is used as a stand-alone machine. If questions arise that are not addressed in this guide, more detailed information is provided in the Xerox Workcentre 390 electronic User Guide.
User Guide 1.2 FRONT VIEW Front View Note: Your machine may look slightly different than the illustration. Automatic Paper F eeder Extension Tray Pape r Gu ide s Paper Exit Tray Manual Paper Fe e d e r Automatic Document F eeder Document Guides Automatic Paper F eeder Document Exit Tray Control Pane l Document Input Tray 390ug.
1.3 User Guide REAR VIEW / INSIDE VIEW 1 Rear View / Inside View Rear View PC Cable Connector Pow er Cord Connector EXT . LINE Jack TEL LINE Jack USB Connector Laser Printer Cartr idge Cover R elease Buttons (right and lef t sides) Front Cover Inside View 390ug.
User Guide 1.4 USING THE CONTROL PANEL Using the Control Panel LCD Display The display sho ws the cur rent st atus of your mac hine, and guides you through var ious task s using a menu system for eac h operation. F ax Resolution Use to choose the resolution of transmitted documents.
1.5 User Guide USING THE CONTROL PANEL 1 Menu Use to choose or set up special functions. Exit Use to exit the current mode or status and r eturn to previous. Copy Mode Use to copy a document. U p and Down Use to display the next or previous menu item.
User Guide 1.6 USING THE CONTROL PANEL Rep or t Use to print var ious repor ts and lists. Stop Use to stop an operation at any time. Star t Use to star t a job. Also use to activate the selection shown in the display . Search Use to search f or number s in memor y .
1.7 User Guide USING THE NUMBER KEYPAD 1 Using the Number Keypad As you perform various tasks, you will need to enter names and numbers using the Number Keypad. For example, when you set up your machine, you enter your name (or your company’s name) and telephone number.
1.8 User Guide ENTERING ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTERS Entering Alphanumeric Characters Using the Number Keypad, locate the button labeled with the character you want. Press that button repeatedly until the correct character appears in the display. Caution: For example, to enter the letter O, press the key (3 times).
1.9 User Guide ENTERING ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTERS 1 To enter another letter, locate the Number Keypad button labeled with the letter you want. Press the button repeatedly until the letter appears in the display.
1.10 User Guide USING THE AUTOMATIC PAPER FEEDER Using the Automatic Paper Feeder You can stack paper, envelopes, card stocks, labels, or transparencies in the Automatic Paper Feeder to feed automatically. The Automatic Paper Feeder can hold a maximum of 150 sheets of 20 lb (gsm) plain paper, or other print media.
1.11 User Guide USING THE AUTOMATIC PAPER FEEDER 1 Prepare the print material for loading. • F or paper and envelopes, f lex paper or fan envelopes bac k and forth.
1.12 User Guide USING THE AUTOMATIC PAPER FEEDER Load the print material in the Automatic Paper Feeder. D o n o t e x c e e d t h e r a t e d c a p a c i t y f o r e a c h t y p e o f p r i n t m a t e r i a l . D o n o t m i x d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f print media.
1.13 User Guide USING THE AUTOMATIC PAPER FEEDER 1 • Load letter head paper with the design facing you. The top edge of the sheet w ith the logo should enter the pr inter f irst. Adjust the paper guides to the width of the print media. S lide the paper guides until they lightly touch both sides of the print media.
1.14 User Guide USING THE MANUAL PAPER FEEDER Using the Manual Paper Feeder Use the Manual Paper Feeder to feed paper one sheet at a time into your machine. Place the paper in the Manual Paper Feeder a n d a d j u s t t h e p a p e r g u i d e s t o t h e w i d t h o f t h e print material.
1.15 User Guide USING THE MANUAL PAPER FEEDER 1 Ensure that the media is fed into the machine as far as it will go. Press the Start button to start manual feeding of the media. If you have more than one page to print, press the Start b u t t o n for each page.
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User Guide 2.1 2 2 Chapter Two MAKING A COPY Making a Copy Your machine is a high quality copier which offers the following features: • Adjustable Contrast - The contrast se tt i n g c a n be ch a ng e d to o bt a i n t he b es t copy quality f or documents cont aining faint mar kings, dark images, photographs or other half tone images.
2.2 User Guide TO MAKE A QUICK COPY • Collation - When the Copy Collate menu option is set t o On , the machine sorts the copies. F or example, if you print two copies of a three-page document, t he machine prints one com plet e document (page 1 , page 2, page 3) bef ore printing a second copy (page 1 , page 2, and page 3).
2.3 User Guide TO MAKE COPIES USING THE COPY MENU FEATURES 2 Using the Number keypad, enter the number of copies you wish to make. The default setting is 01 copy. Press the Start button. The machine copies the document. To Make Copies Using The Copy Menu Features Adjust the document guides to match the width of the document.
2.4 User Guide TO MAKE COPIES USING THE COPY MENU FEATURES Press the Copy Mode button to display the C O P Y m e n u . F o r t w o o r m o r e c o p i e s ( 2 t o 9 9 ) , enter the desired number using the Number Keypad. Press the Reduce/Enlarge button to reduce or enlarge the original document.
2.5 User Guide TO MAKE COPIES USING THE COPY MENU FEATURES 2 Press Collate if you wish to collate copies. When making multiple copies there are two collate options: ON and OFF. • Selecting 1:ON will mak e 1 copy of page 1, 2, a nd 3 in o rd e r , t h en a se co n d c o py of 1 , 2, and 3 until a total of n copies has been made.
User Guide 2.6 390ug.bk Page 6 Friday, April 28, 2000 12:13 PM.
User Guide 3.1 3 3 Chapter Three SENDING A FAX Preparing Documents for Faxing You can fax documents that are printed on s t a n d a r d l e t t e r , l e g a l o r A 4 s i z e p a p e r . F o l l o w these guidelines to prepare your documents. • Remove all staples and paper clips before inserting t he documents into the machine.
3.2 User Guide SENDING A FAX MANUALLY Sending a Fax Manually Adju st th e docu ment guid es to match the width of the document. Slide the document face down into the Automatic Document Feeder until it is grasped and pulled into the machine. The display alternately reads DOCUMENT READY and shows the remaining memory capacity.
3.3 User Guide CANCELLING TRANSMISSION 3 Using the Number keypad, enter the number of the fax machine to which you wish to send the document. If you make a mistake while entering a number, move the cursor under the incorrect digit by using the Right or Left buttons, and correct the number.
3.4 User Guide CONFIRMING TRANSMISSION Confirming Transmission A Message Confirmation report shows whether the transmission was successful and how many pages were sent. When the last page of your document has been sent successfully, the machine beeps and returns to Standby mode.
User Guide 4.1 4 4 Chapter Four RECEIVING A FAX Reception Modes When used as a Stand Alone fax machine, your multi-function machine has five reception modes as described below: • F AX Th e ma c h i ne an s w e r s an in c o m in g call and immediately goes into fax receive mode.
4.2 User Guide DETERMINING THE RECEPTION MODE • ANS/F AX If the W orkCentr e 390 senses a fax tone, it aut omatically switches to f ax reception mode. However , if a fax is not sensed, t he Wo r k C e n t r e 3 9 0 r o u t e s t h e c a l l t o t h e answering machine.
4.3 User Guide RECEIVING AUTOMATICALLY IN FAX MODE 4 Receiving Automatically in FAX Mode Press the Receive Mode button until the display indicates FAX. When a fax call comes in, the machine answers on the selected ring count and receives it automatically.
4.4 User Guide RECEIVING MANUALLY IN TEL MODE Receiving Manually in TEL Mode If you have a regular phone connected to the EXT. LINE jack on the back of the machine, you can answer voice phone calls and receive faxes manually. Press the Receive Mode b u t t o n u n t i l t h e display indicates TEL.
4.5 User Guide RECEIVING AUTOMATICALLY IN ANS/FAX MODE 4 Receiving Automatically in ANS/FAX Mode To use this mode, you must attach an ans wer ing mach ine to the EXT. LINE jack on the back of your machine. Press the Receive Mode button until the display indicates ANS/FAX.
4.6 User Guide DISTINCTIVE RING PATTERN DETECTION (DRPD) Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) Distinctive Ring is a telephone company service which enables the use of a single telephone line to answer several different telephone numbers.
User Guide 5.1 5 5 Chapter Five HOW TO PRINT AND SCAN Printing A Document The following procedure describes the general steps required for printing from various Windows applications. The exact steps for printing a document may vary depending on the application program you are using.
5.2 User Guide PRINTING A DOCUMENT Printing A Document Make sure that your machine is properly connected to the computer. Verify that you have installed the print driver software for your machine. See Installing Software in the electronic User Guide. Create or open the document that you want to print.
5.3 User Guide PRINTING A DOCUMENT 5 Click on OK to close the Properties dialog box. After making any necessary changes to the printing parameters, click on OK to start the print job.
5.4 User Guide SCANNING A DOCUMENT Scanning A Document T o us e t h e W C 3 9 0 a s a s c a n n e r , t h e fo l l o w i n g are required: • W orkCentre 390 T W AIN Scanner application installed on t he work station connected to the W C 390.
User Guide 6.1 6 6 Chapter Six TROUBLESHOOTING This section describes Troubleshooting for the following areas: •C l e a r i n g J a m s • LCD Display Er ror Messages • Print Quality Pr oblems Refer to the specific subsection for a description of the problem and associated solutions.
6.2 User Guide CLEARING JAMS Clearing Jams I f a d o c u m e n t ja m s wh i l e y o u a r e s e n d i n g it, DOCUMENT JAM appears in the display. Do not pull the document out of the slot or you may damage your machine. Open the control panel by pulling lightly on the Control Panel cover.
6.3 User Guide PAPER JAMS IN THE PAPER FEED AREA 6 Paper Jams in the Paper Feed Area If a paper jam occurs while you are making a copy or receiving a FAX, PAPER JAM appears in the LCD display. Re m o ve t he s t ac k o f c o py p a pe r ( if n e ce s sa r y ).
6.4 User Guide PAPER JAMS IN THE PAPER FEED AREA After you remove the jammed paper, reload the stack of copy paper back into the Automatic Paper Feeder with the print side facing you.
6.5 User Guide PAPER JAMS IN THE PRINTER OUTPUT AREA 6 Paper Jams in the Printer Output Area If the paper jams as it exits to the printer exit tray and most of the paper is visible, pull the paper straight out using both hands. Caution: If there is resistance when you pull the paper, and it does not move easily when you pull, stop pulling.
6.6 User Guide PAPER JAMS INSIDE THE MACHINE Paper Jams Inside the Machine Pull the cover release buttons toward you to open the cover. Remove the Laser Printer Cartridge by lifting it carefully by the handle. Warning: The Fuser is hot. Use caution when removing the jammed paper.
6.7 User Guide PAPER JAMS INSIDE THE MACHINE 6 Using both hands, gently pull the paper toward you. Check that there is no other paper jammed inside the printer.
6.8 User Guide TIPS FOR AVOIDING PAPER JAMS Tips for Avoiding Paper Jams • By carefully selec ting print materials and loading them properly, you should be able to avoid most paper jams. If jams do occur , f ollow the steps outlined in Clearing Jams in t he electronic User Guide.
6.9 User Guide LCD DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGES 6 LCD Display Error Messages LCD Display Meaning Solution RETRY REDIAL? The machine is waiting for the programmed inter v al to automatically redial a previousl y busy station. Y ou can press Star t to immediately redial, or Stop to cancel the redial operation.
User Guide 6.10 LCD DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGES GROUP NOT A V AIL ABLE Y ou have tried to select a group location wher e only a sing le location number can be used. Group Location F eatur e is no t available. LINE ERROR Y our machine cannot connect with the remote site, or it has lost contact because of a problem on the phone line.
6.11 User Guide LCD DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGES 6 NO. N OT ASSIGNED The Speed Dial location you tried to use has no number assigned to it. Assign the number to a Speed Dial button and tr y again. Refer to the Install Guide or electronic User Guide for more inf or mation NO PAPE R The paper fe ed tray is empty .
User Guide 6.12 LCD DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGES PA P E R J A M 2 The jammed paper is still inside the unit. Clear the jam. Make sure that the paper edges are not damaged. Ensure that t he exit guides are latched on both sides. Ref er to Clearing Jams on page 6.
6.13 User Guide PRINT QUALITY PROBLEMS 6 Print Quality Problems Symptom Cause and Solution The page is white or the printout is too light to read . T oner is low or empty . Refer to Rep la c i n g t h e Laser Printer Car tridge in the electronic User Guide.
User Guide 6.14 PRINT QUALITY PROBLEMS Background scatter on printed pages. The paper may be t oo dam p. Tr y printing with a different batch of paper . Always store paper in its original sealed package. Do not open packages of paper until necessar y so t hat the paper does not absorb too much moisture from the air .
User Guide 7.1 7 7 Chapter Seven MAINTENANCE Clearing Memory You can selectively clear information stored in your machine’s memory. Press the Menu button. Then press and . The MEMORY CLEAR ITEM appears on the display. Use the Up a n d Down buttons to scroll through the list of options.
7.2 User Guide MEMORY CLEAR ITEMS Select the memory item you want to clear by pressing the Up or Down button repeatedly until the item to be cleared is blinking. Press the Start button. ARE YOU SURE? appears in the LCD display. Press to confirm, then press the Start button.
7.3 User Guide CLEANING THE DOCUMENT SCANNER 7 Cleaning the Document Scanner To keep your machine working properly, occasionally clean the white roller, Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) rubber, and the scanning glass. If they are dirty, documents sent to another fax machine may not be clear.
7.4 User Guide CLEANING THE DOCUMENT SCANNER Using a cotton swab or a soft dry cloth, clean the ADF rubber piece. Carefully wipe the scanning glass with a soft, dry cloth. If the glass is very dirty, first wipe it with a slightly dampened cloth, then with a dry cloth.
7.5 User Guide CLEANING THE DOCUMENT SCANNER 7 Close the control panel firmly until it clicks into place. Perform shading adjustment. See Adjust Shading in the electronic User Guide.
7.6 User Guide REPLACING THE LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE Replacing the Laser Printer Cartridge Pull the cover release buttons toward you to open the cover. Remove the empty Laser Printer Cartridge by lifting it carefully by the handle. Follow the instructions printed on the cartridge box to recycle the used cartridge.
7.7 User Guide REPLACING THE LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE 7 Unwrap a new Laser Printer Cartridge. Carefully remove the sealing tape. Shake the Laser Print Cartridge as shown five or six times, then from side to side, to distribute the toner evenly. 3 4 5 390ug.
7.8 User Guide REPLACING THE LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE Locate the cartridge slots inside the printer, one on each side. Grasp the handle; slide the Laser Printer Cartridge down between the cartridge slots until it drops into place. Close the cover firmly.
7.9 User Guide CLEANING THE DRUM 7 Cleaning the Drum If print output quality decreases due to the presence of black streaks or ghost images appearing on printouts, drum cleaning should be performed as an attempt to rectify the problem. Press the Menu button.
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User Guide I-1 USER GUIDE Index INDEX 8 This is a comprehensive index that incorporates all three manuals -- the UG, the EUG, and the IG. Each entry lists the manual in which you will find the required information. The EUG was provided to you on your WorkCentre 390 CD-ROM.
User Guide I-2 INDEX IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide 256 Colors, EUG A A Standby Operation, EUG About Tab, EUG AC Power Cord, IG 1.
User Guide INDEX I-3 IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Reports, EUG Route, EUG Scan, EUG Search, EUG Select, EUG Send Options, EUG Start, EUG Stop, EUG Stop/Hold, EUG Up, .
User Guide I-4 INDEX IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Search Button, EUG Select Button, EUG Speed Dial Button, EUG Start Button, EUG Stop Button, EUG Up, Down, Left, Right Buttons, EUG Copy Button, UG 1.5 Copy Menu Features, EUG Copy Mode Button, EUG Copy Resolution, UG 2.
User Guide INDEX I-5 IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Entering Alphanumeric Characters, UG 1.8-9 Entering Alphanumeric Characters, EUG Entering Numbers, EUG Erasing Last Fax Data, EUG Error Messages, UG 6.9-12 Exit, EUG Exit Button, UG 1.
User Guide I-6 INDEX IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Home Resolution, EUG Home Resolution and Home Contrast, EUG I IC, EUG IEEE Standard 1284 Specifications, IG 1.
User Guide INDEX I-7 IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Level Adjustment, EUG Lineart B/W, EUG Loading Envelopes, UG 1.11-12 Loading Paper, EUG Using the Automatic Paper Feeder, EUG Using the Manual Paper Feeder, EUG Loading Transparencies, UG 1.
User Guide I-8 INDEX IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide PC Parallel Cable (Parallel Cable), IG 1.2, 1.4 How to Connect to Computer, IG 1.
User Guide INDEX I-9 IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Reduce/Enlarge, EUG Copying, EUG Scanning, EUG Reduce/Enlarge Button, EUG Remote Code, EUG REN, EUG Report, UG 1.
User Guide I-10 INDEX IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide TWAIN Scanner Help, EUG TWAIN Scanner Program, EUG TWAIN Scanner Window, EUG ScanSoft Pagis Pro, IG iv Installation of, IG 1.11 Scanning, IG 2.7 Specific Information on, IG 2.
User Guide INDEX I-11 IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Stop Button, UG 1.6 Stop Button, EUG Stop/Hold Button, EUG Storing a Number for Speed Dialing, EUG Storing Speed Dial Numbers for Group Dialing, EUG Subject, EUG Supplies, EUG System ID, IG 1.
User Guide INDEX I-12 IG = Install Guide UG = User Guide EUG = Electronic User Guide Width and Height Indicators, EUG Windows 2000, IG 1.4, 1.11 Windows 98, IG 1.4, 1.11 WorkCentre 390 TWAIN Scanner Program, EUG X Xerox Label, EUG Z Zoom In and Out Tools, EUG Chap8.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xerox WorkCentre 390 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xerox WorkCentre 390 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xerox WorkCentre 390 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xerox WorkCentre 390 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xerox WorkCentre 390, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xerox WorkCentre 390.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xerox WorkCentre 390. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xerox WorkCentre 390 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.