Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 701P35371 del fabbricante Xerox
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WorkC entre M940 WorkC entre M950 User Guide 701P35371 Page 1 Mond ay, July 31 , 2000 3: 20 PM.
Prepared by: Xerox Indust rial Design Human In terface Graphic Design Jefferson Road Henrietta New York ©2000 by Xerox Limi ted. All r ights reserved.
User Guide iii USER GUI DE Table of Contents 1. BASIC IN FORMATION M940 - M950 W orkCentr e Compo nents 1-1 Co nnect ions 1-2 Control Panel 1-3 M940 - M950 W orkCentr e Compo nents 1-6 Software Components 1-7 Xerox Con trolCent re 2.0 - WorkCe ntre Status Bar 1-9 2.
User Guide iv Clear /Stop 2-8 Start 2-8 3. PRI NTIN G Printing 3-1 Printing Documents 3-2 Printing Cards 3-3 Printing Envelopes 3-4 Printing Single Envelope 3-4 Printing Several Envelopes 3-5 Printing Iron-On Transfers 3-6 Printing Labels 3-7 Print i ng Pho togra ph s 3-8 Printing Transparencies 3-9 Print i ng Ba nn ers 3-10 4.
User Guide v Faxing U sing Pres et 2 6-2 Faxing From Con trolC entre - Pagis I nbox 6-3 7. MAINTENANCE Maintaining Your WorkCentre 7-1 Changing an Ink C artridge 7-2 Cleaning the Print Head 7-5 Aligning the Print Head 7-6 Changing the Print Head 7-7 8.
User Guide vi Page vi Monday, July 31, 2000 3:20 PM.
Use r Guid e 1.1 M940 - M 950 WORKCENTRE CO MPONENTS 1 1 1z Chapter One BASIC INFORMATI ON M940 - M950 WorkCen tre Components 1. CD, Getting Started guide, User Guide, and Warranty Card (in most countries) 2. Wor kCentre C ontro l Panel 3. Ink cartridges (4) 4.
1.2 User G uid e CONNECTIONS Connections 1. USB cable (included) 2. Power cord Paper Thickness Knob The p a per th ickne ss kno b all ows yo u to ch oose envelope or paper printing. A n envelope i con indicates the setting for envelope printing and a paper icon indicates the dial setting for paper printing.
1.3 Use r Guid e CONTROL PANE L 1 Control Panel 1.Paper Se tup: Se lect paper t ype and size 2. Lighten/Darken: Adjust lightness /darkness and color intensity 3. Displ ay: Sh ows messages 4. Menu/Exit: Enter or exit the menu 5. Clear/Stop: Clear or stop 6.
Use r Guid e 1.4 CONTROL PAN EL 8. Reduce/Enlarg e: Adjust the si ze copy desired 9. Scan Mode : Enter S can Mode 10. Navigat or Cont rol: Move between se lections 11. Error ligh t: Lights when error occurs 12. Select button: Select options 13. Copy Quantity: Select copy quantity 14.
1.5 Use r Guid e CONTROL PAN EL 1 Paper Tray The paper tray is inserted into the lower portion of the Wo rkCentre. Output Tra y The output tray res ts o n top of the paper tray and slides into the WorkCentre. Out p u t Tr ay Ex te ns io n The output tray extension p ull s out an d flips up.
1.6 User G uid e M940 - M 950 WORKCENTRE CO MPONENTS M940 - M950 WorkCentr e Components Bypass Tray The bypass tray is located on the back o f the WorkCentre. To use the byp ass tray, flip it down. The bypass tray is used for l oading a variety of media, includ ing envel opes, banner paper, and transparencies.
1.7 Use r Guid e SOFTWARE COMPONENTS 1 Software Compone nts ControlCentre 2.0: • Pagis PRO 3 .0 : The latest version of Pagis customized f or the M940 /950 w hich integrates all of the fu nctions int o one easy to use interface. Th e primary function s include: • TextBr idge P RO 9.
1.8 User G uid e SOFTWARE COMPONENTS • MGI P hoto Suite: Phot o edit or mo difie s your scanned i mages to fit y our specific application. • Adobe Acrobat: Allows you to view and print PDF files, includin g on-line m anuals . • Print driver: Allows pr in t ing from your PC.
Use r Guid e 1.9 XERO X CO NTROL CENTR E 2.0 - WO RKCENT RE Xerox ControlCentr e 2.0 - WorkCentr e Status Bar Open the WorkCentre Status Bar by s electing Start>Programs>Xerox ControlCentre2.0>Status Bar or by clicking t he Xerox ControlCentre 2.
1.10 User G uid e XERO X CO NTROL CENTR E 2.0 - WO RKCENT RE Page 10 Monday, July 31, 2000 3:20 PM.
Use r Guid e 2.1 COPYING 2 233 Chapter Two COPYING Copying This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Copyin g • Using the Set Document Feed er (M950 only) • Optimizing copy app earance 00-ugm940.
2.2 User G uid e COPYING Copying Open the top. Place your original f ace-down on the docu ment glass. Close the t op. Pre ss the desired copy options (suc h as copy quantity or paper type) from the Control Panel. When you ha ve finished making y our selecti ons, pr ess Start to copy.
2.3 Use r Guid e USING THE SET DOCUMENT F EEDER (M950 ONLY) 2 Using t he Set Docu ment Feeder ( M950 only) Load your or iginal face-down in the Set Document feeder. Adjust the side g uide. Pre ss t he Start button. Copy Color Select either B & W or Color on the left side of the control panel .
2.4 User G uid e PAPER SETUP Paper Setup Paper Setu p allows you to select the paper type and size. Press the Paper Setup button. Use the Up/Down Navigator butt ons to move between Paper Type and Paper Size .
2.5 Use r Guid e LIGHTEN/DARKEN 2 Lighten/Darken The Lighten/Darken button allows you to adjust lightness/darkn ess for black and white and color copies as well as adjust th e color intensity when you make col or copies. To adjust the lightness or darkness, press the Lighten/Darken butto n.
2.6 User G uid e REDUCE/ENLARGE Reduce/En large The Reduce/Enlarge button allows you to change the copy image size. To change the size, press the Reduce/En large button. Use the Up/Dow n Navig ator buttons to scroll through the options. When the optio n you w ant di spla ys, pr ess S elect .
2.7 Use r Guid e REDUCE/ENLARGE 2 Reduce/Enlarge If Default Paper Type is Letter If Default Pa per Type i s A4 Description of Preset Fun ction Variable (100 %, default ) Variable (100%, default) Changes the size in 1% increments when you press the Left/Righ t Na viga tor bu ttons.
2.8 User G uid e SELECT BUTTON Select B utton The Select button allows you to choose options when they appear in the disp lay window. Menu/Exit The Menu /Ex it button al lows you to browse throug h menu items . You mu st use th e Select button to add menu items.
Use r Guid e 3.1 PRINTING 3 333 Chapter Three PRINT ING Printing This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Printi ng document s from y our PC • Printing cards • Printing envelopes • Printing iron-on transfer • Printing labels • Printi ng phot ographs • Printing transparencies • Printing banners 00-ugm940.
3.2 User G uid e PRINTING DOCUM ENTS Printing Documents Open the d ocument yo u want to print and select File > Print Select Properties , then select from the options listed on the Paper/Output tab: • Copies: T ype ho w many copies you w ant. • Orientation: Choose Portrai t or Landscape.
3.3 Use r Guid e PRINTING CARDS 3 Printing Cards You can use the Work Centre to print index cards, postcards, and birthday cards . Choose any card size in the Paper Size Selection men u or use the Custom selection to print on other card sizes not found in the selection menu.
3.4 User G uid e PRINTING ENVELOPES Printing Enve lopes There are two metho ds you can use for pr inting envelopes: • For pri nting a si ngle envel ope us e the Bypass Tr a y on the back of the machine. • For pr i nting s everal envel opes us e the Paper Tr a y (instructi o ns on next pa ge).
3.5 Use r Guid e PRINTING SEVERAL ENVELOPES 3 Printing Sever al Envelopes Rem ove a ny ot he r me dia fr om th e Paper Tray . Insert the envelop es addressable s ide down with the flap of the envelope pointing toward the left side. Adjust the guides sn ugly against the en velopes.
3.6 User G uid e PRINTING IRON -ON TRAN SFERS Printing Iron-On Transfers You can us e the iro n-on tran sf er fea tu re to put an image onto shirts or other cloth material. All you need is iro n-on transfer p aper, which yo u can buy at most compu ter or off ice supply stores.
3.7 Use r Guid e PRINTING LABELS 3 Printing Labels You can use yo ur Work Centre to print sheets of labels. Use only US letter or A4-sized lab els. For best results use labels that are specifically designed for ink jet machines. Fan the edge s of the label sh eets to separate them.
3.8 User G uid e PRI NTI NG PHOT OGR APHS Printing Photographs For best results use P hoto Glos s paper. Remove any other media and place the paper in the Paper Tray with the glossy si de d own.
3.9 Use r Guid e PRINTING TRANSPARENCIES 3 Printin g Transp arencies For best r esults us e a Xerox i nk jet trans p arency or a transparency specifically designed for ink jet machines. Remove any oth er media and place up to 30 transparencies in the Paper Tray with the roug h side down.
3.10 User G uid e PRINTING BANNE RS Printing Banners For print ing ban ners, we r ecommend you use 20 lb. or 75 gsm pap er. You can feed up to five sheets of banner p aper thro ugh the by pass tray.
Use r Guid e 4.1 CUSTOMIZING YOU R WORKCENTRE 4 433 Chapter Four CUSTOMIZI NG YOUR WORKCENTR E Customizing your WorkCentre This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Customizing copier fea.
4.2 User G uid e CUSTOMIZING COPIER FEATURES Customizing Copier Features You can custo mize and save the fo llowing co pier features: Selecting WorkCentre Display Wind ow Language Press the Me nu/Exit bu tton. Press the down Na viga tor button until op tio n "9.
4.3 Use r Guid e SELECTING PAPER DEF AULT 4 Selecting Paper Default Pre ss t he Menu/Exit button. Pre ss t he d own Navigator but ton until option "7. Paper Default" display s. Press the ri gh t Navigat or button until the required paper size displays.
4.4 User G uid e SELECTIN G SLEEP MODE SETTING Selecting Sleep Mode Setting You can select the amoun t of time the WorkCentre del ays before going into sleep mode. Press the Me nu/Exit bu tton. Press the down Na viga tor button until option "6. Sleep Mode" displ ays .
4.5 Use r Guid e CUSTOMIZING SCAN FEATURES 4 Customizing Scan Features Your WorkCentre is set up with five presets. A preset is a previously saved s etting that allo ws you to save fr equently used se ttings .
4.6 User G uid e SETTING A PRESET FO R EMAIL Sett ing a Pres et fo r Em ail On your PC, select Start>Programs >Xerox ControlCentre>Status Bar . The Xerox Contro lCentre - W orkCentre Status B ar window disp l ays. Select the Settings button. Select Scan Presets .
Use r Guid e 5.1 SCANNING 5 533 Chapter Five SCANNIN G Scanning This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Sca nni ng usin g pr e sets • Sending a scan th rough email • Scannin g using Control Centre - Pagi s Inbox • Sca n ning usin g MGI Ph otoS uit e • Sca nni ng us i n g MS W ord • Scannin g using P hotoSho p .
5.2 User G uid e SCAN USING PRESET 1 Scan Us ing Preset 1 Your Work Centre is s et up with five pres ets. A preset is a programmed setup that allows y ou to scan using pr eferred settings. (For exampl e, if you make fr equent scans of co lor pictures , you might set up one o f the presets to scan to your favorite photo application).
5.3 Use r Guid e SENDING A SCAN THROUGH EMAIL 5 Sending a Scan through Email In the ControlCen tre - Pagis Inbox , click and hold the left m ouse butt on do wn on the image you want to send. Drag the image to the email app lication and release the left mouse button.
5.4 User G uid e SCANNING USING CONTR OLCENTRE - PAGIS INBO X Scanning Using ControlCentr e - Pagis Inbox Place your original f ace-down on the docu ment glass. Select Xer ox C ontr olCentr e - Pagis In bo x ic on from your PC window . In the Xerox Con trolCentre - Pagis Inbox , select the Scan icon.
5.5 Use r Guid e SCANNING US ING MGI PHOTOSU ITE 5 Scanning Using MGI PhotoSuite This feature allows you t o incorpor ate a scanned image directly into a docu ment. These instruct ions appl y to MGI Ph ot oS uit e. If y ou are us i ng a dif fer ent ap plic atio n,co nsul t the documentation provided wi th the application.
5.6 User G uid e SCANNING US ING MS WORD Scanning Using MS Word This feature allows yo u to incorporate a scanned image directly into a Word document. Select Start>Programs>Microsof t Word . Open the document or select File>N ew to create a new doc umen t.
5.7 Use r Guid e SCANNING USIN G ADOBE PHO TOSHOP 5 Scanning Using Adobe Phot oShop This feature allows you t o incorpor ate a scanned image directly into a Ph otoShop document . Select Start>P rograms> Adobe Phot oShop . Open a document or select File >New to create a new document.
5.8 User G uid e SCANNING USIN G ADOBE PHO TOSHOP Page 8 Mond ay, July 31 , 2000 3: 20 PM.
Use r Guid e 6.1 FAXING FROM YOU R PC 6 633 Chapter Six FAXING Faxing from your PC This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Faxing using p reset 2 • Faxing using Cont rolC entre - Pagis Inbox .
6.2 User G uid e FAXING US ING PRESET 2 Faxing U sing Pres et 2 Your WorkCentre i s set up with fax as a factory default s et ting for sendin g Faxes from your PC modem usi ng the WorkCentr e - QuickLink III PC Fax. Thi s fax sof tware us es the mo dem on your PC to send faxes.
6.3 Use r Guid e FAXING FRO M CONTROLCENTRE - PAGIS INBOX 6 Select View Fax to view you r fax (optional). Select Send Fax to fill ou t information regarding your fax. Select Send Fax or select the Help >Cont ents button to find more information about using WorkCentre - Qu ickFax III.
6.4 User G uid e FAXING FRO M CONTROLCENTRE - PAGIS INBOX Select Send Fax to fill out information regarding your fax. Select Fax to send your fax or use the Help>Co ntent s button to find more information about using Wo rkCentre - QuickFax III. 7 8 00-ugm940.
Use r Guid e 7.1 MAINTAININ G YOUR WORK CENTRE 7 7 Chapter Seven MAINTENANCE Maintaining Your Work Ce ntre This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Changin g an ink cartridge • Cleaning the print head • Aligning the print head • Changing t he print h ead 00-ugm940.
7.2 User G uid e CHANGIN G AN INK CARTRIDG E Changing an Ink Cartridge Follow this procedure to replace an ink cartridge when the WorkC entre displays the mes sage, "Out of in k. " Pull the two side latches forward and raise the WorkCentre cover.
7.3 Use r Guid e CHANGIN G AN INK CARTRIDG E 7 Remove the n ew ink cartridge fro m its package. Slowly peel off the foil seal from the cartridge in the direction of the arr ow. 3 Caution: Do n ot touch the u ncovered opening in the ink cartridg e, as in k will g et on you r hand s.
7.4 User G uid e CHANGIN G AN INK CARTRIDG E Insert the gr een base of the ink cartridge, heel first, into the correct location on the color print head. The ink cartridges and c orrespondin g locations are color-co d ed and numbered. Push the ink cartridge down un til it clicks into place.
7.5 Use r Guid e CLEANING THE PRINT HEAD 7 Cleaning the Pri nt Head The clean function is used to res tore the print head when the nozzles beco me dirty or clogged with dried ink. Pre ss t he Menu/Exit button. Pre ss t he d own Navigator button until "Maintenance" displays.
7.6 User G uid e ALIGNING THE P RINT HEAD Aligning the Print Head Press the Me nu/Exit bu tton. Press the down Na viga tor butt on until Maintenance displays. Press the Select butto n. Press the right Navigator button until "Align PrintHead" displays.
7.7 Use r Guid e CHANGING THE PRINT HEAD 7 Changing the Print Head Remove the new print head f rom the plastic case. Lift the Print head latch up to unlock the print carriage. 1 1 Caution: Setting the prin t head on a h ard surface may cause damage to the inkjets.
7.8 User G uid e CHANGING THE PRINT HEAD Insert the print head into the print carriage. Lower the print head latch until it clicks, to lock print heads into place.
Use r Guid e 8.1 TROUBLESHOO TING 8 8 Chapter Eight TROUBLES HOOTIN G Troubleshooting This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Printing a test page • Paper feeding problems • Quality probl e ms • Copier/Printer problems • Scanner pro blems •E r r o r P r o b l e m s 00-ugm940.
8.2 User G uid e PRINTING A T EST PAGE Printing a Test Page Press the Me nu/Exit button in th e windo w disp l ay. Press the down Na viga tor butt on until Maintenance displays. Press the Select butto n. Press the right Navigator button un til "Pri nt Test Page " displ ays .
Use r Guid e 8.3 PAPER FEEDING PROBLEMS Paper Fee ding Problems Symptom DiagnosDi a Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosis a nd ors and/ Paper sticks together • Ensure there i s not too much paper i n the tr ay . Depend i ng on the thickness of your paper, the paper tray can ho ld up to 150 shee ts.
8.4 Use r Guid e QUALITY PR OBLEMS 8 Quali ty Problems Symptom DiagnosDia Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosi s and or s and / Pri nted do cum ent is blan k Note: Do not d isconnect the power cord from the wall outlet, as the WorkCe n tre re q ui r e s a small amo u nt of power to prevent the ink in the nozz les f rom dr ying.
Use r Guid e 8.5 QUALITY PR OBLEMS Quality Probl ems Symptom DiagnosDi a Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosis a nd ors and/ Light or blurred ch aracters • Y ou may be using Draft quality . T ry selecting a better print mode using the Quality butto n (Normal, eXpress, Best).
Use r Guid e 8.6 QUALITY PR OBLEMS Quality Probl ems Symptom DiagnosDi a Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosis a nd ors and/ Printed image is too small or off the ed ge o f the med ia • Select Full Imag e from Reduce/Enl arge bu tton. • Change th e document m arg ins in the application t hat you are using.
8.7 Use r Guid e QUALITY PR OBLEMS 8 Quali ty Problems Symptom DiagnosDia Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosi s and or s and / Color print quality is poor • T ry using a dif ferent kind of paper . Glossy paper provi des better quality . • Make sure that the Paper T ype sett ing is correct for the type of paper loaded.
Use r Guid e 8.8 COPIER/PRINTER PROB LEMS Copier/Printer Problems Symptom DiagnosDi a Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosis a nd ors and/ WorkCentre does not print Note: Switch boxes ca n interrupt the communication between the Work Ce ntre a n d your PC. • A paper jam has o ccurred .
8.9 Use r Guid e COPIER/PRINTER PROB LEMS 8 Copier/Printer Problems Symptom DiagnosDia Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosi s and or s and / Paper feed pr oblems • Ou t of pap er . A dd pa per . • Paper has no t been loaded properly . Remove and re-insert the paper correctly .
Use r Guid e 8.10 COPIER/PRINTER PROB LEMS Copier/Printer Problems Symptom DiagnosDi a Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosis a nd ors and/ Printer prints very slowly • If you do n ot need Best mode, change the Print Quality setting to Normal or eXpress .
8.11 Use r Guid e SCANNE R PROBLEMS 8 Scanner Proble ms Symptom DiagnosDia Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosi s and or s and / Scanning is too s low • Lo wer the scanning resolution. T ypically 150dpi will give you an adequate image. • T ypically color images and graphics take longer to scan than black and white becau se of larger amounts of data.
Use r Guid e 8.12 SCANNE R PROBLEMS Scanner Pr oblems Symptom DiagnosDi a Diagnosis and/or Solution gnosis a nd ors and/ The scanner does not scan • Ensure you placed the or i ginal to be s canned face-down on the doc umen t glass. • There may not be enough available memory to ho ld the document you want to scan.
8.13 Use r Guid e ERROR CODES 8 Error Codes These error codes may appear in the display: Symptom Where Error Occurs Diagnosis and/or Solution *1 Scanner unit Initial motor hardware error. "Shipping Lock is on, unlock to op erate" appears in d isplay.
Use r Guid e 8.14 ERROR CODES Error Codes Symptom Where Error Occurs Diagnosis and/or Solution F951 Printer unit Printer hardware failure. Unplug and plug in. If this fails, call service. F960 RDY-bus communicat ion NVM error. U nplug and plug in. If thi s fails, call service.
Use r Guid e 9.1 GENERAL IN FORMAT ION 9 9 Chapter Nine General Information General Information This chapter cont ains the following in formation: • Service and Suppor t • Ordering S uppli es • Specifications • Safety 00-ugm940.
9.2 User G uid e SERVICE AND SUPPORT Service and Suppor t If you are unable to solve a problem using this guid e, do one of the fo llo wing: • Access: http:/WWW.XEROX.COM • In the U.S. and Canada Call the Xerox Cust om er Su pport C ent e r at: 1-800-TEAM XRX (1-800-832-6979) If possible, call fro m a telephone near y our PC and the WorkCentre.
9.3 Use r Guid e ORDERING SUPPLIES 9 Ordering Supplies Order Xerox WorkCent re M940-M950 s upplies from your loc al Xerox dealer or retailer. Ink Cart ridge/Print Head Re-Orde r Numb ers Spec ificatio.
9.4 User G uid e INK CARTRIDGE /PRINT HEAD RE-ORDER N UMBERS Resolut ion U p to 1 2 00 X 1200 d pi Copy Quality Modes Best, Normal, Express, Draft Redu ction an d Enlar g ement 25 - 400% in 1 % inc re.
9.5 Use r Guid e INK CARTRIDGE /PRINT HEAD RE-ORDER N UMBERS 9 Maximu m Size 8.5” x 1 4” / 216 x 35 6 mm Banner Paper Feed US letter x 5 o r A4 x 5 Pape r W eight 1 6 - 110 lbs. / 60 - 20 0 g/m 2 Input T ray Capacity 15 0 she e ts (20 lb s. / 75 g/ m 2 ) Output Tray Capacity 50 sheets (20 lbs.
9.6 User G uid e INK CARTRIDGE /PRINT HEAD RE-ORDER N UMBERS W eight 26 .4 lbx. / 12 kgs (M9 40) 30.8 lb s. / 14 kgs (M95 0) En viron ment: T emperature 59° - 86° F / 15° - 30° C Environm ent: Hum.
9.7 Use r Guid e SAFETY 9 Safety Regulatory Notices (Europea n Unio n) Declaration o f Conf orman ce The C E mark ing applie d to this pr oduct symbolize s Xerox Ltd Decla ration of C onfo rmity w it h th e fol lowin g ap plicab le Direct ives of the Euro pean Un ion .
9.8 User G uid e SAFETY Regulatory Notices (USA) FCC Statement Note: This eq ui p men t ha s been tes te d and found to compl y with the lim its for a Class B digi tal device pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are d esigne d to provi de reason able p rotec tion a gain st harm ful int erfere nce i n a resi dential ins tal lation.
9.9 Use r Guid e SAFETY 9 Dec larat i on of Co nform ity The s e devic es co mp ly wi th Par t 15 of th e FCC Ru l es. Oper atio n is su bjec t to the fol low ing two cond ition s: (1) T hese devi ces m ay not cause harmfu l in terf ere nce, and (2) these devi ces must accept an y inter ference that may cause u ndesired operat ion.
9.10 User G uid e SAFETY Page 10 Monday, July 31, 2000 3:20 PM.
Use r Guid e I- USER GUID E Index INDEX A Alignment, Print Head ..................... 7-6 B Banners, Printing .......................... 3-10 Bypas s Tray ................................... 1-6 C Cards, Printing ............................... 3-3 Changin g Ink Cart ridge .
Use r Guid e I- INDEX E Envelopes Printing Several ........................ 3- 5 Printing Single ......................... 3-4 I Ink Cartridg e Chan ging ................................. 7-2 Re-Order Numb ers .................... 9-3 Iron-On, Printing .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xerox 701P35371 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xerox 701P35371 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xerox 701P35371 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xerox 701P35371 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xerox 701P35371, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xerox 701P35371.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xerox 701P35371. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xerox 701P35371 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.