Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto S2877 del fabbricante Tyan Computer
Vai alla pagina of 77 1 T iger K8WE /// S2877 Version 1.01 Copyright Copyright © T YAN Comput er Corporation, 2005- 2 00 6. All rights reser v e d. No part of this manual may be re pr od uced or t ranslat ed without pr ior written consen t from TYA N Computer Co rp. 2 Table of Contents Chapter 1 : Introduction Page 4 1.1 Congrat ulat ions Page 4 1.2 Hardware Specific ations Page 4 1.3 Software S pecificatio ns Page 6 Chapter 2: Bo ard Instal lation Page 8 2.1 Board Image Page 9 2.2 Block Diagram Page 10 2. 3 3.4 Getting Help Page 40 3.5 BIOS Main Menu Page 41 3.6 BIOS Advance d Menu Page 42 3.6.1 Hammer Conf iguration S ub-Menu Page 43 3.6.2 Integrated D evices Sub-M e nu Page 44 3.6.3 P CI Configurat ion Sub-M enu Page 46 3.6.4 I DE Configurat ion Sub-M enu Page 51 3. 4 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 - Congratulations You have purc hase d one of the m o st powe r ful entry-lev el workstat ion sol utions in the Tyan Ti g er K8WE (S2 877) which is ba sed on the NV IDIA nForce(t m) Professional M edia and Communications Pr ocessor (MCP). 5 Expansio n Slots • Two x16 PCI Express expansion slots • - Slot 3 PCI-E x1 6 from nForce PRO 2200 with x 4 signals • - Slot 5 PCI-E x1 6 from nForce PRO 2200 with x16 signa ls • Four 32-bit 33Mhz PCI v2 . 6 1.3 - Software Specifications OS (Operating System) Supp ort Microsoft Windows XP (32bit/64bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (32bit/64bit) SuSE Pr ofessi ona l 9. 7 NOTE S:. 8 Chapter 2: Board Installation Precauti ons : The Tiger K8 WE supports SS I, EPS12V type power supplies (24pin + 8pin) and w ill not oper at e wi th a ny ot her types. Fo r proper power supply installation pr ocedures see page 36. 9 2.1- Board Image This picture is r epresentat ive of the late st boar d revisi on availabl e at the time of publishi ng. Th e board you r eceive m ay or may not look exactly l ike the abov e pictur e. The following page inc ludes de tails on the vital componen ts of this motherboard. 10 2.2 - Block Diagram Tiger K8WE (S2877) Block Di agram. 11 2.3 - Board Parts, Jumpers and Connectors This diagram is representative of the lat est board revision available at the time of publishing. The board you receive may not look e xactly like the above d iagram. NOTE: * i s only availabl e on S2877ANRF v ersion. 12 Jumper Legend OPEN - Jumper OFF, wi thout jumper cover CLOSED – Jumper ON, with jumper cover Jumper/Connector Function Settings J139 Front Panel Header See Section 2.3.1 J112 Clear CMOS J umper See Section 2.3.2 J77 Chassis Intrusion Header See Section 2. 13 2.3.1 Fr ont Panel Header: J139 Functi on PIN # PIN # Function HDD LED+ 1 2 PWR LED+ HDD LED- 3 4 PWR LED- Reset Button - 5 6 PWR Button+ Reset Button + 7 8 PWR Button- VCC 9 10 NC IRRX 11 12 VCC GND 13 14 KEY IRTX 15 16 GND NC 17 18 SPKR 2. 14 2.3.3 Chassi s Intrusio n He ader: J7 7 PIN2 PIN1 Pin-2 GND Pin-1 INTRUDUER _L The Chassis Intrusion Header provides chassis intrusion- monitoring function. Note: For us e with chas sis t hat support this fea ture 2.3.4 *FireWire (IEEE1 394A) En able/D isable Jumper: *J 147 1 Use this jumper to enable/disable IEEE1394. 15 2.3.5 * FireWire ( IEEE1394A) Pin Header : *J148/*J14 9 Signal Description Pin # Pin # Signal Description TPA+ 1 2 TPA- GND 3 4 GND TPB+ 5 6 TPB- +12V 7 8 +12V GND 9 10 GND Warning: Both 1394 hea der and 13 94 cable connector are colored bla c k in order to distinguish from USB header which is c olored blue. 16 2.3.7 CO M2 Connect or: J42 Signal Description Pin # Pin # Signal Description Data-Carrier Detect 1 2 Data-Set- Ready Rece ive-Da ta 3 4 Request-to- Send Transfer-Data 5 6 Clear-to-Send Data- Terminal- Ready 7 8 Ring-Indicator Ground 9 10 Key Use these pin definitions to connect a port to COM2. 17 2.3.9 Keyboard Lock Con nector: J13 Open Closed Use this Jumper to enable/disable PS/2 keyboard. Open : Enable ( Default ) Closed : Disable 2. 18 2.3.11 **VGA (ATI Rage XL) Enab le/ Disa ble Jump er: **J8 5 Open Closed Use this Jumper to enable/disable onboard ATI Rage XL graphic. Open : Enable ( Default ) Closed : Disable Note: J85 is only available on S2877G2NR v er si on. 19 2.3.13 *Fr ont Panel Audio Header: * P53 Signal Description Pin # Pin # Signal Description AUD_M IC_L 1 2 GND AUD_MIC_R 3 4 AVD D AUD_FP_R 5 6 AUD_ RET_ R F_AUD_DET 7 8 KE Y AUD_FP_L 9 10 AUD_RED_L Note: If you use onboard Audio por t, you must clos e Pi n5- Pin6 and Pin9-Pin10. 20 2.3.15 Chassi s 4-pin F AN Connector: J47 PIN1 Use this connector to connect chassis cooling fan to your motherboard. This 4-pin fan conn ector supp or ts a new standard fan with int egrated fan speed contr ol on the fan itself for better fa n li fe. 21 2.3.17 3-pin or 4-pin fa n support selection jumper: J5 Signal Description Pin # Pin # Signal Description GND 6 5 SYS_FAN_PWM GND 4 3 CPU2_FAN_PWM GND 2 1 CPU1_FAN _PWM Pin # Co. 22 2.4 - Installing the Pr ocessor(s) Your brand new Tiger K8WE supports the latest 64 -bit processor technology from AMD. Only AMD Opteron ™ processor 200 series are certified and supported with t his motherboa rd. Check ou r website for late st processor supp or t . 23 2.5 - Heatsink Retention Frame Installation After you are done installi ng the processor(s), you sh ould proceed to installing the retention frame and heatsink. The CP U heatsink will en sure that the processors do not over heat a nd continue to oper ate at ma xim um perform a nce for as long as you own them . 24 2.6 - Thermal Interface Material There are two t ypes of thermal interface materia ls designed for u se with the AMD Opteron process or. The most co mmon material comes as a small pad attached to the heatsink at the time of purchase. 25 2.7 - Heatsink Installation Procedures Type A: CAM LEVER (TYPE) INSTALLATION 1. After placing backplate and interface mater ial under mot herbo ar d place heat sink rete ntion f r ame on top of motherboard. Alig n plastic retention bracket screw hole s with CP U back- plate standoff s. 26 Type B: SCREW RETENTIO N TYPE HEATSINK 1. After placing CPU back-p l at e and adhesive interfac e material under motherboard, place heatsink retention frame on top of motherboard. A lign heatsi nk retentio n frame s crew hole with backp late assembly standof fs. 27 2.8 - Finishing Installing the H eatsink After you have finish ed inst alling the h eatsi nk ont o the pr ocess or and s ocket, attach the end wire of the fan (which should alre ady be att ached to the heatsink) to the mother board. 28 2.9 - Tips on Installing Motherboard i n Chassi s Before install ing your mo therboard, make sure your chassis has the necessary mother b oard supp or t studs installed. Th ese studs are usua lly metal and are gol d in col o r. Usually, the cha ssis ma nuf acturer will pr e-inst all the support studs. 29 2.10 - Installing the Memory Before attempt ing to install any memo ry, make sure that th e memory you have is compatible w ith the mother b oard as well as the pr o cessor. 30 This follo wing chart outlines th e rules for populati ng memory (Note: X indica tes a popul ated DI MM Slot) Memory Configuratio n Chart CPU1 DIMM-A1 CPU1 DIMM-A2 CPU1 DIMM-B1 . 31 Memory Installation Proc edure When you instal l the me mory modules, make su re the module aligns properly wit h the memory slot. The module s are keyed to ensure that it is inserted only one way. The method of installing memo ry modules are detailed by t he follow ing diagr ams.
http: //www.tya 32 2.11 - Attaching Drive Cables Attaching I DE Drive Cable Attaching the I DE drive cabl e is simple. The cable is “keyed” to only allow it to be connected in the correct manner.
http: //www.tya 33 The following pictures illustrate how to connect an SATA drive 1.SA TA dr i v e cabl e connectio n 2. SATA drive power connection 3. SATA cable motherboard connect or 4. SATA drive power adapt er Attaching Floppy Drive Cables Attaching floppy diskette drive s are done in a similar m anner to hard dr ives .
http: //www.tya 34 2.12 - Installing Add-In Cards Before insta llin g add-in car d s, it ’s helpf ul to know if t hey ar e f ully com p atibl e with your motherbo ard. For t his reason , we’v e provided th e diagrams belo w, showing the most common slots that may appear on your motherboar d.
http: //www.tya 35 2.13 - Connecting External Devices Your mother board sup ports a number of diffe r ent interf ac es for connecti ng peripherals.
http: //www.tya 36 2.14 - Tips on modifying I/O shielding for ANRF and G2NR version We have enclos ed be low I/O shiel ding, wh ic h is com patible wi th board of both S2877ANR F and S2877G2 N R version. The VGA port, GbE LAN2(B C M5705) por t an d Audi o port s are c over e d with soft metal which can be disasse mbled easily by hand.
http: //www.tya 37 4 1 8 5 EPS 12V 8-pin (CPU Po wer) 4 GND 8 +12V3 3 GND 7 +12V3 2 GND 6 +12V3 1 GND 5 +12V3 Appl yi ng pow er t o t he boar d 1. Connect the EPS 12V 8-pi n power connect or. 2. Con nect the E PS 12V 24-pin pow er connect o r. 3.
http: //www.tya 38.
http: //www.tya 39 Chapter 3: B IOS Setup 3.1 - BIOS Setup Util ity With the BIOS setup utility, you can modify BIOS settings and control the special features of your computer. The setup ut ility uses a num ber of menus for making change s and turning the special features on or off.
http: //www.tya 40 3.2 - BIOS Menu Bar The menu bar at the t op of the windows lists these selections: Main To configure basic system setups Advanced To conf igure the advance d chipset features.
http: //www.tya 41 3.5 - BIOS Main Menu The Main BIOS Menu i s the first scr een that you can navigate. The Ma in BIOS setup menu scr ee n has two main fr ames. The left fr ame displays all the options that ca n be configure d. "Gra yed-out" optio ns ca nnot be configured, options in blue can be changed.
http: //www.tya 42 3.6 - BIOS Advanced Menu You can select any of the ite m s in the left fr ame of the screen, such as Hammer Confi gurati on, to go to t he sub menu for that item. You can displa y an Advanced BIOS Setup option by highlig hting it using the <Arrow> keys.
http: //www.tya 43 Integrated Devices Menu Ite m S et integrat ed devic es. PCI Configuration Menu Item Configure PCI devic es. IDE Configurati on Menu Item Config ure IDE i nter face.
http: //www.tya 44 Feature Optio n Description Auto Mem Clock Mode Limit Select Memory Clock frequency. Disabled Node Memory In terleave Enabled Interleave memory blocks across Processor Nodes. BIOS will auto detect capability of memory system. Disabled Dram Block Interleave Enabled Interleave memory blocks across dram chip selects.
http: //www.tya 45 F1: Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Values F9: Setup Defaults Esc: Exit ← → : Selec t Sc reen E nter: Selec t Sub-Menu F10: P revious V alues Feature Optio n Description Disabled USBA+USBB USB Control USBA+ USBB+USB2 Set USB controllers.
http: //www.tya 46 IDE Primary Master IDE Primary Sla ve IDE Secondary Master IDE Secondary S lave Internal SA TA Primary Internal SA TA Secondary External SATA Primary External SATA Secondary [.
http: //www.tya 47 PCI Device, Slot # 1 PCI Device, Slot # 2 PCI Device, Slot # 3 PCI Device, Slot # 4 Onboard Device Contr ol Option ROM Pl acement [Disabled] PCI/PNP IS.
http: //www.tya 48 Item Specific Help Option ROM Scan : Enable Master: Latency Time r [Enabled] [Disabled] [Default] F1: Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Values F9: Setup Defaults Esc: Exit.
http: //www.tya 49 F1: Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Values F9: Setup Defaults Esc: Exit ← → : Selec t Sc reen E nter: Selec t Sub-Menu F10: P revious V alues PCI/PNP ISA UHB Region Exclusion You can use this scr een to select op tions for the PCI/PNP ISA UH B Region Exclusion set tings.
http: //www.tya 50 PCI/PNP ISA IRQ Re source Exclusion You can use this scr een to select op tions for the PCI/PNP IRQ Resou rce Exclusion set tings. Use the u p and down <Arrow> keys to select an item. Use the <Plu s> and <Mi nus> ke ys to change the value of the se lected option.
http: //www.tya 51 3.6.4 - IDE Configuration Sub-Menu You can use this scr een to select opti ons for the IDE Conf iguration settings. Use the up and down < Arrow> keys t o se lect an item. Use the < Plus> and <Minus> keys t o chan ge the valu e of the sele cted option.
http: //www.tya 52 Primar y M ast er /Slave, Seco ndary Mast er /Slave The following screen sh ows the information o f IDE device. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Adva nced Item S pecific Help Type: C.
http: //www.tya 53 Disabled Ultra DMA Mode Enabled Select the Ultra DMA mode used for moving data to/from the drive. 3.6.5 - Fl oppy Confi guratio n Sub-Menu You can use this scr een to select op tions for the Floppy Configurati on settings. Use the up and dow n <Arrow> keys to select an item.
http: //www.tya 54 3.6.6 - I/O Device Configura tion Su b-Menu You can use this scr een to select opti ons for the I/O Device Confi g ur ation settings. Use the up and dow n <Arrow> keys to select an item. Use the <Plus> and <Min us > keys to chan ge t he valu e of the selected option.
http: //www.tya 55 IRQ3 Interrupt IRQ4 Set the inter rupt for seri al port B Disabled Parallel port Enab led Configure par a llel port using opti ons. 378 Base I/O Addres s 278 Set t he base I/O address for parallel port. IRQ5 Interrupt IRQ7 Set the inter rupt for pa rallel port.
http: //www.tya 56 3.6.8 – Co nsole Redi r ection Sub-Menu You can use this scr een to select options for the Co nsole Redirection settings. Use the up and dow n <Arrow> keys to select an item. Use the <Plus> and <Min us > keys to chan ge t he valu e of the selected option.
http: //www.tya 57 Direct Console co nn e ction Via mo dem Indicate whether the console is connected directly to th e system or a modem is used to connect.
http: //www.tya 58 3.7 - BIOS Memory Menu This menu has options f or memory spee d & latency. Use the up an d down <Arrow> keys to select an item. Use the <Plus> an d <Minu s> keys to change the value of the select ed option.
http: //www.tya 59 Feature Option Description Disabled Memory Cache Enab led Set the state of memory cache. Disabled USHC Write Through Write Protect Cache A000-A FFF Cache B000-B FFF Write Back Control cachi ng of the memory blocks.
http: //www.tya 60 Feature Optio n Description Disabled Password on boot Enabled Enable p asswor d ent ry on boot. Normal Fixed disk boot sector Write Pr ot ect Write protects boot sector on hard disk to prot ect against viruses. User Diskette access Supervisor Control access to diskette drives.
http: //www.tya 61 Feature Optio n Description Disabled QuickBoot Mode Enabled Allow the syst em to skip certain tests while booti ng. Disabled Boot-time Di agnostic Screen Enabled Display the diagnostic screen during boot . Disabled Summary screen Enabled Display system configuration on boot .
http: //www.tya 62 3.10 - Power Menu This menu ha s options for the Pow er management . Use the up an d down <Arrow> keys to select an item.
http: //www.tya 63 Enable Spectrum. Stay Off Power L os s Co ntrol Power On Control powe r l oss..
http: //www.tya 64 3.11 - BIOS Exit Menu Thi s menu ha s optio ns for th e Exit Pr iority. Use the up and down <Arrow> keys to select an item.
http: //www.tya 65.
http: //www.tya 66 Chapter 4: Diagnostics Note: if you experience pr ob lems with setting up your system, always check the follow in g thin g s in the following order: Memory, V ideo, CPU By checking these items, you will most lik ely fi nd out what the prob lem might have been when se tting up your system.
http: //www.tya 67 4.3 BIOS Post Code Code Beeps / Descriptio n Code Beeps / Description 02h Verify Rea l Mode 32h Test CPU bus-clock frequency 03h Disabl e N on-M askable Interrup t (NMI) 33h I.
http: //www.tya 68 2Eh 1-3-4-3. RAM failur e on data bits of low byte of memory bus 67h Initialize Multi Processor APIC 2Fh Enable cache before system BIOS shadow 68h E nable external and CPU caches 30h 1-4-1- 1.
http: //www.tya 69 92h Jump to Us er P atch2 C7h I nitialize noteb ook docking late 93h Build MPTABLE for multi- processor boar ds C8h Force che ck (o ption al) 95h Install CD ROM for bo ot C9h Extended checksum (optional ) 96h Clear huge ES segme nt register D2h BIOS Boot Block 97h Fixu p Multi Pro cessor ta bl e E0h BIOS Boot Block 98h 1-2.
http: //www.tya 70 Glossary ACPI (Advanced Confi gurat i on an d Pow er Inter f ace): a power management specification that allows the operating system to control the amount of power distributed to the computer ’s devices. Devices not in us e can be turned off , reducing u nn ecessary power expendit ur e.
http: //www.tya 71 losing your data should the system crash. Information in a buffer is temp orarily stored, not perma ne ntly saved. Bus: a data pathway. The t erm is used es pecially to refer to the connection between the processor a nd system me m or y , and b etween the pr oc essor and PCI or ISA local buses.
http: //www.tya 72 DRAM (Dynamic RAM): widely ava ilable, v ery af fordable form of RAM which looses data if it is not re charg ed regular ly (every few milliseconds). This refresh requirement makes DRAM three to te n times slower than non-recharged RAM such as SRAM.
http: //www.tya 73 I/O (Input/Out put): the connection between your computer and another piece of hardware ( m ouse, keyboard, etc.) IRQ (Interrupt Request): an electronic request that runs from a har dware device to the CPU. The interrupt contro ller assigns pr iorities to incomi ng requests and delivers them to the CPU.
http: //www.tya 74 PXE (Preboot Executi o n En vironment): one of four com ponents that together make up the Wired for Management 2.0 bas eline specificat ion.
http: //www.tya 75 SDRAM (Static RAM): unlike DRAM, this type of R AM does no t need to be refreshed in or der to preve nt data loss. Thus, it is faster and more e xpensive. Standby mode: in this mo de, the video and hard driv es shut down; all other devices continue to oper at e normally.
http: //www.tya 76 Technical Suppor t If a problem arises wi th your s ystem, you should turn to your dealer for help first. Your system has most likely been configur ed by them, and they should have the best idea of what hardware and software your system co ntains.
http: //www.tya 77 Notice f or the USA Compliance Information S tatement (Decl aration of Conformity Pro cedure) DoC FCC Part 15: This de vice complies with part 15 of t he FCC Rules Operation i.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Tyan Computer S2877 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Tyan Computer S2877 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Tyan Computer S2877 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Tyan Computer S2877 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Tyan Computer S2877, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Tyan Computer S2877.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Tyan Computer S2877. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Tyan Computer S2877 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.