Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 682 del fabbricante Troy-Bilt
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TRO Y -BIL T LL C , P .O. BO X 36 1 1 3 1 CLEVE LAND, OHIO 4 4 1 36 - 0 0 1 9 Print ed In USA O p era t Or ’ s M a nu a l Safe Ope ration Practices • S et-Up • Ope ration • Maintenance • Se .
Customer Support Please do NOT return the machine to the re tailer or d ealer with out fi rst contacting our Custome r Suppo rt D epar tment . If y ou h av e di f f icu lty as sembli ng t his produ c t o r ha ve an y que stion s reg ardin g th e c ontr ols, o perati on, or mai nt enanc e of th is m achi ne, you can s eek hel p from the experts.
Im por tant Safe Op erat ion P rac tic es 2 3 T raini ng Read, u nder stan d, and fo llow all inst ruc tions on th e machine an d in the manua l(s ) bef ore at tempting to assemb le and op erate. Kee p this manual in a s afe pla ce for futur e and regu lar refe rence and fo r order ing rep lacement par ts .
4 s ecti On 2 — i MpO rt ant s afe O pe ra ti On p ract ices Af ter stri king a f oreign o bjec t, s top the eng ine, disconn ec t the spar k plug wi re and grou nd agains t the engin e. Tho roughl y inspe ct the m achine for a ny damage. Rep air the damag e befo re sta r ting and op eratin g.
5 s ecti On 2 — i MpO rt ant s afe O pe ra ti On p ract ices If the f uel ta nk has to be dra ined, d o this outdo ors . Obse r ve prope r dispos al laws and re gulations f or gas, o il, etc.
W AR NIN G! T o prevent p erso nal injur y o r prop er t y damage, d o not sta r t the engin e until all assem bly steps are co mplete an d you have read and under st and the sa fet y and op eratin g instru cti ons in this manual .
Moving the Till er of f the Shipping Platform Set the D epth Re gulator Lever to travel p osition . Do this by lif ting th e tiller by the ha ndleb ars, t hen pulli ng stra ight back on th e lever and sli ding down to th e highes t notched set ting. S ee Fig.
Wheels/ Tines PTO Driv e Lever Loose n the bol t on the hand lebar b ase and s wing the handl ebars o ut to the right si de. See Fi g. 3- 1 . Remove both s ets of n uts, s tar was hers , screws, a nd one bushin g from the yo ke plates. S ee Fig. 3 - 6.
Pull the Whe els/ Tin es/P TO Lever back to align the f or ward most h oles in th e yoke plate with the h oles in th e lever plates. A lso align th e bushing th at is inside the sh or t link bar. Install the sc rew , s tar washe r , and nut , then tig hten secu rely.
Engine Throttle Lev er and Cable For shipp ing pur poses , the throt tle ca ble, toge ther with t he throt tle lever, is wound aroun d the engin e. Caref ully unwin d the cab le. If the th rott le control lab el is covered w ith a clear protec tive coatin g, pe el it of f.
Use a ⁄ ” long screw a nd ⁄-20 hex nut to connec t the positi ve ( + ) bat ter y cab le to the po sitive ( + ) b atter y p ost . Make sure that this is th e cable o n the lef t side, with o ne end at tach ed to the so lenoi d. See Fi g 3- 1 4.
Han dle bar H eig ht Adjus tme nt Lever Whe els/ T ine s/P TO Dri ve Lever For ward Inte rlo ck Levers Dep th R egu lato r Lever Whe el Sp ee d Lever Tin es/P TO Clut ch Leve r Figur e 4 - 1 Till er controls a nd features a re descri bed b elow an d illustr ated in Fig.
Starting the Engine The fo llowing s teps des cribe h ow to star t and s top the en gine. NOTE: D o not at tempt to enga ge the tines , whe els, or a ny PTO att achment u ntil you have read all of the o per ating instr uc tions in this se ctio n.
Starting Elec tric S tar t Engine with Recoil S tar ter Y o u may , at som e point, h ave to star t an ele ct ric st ar t engin e with the re coil st ar ter rope . Befor e attem pting to do so, p er form the foll owing ap plica ble ste ps: If you susp ec t the bat ter y charg e is weak , and ther e is no visibl e damage.
When th e tiller m oves for ward, re lax an d let the wh eels power th e tiller al ong whil e the tines di g. Walk behi nd and to one si de of the till er . Walk on the si de that is not yet tille d. Use a f irm gri p on the hand lebar s but kee p your arm rela xed.
Choosing Wheel & Tine Speeds The til ler has fou r FORW AR D whee l/tine sp ee d combinatio ns for handlin g a varie ty o f tilling t ask s and gard ening jo bs. E xpe riment with the tin e depth, e ngine sp eed , and whe el/tin e spee d to determ ine the combi nation that pr ovides the b est re sults .
Changing Belt F rom Low Range to H igh Range T o avoid p ers onal injur y, shut of f the en gine, let a ll moving par ts com e to a comple te stop, then dis connec t the sp ark plug w ire from th e spark p lug and move the w ire away from th e spark p lug be fore mak ing any adjus tment s.
Stand on th e lef t sid e of the tille r . Use your ri ght hand to hold th e Whee ls/ T ines/ PTO Dri ve Lever up into REV ERSE positi on. Use your l ef t hand to move the b elt of f th e top -f ront engi ne pulley g roove to top -rea r engine p ulley groove.
Av oid Tilling W et, Soggy Soil Till ing wet soi l of ten result s in large, h ard clumps of s oil that can inter fe re with pl anting. If t ime per mits , wait a day or t wo af ter heav y rains to al low the soil to d r y bef ore tillin g. T es t the so il by squee zing it into a ba ll.
With p lanning, yo u can allow e nough ro om be twe en rows to cultivate. Leave roo m for the ho od wi dth, plus e nough ex tra ro om for f uture p lant grow th.
Beg in by compost ing crop res idues such as l ef tover vines , sta lk s, stems an d roots . Power compos t these cro p residue s as soo n as they f inish be aring. T he so oner this is d one, the bet ter, as tender gree n mat ter is easier to till un der.
Tilling Under C orn Af ter corn is har ves ted, the s talk s sho uld be ti lled into the s oil while s till gre en. Dr y p lants are m ore dif f i cult to till und er , and the root s break l oose too e asily. NOTE: D o not pull th e root s out by hand or c ut the st alk s bef ore tilling .
The n move the swing - out b olt s out. S ee Fig. 4 -2 1 . NOTE: Lo osenin g swing - out b olt s can be di f f icult . Use an ex tra -l ong wre nch for l everage. Tip th e PTO power machi ne for war d about o ne inch wit h one han d while pu lling the tin e att achment ba ck.
Moving the Tiller When th e engine is r unning , the tiller ’s powered w heels m ake moving th e tiller to and f rom the g arden eas y . I f the engin e is not runnin g, set the W hee l Spee d Lever to FREEWHEEL p osition to roll the ti ller to anoth er loc ation.
W AR NIN G! Be fore insp ec ting, cl eaning or ser vi cing the till er , shut o f f the engi ne and wai t for all the pa rt s to come to a compl ete stop. Dis connec t the spar k plug wir e and move the wire aw ay from the spar k plug. R emove the igni tion key on the ele ctr ic st ar t mode ls.
Tire Pressure Check the a ir pressure i n both tires ever y 30 o perati ng hour s. Def late or i nf late both tires even ly to 1 5 - to 20 -PSI (p ounds p er square i nch) . Be sure that b oth tires have the sa me air pressu re or the till er will tend to pull to o ne side.
Rear Be aring Cap S crews The thr ee rear b earing c ap screws are l ocate d under th e depth re gulator mo unting br acket. If a ny are loose, it c an cause an o il leak or d rive shaf t en d play . Se e Fig. 6 -3. Housin g Cover Bolts Check the f i ve bolt s secur ing the till er housin g cover to the lef t si de of the tra nsmission.
Use a ⁄ ” wrench to rem ove the oil level che ck plug o n the lef t si de of the tra nsmission ho using. Se e Fig. 6 - 6 . If the oi l level is corre ct , oil will s eep ou t of the che ck hole (allow ex tra time in co ld weather). If it do es, the leve l is f ine and you sho uld rep lace the che ck plug.
For dipst ick s With ‘Che ck Cold’ M arki ng (Cold means 2 hou rs have passed sin ce the tiller w as used.) Move the tille r to level groun d. Pull the De pth Regu lator Lever back , then p ush it down a ll the way (to engage it s top notch) . Place a sturd y suppo r t under th e engine to p revent the tiller f rom tilti ng too far.
Using the ⁄” wren ch, remove the dr ain plug . The gea r oil will d rain quite sl owly since it is thi ck. Af ter a bout t wo quar ts h ave drained, ti lt the tille r for ward s o any oil at the rear of the t ransmission w ill drain o ut.
Lubric ate the tiller as f ollows: Oil the w heel s haf t bet we en the whe el hubs an d the transmissi on housin g. See Fi g. 6 - 1 0. Oil all p ivoting and con nec ting p oints on t he Whe els/ Tin es/P TO Drive Lever and the W heel Sp ee d Lever . Se e Fig.
How to Measure th e Belt T ensi on Befo re tak ing a measu rement, b e sure the li nkage s and pivot po ints on th e Whee ls/ T ines/ PTO Drive Lever ar e clean and lub ricated . If ther e is any binding , you won’t ge t true measure ments . Also, you’l l need th e bel t adjustm ent tool you recei ved with your n ew tiller.
Inser t the b elt a djustme nt tool throu gh the ho le in the side of th e adjustm ent blo ck, sp acing the e nds of the to ol equal ly on both s ides. S ee Fig. 6 - 1 5. Rotate the to ol so the slot ted en d faces down . Place the Whe els/ Tine s/PTO Dr ive Lever in FORWARD positi on.
Measure th e width of the o utsid e edge of th e disc as shown in Fig. 6 - 1 8 . Repla ce the disc be fore the r ubbe r edge wea rs to a thickn ess of ⁄ ” or less . F ailu re to do so could c ause the stee l under neath the rub ber to da mage the tra nsmission pulley.
Use your lef t hand to hol d the Whe els/ T ines /PTO Dri ve Lever up in RE VER SE, while b rief ly p ulling ou t engine re coil sta rte r . The r everse dis c should t urn the lowe r pulley.
Move the Whe els/ Tin es/P TO Drive Lever to NEUTR AL. The s witch bod y on the b otto m of the engi ne mount tab sho uld be r esting s quarel y on top of the r everse adjust ment bo lt, and the r everse dis c shoul d be at leas t ⁄ ” away from the transm ission dri ve pulley.
Belt Replacement Drive Belt Move the Whe els/ Tin es/P TO Drive Lever to NEUTR AL positi on. While k nee ling on th e right sid e of the tille r , create slack in the be lt by reaching over to the l ef t side o f the pull eys and pushing i n on the center of th e belt w ith your f inge r .
Push the be lt for war d then down unti l it is loo ped over the lower pu lley . Se e Fig. 7- 2. D o not yet seat it i n either o f the lower pu lley ’ s gro oves. NOTE: A b lunt obje ct , like a rule r , can h elp you push th e bel t downward if n eed ed.
If ba dly worn , they lose the a bilit y to till de epl y . Worn tines l eave an ever-increasi ng gap in the mi ddle of a ti lled row. The no rmal gap is 3” be twe en the tin e tips — repla ce the tines wh en the gap wide ns to 5” . See Fig. 7-8.
T roubl eshoo tin g 8 40 Pr oblem Caus e Remedy Engi ne does not start Wheels/T ines/PT O Driv e Lev er not in Neut ral positi on F uel tank low or empty . F uel line restricted o r clogged. Chok e con trol imp roperly set. Wa ter or dirt in fuel, and / or fuel system.
4 1 s ecti On 8 — t r Oublesh OOting Pr oblem Caus e Remedy Wheels and tine s do n ot turn Misadju sted driv e belt and/ or re verse di sc Loose bolt on transmi ssion d rive pu lley W orn worm gears 1. 2. 3. See Mai ntenan ce & Adjust ments Section Tighte n bolt See au thorized s er vice dealer 1.
R epla cem ent P ar ts 9 42 C omponen t Pa r t Number an d Descrip tion GW-92 45 V-Belt 7 4 2- 04 1 1 9 Bolo T ine (LH) , 1 2” 7 4 2- 04 1 1 8 Bolo T ine (RH), 1 2” 634- 0423 1 Wheel, 1 6 x 4.
No tes 1 1 43.
MANUF A CTURER’S LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR GDO C -1 0 00 2 3 RE V. C Th e lim it ed w arr a nt y se t fo r t h bel ow is g iv en by T r oy- Bi lt L LC w it h re sp ec t to n ew me rc han dis e pur ch as.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Troy-Bilt 682 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Troy-Bilt 682 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Troy-Bilt 682 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Troy-Bilt 682 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Troy-Bilt 682, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Troy-Bilt 682.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Troy-Bilt 682. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Troy-Bilt 682 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.