Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto GL-1010 del fabbricante Toshiba
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GL-1010 Network Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide V ersion 1.3.4 Your guide to using the Network Fax option with your e-STUDIO GL-1010 Electronic Document Proce ssing System.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’ s Guide Your guide to using the Network Fax option with your e-STUDIO GL-1010 E lectronic Document Processing Sys tem.
of Japan or , at the elec tion of a Supplie r of TTEC conce rned wi th a disp ute arisin g from o r relatin g to this Agree ment, the law s of the Count ry designa ted from time to time by the rele vant Supplier of TTEC.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 7 T ABLE OF CONTENT S TABLE OF CONTEN TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LIST OF FIGUR ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide GL-1010 Administrato r ’s G uide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 GL-1010 Op erator’s Guide (Ba sic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 GL-1010 T opAccessCompos er Operator’s Gu ide .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 9 Prepari ng the Cover shee t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Entering Se nder Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Scheduli ng Faxes.
10 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 11 LIST OF FIGURES InstallShi eld Setup window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 e-STUDIO G L-1010 Fax Clien t CD-ROM Ins tallShield window . . . . . . . . . 2 7 Uninstall W izard .
12 GL-1010 Network F ax Operator ’s Guide New Contact Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Contact P roperties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 13 LIST OF T ABLES S ty les and Conv entions Used in this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 T erms and Concepts Defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 GL-1010 Network F ax Operator ’s Guide.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 15 PREFACE The GL-1 010 Network Fax Operator’ s Guide provi des detaile d instruc tions f or ins talling, s etti ng up and us ing T oshiba’ s optio nal Network Fax Feature f or the e- STUDIO GL-1010 syst em.
16 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide INTRO DUCTION T oshiba’ s optional Network Fax Feature for the e- STUDIO GL-1010 system Congratul ations o n purcha sing T oshiba’ s optional Network Fax Feature for the e -STUDIO GL-1010 sy stem. Both produc ts incorpor ate the lates t in sta te-of-the- art d igital a nd computer technol ogy .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 17 USING TH IS GUIDE S tyles and Conventions This guide employs severa l typographi c styles to visual ly convey informat ion. The followin g tabl e illust rates t he styles used an d defines the co nditions in whic h they are used.
18 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Manual Organiza tion Chapte r 1, Overview summar izes the feature s and funct ionary of the T oshiba’ s optio nal Network Fax Feat ure for t he e-ST UDIO .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 19 GL-101 0 This c omponent of the e- STUDIO GL-1 010 Electron ic Documen t Processin g System provid es networ k connec tivity b etween th e client works tation s and th e digi tal c opier con nected t o it. The GL -1010 is p hysical ly moun ted to th e TO SHIBA e-STUD IO28/35/4 5.
20 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide SUPPLEM ENT A L REFEREN CES Quick S t art Guide The purpos e of this guide is to introd uce use rs to the GL-1010 product, summariz e instal lation a nd operati onal proc edures, and descri be system r equirement s and sp ecifica tions.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 21 web-based utilit y , T opAcc ess (End Use r Mode). The gu ide also provides instruc tions fo r loca l scannin g and re mote manag ement of scan j obs.
22 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 23 1 OVERVIEW AN INT EGRATE D SOLUTI ON The digit al copie r with the T oshiba’ s optional Networ k Fax Feature for the e -STUDIO GL-101 0 system and Address .
24 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide FEATURE S AND FUNCT IONS Functional Highl ight s The highl y intuit ive, networ k GL-Fax Driv er sof tware enables you to select t he fax pri nter dri ver t o electr onically fax doc uments from your computer to one or more recipi ents.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 25 2 INST ALLA TION This chap ter in cludes pr ocedures f or inst alling so ftware require d to enabl e the fa x printi ng and onl ine addre ss books for the di gital copier . It i s recommende d that you r ead the se instr uctions i n their entire ty bef ore beg inning the inst allatio n process.
26 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide INST ALLING THE SOF TWARE Overview Before yo u can begin util izing the T oshiba’ s optional Networ k Fax Featu re for th e e-STUDIO GL-101 0 system you must instal l the soft ware using the e-STUDIO GL-1010 Fax Clien t CD-ROM provided .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 27 3 Follow th e Setup W izard as it leads you through t he instal lati on steps. Y ou will be pr ompted to s upply the f ollowing inf ormation: M Enter a d estinat ion dir ectory o r accept t he defaul t loc a- tion, whi ch is C:Progr am Files GL-1010T oshiba e- STUDIO GL-Fax & Addr ess Book.
28 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide M Select a program gr oup to which the GL- 1010 tool s icons will be added, or ac cept the d efault f older , TOSHIB A e- STUDIO GL Client. M When the setup pro gram fi nishes cop ying t he necessa ry files to your compu ter , you are prompted t o view the ReadMe fi le.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 29 Add Printer Inst allation The foll owing pr ocedure va ries sli ghtly fo r W i ndows 95/98, W indo ws Me, W indo ws NT , W indows 2000 and W indows XP .
30 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 5 Locate t he GL-1010 pr inter in the networ k: Each dri ver is represen ted by a se parate pr inte r icon wit hin the network: 6 Select the <device name> dssc prin ter a nd click OK .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 31 The new fax drive r now appears i n the W indows Printer s folder ..
32 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Inst all Dri vers from T opAccess. If the system admini strato r has up loaded sof tware to t he control ler , users can inst all the software o n their wor kstati ons. 1 Click th e Install Sof tware link at t he bottom of the scree n.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 33 fro m the Sta r t M enu and then locate the Se tup.exe file on the CD. Click OK to launch the setup progra m. Uninstal l W izard 3 Select Remo ve to uni nstall all prev iously inst alled GL-10 10 components from th e client work stat ion 4 Follow th e setup wiz ard as files a re removed from y our syst em.
34 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 35 3 SETUP This chap ter imp ortant i nformatio n regar ding document and faxing a ttributes as well as scree n level an d instruc tions fo r comple ting fax p ropert ies.
36 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide WHAT ARE F AX PROP ERTIES? Fax proper ties ar e the attr ibutes use rs can set to de fine se nder and recipi ent infor mation , final fax appea rance and time fo r process ing fax jo bs.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 37 indicat es a Port rait orientat ion, and yo u select the Land scape propert y within t he driver , the doc ument is printed in Portra it mode.
38 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide select ing any individua l member of the gro up in the r ight, the n clicki ng the Add but ton, w ill a dd th e sele cted grou p wi th all of it ’ s members to the “T o” lis t.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 39 Paper Size Conversions Document Si ze A4, B4, A3, L T , LG Computer , LD and Foli o are accepta ble or iginal sizes . The size of the o rigin als that can be s ent is deter mined by a nnotation with the destinat ion fax.
40 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Password ( check box) , Sub Address , Password, an d Notes. For furthe r info rmatio n, refe r to CHAPTER 5 Managing Y our Privat e Addr e ss Book.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 41 cover sh eet. Users can selec t what to i nclude on t he cover s heet such as s ender o r recipi ent info rmatio n.
42 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Sender Propert ies The Sender Infor mation page allows users th e abilit y to en ter the sender’ s per sonal in formation to be displaye d on outbound fax es. For fu rther i nformat ion, refe r to CHAPTER 4 Faxing fr om W indows Applicati ons.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 43 SETTIN G UP M AILBOXE S FOR INCOM ING FA X ROUT ING In T opAcce ss, you c an set u p mailboxes f or inc oming fax rout ing. T opAccess allo ws you to spe cify a mail box number , owner , comment, notific ation opt ions an email addr ess.
44 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide The Mail Box Settings page appear s. 4 Enter t he Box Number (r equired). 5 If desi red, ente r the Owner a nd Comment, sel ect notifi cation options and ent er an email address. 6 Click Next . The Agent Se ttin gs Page appe ars.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 45 7 Select Send to TW AIN, Send to Fil e, Send to Email , Send to iFax or Se nd to T opAccessComposer from the dr op-down list .
46 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide M File Format - Select the file f ormat from Multi Page TIFF (G4) or PD F M Maximum Mess age Size - The message s ize is pr e-con- figure d by the admi nist.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 47 M Fragment M essage - Select t he desire d fragmenta tion n Send to T opAccessComposer M Destinat ion - Sel ect a fol der type f rom Public , Private or Department . Enter a Lo gin User Name and password if requir ed dependin g on the fol der type you chose.
48 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide M Document Name - The document name will be aut omati- cally d etermined for you at the ti me of rece ption 8 Click Select . It is p ossible t o overri de the GL-101 0 mailbox by editing o r creati ng a mailbo x from the c opier fr ont panel t hat ha s the same number .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 49 job is n ot rejec ted and tr eated as a normal inbound fa x job. Mailboxes with a pass word are s hown with a l ock icon.
50 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 51 4 FAXING This chap ter in cludes st ep-by-st ep procedu res for p rinti ng to the fax dri ver selec ting rec ipients, optionall y includi ng cover s heets and sendi ng a fax fr om with in a n applicat ion.
52 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide OVERVI EW Y ou can use the GL- Fax Driver option to elect ronicall y fax documents from your co mputer t o one or more recipie nts. In additi on, you can se lect fa x propert ies, f ax schedul e options, include fax co ver sheet s and edit sender informat ion.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 53 Print Di alog (Micr osoft W or d) 4 Set the desi red fax proper ties from the GL-Fa x Driver dialog tabs. Fax Drive r Pr operties—Sen d tab Each prope rty shee t conta ins sett ings tha t control the way your fax is print ed, w hen it will b e sent , wh o will receiv e the fax a nd cover sh eet optio ns.
54 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Selecting Recipi ent s Y ou must spe cify at least one recip ient in o rder to f ax a document. 1 Choose Pr int from th e File m enu. 2 Click Properties . 3 From the Se nd page, sel ect the Add ress Book f rom the drop- down menu.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 55 − Selecting a group in the Address Bo ok list (left pane), with- out selecting an individual member in the Contact list (right pane), will add the selected group to the recipient “T o” list.
56 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 4 When you have finished , click OK to add the conta ct to the recipi ent “T o” list. Fax Driver Pr operties—Sen d page with send “T o” l ist entry Removing Recipien t s If you i nadverten tly added a fax r ecipient t o the se nd “T o” li st, you can ea sily remove them.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 57 Setting F ax Resolution, Page Size and Ori ent ation Y ou can se t the v arious f ax propert ies when you prepar e a fax t o be sent.
58 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 3 From the Cover Sheet tab, sel ect a c over shee t fr om the drop - down list (you ca n select a Sta ndard, Bu siness or Professi onal cover sh eet). Fax Dr iver Properties—CoverS heets page 4 Enter t he subject title to be prin ted on t he cover s heet in t he Subject field.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 59 Entering Send er Informati on 1 Choose Pr int from th e File m enu. 2 Click Properties . Fax Dr iver Properties—Sen der Inform ation page 3 From the Se nder In formation page, en ter the s ender informat ion you wish to be d ispla yed on fax c over sheet s in the tex t box.
60 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Fax Dri ver Properties—Send pag e indicatin g Send Now 3 From the Se nd page, cli ck the down- arrow and select the Send Fa x Lat er option in t he Delayed Fax frame. Th e Edit button wi ll become e nabled.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 61 The schedu led date a nd time wil l displa y on the Send propert ies page i n the Delayed Fax f rame. Send Fax T o se nd the fax , click OK . The fax jo b is sent to the fa x driver . Y ou can moni tor the f ax job using GL Doc Mon or T opAccess.
62 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 4 From the Dev ice S tatus win dow , sele ct the Fax tab. GL Doc Mon - Fax page 5 Y ou can view the Docume nt name, S tatus, Owne r , number of Pages, Siz e, and the Submitte d date and time.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 63 Retrieving Routed Fax Document s (TW AIN) When route d fax data is sav ed on the co ntrolle r , it can be retrieve d by using a TW AIN complia nt software applicat ion.
64 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 3 Select the Domain and GL-1010 Dev ice. M Domain − Name of a workg roup or a domain n ame that the controller belongs to.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 65 6 Select the document you want to retriev e from the d ocument list. If the document data sta tus is di splayed as “*” it is protect ed.
66 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 11 T o ref resh t he scr een to displ ay the lates t docu men ts in the fold er click the Refresh button. 12 T o De lete a docum ent in the f older, selec t the d ocum ent a nd then click th e Delete button .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 67 stored in the cont roller hard disk in the folder na med F AXErr -[SUBADDRESS ]. Retrieving Routed Fax Document s (T opAccessComposer) T o learn how to re trieve a fax stored in T opAccessComposer , see the GL-101 0 T opAccess Composer Opera tor ’ s Guide.
68 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 3 Select the Fax Jobs page. T op Access - Fa x Jobs pa ge 4 Select the des ired fax pri nt que ue to view . − Curren t − Delayed − All Deleting Fax Jobs Using T opAccess 1 S tart your we b browser . 2 Enter the T opAccess URL (t he GL-1010 IP addr ess) and t hen press Enter .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 69 7 Y ou will be pr ompted to c onfirm your del etion. Cli ck Ye s . T opA ccess - Fa x Page The fax wi ll be del eted from t he fax queu e.
70 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 71 5 GL FAX ADDRESS BOOK Y ou can manag e deta iled inf ormation ab out the pe ople you communic ate with by using the GL-Fax Addres s Book.
72 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide OVERVI EW The GL Fax Addr ess Book uti lity al lows you to manage th e GL Fax Address Book propert ies, manag e address bo oks and add ress book entr ies.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 73 NAVIGA TING THE ADDRES S BOOK The GL Addres s Book Editor mai n window co nsists of t wo panes. GL-Fa x Addr ess Book The left -hand pane contai ns a tre e stru cture fo r the T oshiba Address Boo k. Y ou can exp and or coll apse to vi ew/hide Gr oups and Contac t address book ent ries.
74 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Selecti ng an entr y in the l eft-han d pane of t he addr ess book display s summary informati on about t he entry i n the rig ht-hand pane. The r ight-han d pane di splays no n-modifia ble, text -only summary inf ormation a bout the c urrent ly selec ted addre ss book entr y .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 75 The New conta ct proper ties wind ow displays . New Cont act Properties 3 Select a Prefix a s: − [Blank] − Dr . − Mr . − Mrs. − Miss − Ms 4 Enter t he First Na me and Last Name fields. 5 Select a Suf fix as : − [Bla nk] − Jr .
76 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide − Prefi x Fi rst Last -Suffix − Prefix Last First-Suf fix − Prefix Last , First-Suf fix 7 T ype the Company and Department Name for th e recip ient. 8 T ype the requi red Fax Numb er for t he recipi ent.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 77 5 Click th e conta ct to copy in the right pa ne. 6 Click Select . Modifying Cont act Properties Users ca n make changes to con tact inf ormation by invoking t he Propert ies dial og.
78 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Creating Gr oup s 1 From the GL Fa x Address Book , selec t the T os hiba e- STUDIO28-45 GL Addr ess Book. ( Left pane) 2 Click New Group on th e tool bar or selec t File → New Group... from the menu. The New window d isplays.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 79 The Selec t Group Members di alog will display . Select Group Members dia log The Selec t Group Members di alog conta ins two pan es. The lef t pane dis plays a ll the c ontacts a nd asso ciated i nformation that are current ly avail able in the T oshiba e- STUDIO28-45 GL Addr ess Book.
80 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 4 T o ad d members to the g roup, se lect the name from th e T oshiba e-STUDIO28-45 GL Address Book pane and t hen click Select -> . The co ntact is moved to t he New Member li st indicat ing the s elected member is to be a dded to the group.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 81 7 When you have finished adding members to t he group, cl ick OK and then c lick OK once more to save th e new set tings. T o return to the Addr ess Book Editor without addin g members to the g roup, clic k Cancel .
82 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide Removing a S pecif ic Cont act or Group f rom the T oshiba e-STUDIO28-45 GL Addre ss Book 1 T o de lete an en try , right-cl ick the f older or name i n the Addr ess Book wind ow , th en select Delete . Address Book V i ewer 2 A message bo x displays , askin g you to conf irm the de letion.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 83 5 The conta ct is add ed to t he Address Book or Group you hav e select ed. Y ou can no w edit the contac ts proper ties as d esir ed by clic king Pro perti es in the toolb ar or sel ectin g File → Properties from the menu.
84 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide 5 Results found that match the search cr iteria entered wi ll be display ed in t he result s list below . Y ou can stop a n active search b y clic king the Stop button. Find Di alog 6 T o su bmit a new se arch query , click th e New Se arch button.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 85 address list or Find results list t o sor t the co lumn in ascen ding or desce nding orde r . Importing or Exporting Address Book Dat abase Entries The Import and Export features are provi ded with t he GL Fax Address Boo k applica tion.
86 GL-1010 Netw ork Fax Operator ’s Guide If one or more recor ds have be en skipped d uring the import process it may be du e to one of the fo llowin g reasons: M The recor d alread y exists. M Group name c ontains an inval id charac ter . M The displ ay name is e mpty .
GL-1010 Networ k Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide 87 GLOSSARY OF T ERMS Definition of Common T erms T er m De fini tion ACS A utomati c C asset te S witchin g. ADD A uto- D uple xing D e vice. A copi er compo nent that a llows d ouble si ded prin ting and c opying (s tanda rd equi pment).
88 GL-1010 Net work Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide Bypa ss Feede r See S tack Feed Bypas s . Cascade Printing A feature where a cop ier switch es to the next outpu t tray when the first designate d output tr ay is full. Casse tte The c opi er cas set tes th at con tain th e inp ut pape r .
GL-1010 Networ k Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide 89 Electron ic Docum ent Proc essing Sys tem This system consis ts of the TO SHIBA e-STUD IO28/35/ 45 digit al copi er connecte d to the G L-1010 co ntroller . This al lows users to enjoy the convenie nce of w alk-up c opying, f axing, sc annin g, and net work pri nting from the s ame devi ce.
90 GL-1010 Net work Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide IPX I nternet work P ac ket E xcha nge. A Ne tW are co mmunic ations pro tocol used t o route me ssages f rom on e node to another . IPX p acket s inc lude network addresses a nd can be routed from one n etwork to an other .
GL-1010 Networ k Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide 91 NDS N etWare D irectory S ervice. N DS mai ntains a hier archical datab ase of informatio n abou t the network resource s within a globa l enterpris e, includin g network s, users , subgroup s, servers, volumes and p rinters.
92 GL-1010 Net work Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide Orient atio n Orient ation r efers to the directio n a docum ent is la id out on a p age. A Portrait or ientat ion pro duces a vertical p age l ayout ( i.e., the p age hei ght is greater than wid th). A Landsca pe orie ntatio n produ ces a ho rizont al page l ayout (i.
GL-1010 Networ k Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide 93 Private p rint Private Print is a p rinting m ode that a llows u sers to s end a job from their workst ation, a nd then hold it u ntil the us er ente rs a pr ivate DIN from the copier to releas e and p rint the jo b.
94 GL-1010 Net work Fax Oper ator ’ s Guide S tack Feed By pass A special p aper inp ut unit w hich can be used to feed more than a sin gle sheet of s pecial p aper (s uch as e nvelope, thick p aper , etc.) fo r print job . Subnet A range of IP addresses .
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 95 INDEX A Add Printer 29 Adding contact entries 74 Adding contacts to Groups 78 Address Book 37 creating private contacts 74 Editor 16 exporting database entri.
96 GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s E Email Address 39, 76 e-STUDIO GL-1010 Elec tronic Document Processing System defined 18 Exporting database entries 86 F Fax deleting jobs 62, 68 managing 61 send.
GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s Guide 97 Fax 36 Prin t 72 Send 37 Sender 42 Q Quick Start Guide 20 R Recipient adding 55 deleting 56 Removing a member from a Group 81 Removing recipients 56 Resoluti.
98 GL-1010 Network Fax Operator ’s.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Toshiba GL-1010 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Toshiba GL-1010 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Toshiba GL-1010 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Toshiba GL-1010 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Toshiba GL-1010, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Toshiba GL-1010.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Toshiba GL-1010. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Toshiba GL-1010 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.