Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CPU-56 del fabbricante Toa
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CONTENTS FUNCTIONS W H IC H REQUIRE ADDITIONAL U NI TS TIELINE CONNECTION O F EXCHANGES WIRING FOR TIELINE CONNECTION O F THE EXCHANGES Page 3 4 6 8 P A R T 1 . Operating of CPU U n it a nd No . 20 0 Programming 1. Precautions f or Installation of CPU-56 10 11 13 17 18 19 2 .
Page 7. Programming Record for Functions ............................................ Function Table for Stations ( 1 ) . . . ............................................... Function Table f or Stations (2).............................................
INTRODUCTION TO T HE OPERATION INSTALLATION MANUAL FO R E X E S -5000 This manual forms part of the Installation Manual f or TOA INTERCOM SYSTEM EXES-5000. You ma y add the CPU-56 to your T OA INTERCOM SYSTEM EXES-5000, according to your specific needs, to obtain various other functions.
FUNCTIONS W H I C H R E Q U I R E ADDITIONAL U N IT S (When t h e Exchanges a r e n ot connected by means o f Tie-line.) Those fu nctions of the CPU-56 which requi re either the addition of spe cific un its o r pr ocessing in ex i st i ng uni ts a re as me nti one d be low .
FUNCTIONS WHICH REQUIRE ADDITIONAL UNITS (When t h e Exchanges a r e connected b y means o f Tie-line.) Those functions of t he CPU-56 which require either the addition o f specific units or processing i n existing units are as mentioned below. Bef ore installation and adjustment of equipment, make sure t o check your system.
TIELINE CONNECTION O F THE EXCHANGES 1 . Function o f th e Central Processing Uni t CPU-56 T o make communications between exchanges possible i n th e EXES-5000 system, th e CPU-56 an d t he Tieline Unit TI-52 ar e required in addition t o the exchange EX-510 or th e EX-520.
2 . Number o f station, paging zones an d links Composition o f exchange(s) Without tielines 2 exchanges 3 exchanges * Th e links within own exchange a s well as t h e tieline links a re us ed i n each tieline communication.
4 . Reduction o f the number o f stations a nd paging zones which results fr om the us e o f th e Tieline U n i t TI-52. 1 . Mounting one ( 1 ) piece o f th e TI-52 d ec r eases the number o f t h e LMU-52A (th e 7th or t he 15 th LMU-52A) b y one ( 1 ) .
WIRING F O R TIELINE CONNECTION O F THE EXCHANGES E ac h exchange can be connected b y means o f a cable w i t h a diameter of 0.65mm for a distance o f up t o 2km . Regarding t h e tieline links which a r e no t used, turn o f f th e DI P switch of each unused tieline link inside th e Tieline U n i t TI-52.
2. Wiring f o r tieline connection o f 3 exchanges Exchange A Exchange B Exchange C Be s u re t o connect T L (link No. 0,1,2,3) to T H (link N o. 4,5,6,7) between the exchanges. Connection o f T H t o T H o r TL t o T L w i l l lead t o failure o f proper operation o f th e system.
3 . T he Example o f connection o f 2 E X-520 exchanges ( YR-801 must be connected to J15 for EX-520 exchange or to J7 for EX-510 Exchange Terminal board Terminal board BOX-064X2 BOX-064X2 YR-801 f o .
4.The Example of connection of 3 EX-520 exchanges (YR-801 most b e connected t o J15 fo r EX-520 exchange or t o J7 fo r EX-510 exchange) Terminal board BOX-064X2 Terminal board BOX-064X2 YR-801:Junct.
P A RT 1 . OPERATION O F C P U U N I T A ND N O . 2 0 0 PROGRAMMING 1 . PRECAUTIONS FOR INSTALLATION O F CPU-56 Please re ad th e following in s t r uc ti on s carefully to ensure proper operation of the CPU-56. N g normally. INDICATION . H for #200 Programing " position only at time of initial program- and registration of functions.
2. INITIAL CPU-56 S ET UP Make s ure th at you have turned o f f the A C power switch. Connect th e exchange, terminal boards and stations. 1 . Connect Da ta Transmitting Unit (DT-E11) a n d Data Re ce iving U n i t (DR-B61). 2. Se t channel select switches (CHANNEL SELECT) of DT-E11.
Dial operation from station No. 200. — Initial programming of the exchange — Di al the Following: Dial tone will b e heard (Station N o.200 becomes a programming station) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Confirmation tone w i l l be heard. (Clears function group A ) Confirmation tone will b e heard.
3 . TROUBLE SHOOTING 3- 1 C h e ck of R OM & NMOS-RAM - N o c alls o n th e system. 1 . P u t t he 4 "LINK SELECT" sw i tches o f th e HCU upward (Link N o. 1 5 SE LEC T) a nd s wit ch o n the AC power of the exchange. 2. I f there i s no error, n o H C U indication lamps will light.
3-4. Dia l receiving test I f you place all "LINK SELECT" switches ( 1 ~ 4 ) of SW-A on th e CPU-55 i n "OFF" p o sition, conversation is impossible but the dial cod e from e ac h station is indicated on the LED's of the PI U as dialed.
3 - 6 . T h e order o f Tie Line l ink usage. T he Tieline Link Number which i s used in calls between exchanges i s not directly indicated, but you c a n possibly get i t f ro m t he l i n k number which i s indicated on th e HCU-52.
Reference fo r Connection Link Number between DLU an d T I Link Notice: I f th e TI Tieline Lin k which c or re spond with t he DLU Li nk No is already b us y, then, the next Tieline Link is automatically used.
4. CPU-56 DI P S W I T C H F U N C T IO N SELECTION SW-A SW-B SW-C SW-D SW-E Functions Switch Link Selection ; Link No . 0 ~ 3 Link Selection ; Link N o. 4 ~ 7 Link Selection ; Link No. 8 ~ 1 1 Link Selection ; Link No . 12 ~ 15 Time Interval Adjustment for Paging Pre-announce tone On Activate 1 Sec.
5 . Function Co de Table f o r Station No.200 Programming Function Group A C D Function Executive Priority Continuous Calling Tone Stat ions Allowed Access t o A ll C all Stations Allowed Access t o C.
6 . STATION N O . 2 0 0 PROGRAMMING FOR EACH FUNCTION 6 -1 EXECUTIVE P R I OR I T Y (FUNCTION CODE 50) EXECUTIVE P RIO RIT Y Step 1 Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Executive Station N o. ON Touch Executive Station N o. ON Touch Confirmation tone Ne w Registration finished ? NO YES Release ? Executive Stat ion No .
6-2 CONTINUOUS CALLING TON E (FUNCTION CODE 51) CONTINUOUS CALLING TON E Step 1 Ne w Registration ? Continuously Called Station No . ON Continuously Called Station No . ON Confirmation tone N e w Registration finished ? Release ? Continuously Call ed Station N o.
6- 3 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO A L L C A LL ( F UNCTION C ODE 52) STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO A L L CA LL Step 1 Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Allowed Station No. O N Touch Allowed Station No . ON Confirmation tone N e w Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed Station No.
6 -4 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO CONFERENCE (FUNCTION CODE 53) STATIONS AL LOWED ACCESS TO CONFERENCE Touch Function Cod e N ew Registration ? Allowed Station N o. ON Touch Allowed S tation No . O N Touch Confirmation ton e Ne w Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed S tat ion N o.
6 - 5 ST ATI ONS ALLOWED A CC E SS T O O N E S H OT MAK E OUTPUT ( FUNCTION C OD E 56 ) ST AT IO N ALLOWED ACCESS TO ONE SHOT MAKE OU TPU T Step 1 Touch Function Code N e w Registration ? Allowed Station N o. ON Touch Allowed S tation N o. ON Touch Confirmation tone N e w Registration finished ? Allowed Station N o.
6 -6 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO M AKE/BREAK OUTPUT (FUNCTION CODE 57) STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS T O MAKE/BREAK O U T P U T Step 1 Touch Function Co de N ew Registration ? Al lo we d Station No. ON Touch Allowed S tation No . ON Touch Confirmation to ne N ew Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed St atio n N o.
6 -7 STATIONS AL LO WED ACCESS TO 8 SELECTABLE (OR DECIMAL) O UTP UT ( FUNCTION CODE 5 8) STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO 8 SE LE CT A BL E (O R D EC IM A L) OUTPUT Step 1 Touch Function Cod e N e w Registration ? Allowed Station No . ON Touch Allowed Station N o.
6- 8 STATIONS ALLOWED ACCESS TO 4 DECIMAL DIGITS OUTPUT (FUNCTION CODE 59) STATIONS ALLOWED ACC ESS T O 4 DEC IM AL DIGITS OUTPUT Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Allowed Station No . ON Touch Allowed S tation N o. ON Touch Confirmation ton e N ew Registration finished ? Release ? Allowed Station N o.
6 - 9 SECRETARY TRANSFER (FUNCTION CODE 60) SECRETARY TRANSFER Step 1 Touch Function Code N ew Registration ? Executive Station No . Secretary Station N o. Touch Executive Station No . Secretary Station No. Touch Confirmation to ne Ne w Registration fi nished ? Release ? Executive Station No.
6 - 10 MASTER/SUB RELATIONSHIP ( FUNCTION CODE 61) MASTER/SUB RELAT ION SHI P Step 1 Touch Function Code N e w Registration ? S u b Station No. Master Station N o. Touch Sub St a ti on No. Master St at io n No. Touch Confirmation to ne N ew Registration fini shed ? Release ? S ub Station No.
6 -1 1 PAGING RESPONSE ( FUNCTION C ODE 7 0) PAGING RESPONSE Step 1 Touch Function Code Paging Zone No. 1s t S tation No. L a s t S tation No. (0 1 ~ 15) of the Zone of the Zone Paging Zone N o. 1s t Station No . L a st St ation No . (0 1 ~ 15) of the Zone of the Zone Confirmation to ne N ew Registration finished ? Return NOTES 1 .
6-12 GROUP BLOCKING ; ESTABLISHING GROUPS (FUNCTION CODE 7 1) GROUP BLOCKING 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF EACH GROUP Step 1 Touch Function Code Gro up No. 1s t Station No. L as t Station N o. (1 ~ 8) of the Group of t he Group Touch Group No . 1 s t Station No .
6-13 TH E GROUPS O F STATIONS FOR CALLING PARTY INDICATION (Lamp Type). (FUNCTION CODE 72) ESTABLISHMENT OF EACH GROUP Step 1 Touch Function Code Group N o. 1 st Station No . Last Station No. (1 ~ 8 ) o f the Group of the Group Touch Group N o. 1 st S ta tio n No.
6-14 G ROUP BLOCKING ; ALLOWING CALLS AMONG GROUPS (FUNCTION COD E 81 ) GROUP BLOCKING 2 ALLOWING CALLS AM ON G GR OUP S Step 1 Touch N ew Registration ? Calling Group Called Group No . (1 ~ 8) No. (s) (max. 7) Touch Calling Group Called Group No. (1 ~ 8) No.
6 -1 5 GROUP BLOCKING ; AL LO WI N G GROUP ACCESS TO PAGING ZONES (FUNCTION CO DE 82) GROUP BLOCKING 3 ALLOWING ACCESS TO PAGING ZONES Touch Function Cod e N ew Registration ? Paging G roup No . (S ) ( 1 ~ 8 ) (max. 8) Touch Paging G roup No . ( S ) (1~8) (max.
7 . PROGRAMMING RECORD F OR FUNCTIONS Us e these tables t o keep a record o f those functions assigned t o each station. Function Table f or Stations ( 1 ) A Executive Priority Continuous Calling Tone.
Function Table f or Stations ( 2 ) Function Group Station No. A Executive Priority 50 Continuous Calling Tone 51 Stations Allowed Access to All Call 52 Stations Allowed Access to Conference 53 Station.
Function Table f or Stations ( 3 ) Function G roup Station No. A Executive Priority 50 Continuous Calling Tone 51 Stations Allowed Access to All Call 52 Stations Allowed Access to Conference 53 Statio.
Function Table f o r Stations (4 ) Function Group Station No. A Executive Priority 50 Continuous Calling Tone 51 Stations Allowed Access to A l l Call 52 Stations Allowed Access to Conference 53 Stati.
Paging R esponse Table < W h e n a single e xc hange i s us ed > Function Code 70 Station Paging Z one Department No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 st Station N o.
Tab les fo r Group Blocking 1 Only when t he exchange without tieline. 2 N o t u s e d when 2 exchanges a re tielined. Activated without No.200 programming.
9 . DIP SWITCH TABLE FOR DATA TRANSMITTING A ND RECEIVING UNIT Exchange Da ta Transmitter Dat a Receiver Re l ay Output No. – 44 –.
1 0 . System Diagram of Dat a Transmitting an d Receiving Units (When t h e Exchanges ar e n ot connected b y means o f Tie-line.) Exchange Stations < D at a Receiver (Equipment using D R-B61) >.
System Diagram of Data Transmitting and Receiving Units (When the Exchanges are connected by means of Tie-line.) – 46 –.
1 1 . EXPLANATION OF DATA TRANSMITTING UN IT O U TPUT CHANNELS CHANNEL SELECT FUNCTIONS IN/OUT Annunciation DESCRIPTION APPLICATION Personel in and p ut registration can be accomplished at any Master sta- tion by usi ng pe r sonal numbers M ax . 5 00 IN /OUT annunciations ma y be done.
1 2 . EXPLANATION OF DATA RECEIVING U N IT O UT PU T CHANNELS 12-1 Channel 0 (C H. 0) In/Out Annunciation (Di al Operation) Personal Number Registration Personal Number Cancellation (Relay Make) X X X.
12-2 Channel 1 (CH. 1) Exchange (1) One-shot Mak e Output (4) D ecimal Output (9 u ni t blocks) Dat a Receiver CHANNEL SELECT S w it ch One-shot Make Output Make/Break O utput 8 Selectable Make Output Un it No.
12-3 Channel 2 (CH. 2 ) Calling P arty Indication Lamp Type (1) Ea ch "Calling Station" or "Waiting Station" i s shown by Eac h Indication Lamp. Total N um be r of Stations wi th Indications : 4 Stations/Channel (8 Stations/2 Cha nnels ) To t al Number of C a lling Stations : Max.
12-4 Channel 3 (C H. 3) C alling Pa r t y Indication Lamp T yp e ( 2 ) Each "Calling Station" or "Waiting Station" i s shown by Each Indication: L am p. Total Number of Station w ith Indications : 4 Stations/Channel (8 Stations/2 Channels) Tot al N umb er of Calling S tations : Max.
T O A ELECTRIC CO., LTD. KOBE, JAPAN Printed i n Japan.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Toa CPU-56 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Toa CPU-56 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Toa CPU-56 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Toa CPU-56 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Toa CPU-56, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Toa CPU-56.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Toa CPU-56. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Toa CPU-56 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.