Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TVP5154EVM del fabbricante Texas Instruments
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TVP5154EVM User's Guide Literature Number: SLEU069A February 2006 – Revised July 2006.
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Contents 1 Functional Description ................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Description Overview ............................................................................................
List of Figures 1 TVP5154EVM Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 7 2 Anti-Aliasing Filter Selection ..............................................................................
List of Tables 1 I 2 C Address Selection Jumpers (I2CSEL1, JP9 and I2CSEL2, JP10) ................................................ 7 2 Power-Down-Mode Selection Jumper (PDN, JP11) .................................................................... 7 3 Main Menu Summary .
1 Functional Description 1.1 Description Overview User's Guide SLEU069A – February 2006 – Revised July 2006 TVP5154EVM User's Guide The TVP5154EVM evaluation module is a printed circuit board designed for evaluation of the TVP5154 quad video decoder. 2 Board Level Description 2.1 Test Points and Jumpers Board Level Description The TVP5154EVM consists of the TVP5154EVM module and the encoder EVM module. A 4-row 120-pin connector connects the boards. The block diagram of the EVM set is shown in Figure 1 . 2.2 Common Board Interface 2.3 Video Input Description 2.4 Video Output Description Board Level Description Note: If the I 2 C address is changed on either the TVP5154 board or the encoder board while the TVP5154EVM is powered up, that device will not recognize the new I 2 C address. 3 System-Level Description 4 Required Hardware and Equipment 5 Hardware Setup System-Level Description A system-level block diagram incorporating the TVP5154 is shown in Figure 3 . Typical commercially-available test equipment is also shown. 6 Software Installation 7 WinVCC Quick Start Software Installation The system comes with the anti-alias filters bypassed. To connect the filters, you must rotate the appropriate jumpers (JP1–JP8) as described in section 2.3. The I 2 C slave address can be selected with jumpers JP9 and JP10. WinVCC Quick Start Figure 4. WinVCC – I 2 C Configuration Screen 3. Ensure that all other boxes are selected as “Not Used” and that all program options buttons are set to ENABLE. Click OK. 4. If there are no I 2 C communication issues, the Real-Time Polling dialog window displays next as shown in Figure 5 . WinVCC Quick Start Figure 5. Real-Time Polling Dialog 6. The TVP5154 I 2 C Write Enable(s) and Read Enable pop-up window is displayed as shown in Figure 6 . This is used to select which decoder or decoders (any combination of all four) will receive I 2 C Write commands, and which decoder (only one) will receive I 2 C Read commands. 8 WinVCC in Depth 8.1 Starting WinVCC WinVCC in Depth Figure 8. WinVCC – System Initialization 9. With video sources provided at the BNC connectors and the EVM output connected to a monitor, video from the source connected to CH1 should be viewable on the display monitor. 8.2 WinVCC Configuration Dialog Box 8.3 I 2 C System Test WinVCC in Depth The WinVCC Configuration dialog box (see Figure 10 ) should now be visible. This dialog box configures the I 2 C bus on the TVP5154EVM. All settings from this dialog box are stored in the Windows registry and are restored the next time the program is started. 8.4 Real-Time Polling WinVCC in Depth The I 2 C system test can be run at anytime by clicking Run System I 2 C Test in the Tools menu. Figure 11. I 2 C System Failure Real-time polling provides polling functions that execute continuously in the background, when enabled via the Real-Time Polling dialog. 8.5 Main Menu WinVCC in Depth Figure 12. Real-Time Polling Dialog After closing the real-time polling dialog, the main menu is displayed as shown in Figure 13 . The menus, which are used to operate WinVCC, are File, Edit, Tools, Window, and Help. 8.5.1 System Initialization WinVCC in Depth The TVP5154 I 2 C Write Enable(s) and Read Enable pop-up window is displayed as shown in Figure 14 . This is used to select which decoder or decoders (any combination of all four) will receive I 2 C Write commands, and which decoder (only one) will receive I 2 C Read commands. Adding a Custom Dataset WinVCC in Depth Figure 15. System Initialization After programming the EVM via the System Initialization tool using the factory-supplied command file, you can customize the device register settings to fit your needs. Command Files Example Command File WinVCC in Depth The command file is a text file that can be generated using any common editor; however, it must be saved as plain text. Command files are especially useful for quickly switching between the various system configurations. 8.5.2 Register Editing Register Map Editor WinVCC in Depth If the literal slave address method is used, the slave address entered is used directly. This method is normally used for programming the video encoder. The slave address 0x40h is used to access the DM642. Encoder Module Register Map Editor Generic I 2 C Register Editor WinVCC in Depth Table 4. TVP5154 Register Map Editor Controls CONTROL DEFINITION Register Window Scrolling t. Memory Map Editor WinVCC in Depth The DM642 I 2 C registers can be edited using I 2 C sub-address 0x40. See Section 9 for details about the DM642 registers. The video encoder module registers can be edited using I 2 C sub-address 0x54 (default) or 0x56 if the alternate slave address is being used. 8.6 TVP5154 Property Sheets WinVCC in Depth Table 5. Memory Map Editor Controls CONTROL DEFINITION Base Address Selector The hardware registers use a 10-bit address internally. The base address selector allows quick entry of the base address. 8.6.1 Property Sheet Refresh Auto-Update From Device WinVCC in Depth Figure 20. TVP5154 Property Sheets The property sheets are designed so that the data displayed is always current. Certain actions cause the entire register map to be read from the device and to update the property sheets. 9 Programming the TMS320DM642 9.1 Development and Purpose of DM642 Code Programming the TMS320DM642 Table 6. Use of Property Sheet Controls PROPERTY SHEETS DIALOG CONTROL WHAT DO I DO WITH . 9.2 Details of the DM642 Code and Control Registers 9.2.1 DM642 Control Window Programming the TMS320DM642 Details of the DM642 code and control registers are: • The DM642 device address is 0x40h by default. The DM642 is setup as an I 2 C slave. 9.2.2 DM642 Virtual I 2 C Register Map Programming the TMS320DM642 When the DM642 Control window is opened, all readable registers for the device are read from software to initialize the dialog page. 9.2.3 DM642 Virtual I 2 C Register Details Quad 1 Quad 2 Quad 3 Quad 4 Decoder1 Scaled Decoder2 Unscaled Decoder2 Unscaled Decoder4 Scaled Programming the TMS320DM642 Table 10. Quad 1 Quad 2 Quad 3 Quad 4 Programming the TMS320DM642 Note: The unscaled Decoder 2 displays in both Quadrant 2 and 3 since Decoder 2 takes priority over Decoder 3 when both are unscaled. Quad 1 Quad 2 Quad 3 Quad 4 Programming the TMS320DM642 Table 12. Decoder 3 Register Address 01h Default 22h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Capture Reserved Position Capture Size Enable Capture Size Bit 2. Quad 1 Quad 2 Quad 3 Quad 4 Programming the TMS320DM642 Capture Enable Bit 3 Disable (default) 0 Enable 1 Position Bit 5 Bit 4 Quadrant 1 0 0 Quadrant 2 0 1 Quadrant 3 1 0 Quadrant 4 (default) 1 1 Table 14. Programming the TMS320DM642 Table 16. Decoder 3 Input Format Register Address 06h Default 01h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Input Color Standard Input Color Standard Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 NTSC 0 0 0 (B, D, G, H, I, N) PAL 001 (default) Reserved . . . 10 Troubleshooting 10.1 Troubleshooting Guide Troubleshooting This chapter discusses ways to troubleshoot the TVP5154EVM. If you are experiencing problems with the TVP5154EVM hardware or the WinVCC software, see Table 21 for available solutions. Troubleshooting Table 21. TVP5154EVM Troubleshooting (continued) SYMPTOM CAUSE SOLUTION Make sure I 2 C slave address jumpers on Decoder I 2 C slave address is wrong. the TVP5154 decoder module are across pins 2 and 3. Slave address is hard coded to be 0x54 in the command file. 10.2 Corrective Action Dialogs Troubleshooting Figure 22. I 2 C System Failure Dialog Box After closing the I 2 C system test report dialog box, a dialog box (see Figure 23 ) appears. Figure 23. Corrective Action Dialog Box 1. If the parallel port cable is NOT connected between to PC and the TVP5154EVM, or if the EVM power is not on: a. 10.2.1 Setting the PC Parallel Port Mode Troubleshooting Figure 24. Corrective Action Required 2. If the cable is connected from the PC parallel port to the TVP5154EVM and the EVM power is on: a. Click Yes. b. The dialog box shown in Figure 24 appears. 10.2.2 General I 2 C Error Report 11 TVP5154EVM Schematics TVP5154EVM Schematics The I 2 C Error Report shown in Figure 26 appears when an I 2 C error occurs at any time other than after the I 2 C system test. In this example, there is acknowledge error at slave address 0x54 (the video encoder module).
1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 1 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 TVP5154E VM BL OCK D IAGRA M TVP5154EVM DVB R EV 1. 2 GP13_A19 GP15_A21 GP14_A20 DSP_TDO DSP_TDI DSP_TMS DSP_TCLK DSP_TRST# DSP_EMU[11.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 4 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 DM642 BL OCK D IAGRA M CH1_OUT[ 7.. 0] SCKS1 AV1 CH2_OUT[ 7.. 0] SCKS2 AV2 CH3_OUT[ 7.. 0] CH4_OUT[ 7..
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 5 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 DM642 V I DEO P O RT Video Port 0 / McBSP0 / McASP C.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 6 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 DM642 CL OCK S & RESE T C5 0.1uF I 1 O 3 GND 2 E1 EXCC ET103U + C169 10uF R81 2.2k R80 2.2k R12 NO POP R7 NO POP R39 10k R8 NO POP R31 1k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RN1 RPACK4-1 0k C6 0.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 10 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 DM642 E M IF & JT AF DSP_EMU1 DSP_EMU4 DSP_EMU0.
1 2 3 4 56 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 8 of 17 Orcad B 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 12500 TI BLVD DALL AS, TEXAS 75243 DM642 PCI/HP I /EM A C R24 NO POP R25 NO POP P.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 9 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 DM642 PO WER PI NS C30 0.01uF C33 0.01uF C31 0.01uF C24 0.01uF C28 0.01uF C18 0.01uF C15 0.01uF C66 0.1uF + C175 33uF C45 0.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 14 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 FLASH MEMORY R51 10k C73 0.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 12 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 F&V BIT BREAKOUT C75 0.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 3 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 DAUGHTERCARD INTERFACE CH1_OUT0 CH1_OUT1 CH1_OUT2 CH.
1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 2 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 TVP5154 1 3 2 JP9 I2C ADR I2CSEL1 1 3 2 JP11 /PDN PDN INPUT V DIVIDER NETWORK I2C ADDRESS SELECTION FOR 0-0.
1234 56 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 11 of 17 B 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 12500 TI BL VD DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 ANTI-ALIASING FI LTERS L10 2.2uH L5 2.2uH C222 330pF C224 330pF C207 8.2pF C212 330pF C203 8.2pF C213 330pF L11 2.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 17 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 I2C 11 10 U2E SN74AH C05DR R85 2.2k R86 2.2k SDA C106 0.1uF R87 2.2k R88 2.2k R82 2.2k R83 2.2k R84 2.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 13 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 SDRAM TED[63.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 15 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 JTAG 1 2 4 5 3 U10 SN74L VC1G32DCK R R4 33 R5 33 1 2 4 5 3 U9 SN74L VC1G32DCK R R121 100 1% 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 H6 HEA D ER 7x2, Em ulation C132 0.
12345678 A B C D 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 7 of 17 D 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 12500 TI BLV D DALL AS, TEXAS 75243 POWER R122 330 POWER ON LED (+5V) F1 FUSE 2 3 1 P4 PJ-002BH D1 ZENER 5V, 3.
123456 A B C D 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A Scale Sheet Size FCSM No. DWG No. Rev 16 of 17 C 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC . 12500 TI BL VD DAL LAS , T EXAS 75243 CONNECTOR FFOE/DIG_ V 1 FFRE/DIG _H 2 FFRSTWIN/ ~SC.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.