Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto BayStack 350 del fabbricante Bay Networks
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Part No. 30 4376-B Rev 00 Jan uary 1999 Using the BayStack 350 10/100/1000 Series Switch Page i Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
ii 304376-B R ev 00 4401 Great America Pa rkway 8 Federal Street Santa Clara, CA 9 5054 Bille rica, MA 0 1821 Copyright © 1999 Bay Networks, Inc. All righ ts re ser ved. Pr inte d in the US A. Janu ar y 1999 . The in formation in thi s doc ument is sub ject to change without notice.
3043 76-B Rev 00 iii Japan/Nippon Requ irements Onl y V olun tary Control Counci l for Interfere nce (VCCI) Stateme nt V olun tary Control Counci l for Interfere nce (VCCI) Stateme nt This is a Class A product based on the standard of the V oluntary Control Council fo r Interference by Information T echnology Equipment (VCCI).
iv 304376-B R ev 00 2. Restrictio ns on use; reservatio n of rights. The Software an d user manual s are protected under copyright laws. Bay Network s and/or its li censors reta in all t itle and o wnership in bo th the S oftware a nd use r manuals, includ ing any revisio ns made by Bay Netw o rks or i t s lice nso rs.
3043 76-B Rev 00 v 6. Use of Sof t w are in the E uropean Com mu nity . This provisio n appl ies to al l Software acq uired for u se within t he Europea n Commun ity . Page vi Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 vii Contents Prefac e Bef ore Y ou Begi n ........ .................... ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. ................. x ix Organiza tion ... ............ .................... ............. ...
viii 304376- B Re v 00 Configuratio n and Swi tch Man agement .......................... ............ ............. ............. . 1-14 Network Configuratio n ....... ................... ............. ............. ............. ............. .......
304376-B R e v 00 ix Installi ng the BayStack 350 Switch o n a Flat Surface ..... ................... ............. ......... 2-3 Installi ng the BayStack 350 Switch i n a Rack .... ............. ............ ............. ............. ... 2-5 Attachin g Devices to th e Ba yStack 350 Sw itch .
x 3043 76-B Re v 00 MultiLin k T runk Confi guration ......... ....... ...... ............. ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ....... 3-35 MultiLin k T runk C onfiguration Screen ................ ............. ............. .................
304376-B R e v 00 xi Network Protoco l and Sta ndards Co mpatibil ity ........ ............. ............ ............. ............. .. A- 2 Data Rate ....... ................... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ .. Page xii Thursday, F ebruary 18, 19 99 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 xiii Figures Figure 1-1. Ba yStack 350 10/100 /1000 S eri es Switc hes .............. ............. ............. ... 1-1 Figure 1-2. F ront-P anel Com ponents ...... ............. ............. ................... ............. ....
xiv 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 1-30. Setting P or t P rio rity Example ...... ............. ............. ................... ............. . 1-4 2 Figure 1-31. Switch-to-Switc h T runk Co nfiguration Exampl e .......... ............. ............. . 1-43 Figure 1-32.
304376-B R e v 00 xv Figure 3-8. VLAN Configuration Me nu Screen .................. ............ ............. .............. 3-21 Figure 3-9. VLAN Configu ration Scree n .. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ............. ...... . 3-22 Figure 3-10.
xvi 304376- B Re v 00 Figure B-2 . 100BASE -FX MD A F ron t P ane ls ........ ................... ............. ............. ........ B-5 Figure B-3 . 1000BAS E-SX MD A F ron t P anels ..... ............. ................... ............. ........ B -7 Figure B-4 .
304376-B R e v 00 xvii Ta b l e s T able 1-1. LED Desc rip tions .... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ......... 1-5 T able 1-2. Inter nat ional P ower Cord Speci fications ......... ............ ............
xvi ii 3043 76-B Re v 00 T able 3-27. Software Download Scree n Fields ................. ............ ............. ............. . 3-72 T able 3-28. LED Indic ations Dur ing th e Software Download P rocess . ............. ....... 3-73 T able 4-1. LED Desc rip tions .
304376-B R e v 00 xix Preface Congra tulatio ns on you r purchase of th e BayStac k 350 Switch , part of the Bay Netw orks ® BayStack ™ 10/ 100/1000 swi tches line of c ommunicat ions product s. There ar e tw o v ersions o f the Ba yStack 350 1 0/100/ 1000 Ser ies Switch es: the BaySta ck 350-24T switch an d the BayStac k 350-12T s witch.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch xx 3043 76-B Re v 00 Or ganiza tion This gui de has f our chapt ers, si x appendix es, and an ind e x: If y ou want to: Go to: Lear n about the Ba .
Prefac e 304376-B R e v 00 xxi T ext C on v en tion s This gui de uses the fo llo wing t e xt con vention s: Acr on yms This gui de uses the fo llo wing a cron yms: bold te xt Indicate s command na mes and o ptions and te xt t hat you need to enter . Example: Ent er show ip { aler ts | routes }.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch xxi i 3043 76-B Re v 00 Relate d Publications F or mor e i nf ormat io n about u sing t he BaySt ac k 350 s w it ch, re fe r to the f ollo wing pub.
Prefac e 304376-B R e v 00 xxii i Ho w to Get Help F or produ ct assi st ance, supp ort cont ra cts, inf orma ti on abo ut edu catio nal ser vic es, and the tel ephone numbe rs of our gl obal supp ort of fi ces, go to th e follo wing URL: http:/ /www . Page xxiv T hursday, February 18, 1999 10:5 9 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 1-1 Chap ter 1 Ba yStac k 350 10 /100/10 00 Series Switches This chap ter i ntroduces the Bay Stack 3 50 10/100 /1000 Se ries Swit ches an d covers the f ollowing to pic s: • Phy s.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-2 304376- B Re v 00 Fr ont-P anel Figure 1- 2 shows the fron t-p ane l o f th e Ba y Sta ck 3 5 0-2 4T sw itc h an d t he BaySta ck 350 -12T sw itch. Des cript ions of the front- panel componen ts foll o w the fi g u r es .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-3 Comm P ort The C omm Po rt (als o re ferr ed to a s the Con sole/ Com m Port) allows yo u to ac cess the c onsole in terf ace (CI) scr eens an d custo mize your netw ork us ing th e suppl ied menus a nd scre ens (see Chapt er 3, “Usin g the Con sole I nterf ace”) .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-4 304376- B Re v 00 All BayS tack 350 switche s are shipped with por t connectors c onfigur ed as MDI-X (medi a-depe ndent int erfa ce-cr osso v er) .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-5 Figure 1-3. LED Display P anel T able 1-1. LED Descriptions Label T ype Color State Meaning Pwr P ower s t atu s Green On D C power is available t o th e switch’ s in te r n al ci rcui tr y .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-6 304376- B Re v 00 Bac k-P ane l This sec tion de scribes the BayS tack 35 0 switch bac k-pane l component s ( Fig ure 1-4 ). De scripti ons of the back-p anel c omponents follo w the f igur e. Figure 1-4.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-7 A C P ower Receptac le The A C po wer recepta cle accep ts the A C po wer cor d (supp lied). F or install ation outs ide of Nort h America, mak e sure that you ha v e the proper p owe r cord for your re gion.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-8 304376- B Re v 00 Cooling F ans The v ariable-s peed coo ling f ans ar e located on one s ide of the BayStac k 350 switch t o pro vide cooling for the i ntern al compon ents.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-9 • SNMP agent suppor t for the foll o wing Man agement Inf ormati on Bases (MIB s): - Bridge MIB (RFC 1493) - Ether net MIB (RFC 16.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-10 304376- B Re v 00 • Remote mon itoring (RMON), wi th four gr oups i ntegr ated: - Stat isti cs - Hist ory - Alar ms - Events • Front -pane.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-11 IGMP Snooping Feature F or conser ving ba ndwidth and contro lling IP Multica st, th e IGMP Snoopi ng featur e can pr o vide t he same b enef it a s IP Mu ltic ast ro uters , b ut i n the l ocal a rea.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-12 304376- B Re v 00 Flash Memor y Storage The BayS tack 350 swi tch us es flash memory to s tore t he switch softw are imag e. Flash memory all o ws yo u to u pda te the so ftwa re ima g e wi th a newer vers ion without changin g the s witch hard ware .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-13 SNMP MIB Suppo rt The BayS tack 350 swi tch suppor ts an SNMP agent with indu stry s tandard MIBs, as well as pri v ate MIB e xte nsions, which en sures compa tibil ity with e xisting netw ork manage ment too ls.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-14 304376- B Re v 00 Configuration and Switch Management The BayS tack 350 swi tch i s shipped di rect ly from th e f actory re ady to operate i n any 10B ASE-T or 100B ASE-TX standar d netw ork.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-15 Desktop Switch Application Figure 1- 5 sho ws the BayStack 350-24T s witch u sed as a desktop s witch, wh ere desktop w orks tati ons are co nnecte d directl y to s witch port s.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-16 304376- B Re v 00 Segment Switch Application Figure 1- 6 sho ws the BayStack 350-24T s witch u sed as a segme nt swit ch to alle viate use r content ion for ba ndwidth and el iminate se rv er an d netw ork bott le nec k s.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-17 High-Density Sw itched W orkgroup Application Figure 1- 7 sho ws a BayStack 350-24T swit ch wit h a high-sp eed (gi gabi t) connecti on to a Bay Netw orks Accela r ™ 1100 swit ch.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-18 304376- B Re v 00 IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN W orkgroups BaySta ck 350 swi tches su pport u p to 64 p ort-base d VLANs with 802.1Q tag ging a v ail abl e per port . Port s are group ed into bro adc ast domain s by as si gning the m to the same VLAN.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-19 IEEE 802.1Q T a gging BaySta ck 350 swi tches ope rate in accorda nce wit h the IEEE 80 2.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-20 304376- B Re v 00 • Filt erin g Databa se Iden tif ier (FID) --- t he spec if ic f ilterin g/for ward ing databas e within the BaySta ck 35 0 switch t hat is a ssi gned to ea ch VLAN. The curr ent v ersi on of so ftw are as signs all VLANs to the same FID.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-21 In Figure 1-10 , untagged i ncoming pa ckets are as signed di rectly t o VLAN 2 (PVID = 2). Port 5 i s conf igured as a tagged member of VLAN 2, and p ort 7 is conf igured as an un tag ged me mb er of VLAN 2 .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-22 304376- B Re v 00 In Fi gure 1-12 , t agged inco ming pack ets are as signed di rectly to VLAN 2 bec ause of th e tag assi gnm ent i n th e p acke t. Po rt 5 i s co nfigure d as a tag ged memb er of VLAN 2, and p ort 7 is conf igured as an untagged member of VLAN 2.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-23 VLANs Spanning Multiple Switches Y o u can us e VLANs to s egme nt a netw ork wi thin a swi tch. When c onnect ing multiple swi tches, i t is possi ble to co nnect user s of one VLAN wit h users o f that same VLAN in ano ther swit ch.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-24 304376- B Re v 00 Because t here i s only one link be tween the two s witche s, the S panning T ree Protocol ( STP) t reat s t his con f iguration as an y other switch-t o- swit ch conn ect io n.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-25 T o connect mul tiple VLANs a cross switches wi th re dundant li nks, th e STP must be disab led on a ll part icipa ting swit ch port s. Figur e 1-16 sho ws possib le conseque nces of enabling the STP whe n using VLANs betwee n untag ged (non-802 .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-26 304376- B Re v 00 Shared Ser vers BaySta ck 350 s witches allo w ports t o e xist in mult iple VLANs for shared resourc es, suc h as se rv ers, p rinters , and switch -to-s witch connectio ns.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-27 Figure 1-18. VLAN Broadcast Domains Within the Switch The broad cast domain for eac h of the VLANs sho wn in Fi gure 1-18 a re crea.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-28 304376- B Re v 00 T o conf igur e the VLAN port membershi p for VLAN 1 , foll o w these s teps: 1. Select Switch Conf iguration fr om the BayStack 45 0-12T Main Menu (or pr ess w). 2. Fr om the Swit ch Conf iguration Men u, select VLAN Conf iguration (or pr ess v) .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-29 Ports 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 11 ar e no w unta gged members of VLAN 3 as sho wn in Figure 1- 18 on page 1-27 . Figure 1-20. VLAN Configuration Screen Ex ample T o configu re th e P V ID (po rt V LAN i den tifier) f or P ort 8, fol lo w t h ese step s: 1.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-30 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 1-21. Default VLAN P ort Configuration Screen Ex ample Figure 1- 22 sho ws the VLAN P ort Conf iguration s creen aft er it i s conf igured to support the PVID a ssignment f or por t 8, as sho wn in Figure 1 -18 (the Po rt Name f ield is opt ion al).
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-31 Figure 1-22. VLAN P or t Configuration Screen Example VLAN W orkgr oup Summar y This sec tion s ummarizes t he VLAN wor kgroup e xample s disc ussed in t he pre vious sections of this chapt er .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-32 304376- B Re v 00 The co nnec ti on to S2 r equi res o n ly one li nk bet w een th e swi t ches be cause S1 and S2 are both BaySta ck 350 s witche s that sup port 80 2.1Q tagging (see “ VLAN S Spanning Mul tiple 80 2.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-33 VLAN Configurati on Rules VLANs operate acco rding to speci fi c conf iguration rule s.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-34 304376- B Re v 00 IGMP Snooping BaySta ck 350 switch es can sense IGMP Host Members hip Report s from atta ched stati ons and c an use thi s inf ormation t o set u p a dedicat ed pat h between t he request ing stat ion and a local IP Multica st route r .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-35 As sho wn in Figur e 1-24 , a non-I P Multic ast f iltering swit ch caus es IP Mul ticast traf fi c to be se nt to a ll se gments on the loc al subn et.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-36 304376- B Re v 00 One clie nt, conn ected to S2, re sponds wit h a host membership r eport . Switch S2 inter cep ts the repo rt fr o m tha t po rt , an d gener ate s a pr ox y rep ort to its up strea m neig hbor , S1.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-37 Afte r the sw itches l earn whi ch por ts are requesti ng acc ess to the IP Mult icast stream, al l other ports no t responding to t he queries are block ed from recei ving the IP Mult icast (see Figure 1- 26 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-38 304376- B Re v 00 IGMP Snooping Configuration Rules The IGMP Sno oping feat ure oper ates a ccordi ng to spec if ic conf igurati on rules.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-39 IEEE 80 2.1p Pr io rit izi ng Y o u can us e the VLAN Conf iguration screen s to prio riti ze the ord er in which th e switch f orwa rds pack ets, on a per -port bas is.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-40 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 1- 28. P or t T ransmit Queue As sho wn in Figur e 1-28 , the switc h pro vides t wo t ransmis sion queue s, a High transmi ssi on qu eue and a Lo w transmis si on que ue, f or an y giv en port.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-41 T o configu re the p ort p ri ori ty lev el, fo llow these step s : 1. Dete rm in e th e prio rit y level you wan t to a ssig n to th e sw itch po rt . User prio rity l e vels are assigne d def ault sett ings in all BayStack 350 swit ches.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-42 304376- B Re v 00 5. Select a priori ty le v el fr om the range sho wn in the T raff ic Class Conf igur ation scr een (or modify t he T raff ic Class par ameters to suit y ou r needs). 6. Assign the priorit y lev el to ports using the VLAN P ort Conf igurati on screen: a.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-43 MultiLink T runks MultiLin k trunk s allo w you to group u p to fo ur swit ch ports togeth er to for m a link to anothe r swit ch or serv er , thus increas ing aggr e gate t hroughpu t of the interc onnect ion betw een the de vices ( up to 80 0 Mb/s in full-dup le x mode).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-44 304376- B Re v 00 Each of th e tr unks sho wn in Figure 1-31 can be conf igur ed wit h up to fou r switch ports t o pro vide up to 800 Mb/ s aggre gat e bandwi dth thro ugh each trunk, in full- duple x mode.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-45 Clients acces sing data from th e serv ers ( FS1 and FS 2) are provi ded wit h maximized b andwidth thro ugh trunks T 1, T2, T3, T4, and T5.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-46 304376- B Re v 00 T runk Configuration Screen Examples This section s ho ws exa mples of the Mult iLink T runk Conf igur atio n scre ens for the c lient/ serv er conf igura tion e xam ple sho wn in Figur e 1-33 on page 1 -45 .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-47 The MultiLi nk T runk Conf iguration sc reen op ens ( Figure 1- 35 ). Figure 1-35.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-48 304376- B Re v 00 • STP Learni ng indica tes t he spa nning t ree par tici patio n sett in g for each of the trunks: T runks 1 th rough 4 are enable d for Normal STP Lear ning. T runk 5 is enab led fo r F ast STP Learning.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-49 T runk Configuration Screen f or Switch S2 As sho wn in Figur e 1-33 on page 1- 45 , swit ch S2 i s set up wi th tw o trunk conf igurations ( T2 and T3) . Both tru nks conne ct direc tly to s witch S1 .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-50 304376- B Re v 00 Ports 1 a nd 3 ar e assi gned as tr unk members of tr unk 2. • STP Learni ng indica tes t he spa nning t ree par tici patio n sett in g for each of the trunks: T runks 1 and 2 are enab led for Normal STP Learning.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-51 T runk Configuration Screen f or Switch S3 As sho wn in Figur e 1-33 on page 1- 45 , swit ch S3 i s set up wi th one t runk conf iguration ( T4). This trunk con nects d irectl y to swi tch S1.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-52 304376- B Re v 00 • STP Learni ng indica tes t he spa nning t ree par tici patio n sett in g for each of the trunks: T runk 1 is enab led fo r Normal STP Learning.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-53 T runk Configuration Screen f or Switch S4 As sho wn in Figur e 1-33 , switch S4 is set u p with o ne trunk co nf igurat ion (T5 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-54 304376- B Re v 00 The Mult iLi nk T runk Conf igu rati on sc ree n fo r swi tch S4 i s con f igured as follo ws: • T runk (re ad only) in dicates the tr unk (1 to 6 ) that co rresp onds to the switc h port s spec if ied in the T runk Member s f ields .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-55 Bef ore Configuring T runks When you c reate an d enable a trunk, t he trunk member s (switch ports) t ake on cert ain s etti ngs nece ssary for corr ect op erati on o f the Mul tiL ink T runking feat ure.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-56 304376- B Re v 00 • All t r unk me mb ers must b e co nf i gur ed into the sa me VLAN be for e the T runk Conf igur ation screen’ s T runk Stat us f iel d can be set to Enab led (S ee “VLAN Conf igur ation” on page 3-22).
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-57 Spanning T ree Considerati ons The sp anning tr ee P ath Cost p aramete r is rec alculat ed base d on the aggre gat e bandwidth of the trunk .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-58 304376- B Re v 00 The switc h can al so detec t trunk membe r port s that ar e phy sically misconf igured. F or e xample, in Figure 1-40 , trunk me mber port s 2, 4, and 6 of swit ch S1 ar e conf igured cor r ectly to trunk member ports 7, 9, and 11 of switch S2.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-59 If swit ch S2’ s trunk membe r port 11 is phy sical ly discon nected and the n reconnec ted to port 13, the Spanni ng T ree Por t Conf igurati on screen f or switch S1 chang es to sho w port 6 in the Bloc king stat e ( Fi gure 1-41 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-60 304376- B Re v 00 Additional Tips About the Mul tiLink T runking Feature When you c reate a Mul tiLink t runk, the i ndi v idual tr unk members (the specif ic ports t hat mak e up the trunk) are logi call y connecte d and re act as a single entity .
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-61 P o r t Mirroring (Con ve r satio n Stee rin g) Y ou ca n design ate one of y our swit ch por ts to moni tor t raf fi c on an y tw .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-62 304376- B Re v 00 P or t-Based M irr or ing Configuration Figure 1- 42 sho ws an exa mple of a port -b ased mir rori ng conf i gurat ion where por t 23 is designat ed as the mon itor port for ports 24 and 25 of swit ch S1.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-63 In the c onf iguration e xample sho wn in Figure 1- 42 on page 1-62 , th e de sign ate d monitor p ort (p ort 23 ) can be se t to moni tor tra f f ic i n any of the follo wing modes: • Moni tor all traf f ic re cei v ed b y port X.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-64 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 1-43. P or t Mirroring P or t-Based Screen Example Address-Based Mirr oring Configur ation Figure 1- 44 sho ws an e x.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-65 Figure 1-44. Address-Based Mirroring Configuration Example In this conf iguration, the desi gnated monitor port (por t 23) can be set to monit or traf fi c in an y of t he fol lo wing mode s: • Moni tor all traf f ic trans mit ted from addre ss A to a n y addre ss.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 1-66 304376- B Re v 00 In thi s e xample, po rt 23 bec omes the de si gnat ed Monit or Por t for s wi t ch S 1 whe n you press [Ente r] in respon se to the [Y es] screen prompt.
BaySta ck 350 1 0/100/10 00 Seri es Switc hes 304376-B R e v 00 1-67 P or t Mirroring Configuration Rules The fo llo w ing conf igurati on rules must be a pplied to an y port mirror ing conf iguratio n: • A monit or port ca nnot be conf igured as a t runk member o r IGMP member , and cannot be use d for n ormal swit ch functi ons. Page 68 Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 2-1 Chap ter 2 Inst allin g the Ba yStac k 350 Switc h This chap ter pr o vides the foll o wing i nformati on about th e BaySta ck 350 swi tch: • Ins tall at ion requi reme nts •.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-2 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 2-1. P a c kage Contents The n umber of box es and thei r conten ts depend s on the options you order ed. Open an y access ories box and veri fy tha t the cont ents agree wi th your bi ll of mat erial s.
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-3 Ins tal lat ion Pr ocedure This section pr o vides the re quire ments an d inst ructions for i nstal ling th e BaySta ck 350 swi tch on a f lat surf ace or in a s tandard 19 -inch utilit y rack.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-4 304376- B Re v 00 T o install the sw itch on a t ablet op, shelf , or an y other flat su rf ace, foll o w these step s: 1. Set th e switch on the fl at surf ace and chec k f or prope r venti lati on.
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-5 Installing the BayStac k 350 Switch in a Rac k The BayS tack 350 swi tch oc cupies a 1. 6-unit (1.6u) rack s pace and ca n be instal led i n most stand ard 19- inch rack s. The r ack must be grounded to the same groundin g elec trode u sed b y the po wer servi ce in the area.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-6 304376- B Re v 00 T o install the BaySta ck 350 s witch i n a rack, f ollo w these st eps: 1. Determin e ho w far y ou want the sw itch to pr otrude in fr ont of the rack.
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-7 Figure 2-3. Attaching Mounting Brac ke ts 3. Position th e s w itch in th e r ack a nd al ign th e hol es i n the mo unt ing brack et with the hole s in t he rack ( see Figur e 2-4 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-8 304376- B Re v 00 Attaching De vices to the BayStac k 350 Switch This s ecti on descr ibes ho w to atta ch de vices to th e BayS tack 350 swit ch port s and ho w to co nnect a cons ole term inal to the switch Console/Comm por t.
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-9 Connecting t he 10B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX P or ts The BayS tack 350 swi tch 10B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX ports ar e conf igured with RJ-45 connector s that ar e wired as MDI -X ports.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-10 304376- B Re v 00 Connecting t he Console/Comm P or t The s erial conso le int erf a ce is an RS-2 32 p ort t hat en ables a c onnect ion t o a PC or termina l for monitor ing and conf igur ing the switc h.
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-11 3. Connect the fema le connect or of t he RS-232 cabl e dir ectl y to t he Console/Co mm P ort on the swi tch, and tighten th e capti ve r etaining screws ( see Figur e 2 -6 ). Figure 2-6.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-12 304376- B Re v 00 T o connect t he A C po wer c ord, fo llo w the se ste ps: 1. Plug one end of the A C power cord i nto th e A C power r eceptacl e on the switch bac k panel ( Fi gur e 2-7 ).
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-13 Figure 2 -7. Ba yStack 350 Swi tch A C P ower Receptacle 2. Plug the o ther end of t he A C power c ord into th e gr ounded A C po wer outl et ( Fi gure 2-8 ). Figure 2-8. Gr ounded A C P o wer Outlet 3.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-14 304376- B Re v 00 V erifying th e Installation Using the LE Ds T o veri fy th e instal lati on using th e LEDs, check that the sw itch po wer- up sequence is as describe d in Ta b l e 2 - 1 : Figure 2-9.
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-15 V erifying th e Installation Using the Se lf-T est Screen If a monito r is conne cted to the s witch (see “ Co nnecting the Cons ole/Comm Port ” on page 2-10 ), you can obs erve the BaySt ack 35 0 switch Sel f-T est screen ( Fig ure 2-10 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-16 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 2-11. Ba y Netw orks Logo Screen Upon suc cessful completion of the po wer -up self-test s, the switch is ready for normal ope rati on. T o access t he BaySta ck 350 Mai n Menu, pre ss [Ctrl ]-Y .
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-17 The BayS tack 350 swi tch i s designed for pl ug-and-pl ay oper ation; h o we v er , cert ain para mete rs mu st be c onf igure d for t he sw itch ma nagem ent funct ion to become fully ope rational .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 2-18 304376- B Re v 00 This sel ecti on display s the I P Conf igura tion/Set up scr een ( Figure ). IP Configuration/Setup Screen 4. Enter the IP addr ess of the switc h in the In-Band IP Addr ess f ield, t hen pr ess [Re turn] .
Installi ng the Bay S tack 350 Swi tc h 304376-B R e v 00 2-19 5. Enter the IP s ubnet mask addr ess in the In-Ba nd Subnet Mask f ield, then pr ess [Re turn] . 6. Enter the default gateway addr ess in the Default Gateway f ield, then pr ess [Re turn] . Page 20 Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 3-1 Chap ter 3 Using the Console Interfac e This chap ter de scribes ho w to conf igure and manag e the BaySta ck 350 s witch usin g the menu -dri ven console inte rface (CI).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-2 304376- B Re v 00 Usin g the CI Menu s an d Scre ens The CI menus and s creens pr o vide op tions tha t allo w you to conf igure and manage the BayStack 350 switch.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-3 Screen Fields and Descriptions Figure 3- 1 sho ws a map of th e CI s creens . Th e rema inder of t his c hapter d escri bes the CI sc reens and the ir f ields, be ginni ng with the main me nu. Figure 3- 1.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-4 304376- B Re v 00 Main Menu This sec tion de scribes the opt ions a v ailable from the CI main menu ( Figure 3-2 ). The CI screens a nd submenus for t hese opti ons ar e describ ed in t he follo wing sect ions.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-5 System C haracteristics Disp la ys t he Sys tem Charac ter is tic s sc ree n (see “ Sys tem Cha ract er is tics ” on page 3-14 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-6 304376- B Re v 00 Reset to Defa ult Settings Reset s the s witch to the f actory def ault c onfigu rati on set tings .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-7 IP Configurati on/Setup The IP Conf igurat ion/Setu p scre en ( Fig ure 3-3 ) allo ws you to set or modify the BayS t ack 350 sw itc h IP c on figurati on p arame ters . Dat a that you enter in th e user -conf igurab le f ields tak es e f fect as soon as you pr ess Ent er .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-8 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-3. IP Configuration/Setup Screen Ta b l e 3 - 2 descr ibes the IP Conf igur atio n/Setup screen f ields. T able 3-2. IP Configuration/Setup Screen Fields Field Des cription BootP Request Mode One of f ou r modes of ope rati on f or BootP .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-9 Choosing a BootP Request Mode The BootP Req uest Mode f ield i n the I P Conf igura tion s creen all o ws you to choose whi ch metho d the swi tch .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-10 304376- B Re v 00 BootP When Needed Allo ws the s witch to reque st a n IP addr ess i f on e h as not alr eady b een set from t he conso le term inal.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-11 • If t he switch does not recei ve a Bo otP rep ly , the s witch cann ot be man aged usin g the in-b and IP a ddress set from t he console termi nal. If an I P addres s is not currentl y in use, these ac tions take e f fect immediatel y .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-12 304376- B Re v 00 SNMP Co nfigur ati on The SNMP Conf iguration scre en ( Figur e 3-4 ) all o ws you to set or modify the SNMP conf igur ation par ameters. Choo se SN MP C on f igu rat ion (o r pr ess m) from the main menu t o op en th e SN MP Conf igur at ion scr ee n.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-13 Ta b l e 3 - 3 descr ibes the SNMP Conf iguratio n screen f ields. T able 3-3. SNMP Configuration Screen Fields Field Des cription Read-Onl y Comm unity Strin g The com munit y string used f or in-band read-on ly SNMP o per ations .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-14 304376- B Re v 00 Syst em Ch arac ter is tic s The S yst em C har ac teri stic s sc ree n ( Figure 3-5 ) allo ws you to vie w system charact eris tics and contai ns three user -conf igurable f ields : sysCon tact, sys Name, and sy sLocation .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-15 Ta b l e 3 - 4 descr ibes t he System Cha racte rist ics s creen f ields. T able 3-4. Sy stem Characte ristics Scre en Fields Field Des cription MA C Ad dress Th e MA C address of th e Ba yS tac k 350 s witch.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-16 304376- B Re v 00 Switch Configur ation The Switch Conf iguration Menu scr een ( Figur e 3-6 ) allo ws you to s et or mo dify your s witch conf ig uration. Choose Switch Conf igu ration (or press w) from the ma in menu to o pen the Swi tch Conf igur ation Menu scre en.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-17 Ta b l e 3 - 5 descr ibes the Switch Co nfi gurat ion Menu s creen opt ions. T able 3-5. Switch Configuration Menu Screen Options Option Des cription MA C Ad dress T able Displ a ys the M AC Address T ab le screen (see “ M AC A ddress T able ” on page 3-18 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-18 304376- B Re v 00 MA C Address T able The MA C Ad d res s T able scre en ( Figure 3-7 ) allo ws you to vi e w MA C addres ses that t he swit ch has lea rned or to searc h for a specif ic MA C address.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-19 Figure 3-7. MA C Address T able Screen Ta b l e 3 - 6 descr ibes t he MA C Address T able scree n fi elds . T able 3-6. MA C Address T able Scree n Fields Field Des cription Aging Ti me Spec ifi es how lo ng a l e ar ne d MAC addr es s rem ain s i n th e s witc h’ s f orw arding databa se.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-20 304376- B Re v 00 VLAN Configurati on Menu The VLAN Conf iguration Menu scr een ( Figu re 3-8 ) al lo ws you to sel ect the appropri ate s creen to conf ig ure up to 64 port- based VLANs.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-21 Figure 3-8. VLAN Configuration Menu Screen Ta b l e 3 - 7 descr ibes t he VLAN Conf ig uration Men u scre en options .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-22 304376- B Re v 00 VLAN Configuration The VLAN Conf igurat ion scree n ( Fi gure 3-9 ) allo ws y ou to ass ign switch ports as VLAN port membe rs . Ports th at are c on figur ed a s V LAN po rt m e m be rs b eco m e part of a set of ports t hat f orm a broadc ast do main for a specif ic VLAN.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-23 Ta b l e 3 - 8 descr ibes the VLAN Conf igur ation sc reen f ields. T able 3-8. VLAN Configuration Screen Fields Field Des cription Create VLAN Allo ws y ou to set up or vie w confi gured V LAN w orkgrou ps.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-24 304376- B Re v 00 VLAN P or t Configuration The VLAN Port Con fi guration scree n ( Figu re 3-10 ) a llo w s you to conf igure specif ied swit.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-25 Ta b l e 3 - 9 descr ibes the VLAN Port Conf iguration s creen fi elds. T able 3-9. VLAN P or t C onfiguration Screen Fields Field Des cription Po r t Allo ws y ou to select the num ber of the por t y ou w ant to vie w or configu re.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-26 304376- B Re v 00 Assigning T ag gi ng to Gigabit MD A P or ts This sec tion s ho ws ho w a user coul d assi gn the gigabit MD A port (po rt 25 sho wn in Figure 3-10 ) as a T agge d VL AN mem ber .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-27 3. Choose VLAN Conf iguration (or pr ess v ) fr om the VLAN Conf iguration Menu to open t he VLAN Conf igur ation scr een. 4. In the VLAN Conf iguratio n scr een, se t the po rt members hip f i eld fo r port 25 t o T (T agged P ort Member) , then pr ess [Retur n].
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-28 304376- B Re v 00 Ta b l e 3 - 1 0 describes the VLAN Dis play b y Po rt scree n f ields . T raffic Class Configur ation The T raf fic Cl ass .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-29 Figure 3-12. T raffic Class Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 1 describes the T raf fi c Class Conf igurat ion scre en f i elds.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-30 304376- B Re v 00 P or t Configuration The Port Co nf igurat ion sc reen ( Figu re 3-13 and Figure 3-14 ) allows you to conf igure a s pec if ic switch por t or al l s wit ch por ts.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-31 Figure 3-14. P or t Configuration Screen (2 of 2) Ta b l e 3 - 1 2 descri bes the Port Conf igura tion scr een f iel ds. Note: When a gigabi t MD A is installe d, only the Statu s f i eld for that M D A port is conf igurable.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-32 304376- B Re v 00 High Speed Flow Contr ol Configuration The Hig h Speed Flo w Control Conf iguration s creen ( Fi gure 3 -15 ) all o ws you to set the port p aram eters fo r inst alle d gig abit MD As.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-33 Figure 3-15. High Sp eed Flow Contr ol Conf iguration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 3 describes the Hig h Speed Flo w Control Conf igurati on screen f ields.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-34 304376- B Re v 00 Choosing a Hi gh Speed Flo w Contr ol Mode The Hig h Speed Flo w Control f eature al lo ws you to control traf fi c and a v oid congest ion on t he gig abit ful l-duple x link.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-35 MultiLink T runk Configuration The MultiLi nk T runk Conf iguration Menu s creen ( Fi gure 3-16 ) al lo ws you t o select the ap propri ate scre en to c onf igure up to six Mul tiLin k trunks.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-36 304376- B Re v 00 Ta b l e 3 - 1 4 descri bes the MultiLin k T runk Conf iguration Men u screen op tions. MultiLink T runk Configuration Screen The MultiLi nk T runk Conf iguration sc reen a llo ws you to conf igure tw o to four switch po rts t ogether a s members of a trunk .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-37 Figure 3-17. MultiLink T runk Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 5 describes the Mult iLink T runk Conf iguratio n screen f ields. T able 3-15. MultiLink T runk Configuration Scr een Fields Field Desc ription Tr u n k Column header f o r the read-onl y fields in this s creen.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-38 304376- B Re v 00 STP Lear ning The STP Learning col umn contain s a sing le field f or each ro w that, when en able d, allow s the specifie d trunk to par ticipate in the spannin g tre e. This settin g o verrides thos e of the individu al trunk mem bers.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-39 MultiLink T runk Utilization Screen The MultiLi nk T runk Util izat ion sc reen ( F igu re 3 -18 and Figure 3-19 ) allo ws you to monito r the p ercentag e of ban dwidth used b y conf igured trunk membe rs.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-40 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-19. MultiLink T runk Utilization S creen (2 of 2) Ta b l e 3 - 1 6 descri bes the MultiLin k T runk Utili zation s creen f ields.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-41 P or t Mirroring Configuration The Port Mirrorin g Confi guratio n scree n allo ws you to co nfi gure a s pecif ic swit ch port to monitor up to t wo sp ecif ied ports . Y ou can spec ify po rt-base d monitorin g or addre ss-ba sed monit oring.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-42 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-20. P or t Mirroring Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 7 descri bes the Port Mirrorin g Conf ig uration s creen f ields.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-43 Ta b l e 3 - 1 8 describes the v arious monito ring mode s a v ail able fro m the Por t Mirrori ng Conf igur ation screen. Monitor P ort Indicat es the s witch por t desi gnated as the m onitor por t.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-44 304376- B Re v 00 T able 3-18. Monitoring Modes Field s Description P or t-Based Fields: Disab led Def ault V alue: f or this f eature . -> P or t X Monitor a ll tr affic re ceiv ed by P or t X.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-45 Rate Limiting Co nfiguration The Rate Limi ting Conf iguration s creen a llo ws you to limit the for war ding ra te of broadcas t and mul ticast pack ets. Figure 3- 21 and Figu re 3-22 sho w sample rate limit ing se tting s for the tw o Rate Limiting Conf igu ration s creens.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-46 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-22. Rate Limiting Configuration Screen (2 of 2) Y ou can us e this scree n to vie w the perce ntage o f either packet type (or both pack et type s) recei ve d on each port.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-47 Ta b l e 3 - 1 9 describes the Rat e Limiting Conf igu ration s creen f ields. T able 3 -19. Rate Lim i ting C onfi gur at io n Sc ree n Fi eld s .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-48 304376- B Re v 00 IGMP Configurati on The IG MP Conf igura tion scree n allo ws yo u to set your swi tch port s to opt imize I P multica st pac kets i n a bri dged Ether net en vironmen t (see “IGMP Snoopi ng” on page 1-34).
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-49 T able 3-20. IGMP Configurat ion Screen Fields Field Desc ription VLAN Allo ws y ou to set up or vie w IGM P VLAN co nfigur atio ns on spe cifie d VLANs .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-50 304376- B Re v 00 Query Tim e Allows a us er t o co ntro l th e numbe r of I GMP messa ges allowe d on th e sub net by var yi n g t h e Query Inter v al (the Query Inte r v al is the interva l betw een g ener al queries sent b y the m ultic ast router) .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-51 P or t Statistics The P ort Sta tis ti c s scr een ( Figure 3-24 ) allows y ou t o v iew deta i led i nfo rmat ion about a s witch p ort. The screen i s di vided into tw o sec tions (Recei ved and T ransmitted) so that y ou can c ompare an d e v aluate throughp ut or o ther po rt parame ters.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-52 304376- B Re v 00 Ta b l e 3 - 2 1 describes the Por t Stati stics screen f ields. Note: The P ort Stat istics s creen appears i n a slig htly d if ferent format when the port se lecte d in the Por t f iel ds is c onf igure d with a gig abit MD A.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-53 Under sized P ac kets Indica tes the t otal num ber of pa ck ets re ceived on this por t wit h fe wer than 64 bytes and with proper CRC and f raming (also kno wn as short frames or runts).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-54 304376- B Re v 00 Console/ Comm P or t Config uration The Console /Comm Port Conf igurati on screen ( Figure 3-25 ) all o ws you to conf igure and modif y the conso le/co mm port par ameters.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-55 Figure 3-25. Console/Comm P o r t Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 2 2 describes the Cons ole/Comm Por t Conf iguration sc reen f ields.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-56 304376- B Re v 00 T able 3-22. Console/Comm P or t Configuration Sc reen Fields Field Desc ription Comm P or t Data Bits A read-on ly fie ld tha t indicate s the curr ent co nsole/co mm po r t data bit s etting .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-57 Attenzione: Nel ca so in cui si s celg a una v elocità di tras missio ne non corrispond ente a quella de l terminale d ella c onsole , la com unicaz ione c on l'interf accia d ella c onsol e cadrà pr eme ndo il ta sto [In vio].
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-58 304376- B Re v 00 Console Rea d-Write P assword Whe n the C onsole P ass word field i s set to Required (f or TELNET , f or Conso le, o r for Bot h), t his fiel d all ows re ad- wr it e pas s word a cce ss to the C I.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-59 Spann i ng T ree Co nf igur at ion The Spanni ng T ree Conf igur ation Menu scre en ( Figure 3- 26 ) al lo ws you t o vie w spann ing tree parameter s and co nf igure i ndi vidu al swit ch ports to par ticipat e in the spann ing tree algo rithm (ST A).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-60 304376- B Re v 00 Choo se Spa nni ng Tree Co nfigurati on (or p res s p) fro m the main menu to o pen the Spanning T ree Conf igur ation Me nu screen.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-61 Spanning T ree P or t Con figuration The Spanni ng T ree Port Confi gurat ion scre en all o ws you to conf igure indi vidual switch po rts or all swit ch por ts for pa rtic ipation i n the s panning t ree.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-62 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-28. Spanning T r ee P o rt Configura tion Screen (2 of 2) Ta b l e 3 - 2 4 describes the Spa nning T ree Port Conf igurat ion sc reen f ields.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-63 P articipation Al low s y ou to con figure a ny (o r all) o f the s witch ports f or Spannin g tree p ar ticipatio n.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-64 304376- B Re v 00 Displa y Spanning T ree Switch Settings The Spanni ng T ree Switch Setti ngs scree n ( Figu re 3 -29 ) all o ws you to vie w spann ing tree parameter setti ngs for t he BaySt ack 350 s witch.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-65 Ta b l e 3 - 2 5 describes the Spa nning T ree Switc h Settings paramet ers. T able 3-25. Spanning T ree Switch Setting s P aram eter s P a ramete.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-66 304376- B Re v 00 Forwar d Dela y Indica tes the F orw ard De la y par ame ter v alue that th e root bridge is curre ntly usin g. This v alue spec ifies the amoun t of tim e that the bridge por ts remai n in th e Listeni ng and Learning state s bef ore entering the F orwardi ng sta te .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-67 TELN ET Co nfig urati on The TELNET Con fi guration scree n ( Figu re 3-30 ) all o ws a user at a r emote conso le termin al to c ommunicate wi th the BayStack 350 switch as if th e consol e termina l were direct ly connect ed to it.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-68 304376- B Re v 00 T able 3-26. TE LNET Configuration Screen Fields Field De scription TELNET Acc ess Allow s a user remote ac cess to t he CI through a TELNET session .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-69 Allo w ed S our ce IP Address Sp ecifi es up to 1 0 user-as signed ho st IP ad dresses that are al lo wed T ELNET a ccess to the CI .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-70 304376- B Re v 00 Soft ware D ownload The Softw are Do wnload scree n ( Figure 3-3 1 ) allo ws you to re vise th e BayStac k 350 switc h soft ware image t hat is l ocated in non v olati le fl ash memor y .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-71 Figure 3- 31. Soft ware Download Screen Attenzione: Non inte rrompere l'al imentazione el ettrica al dispositiv o durante il pr o ces so di s ca rica men to del sof tware . In ca so di inte rru zione , l' imm agin e firm ware pot rebbe danneggi arsi.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-72 304376- B Re v 00 Ta b l e 3 - 2 7 describes the Sof twa re Do wnload scree n f ields . LED Indications Duri ng the Download Process The soft ware d ownload proc ess is au toma ted s o th at it run s to c omp leti on w ithou t user in terv ention.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-73 Ta b l e 3 - 2 8 describes the LED i ndicatio ns duri ng the softwa re do wnload proce ss. T able 3-28. LED Indications D uring the Softw are Download Process Phase Description LED ind ications 1 The new soft ware image is bei ng do wnloa ded to the s witch.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-74 304376- B Re v 00 Disp la y Event Log This section de scri bes the v ar ious funct ions o f the E ve nt Log s creen ( Fig ure 3-32 ). Choose Display Ev ent Log (or pres s e) from the ma in menu to ope n the Ev ent Log scr een.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-75 • TELNET session s tatus: Indicat es v ari ous TELNET e vent s. (F or det ails on conf iguring this feat ure, se e “ TELNET Conf iguration ” on page 3-67 .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-76 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-34. Sample Event Log Entry Exceeding the Write Threshold The write thre shold is r eset when either of th e follo wing occurs : • The BayS tack 35 0 switch is rese t.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-77 Reset The Rese t option (a ccessed f rom the main me nu) allo ws you to reset t he BaySta ck 350 switc h withou t erasin g an y conf igured switc h para meters. Rese ttin g the swit ch ta kes appr ox imate ly 5 sec onds to comple te.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-78 304376- B Re v 00 Figure 3-37. Ba y Netw orks Logo Screen Upon suc cessful completion of the po wer -up self-test s, the switch is ready for normal ope rati on. T o access t he BaySta ck 350 Mai n Menu, pre ss [Ctrl ]-Y .
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-79 Achtung: Bei Auswahl de s Befehls zur Rück setzung au f die Standar deinst ellungen werden a lle von Ih nen konf igurier ten Ein stellun gen durc h die werkse itig en Standar deinst ellungen ersetzt , wenn Sie die Eingabet aste d rücken.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-80 304376- B Re v 00 The Reset to Def ault Setting s opti on take s appro ximately 5 seconds to complet e. Durin g this time, the s witch i niti ates a self-t est t hat co mprises v arious diagn ostic routine s and s ubtests.
Using th e Cons ole Inte rface 304376-B R e v 00 3-81 Figure 3-39. Ba y Netw orks Logo Screen After Resetting to Factory Default Settings Upon suc cessful completion of the po wer -up self-test s, the switch is ready for normal ope rati on. T o access t he BaySta ck 350 Mai n Menu, pre ss [Ctrl ]-Y .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 3-82 304376- B Re v 00 Logou t The Logo ut option (acce ssed from t he main men u) allo ws a user w orki ng at a passwo rd-prote cted consol e terminal or in an acti v e TELNET sessi on to termina te the se ssi on.
304376-B R e v 00 4-1 Chap ter 4 T r ou bleshooting This chap ter e xplains ho w to isolate and dia gnose probl ems wit h the BaySta ck 350 swi tch. This chapt er in clud es th e foll o wing inf o rma.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 4-2 304376- B Re v 00 LED In dica tions Figure 4- 1 sho ws the LED displa y panel s used wi th the Bay Stack 35 0 switch.
Troubleshoo ting 304376-B R e v 00 4-3 T able 4-1. LED Descriptions Label T ype Color State Meaning Pwr P ower s t atu s Green On D C power is available t o th e switch’ s in te r n al ci rcui tr y . Off No A C p ow er to s witc h or po wer supply f ailed.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 4-4 304376- B Re v 00 Dia gno sing and Corre ctin g th e Pr oble m Befo re you per fo rm th e pr o ble m-s olv ing st eps in thi s sec ti on, cyc l.
Troubleshoo ting 304376-B R e v 00 4-5 Normal P ower -Up Sequence In a norma l po wer- up sequence , th e LEDs appear as fol lo ws: 1. After po wer is app lied to t he switch, t he Pwr (P ower) LED tur ns on within f iv e seconds.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch 4-6 304376- B Re v 00 P or t Connection Problems Port conn ecti on problems c an usua lly be tr aced t o a poor cab le conn ecti on or an improp er connect ion of the po rt cable s at ei ther end of the link.
Troubleshoo ting 304376-B R e v 00 4-7 • If t he connect ed sta tion uses a for m of auto negot iati on that i s not c ompatible with the IEEE 802.3 u autone g otiatin g stand ard, the Bay Stack 3 50 switc h canno t ne gotiat e a com patib le mode for co rrect ope rati on. Page 8 Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 A-1 Appendix A T ec hni cal Specificati ons This appendix l ists the te chnical s pecif ications for t he BaySt ack 350 switch. En vir o nmental Electrical P aramete r Operating Spec.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch A-2 304376- B Re v 00 Ph ysic al Dimen sion s P er formanc e S peci fic at ions Netw ork Protocol and Sta ndards Compat ibilit y Data R ate P a rameter M odel 35 0-24T Mode l 350-12 T Heigh t 7.03 cm (2.
Technic al S pecific ations 304376-B R e v 00 A-3 Interf ace Optio ns Saf ety Agency Cer tificat ion Electr omagnetic Emiss ions Electr omagnetic Immunity • 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX --- RJ-4 5 (8-pin mod.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch A-4 304376- B Re v 00 Dec larat i on of Co nformity The Decla ra ti on o f Confo rmit y f or t he Ba yStack 350 switc hes compl ie s with I SO/ IEC Guid e 22 and EN45014 .
B-1 Appendix B Media Dependen t Adapter s This appe ndix de scribes t he opt ional me dia depend ent ada pters (MD As) that are a v ail able fro m Bay Netw orks. Th e MD As can suppor t hig h-speed co nnecti ons to serv ers, share d Fa st Ether net hubs , or backbo ne de vices.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch B-2 304376- B Re v 00 10B ASE-T /1 00B ASE-T X MD A The 400-4TX MD A (see Figu re B-1 ) uses four 10 B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX RJ-45 (8-p in modular) po rt connect ors to att ach Ethernet devi ces. Ta b l e B - 1 desc ribes the 400-4T X MD A components and LEDs.
Media Dep endent Adapte rs 304376-B R e v 00 B-3 The RJ-45 p orts a re conf igured as medi a-depende nt int erfa ce-cr ossov er (MDI-X) conne ctors. These p orts c onnect o v er s trai ght cables to th e netw ork i nterf ace control ler (N IC) card i n a node or serv er , similar to a con vent ional Ethernet repeat er hub .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch B-4 304376- B Re v 00 A ver tissement: L ’équipement à f ibre o ptique peut émett re des rayons laser ou infra rouges qui risq uent d’ent raîner d es lés ions o culaires . Ne jamais reg arder dans le port d’un connect eur ou d’un câ ble à f ibre optique.
Media Dep endent Adapte rs 304376-B R e v 00 B-5 Figure B-2. 100 B ASE-FX MD A Fr ont P anels Ta b l e B - 2 describes the 1 00B ASE-FX compone nts and LEDs. For inst alla tion ins tru ctio n s, s ee “ Instal ling an MD A ” on page B -11 . T able B-2.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch B-6 304376- B Re v 00 1000B ASE-S X MD As There ar e tw o 1000B ASE-SX (shor twa ve giga bit) MD A models: • The 450 -1SR MD A is a singl e MA C MD A with a separat e redundan t Phy (backup P hy por t).
Media Dep endent Adapte rs 304376-B R e v 00 B-7 Figure B-3. 100 0B ASE-SX MD A Front P anels Ta b l e 2 descri bes the 100 0B ASE-SX componen ts and LEDs. For inst alla tion ins tru ctio n s, s ee “ Instal ling an MD A ” on page B -11 . T a ble 2.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch B-8 304376- B Re v 00 1000B ASE-L X MD As There ar e two 100 0B ASE-LX (longw a ve gi gabit) MD A models: • The 450 -1LR MD A is a single MA C MD A with a separat e redundan t Phy (backup P hy por t).
Media Dep endent Adapte rs 304376-B R e v 00 B-9 Figure B-4. 100 0B ASE-LX MD A Front P anels Ta b l e B - 3 describes the 1000B ASE-LX MD A co mponents and LEDs. For inst alla tion ins tru ctio n s, s ee “ Instal ling an MD A ” on page B -11 . T able B-3 .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch B-10 304376- B Re v 00 1000B ASE-LX Multimode Applications F or 1000B ASE-LX mult imode ap plicati ons, th e longw av e gigabit transce i vers must be mode condit ioned e xtern ally v ia a sp ecial of fset SMF/MMF pat ch cord.
Media Dep endent Adapte rs 304376-B R e v 00 B-11 Installing an MD A The Uplink Module sl ot on t he BayStack 450 swit ches acco mmodate s a singl e MD A. The connectio n can be either a n RJ-45 10/1 00B ASE-TX MD A or a fibe r (100B ASE-FX or 1 000B ASE-SX/LX) MD A with an SC or MT -RJ connecto r .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch B-12 304376- B Re v 00 4. Pr ess the MD A firml y into the chassi s slot. Be s ur e that t he MD A is fully sea te d in t o th e mat ing conn ect or . 5. Secur e the MD A in the cha ssis by tighteni ng the t humb scr ews on th e MD A front pan el .
304376-B R e v 00 C-1 Appendix C Quic k Steps to Features This append ix provide s Quick Steps for usi ng the BayStack 350 switch fea tures. It is int ended for s ystem a dministra tors wh o are f amilia r with th e BayStac k 350 swit ch featur es des cribe d in th is manual .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch C-2 3043 76-B Re v 00 Configur in g 802.1 Q VLA Ns This sec tion sho ws ho w to creat e a ne w VLAN or to modify a n e xisting VLAN (see Figure C -1 to Figu re C-3 ). Choose VLAN Conf igurat ion (o r press v) from t he VLAN Conf igur ation Me nu screen t o open t he VLAN Conf igur atio n screen.
Qu ick Ste ps to Feat ures 304376-B R e v 00 C-3 Figure C-2. Config uring 802.1Q VLANs (2 of 3) Yes Yes No No No Set Secondary VLAN Tag default. Set Primary VLAN Tag default. BS35048A Does VID = PVID? Is Primary VLAN Tag correct? Is Secondary VLAN Tag default correct? Yes 2 1 Off-page reference On-page reference Key kombk.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch C-4 3043 76-B Re v 00 Figure C-3. Config uring 802.1Q VLANs (3 of 3) Yes No No Set unregistered, tagged, untagged filters, if necessary. Set Port Priority. Also, refer to Traffic Class Configuration screen, if necessary.
Qu ick Ste ps to Feat ures 304376-B R e v 00 C-5 Configuring Multi Link T runks This sec tion s ho ws ho w to create a ne w MultiLink tr unk or to mod ify an exis ting Multi Link tr unk (s ee Figur e C-4 ).
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch C-6 3043 76-B Re v 00 Configur ing P or t Mirroring This sec tion s ho ws ho w to conf igur e swit ch ports f or por t mirrori ng or to modi fy e xistin g port mirr oring ports (s ee F igure C- 5 and Fi gure C-6 ).
Qu ick Ste ps to Feat ures 304376-B R e v 00 C-7 Figure C-6. Config uring P or t Mirroring (2 of 2) Yes No No Enable Port Mirroring (see "Port Mirroring Configuration Rules"). BS35052A Are Address A and B configured? Is Port Mirroring Enabled? Yes 1 Done 2 Configure Addresses.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch C-8 3043 76-B Re v 00 Configur in g IGMP Snoo ping This sec tion s ho ws ho w to conf igur e swit ch ports f or IGMP Snoo ping or to modify e xisting IGMP Snoop ing por ts (see Figure C-7 to Figure C- 9 ).
Qu ick Ste ps to Feat ures 304376-B R e v 00 C-9 Figure C-8. Configuring IGMP Snooping (2 of 3) Yes No No BS35054A Is the Robust Value field set correctly? Is the Query Timer field set correctly? Yes Is the Set Router Ports field set correctly? Yes Yes No Is the Proxy field set correctly? No 3 2 Set the correct value for the Query Timer field.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch C-10 3043 76-B Re v 00 Figure C-9. Configuring IGMP Snooping (3 of 3) Yes No No All trunk members for that trunk are automatically configured as IGMP Static Router Ports.
304376-B R e v 00 D-1 Appendix D Connector s and Pin Assi gnments This appe ndix de scribes t he BaySt ack 350 switch por t conne ctors and pin assi gnments. RJ-45 ( 10B A SE-T/100 B ASE- TX) P or t Conne ctors The RJ-45 por t c onnect ors ( Fi gure D-1 ) are wi re d as MDI-X por ts to c onne ct end stati ons wit hout using crosso ver ca bles.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch D-2 3043 76-B Re v 00 Ta b l e D - 1 lists t he RJ-45 (8 -pin modu lar) por t conne ctor p in assign ments. MDI and MDI-X Devices Media depe ndent i nterf ace ( MDI) is the I EEE sta ndard for the in terfa ce to unsh ield ed twiste d p air ( UTP) cab le.
Connector s and Pin Assig nme nts 304376-B R e v 00 D-3 MDI-X to MDI Cable Connectio ns BaySta ck 350 switch es use MDI- X port s t ha t a ll o w you to c onne ct di re ctl y to end stati ons wit hout using crosso ver ca bles ( Figure D-2 ). Figure D-2.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch D-4 3043 76-B Re v 00 MDI-X to MDI-X Ca b le Connec tions If you ar e conne cting th e BaySta ck 350 swi tch to a d e vice that also i mplement s MDI-X ports , use a c rosso v er cab le ( Figure D- 3 ).
Connector s and Pin Assig nme nts 304376-B R e v 00 D-5 DB-9 (RS-232-D) Console/ Comm P or t Connector The DB-9 Conso le/Comm Port c onnector ( Figur e D-4 ) is conf igured as a da ta communic ations eq uipment (DCE) conn ector . The DSR and CTS s ignal outputs are al wa ys ass erted; t he CD, DTR, R TS, and RI s ignal in puts ar e not used. Page 6 Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 E-1 Appendix E Default Settings Ta b l e E - 1 lis ts the fac tor y de fault sett in gs f or th e Bay St ack 35 0 sw itch . T able E-1.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch E-2 304376- B Re v 00 Aging Time 300 sec onds MA C Addres s T able ( page 3-18) Find an Address 00-00-00-0 0-00-00 (no MA C address a ssigned ) P o.
Default S ettings 304376-B R e v 00 E-3 A utoneg otiation Enab led High Speed Flo w Control Configur ation (page 3-32) Flow C ont rol Di sabled Note: The f ollo wing tw o fiel ds only appear when a s ingle Ph y MD A with a sep arate redundan t Ph y por t is insta lle d.
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch E-4 304376- B Re v 00 Quer y Time 12 5 se co nds Set Rou ter P o r ts V ersion 1 Stat ic R o ute r P o r t s - (for all po r ts) P or t 1 P or t St.
Default S ettings 304376-B R e v 00 E-5 Ev ent Lo gging All Allo wed So urce IP Addre ss (10 user -config urab l e fields ) First field: 0.0 .0.0 (no IP address a ssigned ) Rema inin g nine fiel ds: 255. Page 6 Thursday, February 18, 1999 10:59 AM.
304376-B R e v 00 F-1 Appendix F Sample BootP Confi guration F ile This appe ndix pr o vides a sa mple Bo otP conf iguration f ile. The Bo otP serv er searche s for this f ile, called boo tptab (or BOO TPT AB .
Using the BayS tack 350 10/ 100/100 0 Series Swit ch F-2 3 04376- B Re v 00 # Caution # # Omitting a Forwa rd slash (/) when th e entry is conti nued to the next # line, can cause the inte rruption of the booting proc ess or the # incorrec t image file to download.
304376-B R e v 00 Index- 1 A acr ony ms, xxi Actual Hello Interv al, 3-65 Aging Time field, 3-1 9 Allo wed Source IP Address field, 3-69 All o wed Sourc e Mas k f iel d, 3- 69 Authen tication T r ap f.
Index-2 304376- B Re v 00 co ns ol e/ co m m po rt conn ecting to terminal, 2-10 illustrati on, D-5 pin assi gnments , D-5 Cons ol e/Co mm Por t Configur at io n op tio ns, 3-5 Console/Comm Port Confi.
304376-B R e v 00 Index-3 grou ndin g, 2-3 LED verificati on, 2-14 requiremen ts, 2 -1 tools, 2- 1 verifyin g, 2-13 IP addres s format of, 2-18 setting startu p, 2- 17 IP addres s, aut omatic configur.
Index-4 304376- B Re v 00 Spann in g T ree Port Conf iguration, 3-6 0 Switch Configura tio n, 3-5 System Cha racterist i cs, 3-5 TELNET Conf i gura tion , 3-5 VLAN Configur a tio n, 3-17 Ov er s i z e.
304376-B R e v 00 Index-5 SNMP . Se e Simple N etw ork M anage ment Prot ocol software download process, 3- 72 image upgrad es, 1 -12 Softwa re Do wnload option, 3 -5 Software Do wnload screen, 3-71 S.
Index-6 304376- B Re v 00 network examp le, 1-1 4 VLAN Configur a tio n op tion, 3-17 VLAN Configur a tio n scr een, 3- 21 VLANs IEEE 802.1Q VLANs feature, 1-10 kombk.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Bay Networks BayStack 350 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Bay Networks BayStack 350 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Bay Networks BayStack 350 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Bay Networks BayStack 350 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Bay Networks BayStack 350, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Bay Networks BayStack 350.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Bay Networks BayStack 350. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Bay Networks BayStack 350 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.