Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CR-H500NT B del fabbricante Teac
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2 1 0 ) Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, c onvenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus .
4 Before Use Read this before oper at ions. < When the unit is turned on, s witching on the T V may result in lines appearing on the T V screen, dep ending on the condition of the electric waves of the T V broadcast. T his is not malfunction in the unit or the T V .
ENGLISH 5 Discs Dis cs wh ich c an be p layed on t hi s unit : M Conven tional audio CDs b earing the C OMP AC T DISC DIGIT AL AUDIO logo on the label. M Properly finalized CD-R and CD-RW discs M MP3/WMA CDs Note: < Depending on the quality of the disc and/or the condition of the recording, some CD-R/CD-RW discs may not be playable.
6 < This unit can play MP 3 f iles recorded in various ex ternal US B s torage devices such as U SB f lash memor y , MP3 playe r or HDD. The HDD mus t be format ted F A T 1 6 or FA T 32 , b ut not NTF S.
ENGLISH 7 FM Indoor An te nna Connec t the lead-t ype FM antenna t o the FM 7 5Ω socket, ex tend the lead and tune in your favourite station (see p a g e 3 0 ) .
8 LINE IN B A SUBWOOFER SPEAKER Speaker C onne ct ions EN_CR-H500NT_T_C.indb 8 EN_CR-H500NT_T_C.indb 8 09.10.6 5:31:26 PM 09.10.6 5:31:26 PM.
ENGLISH 9 A Speaker C onnect ions CR- H50 0N T ’s + (positive) t er minals are r ed ( for the right speaker) and white ( for the lef t sp eaker .) The _ (negative ) terminals are black . The + si de of the sp ea ke r c ab le i s m ark ed to m a k e it distinguish able from the negative side of the cable.
10 Con n e c t i on s F E C D A LINE OUT LINE IN L RL R B Tu r n t a b l e Cassette deck , CD recorder , etc. CAUTION < T ur n of f the power of all the equipment before mak ing connec tions. < Read instruc tions of each component you intend t o use with this unit.
ENGLISH 11 A AC Power Cor d Plug this c o rd int o an AC wall so cket. < Unplug the power cord when you ar e not going to use the unit for long periods of time. B Wireless LAN antenna If you can use a wireless LAN in your ins tallation site, the unit connect s to the LAN using the wireless LAN antenna.
12 Part Names ( main unit) A B E C D F G H I J L N M K EN_CR-H500NT_T_C.indb 12 EN_CR-H500NT_T_C.indb 12 09.10.6 5:31:27 PM 09.10.6 5:31:27 PM.
ENGLISH 13 A MUL TI JOG In TUNER mode, use this knob to tune in stations or selec t the preset stations. In iPod mode, use this knob to scroll up and down the menu. In CD /USB mode, use thi s k nob to skip tracks/f iles during playback or in the stop mode.
14 a j w m l k b c d o n e f g h q v s u r t i p a ST ANDBY /ON Press this button to turn the unit on or standby. b TUN ER , C D, iPod/ USB, AUX 1 / 2, PH ON O Use these but tons t o sele c t a source. c TIME SET Use this button to adjust the clock and to set a timer.
ENGLISH 15 k Play/Pause ( y / J ) In US B/ iPod mode, use this button t o s tar t or pause playback of the iPod or USB. In CD mode, use thi s but ton to star t or pause playback of the CD. l MUTING Use this button to mute the sound. m MENU Use this but ton to go back t o previous menu of iPod.
16 Remote Con t rol Unit T h e p r o v i d e d r e m o t e c o n t r o l u n i t a l l o w s t h e u n i t t o b e operated from a distance. When oper ating the remot e control unit, point it towards the remot e s ensor on the front panel of the unit.
ENGLISH 17 A B C A How to t urn t he un it on o r of f Press the ST AND BY /ON switch to turn the unit on or of f. The Standby/ O n indicator turns blue when the unit is turned on. < When you tur n on the sys tem, the source tha t w as selec ted las t time will star t playb ack automatically .
18 F Liste nin g thr ough h eadp hone s Inser t the headphone plug int o the PHONES jack , and adjust the volume. T he sound f rom speakers and subwoofer will be cut o f f. G How to a djus t the b ass an d tr ebl e sou nd Y ou can change the bass and treble so und bet ween “-10 ” t o “+ 10 ”.
ENGLISH 19 4 Place a dis c on th e tray wi th t he pri nted l abe l facing up. < T he disc must be lo aded centrally into the disc tray . If the disc is not c or rec tly loade d, it may not be possible to open the tray again once it has closed. < Never place mor e than one disc on the tr ay .
20 A To s t o p p l a y b a c k Press the stop button ( H ) to stop playback . T o star t p layback again, press the play /pause but ton ( y / J ). Playback star ts f rom the first tr ack /file. B T o su sp end p layba ck te mpo rari ly (pau se mo de) Press the play /pause but ton ( y / J ) dur ing playback .
ENGLISH 21 D T o s ki p to th e nex t o r a prev ious t rac k /f il e During playback , press the skip/scan but tons ( .m / ,/ ) repeatedly until the desired track / file is fo und. The selected tr ack /file will be play ed from the be ginning. On the remote c ontrol unit use the skip b ut tons ( .
22 U p t o 3 2 t r a c k s / f i l e s c a n b e p r o g r a m m e d i n t h e d e s i r e d order . 1 Pr ess t he PRO GR AM b ut ton in t he s top mo de. When CD is selec ted P-00 T000 T016 72:00 When USB is selected P00 T0000 Total File 0130 2 Pres s the s cro ll bu tt ons ( / ) t o sel ec t a tr ack / file .
ENGLISH 23 T o check t he programmed order In the stop mode, press the P R OGRA M but ton repeatedly . The tr ack /f ile number and programme number will b e shown on the display .
24 When the SHUFF LE but ton is pressed, the track s/files on the disc or US B dev ice will be played randomly . When CD is selec ted CD/Random T003 00:07 When USB is selected USB/Random T0003 00:07 WMA < If you press the / button during s huf f le playback, next trac k /fi le w il l be rand oml y se lect ed a nd p lay ed.
ENGLISH 25 During playback , press the DISPLA Y bu tton repeatedly to change the information on the di splay. Audi o CD: Display changes as follows: MP3 / WMA files: Def ault display (scrolling ): Tit.
26 T o pause playback During playback , press the play /pause button ( G / J ) t o p ause playback . Playback stops at the current position. T o resume playback, press the play/ pause but ton ( G / J ) again . T o skip to t he next or a previous song During playback or i n pause mode, press the skip buttons ( .
ENGLISH 27 Repeat playback Every time the REPEA T 1 / ALL but ton is pr esse d, the mode is changed as follows: Shuffle playback During playback , press the SHUFF LE but ton to change the shuf f le mode. RDM o RDM Songs RDM Album When you selec t “ RDM Songs” , the iPod shuf f les s ongs within the list you choose to play .
28 Recording to USB Y ou can record a source of radio broadcast an d ex ternal device to the external USB st or age device as MP3 files. 1 Conne ct t he e x tern al USB s torag e devi ce to t he USB po rt o f the C R- H50 0 NT . 2 S ele c t a sou rce to b e rec ord ed.
ENGLISH 29 Deleting a f ile from USB Y ou can delete a file on the ex ternal USB st or age device. 1 I n th e sto p mode , pre ss t he sc rol l but ton s ( / ) to se lec t a fo lde r . 2 Pr ess t he E NTER b ut ton . 3 Press t he sc rol l but ton s ( / ) to sel ec t th e fi le whic h you wa nt to del ete f rom t he USB d evice .
30 Listening to F M/ AM 1 Press the S OUR CE but to n rep eate dly to s ele c t TUNER mode. 2 S e l e c t F M o r A M b y p r e s s i n g t h e B A N D b u t t o n repeatedly .
ENGLISH 31 FM M od e Y ou can selec t bet ween Stereo and Mono by press ing the FM MODE but ton when a stereo F M program is tuned in. Stere o: F M s te reo br oad ca sts a r e r ece iv ed i n s te reo an d “ST ” i s displayed . When a broadcas t signal cannot be tuned in, the sound is muted.
32 Pre set t i ng m anu al ly (AM/ FM) 1 S e l e c t A M o r F M b y p r e s s i n g t h e T U N E R b u t t o n repeatedly . 2 Tune in the s tat ion yo u want to s tor e. See page 30 for the pro cedure of tuning. 3 Pr ess t he PRO GR AM b ut ton. FM 10:00 CH__ 108.
ENGLISH 33 The Ra dio Data System (RDS) i s a broa dcasting ser v ice which allows stations to send additional information along with the regular radio programme signal. RDS work s on the FM waveband in E urop e only . 1 Tune in an FM sta tio n (see pa ge 30).
34 PTY Search Y ou can search for stations by programme t yp e. This function is available only on RDS ser vices of F M wave band in E urope. 1 S e l e c t F M b y p r e s s i n g t h e B A N D b u t t o n repeatedly . 2 Hold d own th e RDS b utton fo r more than 3 seconds.
ENGLISH 35 News : brief announcemen t s, events, public opinion, repor ts, actual situations. Cur re n t Af fa ir s : a kind of suggestion including prac tical announcemen t s other than news, documents, discussion, analysis and so on.
36 Internet Radio Initial Setup When you use the internet radio function for the first time, the unit starts an initial setup procedure to connect to the Internet. 1 Se lect “Internet radio” by pressing the B AND button repeatedly . Initial setup wizard starts.
ENGLISH 37 Listening to an internet radio station/ a podcast 1 Se lect “Internet radio” by pressing the B AND button repeatedly . 2 O pe n the i nter net rad io me nu. Press the MENU button. The internet radio menu appears. 3 Se lect “Station list” .
38 6 If you ha ve selected “Location” , “Genre” or “Se arc h sta tio ns” i n ste p 5 , sea rch f or th e cha nne l you want . Turn the MULTI JOG knob to select the item, and then press the ENTER button. < For the op erations of input ting charac ters, see “H ow to input characters” on p age 36.
ENGLISH 39 Changing the display e d information Each time the INFO button is pressed, information on the second line of the display changes. < The t yp es of information displayed may var y depending on the st ations/Podcasts .
40 Radio Portal Internet radio portal Access the radio portal on the Internet using your computer to fully enjoy the internet radio function of this unit.
ENGLISH 41 Setting up Music Pla yer ( 1 ) About the Music Play e r function Using the Music Player function, you can play back the music files in your computers through the LAN. There are two ways of connecting to the computer: using media sharing and using file sharing.
42 Preparations for Shared Folders (Windows Vista ) 1 Ch eck the n ame of the Doma in o r the “Workg rou p” you r com put er be lo ngs to. To enable Shared Folders, your computer needs to be a member of a Domain or a “Workgroup”. Usually, your computer belongs to a “Workgroup” by default.
ENGLISH 43 6 Copy the mu sic f il es you w ant to e njoy on CR - H 5 0 0 N T i n t o t h e “ P u b l i c M u s i c ” f o l d e r i n t h e “Publi c ” folder . Preparations for Shared Folders (Mac OS X 10 . 2 . 1 to 1 0. 4. 1 1 ) 1 Ch eck t he u ser a ccoun t name a nd it s pass word .
44 Preparations for Shared Folders (Mac OS X 1 0. 5.0 or higher ) 1 Ch eck t he u ser a ccoun t name a nd it s pass word . T o a c c e s s t h e c o m p u t e r f r o m C R - H 5 0 0 N T , y o u n e e d the user accoun t name and the p assword of the comp u ter.
ENGLISH 45 1 Se lect “Internet radio” by pressing the B AND button repeatedly . 2 O pe n the i nter net rad io me nu. Press the MENU button. The internet radio menu appears. 3 Selec t “Main Menu” , then “Music Play er” . Turn the MULTI JOG knob to select the item, and then press the ENTER button.
46 1 Se lect “Internet radio” by pressing the B AND button repeatedly . 2 O pe n the i ntern et rad io me nu. Press the MENU button. The internet radio menu appears. 3 Selec t “Main Menu” , then “Music Play er” . Turn the MULTI JOG knob to select the item, and then press the ENTER button.
ENGLISH 47 4 Open the Music Play er menu. Press the MENU button. The Music Player menu appears. 5 S ele c t “B rowse” , th en “ Shar ed fo lde r ” . Turn the MULTI JOG knob to select the item, and then press the ENTER button. The names of connected Domains and Workgroups appear.
48 Network C onf iguration Soft ware update The software of the unit can be updated via the Internet connection, so that you are able to use the latest features of the unit. Regularly check for updates. 1 Se lect “Internet radio” by pressing the B AND button repeatedly .
ENGLISH 49 The clock setting of this unit is automatically adjusted according to the CLOCK TIME data of an RDS broadcasting. If you adjust the clock manually, follow the following steps. 1 Pr ess t he TI ME SE T but to n. Each time the TIME SET but ton is pressed, the mode is changed as follows.
50 Setting t he Timer < Adjust the clock before set ting the timer. < Selec t “ Direc t mode” before using the iPod for the t i m e r ; o t h e r w i s e , t h e i P o d w i l l n o t b e p l a y e d b a c k when the On time is reached. See page 27 .
ENGLISH 51 Ever y ti me you p res s th e TIM ER b ut ton o n th e remote control unit, the timer mode changes as follows. T imer o ff T imer daily T imer REC once T imer REC daily Time r Playbac k 1 S e l e c t “ T i m e r d a i l y ” b y p r e s s i n g t h e T I M E R but ton o n the r emo te cont rol u nit .
52 Sleep Timer The p ower can be switched of f af ter a specifie d amount of time. Press the SLE EP but ton repeatedly until desir e d time appears on the display . SLE EP- 90 (80 , 70 ... 10) The p ower will be switched of f 9 0 (80, 70 ... 1 0) min ute s late r.
ENGLISH 53 In case of trouble with the unit, please take the time to look through this chart and s ee if you can s olve the problem your self b efore you c all your dealer or T EAC service cen ter . Ampl ifi er No pow er . e Check the connec tion to the AC power su pply .
54 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g ( 2 ) Maintenanc e If the surf ace of the unit gets dir t y , wip e with a sof t cloth or use diluted neutral cleaning liquid. Be sure to r emove any fluid completely . D o not use thinner , b enzine or alcohol as they may damage the surface of the unit.
ENGLISH 55 Speci ficat ions AMPL IFIER Sectio n Output Power . . . . . . . . . 4 0 W /ch ( 6 ohms, 0.5 % , 1 kHz) Input Sensitivit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHON O: 2.5 mV 4 7 k Ω AU X1 , AUX2: 200 mV 4 7 k Ω Fr e quenc y Response . . . . 2 0 Hz to 60,0 0 0 Hz ( + 1/ –3 dB) TUNER Section FM Section T uning Range .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Teac CR-H500NT B è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Teac CR-H500NT B - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Teac CR-H500NT B imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Teac CR-H500NT B ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Teac CR-H500NT B, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Teac CR-H500NT B.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Teac CR-H500NT B. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Teac CR-H500NT B insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.