Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto D14129.02 del fabbricante TANDBERG
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D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 1 Sof t wa re ver si on TC1 . 0 NOVE MBE R 200 8 T AN D B E R G Co dec C 9 0 A dmin ist rat or G uide.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 2 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Contents The top me nu bar and th e entrie s in the T able of Co ntents are all hype rlinks, just click o n them to go to t he topic.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 3 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Introduction Int r oduction In this cha pt e r .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 4 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 5 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 6 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 7 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Getting started Ge t t in g st ar t ed Chapt er 2 In this cha pt e r .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 8 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 9 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Getting started 4 7 ghi pqrs 6 # abc/1 23 9 1 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 10 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Getting started Wak ing u p the sy stem Pre ss a ny key on th e rem ote co ntrol to wa ke up th e sys tem.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 11 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 12 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 13 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 14 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s About the menus Abou t th e menu s In this cha pt e r .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 15 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s About the menus About the menus Th e me nu sys tem is d iv id ed in to thre e leve ls : Th e 1.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 16 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Admin. Settings menu The Se tti ng s menu In this cha pt e r .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 17 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Admin.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 18 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Admin. Settings menu Administrat or set tings, co n t.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 19 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library In this cha pt e r . .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 20 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Audi o Volume : < 0.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 21 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Audi o Inp ut Li ne [1 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 22 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Audi o Sou nds A ndA le r ts R ingVolum e : < 0 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 23 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Cam er as C ame ra [ 1 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 24 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Of f : Th e sys tem wi ll not u se e nc r ypti on.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 25 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library H32 3 Profi le [1 ..
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 26 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Net wor k [1.. 1] IPv4 Q oS D if fs er v A udio : < 0.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 27 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 28 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library Phon ebo ok Se r ver [ 1 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 29 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library SIP Pr ofil e [1 .. 1] URI [1.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 30 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 31 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 32 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s The settings library The E x per imenta l menu Th e Adva nc ed c onfi gur atio ns m enu h as a n opti on c all ed E x pe rim en tal.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 33 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Cameras Cameras Chapt er 6 In this cha pt e r .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 34 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Cameras Se e the T A NDB ERG Pre ci sio nH D 1 08 0 p Use r Gu ide fo r co mpr ehe ns ive i nfor mat ion a bo ut th e cam er a.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 35 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Cameras Power s up ply c on ne ctio n is NOT n ee ded w he n the ca me ra is u sed w ith a T AND BER G Cod ec.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 36 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 37 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 38 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Cameras Example. Four da isy c ha ine d T AND BER G Pre cis ion HD 1080 p ca me ras .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 39 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices App endice s Chapt er 7 In this cha pt e r .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 40 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 41 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 42 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s A lig ht bl ue wa ll c olo r gi ves a go od co ntra st to th e sk in tonality .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 43 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s 4 7 ghi pqrs 6 # abc/123 9 1 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 44 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 45 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s PC 4 7 ghi pqrs 6 # abc/123 9 1 .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 46 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices Line in Rev.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 47 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices The s oft ware upg rade proc edure Co ntac t you r T AND BER G rep res ent ati ve to obta in th e sof t war e upg rad e fil e.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 48 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices The c er tific ates upload proc edure Co ntac t you r syste m adm in istr ator to obt ain t he re qui red fi le s (.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 49 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 50 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices Deb ug log file s Se le ct a de bu g log fi le by c lic ki ng on t he na me of th e fil e.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 51 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 52 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 53 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 54 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 55 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices T ANDBERG Remote C ontrol TRC5 Microphone: Pres s the ke y to toggl e the m icr oph on es on /off.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 56 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 57 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 58 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 59 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Appendices China RoHS table Th is pr odu ct c omp lie s wi th the C hi ne ese R oHS .
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 60 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 61 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 62 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 63 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 64 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont.
D1 4 129.02 —NOV EMB ER 20 08 65 Codec C90 Administ rat or Guide Contents Introduction Gett ing s ta r ted Ab ou t the m enu s Ab ou t the s et ting s Set ti ngs L ib ra r y Cameras Appendices C ont act u s Contact us U .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il TANDBERG D14129.02 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del TANDBERG D14129.02 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso TANDBERG D14129.02 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul TANDBERG D14129.02 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il TANDBERG D14129.02, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del TANDBERG D14129.02.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il TANDBERG D14129.02. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo TANDBERG D14129.02 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.