Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Lite Motherboard del fabbricante SOYO
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SY - P4I845PE Lite Motherboard Quick Start Guide Har dware Insta lla tion Quic k B IOS Setup Introduction T he SO Y O CD Da vico m Onboar d LAN Driv er USB2.
SOYO™ 1. AGP card with 3. 3V is not suppor ted, only AGP card with 1.5V can be used in this mainboard. 2. Please read the user guide befo re proceeding your installations.
SOYO™ SY -P4I845PE Lite Motherboard mPGA Socket 478 processors Intel 845PE AGP/PCI Motherboard 533/400 MHz Front Side Bus supported A TX Form Factor Copyright © 2003 by SOYO Computer Inc. T rademarks: SOYO is a registered tradem ark of SOYO Comput er Inc.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 4 Intr oduction 1 1 Intr oduction Congratulations on your purchase of the SY -P4I845PE Lite Motherboard. This Quick Start Guide illustrates the steps fo r installing an d setting up your new M otherboard. This guide provides all user s with the basic steps of Motherboard setting and operation.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 5 Intr oduction SY -P4I845PE Lite Motherboar d Lay out (Opti onal ) PS/2 K B Connector PS/2 Mouse PS/2 Mouse Connector 3V Lithi um Batter y IDE 1 IDE 2 A TX Power .
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 6 Intr oduction Ke y F e a t u r e s Supports Intel ® mPGA S ocket 478 processor s - Pentium ® 4 Supports 533/400 MHz Front Side Bus Frequency PC99, .
SY -P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 7 Har dwar e Installatio n 2 2 Installation T o avoid damage to your Motherboard, please follow these simple rules while handling this equipment: Before handling the Motherboar d, ground your self by touc hing on to an unpainted portion of the system's metal chassis.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 8 Har dwar e Installatio n Install the Motherboar d We will now begin the in stallati on process. Please follow the systematic procedure designed to lead you to a complete and corr ect installation.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 9 Har dwar e Installatio n FJ1 jumper (besid e the A GP slot) This jumper sets the default boot-u p CPU fre quency and the group of FSB frequenc ies that ca n be selected in the BIOS. CPU FSB 100MHz FSB Auto Detect FS B (Default) 133MHz FSB FJ1 Jumper Step 2.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 10 Har dwar e Installatio n FJ1 T able: FJ1 A vailable multiplier in the “DRAM:CPU multiplier” option 1-2 (default) Auto detect 2-3 1. 33 Open 1.00 / 1.25 / by SPD Y our memory fre quency i s de pendent on your CP U front si de bus frequenc y .
SY -P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 11 Har dwar e Installatio n Connectors and Plug-ins CPU Cooling Fa n: CPUF AN1 CPU Cooling Fa n: CPUF AN2 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pi n1 P in2 Pin3 GND +12V Sensor GND +12V .
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 12 Har dwar e Installatio n Power On/Off: PWR BT Connect your pow er switch to this header ( momentary switch ty pe). T o turn off the system, press this switch and hold down for longer than 4 seconds. A TX 12V Power Supply: A TX PW Attach the A TX 12V Power cable to three connector .
SY -P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 13 Har dwar e Installatio n Step 4. Install e xpansion ca r ds The motherboard has 1 AGP slot and 6 PCI slots. 1. Read the ins truction document of the relate d expans ion card before inserting the expans ion card into the computer.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 14 Har dwar e Installatio n CMOS Clear (JP5) In s ome ca ses the CMOS me mory ma y con tai n wrong data, follow the steps below to clea r th e CMOS me mory . 1. Clear the CMOS mem ory by momentaril y shorting pin 2-3 on jumpe r JP5.
SY -P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 15 Har dwar e Installatio n Audio Speak er s connections When using 2 channel spea ker , connect the sp eaker cable to li ne-out. If you’re using 4 channel speaker , connect the front L/R speakers to lin e-out and rear L/R spe akers to Line -in .
SY -P4I845PE Lite Qui ck Start Guide 16 Quic k BIOS Setup 3 3 Quic k BIOS Setup This Motherboard does not use any hardware j umpers to set the C PU frequency .
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 17 Th e S O Y O C D 4 4 Th e S O Y O C D The SOYO-CD will Auto Run only in Windo ws Base Operating System. Y our SY -P4I845PE Lite motherboard come s with a CD-R OM labeled “SOYO CD”. The SOYO CD contains a. The user ’s manual for your new motherboard in PD F format, b.
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 18 Th e S O Y O C D The user's manual files incl uded on the SOYO CD are in PDF (Postscript Document Format). In or der to read a PD F file, the ap propriate Acrobat Reader software must be installed in your system.
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 19 Th e S O Y O C D (Driver Installat ion Menu) A short description of all available dri vers follows: Intel Chipse t Software Ins tallation Util ity for Win 98/9 8SE/ME/2000/X P Windows 95 and 98 will not reco gnize the new I NTEL 845PE chipset prop erly .
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 20 Th e S O Y O C D Davicom Onboard Lan Driver for Win 9x/M E/NT/2000/XP This Setup program will install t he Driver for Davicom Onboard Lan. P4I845PE Lite ITE ha rdware doctor for Win 9x /ME/2000/NT/XP Y our mot herboard comes with a hardware monitoring IC.
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 21 Th e S O Y O C D After Windows XP i nstallati on, your device man ager should look like thi s:.
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 22 Th e S O Y O C D After driver installation, your Windows XP device manager should look li ke this: Note: T o install the USB 2.
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 23 Th e S O Y O C D Drivers directory list in th e CD driv er.
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 24 USB2. 0 Driv er In stallatio n 5 5 USB2.0 Driv er Installation For Windows 20 00 and Windows XP USB 2.0 Driv ers are availabl e for download using Windows Up date for both Windows XP and Windows 2000. For additional infor mation regarding USB 2.
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 25 Quick T r ouble shoot tips Boot-up Issues The system do not power-up, no beeping sound heard a nd the CPU fan does not turn on. 1. Check if the power cord is plug to the power source. 2. C heck if the pow er is connec ted to the M/B.
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 26 2. The CPU might be overheating. Check the CPU F AN if it is de fective or s ee if the CPU fan is in contact with the CPU. 3. Clear CMOS battery . (JP5 connector , see Qui ck start gu ide for more info on how to clear the CMOS).
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 27 My system intermittently locks up , during Windows installation. 1. Go to B IOS and loa d “load optimized default”. 2. Check website fo r any BIOS update. 3. If still has the problem, re move all other add- on cards except CP U/ Memo ry/ Video card/Har d disk.
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 28 I’m using a 400MHz FSB CPU, I cann ot find the DDR 166 MHz optio n in the BI OS, why? The CPU used s hould be 133MHz FSB to have PC2700 support. VGA Issue I cannot set my VGA to go h i gher than 16 color (640x 480).
SY - P4I845PE Lite Quick S tart Guide 29 Add PCI Audio Card do not work o n this mot herboard. 1. Go to S OYO COMBO Setu p and Disa ble “onboard audio” .
SY -P4I 845PE Li te Quick S tart Guide 30 How to contact us: If you are interested in our produc ts, pleas e contact the SOY O sales department in the region you live. If you require T echnical Assistance, please cont act our T echnical Support in the region you live.
Edition : Fe bruary 200 3 V ersion 1. 2 SY -P4I845P E Lit e SERIA L.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il SOYO Lite Motherboard è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del SOYO Lite Motherboard - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso SOYO Lite Motherboard imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul SOYO Lite Motherboard ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il SOYO Lite Motherboard, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del SOYO Lite Motherboard.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il SOYO Lite Motherboard. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo SOYO Lite Motherboard insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.