Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CMT-SV2D del fabbricante Sony
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©2005 Sony Corporation 2-591-022- 14 (1) Micr o Hi-Fi Component System Oper ating Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and serial numbers are l ocated o n the rear o f the unit . Record the s erial nu mber in the space provi ded below. Refer to the m whenever you c all upon your Sony dealer regardin g this pro duct.
2 GB To preven t fire or shock hazard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or moist ure. To prevent fir e, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with ne ws papers, table-clo ths, curta ins, e tc. And don’t pla ce lighted c andles on th e apparatus.
3 GB Except for European and Russi an models E NERGY S TAR ® is a U.S . regist ered mar k. As an E NERGY S TAR ® pa rtne r, Sony Co rporat ion has determ ined that t his produ ct meets t he E NERGY S TAR ® guide lines for energy ef ficien cy.
4 GB How to use this manual ............ ........... .... 6 Playab le discs ................ .................. ........ 6 Getting Started Hookin g up the system.. ........... ........... .... 8 Settin g the clo ck ............ .................. ....
5 GB Opti onal Compone nts Hooking up option al compon ents ........ . 37 Listenin g to audi o from a connect ed componen t ........ ........... .................. . 38 Enjoyin g the 5.1 channe l sound with the optional am plifier ........ ...........
6 GB • This manual mainly explains operations u sing the remot e, but the s ame operatio ns can also be perf ormed using the button s on th e unit having the s ame or simil ar names. • The O SD (on- screen dis play) m ay va ry depend ing on the count ry mod el.
7 GB • Discs with no n-standard s hapes (e.g ., heart, squar e, star ) cannot be playe d on th is unit. Attempting to d o so may damage the unit. Do not us e such discs . • A disc wit h paper or sticke rs on it . • A disc th at has t he adh esive, cellop hane tap e, or a sti cker still le ft on i t.
8 GB Perform th e following procedures 1 to 6 to hoo k up you r syste m usin g the supp lie d cord s and accessorie s. The ter minals on th e rear s ide vary d epending on the country model. Be sure to check the connec tion pr ocedu re. 1 Connect the speakers.
Getting Started 9 GB Plug type B Plug type C Note Keep the anten nas away from the speak er cords. 3 (For European an d Russian mo dels) Connect the t INPUT jack of your TV to the T LINE-TV jack with the SCART cord (not supplied). When yo u con nect us ing th e SCAR T cor d, chec k that t he TV conf orms t o RGB sig nals.
10 GB 5 Connect the power cord to a wall outlet . If the sup plied a dapter on the pl ug does no t fit your wall outl et, deta ch it from the plu g (only fo r models equi pped with an ada pter). To tur n on t he syst em, pr ess ?/1 . 6 (Asian and Ocean ian models only) Set the color syste m to PAL or NTSC depending on the color system of your TV.
Getting Started 11 GB Use buttons on the remote for the operati on. 1 Press ?/1 to turn on the system. 2 Press CLOCK/TIMER SET. 3 Press . or > repeatedly to set the hour. 4 Press ENTER. 5 Press . or > repeatedly to set the minute . 6 Press ENTER.
12 GB Use bu ttons on the un it for the opera tion. 1 Press Z . 2 Place a disc with the label side up on the disc t ray. * Note that 8 cm DVDs cannot be played on this syst em. 3 Press Z again to close the disc tray. Note s • Do not use a d isc with tape, s eals or p aste on it as this may c ause malfun ction .
D VD/VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 /JPEG – Pla y 13 GB 1) There may be som e disturbance in the video imag e. 2) For DVDs and VIDEO CDs, no sound is output. 3) You cannot perform Shuffle Pl ay on DVDs and VIDEO CDs with PBC function. Note s • Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operations m ay be restricted.
14 GB Note s • You canno t perform Resume Play dur ing Shuffle Play or Program Play. • Depend ing on where you stopp ed the disc, th e system may resume playback from a differen t point. • Resume play is can celed when: – you pr ess x in stop mode.
D VD/VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 /JPEG – Pla y 15 GB You can use PBC* menu s on yo ur TV screen to enjoy the disc ’s interactiv e software. The menu forma t and str uctur e may differ depend ing o n each dis c. * PBC: Playba ck Control 1 Press DVD N (or DVD NX on the unit) to start playing a VIDEO CD with PBC functions (Ver.
16 GB Using th e on-scree n displa y Press REPEAT repeatedly during play. Each time you press the b utton, the setting chan ges cy clica lly as follo ws: x When playing a DVD • Off: do es not play rep eate dly. • Title: repeats the current ti tle on a d isc.
D VD/VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 /JPEG – Pla y 17 GB Other operations Notes • You cannot perform Program Pl ay with DVDs and VIDEO CDs with PBC function. • Pro gr am P lay is ca ncel ed wh en: – you turn off the sys tem. – you open the di sc tray. – you switch to ot her functi ons except DVD.
18 GB Searc hin g for a p arti cular point using t he time code — Time S ear ch 1 Press TIME SEARCH. x When playing a DVD The Se arch Displ ay a ppears . Press M or m repeatedl y to select “Time”. x When play ing a VI DEO CD/CD The Trac k Search D ispl ay appear s.
D VD – V arious functions 19 GB Changi ng the sound If a DVD i s recorded with mu ltilingua l titles or audi o for mats, yo u can se lect the langu age or audio fo rma t you wa nt whi le play ing the D VD . You can al so output eith er the left or ri ght chann el soun d from both s peake rs wh ile p laying a VID EO CD o r CD .
20 GB Displaying the subtit les (DVD only) With DVDs on whi ch multilingu al subtitle s are recor ded, y ou c an c hange th e su btitle langua ge while play ing a DVD, or turn the subtitles on or off w henev er y ou w ant. For ex ampl e, you can sele ct the lang uage y ou want to master and turn the su btitles on for b etter unders tand ing.
D VD – V arious functions 21 GB 1 Press DVD SE TUP in sto p mode. The Se tup Di splay ap pear s. Note When a JPEG d isc is in the sys tem, the Setu p Display d oes not appear. 2 Press < or , repeatedly to select “AV”, then press ENTER. 3 Press M or m repeatedl y to select an item, then press ENTER.
22 GB x Data CD Priority (M P3, JPEG o nly) Set prior ity data you want to play, w hen yo u play the data disc (CD-ROM/CD-R/CD-RW) conta ined MP 3 audi o tracks and JPEG image files . When you chan ge thi s settin g, ejec t and reloa d the dis c. The default setting is u nderlined.
D VD – V arious functions 23 GB 6 Enter or re-enter your 4-digit password using the nu mber butto ns, then press ENTER. The lock icon i s closed and t he Pa rental Control settin g is completed. If you ma ke a m istak e en tering you r passwor d, press CLE AR before you press ENTER and in put the correct number.
24 GB When yo u pres s DVD SETUP, the followi ng settin gs a re di spla yed. The defa ult set tings are under lined . Language (page 20) AV (pages 2 1, 38) Rating (page 22) Reset (page 44) 1) The default s etting va ries, de pending on th e countr y model.
T une r 25 GB You c an pr eset up to 20 FM stat ions and 1 0 AM station s. You c an then tune in any of tho se stations simply by s electing the cor responding preset numb er.
26 GB To change the AM tuning interval (except for European and Russian models) The AM tuning interv al is fa ctory- pres et to 9 kHz (or 10 kHz fo r some areas). T o chang e the AM tuni ng in terval , tune in any AM stat ion fir st, then turn off the sy stem.
T une r 27 GB Listen ing to non- pr eset radi o sta tio n — Manual Tuning 1 Press TUNER BAND repeatedly to select “FM” o r “AM” . 2 Press TUNING + or – repeatedly to tune in the desired st ation. To cut the sound Press MUTING. Press M UTIN G ag ain or VO LUM E + to rest ore sound .
28 GB 1 Press Z PUSH OPE N on the unit . 2 Load a recorded/reco rdable tape into the cassette holder. You ca n use TYP E I (nor mal) ta pe. 1 Load a tape. 2 Press T APE N . Other operations You can rec ord a whole CD on a tap e. You ca n use TYPE I (no rmal) tape.
T ape – Play /T ape – Re cord ing 29 GB To record a CD by specifying track order You ca n reco rd onl y your fa vorite CD trac ks using Pr ogram Play. Bet ween steps 3 an d 4, perfor m steps 3 t o 6 of “Crea ting you r own program ” (p age 16 ).
30 GB Press PR ESET EQ repeatedly to select the preset you desire. The pres et nam e appe ars in th e displ ay. To cancel the sound effect Press PRES ET EQ repeatedly un til “FLAT” appears in the disp lay. Sound effect options You ca n enjoy ka raoke (si nging alon g with a disc) by s etting the s ystem to karao ke mode.
Sound Adjust ment 31 GB Other operations * CMT-SV2D Asian a nd Oceanian models onl y Notes • The instr umental sound m ay be reduced as well as the si nger’s vo ice when th e sound is recorded in monaural . • The sing er’s voice may not be reduced when: – only a few instrum ents are play ing.
32 GB You can set the sy stem to turn of f after a cer tain time, so that you c an fall asle ep to musi c. Pres s SLEE P. Each time you p ress the bu tton, the minute disp lay (the turn -off tim e) c .
Timer 33 GB Other operations Notes • You cannot activate the Play Time r and Rec Tim er at the same tim e. • If you use the Play Time r and the Sleep Tim er at the same tim e, the se tting wit h the ea rlier en d time ha s priority. • The system turns on 15 second s before the preset time.
34 GB Other operations Note s • You cann ot activa te the Pla y Timer and R ec Timer at the same ti me. • If you use the Rec Time r and t he Sle ep Tim er at t he same tim e, the set ting with the earl ier end time has prior ity. • The sy stem turn s on 15 seconds bef ore the pre set time .
Displa y 35 GB You can check the playing time and remaining time of th e current t rack or t hat of the disc. Checki ng the disc info rm atio n (DVD/V IDEO CD/CD/MP3/ JPEG) Press DISPLAY.
36 GB You can check t he playing time and remaining time of the current ti tle, chap ter or tra ck. Pres s DIS PLAY. Each time you press the b utton, the display chan ges cy clica lly as follo ws: x W.
Optional Compone nts 37 GB To enhance your system, you can connect option al components. Refer to the operating instr uctions provid ed wit h each compone nt.
38 GB Use bu ttons on the un it for the opera tion. 1 Connect audi o cords. See “ Hooking u p option al c ompon ents ” on page 37. 2 Press TV to switch the functi on to T V. 3 Start playing the connected component. 1 Connect a digital optical cord.
Optional Compone nts 39 GB 1 Connect audio cords. See “H ooking up option al com pone nts” on page 37. 2 Start recording manually. See “Reco rding on a tape ma nual ly” on page 29. 1 Connect a digital optica l cord. See “H ook ing up opt ional co mpo nents” on page 37.
40 GB Should you enc ounter a pr oblem with your syst em, do the fo llowi ng: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and f irmly connected. 2 Find your prob lem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corrective action.
T roubl eshootin g 41 GB The color irregul arity on a TV screen pers ists. • Turn off th e TV set once, then tu rn it on after 15 to 30 minutes . If th e colo r irregula rity stil l persis ts, plac e the speak ers farthe r away fro m the TV set. Speakers Sound comes fro m one chan nel or unbalanced left and r ight volume.
42 GB The JPEG image file cannot be played. • Th e data CD is not record ed in JPEG format tha t conforms to I SO9660 Level 1/Le vel 2 or Joliet . • The JPEG ima ge file d oes no t have t he exte nsion “.JPG” or “.JP EG”. • The data is not format ted in JPEG ev en though it has the exte nsion “.
T roubl eshootin g 43 GB The angles cannot be changed. • Multi-angles are not r ecorded on the DVD being played . • The DV D prohibi ts changin g the a ngles. Tuner Severe hum or noise/stations c annot be received. (“TUNED” or “STEREO” flashes in the di splay) • Set the proper ba nd and frequenc y (page 25).
44 GB If the system still d oes not operate properly after performing the above measures, reset the system as follows : Use bu ttons on the un it for the opera tion. 1 Remove the disc if it is loaded. 2 Disconnect the power cord. 3 Reconnect the power cord.
Additiona l Informa tion 45 GB On oper ating voltag e Before operati ng the sys tem, chec k that t he oper ating voltage of your s ystem is id entical with t he volta ge o f your local power suppl y.
46 GB Notes on di scs • Befo re playi ng, clean t he dis c with a cleaning cloth. Wipe the disc from the cent er out. • Do not u se solve nts such as benz ine, th inner, commercial ly availa ble cleaners or anti-static spray intended for v inyl L Ps.
Additiona l Inf ormation 47 GB Amplifier s ection AUDIO POWER SPE CIFICATIONS (CMT-DV2D/SV2D USA m odel only) CMT-DV2D/SV2D POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIO N: With 6 o hm load s, both channe.
48 GB Tape deck sect ion Record ing syst em 4-track 2-cha nnel st ereo Frequency response 40 – 13,000 Hz, using Sony TYPE I cassett e Wow and flutte r ±0.15% W.P eak (IEC) 0.1% W.RMS (NAB) ±0.2% W.Peak (DIN) Tuner section FM stereo, FM/AM superhe terodyne tuner FM tuner section Tuning range 87.
Additiona l Informa tion 49 GB Albu m Section of a music piece on a data CD contai ning MP 3 audio t racks or JPEG im age files. Auto Paus e An auto matica l pauses accor ding to the sign al enco ded on the di sc whil e playin g a VIDEO CD.
50 GB Inde x (CD) / Vi deo In dex (VID EO CD) A number that divides a track into s ections t o easily locate the point you want on a VIDEO CD or a CD. Depe nding o n th e disc, n o in dexes m ay be re cord ed. Menu Pl ayback Playba ck usin g the men u scr eens r ecorde d on VIDEO CDs with PBC functio ns.
Additiona l Informa tion 51 GB Track Sect ions of a pict ure or a musi c piec e on a CD, VIDEO CD, MP3 or JPEG . Each trac k is assign ed a trac k nu mber enab ling you to l ocate the track y ou want . VIDEO CD A comp act disc t hat co ntains m ovin g picture s.
52 GB Main unit Casse tte c ompar tmen t qh (28 ) CD SYNC qk (28) Disc tray 3 (1 2) DISPLAY 5 (27, 34, 35, 36) Display win dow 2 MIC j ack 1) qg (30) MIC/ ECHO 1) qa (30) MIC/ECHO LEVEL +/– 1) w; (3.
Additiona l Informa tion 53 GB Remote control ANGLE qa (20 ) AUDIO qa (19, 31) CLEA R ql (16, 17 , 23) CLOCK/TIMER SELE CT 0 (33, 34) CLOCK/TIMER SET 0 (11, 32, 33) DIMMER 6 (34 ) DISPLAY 8 (34, 35, 3.
Sony Cor poration Printed in China.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony CMT-SV2D è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony CMT-SV2D - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony CMT-SV2D imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony CMT-SV2D ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony CMT-SV2D, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony CMT-SV2D.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony CMT-SV2D. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony CMT-SV2D insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.