Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CMT-EP414 del fabbricante Sony
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©2003 Sony Corporation 4-246-169- 13 (2) Micr o Hi-Fi Component System Oper a t ing Inst ructions Owner’s Record The mo del and s erial numb ers are located at the r ear. Reco rd the seri al number in the space provided bel ow. Refe r to the m whene ve r you call upon your Sony deale r regardi ng thi s product.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to rain or m oi st ur e. To prevent f ire , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with news p apers, tabl e-cloths, cur tains, etc . And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an d le s on th e apparatus.
3 GB How to use this ma nu al ............. .............. 2 Getting Started Hooking up the sy stem........... ........... ...... 4 Setting the cloc k ............. ........... .............. 5 CD – Pl ay Loading a disc ......... .... ... .... .... .
4 GB Perform th e following pr ocedures 1 to 4 to hook up your s ystem us ing the s upp lied co rd s and access ories . 1 Connect the speakers. Conn ect the r ig ht and le ft spea ker co rd s to the SPEAKER terminals as shown below. 2 Connect the FM and AM antennas.
Getting Started 5 GB Note Keep t he antennas away from the speak er cords. 3 For models with a voltage selector, set VOLTAGE SE LECTOR to the local power li ne volt age. 4 Connect the power cord to a wall outl et. If the pl ug does no t f it th e wall so cket , detach the supplie d plug adap tor (only fo r models e quipped with an adaptor).
6 GB 1 Press Z PUSH OPEN/ CLOSE on the unit. 2 Place a disc with the label side up on the CD co mpartment. 3 Press Z PUSH OPEN/ CLOSE on the unit again to close the lid of the CD compartment. Note Do not u se a disc with t ape, se als or past e on i t as th is may c ause ma lfunction.
CD – Pla y 7 GB You can pl ay all the trac ks or a sing le track on a disc. Press REPEAT/FM MODE during playback until “REPE AT” or “REP EAT 1” appears. REPEAT: For all the tracks on the disc up to five times. REPEAT 1: For a si ngle track only.
8 GB Other operations Tip The program you made remains afte r Progr a m Pla y finishes. To pla y the sa me pro gr am ag ai n, pre ss C D N . However, the program is cleared when you open the li d of t he C D comp a r tmen t. You c an pres et up to 32 stations for F M and AM.
T une r 9 GB Manual tuni ng pres et You c an ma nuall y tune in a nd store the radio fre quenc y of the de si r ed statio ns. 1 Press TUNER BAND repeatedly to select FM or AM. 2 Press TUNING +/– repeated ly to tune in the desired station. 3 Press TUNER MEMORY.
10 GB What is the Radio Data System? Radio Data S ystem (RDS) is a broad casting servi c e t h at allow s radio st at i o ns to se nd additional information along with the regula r program sig nal.
Ta p e – P l a y 11 GB 1 Press Z PUSH OPE N/CLOSE o n the unit . 2 Load a recorded/recordable tape into the cassette holder. You ca n us e TYPE I ( no rmal) tape . 1 Load a recor de d t ape. 2 Press TAPE nN . Pres s TAPE nN again t o pl a y the revers e side.
12 GB You ca n reco rd a who le C D on a t ap e. You ca n us e TYPE I ( norma l) ta pe . 1 Load a recordable tape. 2 Load a CD yo u want to record. 3 Press CD SYNC on t he unit. The tape deck sta nd s by for re cord in g and the C D pla ye r pauses for play back .
Timer 13 GB You can ad just the bass a nd treble to enjoy m ore power fu l sound. Gener at i ng a more d ynamic soun d (Dyn am ic Sou nd Generator) Press DSG.
14 GB You c an wa ke up t o mus ic at a preset time . Make sure yo u ha ve set th e cl oc k (see “S etting th e clock ” on p age 5). 1 Prepare the so und source you w ant to play. • CD: L oad a disc . To star t from a specif ic track, ma ke a program ( see “Creating your o wn p rogram” on pa ge 7).
Timer 15 GB To ti mer record , you must first pre set the r a dio statio n (see “Presett in g radio sta tions” on page 8) and set th e clock (see “S ettin g the cloc k” on page 5). 1 Tune in the preset radio station ( see “Listening to a preset station” on page 9 ).
16 GB The cloc k displa y can be turn ed off to min imize the am ou nt of pow e r consum ed du ri ng standby (Powe r Sa ving Mode ). Pres s DIS PLAY. To cancel Power Saving Mode Press DI SPLAY . Tips • The STANDBY indicator lights up even in the Power Savin g Mode.
Optional Components 17 GB To enhance your system, you can connect optio n al components. Refer to the operatin g instr uctions provid ed w i t h ea ch comp onent. A MD IN jacks Use audio c ords ( not suppl ied) t o connec t an optional analog componen t (MD deck, e tc.
18 GB Should you e ncount er a problem with your syst em, do t he follow ing: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and firmly connected. 2 Find your prob lem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corrective action.
T r oubleshooting 19 GB The sound skip s. • Wipe th e disc cle an (page 21). • Repla ce the disc. • Try moving the sys tem to a place without vibration ( e.g. , on to p o f a stable sta nd). • Try movi ng the spea k ers away from the s y stem, or placing the m on se parate stan ds.
20 GB One of th e fo llow in g m es sages m ay ap pe ar or flash in the disp la y during opera t io n. CD NO DISC There is no di sc in t he CD comp artment. On oper ating v oltage Before operating the sys tem, check that t he operati ng voltage of your syst em is identical with the voltage of your local power suppl y.
Additio nal Inf ormation 21 GB In case colo r irregul arity is observe d on nearby a TV scre en With the magnetica lly shie lded type of speaker system, the sp eakers can b e in stalled n ear a TV se t. However, color ir regu larity m ay still be obs erved on th e T V screen de pending o n the type of yo ur TV set.
22 GB Demagn etis ing the tape he ads Demagn etise the ta pe heads and the me ta l pa r ts th at have contac t with the tape after ev ery 20 to 30 hours of use wi th a separa tely so ld dema gnetising ca ssette. For detail s, ref er to th e instruc ti ons of the dem a gne tis ing cassett e.
Additio nal Inf ormation 23 GB CD player section System Compact dis c and digital audio syste m Laser Semicondu ctor laser ( λ =780 nm) Emission dur a tio n: continuous Frequency response 2 Hz – 20 kHz (±0.
24 GB Main unit BAS S/TRE BLE 5 ( 13) Casse tte comp artm e n t qs CD SYNC qd (12) DIRECTION qg (11, 12, 15) DISPLAY ws (9, 10, 16) Display win dow 2 DSG 4 (13) MD 6 (17) PHONES jack qh PLAY MODE qg (.
Additio nal Inf ormation 25 GB Remote control BASS +/– 0 (13) CLEA R 8 (8 , 9 ) CLOCK/TIMER SELECT w; (14, 15) CLOCK/TIMER SET wa (5, 14, 15) DISPLAY 2 (9, 10, 16) DSG qa (13) MD qk (1 7) PLAY MODE/.
Sony Cor poration Printed in China.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony CMT-EP414 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony CMT-EP414 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony CMT-EP414 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony CMT-EP414 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony CMT-EP414, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony CMT-EP414.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony CMT-EP414. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony CMT-EP414 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.