Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AR-275 del fabbricante Sharp
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➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣ ➢ ➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣ ➢ ➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢➣➢.
1 OUTLINE OF THIS MANUAL 1. GETTING STARTED This cha pter des cribes th e basic in formatio n on the us e of this co pier. 2. MAKING COPIES This chapt er descr ibes the basic copying functions s uch as norm al copying, reduction or enlargemen t, and exposur e adjustme nts.
2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 COPIER INS TALLATION . . . . . . .
CONTENTS 3 STATUS ME SSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 MISFEED REMOVAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 ● Misfee d in the bypas s tray . . . . . . . .
4 4 ページ 2 001年4月20日 金曜日 午後9時 34分.
5 1 CHAPTER 1 GETTIN G STARTED This cha pter describ es the basic i nformation o n the use of th is copier . Page ● INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ● CAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 GETTING STARTED INTRODUCTION This copier ha s been de signed t o provide convenient copying features i n a minimum amount of office space and with maximum operation al ease. To get full use of all copier featur es, be sure to fa miliariz e yourse lf with th is manu al and t he copie r.
7 1 GETTING STARTED CAUTIONS Foll ow the caution s below when u sing this c opier. WARNING: ● The fu sing area i s hot. Exer cise care i n this area when remo ving misfe d paper. ● Do no t look dire ctly at the l ight sou rce. Doing s o may damage your eyes .
8 GETTING STARTED COPIER INSTALLATION Improp er insta llation may damage th e copier. Ple ase note the following during in itial ins tallatio n and wheneve r the cop ier is moved . CAUTION: If the copier is moved from a cool place to a warm place, conden sation ma y form inside the copie r.
COPIER INSTALLATION 9 1 GETTING STARTED Be sure to connect the power cord only to a power outlet that meets the speci fied voltage and current requirements (See page 89.). Also make certain the outlet is properly grounded. NOTE: Connect the copier to a power outl et which is not used for other e lectric appl iances.
10 GETTING STARTED MAIN FEATURES 1 High-speed laser copying ● First -copy ti me at 6 00 dpi (not in the su per phot o mode) i s only 4.8 s econds (except w hen r ecoveri ng fro m a power sa ve m ode or imme diatel y afte r power on). ● Copyin g speed is 23 cop ies/mi n.
MAIN FEATURES 11 1 GETTING STARTED 4 Scan on ce/ P rint man y ● The copie r is eq uipp ed wit h a m emory bu ffer allowi ng the co pier to scan a n origina l once and make up to 999 cop ies of t he scanned i mage.
PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS 14 GETTING STARTED Operat ion pane l COPY ke y and indic ator (p. 76, 84 ) Pres s to sel ect the CO PY mo de. Press a nd hold du ring standby or during warm- up to dis play the tot al outpu t count and th e quantity of toner remaining.
16 GETTING STARTED POWER ON AND OFF The po wer switch i s located o n the left s ide of the c opier. Power on Turn the power switch to the "ON" position. ● When the p ower switc h is turned to the "ON" posi tion, the me ssage "Sys tem check.
POWER ON AND OFF 17 1 GETTING STARTED Init ial set tings The co pier assum es the initi al settin gs when it is firs t turned on, wh en the CLEAR ALL k ey is presse d, or a pr eset time ( auto clea r time) after the last c opy is made in any m ode. The initial se ttings th at appe ar in the dis play are shown belo w.
18 GETTING STARTED FUNCTION ICONS The fol lowing fu nction icon s will b e indicated on the sett ing screen of each c opier func tion. 2-side d copy mode: Output mo de: Margin shi ft: 2 in 1 / 4 i n 1.
19 1 GETTING STARTED FUNCTION REVIEW The c urrent sett ings of copi er function s that hav e been se lected can be viewed in the dis play. ● The XY ZOOM and T RANSPA RENCY func tions canno t be viewe d on the fun ction revi ew screen. 1 Pres s the JOB ST ATUS key.
20 GETTING STARTED AUDITING ACCOUNTS If this copier ha s been p rogrammed in the au diting m ode, it wi ll not perf orm copier functions until an assig ned 5-digit account number has been enter ed. ★ ★ ★ ★ KEY OPERATOR See page 21 of the KEY OPERATOR'S GUIDE for sett ing the aud iting mod e.
AUDITING ACCOUNTS 21 1 GETTING STARTED 2 When copying is complete d, press the AUDIT CLEAR key. NOTE: If an unassig ned number i s entered, "Ente r your account nu mber." will app ear again in the display , indicatin g that the nu mber was not accepted .
22 GETTING STARTED 22 ページ 2 001年4月20日 金曜日 午後9時 58分.
23 2 CHAPTER 2 MAKING COPIES This ch apter describ es the basic co pying funct ions such as normal copyin g, reduct ion or en largeme nt, and exp osure ad justment s. Page ● NORMAL COPYING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24 MAKING COPIES NORMAL COPYING The ba sic co pying pr ocedure is describ ed belo w. ● Image loss (m ax. 5/32" ( 4 mm)) can occur at the lea ding and trailing e dges of t he copie s. Also i mage loss (m ax. 1/8" (3 mm)) can occur along the other edges of the cop ies.
NORMAL COPYING 25 2 MAKING COPIES 3 Ensure th at the desi red paper tra y is sele cted. 4 Set the number of copies using the numeric keys. ● A singl e copy can be mad e even whe n "0" is di splaye d. ● Press th e CLEAR ke y to cle ar an entry if a mistak e is made.
26 MAKING COPIES TWO-SIDED COPYING Two-si ded copie s can be m ade by manual ly placin g origin als on the pl aten glass as descr ibed in the proce dure below.
TWO-SIDED COPYING 27 2 MAKING COPIES 3 Use the and keys to select one-sided to two-si ded copying. ● Also the 2- SIDED COPY key can b e used to sel ect a duplex copy mode. 4 Use the or key to select binding change if desired. Then, press the OK key.
TWO-SIDED COPYING 28 MAKING COPIES 7 Place the second original face down on the platen glass and press the START key a gain. ● To stop a copy run du ring duplex copying, p ress the CL EAR key. ● To cancel the duplex co py mode , press the 2-SI DED COPY key , select th e one-sided to one-si ded mode, and press t he OK key.
29 2 MAKING COPIES EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT This copie r has five exp osure modes to cho ose from: AUTO, TE XT, TEXT/PHOTO, PHOT O, and SUPER PH OTO. Auto This is the sta ndard in itial se tting for thi s copi er.
EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT 30 MAKING COPIES 3 Use th e and keys to adju st the copy de nsity as desired. ● Copy den sity ca nnot be adj usted man ually in the AUTO exp osure m ode. 4 Pres s the OK ke y. ● To ret urn to the AUT O mode, pr ess the EXPOSURE key, use the a nd k ey to selec t "AUTO", and pr ess th e OK key.
31 2 MAKING COPIES REDUCTION/ ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM Reducti on and enlargem ent ratios can be selected either au tomatically with the AUTO IMAG E key or manuall y with the COPY RAT IO key. The zoom function enabl es precise copy rati o selection fr om 25% to 400% i n 1% increme nts.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 32 MAKING COPIES 3 Pres s the AUTO IMAG E key. ● The copy ratio will be automatic ally set. ● If the o riginal and the selected copy pap er are not i n the same or ientation, the image w ill be aut omatically rotated to mat ch the cop y paper.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 33 2 MAKING COPIES Manu al sele ction 1 Place a n origina l on the platen gl ass and close the platen c over. 2 Pres s the COPY RATI O key. ● The co py ratio ad justment s creen wil l appear. 3 Use the and keys to select a preset copy ratio or use the and keys to selec t a zoom ra tio.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 34 MAKING COPIES 4 Pres s the OK ke y. ● The dis play will return to th e basic screen. 5 Ensure th at the desi red paper tra y is sele cted.
35 2 MAKING COPIES ROTATION COPYING If rotati on of original image is ena bled using a ke y operator pr ogram, the imag e of the origi nal will rotate when the o rientation o f the orig inal does no t match that of the copy pa per. Rotation copying will functio n only i f the auto pa per selec t mode or the a uto image m ode has be en selected .
36 MAKING COPIES BYPASS FEED (special paper) The by pass tray must be used to feed special papers s uch as tra nsparency film and la bels but can als o be used to feed sta ndard copy paper. Accepta ble paper for co pying fro m the by pass tray * For paper weighing from 28 to 34 l bs.
BYPASS FEED (special paper) 37 2 MAKING COPIES 2 Set the paper guides to the co py paper width. 3 Insert the copy paper (print face down) all the way into the bypass tray. ● For the nu mber of s heets which can be lo aded into the t ray, se e the previo us page.
BYPASS FEED (special paper) 38 MAKING COPIES 5 Set the number of copies and press the START key. NOTE: The bypa ss tray can be used to copy ont o the two si des of pa per manua lly.
39 2 MAKING COPIES INTERRUPTING A COPY RUN INTERRUPT i s used to in terrupt a long cop y run so that an other job can b e done. ● Two-sid ed and 2 i n 1/ 4 in 1 cop ying job s cannot be interru pted. ● Two-sid ed copying, sort, gr oup, staple sort, job programs and 2 in 1/ 4 in 1 ca nnot be selec ted for interrup t copyin g.
INTERRUPTING A COPY RUN 40 MAKING COPIES 5 When all INTERRUPT copie s are finishe d, press the INTERRUPT key again to cance l the INTERRUPT mode, and remove the original used for interrupt copying. ● All settin gs for the i nterrupted j ob will be a utomatica lly restore d.
41 3 CHAPTER 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS This ch apter desc ribes spec ial copy ing functio ns inclu ding vari ous image edi ting func tions. Page ● SORT/GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Copying in th e sort or g roup mode .
42 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS SORT/GROUP The cop ier has two sorter modes for different c opying jobs: on e sorts copies int o sets matching the sequen ce of the or iginals a nd the secon d groups copies by or iginals . Sort mode Sets of copies will be sequ entially delivere d to the ce nter tray.
SORT/GROUP 43 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 2 Pres s the OUTPUT ke y. ● The outp ut mode s election screen wil l appear. 3 Use the and keys to select the desired output mode and press the OK key. ● Also th e OUTPUT key can be used to s elect an o utput mode.
SORT/GROUP 44 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 6 After al l originals have been sc anned, press th e READ -END key . ● Copy ing wi ll start . ● If the mem ory bec omes full o f scanned original image data , a warnin g messa ge will appear. Press the START k ey to start copying the data in me mory or th e CLEAR A LL key to cancel cop ying.
45 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS MARGIN SHIFT The MAR GIN SHIFT featu re, in its i nitial setting , automat ically shifts the text or image to in crease the margi n by approx imately 1/2" . ● The lo cation o f the marg in to be i ncreased can be sele cted a t the left edge , the rig ht edge or the top edge of th e page.
MARGIN SHIFT 46 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3 Pres s the OK ke y. ● The se tting scre en for MARGIN S HIFT will appear. 4 Use the and keys to select th e shift direct ion and the and key s to sele ct the shift amoun t. ● Select the shift d irection f rom DOWN, RIG HT, and LEFT.
47 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ERASE This copier has an edge e rase mode a nd a cente r erase mo de. ● Edge er ase can b e used t o eliminate shadow l ines arou nd the edges of copies which appe ar when thick paper or a b ook is use d as an ori ginal. ● Center e rase can be used to e liminate the shadow pr oduced b y the binding s of bound document s.
ERASE 48 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 4 Use the and keys to sel ect the desired e rase m ode. ● Select "EDGE", "CENTER" or " EDGE + CENTER". 5 Use th e and keys to adju st the amoun t of erase if needed. 6 Pres s the OK ke y. ● The displ ay will retur n to the basi c screen.
49 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS DUAL PAGE COPY The DUA L PAGE COPY fe ature produc es indivi dual copies of two docume nts placed sid e by side on the plat en glass. It i s especia lly useful when copyi ng books and other bou nd documents . ● This feat ure can be used in the one-sided to two-si ded copyin g mode.
DUAL PAGE COPY 50 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3 Use the and keys to select " DUAL PAGE COPY" and pres s the OK key. ● A check ma rk will appe ar to the left of " DUAL PAGE COP Y", and the display will retu rn to the ba sic scr een. 4 Check to be sure that 8-1/2 " x 11" sized c opy paper is s elected.
51 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 2 IN 1 OR 4 IN 1 The 2 in 1 or 4 in 1 feat ure is used to copy 2 or 4 or iginals, co llectiv ely in a speci fied order, on to one sheet . ● These features c annot be used with the dua l page co pying, X Y zoom, era se or marg in shift features.
2 IN 1 OR 4 IN 1 52 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3 Press the SPECIAL FUNCT ION key. Then press th e OK key. ● The SP ECIAL MODE S screen w ill appea r. 4 Use the and keys to sel ect "2i n1/4in1" and pres s the OK key. ● The se lection screen for 2 i n 1 / 4 in 1 will app ear.
2 IN 1 OR 4 IN 1 53 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 7 Use the and keys to select a type of border line. ● Select the soli d line, br oken line o r no bor der line. 8 Pres s the OK ke y. ● The dis play will return to th e basic screen. 9 Make all other desired copier selections and press the START key .
54 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS B/W REVERSE The B /W REVERSE feature is u sed to reve rse black an d white ar eas. ● When the B/W REVE RSE feature i s selected , the exposure mo de will be automatic ally set to th e TEXT m ode. Other exposu re modes c annot be sele cted.
B/W REVERSE 55 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 4 Make all other desired copier selections and press the START key . ● To canc el the B/W reve rse feature, highl ight "B/W REVERSE" with a check mark on the SPECIA L MODES sc reen and pr ess the OK key. 00.
56 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS XY ZOOM The X Y ZOOM featu re allows th e horizontal a nd vertica l copy ratios to be ch anged indepen dently. Examp le: Reduction only in the horizontal dire ction ● This feat ure cannot b e used wit h the 2 in 1 or 4 in 1 fea ture.
XY ZOOM 57 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3 Use the and keys to select "XY ZOOM" and press t he OK key . ● The s etting scree n for X Y ZOOM wi ll appear. The copy ratio i n the hor izontal d irection will be highligh ted. 4 Use the , , , and keys to change the copy r atio in the horizontal direction.
XY ZOOM 58 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 7 Pres s the OK ke y. ● The dis play will return to th e basic screen. 8 Ensure th at the desi red paper tra y is sele cted. ● If the au to paper select fu nction h as been en abled, the appropriate copy p aper size w ill have be en autom atically selected based on th e origi nal size and the sel ected copy ratios.
59 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS TRANSPARENCY The TR ANSPAR ENCY feature i s used to c opy onto tra nsparency film. ● When co pying onto transpare ncy film, us e this feature to obtain better copy quali ty.
TRANSPARENCY 60 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 4 Load tran sparency film into the bypass tray. ● Load t ransparency film one sheet at a time in th e portrait o rientation.
61 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS JOB MEMORY Nine fre quently used j ob programs can be stored i n each of nine sto rage regist ers. This is conv enient for qui ck job re call with out losi ng time manual ly rep rogrammin g each as pect of a job .
JOB MEMORY 62 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 4 Select a program number from 1 to 9 using the numeric keys. ● A screen ind icating tha t the settings ha ve been stor ed will appear and the n the display will retur n to the ba sic screen. ● The numb ers with a check m ark are pr ogram number s which a lready con tain job progra ms.
JOB MEMORY 63 3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3 Select a program number from 1 to 9 using the numeric keys. ● The num bers with a check mar k are pro gram number s which conta in job pr ograms. If a checked n umber is entered, t he message "Delete job program?" will appear to confir m the sel ection to delete the program.
JOB MEMORY 64 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 3 Select a program number from 1 to 9 using the numeric keys. ● The num bers with a check mar k are pro gram number s which conta in job pr ograms. If a checked nu mber is enter ed, the settings for that job pro gram will be rec alled and the displa y will return to the bas ic screen.
65 4 CHAPTER 4 COPIER TROUBLE? This cha pter descri bes how to r emove misfe d paper a nd how to rem edy min or pr oblems. Page ● STATUS MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 ● MISFEED REMOV AL . . . . . .
66 COPIER TROUBLE? STATUS MESSAGES If any of th e followi ng messages appears i n the disp lay, carr y out the pr escribed remedy. Message Re medy (Main tenance ico n) Maint enance requ ired soon. Serv ice by an a uthorize d SHARP s ervice te chnici an will be requi red soon.
67 4 COPIER TROUBLE? MISFEED REMOVAL When a mis feed occurs, the copier will stop. Th e message "Clea r paper path. " will appear in the disp lay along wi th an illus tration sho wing pa per misfeed locatio ns. ● If pape r becomes a ccidentall y torn during removal, be sure to remo ve all pi eces.
MISFEED REMOVAL 68 COPIER TROUBLE? Misfeed i n the copi er Check the misfe ed location. Remove t he misf ed paper follow ing the instructions for each location in the illustration below. A. Misfeed in the paper feed area 1 Open the bypass tray and the side cove r.
MISFEED REMOVAL 69 4 COPIER TROUBLE? 3 Carefully remove the misfed paper. Turn the roller rotating knob i n the direction of the arrow to assi st in removi ng it. WARNING: The fus ing unit is hot. Take car e in removi ng paper. CAUTION: Do not touch the ph otoconducti ve drum (gre en portion) when re moving the misf ed paper.
MISFEED REMOVAL 70 COPIER TROUBLE? 3 Turn the roller rotating knob in the direction of the arrow. 4 Carefully remove the misfed paper. Lower the f using unit release levers to a llow easier re moval. After remov al, return the rele ase le vers to their operating positions.
MISFEED REMOVAL 71 4 COPIER TROUBLE? C. Misfeed in the transport area 1 Open the bypass tray and the side cove r. 2 Use the green tabs on either side of the paper guide to rotate the g uide open and remove the misfed paper WARNING: The fus ing unit is hot.
MISFEED REMOVAL 72 COPIER TROUBLE? Misfeed in the uppe r paper tray Before opening th e upper paper tray, be sur e to open th e bypass tray and the si de cover an d then perfor m steps 1 to 3 descr ibed in the " A. Misfe ed in the p aper feed ar ea" sectio n.
MISFEED REMOVAL 73 4 COPIER TROUBLE? 2 Remove the misfed paper. ● Be carefu l not to tear the misfed paper duri ng removal . 3 If the misfed paper is no t seen in step 2, pull out the lower paper tray and remove th e misfed pa per. ● Be carefu l not to tear the misfed paper duri ng removal .
MISFEED REMOVAL 74 COPIER TROUBLE? 2 Gently pull the misfed pape r out. 3 Close the upper exit area cover. ● Confirm that the mi sfeed displ ay has b een cleared .
75 4 COPIER TROUBLE? TROUBLESHOOTING Always check the message disp lay whenev er the copie r stops during an op eration or ope ration is not possi ble. Message s in the dis play will gi ve you easy -to-follow d irectio ns. For othe r troubles n ot describ ed by mess ages, che ck the chart b elow.
TROUBLESHOOTING 76 COPIER TROUBLE? CAUTION: Be su re to use on ly genuine S HARP parts and s upplies. Pleas e contact your SHARP servic e center imm ediately i f a problem p ersists a fter checkin g the abov e. Problem Solution Copies are smudged o r dirty.
77 5 CHAPTER 5 GENERAL INFORMATION Page ● PAPER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Types and si zes of copy p aper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Loading c opy paper .
78 GENERAL INFORMATION PAPER Types and si zes of c opy paper Types a nd sizes o f copy paper which can be fed from the paper tr ays are show n below. For pape r accep table for fee ding from the bypass tray, see page 36. ● 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" and A5 copy papers canno t be fed from any tr ay except the upp ermost tray.
PAPER 79 5 GENERAL INFORMATION 3 Move the left guide to the appropriate slot as marked on the tray. ● When us ing 11" x 17" copy paper , store the l eft guide in the slot at the left front of the paper tray . 4 Fan the copy paper and insert it into the tray.
PAPER 80 GENERAL INFORMATION Changing the co py paper size in the tray Paper size setti ng can onl y be done while the ma chine is not oper ating an d the COPY mode has been selecte d. ● B5 paper cannot be s et for paper tray 2. 1 Press the SPECIAL FUNCT ION key.
PAPER 81 5 GENERAL INFORMATION 5 Use the and keys to select the paper size th at has bee n set. ● To change the size of another paper tray, p ress the key and then rep eat steps 3 to 5. 6 Pres s the OK ke y. ● A confi rmation mes sage for pa per size sett ing will appear.
82 GENERAL INFORMATION TONER CARTRIDGE REPLACEM ENT The ap proximate q uantity of toner remai ning can b e displaye d by pressing and holdi ng the COPY k ey during standby o r warm-up. See page 84 . When the q uantity of t oner remain ing is le ss than 25 %, obtain a ne w cartridge.
TONER CARTRIDGE REPLACEMENT 83 5 GENERAL INFORMATION 3 Remove the new toner cartridge from the bag. Grasp the cartridge on both sides and shake it horizontally approximately 20 times. After shaking the cartri dge, remove the ta pe. NOTE: Grasp the grip when holding the cartridg e.
84 GENERAL INFORMATION CHECKING THE TONER QUANTITY AND TOTAL OUTPUT COUNT The ap proxmate q uantity o f toner rem aining a nd the total output c ount can be display ed by th e proce dure below.
85 5 GENERAL INFORMATION CLEANING THE PLATEN GLASS AND PLATEN COVER Prope r care is essenti al for clean , sharp copi es. Please ta ke a few minu tes to regular ly clean y our copie r. Stains or dir t on the platen glas s or platen cover will also be c opied.
86 GENERAL INFORMATION CLEANING THE BYPASS TRAY PAPER FEED ROLLER If misfeeds occur frequently when feeding postc ards, envelopes, thick paper, etc. through the bypass t ray, wipe the paper fee d roller at t he feed slot of the bypa ss tray with a so ft, clean clo th dampened with alcohol or water.
87 5 GENERAL INFORMATION DISPLAY CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT The c ontrast of the displa y can be adjusted as below. 1 Press the SPECIAL FUNCT ION key. ● The SPECIAL FUNCTION s creen will appear. 2 Use the and keys to select "DI SPLAY CON TRAS T" and press the OK key.
88 GENERAL INFORMATION STORAGE OF SUPPLIES Standar d supplies for this co pier that are to be replaced b y the user are copy pape r, toner car tridge, and sta ple cart ridge for th e optional fi nisher (A R-FN5).
89 5 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS AR-235 A R-275 Type Digit al copyi ng m ach ine, des kto p Copy syste m Dry, elec trostatic tra nsfer Original s Sheets, bound doc uments Origin al sizes Max. 11" x 17" Copy sizes Ma x. 11" x 17 ", Min.
SPECIFICATIONS 90 GENERAL INFORMATION ✼ First-co py time may differ dependi ng on op erating co nditions, s uch as p ower-suppl y voltage and room tem per atu re. NOTE: As a part of our poli cy of con tinuous i mprovement , SHARP reserves the right to ma ke desig n and specifi cation changes for prod uct imp rovement w ithout pr ior n otice.
91 6 CHAPTER 6 OPTION AL EQUIPMENT This ch apter de scribes operatin g instru ctions fo r the Single Pass Feeder ( AR-SP4) , the Reve rsing Singl e Pass Feeder (AR-RP3), th e Finisher ( AR-FN5), the 5 00-Sheet Pa per Feed Uni t (AR-D11), and the 2 x 500-S heet Pape r Feed Unit (AR-D12).
92 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A numb er of opt ions are a vailable f or the copi er which allow yo u to conf igure a co pier sys tem to me et your p articular ne eds.
93 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR- SP4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-RP3) The singl e pass feeder (S PF) and the rever sing single pass feeder (RSPF ) hold up to 30 origin als each for auto matic do cument fee ding.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP 4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-RP3) 94 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Specific ations NOTE: As a part of our poli cy of con tinuous i mprovement , SHARP reserves the right to ma ke desig n and specifi cation changes for prod uct imp rovement w ithout pr ior n otice.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEE DER (AR-RP3) 95 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Using the SPF or the RSPF ★ KEY OPERATOR If SPF/RSP F is dis abled usin g a key operator p rogram, the SPF o r the RSPF cannot b e used. See p age 19 of th e KEY OPERA TOR'S GUIDE.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP 4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-RP3) 96 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4 Ensure that the one -side d to one-side d copying mode is sele cted. ● When no i con indic ating a dup lex copy m ode is disp layed, the one-sided to one-side d copyin g mode is select ed.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEE DER (AR-RP3) 97 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 2 Pres s the 2-SI DED COPY key . ● The dup lex copy m ode sele ction sc reen will a ppear. 3 Use the and keys to select one-sided to two-si ded copying. ● Also the 2- SIDED COPY key can b e used to sel ect a duplex copy mode.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP 4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-RP3) 98 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Two- sided c opi es f rom two- sided or igina ls To co py in the two-sided to two- sided cop y mode, an RSPF must be installe d.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEE DER (AR-RP3) 99 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4 Set the number of copies and press the START key. ● Be sure not to tou ch the origina ls as the y move on th e reversing tray.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP 4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-RP3) 100 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 3 Use the and keys to select two-si ded to one-si ded copy ing. 4 Use the or key to select binding change if desired. Then, press the OK key. ● The imag e of one side can be r otated 180 º using the image rota tion featur e.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEE DER (AR-RP3) 101 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Misfeed re moval If an o riginal mis feed occurs in the SPF or RSPF, the c opier will stop and t he message " Clear paper path." wi ll appea r. 1 Remove the misfed original s.
SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-SP 4)/REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER (AR-RP3) 102 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ● If a small or iginal such as 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" or iginal has misfed or an orig inal has misfed in the revers ing tray (when an RSPF is instal led), open the right side cover and ge ntly remove the misfed origin al.
103 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT FINISHER (AR-FN5) The cop ier has two differ ent finishe r modes: one sor ts copies into sets match ing the seque nce of the origi nals and the sec ond groups co pies by orig inal. When an optional fi nisher (AR -FN5) is insta lled, the copier c an automa tically s taple the s orted copi es.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 104 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Specific ations NOTE: As a part of our poli cy of con tinuous i mprovement , SHARP reserves the right to ma ke desig n and specifi cation changes for prod uct imp rovement w ithout pr ior n otice.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 105 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Finisher f unctions When the finisher is install ed, the followin g four output modes can be selecte d: sort, stapl e sort, group, and non- sort. Press the O UTPUT key, us e the and keys (or the OUTP UT key) to select the desired output mod e, and then press th e OK key .
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 106 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Staple s ort In th e st apl e sor t mode , 8-1/2" x 11" , 8- 1/2 " x 11 "R, 8 -1/2" x 1 3", 8- 1/2" x 14 ", 11 " x 17", B 5 , A 4, A 4R, B4, and A3 size copies can be s tapled.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 107 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 3 Use the and ke ys to select "S TAPLE SORT " and press the OK key. ● Also th e OUTPUT key can be used to s elect an o utput mode. 4 Set the number of copies and press the START key. 5 Replace the scanned original with the next original and press the START key after it lights up.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 108 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Using the SPF or the RSPF 1 Set the or iginals in the document f eeder tray. ● If the n umber of co pies in one s et is mo re than 30, th e copies wil l not be s tapled. ● If the orien tation of the original s does not match that of the copy paper, the i mages of the origin als will be rotated.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 109 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4 Set the number of copies and press the START key. ● When copy ing of a set is complete d, the copies wil l be automatic ally stapled and delive red to the offset tray. Staple c artri dge r eplacement When the messag e "Add stapl es.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 110 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4 Insert the new sta ple cartridge into the box until it cl icks into pl ace. ● Insert the new ca rtridge by al igning th e arrows on th e cartrid ge with tho se on the box . Check th at the cartrid ge locks i n place by pulling it s lightly.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 111 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 2 Grasp the green portion of the stapl e box and remove the staple box from the stapler. 3 Raise the l ever at th e end of the staple box and remove the jammed staples. 4 Return the lever to its original position.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 112 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Misfeed re moval The co pier will stop when a misfeed oc curs. The me ssage "Clear paper path." wi ll appear along with a displ ay of paper m isfeed locati ons. When a m isfeed i s indicated for the finish er, follo w the proced ure bel ow.
FINISHER (AR-FN5) 113 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4 Close the st apler com piler cover. 5 If the offset t ray is bei ng used, remove any misf ed paper from the offset tray. 6 If the top tray is being used, open the top cover, remove any misfed paper, and close the top cover.
114 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT (AR-D11)/2x500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT (AR-D12) These paper feed u nits provid e the conve nience of incr eased pap er capacity for the cop ier and a greater c hoice o f paper sizes readily a vailable fo r copying.
500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT (AR-D11)/2x500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT (AR-D12) 115 6 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Loading copy paper The me thod of lo ading co py paper for t hese pape r feed un its is the same as for the paper trays i n the copier.
500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT (AR-D11) /2x500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT (AR-D12) 116 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 2 Pull out the paper tray whic h was in use. 3 Remove any mi sfed paper. 4 Close the paper tray. 5 Close the si de cover. ● Confirm that the mi sfeed displ ay has b een cleared .
117 INDEX 2 2 in 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2x500-s heet paper fee d unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 4 4 in 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 5 500-shee t paper fee d unit .
118 INDEX N Names – operatio n panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 – part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Non-sor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3, 105 O Offset . . . . .
119 Date Issued : Apr. 2. 2001 MSDS NO. F-00981 1 . PR ODUCT AND COMP ANY IDENTIFICA TION Product Name : AR-270NT/270T/270ST/270FT/270NT-J/270ST-C/270FT-T (Black Toner) Supplier Identification : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below .
120 5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media : water, CO 2 , foam and dry chemicals Special Fire fighting Procedures : None Fire and Explosion Hazards : Toner material, like most finely divided organic powders, may form an explosive mixture. 6 .
121 10 . ST ABILITY AND REA CTIVITY Stability Stable Hazardous Reactions : Dust explosion, like most finely divided organic powders. Conditions to avoid : Electric discharge, throwing into fire. Materials to avoid : Oxidizing Materials Hazardous Decomposition Products : CO, CO 2 and NO x Further Information : None 11.
122 15 . REGULA T OR Y INFORMA TION US Information TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act): All chemical substances in this product comply with all applicable rules or order under TSCA.
123 Date Issued : Apr. 2. 2001 MSDS NO. F-30981 1 . PRODUCT AND COMP ANY IDENTIFICA TION Product Name : AR-270ND/270DV/270SD/270SD-C (Black D eveloper) Supplier Identification : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below .
124 5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media : water, CO 2 , foam and dry chemicals Special Fire fighting Procedures : None Fire and Explosion Hazards : Like most finely divided organic powders, it may form an explosive mixture.
125 10 . ST ABILITY AND REA CTIVITY Stability Stable Hazardous Reactions : Dust explosion, like most finely divided organic powders. Conditions to avoid : Electric discharge, throwing into fire. Materials to avoid : Oxidizing Materials Hazardous Decomposition Products : CO, CO 2 and NO x Further Information : None 11.
126 15 . REGULA T OR Y INFORMA TION US Information TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act): All chemical substances in this product comply with all applicable rules or order under TSCA.
W ARNING: FCC Regulations state that any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment not e xpressly approv ed by the manuf acturer could v oid the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp AR-275 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp AR-275 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp AR-275 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp AR-275 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp AR-275, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp AR-275.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp AR-275. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp AR-275 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.