Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ST910021AS del fabbricante Seagate
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Prod uct Ma nu al Momentus 7 200.1 SA T A 10032 0528 Rev . B Aug ust 2007 ST91 00 21AS ST98 08 25AS ST96 02 3AS ST94 01 5AS.
©2004- 2007, S eagate T echnology LL C All right s rese rved. Pub lication nu mber: 100 32052 8, Rev . B Aug ust 2007 Sea gate , Seagate T echnology a nd the W a ve logo are re gister ed tradema rks of Seag ate T echnolog y LLC in th e United S tates an d/or other countries.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B i Conte nts 1.0 In troduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 A bout the S erial ATA (SATA) interface .
ii Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B iii List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Typical 5V star tup a nd operatin g current profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2. Seria l ATA connect ors . . . . . .
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 1 1.0 I ntroducti on This ma nual de scribes t he functional , mechan ical and interfa ce specif ications fo r the foll owing Seag ate Mom e ntu s ® 7200.
2 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 1.1 Abo ut th e Se ria l A T A ( SA T A ) i nter fac e The Serial A T A interface provides sever al advant age s over the trad itional (para llel) A T A int erface. The prim ary advant age s include: • Easy in stalla tion and con figura tion with true plug- and-pl ay connectivity .
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 3 2.0 Drive specificati ons Unles s otherwi se noted, all specific ations are m easur ed u nder amb ient con ditions, a t 25°C, a nd nominal pow er .
4 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B T rack-to-track seek time (msec typical) 1.5 (re ad), 2.0 ( write) Average seek , read (mse c typi cal) 10.5 Average seek, w rite (ms ec typica l) 12.5 Seek powe r (typ ical) 2.6 watts Operati ng power ( typi cal) 2.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 5 * During pe riods of driv e idl e, some off lin e a c tivit y ma y occu r ac cord in g t o t he S.M .
6 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.4 Phys ica l org aniz ati on 2. 5 Rec ord in g an d int er fac e te ch no l o gy 2.6 Phy sic al ch a racte ri sti cs Drive mode l Read/write heads N.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 7 2.7 S ee k ti m e Seek mea surem ent s a re t ake n w ith nom inal po wer a t 25 °C amb ient t empe ratur e.
8 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2. 9 Power sp ecif i cat i ons The dr ive re ceives DC powe r (+5V ) thro ugh a nativ e SA T A power connecto r . 2. 9.1 Power c onsum pt ion Power requireme nt s for the drives are liste d in T able 3, on pa ge 8.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 9 T ypica l cu rrent pr ofiles Figure 1. T yp ical 5V st artup and operating current profile 2.9.2 Defer red spinu p Momen tus 720 0.1 SA T A drives provid e a def erre d spinup featu re which sto rage subsystem contr ollers ca n use to sequen ce disc drive initialization .
10 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.9.3 Cond ucted nois e Input noise r ipple is measured at th e host system power sup ply across an equivalen t 15-ohm resistive load on the +5 volt line. Using 5-volt power , the drive is expe cted to operate with a maximum of 100 mV peak-to -peak square- wave injec ted noise at up to 10 MHz.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 11 • Id le an d Sta ndby t imers Each time the drive perfo rms an Active function (read, wri te or se ek), the st andby timer is r einitial ized and begins co unting down from its sp ecified delay t imes to zer o.
12 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.10.5 S hock All shock specifi cations assume that the dri ve is moun ted securely with the input shock applied at the drive mounting screws.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 13 2. 1 1 Ac o ust ic s Drive acoustics are measu red as over all A-wei ghted ac ou stic sound power l evels (n o pure ton es). All me a - sureme nts are consi stent with ISO document 7779. S ound power m easuremen ts are t aken und er e ssentially free-f ield cond itions ove r a reflecting plane.
14 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.13 Re liab ility 2.1 4 Agency cer t ifi ca t ion 2.14.1 Safe ty certific atio n The drives ar e recog nized in accord ance with UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 (950) and meet all app licable sections of IEC9 50 and E N 60950 as tested by T UV North A merica.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 15 Korean RRL If these drive s have the Korea Ministr y of Informatio n and Communicat ion (MIC) logo, they comply wit h para - graph 1 of Ar ticle 1 1 .
16 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B If necessary , you should consult your dealer or an ex per ienced ra dio/tele vision technician for addition al sug - gestions.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 17 "X" ind icates the hazard ous and to xic substance con tent of th e part ( at the homoge nous materi al level) i s over the thr eshold d efined by the China RoH S MCV S tand ard.
18 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 19 3.0 Conf igur ing an d mountin g the dri ve This secti on cont ains t he specifica tions an d instructions f or con figuring and moun ting the dri ve.
20 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 3.2 Conf igu rin g the dr ive Each drive on the Serial A T A i nterface connect s in a poin t-to-point conf iguratio n with the S erial A T A host adapter . There is n o m aster/slave r elationsh ip because each drive is co nsidered a ma ster in a point -to-poi nt relationsh ips.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 21 3. 4 Driv e mo un ti ng Y ou can mount the dr ive using four screws in the side-m ounting hol es or four screws in the bo ttom-mou nting holes.
22 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 23 4.0 Ser ia l A T A (S A T A) inte rf a ce These drive s use the industry-st an dard Serial A T A i n te rfa ce that su pports FI S dat a tran sfers. It suppor ts A T A progr ammed inp ut/out put (PI O) modes 0–4; mul tiwor d DMA modes 0–2, and U ltra DMA mo des 0–6.
24 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Notes: 1. All pi ns are in a single r ow , with a 1 .27 mm (0 .050”) pitch . 2. The co mment s on th e mating seq uence apply to the ca se of backpl ane blindm ate co nnector on ly . In this case, the mating sequences ar e: • the gro und p ins P4 and P12.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 25 4.3 Supp ort ed A T A c omm ands The foll owing tab le list s Serial A T A stand ard comma nds that the driv e support s. For a de ta iled descrip tion of the A T A command s, refer to the Serial A T A: High S peed Seri alized A T Att achment speci fication .
26 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Note: Individua l Set Max commands are identified by the value placed in the Set Max Features regi ster as defined t o the right. Address: Password: Lock: Unlo ck: Freeze Lock: 00 H 01 H 02 H 03 H 04 H Set Multiple Mode C6h S.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 27 A T A-standar d security commands Security Set P assword F1h Secu r i t y Unl o ck F2h Security Era se Prepare F3h Security Era se Unit F4h Security .
28 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 4.3.1 Ident ify D evice com mand The Id entify De vice command (command code EC H ) transfer s information abou t the drive to the host foll owing power up. The dat a is organi zed as a sin gle 512-b yte b lock of data, whose content s are sh own in the table on pag e 27.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 29 57–58 Current cap acity in sectors xxxx H 59 Number of sec tors transferred during a Read Multiple or Write M ultiple command xxxx H 60–61 T otal number of user-addressable LBA s ectors available (see Section 2.
30 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 100– 103 T otal number of user-addressable LBA s ectors available (see Section 2.2 for related information) These words are required for driv es that support t he 48-bit addressing feature. Maximum val ue: 0000FFFFFFFFFFFFh.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 31 4.3.2 Set Feat ures c omman d This com man d con trol s t he im pleme nt ation of var ious f eatur es th at th e dr ive sup port s . When th e dr iv e r eceives this command, it se ts BSY , checks the con tents of t he Featur es reg ister , clears BSY and generates an inter - rupt.
32 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 4.3.3 S.M.A. R.T . commands S.M. A.R.T . provi des near- term fai lure pred iction for disc drives. Whe n S.M.A .R.T . is enab led, the drive m oni - tors pr edet ermined d rive at tribut es that ar e suscepti ble to deg rada tion over tim e.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 33 5.0 Seagat e T echnolo gy suppo rt service s Inter net For info rma tion regardin g Seagate pr oducts and services, vi sit www .sea g . Worldw ide support i s availa ble 24 hour s daily by email fo r your que stions.
34 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Custo mer Se rvice Op era tion s W arranty Ser vice Seag ate of fer s worldw ide custom er supp ort for Seagate pro duct s. Se agate distr ibutor s, OEMs and other di rect customer s should cont act their Sea gate Customer S ervice Operati ons (CSO) repr esent ative for warra nty- related issu es.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 35 Index A ACA 15 acoustics 4 , 13 Active m ode 10 Addr ess 25 AFR 14 Agency certification 14 Altitude 11 Altitude , nono perating 4 Altitude , operati .
36 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B gradien t 4 Guaran teed se ctors 3 , 5 guaran teed sectors 5 H handl ing 19 Handl ing precautio ns 19 heads 3 , 5 Height 3 hei ght 6 Humidity 11 humi.
Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 37 Read S ectors Exte nded 25 Read S ectors w ithout Re tries 25 Read Verify S ectors 25 Read V erify Secto rs Extended 25 Read Verify Sectors without R.
38 Momen tus 7200.1 S ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Seag ate T echnolog y LLC 920 D isc Drive , Scot ts V alley, Califo rnia 95 066-4544 , USA Public ation N umber: 1 00320528, Rev . B, Printed i n USA.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Seagate ST910021AS è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Seagate ST910021AS - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Seagate ST910021AS imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Seagate ST910021AS ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Seagate ST910021AS, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Seagate ST910021AS.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Seagate ST910021AS. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Seagate ST910021AS insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.