Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV del fabbricante Seagate
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheetah 73LP Famil y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST3734 05L W/L WV/LC/L CV . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheetah 73LP Famil y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST3734 05L W/L WV/LC/L CV . . . .
© 2002 S eagate T ech nology LLC All r ight s res er ved Publication number : 10 0109943 , Rev . E May 2002 Seaga te , Seagate T echnology , and the Seaga te logo are r egist ered tradema rks of Seagat e T ech nology LLC .
Revision status summary sheet Notice. Pr oduct Manual 1 00109943 is V olume 1 of a tw o v olume document w ith the SCSI Inter face information in the SCSI Interface Pr oduct Manual, par t number 75789509. If y ou need the SCSI Interface inf ormation, order the SCSI Interface Pr oduct Manual, part number 75789509.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E v Contents 1.0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Applicable sta ndards and reference document ation .
vi Cheetah 73LP Product M anual, Rev. E 6.4.1 Temperatu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 6.4.2 Relative hum idity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E vii List of Figures Figure 1. Cheetah 73L P fami ly dri ve (ST37 3405LW sh own) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2. Cheetah 73L P fami ly drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 1 1.0 Scope This m anual desc r ibes Sea gate T echnolo g y ® LLC , Chee tah ® 73LP disc dr ives. Cheetah 73 LP dr ives su ppor t the small c omput er syst em inte rface (SCSI) as descr ibed in the ANSI SPI- 3 (SCSI Par all el Interface-3) i nterface specifi cation to the extent desc rib ed in this manual.
2 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 3 2.0 Applicab le standar ds a nd reference documentation The dr ive has b een d e veloped as a s ystem peri pheral to the highe st s tandards of design and c onstr uction .
4 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E A ustralian C-Tick If this mo del ha s the C-Tick Mark ing i t compli es wit h the Australia/New Zea land S tandard A S/NZS3 548 199 5 and meet s the El ectromag netic Compatib ility (EMC) F ramework r equirem ents of Australia’ s S pectr um M an- agement A gency ( SMA).
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 5 3.0 G eneral descrip tion Cheetah 73LP dr ives combine giant m agnetor esisti ve (GMR) heads, par tia l res ponse/max imum likelihoo d (PRML) re ad channel ele.
6 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E A high-pe rf or ma nce actuato r assembly with a low-iner tia, balance d, patente d, straigh t-ar m des ign provides ex cel lent perform ance wi th min imal power diss ipatio n.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 7 3.1 Standard features The Chee tah 73LP family has the following standar d features: • Integrated Ultra/Ultra2/Ul tra3 SCSI contr oller • Multimod e SCSI d.
8 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E 3.5 Unformatted and formatted ca pacitie s F or matte d capac ity depe nds on the number of s pare reallocati on se ctors r eser ved and t he number of bytes per sect or . The following table sh ows the st andar d OEM mo del ca paci ties: Notes.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 9 4.0 P erformanc e chara cteristics 4.1 Internal drive cha racteris tics (tran spare nt to use r) 4.2 SCSI performance ch aracteri stics (visible to u ser) The values given in Sect ion 4. 2.1 app ly to all m odels of the Cheeta h 73LP family unle ss ot herwise speci fied.
10 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E SCSI inte rface data transfer rate (asynchr onous) : Maximum i nstant aneous on e byte wide 5.0 Mbytes/sec [ 4] Maximum i nstant aneous two bytes wide 10.0 Mbytes/s ec [4] Synchron ous format ted transfer rate Ultra2 SCSI Ultra3 SCSI On narrow (8- bit) bus in L V D mode 5.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 11 4.5 Cache oper ation In general, 3 ,600 kbytes ( 14,399 kbytes o f the 16,3 84 kbytes in L WV and LCV models) of the 4,0 96 kbytes of physical buff er space in th e dr ive can be used as storage spac e for cache ope rations.
12 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E that was w ritte n there at the begin ning o f the o peratio n. Howe ver , the dri v e do es no t ov erwr ite data th at has no t yet been wr itten t o the mediu m.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 13 5.0 Reliabil ity speci fications The following rel iability spe cificat ions assume c orrec t hos t/dri ve operational i nterface, includi ng all i nterface timings, power sup ply voltages, environme ntal requ irem ents and d r ive mounting co nstraints (see S ectio n 8.
14 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E error (1 5h) is rep or ted with a M edium e rror (3h ) or Ha rdware error ( 4h) repo r ted in the S ense Ke y . This i s an unrecoverab le se ek erro r . Unrecoverable seek erro rs are cla ssified as failures for MTBF calc ulatio ns.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 15 5.2.6 Hot plugging Cheetah 73LP disc drives The ANS I SPI-3 ( T10/130 2D) do cumen t define s the p h ysical requir ements for removal and inse r tion of SCS I devices on the SCS I bus. F our cases are addres sed.
16 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Y ou c an measur e off-li ne attr ibutes and force the dr ive to save the data by using the Rezero Un it comm and. F orcin g S.M.A.R.T . resets the timer so that th e next schedule d interr up t is in two ho urs.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 17 The most thorough opt ion is the ex tende d test that performs v ar ious tes ts on the dr ive and scans ev er y lo gical bloc k ad dress (LB A) o f the dr ive.
18 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E S hort and extended tests DST has two testing o ptions: 1. shor t 2. ex tende d These t esting option s ar e descr ib ed in the following two subs ectio ns. Each test co nsists o f three segments: an elec tric al test segment, a ser v o tes t segme nt, and a rea d/verify s can segme nt.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 19 5.2.9 Product wa rranty Beginni ng on the da te of shi pment to cus tomer and continui ng for a period of five y ears, Se agate warrants tha t each pro duct (.
20 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 21 6.0 Ph ysical /electrical spec ifications This se ction p rovides i nformat ion re latin g to the physical and elect ric al charac teri stic s of t he Cheet ah 73LP dri v e. 6.1 A C power requirements None. 6.
22 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 6.2.1 Conducted noise immunity Noise is speci fied as a per iodic and random distr ibution of frequenc ies covering a band from DC to 10 MHz. Maximum all owed noise values given below are peak to peak measurem ents and apply at the drive power con- nector .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 23 Figure 4. T ypical ST33 6605 dri ve +12 V cu rrent pr ofile Figure 5. T ypical ST373405 dri ve +5 V current profile 0.0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Seconds Average value of waveform Envelope of waveform +5 Volt Current during spindle start – Typical Amperes Amperes 0.
24 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 6. T ypical ST336605 dri ve +5 V curr ent pro file 0.0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Seconds Envelope of waveform Average value of waveform +5 Volt.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 25 6.3 P ower dis sipation ST37340 5 F or d rives usin g sing le-e nded in terface circuits, ty pical p ower dissipati on und er id le con ditio ns is 9.9 watts (33.8 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low voltage differential in terface circu its, typical power dissipat ion unde r idle cond itions is 10.
26 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E ST33660 5 F or d rives usin g sing le-e nded in terface circuits, typi cal p ower dissipati on und er id le con ditio ns is 8.6 watts (29.4 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low voltage differential inte rface circuits, typical p ower dissipati on unde r idle c onditions is 8.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 27 6.4 En vironmental limits T emperatu re and hu midity values experienced by the dr ive must be su ch tha t condens ation does n ot occur on any drive par t. Alti tude a nd atmo spher ic p ressur e sp ecifica tions are re f erence d to a standa rd day at 58.
28 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E b . Non-operat ing –1,000 to + 40,000 f eet (–3 05 to + 12,210 meters) 6.4. 4 Shoc k an d vibr atio n Shock and vibratio n limit s specif ied in this docu ment ar e measu red dire ctly on the dr i ve chassis.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 29 Figure 12. Rec ommended moun ting Z Y X Z Y X.
30 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Vibrat ion a. Operating - nor m al The dri ve as installed for nor mal operat ion, sha ll comply with the co mplete specifie d perform ance while subject ed to continuous vibratio n not exceedi ng 5-400 Hz @ 0.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 31 6.5 Mechanical sp ecifica tions The following nominal di mensi ons are exclusive of the d ecorative front panel access or y . Howe ver , di mensions of the front pane l are shown in figure bel ow . Refer to Figur es 13 and 14 for detailed mo unting configura tion dimensions.
32 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 14. LC and LCV mo unting configu ration dimensi ons J H L B A S K [1] M C R F [1] D E P Mounting holes are 6-32 UNC 2B, three on each side and four on the bottom. Max screw penetration into side of drive is 0.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 33 7.0 Defect and err or management The dr ive, as delivered, co mplie s with thi s spe cifica tion. The read error rate and sp ecified storage capaci ty ar e not depend ent upon use o f defect managem ent routi nes by the hos t (initiato r).
34 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E [1] These values are subje ct to c hange. Settin g these retr y counts to a value bel ow the def ault s etting coul d resu lt in an incr eased u nrecovered error rate which m ay e xceed the value given in this produc t manual .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 35 8.0 In stalla tion Note. Thes e dr ives are designed to be used onl y on single -ende d (SE) or low voltage diff eren tial (L VD) bus- ses. Do no t inst all these dri ves on a hig h voltage differential (H VD) bus.
36 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 15. J6 jumper header SCSI ID = 0 (default) Jumper Plug (enlarged to show detail) J6 Drive Front Pin 1 Reserved A 2 A 1 A 0 [4] [1] Shipped with cover installed.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 37 Figure 16. J5 jumpe r header (on L W/L WV models o nly) SCSI ID = 8 SCSI ID = 9 SCSI ID = 10 SCSI ID = 11 SCSI ID = 12 SCSI ID = 13 SCSI ID = 14 SCSI ID = 15 .
38 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 17. J2 option s elect heade r 8.1.1 Notes for Fig ures 15, 16, and 17. [1] Notes explainin g the fu nctions of the vari ous ju mpers o n jumper header c onnec tors J2 , J5, and J 6 are given here and in Se ction 8.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 39 8.1.2 Functio n description J2 jum per installat ion J umper function d escription SE On F orces drive to us e singl e-ended I /O dr ivers/rec eivers only .
40 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 8.2 Drive orientation The balan ced rotar y ar m actua tor desig n of the dr ive allows it to be moun ted in any or ientat ion.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 41 8.4 Drive mounting When mou nting the dr ive usin g the botto m hole s (x -y plane in F igure 12) car e must be taken to en sure tha t the dri v e i s not physically di stor ted due to a st iff non- flat mo unting sur face .
42 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 43 9.0 Interface requirements This sec tion p ar ti ally descr ibes the inte rface requiremen ts as imple mented on the d rives. 9.1 General d escriptio n This se ction descr ibes in es sent ially gen eral ter ms the int erface requirem ents s uppor ted by the Cheetah 73LP.
44 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.3 SCSI interface command s suppor ted T able 5 following lists the SCSI in terface comm ands th at are su ppor ted in t he SC SI-2, an d SCSI- 3 mode s of the dr ive. OEM standard dr ives are shipp ed set to operate in SCSI- 2/SCSI- 3 mode.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 45 Wr ite error counter page (02 h) Y Mode sel ect (sa me page s as Mode Sens e 1Ah ) 15h Y [2] Mode sel ect (10) ( same pag es as Mo de Sen se 1Ah) 55h Y Mode s.
46 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E [1] The dr ive can format t o any ev en number of bytes per se ctor from 512 to 4,096 . [2] T ables 7 show how ind ividual bits are s et and which ar e changea ble by the host. [3] W ARNING: A p ower loss dur ing fl ash programm ing c an resul t in fir m ware cor rupti on.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 47 T able 6 lists the Standa rd Inqui r y comman d data that the dr ive should re tur n to the initi ator per the for mat given in the SCSI Inter face Product Manual, par t number 7 5789509, In quir y comm and se ction.
48 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.3.2 Mode Sense data The Mode Sen se command provides a means f or the dr ive to repor t its operatin g parameters t o the initiator. The dri ve maintains four sets of Mode parame ters, Def ault values, Sav ed values, Current values and Change- able values.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 49 The following tables lis t the v alu es of the da ta bytes ret ur ned by the dri ve in respo nse to th e Mod e Sens e com- mand page s for SCSI- 2/SCSI-3 imple mentation (see the SCSI Interface Product Manual , par t number 75789509) .
50 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T able 8: Mode sense data, ST3366 05 values (SCSI-2 /3 implementati on) [1] Though byte 12 , bit 7 (A0) i s shown as ch angeable, the FSW function govern ed by that bit is n ot imple- mented by this dri ve .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 51 9.4 SCSI bus conditions and miscellaneous fea tures supported Asynchr onous SCS I bus conditi ons supp or ted by the dr ive are liste d below . Th ese cond ition s cause the SCSI device to perform cer tain act ions an d can alte r the SCSI bus phase se quenc e.
52 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.5 Syn chr onous d ata t ran sfer 9.5.1 Synchron ous data transfer periods supported T able 10 and Se ction 9.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 53 Figure 19. L W and L WV model dri ve phy sical interfac e (68-pin J1 SCSI I/O conn ector) Figure 20. LC and LCV model drive ph ysical interface (80-p in J1 SC.
54 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.6.2 SCSI inter face physical de scripti on Cheetah 73LP dr ives su ppor t the p hysical inte rf ace requir ements of the S CSI-3 P arallel Interface-3 (SPI-3) standa rds and operate co mpat ibly at the i nterface with devices tha t supp or t e ar lier S CSI-2 and S CSI-3 st an- dards.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 55 • stub leng th (see Sections 6.4 an d 6.5) • device spacing (s ee Secti ons 6. 4 and 6. 5) T o min imize disc ontinuan ces and sign al refl ectio ns, cables of di fferent imped ances s hould not be used in the same bus.
56 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T o insur e that both dr ive connect or an d host equip ment ma ting c onnector mate proper ly , bo th dr ive connector and ho st equip ment matin g connec tor must m eet the provisio ns of “SF F-8451 Specif ication for SCA-2 Unshield ed Connectio ns.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 57 Recommen ded mati ng 80-po siti on PCBA m ount c onnect ors: Right-angle to PCB A c onnectors Seagate P /N: 776785 59 Amp US P /N: 2-557101 -1 Amp Japan P/N: 5-175474 -9 F or a dditional infor mation call Amp F AX se r vic e at 1- 800-522- 6752.
58 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 22. Nonshielde d 68-pin SCSI de vice connector used on L W and L WV drives .0787 (2.00) .519 (13.18) .315 (8.00) 3.650 (92.71) .840 ± .005 (21.34) .315 ± .010 (8.00) +.001 –.002 dia .083 (2.1) Trifurcated Pins (4 places) .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 59 Figure 23. Nonshielde d 80-pin SCSI “SCA-2 ” connecto r , used on LC and LCV drives 7.00 (.276) 12.70 (.500) 2.15 ± 0.10 2 places 57.87 (2.278) –Y– 0.15 MY M 0.15 MY M 0 –0.15 + .000 – .006 [ [ 62.
60 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T able 12: L W and L WV 68-cond uctor singl e-ended (SE) P c able sign al/pin assig nments [11] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that s ignal is active low . Notes [ ]: See page following T able 15.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 61 T able 13: L W and L WV 68-c onductor L VD P cable signal/pin a ssignments [11] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that sig nal is a ctive low .
62 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T able 14: LC and LCV 80-pin single-ended (SE) I/O connector pin assignments [11] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that s ignal is active low .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 63 T able 15: LC and LCV 80-pin single-ended (L VD) I/O connector pin assignments [11 ] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that sig nal is a ctive low .
64 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Notes [ ] for T ables 12 thr ough 15. [1] See Sec tion 9.6 .4.1 for detail ed ele ctri cal character isti cs o f these signals. [2] The co nducto r number refers to the condu ct or posit ion wh en using 0.025- inch (0.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 65 L VD input characteristics Each differential sig nal rec eived by L VD i nterface receiver circ uits shall h av e the f oll owing inpu t cha racteris tics when meas ured at the dis c dr ive connector : Steady s tate Low lev el input differential voltage = 0.
66 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Single-en ded I/O pin assig nments for LC mode ls are shown in T able 14. The LC m odel doe s not requ ire an I/O cable.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 67 9.9 T erminat or power LW a n d LW V d r i v e s Y ou c an co nfigure te r minato r power from the dr ive to the SCSI bus or hav e the hos t adapt or or oth er device supply t er mi nator power to the exter nal ter minator .
68 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.10 Disc drive S CSI timin g T able 19: Dis c drive SCSI timi ng These values are not cu rrent Che etah 73 LP values, but are listed f or infor matio n only .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 69 Notes. [1] See the SCSI Inte rf ace Produ ct Manual, par t number 757 89509, Timing e xam ples se ction . [2] Maximum S CSI async hron ous interface transfer rate is given in Section 4.
70 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 71 10.0 Seagate T echnolog y suppor t services Online Service s Internet www .seagate .co m for informa tion abo ut Sea gate pr oducts and ser vices. Worldwi de su ppor t is av aila ble 24 hours d aily by e-m ail for your disc or tap e ques tions.
72 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Custome r Service (C SO) W arrant y Service Seagate offers worldwi de custom er suppor t f or Seagate dr ives. Seagate direct OEM, Distri bution and Syste m Integrator cus tomers s houl d contac t their Seagate ser v ice center repres entative for warranty informa tion.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 73 Spain 9 00-98 31 24 Sweden 0 207 90 073 Switzer land 0 800-8 3 84 11 T urkey 00 800- 31 92 9 1 40 United Kingd om 0 800-783 5177 F AX Services—All European .
74 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 75 Inde x Symbol s +5 an d +12 vol t suppli es 21 Numerics 68 conducto r connector 55 68-pin con nector 5 7 80 conducto r connector 55 80 conducto r interfac e 5.
76 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E D daisy-c hain 22 , 54 , 57 80 conducto r 55 data cor rection 13 data tran sfer period 5 2 data tran sfer pr otocol 7 data tran sfer ra te 9 , 10 DC cable a nd .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 77 HDA 5 , 40 , 4 1 head and d isc assem bly. See HDA heat remo val 4 0 heat sour ce 40 high level forma t 35 high vol tage differ entia l 51 host 12 , 3 3 , 39 .
78 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E O office en vironme nt 30 operatin g 27 , 2 8 , 30 operatin g optio n 35 operatin g parame ter 48 operator i ntervent ion 13 option jumpe r 35 option jumpe r lo.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 79 message s 43 SCSI b us ca ble 35 SCSI bus con diti on 51 SCSI bus ID 64 SCSI b us phase seque nce 5 1 SCSI co mman d 33 SCSI I/O connec tor 53 SCSI ID 35 , 39.
80 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E W warranty 7 , 19 wet bulb temperat ure 27 wide Ultr a160 SCSI inter face 5 WP jump er 39 wrap-arou nd 11 write cach ing 11 write error 13 unrecover able 13 wri.
Seagate T e chnolog y LLC 920 Disc Dri ve, S cotts V alley , California 950 66-4544, USA Publication Number : 1001099 43, Re v . E , Pri nted in US A.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Seagate ST373405LW/LWV/LC/LCV insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.