Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC del fabbricante Seagate
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Contents Pre f a ce . ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. . 1 Ele ctro sta tic dis ch arg e pro tec tion .... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... .... . 1 Important saf ety inf ormati on and pre cautions.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 1 Pre face This manual cont ai n s inf ormation for users of t he Seagat e® Barr acuda 9LP SCSI disc dri ves . It p rovides support services , perf orm ance spec ificat ions , and i nitial setu p inf ormation.
2 Barracuda 9LP I nst allati on Guide, Re v . E • T urn off the powe r bef ore re m o ving or inst alling t he DC powe r cabl e. • Do not remo ve an y circuit b oard s f r om t he driv e.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 3 • Fo llo w the pr ec autions l isted a bov e in “Electro static discharge prot ection.” • Do no t r emov e any ci rcuit boa rds from the d rive. Return the enti re driv e f or d epot repai r if any cir cuit board is def ectiv e.
4 Barracuda 9LP I nst allati on Guide, Re v . E thr ough the Seagate Saf ety De par tment to assist the su bsystem desi gner . Wic htige Si cherh eitsh inweise Vo r s i c h t . B ei m T est en des L aufwerks auf dem Prüft isch is t F rem dbelüftung v or zusehen , um e ine au sr eic hende Kühlun g der Laufw erkkompon enten si cher zustel l en.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 5 • T reff en Sie beim Betrieb , bei der In stallat i o n oder bei der Entf ernung der Ei nheit ange messene Si cherheits vork ehrun- gen. • W enn eine Einhei t unter Spann ung steht , g ehen Sie bei der Fe hlerdi agnose besonders v orsi chtig v or .
6 Barracuda 9LP I nst allati on Guide, Re v . E Als T eilkompon ente ist diese s Laufwe rk für die Ins tallation und den Bet rieb in Übe reinstim mung mit UL 19 50, EN6 0950, C AN/ CSA C22.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 7 Regulator y agency complian ce Elect romagn etic suscepti bility As a componen t assembl y , t he drive is no t req ui r ed to m eet any suscep tibi li ty p erf ormance re qui rements .
8 Barracuda 9LP I nst allati on Guide, Re v . E Elect romagn etic compli ance f o r the Europ ean Union If this model has the CE Marking it compl ies wit h the Eur op ean Union requirem ents of t he E.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 9 Se agat e T e ch nol ogy su p por t ser v ic es Online S erv ices In te rne t Fo r onl ine inf or mati on about Seagate pr oducts , visi t www .sea gate. com or e- mail your di sc or tape qu est ions to: Presal es Sup por t: Disc: ht tp://www .
10 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E ti ps and specif ications for disc driv es and tape dri ves 24 hours dail y . I nternational caller s can reac h this ser vi ce by di aling +1 - 405-93 6-1234. SeaF AX ® is Seag ate's automat ed F AX deliv er y syst em.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 11 Custo m e r S er v ice (C S O) W arra nt y R e pair Seagat e of fers w orl d wide custome r suppor t fo r Seagate driv es. Seagat e direct O EM , Di stri b uti on and Sys tem Inte grator c ust om- ers shoul d contact thei r Seagate ser v i c e c ent e r representa tive f or war ranty inf or mati on.
12 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E A ut hor ize d Se rvi ce Cent er s Braz il M A In for mati ca +55-21- 516-6649 F AX: +55-21-516- 5280 Canada Me mof i x +1-905- 660-4936 F AX: +1-905-6.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 13 Swit zerland 0 800-83 84 11 T urke y 00 800-31 92 91 40 Unit ed Kingdom 0 800-783 5177 SeaBO ARD German y +49-89-14093 31 F ax Ser vices—All Eu r o .
14 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E W arra nt y R e pair Jap an +81-3-5 462-2904 F AX: +81- 3-5462-2979 Asia/ P acific and +65-485- 3595 F AX: +65-488- 7503 Au str al ia.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 15 Ge neral descr iption Barr acuda 9L P SCSI disc driv es are hi gh-spee d, random- access digi tal-dat a stor age de vice s. The dr i ve is a com ponent for instal l a tion in an enclosure designed f o r the driv e.
16 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E T abl e 1. Dri v e ch a r ac t er is t ic s Inte rfac e Ultra SCS I [1 ] Capaci ty F or matted [2] Max.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 17 T abl e 2 a. DC powe r requi rements (Amp s) , single-e nded No tes f o r th is table follows T a ble 2c. ST39173N/ W/WC ST34 573N/W/WC V olt age +5V +12V +5V +12V Re gu lat io n [5] ±5% ± 5% [ 2] ±5 % ± 5% [ 2] Max .
18 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E T able 2b . DC p ow er r equi re ments (A mps), dif fere nti al (H VD) No tes f o r th is table follows T a ble 2c. ST39173W D ST34573WD V olt age +5V +12V +5V +12V Re gu lat io n [5] ±5% ± 5% [ 2] ±5 % ± 5% [ 2] Max .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 19 T able 2c. DC powe r req uireme nts (Am ps) , m ultimo de (SE/ L V D) [1] Meas ur e d with an av erage reading DC ammeter .
20 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E [5] See “Condu cted noi se i m m unity” in the Barr acuda 9LP Prod - uct Man ual. The speci fied v oltage toler ance is i nclusiv e of rippl e, noi se, and tr ansient response . [6] Oper ating con dition i s defined as r andom seek r ead opera - ti ons with a bloc k count of 64.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 21 Initia l setup inf o rmat ion The gen eral info r mat i o n begin ni n g on this page appl ies to all o f the Ba rracu da 9LP driv e models .
22 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E SC SI ID ju m pe r s Each de vic e on the SCSI chai n must have a un ique SCSI ID . The hos t syst em’ s SCSI co ntrolle r usual ly uses the ID tha t has the hi ghest pr i ority interru pt in t he SCSI I/O syst em .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 23 the case, change the ID so that each de vice on t he SCSI chain has it s own uniqu e ID . Also check y our sys tem or contr oller user’ s man ual to ensur e that y ou hav e not violated i ts SCSI ID num beri ng recommendat ions.
24 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E Fo r inf ormation about how to terminate you r driv e, ref er to the approp riate dri ve- specific s ectio n.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 25 Figur es 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d sho w typical dri ve connect ions . The f oll owing tab les l i st the max imum cab le l engths and numbe r of de vices allowed on a dais y-chain ca ble f or I/O da ta trans fer r ates shown .
26 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E [1] F or en vir o nm en ts wher e a ll el eme nt s of the b u s ( cab l e s, de vice i nt er- f aces , en vir onme ntal nois e and ot her pa ram eters ) are co ntr olle d to be b etter than minim a lly req ui red, it may be po ssibl e to exte nd t he pat h le ngt h an d devi ce cou nt.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 27 Figur e 3a. Fift y pin I/ O connectio n to d rive Figur e 3 b. Sixt y-eight pin conne cti on to drive.
28 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E [1] “X” m eans up to 6 or the max imum allowable number o f de v ices on the SCSI b us. See T abl e 4a an d syst em doc ument ation .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 29 [1] Do not mix “W , ” “W D ,” an d “ L W” mo del driv es o n th e da isy ch ain. Ho we v er , a n “L W” driv e ma y ope rate on a “W” b us if th e dr ive oper - ate s onl y in t he s ingl e -e nded I /O t ra nsmis sion mode .
30 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E Note. This driv e model plu gs directly in to a backp l an e c onnec- tor and ther ef ore us es no cab les .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 31 Providin g ade qua te co olin g The encl osure desi gn must ensure adeq uate cool i ng f or the driv e.
32 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E Kü hlun g des S y stems Die Gehä usek on struktion muß eine ausr eichende Kühl ung des Laufw erkes gewährlei sten.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 33 . Figur e 4. Suggest ed air flow Abbil dung 4. Empfohlener L uft str om verl auf Note. Air flows in the direction shown (front to back) or in reverse direction (back to front) Note.
34 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E Mounting the drive and connecting cables Do not tou ch the connector pins or any com ponents on the con - tro l board wit hout observing static- discharge precaut i o ns. Alwa ys handle the driv e by the fr am e onl y .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 35 1. Bef esti gen Sie das Laufw erk mit vi er 6- 32-UNC-Schrau ben am Gehäu se des Host-S ystems. Die beiden S eiten des Lauf werke s sind mit j eweil s zwei Bef esti gungs l ö chern ver sehen, die Untersei t e des Laufwerkes w eist vi er w eitere Bef esti gungslöcher auf .
36 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E the DC po wer connec t or . T o connect the DC po wer cable to the dri ve , si mply insert the cabl e end into th e d ri v e’s DC powe r connect or . 4. Schli eße n Sie das SCSI-Kabel an den SCSI-Stec kv erbinder des Laufwer k e s an.
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 37 Note. Signal g round on the p ower control board ( PCB) and the head and disc as sembly (HD A) are c onnec ted tog eth er in thi s drive and y ou canno t separ ate them.
38 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E elek tromagnet ische St rahlung fällt in d en Zust ändigkei ts- berei ch des Systemd esi gners . 5. Replac e the host sys tem’ s co ver . 5. Setz en Sie das Gehäu seoberteil des Host - Sy stems wiede r auf .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 39 Figur e 6. Mounti ng confi guration dimensions Inches A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S 146.05 101.60 25.45 60.00 28.45 101.60 6.35 44.45 95.25 41.28 3.63 19.13 4.19 10.29 52.53 59.69 5.75 4.00 1.002 2.362 1.
40 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E Formatting the drive The dri ve ha s been low l ev el fo r matted at the f actory . Y ou do no t need t o perf o r m ano ther low l ev el format on this dri v e unles s you deci de to perfo r m certain diag nostics thr ough t he host adapter .
Barr acuda 9L P Instal l ation Guide, Re v . E 41 Quic k refer ence desktop syst em notes Note. Ref er to your syste m or ut ility manual f or detai led ins truc- ti ons) • DOS . Set the driv e type in CM OS to “ Ze ro,” “N on e,” or “ No hard driv e inst alled .
42 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E N drives N/ND drives sec tion Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs Use the J6 connec tor to set the SCSI ID (see Figur e 7) . T o change the SCSI ID , inst all ju m pe r s on the appropriat e pins as shown in the il lustrat ion.
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 43 N drives T ermin a tin g the drive “N” model drives are t erm inat ed with permanentl y mounted IC acti ve terminat ors.
44 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E N drives T er m i n at or pow er There are fo ur possib le t er minat or po wer ( TP ) c onfigur ations f or “N” model drives ( see Figure 9) . Y ou wi l l not normally need t o change this option and can l eav e the dri ve c onfigured as it w as ship ped from the f actory .
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 45 N drives Othe r a ppl i cabl e jum p er op tion s Se ver al other jumpe r options are a vai labl e as il lu stra ted. Figur e 1 0. Ad ditional j um per opt ions Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check.
46 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E W/WD/L W drives W / WD d ri ves section Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs Use the J6 jum per b loc k to set the SCSI ID (Fi gure 11). T o change the SCSI ID , inst all ju m pe r s on the appropriat e pins as shown in the ill ustr ation.
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 47 W/WD/L W d ri ves Figur e 1 2. Usi ng J5 connector f or m o del “W ,” “WD, ” and “L W” dr ive alt ernate ID select and LED connect ion J1-D.
48 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E W /WD d r ive s T ermin a tin g the drive “W” mo del d r iv es are terminat ed with permanentl y m o unted IC acti ve terminat ors.
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 49 W/ WD dr iv es T er m i n at or pow er There are fo ur possib le t er minat or po wer ( TP ) c onfigur ations f or “W” m odel dri ves (see Fig ure 14) . Y ou wi ll not normally ne ed to change this option and can l eav e the dri ve c onfigured as it w as ship ped from the f actory .
50 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E W/WD/L W drives Othe r a ppl i cabl e jum p er op tion s Other optio n jumpers ar e av ailab le as illust rated i n Figu r es 15 and 1 6. [1] Se e Fig ure 16 for thi s jump er po sitio n op tion for “L W” dr ives.
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 51 L W drives Figur e 16. Ad di tional jumper option for “ L W ” driv es A jumper here forces single-ended I/O operation.
52 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E WC/LC d ri v es WC/DC dr i ves section Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs The SCSI ID f or “WC ” and “ LC” model dri v es is norm all y s et ov er the SCSI bus b y the hos t sy stem using con nector c ontacts 39 (ID0 ), 40 (ID2 ), 79 (ID1 ) , and 80 (ID3) .
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 53 W C drives Applicable jumper options Opti on s av ai lab le f or all m odel s are sele cted b y jumpers as i llus- tr ated in Figur es 17 through 19 . Fi gu r e 17 . Jum pe r op ti on s for “W C ” dr iv es Enable parity check of SCSI bus.
54 Barr acuda 9LP Instal lation Guid e, Re v . E LC dr ive s Figur e 18. J umper op tions f or “LC” driv es Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check. Parity Check option Write protect = Off (enables writing) Write protect = On (disables writing) Write Protect option The host system has complete control over motor start functions.
Barr acuda 9LP Instal l ation Guide , Rev . E 55 LC dr ive s Figur e 1 9. Ad ditional j um per opt ions fo r “LC” dri ves S E D S M E W P P D R E S R E S R E S Pin 1 J2 J2 Jumper Plug (enlarged to show detail) J2 Drive Front J6 A jumper here forces single-ended I/O operation.
Seagate T echnolo gy , Inc. 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley , CA 95066-4 544, USA Pub licati on Nu mb er: 777 6751 8, Re v . E, Pri nte d in USA.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Seagate ST34573N/W/WD/LW/WC/LC insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.