Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 851SL del fabbricante Seagate
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist SL Fa mily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 0sl, 851sl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 80sl, 1270s l . . . . . . . . . .
© 1995 Seagate Technology , Inc. All rights reserved Publ ic ati on Number : 36342-101, Rev . A, November 1995 Supersedes Publication Number 36309- xx x Seagate, Seagate Tec hnolo gy , S eaF AX, SeaFONE, SeaB OARD and the Seagate logo a r e registered trademark s of Seagate Technology , Inc.
In troduc tion Thank yo u for choosing a Se agate ® dr ive. Th e purp ose of this guide is to assist you with i n s t alling your new har d drive. Its organ izat ion ou tlines t he complet e installat ion pro cess f rom ha n- dling the drive in “Befor e you begin.
Driv e features Mod el ST55 40A ST5 851A ST5 1080 A ST5 1270A F ormat ted Ca pa city Mby tes 541 85 4.6 1 ,083 1,2 82 Cylinde rs 1,050 1,6 5 6 2,100 2,485 He a d s 16 16 16 16 Se ct or s 6 3 63 63 63 Average seek tim e 10.5 m sec C ac he (s eg me nt ed) 1 28 K by tes Spin dl e speed 5,3 76 RPM Externa l transfe r rate 16.
B e fo re yo u b eg i n. .. The drives in this manu al a r e refer r e d t o by their mod el nu mber s : ST5540A f or the M ed alist 540sl, ST58 51A for the Med alist 8 51sl, ST51080A f or the Medalist 1080 sl a n d ST51 270A for the M edalist 1270sl.
Warr anty. Your drive com e s with a thr ee- ye ar limite d warrant y. Note. W ith regar ds to the EZ-Dr ive and SEG 32BIT. 386 soft ware, ther e are n o war r ant ies, expr ess or im pl ied, including, but not im plied, war rant ies of m erch antability or fitnes s f or a part icular purpose.
W arn in g. Turn of f the com put e r bef ore yo u rem ove its c over. Turn of f t h e power bef ore you insta ll or rem ove an y adapt er c a rd or t he d rive. Cauti on. Special training o r too ls may be requir ed to service laptop com pu te rs . Remov in g t he cover m a y void your warr ant y.
One- dr ive o nly. Use this conf igurat ion if the r e are no other drive s att ache d to t he hard disc con troller . Mast er w ith s la ve pr es e nt . Use this co nfig ur atio n if the dr ive is the f i r st of t wo d rives in y our syst em . The m ast er d rive is Dr ive 0 in the Syst em Set up reco rd .
Circuit board side up 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 One drive only Drive is master; slave is present Drive is slave when another drive is master Cable select Remote LED connection pin 11 (–), pin 12 (+) Spares 12 11 Master/slave timing protocol.
Mast er/sl ave ti min g prot ocol. This pro tocol involve s the com - munica tion betwee n the com pute r and the disc dr ives during th e boot cycle only. The com puter q ueries t he ma s t er dr ive for t h e stat us of both dr ives. The slave m ust rep o r t its status to the mast er wit hin a certain t ime pe riod.
Cauti on. The cable and c onnector b ond is delicate. Pulli n g th e cable to r emov e the conn ector may dama ge the c able. Atta ch an i nte rfac e conne c t or to the d rive. I f your interf ace c on- necto r has a key, it w i ll plug int o the drive on ly one wa y .
Mounting th e drive Required materials : • Four 6-32 UNC-2A sc rews (not inclu ded) The dr ive fits in a standard 3.5- i n ch bay and can be moun ted in any orient ation. Position the drive so t hat the cable s are not strained o r c rimpe d. Secure it with four mo unt ing scre ws not more than 6 full turn s (0.
Tran sfe rring the s oftwa re fro m the d rive Required materials : • Diskett e Dr ive A • A bootab le , blank, 1.2 -Mb yt e or large r diskette f or Driv e A • A boota b le disket t e w ith the.
To t ransf er the softwar e, you m ust p ut a b l a nk, boot a b l e d i s ket te into Drive A. To crea te a bootable disk et te : 1. Inser t your DO S disket te int o Drive A. 2. Type fo rmat a: /s . The drive rea ds the DO S d isket te and pr ompt s you to inser t the diske tte yo u want to form at int o Drive A .
the c omput e r . The c omput er retu rns a n inval id drive specifi- cation er r or if you t ry t o access the dr ive. Cauti on. Do not write- prot ect the Seagate sof tware diske tte with EZ -Dri ve. T he EZ -Dri ve pr ogra m wri te s im port an t in - for mat io n back to the disk ette dur ing th e insta lla tion .
Determini ng whet her yo ur BIOS accep ts more than 528 Mb ytes The following sugges tions can help you to det erm ine wh ether your BI OS lim it s the driv e capacity to 528 M byt es. • If you are usin g a 286 or 386 comp uter, the nat ive B IO S cannot reco gnize m or e than 528 Mbyt es .
Using the EZ-Dri ve i nstall ation soft ware Note. The EZ- Drive sof tware is autho rized for inst alla tion only with the drive on which it is shipped.
Note. EZ- Drive is designe d f or DOS ins tallations . It sup port s Micr osof t M S-DOS Version 5.0 o r later . EZ-Dr iv e does not s uppo rt: • Toshiba lapt ops , XT or Micr o Chann el com put ers.
4. Locat e the bot tom box on t he scre en. The mod el number of each drive EZ-Dr ive ident ifies is listed in this bo x . If a drive you have installed i s not list ed or the d rive or der ( Drive 0 .
Booti ng wi t h a disket te af ter EZ- Dr ive is ins talle d When you boot with a diskett e, you must allow the EZ-Dr i v e infor mat ion about the drive to load into mem o ry befor e th e system infor mation on t he dis kette loads . The disk ette accesses the BIO S direct ly, which does not rec ognize t he EZ- Drive-in stalled drive.
4. Select opt ion 3 to delete th e prim ary part ition from the EZ- Dr ive in st al le d dr iv e. Note. EZ- Drive put s a volume la bel on the part i tion it cre ates. You mus t ente r the label nam e to delet e the par tition. 5. Repartit i o n the drive in the partition sizes you want.
Stand ard setup If your comp uter accept s the full cap acit y of th e new dr ive, Sy stem Setup m u st be conf ig ur ed to re c ognize the d rive . Som e c om put - ers aut omat ically detec t the ne w d rive a nd configu re Sy stem Setup. This sectio n te lls you how t o manu ally conf igure Sy stem Setup.
Select t he user-de fined o r custom drive- type option , if ava il- able, and e nt er y our dr i v e’s tran slation geom etry. If a us er-d efined drive type is not offere d, select the dr ive ty pe with t he large s t tr ansla tion g eometr y. This is the ma ximum drive capac i ty your com puter c an rec ognize in it s current configu ration.
Lo w-le vel fo rm atti ng The dr ive is low-le vel for mat ted at the f actor y using 512 byt e s per secto r. Low- level format t in g is not req uire d . Parti tioni ng You mu s t partition t he driv e into one o r more logica l driv es befor e you c an use it.
High- level f orm at t in g High-level form a t ting ( hencef orth re f e rred to as fo rma t t ing) b uilds the file alloca tion table (F AT) DOS use s to acces s files on the drive. If y ou put m ore than on e p artition on th e d rive, you must for mat each pa r t ition.
2. Op e n th e Mai n men u . 3. Open the Cont rol Pan el. 4. Open Enhanc ed.386. 5. Select Virt ual Memo r y . 6. Select Chan g e. 7. Select 32- Bit Disk Ac cess at the bottom of the scree n to change it s s t at us. 8. Select OK. F ollow t he scr een inst ructions to rebo ot.
Basi c tro ubles h o oting W arn in g. Always tur n o f f the comp uter befor e changing jum p ers or unplug ging cable s and card s. Cauti on. Your dr ive and com pu ter conta in static- sensit ive de- vices. Wear a groun d st rap or use other antist atic preca ution while handling your d rive.
• Check the p ow e r -supply speci f ica t ion s. I f new devices ar e installed, your com put er’s power sup ply may not support the new total powe r requ ireme nt . Consult your dealer . • Verif y the d ri ve ty pe se tting in Syst em S etu p .
BIO S’ setup t est may be complet ing bef ore the drive is r eady. One p ossible solutio n is to slow your com pute r’s proces sor speed during star tup. If your comput er has a turb o switc h, set it to slow speed bef or e tur ning t he compu te r on.
The dea l e r p art i t io ned and hi gh - l ev e l for matted t he drive f or you in the stor e . Later , yo u inst alled t he dri ve and it does not respon d. • Reboot t he com put er and ma ke sure the dr ive sp in s up. • Check al l ca bles. • Make sure the power sup ply is adequ ate fo r system needs.
The sy stem hangs i n FDISK or fai ls to crea te or save th e part iti on r ecor d. • Check al l ca bles. • The DO S ut ilitie s d isket t e ma y b e c orru pt ed. T ry your b acku p DOS diske tte. • Make th e par titions sma ller. • Try anot he r d r ive type or tr ansla tion geom etr y.
• Reboot t he com put er and ma ke sure the dr ive sp in s up. • Verify the Syst em Setup dr ive type valu es. • Check for I/O address conflicts. The dri ve do es not format t o fu ll cap acit y. • Verify you r compu te r’s Syst em Se tu p drive- type valu es.
• Use FDISK t o ver ify t ha t the prim ar y par tition is active . • Check for viruse s. System error me ssag e , “HDD c ont roller fa i lur e , ” app ears. • Confir m t he jump er s et ting s on the dr ive. • Verify the Syst em Setup dr ive type valu es.
1. Turn t he co mputer off. 2. Inser t a bo o t able disk ette i n to Dr i v e A and t urn t h e com puter on. You r comput er mus t b oot to Drive A without load ing EZ -Dri ve i nto th e sys tem me mory . 3. When t he boot cycle is c omplet e, place a disket te tha t ha s the FDISK ut ilit y in Drive A.
5. Select Disable M ax i mu m Ov e r dr iv e. 6. Press t he ENTER key to change t he stat us . 7. Use the do wn-arro w key to se lect Save Changes. Pr ess ENTER to save . Additional EZ- Drive tr oubleshoot ing and he lp inform ation is ava il- able when you select Infor mat ion Help in the main m enu.
Techn ical su p p ort services If you need assis tance in st al ling your drive, consult your dealer. Your dealer is fam iliar with sy s t em configurat ions a nd can help you with sys te m c onf l icts and ot her techn ic al issues.
Loc atio n Mo d em n umbe r Thailan d 662-531- 8111 Austr alia 61-2 -756-235 9 Korea 82 - 2 -556-729 4 SeaFA X You can use a touc h - tone telepho ne to access Seagat e’s autom a te d FAX system t o receive t ech nical supp or t infor ma- tio n by retur n FAX.
SeaTDD. 40 8/ 438- 53 82 Using a teleco mmunicat ions d evice for the deaf (TDD) , yo u can send ques tions or comm e nts 24 hours d aily and exc hang e mess ages with a tec hnical s upport s pecialist be tween 8 : 0 0 A.M . a nd 5:00 P.M. ( Pac i f ic time ) Mo n day thr o ug h Fr iday .
S t or in g and sh i ppin g y ou r dr iv e Keep your original box and packing mat erials for storing or shippin g you r drive . The bo x has a Seagate Approv ed Packag e label. Shipping a drive in an un approved co n t ainer voids the warran ty. Call y our author ized Sea gate distr ibut or t o pur chase additiona l boxes.
Seagat e Technol ogy , Inc. 920 Disc Dri ve, Scott s Val ley, CA 95066, US A Publi cation Nu mbe r: 363 42-10 1, Novem ber 1 995, Printed in USA.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Seagate 851SL è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Seagate 851SL - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Seagate 851SL imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Seagate 851SL ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Seagate 851SL, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Seagate 851SL.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Seagate 851SL. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Seagate 851SL insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.