Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VPC-CA9GX del fabbricante Sanyo
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VPC-CA9EX VPC-CA9 VPC-CA9GX INSTRUC TION MANUAL Dual Camera Please r ead these instru ctions caref ully before usi ng the ca mera. Make sure to read a nd under stand th e separate booklet “SAFET Y MANUAL ”. K eep this manual i n a safe pla ce for later referen ce.
i English War n i ng TO PREVENT THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NO T EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE T O RAIN OR MOISTURE. FOR AMERICAN USE RS The following advisor y is included in accordance with th e .
English ii FOR CANADIAN USERS i This Class B digital app aratus complies with Canadian ICES-003. FOR EU USERS The sym bol mar k and recycli ng system s describe d below ap ply to EU countr ies and do not ap ply to co untri es in other areas of the wor ld.
iii English HO W T O READ THIS M ANU A L For f irst -time users Please read the s ections on “ SETUP” and “SIMPLE” in this manual, as well as the included “QUICK G UIDE” to familiarize you r self with your camera’s operation.
English iv SHOO T , PLA Y B A CK A ND SA VE Install the batt ery pack and card 1 Insert the battery pack . 2 Insert the SD Memor y Card. h An SD Memor y Car d is not included with your cam era. Please purchase a commercially s old card. h In this manual, the SD Memo ry Car d is referred to as the “card”.
v English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE Shooting k Video clip recording 1 Open t he monitor u nit, and press the ON /OFF bu tton for at least 1 sec ond. h The cam era tur ns on. h If the scr een to s et t he date and ti me appea rs, press the MENU button 2 time s to ca ncel it.
English vi Before capturing t hose impor tant s hots, be sure to first take a test shot to c onfir m that your camera i s set up and r eady to go i Sanyo declines any claim for com pensation for recor ded conten ts etc. in case of pho tographing or record ing failure d ue to a chanc e camera or card flaw .
vii English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE 3 Press the SET button. <Video clip playback> h Playback begins. <T o retu rn to the reco rdin g mode> h Press t he REC/P LA Y button. When you are finished usin g the camer a... Press the ON/OFF button for at le ast 1 seco nd to t urn the camera of f.
English viii Burn your recorded video c lips onto a D VD (Wind ows Vi sta) Using t he supplie d CD-ROM (Xac ti Softwa re CD), you can s tore your captu red image s on a DVD. Detailed informa tion abou t the Xact i Softw are CD can be found on pag e 4 in t he Xacti S oftwar e CD INSTRUCTION MANU AL.
ix English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE Copy data fr om your camera to the computer Conn ect your camera to a compu ter, and copy the desire d data to t he compute r . 1 Turn on the com puter , and use th e supplie d dedica ted US B interfac e cabl e to co nnect y our cam era to the com puter .
English x 3 Sel ect “COMPUTE R”, and pre s s th e SET butt on. h The sc reen to sele ct the co mputer connecti on mode appears. 4 Select “CARD READER”, and press the SET button.
xi English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE Burn video clips ont o a D VD (For Windo ws Vista users) Here ’ s how to write your recor ded data onto a DVD in the mpe g2 format. For informati on on o ther opera tions, please see the Help file for T otalMed ia Extreme.
English xii 3 Click the [ Create vi deo] icon. h The “C reate D VD” w indow appe ars. 4 Click the [V ideo] butt on in the “Insert” field. h The screen to s elect the video clip file to write to a D VD appears. h Click the file you wish to write to a D VD .
xiii English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE 5 Clic k on t he [Op en] button . h The file(s) select ed in step 4 and the DVD file capacity appea r in the “Create D VD” window .
English xiv 6 Click the [ Design ] tab. h The wi ndow appear s to desig n the title menu f or when t he D VD is played back. h Select th e desired design.
xv English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE 7 Click the [Pre view/Pr oduce] ta b. h A war ning re gardin g the imag e qualit y of the preview image a ppears. 8 Click the [OK] button. h The scr een to beg in burni ng to disk a ppears. 9 Double -click the [Bu rn] bu tton.
English xvi 10 Click the [Y es] but ton. h Enter a name for t he project file. 11 Click the [Save] bu tton. h The “B urn disk” wi ndow ap pears. 12 Click the [OK ] butt on. h Bur ning beg ins. h Depen ding on your c omputer’s capacity , it may take some time t o burn a lar ge fil e.
xvii Engl ish SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE 13 Click the [OK] but ton. 14 Click the [×] butt on to clos e the “Creat e DVD” win dow. h The T otalMedi a Extrem e top page appears. 15 Click the [×] butt on to c lose the startu p pag e. h T ot alMedia Extreme is e xited.
English xviii CA UTIO N Does t he windo w reques ting conf irmatio n to en able the M PEG-2 Code c appear ? When usin g T otal Media Ext reme for the first time, a w indow reques ting you to confir m activati on of the M PEG-2 C odec app ears dur ing th e procedu re.
xix English SHOO T , PLA Y B A C K AND SA VE Europ e T el : +353 (0) 61-7 02087 Web: ppor t Email S uppor t: eurosuppo rt @arcsoft .
English xx How was that? T he convenient accessor ies n ot only let you immediat ely view image s captured with the camera, but you can also up load images to your compute r and c reate your or iginal D VDs. Re ad the f ol lowing explanati ons to find out ho w yo u can fu lly enj oy y our cam era’ s digi tal vid eo f eature .
xxi English This c amera c omplie s with JIS I PX8 (forme rly JIS p rotection gr ade 8) waterp roof standard a nd can be used in water . Note, h owever , that failing to heed the followin g precautio ns may result in dam age or injur y that is not cover ed by the war ranty .
English xxii NO TE k Storing and maintaining y our camera i Do not leave the camera unwa shed after it has b een immersed in s alt water or if salt water is ad hering to it. Doing so may cause corros ion and disc oloration of the pl ating, as we ll as dete riorati on of the camera’s waterp roof capability .
1 English CON TENTS QUICK SE ARCH BY OPER ATION ........... ........... ................ ............... ... 6 CHECKI NG THE INCLUDED ACCESSORIES .... ................ .......... ...... 11 How to use th e accessorie s .......... ................ .....
English 2 SIMPLE SHOOTING BEFORE T AKING PICTURE S ... .......... ................ ................ .......... ......53 For be st results ......... ........... ................ .......... ................ ............... .53 Using the aut ofocus .
3 English CONTENTS NORMAL SHOOTING RECORDING MENU 1 ............... .......... ................ ................ .......... ...... 80 Video sett ing ............ ................ .......... ................ ........... ............... . 80 Still image setting .
English 4 OPTION SETTINGS DISPLAY THE OPTION SETTING ME NU ........... ........... ............... ....116 INTRODUCTIO N TO THE OPTI ON SETTING MENU .... ............... ....117 Setting up the sh ortcuts ....... ................ .......... .......
5 English CONTENTS APPENDICES COMMONLY ASKED QUESTION S .......... ................ ........... .............. 143 TROUBL ESHOOTING .... ................ ................ .......... ................ ......... 150 Camera .... ................ .....
English 6 QUICK SEARCH BY OPERA TION Y our ca mera has a n abundance o f conv enient features and f unctions. From creating precisel y the pho to you want, to viewing image s using var ious techni ques, you can locate the exact ope ration for your pur po ses in the follo wing t able .
7 English QUICK SEARCH BY OPE RA TION Shoo t in dark cond ition s • “Ex posure compen satio n” on pa ge 94 • “U sing the fl ash” on pages 4 2, 46 a nd 62 • “Sc ene sel ect s etting ”.
English 8 Playback Basi c operati on Convenient func tion s Add itional f unctions Getti ng started viewing im ages • “PLA YING BACK VIDEO CLIPS AND S TILL IMAGE S” on page 69 Adjust th e speak .
9 English QUICK SEARCH BY OPE RA TION File managin g/processing Basic o peration Conv enient func tions Ad ditional funct ions Search for imag e/audio file s • “Multi-image display” on page 77 �.
English 10 Using wi th a comp uter Basi c operati on Convenient func tion s Add itional f unctions Use t he came ra as a c ard reader • “SETTING THE CONNECTI ON MODE” on page 9 in th e Xacti Sof.
11 English CHECKING THE INCLUDED A CCESSORIES i Hand strap a nd sof t case (page s 13 and 14): 1 set i Xacti Software CD (CD-ROM) (page 4 in the Xac ti Soft ware CD INSTRUCTION MANU AL): 1 i Li-i on b.
English 12 i QUICK GUIDE i SAFETY MANU AL (safety pr ecautio ns bookle t) Please read t his bookle t carefu lly before usin g the camera..
13 English CHECKING THE INCLUDE D A CCESSORIES How to use the access ories k Handstrap.
English 14 k Soft cas e.
15 English CHECKING THE INCLUDE D A CCESSORIES Media cards that can be u sed with th is camera The typ es of card that can be inser ted into and used wit h this cam era are: i SD Memo r y Car d i SDHC.
English 16 SPECIAL FEA TURES Y our dual camera can not only record video clips, you can also ta ke still photos and make audio recordings. For e xamp le, you can snap a still image while re cording a video cl ip, or make just an audio r ecording.
17 English SPECIA L FEA T U RES Movable mo nito r for a ny sh oot ing ang le The movable moni tor lets you shoot from any angle. Ho ld the ca mera high t o get a gre at view of a p arade, or swivel the m onitor aro und to snap a ph oto of you rs elf.
English 18 Capture still shots while recording a video c lip (page 64) Suppo se that wh ile you’ re record ing a vide o clip, there’ s a scene you’ d l ike to keep as a still photo. Y our camera makes it possible to recor d the still photo wit hout i nterrup ting the video cl ip recor ding.
19 English SPECIA L FEA T U RES Lots of accessories f or optimal use of your captu red images ( page 20) Use th e accessor y cables to v iew images on a TV or computer.
English 20 SYSTEM MAP Y ou can conne ct the camera to v a rious devices to expand its capabilitie s. Dedicated USB interface ca ble Dedicated A V interface ca ble Com puter Printer TV DC adaptor (Opti.
21 English SETUP SETUP P ARTS NAMES Front There are pla ces in the ca mera whe re water migh t accumula te, but this w ill not affect it s waterpr oof prop er ties.
English 22 SETUP Rear Multi-indicator [ ] button [ ] button MENU button Monito r SET button Batter y/card compar tm ent cov er T r ipod sta nd hole [W/ P ] button [ G ] button [T/ ] ] button [ H ] but.
23 English CHARGING THE BA TTER Y P A CK Please charge the supplied batter y pa ck before using it. 1 Inse rt the ba ttery pa ck in the batter y charg e r. h Inse r t it in the dir ection indicat ed by the [ o ] mark on the battery pa ck . 2 Conne ct the s upplied power cord to the socket o n the batte ry pa ck char ger.
English 24 SETUP Recharging the batter y pack Be sur e to fully char ge the sup plied or se parately sold b atter y pack before using it in your cam era.
25 English INST A LLING THE B A TTER Y P A CK AND CARD Make sure th at the batter y pack and the card orie ntation are corre ct. Install t he batter y pack 1 Open th e batter y/card compar tment cove r. h While g ently pre ssing th e lev e r , open th e batter y/ca rd compar tm ent cover .
English 26 SETUP <T o re move th e battery p ack. . .> h Press th e latch secur ing the ba tter y pack, and remove the batter y pack. 3 Close the batt ery/car d compar tment cove r. h Press the P USH LOCK p ar t to close the c over securely . h At the time of purchase th e batt ery pack is not c harged.
27 English INST ALLING THE BA TTER Y P A CK AND CARD CAUT IO N Clos e the ba tter y/card co mpar tment cover secu rely i If the ba tter y/card c ompar tm ent cover is not closed or is not clo sed completely , the camera will no lon ger be waterp roof.
English 28 SETUP Install the c ard The car d can be u sed afte r it has be en formatte d with th e came ra (page 1 31). 1 Op en the bat tery/ca rd compa rtment cover. 2 Insert the card. h Fir mly inser t the card un til it clicks into place. 3 Close the batte ry/card c ompar tment c over.
29 English INST ALLING THE BA TTER Y P A CK AND CARD CAUT IO N Do not attemp t to forcibly remove the card i Nev er r emov e t he card when the multi-indi cator is flashing red.
English 30 SETUP TURNING THE CAMERA ON AND OFF T urning on the camera 1 Open the monit or unit, a nd pre ss the ON/O FF butt on for at leas t 1 second. h If you press the R EC/PLA Y button for at le ast 1 sec ond, the c amera t urns on in the playback mode.
31 English TURNING THE CAMERA ON A ND OFF T urning off the camera 1 Press t he ON/O FF button f or at le ast 1 sec ond. h The ca mera turns o ff . h T o turn off the camera while it is in the reco rding mod e or power save mode, pre ss the ON /OFF button for at least 1 se cond.
English 32 SETUP D A T E AND TIME SETTING The camera will record the date and time an image or audio r ecording is taken so t hat you can disp lay them dur ing playback. The refore, before captur ing images, m ake sure the co rrect d ate and tim e are set.
33 English D A TE AND TIME SETTING 2 Set t he da te. 1 Select “DA TE”. 2 Press the SET button. h The Se t Date Sc reen appears. 3 Set the date to “2 009/12 /24”. h The date is set in the following order : Set the year → Set th e month → Set the day .
English 34 SETUP 4 Set the ord er in which the dat e is displa yed dur ing pla yback. 1 Select “DISP”. 2 Press the SET button. h The Set Date Form at Scree n appears.
35 English SWIT CHING BE TWEEN T HE REC ORDING MODE AN D PLA Y B A CK M ODE Switch between the recor ding mod e (f o r shooting ) and the playback mode (for viewing your recorded images ). 1 Turn on the came ra (page 30 ). 1031 00:55:58 9 M - S HD-SHQ 100-0006 10.
English 36 SETUP SWITCHING THE OPERA TING MODE The “S IMPLE mode ” comprise s only tho se funct ions that are mos t often used and nece ssar y to ope rate the camera, whi le the “N ORMAL mode” en ables full use of all th e camera’s many function s.
37 English SWITCHING THE OPERA T I NG MODE Acces sing/exiting the SIMPLE /NORMAL Mode Men u Screen 1 Set t he came ra to t he reco rding or playbac k mode (page 3 5). 2 Select the desi red operat ing mode (p age 36). 3 If the M enu Screen is not displa yed, press the MEN U but ton.
English 38 SETUP Using the SIMPLE Mode Menu 4 Press the [T/ ] ] or [W / P ] butt on to s elect the item you wish to chang e, and p ress th e SET button.
39 English SWITCHING THE OPERA T I NG MODE Using the NORMAL Mode M enu 4 Pres s the [T/ ] ] o r [W/ P ] butto n to select a ta b. h The Me nu Screen for the select ed tab appears.
English 40 SETUP 6 Press the [T/ ] ] or [W / P ] butt on to s elect the item you wish to chang e, and p ress th e SET button. h The S etting Scr een for the s elected item appea rs.
41 English SWITCHING THE OPERA T I NG MODE Overview of the SIMPLE M ode Setting Screen SIMPLE Mode Recording Me nu S N 1 5 2 3 4 Select video and photo size EXIT OK.
English 42 SETUP 1 Reco rding s ize (pa g e 5 6) h Select the vid eo clip size to record, and th e still image size to shoot. 2 Focus r ange (page 5 7) h Select th e focus range t hat correspo nds to t he distance to the subject . 3 Flash ( page 62 ) h Specify how the flash will operat e.
43 English SWITCHING THE OPERA T I NG MODE SIMPLE Mode Playba ck Menu 3 5 2 1 4 Start slideshow OK.
English 44 SETUP 1 Slidesh ow (page 72) h Spec ify the s lidesh ow set t ing s and pl a y the sli deshow . 2 Playback volume (pag e 73) h Adjust th e volume for video clip and audio f ile playback. 3 Delete (page 7 4) h Delete files. 4 (page 3 6) h Set to the NORM AL mode.
45 English SWITCHING THE OPERA T I NG MODE Over view of the N ORMAL Mode Setting S creen NORMAL Mode Recording Menu <T ab 1> 3 2 1 2 3 1 HD-SHQ 9 M - S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RECORDING MENU1 VIDEO PHOTO .
English 46 SETUP 1 Video clip setti ngs (pag e 80) <HD mode> <SD mode> 2 Still im age settin gs (pag e 83) 3 Scene select (p age 84) 4 Filt er (pa ge 84) 5 Flash 6 Self-t imer (pag e 85) 7 Remaining batter y power (page 1 34) & : R ecord at 12 80 × 720 pixels, 30 fps (3 0p).
English 48 SETUP 1 Video s tabil izer (p age 86) h Compensa te f o r camera shake duri ng video cl ip record ing. 2 Focus r ange (page 8 7) h Select th e focus range t hat correspo nds to t he distance to the subject .
English 50 SETUP 1 White bal ance (page 90 ) 2 Exposur e (page 91) 3 Face chaser (page 9 2) 4 High sensit ivity mod e (page 9 3) 5 Digital zoom 6 Remaining batter y power indicat ion ( page 134 ) > : White b alan ce is automa tically adjusted depend ing on the ambien t lightin g (auto ).
51 English SWITCHING THE OPERA T I NG MODE NORMAL Mode Play back Men u <T ab 1> 1 Slideshow ( page 96 ) h Specify th e slideshow sett ings and pl a y the sli deshow . 2 Playback volume (page 73 ) h Adjust th e volume for video clip and audio fil es pla yback.
English 52 SETUP <T ab 2> 1 Edit ph oto (page 100) h Repair the “red- eye” caused by the flash , reduce th e blur from cam era shake, or enhance the contrast (still imag es only) . 2 Video clip ed it (pag e 101) h Edit video clips . 3 Printing instru ctions (page 1 12) h Spec ify the pri nting instruct ions (DPOF settings).
53 English SIMPL E SHOO TING SIMPLE/SHOOT ING BEFORE T A KING PICTURES For best results Hold th e camera se curely , keeping your elbows clo se to your body and making sure the camera is sta ble . Make sure th at the lens and fl ash are not blocked by your finger s or the hands trap .
English 54 SIMPLE /SHOO TING Using the autof ocus The autofocus will work in alm ost all situations; howev er, there are cer tain conditi ons that may cause the autofocus fu nction to not wor k pro perly . If the autofocus functio n is not working proper ly , set the f oc us range to capture image s (page 5 7).
55 English BEFORE T AKING PICTURES The following exampl es are so me of the situati ons where t he aut ofocus funct ion may wo rk, but not as desired. i When both nea r and f ar obje cts are pres ent .
English 56 SIMPLE /SHOO TING Select the reco rd ing size The larger the image size (number of pixels), the better th e image quality will be, but the file size will also be larger.
57 English BEFORE T AKING PICTURES Select the focus settin g Selec t the f ocus r ange corr espond ing to th e distan ce betw een the ca mera and th e subjec t. 1 Disp lay the S IMPLE M ode R ecording Menu (p age 37) , selec t the focu s setti ng, and pr ess the SET but ton.
English 58 SIMPLE /SHOO TING Hints for ta king pictures Mutin g the oper ation soun ds i The aud io guida nce that so unds wh en you operate t he camera c an be muted (pa ge 118).
59 English VIDEO CLIP RECORDING 1 Turn on the came ra (pag e 3 0), and se t it to the recordin g mode (page 35 ). 2 Press th e [ ] butt on. h Recordi ng begins.
English 60 SIMPLE /SHOO TING SHOO TING SINGLE SHO TS Capture a still image (single-sh ot). 1 Tur n on the cam era (page 30 ), and se t it to t he reco rding mode (page 3 5). 2 Press the [ ] butt on. 1 Press the [ ] but ton halfw ay . h The auto focus operates, and the i mage is focused (focus lock).
61 English SHOO TING SIN GLE SHO TS HINT Adjust ing the monitor brig htness i While the Re cording Screen is active, yo u can qu ic kly acce ss the screen for adjusting the br ightness of the monitor (page 1 20) by pressi ng the MENU b utto n for at least 1 s econd.
English 62 SIMPLE /SHOO TING Using the flash The flash is not o nly used for photographin g under d ark condition s, but is also convenient for e xam ple when the subject is in shad ow or lit fro m behind. T he flash is availab l e only w hen shoo ting single -shot sti ll images.
63 English SHOO TING SIN GLE SHO TS CAUT IO N Do not touch th e fla sh unit when shoo ting i The fl ash unit becomes v er y hot and m ay ca use a bu r n. A voi d touchi ng the flas h unit whe n shoot ing. HINT i The flash works only when shooting sin gle-shot still images.
English 64 SIMPLE /SHOO TING SHOO T A STILL IMA GE WHILE RECORDING A VIDEO CLIP Y ou can capture a still im age (a single-shot) while recording a video clip. 1 Tur n on the cam era (pag e 3 0), and set it to th e recordin g mode (page 35 ). 2 Press the [ ] but ton.
65 English SHOO T A STILL IM A GE WHILE RECORDING A VIDEO CLIP HINT i When shooting a still image while recording a video clip, the flash does not operat e. i When the rem aining video recording tim e becomes approximately 50 seconds, it will no longer be possible to capture a still image wh ile recording a video clip.
English 66 SIMPLE /SHOO TING MA CRO- PHO T OGRAPHY (ZOOM) Y our ca mera has two zoom functions: optical zoom and dig ital zoom. 1 Point the camera lens at the subje ct. 2 Press the [T/ ] ] or [W/ P ] butto n to co mpos e the d esire d imag e. [T/ ] ]: Zoom i n on the su bject.
67 English AFTER USING THE CAMERA IN W A TER After usi ng the cam era in w ater , wash it wi th fresh wate r and dry it complete ly . 1 Turn off the ca mera, an d close th e batt ery/car d compart ment co ver secu rel y. 2 Wash the cam era wit h fresh water.
English 68 SIMPLE /SHOO TING 4 Dry the camera. h Use a dry cloth to wipe off an y drops adhering to the cam era, and lea ve it to dry compl etely in a well-v entilated pl ace awa y from di rect sunlight. h W ater ma y seep out fro m the draina ge holes if th e camera is not comp letely dry in side.
69 English PLA YBACK SIMPL E/PLA YBAC K PLA YING B A CK VIDEO CLIPS AND STILL IMA G ES 1 Set th e camera t o the play back mode (pa ge 35) . 2 Pres s the [ G ] or [ H ] butto n to dis play the image you wish to play back. 100-0006 10.2MB 00:00:08 HD-SHQ OK SET button REC /PLA Y button Arrow but tons Orange fram e 3 Press the SET button.
English 70 SIMPLE/P LA YB AC K HINT If the a icon appea rs on the Playback Screen... i The a icon appears whe n playing back a file that was sav e d in segmen ts (page 8 1). Al though playback of these mul tiple files i s conti nuous, there is a slight pause at the poin t where the files are join ed.
71 English PLA YING B ACK VIDEO CLIPS AND STILL IMA GES How to save one f rame from a vid eo clip as a still image 1 Play b ack the vi deo cli p. Pause the playb ack at th e point you wish to “snap” a photo. 2 Pres s the [ ] button . h The currently d isplay ed frame is sav e d as a still image.
English 72 SIMPLE/P LA YB AC K SLIDESHO W PLA Y B A CK Y ou can play back files in s uccession wi th the “sli deshow playback” feature. 1 Display th e SIMPLE Mode Play back Me nu (page 3 7), selec t the sli deshow setting , and pr ess the SET butt on.
73 English PLA YB A CK V OLUME Adjust t he playback volume for video clips and audio fi les. 1 Disp lay the S IMPLE M ode Playb ack Men u (page 37 ), sele ct the p layba ck volu me set ting, an d press t he SET bu tton. h The volum e control b ar appea rs.
English 74 SIMPLE/P LA YB AC K DELETING FILES Y ou can delete fi les if you no l onger ne ed them. Y ou can delete single file s, selected files or all t he files at one time. Delete single/delete all 1 Display th e SIMPLE Mode Play back Me nu (page 3 7), selec t the de lete s etting, and pr ess the SET button .
75 English DELETING FILES 3 Select “DELET E”, and press the SET bu tton. <DELETE SINGLE> h The cu rrently displa yed file is delete d. h T o delete o ther file s, select the fi les, select “D ELETE” and press the SET bu t ton. <DELETE ALL> h The Del ete Co nfirm ation Sc reen ag ain app ears.
English 76 SIMPLE/P LA YB AC K 4 Pre ss the SET bu tton. h The sele cted fil e is mar ked with t he dele te icon [ ]. h Up to 100 files can be selected. h T o ca ncel a d elete selecti on and remove the delete icon fro m a file, move the orange frame to the mar ked file and press the SET button .
77 English PLA YB A CK MOD ES Multi-im age display 1 Displ ay the im age you wish to play ba ck. 2 Pres s the [W / P ] button . h The 21 -image display appear s.
English 78 SIMPLE/P LA YB AC K Selecting the playbac k folder If the car d conta ins multiple folders, you can select from whi ch folder you would li ke to play back. 1 Display th e Playback Scree n. 2 Press the [W/ P ] bu tton 2 times . h The sc reen to sele ct the pl aybac k folder appe ars.
79 English PLA YB ACK MODES Magnifying (zooming in) the image 1 Disp lay the i mage th at you want to magnif y. 2 Push the [T / ] ] button . h Magnification is enabled. h The i mage is ma gnifi ed, and th e cent ral portion of image i s displayed. T o magnif y: Magni ficatio n incre ases each tim e the [T/ ] ] button is presse d.
English 80 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G NORMAL SHOO TING NORMAL/SHOOTING RECORDING MENU 1 Video setting Y ou can record vid eo clips in either the HD m ode (16:9 hori zontal to ver tical aspec t ratio) or th e SD mode ( 4:3 aspe ct ratio). In addition , the highe r the frame rate number, the smoother playback will be.
81 English RECORDING MENU 1 2 Press th e [ ] butt on. h Audio rec ording beg ins. Dur ing recording, < appe ars in th e monitor. It is not ne cessar y to continue pr essing t he [ ] button while recording. 3 End the recording. h Press t he [ ] button agai n to stop reco rding.
English 82 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G A udio playbac k 1 Display th e desire d audio file. 2 P lay back th e record ing. CA UTIO N If no a udio is he ard... i The aud io is not played back when th e audio recordi ng is played back in the fast playbac k or fast re verse mode.
83 English RECORDING MENU 1 Still im age setting For still images, you can select either the 4:3 or 16:9 hor izontal to vertical aspe ct ratio. This menu is also used for shooting sequenti al shot s. Sequential shots 1 Select v or t , and pr ess t he SET b utton.
English 84 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G Scene select se tting Y ou can se lect from variou s preset setti ngs (aper tu re, shutter spee d, etc.) for specific shoo ting conditio ns. HINT i T o r eturn to nor mal photograp hy , select = fr om the sce ne select menu, and pre ss the SET button.
85 English RECORDING MENU 1 Self-time r setting By assign ing an operatio n shor tcut to an arr ow button (pages 120 and 1 23), you can set th e self-t imer from the Reco rding Scr een.
English 86 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G RECORDING MENU 2 Vide o stabil izer set tin g Y our ca mera can m inimize a ji ttery picture by compensati ng for unintent ional hand mo tion du ring video clip recordi ng. HINT If the moti on compensat ion does not s eem to be w orking .
87 English RECORDING MENU 2 Focus range setting How to use the manual f ocu s 1 Select - , and pr ess the S ET button. h The focus distance adjustment bar app ears. 2 Pres s the [ G ] or [ H ] button to adjus t the fo cus dist ance , and press t he SET bu tton.
English 88 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G Focus mode setting When the spot fo cus setting is selecte d, the focus mar k + app ears in the center of the m onitor. Light-measuring mode setting When spot light -measur ing is se lected, the lig ht-measur ing spot mar k appear s in the c enter of the mon itor.
89 English RECORDING MENU 2 ISO sensit ivity setting With th e initial setting s, the ISO sensit ivity is automatica lly set acco rding to the br ightne ss of the su bject.
English 90 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G RECORDING MENU 3 White bal ance set ting This c amera auto matically adjusts th e white b alance u nder most lighti ng condit ions. Howev er, if you want to speci fy the lighti ng conditio ns or c hange the overall tone of the image, the w hite bal ance can b e manual ly set.
91 English RECORDING MENU 3 Exposure setting The shu tter speed and a per ture size can be set in dividual ly . 1 Select the desir ed icon f rom the exposu re menu, and pr ess the SET butto n. <If T , g or , was select ed> 1 Press the [W / P ] or [T/ ] ] bu tto n to sele ct aperture v alue or shutte r speed.
English 92 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G Face chaser setting As you record, the face chaser d etects the s ubject’s f ace, a nd adjusts th e bright ness and focus in a wa y that produc es a cl ear an d bright photo of the subject’s face. HINT When th e face ch aser is s et to ON.
93 English RECORDING MENU 3 High sen sitivity mod e setting When you shoot in the high se nsitivity mode, the ca ptured image app ears even brighte r than tha t specified by the ISO se nsitivity and exposure compen sation setting s.
English 94 NORM AL/S HOO TIN G Exposure compensation By assigning the exposure compensation oper ati on shor tcut to an arrow button (pages 120 an d 123) , you can mak e the i mage lighter or darker when capturing images. 1 A ssign the op eration shor tcut t o the SET button (page s 120 and 123) .
95 English RECORDING MENU 3 HINT The exp osure c ompen sation s etting i s can celed in the followi ng cases : i When the pointer is set to the center position. i When the camera is set to the playbac k mode. i After the power is turned off. i When the camera is set to the standby mode .
English 96 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK PLA YBA CK NORMAL/PLA YBACK PLA YB A CK M ENU 1 Slideshow s ettings Specify the setting s for playing back files continuousl y in a “s lideshow” forma t. In a slideshow of still images, you can set th e transition time, transition e ff e cts and BGM.
97 English PLA YB ACK MENU 1 File protect s etting Prevent accidental erasure o f image an d audio files. Pr otec t files on e by on e 1 Disp lay the file that you want to prot ect fro m accid ental er asure, and displa y the NORMA L Mode Playba ck Me nu (pag e 37).
English 98 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK HINT T o selec t a di fferent i mage in st ep 3... i Press the [ G ] or [ H ] button. T o canc el the protect mo de for a f ile... i Displ ay the de sired fi le and r epeat steps 1 to 4 . The protec t mark B will disapp ear and t he pro tect mode is canc eled.
99 English PLA YB ACK MENU 1 Protect select ed files Select multiple files to p rotect. 1 Displ ay the NORMAL Mo de Playback Menu (pag e 37). 2 Sele ct “PR OTECT ” and press t he S ET butto n. 3 Select “PROTECT SELECTE D” and pr ess the SET b utton.
English 100 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK PLA YB A CK M ENU 2 Cor rec tin g the i mage Repair the re d-ey e effect in still images to ma ke the ey es a ppear more natural, enh ance the contrast, or co rrect a blurr y image du e to camera shake.
101 English PLA YB ACK MENU 2 Editing video c li ps Y ou ca n trim away unwanted por tions from a video clip and sav e it as a new video clip ( video clip cutt ing [extract ing]). Y ou can also join video clips togethe r and sav e them as o ne sep arate clip (“j oining ”).
English 102 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK Pro c edure to join video c lips Specif y the vi deo clip that will co me first. J J Join th e vide o clips. Specify t he video clip that you wis h to appe nd (joi n). i The vide o clips ar e joined . i The original video c l ips ar e not affected.
103 English PLA YB ACK MENU 2 CAUT IO N Caution w hen editing v ideo clips i When editin g video clips, do not press the REC/ PLA Y b u tton. If you press the REC/PLA Y button while editing video clips, not only will the ed iting not be prop erly completed, but the ori ginal video clip m ay also be eras ed.
English 104 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK Video clip c utting (extra cting) 1 Display the v ideo clip from wh ich you wish to ext ract a s egment . 2 Display the NORMAL Mode Play back Me nu (page 3 7), selec t “EDIT V IDEO”, and press th e SET butto n. 3 S e le ct “CU T” and pres s the SET butto n.
105 English PLA YB ACK MENU 2 4 Speci fy the st art p oint of th e extract . h Use th e procedu re below to specify th e frame fro m which the vide o clip extract wil l star t.
English 106 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK 5 Press the [T/ ] ] butt on. h The star t point of the vide o clip extract is set, a nd the scre en to specify the end p oint appear s. h Specify t he end point of th e extract by following the sam e procedu re as in step 4 .
107 English PLA YB ACK MENU 2 6 Pres s the [ O / ] bu tton. h A scree n appear s for you to select eith er to save the edited video clip as a new (separate) file, or to de lete the or iginal vi deo clip and replace it with the edited vide o clip . SA VE AS NEW: The edited video clip will be saved as a new file.
English 108 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK 7 Select the desired opti on, and press the SET button . h Editin g star ts. h When e diting en ds, you are retur ned t o the NORM AL Mod e Playback Menu. HINT i Y ou will not be able to overwrite the file if the original file is protected.
109 English PLA YB ACK MENU 2 Joining video clips CAUT IO N i Video cli ps that wer e photograph ed in dif ferent modes can not be joined. 1 Display the NO RMAL Mode Playb ack Men u (page 37 ), sele ct “EDI T VIDEO”, and pres s the SE T button. 2 Select “JO IN” and pres s the SET button.
English 110 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK 4 Press the [ O / ] button . h A scree n appear s for you to select eithe r to save the joined video clip as a n ew (separate) file, or to de lete the or iginal video clips an d repla ce them wi th the joined video clip. SA VE AS NEW: The joined video clip will be saved as a new file.
111 English PLA YB ACK MENU 2 HINT i If the file size of the video clip afte r editing exceeds 4 G B, it is not possible to either “SA VE AS NEW” or “O V ERWRITE”. i Y ou will not be able to ov erwrite th e file if the o riginal file is p rotected.
English 112 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK NORMAL/PLA YBACK Printing instructions In addition to using your printer to print out still im ages captured with your camer a, as w ith conv enti onal fi lm, yo u can ha ve prin ts made at shops offeri ng digital print ser vices.
113 English PLA YB A CK M ENU 2 Specifying date imprinting and print quantities Y ou ca n specify pr inting instructi ons for each ind ividual ima ge (EACH IMAGE), or ap ply the printi ng instr uctions to all the images (A LL IMAGES). 1 Displ ay the Pri nting In structi ons Screen (p age 112).
English 114 NORMAL/PLA YB ACK 4 Specify wh ether the date is displa yed on the pri nt, and the number of prints. <Spec ify th e numbe r of prin ts> h Press the [ T/ ] ] or [W/ P ] button. h The quanti ty indicat ion changes. h Display the d esired numbe r of prin ts.
115 English FILE INFO D ISPLA Y On the I nformati on Scree n you can check wh at the sett ings were w hen a f ile was recorded with your came ra. 1 Disp lay the d esired file on the came ra moni tor. 2 Pres s the MEN U button for at lea st 1 secon d. h The Infor matio n Screen appear s.
English 116 OPTION SETTI NGS OPTION SETTINGS OPTION SETTINGS DISPLA Y THE OPTION SETTING MENU The cam era settings a re executed via the Option Se tting Menu. 1 Set the op erating mode to the NORMAL mode (page 3 6). 2 Press the MENU bu tton to disp lay the M enu Sc reen.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 118 1 CLOCK SET setting (page 32) h Set the camera’ s clock. 2 INFO DISPL A Y s etting h Specify the information to display on the playback screen. SHO W ALL: Display the captu re date and pla ybac k time (v ideo cl ips). DA TE & TI ME: Displ ay the ca pture da te.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 120 1 SHORT CUTS setting (page 1 23) 2 NOISE REDUCTION setting h Compa red to nor mal shoot ing, when the PHOTO NR function is ON, th e image processing time after sho oting a still image is slightly longer. VIDEO NR: T ur n ON/OF F the image noise red uction funct ion during video cli p record ing.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 122 1 PO WER SA VE setting (page 3 0) h Spec ify the el apsed pe riod of inactivity before th e power save mode (to conserve batter y power) is acti v ated. 2 FILE NO. CONT’D setting (page 1 29) 3 FORMA T (page 1 31) 4 RESET SET TINGS h Reset the c amera se ttings to the factor y-preset se ttings.
123 English INTRODUCTION T O THE OPTION SETTING MENU Setting up the shortcuts Assign f unctions (operation s hor tcuts) to the [ G ] an d [ H ] bu ttons when t hey are pre ssed whe n the R ecording S creen i s displayed. 1 Disp lay the O ption Settin g Menu [2] (pa ge 11 6).
OPTION SETTI NGS English 124 4 Press the [T/ ] ] or [W/ P ] bu tton. h Select th e funct ion you wish to assign t o the button. 5 Pre ss the SET bu tton. h The sele cted functi on is assi gned to the button, a nd you are retur ned to the Sh or tcuts Scre en.
125 English INTRODUCTION T O THE OPTION SETTING MENU TV output setting Specify the type of image s ignal tha t is outp ut from your c amera’s USB/A V termi nal. 1 Selec t “TV OUTPUT” , and pres s the SET but ton. TV SYSTEM: Set th e type of T V signal th at is output from the US B/A V te rmina l.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 126 2 Select the desired sett ing, and press the SET button . h The scre en to c hange the parameter for the select ed settin g appear s. <If “TV SYSTEM” is selected> NTSC: Outputs NT SC video sig nals. PA L : O utput s P AL vi deo si gnals .
127 English INTRODUCTION T O THE OPTION SETTING MENU Relation between “TV TYPE ” setting and TV display The tables b elow show the vi deo signa l that is output when the “T V TYPE” sett ing is ch anged.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 128 CA UTIO N If the TV display is not cor rect… i If the ap pearance of the i mage on the TV m onitor i s not corre ct, you can either change th e camera’s “TV TYPE” set ting, or change th e screen size setting on your TV .
129 English INTRODUCTION T O THE OPTION SETTING MENU File No. continued setting If a newly formatte d card is us ed, the file nam e (image nu mber) of the capture d image au tomatically be gins from 0 001. If the card is sub sequently reforma tted, or i f a dif f er ent re f orm atted card is u sed, the fil e names again begin from 000 1.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 130 i If Card B already h as files in it when it replaces Card A, file names ar e assigne d as follows. When the hig hest fil e numbe r on Card B (before rep lacing) is lower tha n the h ighes t file number on Ca rd A: the file name o f the next recorde d imag e continues fr om last f ile name recorded on Card A .
131 English INTRODUCTION T O THE OPTION SETTING MENU Formatting (initializing) A card must be f or m atted wi th this ca mera: i After p urchas ing, when used for the fir st time, or i If it was for matted usin g a pe rsonal c omputer o r another digital ca mera.
OPTION SETTI NGS English 132 CHECKING THE REMAINING C ARD MEMOR Y Y ou can check how many ima ges can be captured and how muc h recordin g time is available on the car d. For a table showing the m aximum numbe r of images a nd record ing time for specific card s, please see “ P ossi ble No .
133 English CHECKING THE REM AINING CARD MEMOR Y For audio recordings 1 Set t he ca mera to t he au dio recordin g mode (page 80 ). h The re maining audio r ecordin g time is shown. HINT i When the remai ning numb er of im ages or th e remai ning vid eo record ing time is “0”, you ca nnot cap ture an y more i mages .
OPTION SETTI NGS English 134 CHECKING THE REMAINING B A TTER Y P A CK CHAR GE When using the ba tter y pack, the r emainin g batter y p ack charge can be checked on the mo nitor. Make sure to check this indicator before captur ing an image. For an ind ication o f the possi ble length of t ime for batte ry pa ck operati on, see pa ge 164 .
135 English CHECKING THE REMAI NING B A TTER Y P ACK CHARGE HINT i If any file is pre sent, you can a lso check the remai ning batte ry pack charge on the I nformat ion Scree n (pag e 115). i Batter y li f e may differ ev e n among b atter y packs of th e same typ e.
English 136 CONNECTING T O A TV OTHER DEVICES AND CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO A TV CONNECTING TO A TV CONNECTING T O A TV CA UTIO N Inser t and pull out t he cable c arefully i When c onnecting th e cables, make sure that the c able plugs ar e correctly orient ed and that they matc h the shap es of th e ter minal sockets on the devices.
137 English CONNECTING T O A TV Connecting to a standar d video input terminal HINT Copyin g (dub bing ) image s to a DVD recorder i Please r efer to the section on “ Dubbing” i n the i nstruc tion manu al for your D VD recorder.
CONNECTING T O A TV English 138 Connect to the 480p/720p terminal If your TV has a 480 p/720p inpu t ter minal, you ca n enjoy the hig h video quality of com ponent ou tput fro m your camera. CA UTIO N If your T V does not have 4 80p/720 p vide o inp ut cap ability i The i mages wi ll not app ear on th e TV .
139 English PLA YING B A CK ON A TV i After c onnecting th e camera to the television, switch the TV in put to the ter minal to which the camera is connected . i The playback me thod is the same a s when viewi ng images o n the camera’s monitor (use the TV to adjust th e volume).
English 140 CONNECTING T O A PRINTER CONNECTING TO A PRINTER CONNECTING TO A PRINTER PRINTING Y our came ra suppor t s the PictBr idge function. By conne cting the ca mera direct ly to a Pi ctBrid ge-enabled pr inte r , the camera’s monitor can be use d to select images a nd initiate printing ( PictBridge pr inting).
141 English PRINTING 3 Select “PRINTE R”, and pr ess the SET b utton. 4 The Pi ctBridge p rinting m ode is activ ated. h The cam era switches to the PictBr idge pr inting mode, an d the PictBr idge Me nu appears. 5 Select the desire d type of pr i ntin g, and pres s the SET but t on.
English 142 CONNECTING T O A PRINTER HINT T o canc el print ing 1 Duri ng printing , press the [ W/ P ] but ton. h The conf irm ation scree n to ca ncel pri nting app ears. 2 Select “CANCEL ” and press the SET button. h If “EXIT” is selected a nd the S ET button is pressed , pr inting resum es.
143 English APPENDICES APPENDICES COMMONL Y ASKED QUESTIONS If you have a question a bout th e camera opera tion, you migh t find the a nswer in this compilatio n of comm only asked qu estions. Questio n Answer Action Po w e r Why doesn’t th e power tur n on? Due to cold temperatu res, the batter y pa ck temporarily lost its power .
APPENDICES English 144 Shooti ng Are th e settings retained ev e n after th e camera is turne d off? — All settings except the s elf-timer and the exposure compens ation ar e retained ev e n after the camera is tur ned off . Which r esolution setting sh ould I use? — Sel ect the reso lution setting ac cording to the in tended us e.
145 English COMMONL Y ASKED QUESTIONS Shoo ting What is the diff eren ce betwee n the digi tal zo om and the opt ical zoom? — Becau se shooti ng with the optica l zoom uses t he optics of a physical lens, you can shoot withou t losing minute details in the imag e.
APPENDICES English 146 Moni tor When used in cold weather , why does the image seem to leave trac es as it mov es? Condition due to the monito r char acteris tics. Not a malfunc tion. Spots th at appear in the mon itor on ly appear in the monitor and will no t be rec orded wi th the imag es.
147 English COMMONL Y ASKED QUESTIONS Viewing image s Wh y is ther e no imag e ( z is sho wn)? This may happe n when tr ying to play back images stored on a card from a different digital came ra. Play back images that were reco rded on a ca rd using t his came ra.
APPENDICES English 148 Printing Why does a message appear during PictBridg e print ing? There i s a problem with the prin ter . Please refer to the instru ction manual for your pri nter . Misc. The “C annot edi t video clips with unli ke se tti ngs” message appear s.
149 English COMMONL Y ASKED QUESTIONS Misc. A problem such as inability to record or pl ay back occurs. The card contain s files that were save d usin g a device other than this cam era. After saving your files to a different medium , format the car d.
APPENDICES English 150 TR OUBLESHOO TING Before taking your camera to the repai r shop, check the following table for a possible solu tion to the problem. Camera Pr oblem Cause Acti on Referen ce page Po w e r No power. The batter y pack is dea d. Rechar ge the batter y pa ck, or repla ce with a fully charged batter y pack.
151 English TROUBLESHOO TING Shoo ting An im age is not capt ured when th e [ ] button or [ ] button is pressed. The po wer is not t urned on . If the powe r save function was activated, tur n on the came ra before shooti ng. If the cam era was tur ned off, press the ON/ OFF button to tur n it on.
APPENDICES English 152 Shoo ting The di gital zoom does no t work. The still imag e is s et to I . The di gital zoom setting is set to “O FF”. Set the still image to J or lo wer . Set t he digit al zoom setting to “ON” . 46, 50 A warni ng tone (beep- beep- beep) soun ds, and it is not possible to take a picture usin g the sel f - time r.
153 English TROUBLESHOO TING Viewing image s The im age is too dar k. The flas h was blo cke d by a finge r or ot her object. Hold the camera correctly , an d mak e sure the flash is not obstr ucted. 53 The su bject was too far awa y . Captu re the image in the rang e of operat ion of the flash.
APPENDICES English 154 Viewing images The image is not in focus . The subject is too close to the camera. Capture the image with the subject within the photographab le range. Select the correct f o cus setting for y our needs. 57, 88 The focus setting is not correct.
155 English TROUBLESHOO TING Viewing image s The col ors of the i mages captured indoors are not correct. This is due to ambie nt lighting. Captu re the image using the forced flash mode . 46, 62 The white bala nce setting is incorrect. Set the white bala nce set ting correctly .
APPENDICES English 156 Connecting to a TV No im age or soun d. The camera is not corr ectly connecte d to the TV . Follo w the in stru ction s to mak e the connection correctly . 120, 136 The TV input is not set correctly . Set t he input on the T V to “VID EO” .
157 English TROUBLESHOO TING Misc. The a udio guide d oes not sound. The audio guide setti ng is set to “OFF” . Set the a udio guide setting to “ON”. 118 The re cording capaci ty is less than tha t indica ted in the secti on “Possible N o . of Im ages/ Po s s i b l e Shoot ing Time/ Po s s i b l e Recordin g Tim e” (page 165) .
APPENDICES English 158 Notes re garding the Sce ne Selec t feature an d filters Scene Select Settin g Remarks Spor ts a F o cus range : Fixed at * . Ex posur e: Fix ed at @ . Po r t r a i t > Landscap e + F o cus range : Fixed at * . F ace cha ser: Fixe d at “OFF”.
159 English TROUBLESHOO TING * The shutt er speed d ecreases to 1/15 sec. Filter About the scene select function and f o cus range sett ings i The scen e select fun ction change s to = when t he focus range is set to + or - .
APPENDICES English 160 SPECIFICA TIONS Camera Recorded image file format Still images: JPEG format (DCF , DPOF , Exif 2.2 comp liant) Note: Designe d mainly by the Japan Electr onics and Infor mation .
161 English SPECIFICA T IONS Still image shooting mode (recor ding resolutio n) I : 4000 × 3000 pixels (approx. 12 million pixe ls) J : 3456 × 25 92 pix els (approx. 9 million pixels, low compression) K : 3456 × 25 92 pix els (approx. 9 million pixels, nor mal compression) Q : 3456 × 1944 pixels (approx.
APPENDICES English 162 Range N orma l mode: 50 cm ( 19.69 in.) to infinity Super m acro mode : 1c m ( 0 . 3 9i n . ) t o 80 c m (31.50 in .) (Wide en d only) Digital zoom For shooting: 1 × to approx. 12 × F or pla ybac k: 1 × to 62.5 × ( varies with resolution ) Shutter spee d Still imag e shooting mo de: 1/2 to 1/1,500 sec.
163 English SPECIFICA T IONS Monitor 2.5" (6.4 cm) low-temp erature polys ilicon T FT color liquid cr ystal, approx. 150,000 pixels Flash w orkin g range GN = 3.0 Approx. 10 cm ( 3.94 in.) t o 1.7 m (5 .58 ft. ) (Wide) Approx. 80 cm ( 31.50 in.) to 1.
APPENDICES English 164 Camera connectors Batter y life i Until ba tter y pack run s out wh en using a fully ch arged ba tter y pack at a 25 °C (77 ° F) ambien t temper ature . i The ope ration tim e may vary d ependin g on the c ondition s of the batter y pack and t he condit ions of use.
165 English SPECIFICA T IONS P ossible No. of Images/Possible S hooting T ime/ P ossible Recording Time i If the continuou s recordi ng time of a voice memo exceeds abo ut 13 h ours, the rec orded file is saved once, an d then r ecordin g continu es in a n ew file.
APPENDICES English 166 Concerning the mult i -indicator The camera’ s multi-indicator will light or flash depending on the different camera op erations.
167 English SPECIFICA T IONS Supplied battery pack cha rger i The V PC-CA9GX model is supplied with a power cord tha t is appr opri ate for the regi on of dest inatio n. i When u sing the supp lied batt er y pack charger abroad, th e power cord m ay need to be re placed in accordanc e with l ocal requ iremen ts.
APPENDICES English 168 Other s Mac OS and QuickTim e are trad emarks of Apple I nc., regi stered in th e U.S. and other c ountrie s. Micro soft and Windows are registere d trademar ks of Microso ft Corp oration in the USA and oth er countr ies. Intel a nd Pentium are re gistered tra demar ks of Inte l Cor porati on (USA).
169 English SPECIFICA T IONS Before capturing tho s e import ant shots, be sure to first t ake a test shot to confir m that yo ur camer a is set up and r eady to go i Sanyo Electr ic shall not be h eld re sponsible for any problems res ulting from the use of this cam era.
APPENDICES English 170 HINTS FOR T AKING PICT URES T akin g great pictures in d ifficult surroundin gs is eas ier than you might t hink. By keeping a few points in mind a nd cho osing the co rrect setti ngs, you can create phot os that you’ll be proud to dis play and share.
171 English HINTS FOR T AKING PICTURE S Photographing a mo ving subject Situ ati on: Y ou woul d like to snap an action s hot of a moving child or pet.
APPENDICES English 172 Shooting portraits (portrait mode > ) Poi n ts : i Choose a background th at doesn’ t detract fr om your subjec t. i Move in close to your su bject. i Pa y atte ntion to lighting and how it a ff e cts your sub ject. NO T E i If the ba ckg r ound is distracting , it will not show your subject to h is best advantage.
173 English HINTS FOR T AKING PICTURE S Night photograph y (night view portrait mode / ) Poi n t s: i Av oid ca mera shake. i Increase the ISO sensit ivity . NO T E i Came ra shutter spee d duri ng night pho tography is conside rable slower , so there is a much gre ater chance that your photographe d images will be blurry .
SANYO Electric Co ., Ltd..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sanyo VPC-CA9GX è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sanyo VPC-CA9GX - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sanyo VPC-CA9GX imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sanyo VPC-CA9GX ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sanyo VPC-CA9GX, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sanyo VPC-CA9GX.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sanyo VPC-CA9GX. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sanyo VPC-CA9GX insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.