Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto BD-P1620 del fabbricante Samsung
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imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product. To receive a more complete service, please register your product at
2_ English key features of your blu-ray disc player Player Features Supp orts a V arie ty o f Di sc T ypes Blu- ray (BD- ROM, BD- RE, BD-R ), D VD V ideo , DV D-RW /-R (V m ode and final ized onl y) d iscs and Aud io C D. CD-R W/CD -R, DVD- RW/- R an d US B st orag e de vice con tent suc h as MP3 , JP EG a nd D ivX files .
English _3 Grap hic plan es Two ind ivid ual, fu ll HD reso luti on (192 0x10 80) vide o la yers are ava ilab le o n to p of the HD vide o la yer. One laye r is ass igne d to vid eo-r elat ed grap hics (li ke s ubti tles ), a nd t he o ther lay er i s assi gned to inte ract ive elem ents , su ch a s butt ons or m enus .
English _5 ● SAFETY INFORMATION The prod uct unit acc ompa nyin g th is u ser manu al i s li cenc ed u nder cer tain int elle ctua l pr oper ty r ight s of cer tain thir d pa rtie s. T his lice nce is l imit ed t o pr ivat e no n-co mmer cial use by end- user con sume rs f or l icen ced cont ents .
6_ safety information safety information Handling Cautions Befo re c onne ctin g ot her comp onen ts t o th is B lu-r ay D isc Play er, be s ure to t urn them all off .
English _7 ● CONTENTS contents KEY FEATURES OF YOUR BLU-RAY DISC PLAYER 2 3 What’s included SAFETY INFORMATION 4 4 Warning 5 Precautions GETTING STARTED 10 10 Before Using the User’s Manual 11 D.
8_ contents contents SYSTEM SETUP 36 36 Setting the Clock LANGUAGE SETUP 37 37 Setting up the Language Options AUDIO SETUP 38 38 Setting up the Audio Options DISPLAY SETUP 40 40 Setting up the display.
English _9 ● CONTENTS BD DATA MANAGEMENT 54 54 System Device Management 54 DivX(R) Registration SYSTEM UPGRADE 55 55 Firmware Upgrade 57 System Information 57 Firmware upgrade notification WATCHING.
10_ getting started getting started BEFORE USING THE USER’S MANUAL Make sur e to che ck t he f ollo wing ter ms b efor e us ing the user ’s m anua l. Icons that will be used in this manual Icon T erm Defin itio n h BD-R OM This inv olve s a func tion ava ilab le o n a BD-R OM.
English _11 ● GETTING STARTED DISC TYPE AND CHARACTERISTICS Disc types that can be played Disc Typ es Disc Log o Recorde d co nten t Disc Sha pe Max.
12_ getting started getting started [Not e] Some com merc ial disc s an d DV D di scs purc hase d ou tsid e yo ur r egio n ma y no t be pla yabl e wi th t his prod uct. Whe n th ese disc s ar e pl ayed , ei ther “Th is d isc can not be p laye d.” or “ Plea se c heck the regi onal cod e of the dis c.
English _13 ● GETTING STARTED Disc Types BD-R OM Blu- ray Disc Rea d On ly M emor y. A BD- ROM disc con tain s pr e-re cord ed d ata. Alt houg h a BD-R OM may cont ain any form of data , mo st B D-RO M di scs will con tain mov ies in H igh Defin itio n fo rmat for play back on Blu- ray Disc Pla yer' s.
14_ getting started getting started Disc Format DVD- RW/ -R ( V) This is a fo rmat tha t is use d fo r re cord ing data on a DV D-RW or DVD- R di sc. The disc can be play ed b y th is B lu-r ay D isc Play er o nce it h as b een final ized . DivX CD-R /-RW , DV D-R Vide o Fi le w ith foll owin g ex tens ions can be play ed.
English _15 ● GETTING STARTED DVD- RW and DVD- R Clea n wi th a n op tion al P D di sc c lean er ( LF-K 200D CA1 wher e av aila ble) . Do n ot u se c lean ers or c loth s fo r CD s to cle an D VD-R W/-R dis cs. DVD- Vid eo, Audi o-CD Wipe off dir t or con tami nati on o n th e di sc w ith a so ft c loth .
16_ description description FRONT PANEL DISC TRA Y Open s to acc ept a di sc. DISP LAY Di spla ys t he p layi ng s tatu s, t ime, etc . REMO TE C ONTR OL S ENSO R Dete cts sign als from the rem ote cont rol. OPEN /CLO SE B UTTO N Open s an d cl oses the dis c tr ay.
English _17 ● DESCRIPTION FRONT PANEL DISPLAY IN D ISC INDI CATO R Light s wh en a dis c is in the tray . DISC TYP E IN DICA TORS Ligh ts t o in dica te t he d isc type in the tray . USB INDI CATO R Li ghts to indi cate whe n US B is con nect ed. HDMI IND ICAT OR Ligh ts t o in dica te w hen HDMI is conn ecte d.
18_ description description REAR PANEL USB HOST A US B st orag e de vice can be conn ecte d he re a nd u sed as s tora ge w hen conn ecte d to B D-LI VE. It c an a lso be u sed for firmw are upgr ades and MP3 /JPE G/Di vX play back , as wel l as for con nect ing to B D-LI VE w ith a wi rele ss L AN a dapt er.
English _19 ● REMOTE CONTROL remote control TOUR OF THE REMOTE CONTROL Installing batteries in the Remote Control 1. Lift the cover at the back of the remote control upward as shown. 2. Install two AAA size batteries. Make sure to match the “+” and “–” ends of the batteries with the diagram inside the compartment.
20_ remote control remote control SETTING THE REMOTE CONTROL You can cont rol cert ain func tion s of you r TV wit h th is r emot e co ntro l. Cont rol func tion but tons inc lude : T V PO WER , TV CH , / . , TV VOL +/– , TV MUT E , TV S OURC E bu tton .
English _21 ● REMOTE CONTROL CONTROLLABLE TV CODES Brand Code SAMSU NG TV PO WER+0 1, +0 2, +0 3, +0 4, +0 5, +0 6, +0 7, +0 8, +0 9 AIWA TV PO WER+8 2 ANAM TV P OWER+ 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + .
22_ connections connections This section involves various methods of connecting the Blu-ray Disc Player to other external components such as a TV. CONNECTING TO A TV WITH AN HDMI CABLE (BEST QUALITY) .
English _23 ● CONNECTIONS HDMI Auto Detection Function The play er's vid eo o utpu t wi ll a utom atic ally cha nge to H DMI outp ut r esol utio n wh en c onne ctin g an HDMI cab le w hile pow er i s on (se e pa ge 4 2). Depe ndin g on you r TV , ce rtai n HD MI o utpu t re solu tion s ma y no t wo rk.
24_ connections connections CONNECTING TO A TV WITH DVI CABLE (BEST QUALITY) Usin g an HDM I-DV I ca ble (not inc lude d), conn ect the HDMI OUT ter mina l on the rea r of the Blu -ray Dis c Pl ayer to t he D VI I N te rmin al o f yo ur T V.
English _25 ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO A TV (COMPONENT) (BETTER QUALITY) - Co nnec ting to your TV usin g Co mpon ent vide o ca bles . - You will enj oy h igh qual ity imag es w ith accu rate col our repr oduc tion .
26_ connections connections CONNECTING TO A TV (VIDEO) (GOOD QUALITY) Usin g vi deo/ audi o ca bles , co nnec t th e VI DEO (yel low) / A UDIO (re d an d wh ite) OUT ter mina ls o n th e re ar o f the Blu- ray Disc Pla yer to t he V IDEO (ye llow ) / AUDI O (r ed a nd w hite ) IN ter mina ls o f yo ur T V.
English _27 ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (2 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER) Usin g th e au dio cabl es, conn ect the AUDI O (r ed a nd w hite ) OU T te rmin als on t he r ear of t he B lu-r ay D isc Play er t o th e AU DIO (red and whi te) IN t ermi nals of your Amp lifi e r.
28_ connections connections CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (DOLBY DIGITAL, DTS AMPLIFIER) Using an o ptic al c able (no t in clud ed), con nect the DIG ITAL AUD IO O UT ( OPTI CAL) ter mina l on the rea r of the Blu- ray Disc Pla yer to t he D IGIT AL A UDIO IN (OPT ICAL ) te rmin al o f yo ur A mpli fier.
English _29 ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (HDMI SUPPORTED AMPLIFIER) Usin g an HDM I ca ble (not inc lude d), conn ect the HDMI OUT ter mina l on the rea r of the Blu -ray Dis c Pl ayer to the HDMI IN term inal of your Amp lifie r.
30_ connections connections CONNECTING TO THE NETWORK To a cces s ne twor k se rvic e or upg rade the cur rent firm ware , yo u mu st m ake one of t he f ollo wing con nect ions . By c onne ctin g to a n etwo rk, you can acce ss t he B D-LI VE s ervi ces and soft ware upg rade s fr om S amsu ng’s upda te s erve r.
English _31 ● CONNECTIONS Case 2 : Connecting to a Wireless IP sharer You can conn ect to n etwo rk w ith a Wi rele ss I P sh arer . Se e pa ge 5 0 fo r Wi rele ss N etwo rk S etup . This uni t is com pati ble with onl y Sa msun g Wi rele ss L AN A dapt er.
32_ basic functions basic functions of your blu-ray disc player This section introduces basic playback functions and playback by disc type. BEFORE PLAYING Turn on your TV and set it t o th e co rrec t Vi deo Inpu t (t he i nput the Blu -ray Dis c Pl ayer is conn ecte d to ).
English _33 ● BASIC FUNCTIONS ON-SCREEN MENU NAVIGATION PLAYING A DISC Pres s th e OP EN/C LOSE but ton. Plac e a disc gen tly into the tra y wi th t he d isc’ s la bel faci ng u p. Pres s th e PL AY b utto n or OPE N/CL OSE butt on t o cl ose the disc tra y.
34_ basic functions basic functions of your blu-ray disc player SETTING THE SOUND Setting the Power On / Off Melody Sound A Me lody sou nd c an b e se t so it is h eard eac h ti me y ou t urn the play er o n or off . With the uni t in Sto p mo de, pres s th e ME NU b utto n.
English _35 ● BASIC FUNCTIONS USING THE SEARCH AND SKIP FUNCTIONS Duri ng p lay, you can sea rch quic kly thro ugh a ch apte r or tra ck, and use the skip fun ctio n to jum p to the nex t sele ctio n. Searching through a Chapter or Track hgfZCVD Duri ng p layb ack, pre ss t he S EARC H ( ) bu tton .
36_ system setup system setup For your convenience, you can set this player’s features for the best use in your home environment. SETTING THE CLOCK Choose your time zone With the uni t in Sto p mo de, pres s th e ME NU b utto n. Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct S etup , th en p ress the ENTE R or + but ton.
English _37 ● LANGUAGE SETUP language setup SETTING UP THE LANGUAGE OPTIONS Once you set the aud io, subt itle , di sc m enu and play er m enu lang uage opt ions , th ey w ill be a ppli ed a utom atic ally ever y ti me y ou w atch a m ovie .
38_ audio setup audio setup SETTING UP THE AUDIO OPTIONS Allo ws y ou t o se t up the Aud io d evic e an d so und stat us d epen ding on the audi o sy stem bei ng u sed with the play er. With the uni t in Sto p mo de, pres s th e ME NU b utto n. Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct S etup , th en p ress the ENTE R or + but ton.
English _39 ● AUDIO SETUP Be s ure to s elec t th e co rrec t Di gita l Ou tput or you will hea r no sou nd o r a loud noi se. If t he H DMI devi ce ( Rece iver , TV ) is not com pati ble with com pres sed form ats (Dol by d igit al, DTS) , th e au dio sign al o utpu ts a s PC M.
40_ display setup display setup SETTING UP THE DISPLAY OPTIONS This fun ctio n al lows you to setu p th e TV scr een sett ings . Th is f unct ion depe nds on t he d isc or T V ty pe. It m ay n ot w ork with som e di scs or T Vs. With the uni t in Sto p mo de, pres s th e ME NU b utto n.
English _41 ● DISPLAY SETUP Movie Frame (24 Fs) Movi es a re u sual ly fi lmed at 24 f rame s pe r se cond . So me Blu- ray Disc s ha ve t he c apab ilit y of pla ying bac k at thi s fram e ra te.
42_ display setup display setup Reso lut ion acco rdin g t o th e ou tput mo de Blu- ray Disc pla ybac k Outp ut Setu p HDMI C ompo nent (HDM I&Co mp.
English _43 ● DISPLAY SETUP Frame & Field bar Still Mode Set the Auto , Fi eld or F rame set ting for the bes t po ssib le s till pict ure (pau se m ode) fro m a DVD. Auto : S elec t th is s etti ng t o ha ve t he p laye r au toma tica lly disp lay the best Sti ll p ictu re d epen ding on the cont ent.
44_ HDMI setup HDMI setup SETTING UP THE HDMI SETUP OPTIONS With the uni t in Sto p mo de, pres s th e ME NU b utto n. Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct S etup , th en p ress the ENTE R or + but ton. Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct H DMI Setu p , t hen pres s th e EN TER or + but ton.
English _45 ● HDMI SETUP TV A nyne t+ M enu When you pre ss t he A nyne t+ b utto n on you r Sa msun g TV 's remo te c ontr ol, the foll owin g On -Scr een Disp lay (OSD ) wi ll be s hown .
46_ HDMI setup HDMI setup BD Wise (Samsung products only) BD W ise is S amsu ng's lat est inte r-co nnec tivi ty f eatu re. When you con nect Sam sung pro duct s wi th B D-Wi se t o ea ch o ther via HDM I, t he o ptim um r esol utio n will be set auto mati call y.
English _47 ● PARENTAL SETUP parental setup SETTING UP THE PARENTAL LOCK The Pare ntal Loc k fu ncti on w orks in conj unct ion with Blu -ray Dis c/DV Ds t hat have bee n as sign ed a rat ing whic h help s yo u co ntro l th e ty pes of B lu-r ay D isc/ DVDs tha t yo ur f amil y wa tche s.
48_ parental setup parental setup If you forgot your password Remo ve t he d isc. Pres s an d ho ld t he S KIP ( ] ) bu tton on the fron t pa nel for 5 se cond s or mor e. All sett ings wil l re vert to the fact ory sett ings . When the fac tory def ault set ting s ar e re stor ed, all the user dat a st ored in the BD D ata will be dele ted.
English _49 ● NETWORK SETUP network setup SETTING UP THE NETWORK SETUP OPTIONS To o btai n in form atio n on the pro per sett ings , ch eck the netw ork sett ings on your com pute r or con tact your Int erne t pr ovid er. To s et t he n etwo rk o f yo ur B lu-r ay D isc play er, foll ow t he s teps bel ow.
50_ network setup network setup Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct a des ired ite m, t hen pres s th e EN TER butt on. If D HCP is s et t o Of f an d, D NS t o Ma nual , ente r yo ur I P Ad dres s, S ubne t Ma sk, Gate way and Prim ary DNS sett ings (Sec onda ry D NS i s op tion al).
English _51 ● NETWORK SETUP Pres s th e $% but tons to sele ct D HCP , the n pr ess the ENTE R bu tton . If D HCP is s et t o On , yo u ca n't sele ct I P Ad dres s, S ubne t Mask or Gate way. If D NS i s se t to Aut o , y ou c an’t sel ect Prim ary/ Sec onda ry DNS.
52_ network setup network setup If D HCP is s et t o On and , DN S to Man ual, ente r yo ur D NS S erve r. If D HCP is s et t o On and , DN S to Aut o, you don’ t ne ed f urth er o r ad diti onal sett ings . When you sel ect an i tem, use the num ber and ▲▼_ + bu tton s.
English _53 ● NETWORK SETUP NTP Server (Used to Retrieve Time Information from NTP Server) To s etup , fo llow ste ps 1 ~3 o n pa ge 4 9. Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct N TP S erve r , t hen pres s the ENTE R or + but ton. On : The pla yer auto mati call y co nnec ts t o th e In tern et serv er i n or der to a djus t th e ti me s etti ng.
54_ BD data management BD data management BD Data (stored in internal fl ash memory: Approx. 1G Byte) is Blu-ray Disc content such as trailers and other special features downloaded from the BD-LIVE service or Blu-ray Discs. SYSTEM DEVICE MANAGEMENT You can mana ge u ser data sto red in B D Da ta.
English _55 ● SYSTEM UPGRADE system upgrade Sams ung may offe r up grad es t o yo ur B lu-r ay D isc Play er's fi rmware in the futu re. To u pgra de t his fi rmware you must : Go t o sa msun m an d re fer to t he ‘ SUPP ORT’ pag e to dow nloa d th e la test fi rmware .
56_ system upgrade system upgrade If t here is a di sc i n th e pl ayer : "Ple ase main tain "No Dis c" s tate for net work upd ate. " This ind icat es t hat you must rem ove all disc s fr om t he u nit to p erfo rm t he u pdat e. If t he s erve r se rvic e is not ava ilab le : “ Up date Ser ver is u nder mai nten ance .
English _57 ● SYSTEM UPGRADE You must use a U SB F lash Dri ve t o do sof twar e up grad es u sing the USB Hos t ja ck. Othe r US B de vice s(ex . MP 3 pl ayer ) ar e no t gu aran teed to work . Ther e sh ould be only one fi rm ware upg rade fi l e in USB fl as h dr ive for the play er t o pr oper ly p erfo rm a n upgr ade.
58_ watching a movie watching a movie USING THE DISPLAY FUNCTION hgfZCV Duri ng p layb ack, pre ss t he I NFO butt on o n th e re mote cont rol. If t he B lu-r ay D isc has the BONU SVIE W fe atur e, p ress the INFO but ton in t he B ONUS VIEW sec tion to disp lay BONU SVIE W-re late d in form atio n.
English _59 ● WATCHING A MOVIE USING THE DISC MENU & POPUP/TITLE MENU Using the Disc Menu hZ Duri ng p layb ack, pre ss t he D ISC MENU but ton on t he remo te c ontr ol. Pres s th e ▲▼_ + but tons to make the des ired sele ctio n, t hen pres s th e + or ENTE R bu tton .
60_ watching a movie watching a movie Using the Popup Menu h Duri ng p layb ack, pre ss t he P OPUP MEN U bu tton on the remo te c ontr ol. Pres s th e ▲▼_ + but tons or ENTE R bu tton to sele ct the desi red menu . The Popu p me nu s etup opt ions may var y fr om d isc to disc .
English _61 ● WATCHING A MOVIE SELECTING THE AUDIO LANGUAGE hgfZD You can sele ct a des ired aud io l angu age quic kly and easi ly w ith the AUDI O bu tton . Using the AUDIO button Pres s th e AU DIO butt on d urin g pl ayba ck. The Audi o chan ges when the but ton is p ress ed r epea tedl y.
62_ watching a movie watching a movie Usin g th e IN FO b utto n Duri ng p layb ack, pre ss t he I NFO butt on o n th e re mote con trol . Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct S ubti tle . Pres s th e _ + but tons on the remo te c ontr ol t o se lect the des ired sub titl e la ngua ge.
English _63 ● WATCHING A MOVIE BONUSVIEW SETTINGS The BONU SVIE W fe atur e al lows you to view add itio nal cont ent (suc h as com ment arie s) i n a smal l sc reen win dow whil e th e mo vie is p layi ng.
64_ listening to music listening to music You can select the data source by pressing the _ button in the menu screen. (CD/DVD/USB storage device). BUTTONS ON THE REMOTE CONTROL USED FOR AUDIO CD (CD-DA)/MP3 PLAYBACK PAUS E bu tton : P ause s pl ayba ck.
English _65 ● LISTENING TO MUSIC PLAYING AN AUDIO CD(CD-DA)/MP3 A F Inse rt a n Au dio CD(C D-DA ) or an MP3 Disc int o th e di sc tray . For an A udio CD, the fi rst tr ack will be play ed auto mati call y. For an M P3 d isc, pre ss t he ▲▼ but tons to sele ct Musi c , t hen pres s th e EN TER butt on.
66_ listening to music listening to music Playlist A F You can crea te a pla ylis t wi th u p to 99 trac ks. Inse rt a n Au dio CD(C D-DA ) or an MP3 Disc int o th e di sc tray . For an A udio CD, the fi rst tr ack will be play ed auto mati call y. For an M P3 d isc, pre ss t he ▲▼ but tons to sele ct Musi c , t hen pres s th e EN TER butt on.
English _67 ● LISTENING TO MUSIC Pres s th e YE LLOW (C) butt on t o pl ay t he s elec ted trac ks. When the tra ck i s fi nishe d, t he n ext trac k wi ll auto mati call y pl ay. To e dit the Play list , pr ess the STOP or RETU RN b utto n. To g o to the Mus ic L ist, pre ss t he R ETUR N bu tton .
68_ playing back a picture playing back a picture PLAYING A JPEG DISC GF Inse rt a JPE G di sc i nto the disc tra y. (You can wat ch t he j peg fi les usi ng a USB sto rage devi ce) Pres s th e ▲▼ but tons to sele ct t he P hoto , an d th en pres s th e EN TER or + but ton.
English _69 ● APPENDIX appendix TROUBLESHOOTING Befo re r eque stin g se rvic e, p leas e ch eck the foll owin g. PROB LEM SO LUTI ON No o pera tion can be perf orme d wi th t he remo te c ontr ol. • C heck the bat teri es i n th e re mote con trol .
70_ appendix appendix PROB LEM SO LUTI ON If y ou e xper ienc e ot her prob lems . • Go to the cont ents and find the sec tion of the inst ruct ion manu al t hat cont ains the expl anat ions reg ardi ng t he c urre nt p robl em, and foll ow t he p roce dure onc e ag ain.
English _71 ● APPENDIX SPECIFICATIONS Gene ral Powe r Re quir emen ts AC 110~ 240V , 50 /60H z Powe r Co nsum ptio n 30 W Weig ht 2.2 kg Dime nsio ns 430 (W) × 2 09 ( D) × 54 (H) mm Oper atin g Te mper atur e Ra nge +5°C t o +3 5°C Oper atin g Hu midi ty R ange 10 % to 75 % Disc BD ( Blu- ray Disc ) Read ing Spee d : 4.
72_ appendix appendix COPY PROTECTION Beca use AACS (Adv ance d Ac cess Cont ent Syste m) i s ap prov ed as con tent prot ecti on s yste m for Blu -ray Disc for mat, simi lar to us e of CSS (Con tent Scr ambl e Sys tem) for DVD form at, cert ain r estr icti ons are i mpos ed o n pla ybac k, a nalog sign al o utput , et c.
UNITED KINGDOM EIRE This Sam sung pro duct is warr ante d fo r th e pe riod of twel ve ( 12) mont hs f rom the orig inal dat e of pur chas e, agai nst defe ctiv e ma teri als and work mans hip. In the even t th at w arra nty serv ice is r equi red, you sho uld retu rn t he p rodu ct t o th e re tail er f rom whom it was purc hase d.
Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE If you have any questions or comments relating to Samsung products, please contact the SAMSUNG customer care centre. Region Country Contact Centre Web Site North America CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) MEXICO 01-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) www.
AK68-01789Q Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (App licab le in the Eur opean Union and other Eur opean countr ies wit h separa te coll ectio n syste ms) This marking on the produ ct, acc essor ies or lit eratu re indi cates that the pro duct and its elec troni c acces sorie s (e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung BD-P1620 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung BD-P1620 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung BD-P1620 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung BD-P1620 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung BD-P1620, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung BD-P1620.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung BD-P1620. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung BD-P1620 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.