Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Type 3260 del fabbricante Ricoh
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Paper t ype: Wood Fre e 80g/m2, P aper Thic kness=100 µ m // Pages in book=164 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × P aper thi ckness / 2 = 8.
Paper t ype: Wood Fre e 80g/m2, P aper Thic kness=100 µ m // Pages in book=164 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × P aper thi ckness / 2 = 8.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machin e ...... ..... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ... 1 How to Read Thi s Manual ...... ..... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ .....
ii Installi ng t he Print er Driv er Using USB ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ...... ... 43 Windows 98 SE/Me - USB ......... ....... ...... ........... ...... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... .... 43 Windows 2000 - USB .
iii 4. Ot her P rint Opera tio ns Printin g a PDF File Direct ly .. ....... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... ........ . 79 Printing Method ............. .......... ...... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..
iv 7. The Functions and Settings of the Machine Mainframe . ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ........ . 127 Functions............. ...... .......... ....... .......... ....
1 Manuals f or This M achine The following manuals describe the op erational procedures of thi s machine. For particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual. Note ❒ Manuals provided are specif ic to machin e type. ❒ Adobe Ac robat Reader / Adobe Reader is necessary to view the manuals as a PDF file.
2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manuals for DeskTopBind er Lite DeskTopBinder Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “ Scanner Driver and Docu ment Management Utility ” . • DeskTopBinder Lit e Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2) Describes installation of, and the operating environment for DeskTop- Binde r Lite in detai l.
3 How to Read This Manual Symb ols In th is manual, the following sym bols are u sed: R WARNING: This symbo l indicates a potentially h azardous situatio n which, if instructions are not foll owed , cou ld r esult in deat h or seri ous i njury .
4 Venu sC1GB -Pri nter- F8_FM .boo k Pag e 4 Tuesd ay , Marc h 29, 20 05 4: 51 PM.
5 1. Getting Started Control Panel 1. Indicators Displays errors and ma chine status. d : Add Staple indicator D : Add To ner in dica tor B : Load Paper in dicator L : Serv ic e Ca ll in dica tor M : Open Cover indicator x : Misfeed indicator See "C ontrol Pan el", General Set tings Gui de .
Getting Sta rted 6 1 7. { { { { Cle ar/S to p } } } } key Press to cancel the entered data. 8. { { { { # } } } } key Press after entering a value. 9. Number k eys Press to ent er a value f or various settings. 10. Function keys Press to switch between the “ Copy ” , “ Document Server ” , “ Printer ” , and “ Scanner ” screens.
Control Panel 7 1 Display Panel This section describes configuration using the display panel when the printer function is selec ted. Important ❒ The machine switc hes to offline when you make settings when the machine is online. After you co mple te the setting, the ma chine switc hes to onlin e au- tomati cally.
Getting Sta rted 8 1 5. [ Locked & S ample Print Job List ] Pre ss t o dis pla y loc ked /sa mp le p rint jobs sent fr om a compu te r. 6. [ Error Log ] Pres s to displa y the erro r logs, such as locked/sample print j obs sent from a computer. 7.
User Authen ticati on 9 1 User A uthen tica tion When user authenticatio n (User Code Authent ication, B asic Au thentica tion, Windows Authentication, or LDAP Authent ication ) is set, the authenti ca- tion s cree n is di spl ayed.
Getting Sta r ted 10 1 Logoff ( Using the Control Pan el) Follow the procedur e below to log off when Basic Au thentication, Window s Authent ication, or LDA P Authen tica- tion is set. A A A A Pre ss { { { { User Tools/Count er } } } } key. B B B B Pre ss [ → → → → Logout ] .
Connecti ng the Machine 11 1 Connecti ng the Ma chine Referenc e For infor mation abou t connection using Ethern et and wire less LAN, see "Confirming the Connection", Networ k Guid e . For informa tion about connection using Bluetooth, see the m anual that co mes with t he optiona l Blue - tooth interface u nit.
Getting Sta r ted 12 1 Conn ecting the Machi ne to the host us ing the p arallel ca ble/IEE E 1394 (S CSI prin t) cabl e Connect the machin e to the host com- puter us ing the optional par allel board or optio nal IEEE 1394 interfac e board. This machine does not come with a parallel cable to co nnect the machin e to the host computer.
Connecti ng the Machine 13 1 E E E E Turn on the compute r. Note ❒ When using Wind ows 95/98/ Me/2000/ XP and Wi ndows Server 2003, a printer driver in- stallation scre en might appear when the computer is turned on. If this happ ens, clic k [ Cancel ] on the screen.
Getting Sta r ted 14 1 Setting P aper on the Bypass T ray This sect ion giv es instru ction s for set- ting pa per on t he bypass tray. U se the bypa ss tray to prin t onto OHP trans- parencie s, labels , thick pap er, and en- velopes that ca nnot b e loaded in t he paper t ray.
Setting Pape r on the Bypass Tr ay 15 1 B B B B Adjust the paper guides to the pa- per size. Importa nt ❒ If the paper gu ides are not flush against the paper, skewing and misfeeds might occur. C C C C Gently insert paper face u p into the bypass tray u ntil the beeper sound s.
Getting Sta r ted 16 1 C Press the [ Tray Paper Settings ] tab. D Press [ T T T T Next ] to scroll through the list. E Press [ Printer Bypass Paper Size ] . F Select the paper size. Note ❒ Press [ U U U U Previ ous ] or [ T T T T Next ] to sc roll t hro ugh the list .
Setting Pape r on the Bypass Tr ay 17 1 Setting t hick paper Note ❒ Paper settings ca n also be set using the printer driver. Th e follow ing procedures are not necessa ry when setting paper sizes using the print er dri ver.
Getting Sta r ted 18 1 Setting OHP tra nsparencies Note ❒ For colour printing, do not use OHP transparencies that have eas- ily me lted surf ace. ❒ Insert OHP transparencies in the K directi on. ❒ We recomme nd that you use a 4000ANSI lumen or brighter over- head pr ojector to project OH P transparencies.
19 2. Preparing the Machine Quick I nsta ll Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, W indows Server 2003, a nd Windows NT 4.0 us- ers can easily install this software usi ng the CD-ROM provided.
Preparing the Mach i ne 20 2 H H H H Click [ Finis h ] A message about restarting the computer may appear. Restar t the computer to comp lete installa tion. I I I I Click [ Exit ] in the first dialog b ox of the installer, and then t ake out the CD- ROM.
Confirming the Connecti on Method 21 2 Confirming the Co nnectio n Method This machin e supports netw ork and local c onnection. Before installing the prin ter driver, check how the mach ine is connected. Follow the d river ins tallation p rocedu re that is appro priate to the connec tion meth od.
Preparing the Mach i ne 22 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Windows 2000 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Windows X P ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Windows Server 2003 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Windows NT 4.0 Referenc e See the explanation of ho w to inst all the printer d river for eac h type of por t. For the SmartDev iceMoni tor for C lient port, se e p.
Confirming the Connecti on Method 23 2 Using as a network printer This mac hine can be used as the Wi ndows netw ork printer, th e NetWare print serv er, or the NetWa re rem ote pri nter. Referenc e See the explanation of how to install the prin ter driver for each type of net- work pri nter .
Preparing the Mach i ne 24 2 Local Connection Local connections can be established via parallel, USB , IEEE 1394 (SCSI print), and Bluetooth connectio ns.
Using the SmartDe viceMonit or for Client Por t 25 2 Using the S martDeviceM onitor fo r Client Port Installing SmartDeviceMonitor for Client Important ❒ To install SmartDeviceMonito r for Client under Wind ows 2000/XP Pro fes- sional, Win dows Serve r 2003, and Win dows NT 4.
Preparing the Mach i ne 26 2 Installing the PCL or RPCS Printer Driver (T CP/IP) Important ❒ To instal l this pr inter driver und er Windows 2000/XP Pr ofessional, Wi ndows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.0, you must have an account that has Man- age Prin ters pe rmission.
Using the SmartDe viceMonit or for Client Por t 27 2 L L L L Select the printer you want to use, and then click [ OK ] . Only printers th at respond to a broadcast from the co mputer appear. To use a mach in e no t li sted he re, clic k [ Specify Addr ess ] , and then enter t he IP address or host name of the machine.
Preparing the Mach i ne 28 2 Installi ng the PCL or RPCS Printer Driv er (NetBEUI) Important ❒ To install thi s printer driver under Windows 2000, and Windows NT 4.0, you must have an account that has Manage Prin ters permission. Log on as an A d- ministrato rs or Power Use rs group member.
Using the SmartDe viceMonit or for Client Por t 29 2 L L L L Select the printer you want to use, and then click [ OK ] . Only printers th at respond to a broadcast from the co mputer appear. To use a mach in e not listed here , cl ick [ Specify A ddres s ] , and then ente r the NetBEU I address.
Preparing the Mach i ne 30 2 Installi ng the PCL or RPCS Printer Driv er (IPP) Important ❒ To install pri nter driver under Windows 2000 /XP Professional , Windows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.0, you must have an account that has Man- age P rint ers p ermi ssio n.
Using the SmartDe viceMonit or for Client Por t 31 2 L L L L In the [ Printer URL ] box, enter “ http://prin ter's addres s/printer ” as the print- er's a ddress.
Preparing the Mach i ne 32 2 Changing the Port Settings for Sma rtDeviceMonitor f or Client Follow t he procedure below to change the SmartDeviceMo nitor for Client se t- tings, such as T CP/IP timeout, recovery/parallel printi ng, and printer groups.
Using the SmartDe viceMonit or for Client Por t 33 2 Windows XP, W indows Server 2003: A A A A Open the [ Printers and Faxes ] window from the [ Start ] menu. The [ Printers and Faxes ] w indow appears. B B B B Click the icon of the machine you want to use.
Preparing the Mach i ne 34 2 Using the Standard TCP/IP Por t Installi ng the PCL or RPCS Printer Driv er Important ❒ To install pr inter driver unde r Windows 2000/XP Prof essional, and Win- dows Server 2003, yo u must have an account that has Manage Prin ters per- missi on.
Using the Stan dard T CP/IP Por t 35 2 L L L L Enter the printer name or IP address in the [ Printer Na me or IP Ad dress ] box. The [ Por t Name ] text box a utoma tically o btains a port name. C hange thi s name if necessary. When screen for Device selecti on appears, select "RI COH NetworkPr inter Driver C Model".
Preparing the Mach i ne 36 2 Using the LPR Po rt Installi ng the PCL or RPCS Printer Driv er Important ❒ To instal l this pr inter driver und er Windows 2000/XP Pr ofessional, Wi ndows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.0, you must have an account that has Man- age Prin ters pe rmission.
Using the LPR Port 37 2 L L L L Enter “ lp ” in the [ Name of printer or print queue on that server ] box, and then click [ OK ] . The port i s add ed. M M M M Check that th e port of the selected p rinter is displayed in [ Por t: ] . N N N N Configure the default printer as necessary.
Preparing the Mach i ne 38 2 Using as the Window s Netw ork P rinter Installi ng the PCL or RPCS Printer Driv er To use th e print server, instal l the pr inter d river by selectin g "Netwo rk print er server", and then s elect the Windows 20 00/XP, Windows Server 2003, or Win- dows NT 4.
Using a s the Wi ndows N etwork Pri nter 39 2 G G G G Select the [ Printer N ame ] check box to select the printer models you want to use. The printer name can be changed in the [ Change settings f or 'Printer N ame' ] box. H H H H Double-click the printer name to display the printer settings.
Preparing the Mach i ne 40 2 Using as the Net Ware Print Server/R emote Printer This explains how to set up the Windows co mputer used as the NetWare client. Important ❒ To instal l this pr inter driver und er Windows 2000/XP Pr ofessional, Wi ndows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.
Using as th e NetWare Print Server/Re mote Printe r 41 2 H H H H Click [ Port: ] , and then c lick [ Add ] . I I I I Click [ Network P rinter ] , and then click [ OK ] . J J J J Double-click the name of the NetWare file server on the network tree. The cre ated queue i s displayed .
Preparing the Mach i ne 42 2 For m Fee d Do not use Ne tWare to configur e form feed. Form feed is contro lled by the print- er driver on W indows. If N etWare form feed is co nfigured, the pr inter may not print pr ope rly.
Instal ling the Prin ter Drive r Using USB 43 2 Installi ng the P rinter D river Using USB This secti on explains how t o install pr inter dri vers using USB. Before installing, chec k that only the operating system is running on the com pu- ter an d no pri nt j obs ar e in prog res s.
Preparing the Mach i ne 44 2 J J J J Click [ Finis h ] . If the printe r driver has al ready been installed , plug and p lay is enabled , and the icon o f the prin ter connected to the "U SB001" por t is added to the [ Printe rs ] windo w. K K K K Click [ Next> ] .
Instal ling the Prin ter Drive r Using USB 45 2 Windows 2000 - USB Important ❒ Installing a prin ter driver requires Administra tors permission. Log on using an account that has Administrators permission. When US B is first used , Found Ne w Hardw are Wiz ard star ts, and USB Pr intin g Sup port is inst alled auto matical ly.
Preparing the Mach i ne 46 2 J J J J Click [ Next ] . K K K K Click [ Finis h ] . If the printe r driver has al ready been installed , plug and p lay is enabled , and the icon o f the prin ter connected to the "U SB001" por t is added to the [ Printe rs ] windo w.
Instal ling the Prin ter Drive r Using USB 47 2 F F F F Sele ct t he [ Incl ude t his l ocation in t he se arch ] check box und er [ Search fo r the bes t driver i n the se locati on ] , and then clic k [ Browse ] to select t he printer driver lo- cation.
Preparing the Mach i ne 48 2 Printing wi th Paralle l Connection To us e a machine connected using a p arallel interface, click [ LP T1 ] when install- ing the prin ter driver. Installi ng the PCL or RPCS Printer Driv er Important ❒ To instal l this pr inter driver und er Windows 2000/XP Pr ofessional, Wi ndows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.
Printing wit h Parallel Con nection 49 2 K K K K Click [ Finis h ] . The p rint er dr iver insta llati on s tarts . L L L L Click [ Finis h ] in the installation completion dialog box. Note ❒ To stop installat ion of the selected software, clic k [ Cancell ] before install a- tion is com plete.
Preparing the Mach i ne 50 2 Installing t he Printer D river Using IEEE 1394 (SCS I prin t) The pri nter d rivers c an be insta lled fro m the CD-R OM pr ovided w ith this ma - chine. Important ❒ Quit all applications currently running, and do not print during installation.
Instal ling t he Pri nter Dri ver Usi ng I EEE 1394 ( SCSI pri nt) 51 2 E E E E Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Note ❒ If Auto Run starts, click [ Ca ncel ] , an d then [ Exit ] .
Preparing the Mach i ne 52 2 Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 Important ❒ SCSI pr int must be set to " active" fro m the control panel. For detail s, see Net- work Guide . ❒ Insta lling thi s prin ter driv er requ ires Admi nistrato rs perm ission.
Instal ling t he Pri nter Dri ver Usi ng I EEE 1394 ( SCSI pri nt) 53 2 E E E E Specify the location where the source files of the p rinter driver is stored, and then click [ Next ] .
Preparing the Mach i ne 54 2 Printing with Bluetooth Connection Supported Prof iles ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ SPP, HCRP • A maximum of two Blueto oth adap tor or Bluetoot h-equi pped compu ters can be connected a t the s ame time usin g the Blue tooth int erface: one by SPP, one by HCRP.
Printi ng with Blue tooth Connect ion 55 2 A A A A Star t 3 Com Bl uetoot h Co nnec tio n Ma nage r. B B B B Check that the printer you want to use appears in 3Com Bluetooth Connec- tion Manage r.
Preparing the Mach i ne 56 2 Configu ring Securi ty Mode Setti ngs A A A A Star t 3 Com Bl uetoot h Co nnec tio n Ma nage r. B B B B On the [ Tools ] m enu, cli ck [ Secur ity Mode ] . The [ Secur ity Mode ] d ialog box appears. C C C C Select the security mode in the [ Security Mode : ] list.
If a Message Ap pears during Installat ion 57 2 If a Message Appears during Installation Message numbe r 58 or 34 indica tes the printe r driver ca nn ot be in stalled using Auto Run. In stall th e printer dr iver usi ng [ Add Printe r ] or [ >Ins tall Printe r ] .
Preparing the Mach i ne 58 2 Making Option S etting s for t he Print er Make opti on settings for the machi ne using the printer driver when bidirecti onal communicat ion i s disabled . Referenc e For details about making option setti ngs for the printer, see p.
Making Opt ion Set tings for the Printe r 59 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When connected with the netw ork • The ma chine mu st sup port bid irec tio nal commun ica tio n. • SmartDeviceMonitor for Client included on t he CD-ROM must be in- stalled, and TCP/I P must be used.
Preparing the Mach i ne 60 2 If Bidirection al Communica tion is Disabled Set up option settings when bidirectio nal communications are disabled. Limitatio n ❒ Under Windows 2000/X P and Windows Serv er 2003, Manage Print ers per- mission is required to change the printer properties in the [ Printe rs ] folder .
Instal ling Fo nt Mana ger 2000 61 2 Installing Font Manager 2000 Limitatio n ❒ Under Windows 2000/XP , Windows Server 2003, or Wind ows NT 4.0, install- ing appl icatio ns by Aut o Run re quires administ rator p ermission . To i nstall a printer driver by Auto Run, log o n using an account that has administrator permiss ion.
Preparing the Mach i ne 62 2 Using Ado be Pa geMa ker Ve rsion 6. 0, 6.5, or 7.0 Under Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows NT 4.0 with Adobe PageMaker , you need to copy PPD files to th e PageMaker folder. PPD files have th e .ppd extension i n the folder “ DRIVERSPSWI N9X_ME(Lan- guag e)DI SK1 ” on t he C D-R OM.
63 3. Setting Up the Printer Driver PCL - Access ing the Printer P roperti es Windows 95/98/Me - Ac cessing the Printer Properti es There are t wo metho ds to open the printer p roperties dialog box. Making printer default sett ings To m ake the prin ter default settings, open the prin ter properties dialog box from the [ Prin ter s ] win dow.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 64 3 C C C C Make the necessary settings, and then click [ OK ] . D D D D Click [ OK ] to start printing. Note ❒ The proced ure to op en the printer prop erties dialo g box may vary depen d- ing on the application. Fo r details, see the manuals provi ded with the ap- plicat ion you use.
PCL - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 65 3 Making printer default settings - Printing Preferences Important ❒ You cannot change the printer default sett ings for each user. Settings made in the printe r proper ties dialo g box are applied to all users.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 66 3 Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 - Accessing the Printer Properties Making printer default settings - the prin ter properties Important ❒ To change the printer default settings including option configuration settings, log on using an account that has Manage Pr inters permission.
PCL - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 67 3 Making printer settings from an application You can make printer settings for a specific application. To make printer setting s for a sp ecific applic ation, ope n the [ P rintin g Prefer ences ] dialog box from that application.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 68 3 Windows NT 4.0 - Accessing the Printer Propert ies Making printer default settings - the prin ter properties Important ❒ To change the printer default settings including option configuration settings, log on using an account that has F ull Control permission.
PCL - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 69 3 D D D D Make the necessary settings, and then click [ OK ] . Note ❒ Settings you make her e are used as the default settings for all applications. Referen ce For details, see Pr inter Driver H elp. Making printer settings from an application You can make printer settings for a specific application.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 70 3 RPCS - Acc essing the Printer Prop erties Windows 95/98/Me - Ac cessing the Printer Properti es There are t wo dialog box types o f the p rinter properties dialog box. "Multi-tab" is u sed as an example in this manual.
RPCS - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 71 3 Making printer settings from an application You can make printer settings for a specific application. To make print er setting s for a speci fic applic ation, op en the prin ter prope rties dialog box from that application.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 72 3 Windows 2000 - Accessing the Printer Pro perties Making printer default settings - the prin ter properties Important ❒ To change the printer default settings including option configuration settings, log on using an account that has M anage Printers p ermission.
RPCS - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 73 3 Making printer default settings - Printing Preferences Important ❒ You cannot change the printer default sett ings for each user. Settings made in the printe r proper ties dialo g box are applied to all users.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 74 3 Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 - Accessing the Printer Properties Making printer default settings - the prin ter properties Important ❒ To change the printer default settings including option configuration settings, log on using an account that has M anage Printers p ermission.
RPCS - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 75 3 Making printer default settings - Printing Preferences Important ❒ You cannot change the printer default sett ings for each user. Settings made in the printe r proper ties dialo g box are applied to all users.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 76 3 Windows NT 4.0 - Accessing the Printer Propert ies Making printer default settings - the prin ter properties Important ❒ To change the printer default settings including option configuration settings, log on using an account that has F ull Control permission.
RPCS - Accessi ng the Print er Properti es 77 3 Making printer default settings - Default Important ❒ To change the printer default settings including option configuration settings, log on using an account that has F ull Control permission.
Setting Up th e Printer Driver 78 3 Making printer settings from an application You can make printer settings for a specific application. To make print er setting s for a speci fic applic ation, op en the prin ter prope rties dialog box from that application.
79 4. Other Print Operations Printing a P DF File Dire ctly You can send PDF files directly to the machine for printing, witho ut having to open a PDF applicatio n. Limitatio n ❒ This function is possible only w hen the optional PostScri pt 3 unit is in- stalled.
Other Print Operation s 80 4 Using Lock ed & Sample Print Jo b List A list of fi les stored i n the mach ine can be view ed on the d isplay panel. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Printer } } } } key. The Printer screen appears. B B B B Pre ss [ L ocked & Sampl e Print Job Li st ] .
Using Locked & Sample Print Job Lis t 81 4 A list of files st ored in the ma chine appea rs. 1. [ Complete List ] Disp lays all file s sto red in the ma- chine. 2. [ Locked Pr int Job Lis t ] Displays only locked print f iles stored in the machine.
Other Print Operation s 82 4 Sample Print Use this fun ction to p rint only the first set of a multiple-set print job. After you have checked the r esult, remain- ing sets c an be printed o r canceled us- ing the machine's co ntrol panel . This can reduce misprints due to mistakes in con tent or setting s.
Sample Print 83 4 C C C C On the machine 's control panel, press the { { { { Printer } } } } key to display the Printer sc reen. D D D D Press [ Locked & Sample Print Job List ] . A list of the print files stored in t he machine appears. E E E E Pre ss [ Sa mple Print J ob List ] .
Other Print Operation s 84 4 Deleting a Sample Print File If you are not satisfied with the sam- ple pri ntout , yo u can del ete th e sa m- ple print fi le, rev ise it a nd pri nt it again until the settings are suitable. A A A A Pre ss th e { { { { Printer } } } } key to disp lay the Printer sc reen.
Sample Print 85 4 D D D D Pre ss [ Det ails ] . An erro r lo g lis t a ppea rs. Note ❒ Press [ U U U U Prev. ] or [ T T T T Next ] to scro ll thro ugh th e err or fi les. ❒ Press [ Exit ] after checking the log. ❒ To pri nt fi les that appear in th e error log, re send the m after stored files have been printed or deleted.
Other Print Operation s 86 4 Locke d Pri nt Use thi s functio n to mainta in priv acy when printing co nfidential docu- ments o n the mach ine over a share d network. Usually, it is possible to prin t data using the d ispla y pa nel o n c e i t i s s t o r e d i n t h i s m a c h i n e .
Locked Prin t 87 4 E E E E Pre ss [ Locked Print Jo b List ] . A list of the lo cked print fil es stored in t he machine ap pears. The following items also appear : • User ID: The user ID set up by the printer driver. • Date / Time: The date and time when the job was sent from the comput er.
Other Print Operation s 88 4 F F F F Enter the password using the number keys, and then pres s [ OK ] . The delete conf irmatio n scr een ap- pears. Note ❒ A confirmation scr een will ap- pear if th e passw ord is not en- tered correctly. Press [ OK ] to enter the pas sword aga in.
Collate 89 4 Collate When p rinting multiple do cuments such as h andouts for meeti ngs, you can sep- arate sets into order. This function is kno wn as “ Coll ate ” .
Other Print Operation s 90 4 Note ❒ You can set Collate in the RPCS printer dr iver. • If you canno t make Shif t Collate eve n with th e optiona l finisher in stalled, options ma y not be set up correct ly in the print er driver. Correct the pr inter driver's opt ion setting s.
Printi ng with the Fini sher 91 4 Printing wi th the Finisher You ca n collat e, staple or punch h oles in printe d paper by instal ling the option al finisher. Mak e sure you read t he following pre cautions when using the optional finisher: Referenc e For information about optional finishers, see General Settings Guide .
Other Print Operation s 92 4 Sta ple With the opt ional finisher in stalle d, sets ca n be stap led indivi duall y when print - ing multi ple set s. Staple Position The specified staple posit ion varies depending on paper siz e, type, quantity and feed orientation.
Printi ng with the Fini sher 93 4 Stapling Precautions Limitatio n ❒ Stapling can be done only with the optional finisher installed. ❒ Stapling cannot be done when p aper is fed from the bypass tray. ❒ You c ann ot inte rrupt the c urren t job w ith a job f or ano ther fun ction requir ing stap ling or colla ting.
Other Print Operation s 94 4 ❒ Staple printing wi ll be canc eled under th e followi ng condit ions: • If the number of stapl e jobs exceeds maximum . For information about th e maximum numb er, see “ Specif icatio ns ” , General Settings Guide .
Printi ng with the Fini sher 95 4 Punch With t he optional finish er installed, hol es can be punc hed into pr inted output. Punc h Positi on The speci fied punch position varies dependin g on paper fee d and print data ori- entati on.
Other Print Operation s 96 4 Pun ching Pr ecau tion s Limitatio n ❒ Punching cannot be done when paper is fed from the bypass tray. Note ❒ If you cannot m ake punch setting s even with the finisher installed, op tions may no t be set corre ctly in the prin ter d river.
Spool Printi ng 97 4 Spool Printing Spoo l Printing al lows pr int jobs tra nsferred f rom a comp uter to be tempor arily sto red, an d then prin ts the m afte r they are tr ansfe rred. This sho rten s print ing time as it maxi mizes pr inter effici ency.
Other Print Operation s 98 4 Cover s Using this fun ction, you ca n insert co ver and back s heets fed fro m a different tray to tha t of the main pap er, and pr int on them. Referenc e For printin g m ethods, see the p rinte r driv er Help . Limitatio n ❒ To use this fu nction, Co llate m ust be set.
Cov ers 99 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Cover Shee t Prints the first p age of the docu ment on the she et for the cove r page. • Print on one side Prin ts on on e sid e of t he cov er shee t onl y, ev en when dupl ex prin ting is se- lected . • Print on both side s Prints on both sides of t he cover shee t when dupl ex printin g is selecte d.
Other Print Operation s 100 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Front and Back Covers Prints t he fir st and l ast page of the doc ument a s the co ver and back co ver pag es. • Print on one side Prints on one si de of the c over sheets only, even when dup lex printing is selected.
Cov ers 101 4 • Fron t cove r print ed on one si de, back cov er pag e fac e insid e, and the number of pages is even • Fron t cove r print ed on one si de, back cov er pag e fac e insid e, and th.
Other Print Operation s 102 4 Slip Sheet ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inserting a slip sheet between each pa ge • Print • Blank ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inserting a slip sheet between OHP transparenci es • Print • Blank AEV019S AEU023S AEV020S AEU024S Venu sC1GB -Pri nter- F8_FM .
Slip Shee t 103 4 Note ❒ Collate cannot be set when using slip sheets. ❒ When the duplex printing or cover printing is set, you cannot insert slip sheets.
Other Print Operation s 104 4 Chaptering The spec ified page is pri nted on the same side as the fir st page, like a boo k. Also, you can insert ch apter slip sheets before specified pa ges, and select whet her or not to prin t on th e sl ip shee ts. Referenc e For printin g m ethods, see the p rinte r driv er Help .
Chapteri ng 105 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inserting chapter slip shee ts • Print Prints on the chapter sl ip sheets. When duplex printin g is selected, both sides of the sl ip sheets are p rinted on. • Print on front side onl y Prints on the fr ont side of th e chapter slip sheets ev en if duplex pr intin g is selected.
Other Print Operation s 106 4 Tab Sheet Prin ts on ta b sheets . Important ❒ Make s ure to install the opti onal tab s heet h older wh en setting tab sheets . Contact yo ur service represen tative regarding the o ptional tab sheet ho lder installat ion.
User Def ined Pag es 107 4 User Defined Page s Using this funct ion, you can specify the page numbers fo r each input tray. Referenc e For printin g m ethods, see the p rinte r driv er Help . Limitatio n ❒ This funct ion is available w ith the PCL 6/5c print er driver only.
Other Print Operation s 108 4 Form Feed This sect ion gives inst ructio ns for op- erating the machine when the re is no tray for th e select ed pap er size or type, or when pa per loade d in the machine has run out.
Form F eed 109 4 Canceling For m Feed A A A A Pre ss [ Reset ] . Delete the stor ed print job, and then can cel form feed. B B B B Pre ss [ Reset Cu rrent J ob ] or [ Reset All Jobs ] . • [ Reset Cu rrent Job ] : cancels t he print job currently being proc- essed.
Other Print Operation s 110 4 Canceling a Pr int Job Windows - Canceling a Print Job A A A A Double-click the printer i con on the Windows task tray. A window appears, showing all print jobs cu rrently queu ed for prin ting. Check t he cur rent s tatus of the job y ou want t o cancel.
111 5. Printer Features Referenc e For more information about copier features and system settings, see Copy Re f- erence and General Settings Guide . Printe r Features Menu There are se ven menu items.
Pri nter F eatur es 112 5 System See p.117 “ Sy stem ” . Print Err or Report Auto Cont inue Memor y Over flow Job Sep aratio n *2 Memory Usage Dupl ex Copi es Blank Page Pri nt B&W Page Detect.
Printer Feature s Menu 113 5 *1 Appe ar s whe n the Post Scr ipt 3 unit (o pt iona l) is i nsta lle d. *2 Appear s whe n a fin is her (op t ion al) i s in stal led or a fi nish er wi th an atta ched ma il box (optional) is inst alled. PS Menu (op tional) *1 See p.
Pri nter F eatur es 114 5 Adjust ing Printe r Featur es Printer Features allows basic adjustm ent of operations w hen using the machin e as a print er. Although factor y default settings are suit able for most print ing jobs , Printe r Fea- tures gives you access to a number of settings that control basic pr inter opera- tions.
Printe r Features Parameters 115 5 Printe r Featur es Param eters List / Test Pr int ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Conf ig. She et and Error Log You can pri nt the configuration pag e an d er ror log. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Conf ig. Pa ge You can print the machine's cur- rent configuration values.
Pri nter F eatur es 116 5 Interpret ing th e confi guratio n page ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ System Reference • Unit Number Displays the serial number as- signed to the boar d by its manu- facturer. • Total Mem ory: Displays th e total amount of memory (SDRAM) installed on the printer.
Printe r Features Parameters 117 5 Maintenance ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Menu P rotect This procedure lets you protect menu settings from accide ntal change. I t makes it i mpossible to cha nge menu sett in gs wi th norm al pr oc edur es un - less you perform the requi red key op- erations.
Pri nter F eatur es 118 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Memory Usage You can sel ect the amo unt of mem- ory used in Font Priority or Frame Prio rity, acc ordi ng to p ape r siz e or resoluti on. • Font Priority Thi s set ti ng u ses me mory f or registering fonts.
Printe r Features Parameters 119 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Spool Im age You can select to print spool images. The pri nt job tran smitted f rom the compu ter is temp orarily st ored on the machine's hard disk as bitmap images that can b e printe d when transmission is complete.
Pri nter F eatur es 120 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Letterhead Setting You can rota te origi nal images when p rint ing. When print ing, or iginal image s are always rotated by 180 d egrees. Theref ore, o utput m ight n ot be as expected when printing onto le tter- head or pre pri nted p aper requir ing orientation.
Printe r Features Parameters 121 5 PCL M en u ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orien tatio n You can set the page or ientation. • Portra it • Landscape Note ❒ Default: Portrait ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Form Lines You can set the number of lines per page.
Pri nter F eatur es 122 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Extend A4 Wi dth You can extend t he printi ng area width (when printing on A4 sheet with PCL ). • Off • On Note ❒ Default: Off ❒ When the setting is On, the width will be 8 1 / 2 inches.
Printe r Features Parameters 123 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Colour Setting You can make an RGB set ting. • None • Fine • Super Fine Note ❒ Default: Super Fine ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Colo ur Profi le You c an set the colo ur p rofile.
Pri nter F eatur es 124 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Resolution You c an set the print r esolut ion in dots pe r inch. • 600 dpi (Fast) • 600 dpi ( Standard) • 600 dpi ( High Qualit y) Note ❒ Default: 600 dpi (Stand ard) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Colour Setting You can make an RGB set ting.
125 6. Using the Document Server Accessi ng the Document Serv er The Documen t Server e nables y ou to store documents on the machine' s hard disk, allowing you to edit and print as and when you want. Limitatio n ❒ Applica tions wit h their own drivers, s uch as PageM aker, do no t supp ort this function.
Using the Documen t Server 126 6 Venu sC1GB -Pri nter- F8_FM .boo k Pag e 126 T uesda y, Mar ch 29, 2005 4 :51 P M.
127 7. The Functions and Settings of the Machine Mainframe Network Guid e, PostScript 3 Supplement , and UNIX Suppleme nt cover all mod- els, and ther efore contain all the f unctions an d settings. This chapter desc ribes the functions and sett ing items used for configuring the model you are using.
The Function s and Setting s of the Machine 128 7 List o f the Set ting It ems Web Image Monitor The follow ing are the item s of Web Image Mon itor available with the m achine: R : Re ad W : Writ e : None Note ❒ Depending on the security settings, certain print jobs may not be displayed.
List of the Se tting I tems 129 7 telnet The follow ing telne t can be used with th e machi ne: access, appl etalk, auto net, btconfig, dhc p, diprint, dns, domainname, help, hostname, ifconfig, info,.
The Function s and Setting s of the Machine 130 7 UNIX The following UNIX commands can be used with the machine: Device Opti on Value Function Summary . binding longedge, shortedge, left, top, right Specif ies the binding direction for du plex printin g.
List of the Se tting I tems 131 7 Settings that can be us ed with Post Script 3 The follow ing PostScrip t 3 settings can be used w ith the m achine. Note ❒ Depending on type of p rinter driver, d ifferent items may be displayed.
The Function s and Setting s of the Machine 132 7 Paper S ize See Genera l Setting Guide . Paper Typ e See General Sett ing Guide . Punch Off, 2 at le ft, 3 at left, 4 at left, 2 at right, 3 at right,.
133 8. Appendix Software and Utilit ies Included on the CD- ROM Three CD-ROMs come with this printer : "Printer Dri vers and Utilit ies", "Operat - ing Instructions", and "Scanner Driver and Docume nt Management Utility".
Appendix 134 8 Viewing the cont ents of the CD-ROM Follow the procedu re below to view the contents of t he CD-ROM. A A A A Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The installer starts . B B B B Click [ Browse This CD-ROM ] . Explor er star ts and di splays the conten ts of the CD-RO M.
Softwar e and Utiliti es Included on t he CD-ROM 135 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PCL printer dri vers Two kinds of P CL printer driv er (PCL 5c and P CL 6), are include d on the CD- ROM that comes with this machine. These drivers allow your compute r to communicate wit h this machin e via a printer langua ge.
Appendix 136 8 SmartDev iceMonitor for Admin SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin is an application that uses TCP/IP and IPX/SP X to m onitor netw ork print ers.
Softwar e and Utiliti es Included on t he CD-ROM 137 8 SmartDev iceMonitor for Client SmartDevic eMonitor for Clie nt has the follo wing functio ns. We rec ommend tha t users instal l this appl icatio n. • Printing in a peer-to-peer networ k, using TCP/IP, NetBEUI, and IPP from Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, Wi ndows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.
Appendix 138 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Avail abl e fu nction s SmartDevic eMonito r for Client has t he foll owing function s. • Peer-to-peer print functi on • Prints direc tly on the network pri nter without sendi ng any data to a print ser ver.
Troubles hooting 139 8 Troubles hooting Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel This section descr ibes the principal messages that appear on the panel display.
Appendix 140 8 Data Storage Error Sam ple print, locked print, or accessing the doc ument s erver was attempted without the hard dis k in stal led, or the har d disk is damaged. Contact your sal es or service represen tative. Dr iv er Set ti ng Er r or (M em ory ) There is an error in the down - loaded fon t(s).
Troubles hooting 141 8 Ex ceed ed max . stor ed fi les in sample prin t and locked print. The maximu m numb er o f stored files h as been exce eded during Sa mple Print or Locked Print. Delete some stored f iles or re- duce file sizes. Exceeded max. stor ed pages in sample pr int and loc ked print.
Appendix 142 8 Parallel I/F board has a problem. An erro r has occurr ed in the parallel interface bo ard. Contact your sal es or service represen tative. PDF file e rror. Cannot pr int. The PDF file cannot be printed due to syntax error. Check the PD F fil e for error s.
Troubles hooting 143 8 Checking the Error Log If fil es could no t be stor ed due to p rinting errors, i dentify the cause o f the err ors by checki ng the error log on the c ontrol panel. Limitatio n ❒ The latest 50 error files are stored in the error log.
Appendix 144 8 The Ma chin e Does N ot Print Possible Caus e Solutions Is the power on? Check the cable is sec urely plugg ed into the power outle t and the machi ne. Turn on th e main pow er switch . Is the mach ine online? If n ot, press [ f f f f Online ] on the display panel.
Troubles hooting 145 8 When usin g wireless LAN , is the access point c orrectly set ? Chec k access point sett ings when in infra structu re mode. De pendin g on the access poi nt, client access may be limited by MAC address.
Appendix 146 8 Problem S olutions Is the Dat a In indicator blinking or li t after starting the print job? If not, data is not being se nt to the machine. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the ma chine is con nected to the co mputer using the interface cable Check the m achine p ort settin gs are co rrect.
Troubles hooting 147 8 Other Pr inting Proble ms Problem Causes and Sol utions The print on th e en- tire pag e is faded . If th e [ To ner Saving ] check box is sele cted in the p rinter driver settings, the entire page will be faded wh en printed. For the RPCS printe r driver, [ Toner Saving ] is l oca ted o n th e [ Print Quality ] tab.
Appendix 148 8 When using Win- dows 95/98/Me/ 2000/XP, Win- dows Server 2003, or Windows NT 4.0, either com- bined pr inting or booklet print d oes not come out as expecte d. Make sure the application's pa per size and orientation settin gs match those of the printer driver.
Troubles hooting 149 8 It takes a long time to complet e a print j ob. Photographs and other data intens ive pages take a long time for th e ma- chine to process, so simply wait when printing such data.
Appendix 150 8 It takes a long time to complet e a print j ob. The data is so large or complex that it takes time to process. If the Data In indica tor is blin king, d ata is bein g process ed. Simp ly wait unt il prin ting resumes. If “ Warming Up.
Troubles hooting 151 8 Note ❒ If the problem cannot be solved, contact you r sales or service representative. No transmi ssion when using 1394 interface c onnec- tion Check using t he followin g procedur e: A Confirm the IEEE 1394 interface cable is connected secur ely.
Appendix 152 8 System Set tings (Parall el Connection) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Parall el Tim ing Specifies the ti ming for th e parallel interf ace. N orm ally, you d o not need to c hange this setting.
Precaut ions when using Windo ws Server 2003 153 8 Precautions when using Windows Server 2003 Precautions when using the Terminal Server mode Certain printer driver f unctions are disabled. Di sabled functions ar e displayed in gray. When using all printer driver functions, use Windows Server 2003 in norm al mod e.
Appendix 154 8 Speci fications This section contains the machine's electrical and hardware specifications, in- clud ing in formati on abou t its options.
Specificat ions 155 8 *1 To use NetBEUI, use the SmartDeviceMonitor port. Options Limitatio n ❒ Only one optional interface bo ard can be i nstalled in th e machine at a time.
Appendix 156 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Data transfer speed: Maximum 400 Mbps ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Connectable number of devices on a bus: Max imum 6 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Allowed cabl e hops on a bus : Max imum 1 6 .
Specificat ions 157 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Transmittable di stance: 1 Mbps 400 m *1 2 Mbps 270 m *1 5.5 Mbps 200 m *1 11 Mbps 140 m *1 *1 These figures are a guideline for outdoor use. In general, the transmittable dis- tance indoors is 10-100 m, depending on enviro nment.
158 INDEX B Bluetoot h Interface Un it Type 3245 , 157 Bypass tray , 14 C Cancel ing a job Windo ws , 110 Chaptering , 104 Clear/S top key , 6 Colla te , 89 Config uration pa ge , 115 Connection Ether.
159 P Page Maker , 62 PCL men u , 121 PDF Di rec t Pri nt , 79 PostSc ript 3 Unit Type 3260 , 157 Precaut ions when using th e Terminal Server m ode Windo ws Ser ver 2003 , 153 Precau tion s when usin.
160 GB GB B737-75 10 MEMO Venu sC1GB -Pri nter- F8_FM .boo k Pag e 160 T uesda y, Mar ch 29, 2005 4 :51 P M.
Paper t ype: Wood Fre e 80g/m2, P aper Thic kness=100 µ m // Pages in book=164 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × P aper thi ckness / 2 = 8.
Paper t ype: Wood Fre e 80g/m2, P aper Thic kness=100 µ m // Pages in book=164 // Print scale=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × P aper thi ckness / 2 = 8.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Ricoh Type 3260 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Ricoh Type 3260 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Ricoh Type 3260 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Ricoh Type 3260 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Ricoh Type 3260, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Ricoh Type 3260.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Ricoh Type 3260. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Ricoh Type 3260 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.