Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SuperView 3000 del fabbricante RGB Spectrum
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RGB Spectrum 950 Marina Village Pkwy. Alameda, CA 94501 P/N 350-7322 May 9, 2002 SuperView 3000 Video Windowing System User Manual.
SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Intr oduction 1 General W indow I nputs Output V i deo Overlays – Chroma Key Contro l of t he SuperV iew System Features Chapter 2 Supplied C omponents 5 Stan dard Suppl.
SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 Chapter 6 Serial Command Set 27 General Serial Comm and Set Usa ge Contro l Software For W indows Chapter 7 T echnical Sp ecifica tions 39 Chapter 8 T r o uble.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 1 1 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . I NTRODUCTION ........... ................ ................ ..... GENERAL The SuperV iew 3000 video windowing syst em displays up to twelve live video/com puter windows on a high-resol ution, RGB display device.
INTRODUCTION W indow Inp uts 2 SuperV iew 3 000 Use r Man ual May 9, 2002 1 ........... ................ ................ ..... WINDOW INPUTS Each channel on the SuperV iew accepts four types of in puts—NTSC or P AL Composite, S -V ideo , Y P B P R Component, and RGB.
INTRODUCTION V ideo Ov erlay s – Chr oma Key May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 3 ..... ........... ................ ................ ..... VIDEO OVERLAYS – CHROMA KEY The S uper V ie w pro vides chro ma ke y circu itr y for ov erl aying the w indo w inpu t imagery with the background computer graphics (gray scale or color).
INTRODUCTION Syste m Featur es 4 SuperV iew 3 000 Use r Man ual May 9, 2002 1 • Input windows can b e positioned, scaled, overlaid wi th computer text an d graphics, and clipped to an arbitrar y size or shape. Scaling of each window is continuous up to the full s ize of the display raster .
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 5 2 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . S UPPLIED C OMPONENTS ........... ................ ................ ..... STANDARD SUPPL IED COMPONENTS The followin g equipment is included in your SuperV iew’ s shipping carton: .
SUPPL IED COMPON ENTS Optional Items 6 SuperV iew 3 000 Use r Man ual May 9, 2002 2 VCP for SuperV iew 720-7295 V irtual Co ntrol Panel for the SuperV iew . Thi s is a Windows compat ible softw are appli cation that prov ides a graphic al user inter face to serial co ntrol of a SuperV iew .
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 7 3 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . S YSTEM B ASI C S The SuperV iew 3000 video windowing syst em displays up to twelve live video/com puter windows on a high-resol ution, RGB display device.
SYSTEM B ASICS W indow s 8 SuperV iew 3 000 Use r Man ual May 9, 2002 3 terminal -emulator program (i.e. Hyperte rminal or Procomm) runn ing on a computer , in order to try out th e examples lis ted in this man ual. Optionally , RGB Spectru m offers soft ware control progr ams for Microsoft W indows environments.
SYSTEM BASIC S Sele cting and Di splayin g W indows– Serial Po rt Control May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 9 ..... input imag e can be viewed, and it is shown in onl y one window .
SYSTEM B ASICS Selec ting and Display ing W indows– Serial Por t Contr ol 10 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 3 Example–– define the destination rectangle in Figur e 4.
SYSTEM BASIC S V isibility of W indow Imagery May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 1 1 ..... FIGURE 5. A Clipped Win dow ........... ................ ................ ..... VISIBILITY OF WINDOW IMAGERY The Super V iew’ s output consi sts of a high- resolution image as sembled from a specified num ber of input images.
SYSTEM B ASICS V isibili ty of W indow Imagery 12 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 3 Example–– tu rn win dow 2 on: > window 2 on PRIORIT Y . ... ..... .... LEVELS The SuperV iew uses window priority levels to determine which of several overlapp ing windows a re visible.
SYSTEM BASIC S Autos ync and Fr ee-Run Dis play Modes May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 13 ..... Example ––set wi ndow 2 to priorit y level 1: > priority 2 1 Since level one corres pond.
SYSTEM B ASICS Autosy nc and Fr ee-Run D isplay Mo des 14 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 3 to place TV weather people in front of live satellite i mages. The co lor that is replaced by the v ideo window is adjus table (via serial command) to include any r a n g eo fR G Bc o l o rv a l u e s .
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 15 4 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . I NSTA LLATION AND S YSTE M S ET U P ........... ..........
INSTALLATION AND SYST EM SET UP Installing the Su perV iew 16 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 4 ........... ................ ................ ..... INSTALLING THE SUPERVIEW T o install a SuperV iew , follo w the step s outlined below: STEP 1: POWE R Connect a power cord to the SuperV iew .
INSTALLA TION AND SYSTEM SET UP Set Up: Autosync Mode May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 17 ..... resp onses fr om it s Auxil iar y port b ack to th e con sole. See Appen dix D , “Seria l Control of Multiple Units,” for details. FIGURE 8. Serial Control of T wo SuperViews .
INSTALLATION AND SYST EM SET UP Set Up: Fr ee-Run Mode 18 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 4 FRONT PANEL ADJUSTMENT T o adjust the host t iming from the f ront panel, foll ow the steps below .
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 19 5 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . F RONT P ANE L C ONTROL The front pan el provides cont rol over most SuperV iew function s (Figure 9).
FRONT PANEL CONTR OL Image Menu 20 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 5 The bottom row of buttons provides access to the menu s ystem of the SuperV iew . These menus are dis cussed in greater detail later in this chapter . The buttons to the right of the LCD allow navigation and s election throug h the menu system.
FR ONT PANEL CONTROL Input Menu May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 21 ..... The currently active wi ndow (i.e. 3) is shown in p arenthesis on the top line an d the first three menu items and their current values are al so shown. There is a prompt (>) wh ich indicates the active menu item.
FRONT PANEL CONTR OL Output M enu 22 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 5 The currently active wind ow (i.e. 3) is shown in p arenthesis on the top line an d the first three menu items and their current values are also s hown. There is a prompt (>) wh ich indicates the active menu item.
FR ONT PANEL CONTROL W i ndow Me nu May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 23 ..... values for an active menu item. Once y ou have adjusted to the des ired value, pres s E NTER to confirm and save the new value. Pres sing E SCA PE or the Up/Down arrow keys will cancel changes .
FRONT PANEL CONTR OL Miscella neous Me nu 24 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 5 ........... ................ ................ ..... MISCELLANEOUS MENU Press the M ISCELLANEOUS button to access this menu. It contains menus for some overall system paramete rs.
FR ONT PANEL CONTROL Pr esets May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 25 ..... ........... ................ ................ ..... PRES ETS The SuperV iew stores up to six user- defined presets. These prese ts store a specific s creen configur ation for the Su perV iew .
FRONT PANEL CONTR OL Presets 26 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 5.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 27 6 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . S ERIAL C OMMAND S ET This section discusses the SuperV iew serial control comman ds. The command set provides access to all of the unit’ s functions. An option al software cont rol program, called the V irtual Control P anel (VCP), is also availabl e.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Seri al Comma nd Set Usag e 28 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 6 INPUT COMMANDS These co mmands allow yo u to make ad justments for your inp uts and th en save these settings into the unit’ s internal memo ry .
SERIAL COMMAND SET Serial Co mmand Se t Usage May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 29 ..... HOST COMM ANDS The Host comman ds control the outpu t of the SuperV i ew . They define the output o r “host” timing an d sync format, and save, load , and delete timing s to the Host List.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Seri al Comma nd Set Usag e 30 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 6 HostIn teractiv e (none) Enters the host inter active mo de. This is an adjust ment mode for changi ng the Host Timing val ues to better sui t your display d evice.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Serial Co mmand Se t Usage May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 31 ..... WINDOW POSITIONING /VISIBILITY This section co ntains commands for contro lling the display conf iguration, zoom and pan operations, and freezing inputs.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Seri al Comma nd Set Usag e 32 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 6 POSitio n <input #> [< direction> <rep etit ion> ] Activa tes the positio n utility , allowing yo u to move the specifie d input arou nd the o utput di splay .
SERIAL COMMAND SET Serial Co mmand Se t Usage May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 33 ..... WINdow <input# | ALL> < ON| OFF> The Window command is used to turn off one or a ll inputs. If W i ndow is Off and th e input to t hat chan nel is remo ved and r eapplied withi n two second s then the statu s remains o ff.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Seri al Comma nd Set Usag e 34 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 6 IMAGE CONTROLS After you have made your adjustmen ts with the I npu t Comm ands , you can th en adjust the image co ntrols for each input.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Serial Co mmand Se t Usage May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 35 ..... SERIAL PORT FU NCTIONS These comman ds control the baud and echo settings . MISCELLANEO US These comman ds control a variety of general Super V iew functi ons.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Seri al Comma nd Set Usag e 36 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 6 T ABLE 4. De finiti ons and Ranges for Input Timing Par ameters SA VE CON FIGurat ion (no ne) Force s an updat e and expl icit save of the system’s NVRAM.
SERIAL COMMAND SET Serial Co mmand Se t Usage May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 37 ..... T ABLE 5. Ho st List # NAME HFP HS HBP HACT VFP VS VBP V ACT HFREQSYNC HPOL VPOL IL 1 .
SERIAL COMMAND SET Cont r ol S oftware For Windows 38 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 6 61 852x480_____ 59.94 20 66 52 852 6 6 33 480 31 4685 0 0 0 62 1360x1024__7 5.1 32 136 272 1360 3 3 35 1024 8000 0 5 1 1 0 63 1360x768__60 92 40 276 1360 3 6 18 768 47700 5 1 1 0 64 1600x1200___ __60 55 164 259 1365 1 3 46 1200 75001 5 1 1 0 .
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 39 7 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS Input Sig nals (in windows) Input Sig nal (in background ) Outp ut Signal Other N.
T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 40 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 7 Size 2RU (up to six input s): W idth 17. 5" (44.5 cm) Depth 18. 0" (45.7 cm) Height 3. 5" (8.9 cm ) 3RU (up to twe lve inputs ): W idth 17. 5" (44.5 cm) Depth 18.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 41 8 ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . T ROUBLESHOOTING Probl ems with the Supe rV iew’ s operation may r esult from inapp ropriate system connections and settings.
T ROUBLESHOOTING How to Conta ct RGB Spectrum 42 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 8 ........... ................ ................ ..... HOW TO CONTACT RGB SPECTRUM RGB Spectrum can be reached .
T ROUBLES HOOTING Firmwar e Updates/README Files May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 43 ..... C for details) and README files, off ering late-breaking technical information on our pro duc ts.
T ROUBLESHOOTING Firmwar e Updates/READM E Files 44 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 8.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 45 A ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . RS-232 C ONTROL The SuperV iew has two RS- 232 serial communi cations ports fo r remote control of its funct.
RS-232 CONTROL Connectin g the RS-232 Por t 46 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 A echo” is ma de with t he ECHO command. If the SuperV iew is connected to a computer configur ed as Data C ommunications Equ ipment (D.C.E.), you need to use a nu ll modem.
RS-232 CONTROL Conn ecting the RS -232 Port May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 47 ..... RS-232 . ... ..... .... PARAMETERS Ensure that your device is set up with these defaul t serial port parameters. Ensure that the contr olling host computer or ASCII terminal is set for 960 0 baud, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit and no parity .
RS-232 CONTROL Connectin g the RS-232 Por t 48 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 A Almost all ASCII terminals, and most com puter serial ports, are configur ed as Data T erminal Equipment. T o connect these to the SuperV i ew , you need a “straight throu gh” cable with pins 1 through 8 connect ed.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 49 B ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . V IDEO L EVEL S AND C HROMA K EY If you have t he optional B ACKGR OUND I NPUT connector on your SuperV iew unit, then in Autosy nc mode you have the option of using the Chroma Key mode.
V IDEO LEVELS AND CHROMA KEY 50 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 B Most users w ill use one of the six fu ll amplitude s aturated col ors, or black o r white, for the key color .
V IDEO LEVELS AND CHROMA KE Y May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 51 ..... chroma key . This is because the frame buffer color must lie wit hin the correct range for all three colo r components simultaneously . The fraction of all colors reserved f or the chroma key is the produ ct of the indiv idual fractions .
V IDEO LEVELS AND CHROMA KEY 52 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 B.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 53 C ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . U PDATIN G S YSTE M F IRMW ARE The firmware versi on in the SuperV iew can be field update d via the RS-232 serial port. The firmware i s like the operati ng system in your co mputer—it instructs the SuperV iew in all of its operations.
UPDATING SYSTE M FIRMWARE 54 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 C.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 55 D ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . S ERIAL C ONTROL OF M ULTI PLE U NITS The Multi-Pro duct Serial Driver (MPS D) is a protocol for contro lling more than one RGB Spect rum product thro ugh a single co nsole.
SERIAL CONTROL OF MULTIPLE UNITS MPSD Comma nds 56 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 D which device they are working with. Since all MPSD commands are buffered, Device 0 is respon sible for echoing MP SD commands to the console.
SERIAL CONTROL OF MULTIPLE UNITS MPSD Exam ple: B aud Rat e Change May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 57 ..... Device 0> :addname 1 Screen2 :report - check the identity of one or all MPSD device(s) in the chain :report <device number | device name> Reports the identificatio n of one or all MPSD device(s) in the chain.
SERIAL CONTROL OF MULTIPLE UNITS MPSD Example: Ba ud Rate Change 58 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 D can enter MPSD commands. Selecting th e next upstream device in the chain , which is still at the old bau d rate, re-establishes communication.
May 9, 2 002 SuperV iew 3000 User Man ual 59 E ..... ........ ..... ...... ..... ........ . P RODUCT W ARRANTY ........... ................ ...........
PRODUCT W ARR ANTY Exte nded W a rranty 60 SuperV iew 3000 User M anual May 9, 2002 E.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo RGB Spectrum SuperView 3000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.