Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RCT6203W46 del fabbricante RCA
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RCT6203W46 10” T ab let with ke yboar d f olio User Manual It's impor tant to read these instr uctions pr ior to using y our ne w product f or the first time .
EN - 1 Saf ety Precautions Equipment tested f or compliance as a complete unit FCC Inf ormation This de vice complies with P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules .
EN - 2 CAN ICES-3(B) / NMB-3(B) • Reor ient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separ ation between the equipment and receiv er . • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which the receiv er is connected.
EN - 3 Some of the f ollo wing inf or mation ma y not apply to y our par ticular product; how e v er , as with an y electronic product, precautions should be obser v ed dur ing handling and use. • Read these instr uctions . • K eep these instr uctions.
EN - 4 plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects ha v e f allen into the apparatus , the apparatus has been e xposed to rain or moisture , does not operate nor mally , or has been dropped.
EN - 5 Safet y Precautions ................................................. ....1 Impor tant Safety Instructions .............................. . .... 3 Star tup ..................................................................... 6 Ov ervie w o f C o n tr o l s .
EN - 6 F ront camera Reset Over vie w of Contr ols Star tup P o wer b utton Headphone jac k Microphone Micro-USB por t V olume +/– Micro SD card slot Speak er HDMI slot Connector for keyboard folio .
EN - 7 Headphone jac k Headphone connection f or personal listening. Micro-USB port Connect to a PC or USB storage device; or use to charge the battery. HDMI slot Connect to a TV or a displa y de vice. Microphone For voice input. Volume+/– b utton Press to increase/decrease the volume.
EN - 8 W ake the T ablet fr om Sleep Mode Press the P o wer b utton to w ak e the tab let from sleep mode . V olume +/– b utton Press the V olume +/– button to increase or decrease the v olume.
EN - 9 Na vigating the Home Screen Google Search TM App Icons V olume +/– Home Bac k Recent Apps Status Bar Settings All Apps.
EN - 10 Notification Shade Notifications may come from the system, a game, an application such as E-mail, or the music player. When Notifications are avai lable, related icons will appear in the top left corner of the screen. To open the Notification Shade, touch the Notification icon and swipe your finger down.
EN - 1 1 Item Description Message Receiv ed new message . Music The Google Pla y Music app is r unning. Screenshots Screenshot captured. USB tether ing H a s c o n n e c t e d t o a P C a n d t h e U SB tether ing is tur ned on. Wi-Fi Has a Wi-Fi Inter net connection.
EN - 12 • Vie w inf o about an App: Press and hold it, and drag it to the top of the screen, then drop the app o v er the App Inf o icon i . Tip: Most apps include a Menu icon near the top or bottom of the screen that lets y ou co n tr o l t h e a p p ’ s settings .
EN - 13 Batter y Mana gement and Charging The tab let has a b uilt-in rechargeab le batter y . Battery Icon The batter y icon in the upper-r ight cor ner shows the batter y le v el or charging status. Char ging the Battery Use the A C Adapter to charge the batter y , and also you can charge it via the Micro-USB por t.
EN - 14 • Do not wait for the battery to be fully depleted before charging again. Keep the battery charged as needed. • If tablet has not been used for a long period of time, the battery might be in over discharge protection mode and may take longer to charge.
EN - 15 Headphone Headphone can be connected to the tablet’ s Headphone jac k. Headphone (not included) T o headphone jac k Micr o SD Inser t the micro SD card into the tab let’ s Micro SD slot until it clic ks . T o chec k the stor age of the micro SD card, go to Set tings -> DEVICE -> Storage .
EN - 16 Notes: • You can use micro SD TM card and micro SDHC TM card (up to 32GB, SD card not included). • Ne v er remov e or inser t micro SD card in On mode. Y ou can connect the unit to a TV or other displa y de vice us i n g an HDMI cab le through the HDMI slot.
EN - 17 Wi-Fi Connect to a Wi-Fi Netw ork 1. Go to Settings -> WIRELESS & NETW ORKS -> Wi-Fi , and slide Wi-Fi to the I (ON) position. 2 . The de vice will scan Wi-Fi networ ks automatically and displa y the a v ailab le names . • If the de vice finds a network that you connected to pre viously , it will connect to it automatically .
EN - 18 Network SSID (name) of the n e t w o r k . I f n e c e s s a ry , enter secur ity or other network configuration details . Note: y ou can tap Men u icon at the upper r ight cor ner in the Settings s c r e e n fo r adv anced settings.
EN - 19 Send Files 1. Go to All Apps -> File Mana ger . 2 . Select a file y ou w ant to send, touch & hold it until the Notification bar appears , touch icon and select Bluetooth , then f ollow the instr uctions to complete the sending.
EN - 20 K e yboar d o vervie w Installing tablet into ke yboar d f olio case Key s Speaker hole Camera hole Connector - connecting pins to the tab let. 1 . Gently slide the tab let into the case . 2 . T ur n on the tab let. Note the tab let direction 3.
EN - 21 T urning Y our T ab let On f or the First Time When using the tab let f or the first time, y ou will be required to setup the f ollowing: 1. Select the language , then tap . 2. Set the Wi-Fi. 3. If y ou ha v e a Google Account, select "Y es".
EN - 22 Drag or Swipe While holding an item such as an icon, it can sometimes be m o v e d b y d r a g g i n g i t t o another area or screen. Y ou ma y also be able to s wipe y our finger across a screen or item to na vigate or m o v e i t .
EN - 23 Customizing the Home Screen • F rom All Apps screen to Home screen: T ap All Apps icon to open All Apps screen, press & hold an icon or widget and slowly to drag it to the location of y our ch o ic e. Th i s makes it m uch easier to change your Home screen la y out.
EN - 24 When y ou’ re viewing the Google Now screen, y ou don’t ha v e to touch an ything. J ust sa y “Goo gle . ” Note: T o detect when y ou sa y "Google" to launch V oice Search or V oice Actions, y our tab let analyz es sound pic k ed up b y y our tab let's microphone in inter v als of a f e w seconds or less .
EN - 25 Settings Settings lets you configure the tablet, set app options, add accounts , and change other pr e f e r e n c e s . WIRELESS & NETW ORKS Wi-Fi — Enable or disab le Wi-Fi , and connect to a wireless netw or k so that you can chec k email, search the W eb , or access social media websites .
EN - 26 PERSONAL Location — Enab le or disable Access to m y location , RECENT LOCA TION REQUESTS and LOCA TION SER VICES. Security — Set pref erences f or SCREEN SECURITY , P ASSW ORDS, DEVICE ADMINISTRA TION , and CREDENTIAL ST ORA GE.
EN - 27 A Google Account lets you organize and access y our personal inf or mation from an y computer or mobile de vice . Add an Account Y ou can use m ultiple Google Accounts and Microsoft Exchange Activ eSync accounts on your tab let. You may also be able to add other kinds of accounts, depending on your apps.
EN - 28 T ablet displa ys netw ork or ser vice err or messa ge • When y ou are located in places with poor signals , your tab let ma y lose its Wi-Fi connection.
EN - 29 Cop yright and T rademark Notices T ablet can not sho w video of opposite side during skype call • The Wi-Fi signal is poor . Please mov e close to y our wireless router , or disconnect other de vices from your wireless router , or increase bandwidth of inter net connection.
EN - 30 P ow er : DC IN 5V (operate with A C adapter) F ront Camera: 0.3 Megapix el Rear Camera: 2.0 Megapix el Specifications Specifications and external appearance are subject to change without notice. HDMI or DVI products without HDCP (High bandwidth Digital Content Protection) will result in no V ideo or Audio output.
EN - 31 AVC MULTIMEDIA (“AVC”) makes the following limited warranty. This limited warranty extend to the original consumer purchaser and is limited to non-commercial use of the product.
EN - 32 P ac ka ging and Shipping Instruction When y ou send the product to the AV C ser vice f acility y ou must use the or iginal car ton bo x and pac king mater ial or an equiv alent as designated b y A VC. Y our Responsibility (1) You must retain the original sale receipt to provide proof of purchase.
EN - 33 limited w arranties set f or th abov e . With the e xception of an y warr anties implied b y state la w as hereb y limited, the f oregoing warr anty is e xclusiv e and in lieu of all other w arranties , guar antees , ag reements and similar ob ligations of manuf acturer or seller with respect to the repair or replacement of an y par ts.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il RCA RCT6203W46 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del RCA RCT6203W46 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso RCA RCT6203W46 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul RCA RCT6203W46 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il RCA RCT6203W46, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del RCA RCT6203W46.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il RCA RCT6203W46. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo RCA RCT6203W46 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.