Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SA-4100SDI-E (1U) del fabbricante Provision-ISR
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Menu Select Channel Mode - + Manual Record Recording System DV R User Man ual All rights r eserved www .pr ovision-isr .com.
Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l CAUTION R ead this user manual car efully to ensure correct and s afe use of y our PROVISION - ISR DVR. T he content of this manual could be outdated or in correct, for any clarification contac t PROVISION - ISR support.
Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Table of C ontents 1 Intro duction ..................................................................................................................................................................................
Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3.13 Rear P anel Descri ption (S A - 8200SDI) ......................................................................................................................................... 25 2.3.14R ear Pane l Des cription (SA- 16 200SDI/S A - 16400S DI) .
Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.3.4 St amp ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42 4.3 .5 Recycle record .
Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 5.4 Im age ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 68 5.
Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Remote Inf ormation Search .................................................................................................................................................................... 88 8 Mob ile Surveil lance .
1 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 1 Introduction 1. 1 DVR I ntroduction Thesemodel DVR s (Digit al V ideo Recorder) are designed sp eci fical ly for CC TV syste m. The device c ontains highperf ormance video process ing chips and an embe d d ed Li nux system, i t u tilizes adv anced sta ndard t echnologies, su ch as H.
2 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l • Supports zoomX4 option during playback . BACKUP • Support s USB 2.0 devices for backup . • Support s instal lation of a built - in SA T A DVD wr it e r for back up (not small 1U c ase DVR) . • Support s saving rec orded files with A VI st andard format for a remote computer through internet .
3 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l PTZ CONTROL • Support s multiple PTZ protocols . • Support s 128 PTZ presets and 8 auto c ruise tracks . • Support s rem ote PTZ control through internet .
4 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2 Hardware Installation Notic e : Check the unit and the ac cessories after getting the DVR. shut down the device and unpl ug the power line before any new connec tions to other d evices .
5 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.1. 2 Install the DVD Writer ( 1U DVR cas e ) Notic e : 1 . The DVD writer s must be on the compatible devic es l ist .
6 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.1. 4 Install the Hard Driv e (2U DVR case) Notice : 1. T his ser ies support four SA T A hard driv es or thre e SA T A hard drive s plus one DV D writer . (User can also choos e to install eight SA T A hard drives or four SA T A hard drives plus one DVD w riter .
7 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Step 3: In stall other thre e HDD according to above - mentione d method. Then cover the uppe r iron bar and scr ew it firmly .
8 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.1. 5 Install the DV D Wr it e r (2U DVR case) Step 1 : Unscrew and open the c ase . Then unscrew the scre ws on both sides to re move the upp er bar as show n below: Step 2: Install the DVD holder that came with the d evice.
9 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2. 2 F ront P anel De s cript ions : 2.2. 1 Front P anel Description ( 1U DVR c ase ): Ite m Typ e Name Descript ion 1 W ork state indicato r Power P ower indi .
10 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.2. 2 Front Pane l Description ( small 1U DVR case ): Item Ty p e Name Descripti on 1 W ork state indicato r Power Power i ndicat or, wh en connec tion , the .
11 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.2. 3 Front P anel Description ( 2U DVR c ase ) Item Name Funct ion 1 Power B utton Soft switch off to s top firm ware ru nning. Do it bef ore p ower off . 2 DVD but ton Press thi s but ton, us er can pl ace th e DV D to do backup .
12 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Item Name Funct ion BACKUP Enter b ackup m ode i n live SEARCH Enter se arch m ode REW Rewind FF Fa st forwar d REC Record m anual ly PLAY Play/Pause STOP Stop/Esc 10 Jog dial Control rewind/ fast fo rward/ frame when playing t he im age.
13 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2. 3 RearPan el Descri ptions 2.3. 1 R ear Panel Description ( SA - 4100 HDX+ ) Item Name Description 1 Ground connection Grounding (also for the alar m in gro.
14 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 2 Rear Panel De s cription (SA - 4100HD E +) Item Name Description 1 Audio in 4 CH Audio input 2 Video in Video input channels from 1 -4 3 Ground Groundin.
15 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 3 Rear Panel De s cription (SA - 8200N +) Item Name Description 1 Audio in 4 CH Audio in put 2 Video in Video input channels from 1 -8 3 Ground Grounding .
16 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 4 Rear Panel De s cription (SA - 16400N +) Item Name Description 1 Audio in 4 CH Audio input 2 Video in Video input channels from 1 - 16 3 Ground Groundin.
17 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 5 Rear Panel D escripti on (SA - 16400N E +) Item Name Description 1 Power sw itch ON/OF F sw itch 2 P/Z Connect to speed dome (RS48 5 PTZ c amer as) 3 K/.
18 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 6 Rear Panel Desc ription (S A - 8200HD+) Item Name Description 1 Power sw itch ON/OF F sw itch 2 P/Z Connect to speed dome (RS48 5 PTZ c amer as) 3 K/B C.
19 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 7 Rear Panel Desc ription (S A - 8100SDI) Item Name Description 1 ALARM OUT 4- ch relay o utput. Connect to external alarm 2 P/Z Connect to speed dome (RS.
20 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 8 Rear Panel Desc ription (S A - 4025SDI) Item Name Description 1 P/Z Connect to speed dome (RS48 5 PTZ c amer as) 2 K/B Connect to k eyboard 3 ALARM IN C.
21 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 9 Rear Panel Desc ription (S A - 4100SDI) Item Name Description 1 ALARM OUT 4- ch relay o utput. Connect to external alarm 2 P/Z Connect to speed dome (RS.
22 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 10 Rear Panel Desc ription (S A - 24600) Item Name Description 1 VGA VGA output, connect to m onitor 2 Video out C onnect to m onitor 3 Video in V ideo i .
23 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 11 RearP ane l Descri ption (SA - 32800) Ite m Name Descript ion 1 Video out C onnect to moni tor 2 Video in V ideo inp ut cha nnels( 1 - 32 -ch ) 3 POWER INPUT 110 VAC or 23 0V AC 4 Loop O ut (17 - 3 2) Video out (wit h a 1 6 channel plu g) for c hannels 17 - 32.
24 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 12 RearP ane l Descri ption (SA - 8200D1SDI) Ite m Name Descript ion 1 Video out C onnect to moni tor 2 Spot Connect to monitor with no menu display 3 A u.
25 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 13 RearP ane l Descri ption (SA - 8200SDI) Ite m Name Descript ion 1 Video in HD SDI V ideo i nput c hannel s(1 -8) 2 Video out C onnect to moni tor 3 A u.
26 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2.3. 14 RearP ane l Descri ption (SA - 16200SDI /SA - 16400S DI ) Ite m Name Descript ion 1 Video in HD SDI V ideo i nput c hannel s(1 - 16 ) 2 Video out C onn.
27 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2. 4 Remot e C ontrol ler The remot e requires two AA A size batteri es . Fo r ins tall ing the batteries o pen the battery c over on the Rem ote C ontroll er , p l ace two batteries according to th e correct polar ity marked on t he remote (+ and -) , the n fas ten the b attery cover to bac k its pla ce.
28 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Item Name Function 1 P ower But ton Soft switch off to stop f irmware runni ng. Do it befor e power off. 2 INFO Button Get infor mation about th e DVR like fir.
29 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l The "smal l 1U " DVR models c onta in the sm all remo te c ontr oll er . Item Name Function 1 REC S tart or stop m anu al rec ordi ng 2 SEARCH Go to .
30 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2. 5 Control w ith Mouse 2.5. 1 Con nect Mou se The DVR supports USB mous e through the p orts on the re ar panel, plea se refer to Fig2. 8. Notic e : If mouse is n ot detected or doesn't work: 1. Make sure the mouse is plugged to the co rrect USB mous e port not the USB port 2.
31 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 3 Basic Function Instruction 3. 1 P ower On/Off B efore you power on the un it, please make s ure all the cables are conn ecte d properly .
32 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 3. 2 L ogin Yo u can login and log out from the DVR sy stem. After logout t he user cannot o perat e except changing the m ulti - screen dis play .
33 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 3.3. 1 L ive playback Click Play button to playbac k record ings . Yo u can change sett ings by c lick ing on the buttons on screen.
34 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4 Main menu setup guide C lick right mouse or press ESC button on the front pan el : the c ontrol bar w ill appear on the bot tom of th e screen, ref er to Fig 4 - 1: Fig 4 - 1 main menu toolbar C lick the icon beside " screen mode " to selectthe channel s .
35 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 4 - 2 main menu configuration menu 4. 1 Basic c onfiguration The basic c onfiguration has three sub menus: system , date& time and DST .
36 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l P assword ch eck: enabl ing this option prompts user na me and passw ord before user can perform op erations on the DVR . S how Sy stem time: display s the tim e i n li ve vi ew . Startup w iza rd : This option enables the wizar d on s tartup .
37 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.1. 3 D ST Syst em configurat ion => basic conf iguration => DST ; refer to F ig 4 - 5: I n this inter face you can enable daylight saving time , s et the DST time offset, mode, star t & end month/w eek/date .
38 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 4 - 6 live configurati on live Fig 4 - 7 live - color adju stment S tep3: clic k ing the“ setti ng ” button wi l l pop - up a window ( Fig 4 -7) in this inter face, you can adjust br ightness, h ue, saturatio n and contrast in live .
39 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l C lick button to s et the next channel group. S tep5: click “ default ” button to res ort default sett ing; click “ apply ” button to save the setti ng; click “ exi t ” button to exit c urrent interface.
40 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l S etup mask area L ive image ma sk area 4. 3 Record configura tion R ecord configur ation includes six sub menus: enabl e, record bit r ate , ti me , rec ycle re c ord , stam p and snap for NE o rHD series . 4.
41 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.3. 2 R ecord stream S tep1: go to system configur ation recor d configuration r ecord bit rat e ; refer to Fig 4 - 12: S tep2: setup rate, resolu tio.
42 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Expire ti me: the max imum time a r ecording will b e in th e system . I f the set date is overdue, t he record files will be deleted a utomatically . To setup all channels w ith the same parame ters ma rk “ al l ” a nd then click "apply".
43 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l B efore repos itio nin g after repos itio nin g 4.3. 5 R ecycle record S ystem configur ation => record configuration => recycle rec o rd ; mark" recycle record " to enable recycl e reco rd ing .
44 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 4 - 15 schedul e configur ation - schedule S tep2: select channel and d ouble - clic k to pop up a w indow as Fig 4 - 1 6.
45 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l C lick “ OK ” button t o save the s etting; click “ Exi t ” button to ex it current interf ace. • I f the user w ants to apply the schedule setting of certa in channel to oth er or all chann els , he needs to select channel and click “ Copy ” button.
46 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4. 5 A larm configuration A larm configur ation include s five sub men us: sensor , m otion, video l oss, other alar m and alarm out. 4.5. 1 Sensor S ensor inclu des three sub m enus: basic, al arm handling an d schedule.
47 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 4 -20 alarm handli ng - trigger Fig 4 - 21 alarm configura tion - sensor - alar m handling Full screen a larm: w hen alarm is triggere d, there will p op up full scree n alarm; E mail: Se lect this funct ion.
48 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l • S chedule Syst em co nfiguration => alar m configuration => sensor => sched ule ;R efer to Fi g 4 - 22: T he setup steps of sensor schedu le are simila r wi th allschedul e s; R efer t o 4.4.1 Sc hedule for det ails.
49 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Ne xt : click Area but ton, a dial og box will pop - up as Fig 4- 24 a and 4 - 24b. T o s et th e sensitivity value ( 1- 8) drag the slide bar in the Area interf ace, the default v alue is 6 . T he higher the value the hig her the sensitivit y to mov ement, meaning more event s will be recorded .
50 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l To setup all channe ls with the same parameter s choose“ all ”then apply to save relevant set up to all channels . Reset default setting; click the“ default ” button and then“ apply ” butt on to save the setting .
51 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.5. 4 O ther alarm Select syst em configuration other alarm (as s hown in Fig 4 - 27 ) Disk full: Yo u c an choo se the capacity of the dis k storage and select th e related alar m. If the disk is f ull, the system will perfor m according to t he setup.
52 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.5. 5 A larm out A larm out includes three sub menus: alarm out,sche dule and buzz er • A larm out S ystem conf iguration => ala rm out; refer to F ig 4 - 28: Yo u can set re lay alarm out name and select hold tim e (t he interval t ime between t he two adjacent alarms ).
53 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4. 6 N etwork configura tion N etwork conf iguration inclu des four sub menus: networ k, sub stream, E mail and other s ettings. 4.6. 1 N e tw ork S tep 1: M ain m enu => system configuration => n etwork config uration => netw ork; refer to Fig 4 - 29: T he default HTTP port is 80.
54 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.6. 2 Sub stream S yste m config uration => net work configuratio n => sub stream; r efer to Fig 4 - 30:select fp s, resolution, quality , encode and max bit rate To setup al l channels with the same paramet ers choose“ all ”then ap ply to sa ve relevan t setu p to all channels .
55 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.6. 3 E mail system conf iguration => networ k c onfigur ation => email; ref er t o Fig 4 - 31 SMTP Server/Port: the nam e and port nu mber of SMT P server .
56 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 4 - 32 netw ork configurati on - other setting s Using UPnP : A technician m ay prefer to use UPnP to a ccess the DVR remotely from the W AN : enable UPnP function in the us er ’ s router and t he DVR.
57 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l I f “ Show icon s for networked U PnP devices ” can ’ t display in the“ Netw ork Tasks ” list box , please follow t he below operatio n: C lick �.
58 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2) Fill in the r egistration f orm, then clic k " S ubmi t " (figure 4- 36 ) 3) Fill in the host na me you want t o apply for .
59 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l U ser management c onf igura tion S tep 1: ente r into syste m configurati on => user manag ement configuratio n; refer to Fig 4 -38: S tep 2: clic k Add bu.
60 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4. 7 P .T .Z configuration P .T .Z configuration inc ludes two submen us: serial port and advance ① S eria l port S ystem config uration => P .
61 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l ③ A dvance C onfigurati on => P .T .Z conf igura ti on => advance; R efer to Fig 4 - 42 : c l ick p res et “ Setting ” button t o see a dialog b ox as Fig 4 - 43 : Fig 4 - 42 P .T .Z confi guration - adv ance Fig 4 - 43 advance - preset setting a.
62 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 4 - 44 pres et set - set ting b .user can c ontrol the d ome rotates up, up left , down, right down, left , left down, righ t a nd up right a nd stop rotating ; a djus t the rotate spe ed and the valu e of zoom, fo cus and iris of t he dome ; c.
63 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l adjust the position of th e pres et point. C lick Preview butt on to prev iew the crui se line; cli ck OK butto n to save th e settin g; click Exit butto n to exit current interface w ithout saving . c. select a pres et point in the cr uise line list box .
64 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4.8. 1 R eset R eset all settings th e device will re boot, plea se note: perfor m the reset only after con sulting with a technician .
65 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 5 Record search & playback and backup S earch config uration inc ludes four sub menus: time searc h, event search, file managem ent and image.
66 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l N ote: the verti cal column representst he time ( hour s ) , while the horizont al column representsth e channels. Another option is to click P lay button t o playback re cord on the main screen to start play of last 30 minutes.
67 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 5 - 2 Search configur ation - ev ent search Cli ck o n the " Search " button to display th e e vent informa ti on i n the event list box . Here you can s elect the date and cha nnel. Y ou can choo se events by m ot ion, s ensor or All according ly .
68 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l U nlo ck: select a locked file and click the " Lo ck " butto n to unlock this file . D elete: select an unlocked fi le and click De lete button to d elete this fi le. A fter selecting the “ Al l ”button user can lock , unlock or delete all files in th e file manage ment column.
69 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 6 M ana ge DVR 6. 1 Check sy stem inf ormation Displaysthe s ystem inf orma tion .Thi s i nclude s five submenus : system, event, l og, network and online us er . 6.1. 1 S ystem information I n th is interface , user can che ck the hardwar e version, M CU version, kernel v ersion, dev ice ID, etc.
70 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 6. 2 M anual al arm This option is used to activ ate the alarm manually , this option also activate s the buzzer . 6. 3 D isk man agement 1. Format the dis k Go to" disk manag ement " N ote: pl ease format the hard disk before starting a reco rd ing.
71 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7 R emote Surveillance 7. 1 IE Remot e Surveillan ce T o view the DVR fr om a netw ork it must be connected to a modem or router t hrough the L A N /W AN .The netw ork setup should be done accord ingly . Please r efer to4.
72 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Step 6: IE will download A ct iveX automatic ally . Then a window pops up and asks for user name and password.Inp ut us er name and pa ssword correct ly , and e nter to view . Note : If you cannot downl oad and inst all A cti veX, please refe r to Q&A.
73 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7. 2 Remote S urveillance through Macinto sh w ith Safari: Note : t he current plug - in version supports o nly the 32 - bit mode, so the safari br owser must w ork on 32 - bit mode. This works for L ion OS, with Saf ari 5.
74 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7.2. 1 On LA N Step 1: Af ter starting A pple computer , click icon. The f ollowing window will pop up. Please select “Sy stem Preferences” ”Internet.
75 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Step 2: Ent er into Netw ork interface and then click “Et hernet C onnected” to che ck the internet co nnection of Apple PC.
76 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Step 5: Cli ck icon and then select t he Active X co ntrol, the w elcome interfac e will be show n. Click “Continue” ”Install” butt on , t he following w indow w ill pop up : Input the name and passw ord of Apple PC a nd then click “OK” to install t his Active X control.
77 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7. 3 The remo te liv e preview inter face Fig 7 - 2 Remote live previe w inter face Sy mbol and function Definiti ons: ① Channel in dic ator ② Screen displ.
78 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l N ote: cli ck button to rec ord manual and the re cord file will b e saved in user’ s PC. S creen displ a y mode: C lick the icon beside the screen displ ay .
79 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l P lease conne ct speed dom e to the devic e via RS485 fir stly , make sure t he protocol of the speed dome is su pported by t he device and s et the relative parameters manua lly .
80 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l C lick the righ t mouse on the live interf ace, a pull - dow n menu will appear as below Stream: this DVR s upports master stream and sub stream.
81 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Fig 7 - 5 Play record file int erface.
82 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l T his DVR sup ports remote t ime search, event search and file management. B y T ime Search: S tep1: Enter into Search time search; refer to Fig 7 - 6: Fig.
83 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l S tep2: click “Search” button . T he record data will be displayed in the data inf ormation lis t box; the highlight dat e in the are a ② means hav e rec.
84 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l B y Ev ent Search: S tep1: Enter into Search ev ent search; refer to Fi g 7 - 8: Fig 7 - 8 event search inte rface Step2: click the highlight date and sele ct record channel s and then mark the event t ype: motion an d sensor .
85 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l F ile Manag ement S tep1: Enter into Search file mana gement ; refer t o Fig 7 - 9: Fig 7 - 9 file managem ent interface L ock: sele ct certain file item i.
86 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7.4. 2 R emote backup C lick Backup button to ent er into backu p interface, ref ers to Fig 7 - 10: Fig 7 - 10 remot e backup inte rface S tep1: select channel.
87 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7. 5 R emote S y stem configuration User can remot e setup the param eters of the dev ice. Function s of remote co nfiguration s inc lude : basic configura tio.
88 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 7. 6 Remot e Management Remote Inf ormation Searc h The syste m will autom atically rec ord the w orking conditi on and operat ion process during the perio d of work . U ser c an view informati on, such as usernam e, IP addre ss and so on.
89 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 8 M obile Surveillance Thi s DVR supports m obil e surveillan ce by IPhone , Android, blackberry or smart phones w ith Window s mobile and S ymb ian OS , though the serv ice may depend on the cel lular service prov ider and 3G netw ork availabil ity and funct ion .
90 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 8. 2 SuperLivePro 1.0 M anual (for iOS) Login interf ace Input serv er ’s IP address (or d omain name), us er name and pas sword Click “Reme mber server” to s ave the setting; cl ick button user c an quick input saved serv er address, user name and pas sword.
91 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Main screen Enlarge pictur e 2- way audio Color adjust ment PTZ PTZ Presets.
92 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l NavBar Icon meaning : Quick Lau nch Bar Instructi on: Ges tur es i nstr uctio n : 1 .) T ap to select t he current ch annel, double t ap the live image to sw itch to s ingle channel or m ult i - channel displaying .
93 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Using the playback inte rface you can play back files on t he DVR, follow the next step s just like on the web or local interface: Search menu Time search Remo.
94 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Configuration and information interface to change DVR settings : Settings menu Basic menu Record menu Network menu Email menu PTZ menu Sy stem menu Network men.
95 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Device list interface for quick login (figur e 8.1.8 - 8.1.9): Fig. 8.1.8 Fig. 8.1.9.
96 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 8. 4 Windows M obile applica tion Step1 : F irstly activ ate the net work access on mobile phone and then run “ I nternet Explor er ” . I nput the serv er ’ s addres s and the connection is bui lt up show n as below pic ture in the left: Step2 : C lick on the software name .
97 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 8. 5 S ym b i a n OS applic ation Please use th e smart phone s with symbian version supp orted by this un it. T he detail inform ation is as follow s: Symbian S 40 support Symbian UIQ support Symbian S 80 support Symbian S 60 support Symbian S 60 3 rd Edit ion - Symb ian OS v9.
98 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Step3 : A welcome w indow will pop up and requir es a package. C lick the softw are name to dow nload . R efer pict ure in the r ight: Step4 : A security w indows w ill pop up after dow nloading and as k if install th e package.
99 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Notic e : User name an d password here ar e the same wi th that used on the DVR. The default is admin a nd 123456. Step10 : In Live V iew , users can do snaps hot, change ch annels and contr ol PTZ. R efer p icture in the r ight: 8.
100 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4. Finished dow nloading, the softw are will b e insta lled automatically . N ote: If the software fai ls to downlo ad, please check in accordan ce with the follo wing steps: 1. Check w hether the netw ork of mobile phon e is normal or n ot 2.
101 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Note : When user used th e SuperCam soft w are in mobile phone with t ouch screen, ther e will be compatibl e problem. Solution: E nter into Options M enu - >Advance option s - >Applications - >SuperCam and click “D isable Compatib ility” button.
102 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 2. Main inter face 3. Live view Play back playback re cord file Image image view Log log record Server List device list Information device informat ion vie w .
103 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Note: User can click Return butto n on the Blackb erry phone to re turn the prev ious interface. Mar k 1 Current view ing channel Mar k 2 Channel status Switc.
104 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 4. Server list 5. Software configur ation 6. Information v iew.
105 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l A p pendix A Q& A Q1. W h y can't the DVR star t after connect i ng t o the pow er? a. T he adapter has be en damaged or i s malfunctioned, change power ada pter . b. T he HDD might be malfunctioni ng Please remov e the HDD to chec k.
106 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Q6 . Cannot rec ord a. HDD not formatted . F or mat it manua lly to F A T32 first. b. The r eco rd f unct ion is dis able d or the set up is not correct . Please ref er toChapter 5 R ecord , search, play back and bac kup .
107 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l ② select S ecurity ------ Custom Level … .Refer to Fig 8- 1 ③ Enable al l the sub options u nder “ ActiveX controls and plug - ins ” refer to Fig 8- 2 ④ T hen cli ck ok to fi nis h setup . b. Other p lug - ins or anti - virus block activeX .
108 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Q9 : when DVR start s, it disp la y s “please wait…”al l the time First option : hard - disk data ca ble is ca usi ng th e pro blem . Solution: shut down and unplug the DVR fr om the pow er , check the ca bles con nect ed t o the hard - disk are c onnected.
109 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l Q1 2 : Whatare the minimum configurati ons of P C for client s connecting? PC Module Parameters CPU Intel Celero n 2.4G Mother board Intel 845 HDD 80G RAM 512M VGA NVIDIA G eForce MX440/ FX5200 A TIRADEON 7500/ X 300 OS Windows 2000(SP 4 above) /Windows X P(SP2 above) /VI ST A Direct X 9.
11 0 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l a. Enter Contr ol Panel User Account and F amily Safety User Account Con trol(refer t o below pictur e); click T urn User Account on or of f. Cancel Us e User Account C ontrol (UAC) to help protect your computer .
111 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l A p pendix B Cal culate R ecord ing Capacity Users can cal culate the siz e of hard disk ac cording to the sa ving time and DVR recording setting s. The DVR uses fix ed video bit rate. T he below are the details at di fferent settings.
11 2 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l A p pendix C Co mpati ble De vices 1. V erified &c ompati ble USB drive s (Format only to F A T32) Brand Capacity SSK 512MB , 1G, 2GB Netac 4GB Kingston 2GB , 4GB Aigo 2GB Smatter v ider 1GB SanDisk 4GB 2.
11 3 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l 3. V erifie d & compatible HD D lis t Brand Capacity W D AV - G P 2 0 EU R S - 73S48 Y0 2.0T W D AV - G P 1 0 E U R S - 63 0AB1 1.
11 4 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l A p pendix D 4CH DV R Speci ficatio ns SA-4100HD E + SA-4100HD X+ SA-4025SD I SA-4100SD I ( 1U ) Fo r m a t D1 D1 HD- S DI SD I 1080P N um be r of Inputs 4 4.
11 5 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l SA-8200N+ SA- 8200H D + (1U) SA-8200D1S D I SA-8200SD I SA- 8100SD I ( 1U ) Fo r m at D1 + CIF D1 HD- S DI + D1 SD I 1080P SD I 1080P N um be r of Inputs 4 D.
11 6 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l SA- 16400N + SA- 16400N E + SA- 16400H D + (1U ) SA- 16200SD I SA- 16400SD I Fo r m a t CIF D1 + CIF D1 SD I 1080P SD I 1080P N um be r of Inputs 16 4 D 1 + .
11 7 Digit al V ideo Recorder User Manua l SA- 24600 S A - 32800 Fo r m a t CIF D1 * + CIF N um be r of Inputs 24 4 D 1* + 28 C I F L ocal Playback C han n e ls 16 16 R e m ot e Playb ack Ch an n e ls.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U) è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U) - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U) imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U) ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U), ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U).
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U). Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Provision-ISR SA-4100SDI-E (1U) insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.