Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VTrak external disk array subsystem del fabbricante Promise Technology
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VT RAK M310p, M210p P RODUCT M ANUAL Ve r s i o n 1 . 0.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual ii Copyright © 2006 Promise T echnolo gy , Inc. All Right s Res erved. Copyri ght by Prom ise T echnology , Inc. (Promi se T echnology ). No p art of this manual may be reproduc ed or t ransmitte d in an y form with out the express ed, written permiss ion of Prom ise T echnolog y .
iii Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 About Th is Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual iv Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe, continued Event Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Subsystem s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents v Chapter 5: Management with the CLU, continued Exit the CLU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4 CLU Functio n Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5 Quick Se tup .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual vi Chapter 5: Management with the CLU, continued Background A ctivit ies List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Event Vi ewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents vii Chapter 7: Technology Backgr ound, continued Predictive Data Mi gration (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 9 PDM Triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Transition .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual viii.
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Man ual (below) • Overvi ew (page 2) • Architec tural Desc ription (p age 3) • S pecifications (pa ge 5) Thank y ou for purch asing Prom ise T echnology’ s VT rak M3 10p or M21 0p externa l disk ar ray s ubsy stem.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 2 Overview VT rak p rovide s dat a storage s olutions for ap plication s where high perfo rmanc e and dat a protection ar e required . The failure of any sing le drive will not af fect data inte gri ty or a cces si bil it y of the data i n a RAI D pro tec ted log ical driv e .
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Architectural Descr iption The VT rak M310p and M210 p are Dir ect Att ached S torage (DAS) subs ystems . The sub systems support 1.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 4 T agged Com mand Q ueuing (TC Q) up to 1 28 comm ands Maximum performan ce in Multi- Threaded Operat ing System s. Supports SA T A II Native Comm and Queui ng High perf ormance a nd ef ficiency throug h eff icient co mmand re -orderin g.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Specificati ons Drive Cap a ci ty (M3 10p ): 12 SA T A disk drives (3.5" x 1" form factor only). Drive Capa city (M2 10p): 8 SA T A disk d rives (3.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 6 Power Su pply: Du al powe r supplie s. M3 10p, 360W . M201p, 260W . 100–240 V AC auto-ranging, 50–60 Hz, dual h ot-swap and redund ant with PFC, N+1 des ign Ope.
7 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unp ack the VT rak st orage subs ystem ( below) • Mount VT rak in a Rac k (pag e 8) • Ins tall Di sk D riv es (page 1 0) • Conne ct Network and Da ta Ca bles (p ag.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 8 Mount VTr ak in a Rack Figure 1. Rackm ounte d VT rak M3 10p (M2 10p is similar) The VT rak M310 p or M210p inst all s to the rack using the su pplied mou nting rails. Y ou can a lso use your exi sting rail s. Figure 2.
Chapter 2: Installation 9 T o instal l the VT rak enclosure into a rac k with the suppl ied mo unting rai ls (see Figure 2 ): 1. Check the fi t of the mounting rails in your rack system . 2. Slid e th e pla tes ou t of the mou nt ing rai l s. 3. Attach on e plat e to each side o f the VT rak enclosure .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 10 Install Disk Drives Y ou can pop ulate t he VT rak with 1.5 GB and 3.0 GB SA T A drives. • VT ra k M310p suppo rts up to 12 di sk dr ives • VT ra k M210p support s up to 8 disk drives All VT rak M310p or M210p models provi de the R AID c onfigur ations l isted be low .
Chapter 2: Installation 11 Figure 3. VT rak M3 10p/M210p drive ca rrier mo unting hol es Figure 4. SA T A Disk Drives mou nt at the front of the carrie r 1. Carefully la y the d rive i nto the dri ve carrier at the f ront, s o that the s crew holes on t he bo tt om li ne up .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 12 4. Repeat the se st eps un til all o f your d isk driv es are insta lled. Drive Numbering Each dis k drive in VT rak is identifie d by a number us ed for creating a nd managi ng log ical driv es. VT ra k numbers disk dri ves from left to right.
Chapter 2: Installation 13 Connect Network and Data Cables Figure 8. VT rak M310p /M210 p DAS co nnection s This arra ngeme nt requires : • A ne twork swi tch • A network i nterface card (NIC) in .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 14 Set Up Serial Cable Connections The RS-2 32 Seria l connectio n enab les the C omman d Line U tility (CLU ) on your PC to moni tor and control VT rak.
Chapter 2: Installation 15 Connect the Power Plug the power cords an d switch o n both power su pplie s on. When the po wer is switche d on, the L EDs on th e front of th e VT rak wi ll lig ht up.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 16 If ther e is no d isk drive in the carri er , the Disk S tatus LED and th e Power/Ac tivity LED wi ll re main dark . When yo u first power-up the VT rak, the audible alarm be eps tw ice to s how normal ope rati on.
17 Chapter 3: Setu p • VT rak Setup with CLI or CLU (below) • VT rak Se tup with W ebP AM PROe (pa ge 22) VT rak Setup wit h CLI or CLU Aft er inst allation , the next step i s to confi gure VT rak. T o set date, ti me and IP addres ses, you mu st us e the Comm and Li ne Interfac e (CLI) or the Comma nd Line Util ity (CLU).
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 18 CLI 1. T ype the following string to set the Date an d T ime , then p ress Enter administrator@cli > date -a m od -d 2006/0 6/15 -t 16:4 5:00 T ype the date in yyyy /mm/dd fo rmat an d the time in hh /mm/ss form at with a 24-hour c lock.
Chapter 3: Setup 19 CLU 1. At th e ad min@ cli prom pt , type men u and press Ente r . The CL U main menu a ppears. 2. With Qu ick Setup highligh ted, pre ss Enter . The firs t Quick Setup scre en enable s you to make Date and T ime setting s. System Da te and Time 1.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 20 5. Press Ctrl- A to save t hese set tings and move to the Manag ement Port configu ration sc reen . Management Po rt By default, DHCP is enabled on VT rak (above). T o set Management Port settings manually , or to view the current settings, you must disable DHCP .
Chapter 3: Setup 21 5. Press Ctrl- A to save t hese set tings and move to the RAID co nfiguratio n screen. T o make Manage ment Port s etting s manually : 1. Pres s th e a rro w key s to h igh lig ht DHCP . 2. Press the sp acebar to toggl e to Disabl ed .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 22 VT rak Setup with W ebP AM PROe Set up with W ebP AM PROe consist s of: • Log-in to W ebP AM PROe (below) • Languag e Selec tion (p age 25) • Create a Disk A.
Chapter 3: Setup 23 . 3. When the opening screen appears, type admini st rato r in the User Nam e field an d type p assword in the Password field . The Us er Name and Pass word are c ase sen sitive. 4. Clic k the Login button. After s ign-in, th e W ebP AM PROe opening screen a ppears (ne xt pag e).
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 24 The firs t time you log i n to W ebP AM, there will be no Users exc ept for “admini strator” . There wi ll be no d isk array s or logi cal drive s. Note Make a B ookmark (Ne tscap e Navigator) o r set a Favorit e (Internet Explorer) of the Log in Screen so yo u can acc ess it e asily ne xt time.
Chapter 3: Setup 25 Use the T ree to naviga te to the vari ous func tions o f W ebP AM PROe. Cl ick on an item in the T ree to displ ay it in th e window . Language Selection Web P AM PROe dis plays in English, G erman, Frenc h, Itali an, Jap anese, C hinese T radit ional, Chines e Simple a nd Kore an.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 26 Create a Di sk Arr ay Click o n the Dis k Arrays icon. The Array Con figurat ion menu appear s. Since this VT rak is newly activate d, there are no di sk arrays or logic al drives yet. There are thr ee op tions : Automatic , Expr ess and Advanced .
Chapter 3: Setup 27 • Disk Array s – The n umber of p hysical dri ves in th e disk array , their ID numbers , configu rable c ap acity an d the num ber of logi cal d rives to b e created • Logic.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 28 Follow these s teps to create a new d isk array . 1. Check th e boxe s to sel ect an y one or a comb inatio n of: • Redun dancy – T he array will re main av ai.
Chapter 3: Setup 29 • T ransa ction Log • Other 4. Click the Up date b utton. Or chec k the Au tomatic Update b ox and updates will oc cur au tomatica lly .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 30 If you a re unce rtai n about c hoosing para meters fo r your d isk array , use the Express or Automat ic opt ion to crea te you r disk arr ay . T o create a ne w disk arra y: 1. Enter a name for the disk array i n the fi eld provi ded.
Chapter 3: Setup 31 On this screen you wil l specif y you r logical drives. S pecify one log ical drive at a time un til the full cap aci ty of the disk array is allo cated. 5. Enter an Alias (name) fo r the first l ogical dr ive. 6. Choose a RAID le vel from the drop down m enu.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 32 10. Choose a Read Cac he pol icy: • ReadCac he • ReadAh ead •N o C a c h e 1 1. Choose a Wr ite Cach e poli cy: • Write Thru •W r i t e B a c k 12.
Chapter 3: Setup 33 If yo u want to change a logical drive setting, c lick on the lo gical dri ve at the bottom o f the wi ndow . The entry and th e capa city usage are highl ighted. Make y our chang es to the para meters an d click the Up date butto n.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 34 13. When you h ave fi nishe d specify ing logi cal d rives, click t he Next butto n. The pr oposed d isk array appears w ith the l ogic al drive(s ) you spe cified .
Chapter 3: Setup 35 14. If you agr e e wi th th e pr op ose d dis k ar ray an d lo gica l dr i ve( s), cl ick t he Submit butt on. If yo u disagre e, click the Back butto n and mak e cha nges as needed.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 36.
37 Chapter 4: Ma nag ement with W ebP AM PROe This ch apter de scrib es us ing em bedded We bP AM PROe to m onitor a nd ma nag e your RAID system. This ch apter is divided into sections for ma jor WebP AM PROe compon ent s as sho wn abov e.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 38 When boo t-up is finishe d and t he VT rak is functioni ng nor mally: • Control ler Heart beat LED blinks g reen s even tim es in t hree seco nds, goes dark for s ix second s, then repeat s the blink p attern . • Power , FRU and Lo gical Dr ive LED s displa y gree n continu ously .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 39 Dri v e Statu s In d ic a t or s Ther e ar e t wo LEDs on ea ch Dr ive Carr ier. They re por t the pre senc e of powe r and a di sk drive , and t he current c ondit ion of the drive.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 40 When yo u first power-up the VT rak, it beeps twice to show nor mal op eration . The audi ble al arm sounds at othe r times to inform y ou that the VT rak ne eds attentio n. But th e alarm do es not sp ecify th e cond ition.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 41 .When the openi ng scree n appe ars, type admini str ator in the Us er Name field and t ype pas sw o r d in the Password fi eld.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 42 After s ign-in, th e W ebP AM PROe opening screen a ppears. Figure 4. W e bP AM PROe Opening Screen The firs t time you log i n to W ebP AM PROe, there will be no Users except for “admini strator” . There wi ll be no d isk array s or logi cal drive s.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 43 Graphic User Interface VT rak fea ture s a bro w se r-bas ed , grap hic use r inte rfac e. Y our Internet brow se r is the bas ic co mponent t o acce ss VT rak from yo ur PC.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 44 Header Language Selection The VT rak graphic us er interfa ce displ ays in En glish, G erman, Fren ch, Ita lian, Jap anese , Chinese T radition al, Chin ese Simp le, and Korean. T o change la nguage s: 1. Clic k on Language in t he Heade r .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 45 3. Clic k Vi e w again to hid e the Even t Frame. Storage Network The VT rak graphic us er int erface can currently display in S torage Netw ork in the T ree V iew . The S torag e Netw ork cons ists of all the VT rak subsystem enclos ures currentl y accessible on the network.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 46 Tr e e V i e w Below a re the com ponent s of T ree Vie w . The Admi nistrativ e T ools secti on is dif ferent for the Su per User than for ot her users. T he rem ainder of t he T r ee is the same for all us ers. The Man ageme nt Window displa ys in formation accordin g to the item yo u sele ct in Tree View.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 47 Management Window The Man ageme nt Win dow p rovide s the actua l user int erfa ce with the VT rak. This windo w change s de pendin g on whic h item y ou sele ct in T ree View a nd whi ch t ab you se lect i n the Man ageme nt Wind ow it self.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 48 Sub syst em VT rak s ubsystems are i dentified in the T ree by their Mana gemen t Port IP address . Click on the Subsy stem icon in T re e View , then on the individual t abs in Mana gement View to acc ess the fu nctions .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 49 Subsystem Ev e nt s The Subs ystem–Ev ent ta b provides infor mation fro m the eve nt (log) fil e of a specif ic su bsystem .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 50 4. In the File Download Securit y W arning b ox, clic k the Save button . 5. In the Save A s dialog box, n avigate to the direc tory whe re you w ant to sav e the eve nt file. 6. Enter a name for the event fil e (“eventlo g” is the d efault file nam e).
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 51 • Medium allo cates a b alance of syst em resour ces to the fun ction an d data read/writ e opera tions. • High al loc ate s more s ys tem res ourc es to the functio n and fewer to da t a read/wr ite ope rati ons .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 52 3. Click o n the Sched uler t ab dropd own me nu and select a n item (see the l ist above). 4. In the Sched uler di alog box , check the Enab le This Sc hedule b ox. 5. Select a st art t ime (24-ho ur clock) . 6. Sele ct a Re curr enc e Pat tern .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 53 5. Clic k the Submit button. Lock The S ubsy ste m– Lock tab di spl ays l ock sta tus and e n abl es yo u to l ock or unl ock a subs ystem c ontroll er .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 54 5. Clic k the Submit button. Releas e Lock T o release the lo ck fo r this sub system: 1. Clic k on t he Sub syst e m icon Tree View . 2. Click o n the Lo ck ta b in Mana geme nt V iew . If you a re the U ser who s et the l ock, cl ick on th e Unlock option .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 55 User Management User Man ageme nt includ es al l function s dea ling wi th user account s. User Information The Us er Manage ment– Informatio n ta b list s the user , his/he r statu s, acces s priv ileges, d isplay n ame, a nd email address .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 56 User Settings – User The Us er Manage ment– Settings t ab e nable s a user to view a nd chang e his/ her displa y nam e and ema il add ress. T o change u ser se ttings : 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 57 For VT rak’s Email s ettings, see “Email” o n page 64. List of User Notifica tion Even ts •S h o r t c u t s • Enc los ure – A ll i tem s un der .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 58 User Pass word – Ad ministrat or The Admi nistrator o r a Supe r User ca n change another us er’s pass word. T o make th ese cha nges: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click th e Adminis trativ e T ools icon.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 59 6. Enter a pa ssword for t his user in the New Passwo rd and Retype Pass word fields. A pas sword i s optiona l. If you do not assign p asswo rd, tell this use r to le ave the pa ssword fi eld blan k whe n he/sh e logs in to to W ebP AM PROe.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 60 4. Click o n the Del ete tab in Ma nagemen t Vi ew . 5. Check th e box to t he lef t of t he user you want t o dele te.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 61 Network Management Network Manag ement de als with network c onnect ions to th e VT rak’ s Manage ment Port.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 62 SCSI Management SCSI Channel Information 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click th e Adminis trativ e T ools icon.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 63 SCSI T arget Information 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click th e Adminis trativ e T ools icon. 3. Clic k on the SCS I Mana geme nt icon. The Ch annel t ab displ ays SCSI Channel In formation: 4.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 64 Edit a LUN Map 1. Clic k on t he Sub s yste m icon in Tree vie w. 2. Click o n the Admi nistrat ive T ools icon. 3. Click o n the S torage Servic es icon. 4. Click th e LUN Ma p ta b in M anageme nt V iew . 5. From the LUN Map tab dropdow n menu, s elect Edit LUN Map .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 65 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click th e Adminis trativ e T ools icon. 3. Clic k on t he Email Setting li nk. 4. Enter the IP address for your SMTP s erver . 5. Enter server port numbe r for your SM TP server .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 66 • If the servi ce is st opped, click t he Star t button to s tart the servi ce. • If the service is st arted, c lick the Stop button to stop th e servic e. Or cli ck on th e Restart bu tton to restart the servi ce.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 67 5. Enter Sessio n T ime Out interv al. 24 minu tes is th e default. 6. If you want to use a secure c onnectio n, check the Enabl e SSL box. 7. If you chec ked the Enable SSL box, en ter a HTTPS P ort num ber .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 68 T o change the T elnet s ettings: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click th e Adminis trativ e T ools icon. 3. Clic k on t he T elnet Setting link. 4. Enter the T elnet Port number . 2300 is the de fault.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 69 SNMP VT ra k's SNMP service ena bles the SNMP browser to ob tai n inform ation from the VT rak. The T rap Sink is where SNMP eve nts are sent a nd can b e viewed. T o change the SNMP settin gs: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 70 • Click on the M anual opt ion to sta rt the serv ice man ually (the servi ce does not st art duri ng sy st em sta r tup ). 5. Clic k on t he Submit butt on. Manual S tart, Rest art, Stop T o manually st art, restart or s top the SNMP se rvice: 1.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 71 • If the service is st arted, c lick the Stop button to stop th e servic e. Or cli ck on th e Restar t button to rest art the se rvice. CIM Service Settings T o change the CIM servi ce settin gs: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 72 1. Clic k on t he Sub s yste m icon in Tree vie w. 2. Click o n the Admi nistrat ion T ools icon. 3. Clic k on t he Ne tsend link . 4. Under Runni ng S tatus: • If the servi ce is st opped, click t he Star t button to s tart the servi ce.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 73 7. When yo u are d one, clic k on t he Submi t button . Delete Recip ient s T o delete reci pient s of N etsen d messa ges: 1. Clic k on t he Sub s yste m icon in Tree vie w. 2. Click o n the Admi nistrat ion T ools icon.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 74 From there, you can imp ort the Us er Dat abase fi le to othe r VT raks so tha t all have th e same Us er informa tion an d setting s. T o import the User Datab ase file to this s ubsystem : 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 75 Restore Fa ctory De fault s VT rak i ncludes a functio n to resto re the d efault set tings to it s Firmware and Software setti ngs. T o acce ss th e R es tor e Def aul ts feat ur e: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 76 Shut down an d Rest art The Shut down and Res tart function e nables y ou to: • Shu t down th e s ubs yste m • Shut d own and restart the su bsystem Y ou can onl y do p art of th is function in W ebP AM PROe. Additio nal actio n is required , as de scribed b elow .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 77 5. Clic k the Submit button. 6. In the warning box, click th e OK button. 7. In the confi rmatio n box, ty pe the word c onfirm in the field provid ed. 8. Clic k the OK button. When the contro ller shut s d own, yo ur WebP AM PROe c onnectio n will b e lost.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 78 Figure 4. The Controller LEDs flas h for one minute so you can identif y the Controller Controller Controller Information The Co ntroller–In formation tab provides informati on abo ut a spec ific VT r ak subsy stem con troller .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 79 • Boot load er V ersion • Boot load er Buil d Date • Firmwa re V ersion number • Firmwa re Buil d Date • Sof tware V ersion num ber • Soft war e .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 80 • Write Dat a transferred • Errors (total) • Non-read/wri te errors • Read errors • Write errors • I/O requ est s (tota l) • Non-read/wri te I/O requ.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 81 • 10G B Truncat e – R ed uces the usef ul c apaci ty to the nea res t 10,000,0 00,000 byte bou ndary . • Group Ro unding – Uses an algori thm to det ermine how mu ch to truncate . Resul ts in t he maxim um amou nt of usab le dri ve cap acity .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 82 Figure 4. VT rak M3 10p /M2 10p Rear V iew Encl osu re Enclosure Inf ormation The Encl osure– Informatio n ta b prov ides a di agram showin g the st atus and locatio n of k ey comp onent s.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 83 Enclosure S ettings The Enclos ure–Settings t ab enable s you to make settings for certai n componen ts of th e VTrak subsys tem encl osu re. T o ma ke E nclos ure setti ngs : 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 84 Battery The Encl osure– Battery t ab displ ays info rmatio n about the cach e backup battery (or batteri es) in the VT rak s ubsyste m enclos ure, in cluding: �.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 85 Buzzer The Encl osure– Buzzer t ab enabl es you to chan ge audibl e setting s for th e VT rak subsy stem enc losure. Th e buzzer sound s to in form you that the VT rak needs attentio n. Silence Buz zer T o silence the B uzzer for the curre nt eve nt only: 1.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 86 Physical Dri ves The Physic al Drives–In formation tab provide s informati on about the phys ical disk drives inst alle d in the VT rak subsy stem enc losur e, includ ing: • Device ID – PD p lus the s lot numb er where t he drive i s inst alle d.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 87 6. T o enab le the dis k drives ’ W rite Ca ches, check th e W rite Cac hed Enabl ed box . 7. T o enabl e the disk driv es’ Read Ahea d Caches , check the Rea d Look Ahead Enabled box . 8. Select a D MA Mode f rom the dro pdown m enu.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 88 • Read L ook Ahead (Cache) – Enabled or disa bled as selected on the Physic al Dr ive s Setti ngs ta b. • SMAR T Fea ture Set – Ena bled o r disable d as sel ected on the Controller Sett ing s ta b. • SMA RT Sel f T est – Su pp ort ed o r not supp orte d by thi s dri ve.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 89 2. Clic k on t he Enc los ure s ic o n. 3. Clic k on t he Enc los ure ic on . 4. Clic k on t he Phy sica l D rives icon . 5. Click o n a Physic al Driv e icon. 6. In Managem ent V iew , click on the ph ysical drives i n the gr aphic.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 90 T o clear a S t ale or PF A status fr om a physi cal drive: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Clic k on t he Enc los ure s ic o n. 3. Clic k on t he Enc los ure ic on . 4. Clic k on t he Phy sica l D rives icon .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 91 4. Clic k on t he Phy sica l D rives icon . 5. Click o n a Physic al Driv e icon. 6. Click o n the Force Of fline/O nline t ab in Manag ement V iew . 7. Clic k the Submit button. 8. In the confi rmatio n box, ty pe the word c onfirm in the field provid ed.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 92 T o access the Di sk Arrays –Informati on t ab: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n . Create a Disk Array – Autom atic The Di sk Array Aut omati c Cre ation o ption e nable s you to crea te a ne w dis k array follow ing a d efault se t of p arame ters.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 93 T o create a ne w disk arra y: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n . 3. Click on the Create t ab in Manag em ent V iew . 4. From the Creat e tab d ropdow n menu, selec t Express .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 94 Create a Disk Array – Advanc ed The Di sk Array Ad vanced Cr eation o ption ena bles you to dire ctly sp ecify all param eters for a new di sk arra y . One log ical driv e will be made a utoma tically when you create the d isk array .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 95 This v alue wi ll be t he da ta capa city of t h e fir st lo gica l dr ive in yo ur ne w disk array . If you spe cify les s than disk arra y's ma ximum c ap acity , the remai nder will b e availa ble for additi onal logi cal d rives w hich you can cr eate late r .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 96 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n . 3. Click o n the Del ete tab in Ma nagemen t Vi ew . 4. Check th e box to t he lef t of t he disk array you want to d elete. 5. Clic k the Submit button. 6. In the confi rmatio n box, ty pe the word c onfirm i n the field provided .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 97 • Numbe r of Logic al Driv es – Th e number of logica l driv es tha t belong to this disk ar ray . • Suppo rted RAID Le vel – The RAID levels this dis k array c an suppo rt. Physical Dri ves in the Dis k Array • Slot No .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 98 • T rans port Read y – Afte r you perfo rm a s uccessful Prep are for T ra nsport operatio n, this conditi on mea ns you c an remov e the phys ical dri ves of th is disk a rray and m ove them to another enclosu re or di ffe rent drive slot s.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 99 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n . 3. Click on the Di sk Arra y ico n. 4. Click o n the Crea te LD t ab in Managem ent Vi ew . 5. Enter an alia s (nam e) in the Al ias fi eld.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 100 If you c reated a fault -tolerant lo gical drive (an y RAID lev el exce pt RAID 0), the Operati onal S tatus of ne w logi cal driv e will d ispla y Synchroniz ing for s everal minutes after creatio n.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 101 T o Migrate an existing disk arra y: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n . 3. Click on the Di sk Arra y ico n. 4. Click th e Backgro und Act ivities t ab in Manageme nt vie w .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 102 Manual Re build If a phy sical dri ve ha s failed, identify and rep lace the d rive, t hen reb uild the d isk array as describe d belo w: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 103 5. From the dropdown m enu on the Backg round Acti vities t ab, c hoose th e functio n you want to st art . V iew Progress of Bac kground Fu nction T o view the pro gress of th e current b ackgroun d activi ty and a list of activiti es in the queu e: 1.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 104 T ransport The D isk A r ra y– Transpo rt tab e nab les y ou t o prepar e a di sk ar ra y f or t r ans por t . T o prepare a disk arra y for tr ansport: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click on the Di sk Arra ys ico n .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 105 • RAID Lev el – The R AID lev el of this logical drive (It m ay dif fer fro m the dis k array). • Cap acity – This is t he data storage c ap acity avai lable. • Disk Array ID – The ID n um ber o f the d isk array fro m w h ich thi s lo gic al drive was c reated.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 106 • Off line – This co ndition ari ses as the res ult of a secon d physical dri ve failure. An Of fline logical drive is not acce ssibl e but som e or all o f your data m ay remain inta ct. Y ou must det ermine the cause o f the pro blem and correc t it.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 107 • Read Po licy – T he Re ad Cach e policy of thi s logica l driv e. • Write Polic y – The W rite Cache pol icy o f this log ical driv e. • Serial Numbe r – The S erial Numbe r of thi s logi cal driv e.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 108 Maximum of 32 c haracters . Use lette rs, num bers, sp ace betwee n words, and und erscore. An alias is optio nal. 8. From the Read Pol icy dropd own me nu, se lect a R ead Cac he polic y . The cho ices are Read C ache, R ead Ahead, and No Ca che.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 109 7. If you d id not sel ect Qui ck Init ializati on, en ter a hexi decimal value in the Initiali zatio n Pattern in Hex fie ld or use the def ault 00000 000 valu e. 8. Clic k the Submit button. 9. In the confi rmatio n box, ty pe the word c onfirm in the field provid ed.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 110 Logical Driv e PDM Predicti ve Dat a Mi gration (PDM) is the migra tion of dat a from the susp ect di sk drive to a sp are dis k drive, s imilar to Rebuil ding a Lo gical D rive.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 111 • Count – Numbe r of contin uous blo ck s st a rtin g from this LBA. • Read Ch eck T able – Con tai ns a lis t of read erro rs for th is logic al drive . • Write Check T able – Conta ins a list of wr ite errors for this l ogical d rive.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 112 Spare Drives The Spare Driv es–I nf ormat ion tab di spl ays a list of Spare Driv e s a l ong w ith t hei r stat us, ca pac ity , disk array assig nment an d S pare Che ck res ults. Y ou must assign an uncon figure d physic al drive in orde r for it t o function as a spare d rive.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 113 Creat e Sp are Dri ve T o create a sp are dri ve: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click o n the S pare Dr ives icon. 3. Click on the Create t ab in Manag em ent V iew . 4. Sele ct a s pare ty pe, Glob al or Ded icat ed.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 114 T o del ete a spare d riv e: 1. Click the Su bsystem icon in T ree View . 2. Click o n the S pare Dr ives icon. 3. Click o n the Del ete tab in Ma nagemen t Vi ew . 4. Check th e box to t he lef t of t he sp are dr ive you want to d elete.
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 115 • Revert ible – Y es or No. A reve rtible sp are d rive auto matic ally return s to it s spa re drive assi gnment a fter the failed phys ical driv e in th e disk a rray is repl aced . • S pare Ch eck S tatus – The resul t of the S p are Check fun ction.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 116 2. Click o n the S pare Dr ives icon. 3. Click o n the S pare Dr ive icon. 4. Click o n the Settin gs t ab in Ma nagement Vi ew . 5. Sele ct a s pare ty pe, Glob al or Ded icat ed. Global can b e used by any dis k array .
Chapter 4: Managemen t with WebPAM PROe 117 Logical Drive Summary The Logi cal Dr ive Sum mary–Info rmatio n ta b displa ys a l ist of al l logi cal drive s in this V Trak enc losu re, a lon g wit h th eir sta tus and c apaci ty . See “ Log ica l Dri ve Informat ion” on p age 106.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 118.
119 Chapter 5: Manag ement w ith the CL U VT r ak S tatus Indicators Even tho ugh the C ommand L ine Util ity (CLU) of fers c omprehens ive monito ring of VT rak, the L E D in di cat ors on th e VT rak u nit provide impor t ant st atu s in form ati on.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 120 When boo t-up is finishe d and t he VT rak is functioni ng nor mally: • Control ler Heart beat LED blinks g reen s even tim es in t hree seco nds, goes dark for s ix second s, then repeat s the blink p attern . • Power , FRU and Lo gical Dr ive LED s displa y gree n continu ously .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 121 Dri v e Statu s In d ic a t or s Ther e ar e t wo LEDs on ea ch Dr ive Carr ier. They re por t the pre senc e of powe r and a di sk drive , and t he current c ondit ion of the drive.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 122 When yo u first power-up the VT rak, it beeps twice to show nor mal op eration . The audi ble al arm sounds at othe r times to inform y ou that the VT rak ne eds attentio n. But th e alarm do es not sp ecify th e cond ition.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 123 2. At the Login prompt , type the user na me and p ress En ter . The defa ult us er name is adm inis tr ator . 3. At th e Pass wo rd p rom pt, ty pe t he pas swo rd an d pr ess E n ter. The de fau lt pa ssw ord is pa ssw ord .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 124 Netw ork Ma na geme nt – Set IP address es for Manag ement Port, gateway and DNS se rver ; subn et ma sk. SCSI Manageme nt – Channel informati on, Enab le/disab le t argets , T ermination setting s, T arget informa tion a nd sta tistic s.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 125 CLU Function Map The map below i s design ed to h elp you navigate to the s ubmenu wh ere eac h functio n is loca ted. Be gin at t he Main M enu. Hi ghlight th e nex t item in the p ath and pr ess Enter . The paths in th is map d o not acti vate th e functio ns.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 126 C, continued Clear E vents , runtime – Main Menu, Eve nt V iewer , Clear Runtime Ev ent Log Clear E vents , non-vola tile RAM – Main M enu, Even t View er , N.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 127 E, cont inued Error Block Threshol d, RC – M ain Menu , Backgroun d Activit y , Background Activity Se ttings Event Lo g, runtime – Main Men u, Event V iewer.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 128 L, continued Logica l Driv e, locat e – Ma in Men u, Logic al Dri ve Mana gemen t, indivi dual l ogical drive Logica l Driv e, read c ache – Main Me nu, Lo gi.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 129 P , continued Physic al Drive s, co ercion method – Main Menu, Subsyste m Manage ment, Control ler Manag emen t, individ ual Con troller , Controller Setti ngs.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 130 S, cont inued SNMP , setti ngs – Main M enu, Addi tional Info and M anageme nt, Softwa re Manage ment, S NMP Soft ware Mana gement – Main Men u, Addi tional I.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 131 T , continued T emperature, e nclosure – Main M enu, Su bsystem Managem ent, Enclo sure Manage ment, T emperatu re Sensors TFTP , flash – Mai n Menu, Ad diti.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 132 W , continued W rite Che ck T able, logi cal driv e – Ma in Menu, Logic al Drive Managem ent, indivi dual l ogica l drive , Check T able This is the end o f the CLU Functi on Map Quic k Se tup Quick Set up is dis cussed under “VT r ak Setup w ith CLI or CLU” on p age 17.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 133 T o acce ss lo ck se ttin gs: 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght Subsy ste m Ma nag em ent and press Ent er . 2. High lig ht Lock M anagemen t and p ress Enter . T o set the lock: 1. In the Lo ck T ime field, type a loc k time i n minute s.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 134 T o acce ss co ntro lle r stati sti cs, h igh lig ht Co ntro lle r Statistics and press Enter . Controller Settings Control ler se ttings in clude controlle r alias, disk d rive cap aci ty coerc ion, cach e line si ze an d SMAR T set tings.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 135 1. High lig ht SMART a nd press the sp acebar to toggle between Enable an d Disable . 2. High lig ht SMART Po ll Interva l and pres s the bac kspa ce ke y to er ase the current v alue. 3. T ype a new inte rval valu e in min utes.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 136 Blowers This sc reen dis plays th e st atus and speed of VT rak’s blowers . There is one blowe r in eac h cooli ng uni t.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 137 Polling Interval Polling interv al refers to the interv al of t ime at whic h the C ontroller p olls t he Enclosu re tem perature se nsors and report s their value s. T o make pollin g interv al setti ngs: 1. High lig ht Polling I nterval and press the back space key t o er ase t h e cur re nt value.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 138 • Remai ning Cap acit y – When s ta tus is “Fu llyChar ged”, cap aci ty shoul d be at le ast 90 %. If le ss, repla ce the bat tery • T emperature Th res.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 139 2. Press Ct rl-A t o sa ve your se tt in gs. DMA Mode This fea ture swi tches between UDMA and MDMA m odes on all ph ysical drives. 1. High lig ht DMA Mode and press the sp acebar to toggle th rough UDM A 0 – 5 and MD MA 0 – 2.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 140 If a phy sical dri ve is st ill on line and shows a PF A error but “C lear PF A” does not appear , use PDM to cop y the data to a new ph ysical drive. Go to D isk Array Info and S ettings. If a phy sical dri ve is of fline and sh ows a PF A error , rebui ld the disk arra y .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 141 Disk Array Management Disk Array Mana gement in cludes the cre ation and deleti on of dis k arrays, disk array se ttings and func tions, and also logical drive creation a nd del etion. Create a Di sk Arr ay 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght Disk A rray Ma nagement and press Enter .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 142 2. High lig ht Number of Logic al Drive s a nd pre ss the ba cksp ace key to eras e the curre nt value. 3. Enter the n umber of l ogical d rives you wa nt. 4. High lig ht Appl ica tio n T y pe and press t he sp acebar to togg le though the applic ations an d sele ct the be st one for your di sk arra y .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 143 7. High lig ht RAID Level and press the spac ebar to tog gle tho ugh a lis t of availa ble RA ID leve ls. 8. If you wan t to cr eate multi ple lo gical dri ves, hig hligh t Capacity , press the backspa ce ke y t o remo ve the curr ent va lue, t hen t ype a ne w smal ler va lue.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 144 Disk Array Information 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght Disk A rray Ma nagement an d press Ent er . 2. Highligh t the di sk array you wan t and p ress Enter . The info rmatio n and sett ings sc reen ap pears. 3.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 145 2. S pe cify the s ource and t arget physic al driv es. 3. High lig ht Sta r t an d pr ess E n ter. Migration This fun ction in clude s RAID lev el migrat ion (c hange exi sting arra y to a differe nt RAID level or Online Capac ity Exp ansion (a dd phys ical driv es to an e xisting array).
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 146 Tr a n s i t i o n T ra nsitio n is the process of re pla cing a reve rtible s pare drive th at is cu rrently p art of a disk array w ith an u nconfigu red physi cal driv e or a non -revertible spare drive. The reve rtible spare d rive wi ll retu rn to its origi nal st atus.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 147 4. Highligh t the follow ing para meters and pre ss the backs pace ke y to erase the current v alue: • Alias - T ype an alia s into the field, if de sired. Maxi mum of 32 chara cters. Use l etters, num bers, sp ace between word s and undersco re.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 148 Logical Drive M anagement This func tion deals with settin gs and function s of existin g logical dri ves. T o create or de lete a log ical dr ive, see “Disk Array Manag ement” on page 141. Logical Drive Information 1.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 149 Initialization This fu nction sets all dat a bit s in th e logi cal dr ive to ze ro. 1. High lig ht Background Acti vity and press Enter . 2. High lig ht S tart I nitial ization a nd press Enter . The init ializati on p arameters appea r .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 150 Locate Logical Drive This fea ture he lps y ou ide ntify the physi cal driv es as signed to the lo gical dri ve you are working with in the CLU. 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght Logic al Driv e Man agement and pres s Ente r .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 151 SCSI Manage ment SCSI Ma nagement deals w ith all SCSI s etting s and fun ctions. T his featu re appears only w ith VT rak SCSI models. Channel Informa tion 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght SCSI Man agement and press Enter .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 152 3. T ype Ctrl-A sa ve yo ur sett ings. T arget Information 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght SCSI Man agement and press Enter . 2. Highligh t one of th e SCSI port s to select i t and p ress Enter . 3. High lig ht T arget Info and p ress En ter .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 153 Background Activity Settings Use this feature to make settings for Backgro und Activ ities. Th e Activiti es themse lves are sta rted ma nuall y or au tomatica lly in c onjunctio n with a spec ific disk a rray or logi cal d rive.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 154 Event V iewer The Even t Vi ewer dis plays log of event s. Ev ents a re cla ssified as Runtime and NVRAM. Runtime Event s This sc reen dis play s a list of and in formati on abou t the 1023 most re cent run time event s record ed since the sys tem was starte d.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 155 3. Press the up an d down a rrow keys to s croll thro ugh the lo g. T o clear the NVRA M even t log: 1. High lig ht Clear NVRAM Event Log and press En ter .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 156 Dedic ated mea ns this s par e drive c an only b e used w ith the s pecified disk array(s). Globa l means this sp are d rive can be use d by any disk arra y . 5. If you c hose Dedi cated, highl ight Dedica te d to Ar r ays and p ress t he backs pace k ey to era se the current va lue, th en typ e the new value.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 157 1. From the Main Me nu, hig hli ght Additi onal Info a nd Ma nagement and press Enter . 2. High lig ht LUN Mapping and press Enter . 3. Highligh t a SCSI Cha nnel a nd press Enter . A list of the curren t logic al drive s appears.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 158 arrays and logica l drives. The default “ad minis trator” ac count is a Super User . • Power – Allows t he user to create (but not de lete) d isk array s .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 159 3. High lig ht Privileg e and pr ess the s pace bar to t oggle tho ugh the option s: • Super – Allows the user f ull acce ss to all funct ions i ncludin g creat e and delete u sers a nd ch anging the settings of oth er users.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 160 T o stop any o f these s ervices: 1. Highligh t the serv ice and p ress En ter . 2. In the Servic e Setti ng screen , highlig ht St o p and pr ess Enter . T o restart a ny of thes e servic es: 1. Highligh t the serv ice and p ress En ter .
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 161 2. High lig ht S tartu p T ype and press the sp aceba r to toggle between Automa tic and Manual . 3. Highligh t the follo wing an d pres s the bac kspac e key to erase the curren t value, then type the new value: • HTTP Port – 80 is th e default • Session T ime Out – 2 4 minute s is t he default .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 162 • Read Co mmun ity – T y pe a commun ity na me in thi s fiel d • W rite Comm unity – pri vate ( no change poss ible) 4. Press Ct rl-A t o sa ve your se tt in gs. T o start, s top or rest art th e SNMP serv ice, high light Star t , St o p , o r Restart and press Ent er.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 163 Note: T here is on ly one us er . The defau lt name i s cim. No chang es are possib le. Note: CIM servic e must be running t o change the p assword. The de fau lt pa ssw ord is pass wor d . 8. High lig ht Change Password.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 164 3. High lig ht Message Ev ent Severi ty Filter a nd pres s the sp aceba r to ch ange sever ity level s. 4. Press Ct rl-A t o sa ve your se tt in gs. T o del ete a reci pie nt: 1. Highligh t the recip ient y ou want to delete and pre ss the sp aceb ar to ma rk it.
Chapter 5: Management with the CLU 165 Shut down an d Rest art This fun ction en ables you to sh utd own or re sta rt the VT rak subsyste m. Y ou can only do par t of this p rocedure i n the CL U. Additi onal a ction is req uired, a s describ ed bel ow .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 166 4. Press Y to co ntinue. The scr een will go bl ank. 5. Wa it for two to three m inutes. 6. Re-est ablish y our T elnet conn ection to the VT rak CLU. If you c annot re-esta blish a connec tion, wa it 30 sec onds, then try ag ain.
167 Chapter 6: Maintenance • Firmwa re Updat e – We bP AM PROe (pag e 168) • Firmwa re Updat e – CLU (page 170) • Repla ce Power Supp ly (pa ge 171) • Repla ce Cool ing Unit Blower (p age .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 168 Firmware Update – WebP AM PROe Before yo u begi n, go to the Promise website w ww .promise .com and d ownload the late st firmware update fil e to yo ur TFTP server o r your PC. TFTP Server T o update the firmware from a TFTP server: 1.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 169 5. Do one of the fol lowing act ions: • Click on the Dow nload F lash F ile from L ocal F ile throug h HTT P option , then cl ick o n the Next b utton. • From the Firmware Update tab dropdown menu, s elect Download from Loca l File .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 170 Firmware Update – CLU Use this function to flash t he VT rak’s firmwa re. Before yo u begin, g o to the Prom ise w e bsi te ww w.promise. com and download th e latest fi rmware u pdate file to y our TFT P server .
Chapter 6: Maintenance 171 3. Press the s paceb ar to disp lay Restart then p ress Enter . A warni ng message appea rs. 4. Press Y to co ntinue. The scr een will disp lay shut down and st artup fu nctions . 5. When t he Login: prompt appears , log i nto the CLU again.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 172 Replace Cooling Unit Blower The blow er (scro ll fan) in each c ooling u nit is rep laced as an ind ividual part . No tools a re requi red for this procedure . T o rep lac e a bl ower : 1. V erify that t he Fan LED is amber or red (abo ve).
Chapter 6: Maintenance 173 5. Grasp the top se ction nea r the th umbscrew s and l ift it of f the bo ttom sec tion (abo ve, ri ght ). S eparat e the c ool ing unit se cti on t o acc ess th e blo wer. 6. Lift the blow er of f the mou nting pins and det ach the e lectrical conne ctor .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 174 8. Place the to p sectio n of the cool ing unit o nto the bottom s ection and tight en the thum bscre ws. 9. Carefully slide th e cool ing unit into th e enclos ure. 10. Gently press the handl e in a nd upwa rd until it lock s.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 175 Replace Cache Battery The cac he battery is loca ted in the Cool ing Uni t 1 (the lef t one). The batt ery asse mb ly i s rep lac ed as an in div idual part . No t ools a re r equi red for t his procedu re. T o rep l ace a cach e batt er y : 1.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 176 3. Loosen the thumbsc rew (abov e, lef t). A ret aine r keeps the thum bscrew in place. 4. Grasp the top se ction nea r the th umbscrew s and l ift it of f the bo ttom sec tion (abo ve, right ). S epara t e th e coo lin g unit sect i on t o acc ess t he b lo we r.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 177 8. Place a new battery assembl y into the cool ing unit. 9. Attach th e connec tor on the c ircuit bo ard. 10. Install the screws holding the ba ttery ass embly in place to the co oling uni t. The 2- cell batt ery as sembly has two mount ing screw s.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 178 Replace RAID Controller The RAI D Controll er moni tors and m anages the log ical driv es. When this controll er is repl ac ed, all of your logi ca l drive da ta a nd co nfigurat ions rem ain inta ct bec ause this logica l drive in formati on is st ored on the disk drives.
179 Chapter 7: T ec hnolog y Background • Int rodu cti on t o RAI D (bel ow ) • Choos ing a RA ID Level (page 188) • S tripe Size (p age 191) • Sector Siz e (pag e 191) • Cache Pol icy (p ag.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 180 RAID 0 – Stripe When a d isk array is stripe d, the read and w rite b locks o f data a re inte rleave d betwee n the sec tors of mu ltiple drives. Performa nce is i ncreased, sinc e the worklo ad is ba lanced be tween d rives or “members” t hat form the disk array .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 181 RAID 1 – Mirror When a d isk array is mirrore d, identi cal dat a is written to a pai r of drives , while reads ar e perform ed in p arall el. The rea ds are per formed using el evator seek and loa d bala ncing tec hniques where the worklo ad is dis tributed i n the mos t ef fi ci ent m an ner .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 182 RAID 1E – Enhanced Mirro r RAID 1E offer s the sec urity of m irrored dat a provided by RAID 1 plus the added cap acity of m ore th an two di sk drive s. It also offer s over all incre ased re ad/write perfor ma nce plu s t he fl ex ibi lit y of us ing an o dd n umber o f dis k driv es .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 183 RAID 5 – Block and Parity Stripe RAID 5 organize s blo ck dat a and p arity data a cross the phys ical driv es. General ly , RAID Le vel 5 tends to exhibi t lower ra ndom wr ite perform ance d ue to the heav y work load of p arity recalcu lation for each I/ O.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 184 RAID 6 – Block and Double Parity S tripe RAID lev el 6 st ores dual parity dat a is rot ated across t he physi cal drive s along with th e block dat a. A RAID 6 d isk logi cal d rive can contin ue to acc ept I/O request s wh en any two physi cal dr ives fail .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 185 RAID 10 – Mirror + S tripe Mirroring /striping comb ines both of the prev ious R AID 1 and RAID 0 disk array typ es. RAID 10 is s imil ar t hou gh no t iden tical t o RAID 0+1. R AID 10 c an inc rease perfor mance by reading a nd wr iting dat a in par allel w hile prote cting data w ith duplic ati on.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 186 RAID 50 – S triping of Distributed Parity RAID 50 c ombines both RAI D 5 and RAID 0 fe atures . Dat a is strip ed across disks as in RAID 0, an d it use s distrib uted p arity as in RAI D 5. RA ID 50 provi des data reliab ility , good overa ll perform ance and suppo rts larg er volum e sizes.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 187 attempt s to di stribu te the num ber of d isk driv es equal ly among the axle s but i n some cas es, one a xle wil l have m ore disk drives th an another . No. of Drives in RAID 50 Array No. of Axles in RAID 50 Array No.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 188 Choosing a RAID Level There are seve ral issue s to cons ider wh en choos ing the RAID Leve l for y our VT rak d isk array . The fol lowing discussio n summa rizes so me ad vant ages, disadv ant ages, and appli cations for eac h choice .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 189 RAID 1E Recomm ended Applicati ons for RA ID 1E: • Imaging appli cations • Dat abase serve rs • General fileserv er RAID 5 Recomm ended Applicati ons for R .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 190 RAID 10 Recomm ended Applicati ons for R AID 10: • Imaging appli cations • Dat abase serve rs • General fileserv er RAID 50 Recomm ended Applicati ons for R.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 191 St r i p e S i z e S tripe Size, al so call ed “S tripe Block Size”, refers to the si ze of the dat a bloc ks written to, and read fr om, the ph ysical drives. S tripe Size is specifi ed when you create a disk arra y .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 192 T o make use o f logi cal dri ves g reat er th an 2T B in s ize, a la rger secto r siz e is requ ired. Th e tabl e belo w co r rel a tes s ect or si ze wi th l ogi ca l dr ive c apaci ty .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 193 • Read Ah ead – The read c ache and the read-ah ead fea ture are en abled. Read-a head anti cip ates the next read a nd perf orms it be fore th e request i s made. Ca n incre ase read performanc e. • No Ca che – The r ead cache i s dis abl ed.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 194 Cap acity Coe rcion also a ffect s a replacemen t drive us ed in a disk ar ray . Norma lly , when an phys ical d rive fail s, the replacem ent drive must b e the sam e cap acity or l arger .
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 195 The sp are d rive ef fecti vely t akes the plac e of the fai led dri ve and th e RAID system i mmediate ly begin s to re build dat a on to the dr ive. Whe n the rebui ld is comple te, the di sk array i s return ed to faul t tolera nt sta tus.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 196 From T o Increase Redundancy Cap acity Perf ormance Add Lose RAID 50 RAID 10 • RAID 5 • RAID 0 • • • RAID 10 RAID 50 • RAID 5 • RAID 0 • • • R.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 197 Ranges of Disk Array Expansion There ar e limi tati ons to h ow larg e you c an expa nd a disk array , dependin g on the size of you r curr ent di sk arr ay . The curre nt SCSI HBA c ards and PC Op erating Systems su pport a 10-b yte LBA format.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 198 Y ou can d irect W ebP AM to exp and a logical drive be yond t he max imum exp ansion s ize. W hen the ex pansi on is finished , WebP AM wil l show t he logic al drive i n the desired s ize.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 199 Predictive Dat a Migrat ion (PDM) Predicti ve Dat a Mi gration (PDM) is the migra tion of dat a from the susp ect di sk drive to a sp are dis k drive, s imilar to Rebuil ding a Lo gical D rive.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 200 T ransition The T ransition feat ure ena bles you to speci fy “perman ent” sp are dri ves for y our VT rak s ubsyst em. T ransition is the proce ss of replacin g a reverti ble sp are dri ve that is currentl y p art of a di sk arr ay with an unconf igured physi cal driv e or a n on- revertib le sp are.
Chapter 7: Tec hnology Background 201 In the ex ample a bove, t here is a four-drive R AID 5 d isk array and a glo bal sp are drive. Ph ysical drives 1, 2, 3, a nd 4 be long to th e disk array . Physical drive 5 remains unco nfigured. Ph ysical drive 6 i s a reverti ble sp are dri ve.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 202 Automatic T ransition At this juncture, you wo uld rep lace the failed d rive i n slot 3 with a new one of the same or grea ter c apaci ty .
203 Chapter 8: T roublesh ooting • VTrak is Bee pi ng ( bel ow) • LEDs Di splay Am ber or Red (p age 204) • CLU Repo rt s a Proble m ( p ag e 208) • Web P AM PROe Re port s a Problem (page 210.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 204 T o make alar m setting s or canc el an alarm, se e p age 85 (We bP AM PROe) or page 166 (CLU). LEDs Display Amber or Red Front Panel When the power is switched on, th e LEDs on th e front o f the VT ra k will lig ht up.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 205 See p age 167 for mo re info rmatio n about fie ld-replac eable compone nts . See p age 228 for a d iscuss ion of cri tical and of fline logical d rives. Drive S tatus Indicators Ther e ar e t wo LEDs on ea ch Dr ive Carr ier.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 206 The VT rak spins up the di sk drives s equentia lly in order to eq ualize p ower draw during s tart- up. Afte r a few m oments th e Power/Ac tivity a nd Disk S tatus L EDs should display green. See “Cri tical & Of fline Disk Arrays” o n page 228 for a disc ussion of rebuild ing and failed d isk dr ives.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 207 Figure 4. Fa n LED on a VTra k M310p/M21 0p cooling un it Under no rmal con dition s, the power supply , battery , and fan LEDs shoul d displ ay green .
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 208 If the Cont roller S tatus LED i s amber , rest art the VT rak. See “Resta rt the Subsys tem” on p age 76 or “Shutdo wn and Rest art” on p age 165. If the C ontroller S tatus LED c ontinues to displ ay amber afte r startu p, cont act Promise T echnic al Support.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 209 Med iaP atrol : Enab led PDM : Ena bled Tr a n s p o r t Reb u il d Predictive Data Migration Tr a n s i t i o n Dedicate d Sp are Drives i n the Array Physical Drives i.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 210 WebP AM PROe Repor ts a Problem Web P AM PROe a ids in tro ubleshoo ting y our logic al drives and encl osure by continu ous mon itoring and reporti ng to t he Use.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 211 • Displ ays full inform ation on the sel ected co mpone nt in t he Manag ement Window (ab ove) Also se e thes e troubles hooting to pics : • “Event N otificati on .
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 212 Event Notific ation Response When yo u sele ct Event No tificatio n, W ebP AM PROe sends pop up and /or email messa ges regard ing it s st atus. The m essages you see depend on your notific ati on se lec tio n (se e page 56) and what is currentl y hap pen in g in the VT rak.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 213 Battery r econditio ning is complete Batte ry reco nditionin g is fini shed. Battery is malfun ct ion ing Run battery recond itioni ng. See p ag e 84 or page 137. If this me ssag e reappears , replace the battery . Battery r econditio ned success fully Batte ry recondi tionin g is fini shed.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 214 Cache p olicy is in writebac k mode w ithout battery Instal l or repl ace the b attery . See page 175. Blo wer s Blo wers have star ted Normal . Blowers h ave stop ped V erify t hat the cooling unit is properly inst alled.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 215 The contro ller has new crash inform atio n Check the event log s. See p ag e 49. Controll er temperat ure is above the thresh old/ warning thresho ld The VT rak controller is over heatin g. Check for ai rflow around and through the cont roller , and ve rify that a ll fans are w orking.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 216 Enclosure Enclosure temperatu re is above the thresh old/ warning thresho ld The VT rak is overheat ing. Che ck for airf low arou nd and through the VT rak, and ve rify that a ll fans are working . Replace fa ns as needed.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 217 Host-int erfac e con trol le r has recei ved a bus reboot The VT rak reboot ed it self. If t his mes sage appe ars repeatedly , cont ac t T echnical Supp ort. Se e p a ge 239. Host-int erfac e con trol le r has enco untered an unknown erro r An unidenti fied e rror occurred.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 218 Logical d rive i nitializ ation is queued Initial ization h as been s et ma nuall y or by sc hedul e. A new logical drive has been creat ed Result of u ser action . Nor mal. Logical d rive h as been deleted Re sult of u ser action .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 219 Media p atrol is st opped internally Med ia p atrol stopped b ecause t he dis k array was deleted or removed. Online Cap acity Expa nsi on Onli ne capaci ty expan sion h as st arted Result of setti ngs o r user acti on. Normal .
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 220 PDM is sto pped in ternally The destin ation driv e was removed o r used for a rebuild. Physical D isk Physical disk is marked online Disk drive res tored t o normal o peratio n. Physical disk is marked online Disk dr ive rem oved from service d ue to er rors.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 221 Error is detected in remap secto rs Disk dr ive ha s a bad re map s ectors. If this mes sage appears re peatedly , replace the disk drive. Comman d time s out on physica l driv e Disk dr ive not res pondi ng to com mands.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 222 PSU is in stalle d/ functiona l/opera tional and turned on Nor mal . PSU is in stalle d/ functiona l/opera tional and turned of f A power s upp ly uni t i s p res ent but turn ed of f. T urn on the power suppl y . PSU is ma lfunctio ning and turned on/of f Replace the po wer sup ply unit.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 223 RAID Le vel migra tion is paus ed Migration pau sed bec ause of us er interve ntion, schedule or a hi gher pr iority bac kground a ctivi ty . RAID Le vel migra tion is resumed Migrati on has resumed again af ter a pause.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 224 Rebuild marks logica l drive sy nchron ized upon rebuild c omple tion Result o f succe ssful rebu ild. No rmal. Redundanc y Check Redunda ncy Ch eck i s sta rted Redunda ncy Ch eck ha s st arted manuall y or by schedule .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 225 S p are che ck comple ted success fully on the gi ven spare d rive Nor mal . Spare Dri ves Physical disk assigne d as global sp are Result o f setting s or user a ction. Norm al. Physical disk is no longe r assigned as glob al sp are Result of s ettings o r user a ction.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 226 S tripe Level migratio n is queued Migrati on has been se t manu ally or by schedu le. Subsystem Subsystem p arameter(s ) are change d by u ser Resu lt of user action. N ormal. Synchronizatio n Sync hr oniz ati o n is sta rt ed R es ult of se ttin gs or use r ac tio n.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 227 T ransiti on w as swi tched to rebuild T ransiti on ch ang ed to rebuild bec au se the logic al drive we nt critica l. Wa t e r m a r k Migration has d etected/ cleared s tal e NV Wa t e r m a r k W ater marks are pro gress m arkers lef t as the res ult of interrupted RAID migratio ns.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 228 Critical & Of fli ne Disk Arrays A fault-tol erant dis k array—RAID 1, 1E, 5, 6 , 10, an d 50—goes critical when a disk dri ve is re move d or fail s. Due to th e fault to leranc e of the d isk arr ay , the data is stil l availa ble an d online.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 229 T o set up a spare dr ive, se e “C rea te Spare Driv e” on page 1 13 (WebP A M PR Oe) or “Crea te New S pare Dr ive” on p age 155 (CLU).
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 230 • The dri ve ca r rie r hol din g th e rebu ild ing phys ical driv e dis pla ys a gr ee n Activity (l eft) LED while the S tatus (right ) LED flas hes gr een once per secon d. During rebuildin g, you can stil l read and writ e dat a to th e logica l driv e.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 231 Enclosure Problem s Web P AM PROe dis plays ye llow !s red Xs in T ree V iew to identi fy compon ent s that nee d atten tion. When a y ellow ! appea rs over a Su bsystem in T ree Vie w , click on the Enclosu r e icon. The Enclosure screen will dis pl ay (bel ow ).
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 232 Overh eatin g Overheati ng is a potenti ally seri ous cond ition because the excessi vely hi gh tempera tures can lead t o disk d rive fa ilure and co nt ro ller m alf unct io n.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 233 Power Supplies VT raks ar e equippe d with re dundant p ower suppli es. The advant age of dual pow er suppl ies is th at, sho uld one fa il, the other will c ontinue p owering the subs ystem un til the fau lty one can be repl aced.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 234 Connection Probl ems When yo u inst all your Prom ise produ ct foll owing th e instruc tions in the Qu ick St a r t G u i d e and this Prod uct Manu al , yo u should have litt le troub le get ting your equipm ent to wo rk the first time .
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting 235 This m eans you can, for examp le, conne ct you r Host PC t o one o f the VT rak’s SCSI “In” p orts wit hout th e need of a n externa l SCSI termina tor . Y ou can also connec t both SC SI connect ors in a “d aisy- chain” with other VT raks.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 236 VT rak s hips from the fa ctory an IP addres s of 10.0 .0.1. Y ou must chang e this address to one tha t will work wi th you r network. Y ou make the in itial IP ad dress setting using the CLI or CLU. See “VT rak Set up with CLI or CLU” on p age 17.
237 Chapter 9: Sup port • Frequ entl y Ask ed Qu es tio ns (bel ow ) • Cont act T echnical Su pport (p age 239) • Limited W arranty (p age 242) • Returni ng produc t for rep air (pag e 243) Frequently Asked Questions What kind of disk d rives can I u se with VT rak? VTrak supp orts 1.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 238 My W ebP AM connection was w orking OK. But later on, i t timed out. Wh at do I do now ? The netw ork con dition can time -out for several re asons .
Chapter 9: Support 239 How can I be sure eve rything is working OK on the VT rak? Locall y: The VT rak en closure h as LEDs on the fron t to mo nitor the s tat us of power , field replaceab le uni ts (FRU s) and lo gical dri ves. When these are green, VT rak is func tioning n ormally .
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 240 United States Europe, Af rica, M iddle East Germany It aly E-mail Support suppor t@promis e. com Fax Support (408) 228-10 97 Attn: T ech nical Supp ort Phone Suppo rt (408) 228-14 00 opt ion 4 If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echnolog y , Inc.
Chapter 9: Support 241 Ta i w a n China E-mail Support suppor t@promis e. com .tw Fax Support +886 3 578 2390 At tn: T echnical Supp ort Phone Suppo rt +886 3 578 2395 (e xt. 881 1) If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echnolog y , Inc. 2F , No.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 242 Limited Warranty Promise T echnology , Inc. (“Promise ”) warrants that for th ree (3) yea rs from the time of the del ivery of the produc t to the original end.
Chapter 9: Support 243 No oth er docume nt, st atemen t or repre senta tion may be relied on to v ary the terms o f this lim ited warrant y . Promise ’s s ole respo nsibility with re spect to a ny pro duct is t o do one o f the follow ing: a) replace the produc t with a confo rming unit of the same or superio r produ ct; b) repair the pr oduc t.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 244 The techn ic ian will as si st you in dete rmi nin g w het her th e prod uc t requ ires rep a ir . If the pro duct n eeds rep air , the T echnical Support Depa rtment w ill issu e an RMA (Return Merchand ise Au thorizatio n) num ber .
245 Appendix A: Usefu l Information • Serial Connector Pinout ( below) • SNMP MIB Fi les (p age 246) Serial Connector Pi nout Below i s the pin out diagra m for the D B-9 seria l connec tor on a ll VT raks. The diag rams repre sent t he connec tor as yo u see it lookin g at the ba ck of the VT rak.
VTrak M310, M210p Product Manual 246 SNMP MIB Files Promise supplies seven MIB file s to inte grate th e VT rak M 310p/M21 0p subsy stem into your SNMP s ystem. T hese file s are i n the SNMP fo lder on the VT rak Pr oduct CD. The MIB files include : •p r o m i s e .
247 Index A About This Manua l 1 Accep t Inco mplete Arra y 146 Alia s 144 Archit ectural Descriptio n of VTra k 3 Aud ibl e al arm 39, 121, 203 Auto Rebui ld 153 Axle s 186 B Backgr ound A ctivity in.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 248 Disk Arra y Accep t Inco mplete Arra y 146 alias 144 backgroun d acti vity 102 creat e 141 create a dvanced 29, 94 create a utomatica lly 26, 92 cre ate expr ess .
Ind ex 249 Events, conti nued Synchron izati on 226 Transitio n 226 VTrak Sy stem 226 Waterma rk 227 Expo rt 73 F Fact ory def a ult s, re st o re 164 FCC Statemen t 6 Features and Be nefits, VTrak 3 .
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 250 Logical Drive, c ontin ued stati stics 107 status 105 status LE D 15, 38, 120, 204 summa ry 117 synchr onizati on 109 login and pa ssword CLI and CLU 17 Telnet 12.
Ind ex 251 RAID, conti nued RAID 3 189 RAID 5 183, 189 RAID 50 186, 190 RAID 6 184, 189 RAID 50 Axles 186 Range of disk ar ray exp ansio n 197 Read Ahead Cache 138 Read ca che 32 Read Cache Policy 148.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 252 Spare Dri ve 27, 29 check 114 creat e 113, 155 delete 113, 156 hot sp are drive 194 informat ion 112, 114 loca te 115 revertib le 200 settings 115, 156 Stale 98, .
Ind ex 253 WebPAM PROe Adminis trative Tool s 54 cre ate user 58 delete us er 59 Event F rame 47 Expo rt 73 graphic user inter face 43 Import 73 Internet con nection 35 langua ge se lec ti on 25 login.
VTrak M310p, M210p Product Manual 254.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Promise Technology VTrak external disk array subsystem insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.