Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SL5000r del fabbricante Printronix
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Quick Setup Guide SL5000 r and T5000 r RFID Smart Label and T hermal Printers ™ ™.
This Quick Setup Guide contains a CD-ROM with the following materials: • The User’s Manual • Programmer’s Reference Manuals • Useful utility programs The CD-ROM is in a plastic pocket in the back cover. Save this guide. If you move or pack the printer in the future, you will need to follow the instructions in this guide.
Communication Notices This equipment has been tested and found t o comply with t he limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limits are des igned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a res idential installation.
CE Notice (Eur opean Union) Marking by the CE symbol indicates c ompliance of this P rintronix system to the EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive of the European Union.
Ta i w a n Lith ium B atte ry W a rning The controller board contains a lithium battery sealed inside the real-time clock chip. Do not disassemble the chip to replace the battery. Do not dispose of the chip by incineration. Failure to comply may cause the battery to explode.
9 Unpacking A nd Instal ling The P rinter ................. ............. ... 11 Unpacking Th e Printer ....... ............. ................... .......... 11 Removing The Internal P acking Ma terial ..................... 12 Installa tion ...........
T able of Contents 10 Cleaning ...... ................... ............. .................... ................... . 54 Exterior ............... ................... .................... ............. ....... 54 Interior ................ ............. ..
11 Unp a cking And Inst alling The Prin ter NOTE: This Quick Se tup Guide cover s both the S L5000r an d T5000r pr inters . The SL5 000r is a s mart label printer: it is equi pped with an RFID encoder and has the “RFID S mart” logo nea r the control panel.
Unpacking And Installing The Printer 12 Remov ing T he Inter nal Pa cking Ma terial Remove th e tape st rips an d foam pad s from the print er as indi cated below. (Th e top lid o f the ship ping car ton also display s these instruc tions.) NOTE: Save the foa m pads for repacki ng the printe r.
Installation 13 Inst allation 1. Place th e printer o n a flat lev el surfac e that allo ws easy access to all side s of the pri nter. CAUTI ON Never operate the printer on its side or upside down. 2. Make su re the prin ter power s witch is in the Off ( O) position.
Controls And Indicators 14 Controls And Indicator s Power Switch The powe r switch i s locat ed on t he bottom b ack panel o f the printer. T o apply po wer , pla ce the sw itch in the | (O n) positio n.
Con tro l Pan el 15 S ta tus And Display Indicators Indic ator Description Function in Onlin e M ode Function in Offline Mod e Function in Menu Mode Online S ta tus Indicates when the printer is online, offline, or when there is a fault condition. S tays l it when the printer is online, ready to print, and accept data f rom the host.
Controls And Indicators 16 Contro l Panel Keys Button Description Funct ion in Online Mode Functio n in Offli ne M ode Function in Menu Mode P AUSE Key T oggles the printer between Online and Offline modes. Sets pri nter to Offline mode. Sets printer to Online m ode.
Con tro l Pan el 17 Contro l Panel Keys (cont.) Button Description Funct ion in Onli ne M ode Function in Offline Mo de Functio n in Menu Mode CANCEL Key When the CANCEL key is enabled, pressing it will clear al l data in t he printer buffer and prevent printing of that data.
Loading Media And Ribbon 18 Loading Media And Ribbon IMPORT ANT Printronix recommends using the supplied ro ll of 100 labels to set up and ver ify printer opera tion. If you have an SL5000r , this will avoid expending the more expensive s mart labels for t his task.
Loading Roll Media 19 Loading Ro ll Media IMPORT ANT If you are u sing direc t thermal mode, clean th e printhead , platen roller, and upper and lower media sensors every time you change the media.
Loading Media And Ribbon 20 3. Slide th e media wi dth guide c lose to the outside e nd of the media dam per. 4. Slide th e suppli ed media r oll onto and towards the back of the media han ger. 5. Place the media hange r guide under the med ia hanger and against the lower part of the label c ore at a 45 de gree angl e (as shown) .
Loading Roll Media 21 6. Thread the media und er the med ia damper a nd then between the platen (rubber d rive roller) and the pr inthead. You can also re fer to the arro ws on th e printer f rame or to th e label insi de the media cover for media loadin g instructio ns.
Loading Media And Ribbon 22 7. Verify tha t the le ft edge of th e media i s against th e fixed gu ide on the botto m of the media dam per. 8. Push the media width guid e in until it is fl ush with t he outer edge of th e me dia.
Loading Roll Media 23 10. Align th e left (insi de) edge of the medi a with the notch locate d in the lef t front edg e of the tear bar. 11. Close the pr inthead by pres sing down on the pivoting deck and rotating the deck lock le ver ful ly count erclockw ise.
Loading Media And Ribbon 24 Loading Ribbo n IMPORT ANT Clean the printhead, platen roller, and upper and lower media sensors every time you change the ribbon. See “Cleaning” on page 54. 1. Install the ribbon ta ke-up c ore on the ribbon tak e-up spind le.
Loading Ribbon 25 4. Thread th e end of the ribb on under the re ar ribbon guide rol ler, then betwee n the plate n and the pr inthead. You can also re fer to the arro ws on th e printer f rame or to th e upper- right corn er of the lab el ins ide the m edia cover for ribbon loading i nstruc tions.
Loading Media And Ribbon 26 IMPORT ANT Do not attach the ribbon to the ribbon take-up spindle without a ribbon take-up core installed. 5. Attach th e ribbon to the ribbon take-up core on the ribbon take-up spindle using the adhes ive on th e ribbon leader.
Printh ead Pressure Adjustment 27 Printing Adjustment s Printhead Pressu re Adjustment Adjust t he printh ead pres sure to the settin g of 4. Printh ead Pressure Bl ock Adjus tment s Lef t Pressure Block Manually adjust th e left pre ssure block so its ha ndle is ali gned with the bold m ark on th e pressure b lock adjus tment sc ale.
Printing Adjustments 28 Posi ti oning The Medi a Sens ors Your pr inter is e quipped wi th upper and lower media se nsors that detect the top-of-f orm positi on on medi a with labe l length indi cators (black marks, ga ps, no tches, or h oles). T he media sensor s also detect Pa per Out conditio ns.
Positioning The Media Sens ors 29 If you are us ing smart label s, the lower media sens or should not be placed in th e path o f media fea tures that c ould cause false gap detection or paper o ut fault s. Such featu res ar e dark pre -printing, rounded die cut l abel cor ners, an d extraneou s cut-o uts.
Calibrating The Printer 30 Calibratin g The Printer NOTE: If you make a ny chang es to the d efault con figuration m enu items, y ou will b e prompte d to save the co nfiguration .
Running Auto Calibrate 31 4. Press ↑ or ↓ until Label L ength / 6 i nch* dis plays (de fault). 5. Press + or – until the valu e that matc hes the ph ysical l ength of the insta lled medi a displ ays.
Calibrating The Printer 32 Making A Media Profile Printout The Medi a Profile printout shows the relatio nship of t he Pape r Out Threshol d and t he Gap/Ma rk Thresho ld va lues, illus trates i f and when ea ch label length in dicator is detec ted, and s hows the differen ce between the label length in dicator s and the l abel.
Making A Media Profile Printout 33 6. Press the PAU SE key until OFFLINE displa ys. NOTE: The Gap/Ma rk and Pap er Out Thr eshold values sho wn on the M edia P rof ile pri ntout repr esent the l ast va lues determi ned from a success ful Auto Ca librate or the factor y default v alues if no Auto Cal ibrate wa s perform ed.
Calibrating The Printer 34 To avoid t his pro blem, incr ease the Thr eshold Rang e value t o 60% or 70% in the CALIBR ATE CTRL m enu (the d efault is 50%), then run an A uto Calibrat e again ( page 30). NOTE: Any change s to Thresho ld Range wi ll not take e ffect unti l you run an Auto Cal ibrate a gain.
Making A Media Profile Printout 35 Advanced G ap Sensing This figu re shows a Media P rofile pr intout of a smart la bel wher e Gap/Mark Sensor is set to Adv anced Gap in the CALIBRA TE CTRL menu.
Calibrating The Printer 36 To avoid t his pro blem, incr ease the Thr eshold Rang e value t o 60% in the CAL IBRATE CTRL menu (the defa ult is 50 %), then run a n Auto Cali brate aga in (page 30). NOTE: Any change s to Thresho ld Range wi ll not take e ffect unti l you run an Auto Cal ibrate a gain.
Making A Media Profile Printout 37 Changing The Active IGP Emulation The following ex ample shows how to cha nge the active IGP emulatio n from IG P/PGL (de fault) to IGP /VGL usin g the QUICK SETUP men u. 1. Set the pr inter po wer switch to | (On) .
QUICK SE TUP Menu 38 QUICK SETUP Menu (cont. on next page ) QUICK SETUP Print In tensity Transfer* Direct Pri nt Mod e 2 Paper Feed Sh ift Label Wi dth Label Leng th Orientati on 4.1, 6.6, or 8.5 inches* 3, 5 Portrait* L andscape Inv. Por trait Inv. Landscape –3* –15 to 15 00.
Making A Media Profile Printout 39 NOTE: Many QU ICK SETU P menu it ems are available i n other main menu s. (Refer to the User’s Ma nual .) Changes ma de in the QU ICK SETUP men u are updated in the oth er main menu s, and vice v ersa. 1* 1 to 8 Factory* 1 to 8 Save Config.
QUICK SE TUP Menu 40 QUICK SETUP Menu Items Print Intensity This menu item sp ecifies t he level of therma l energy from the printhea d to be us ed for the type of me dia and ribbon ins talled. Large nu mbers impl y more h eat (ther mal energy ) to be a pplied for each dot.
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 41 Media Handling This m enu item s pecifie s how the p rinter wil l handle t he media (labels o r tag stoc k). • Tear-Off Strip . Printer p rints o n the me dia and sends i t out the front unti l the print buffer is empty, th en positions the last label over the tea r bar fo r removal.
QUICK SE TUP Menu 42 Paper F eed Shif t This men u item represen ts the d istance to advance a label (+ shif t) or pull back (– shi ft) when the Tear -Off Strip, Tear-Off, P eel-Off, or Cut Media Handli ng option is enabled. T he allowable range is –0.
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 43 the image i s not affec ted by this p arameter. The allowa ble range is –1.00 inc hes to the current La bel Length value s etting, up to a maximum of 12.80 i nches, i n 0.01 inch i ncremen ts. The defa ult va lue is 0. 00 inches .
QUICK SE TUP Menu 44 • Landscape . Landscape refers to horizontal orientat ion, where the width o f a page is greater than its hei ght. The top edge of the image is paralle l to the left edge of the media. T he followi ng example is viewed f rom the fr ont of the p rinter.
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 45 • Inv. Lan dscape . Inver se Landsc ape refers to horizon tal orientat ion, wh ere the width of a p age is g reater than its hei ght. The top e dge of the i mage is parallel to the righ t edge of the media. T he following example is viewed fr om the fr ont of the printer .
QUICK SE TUP Menu 46 Gap/M ark Sens or Specifi es the se nsor type needed for detectin g the top-o f-form positio n on medi a with lab el len gth indic ators (g aps, notc hes, hol es, or blac k marks) .
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 47 If your sma rt label s have n o horizonta l black ba r locate d within ea ch liner g ap, you mu st ch oose betwe en Gap and Advanc ed Gap sensin g. Run an Au to Cali brate (page 30), then make a Me dia Profil e printou t (page 32 ).
QUICK SE TUP Menu 48 V alidator Funct. This men u appe ars onl y if a n online data va lidator (validato r) option is ins talled. • Enabl ed . The printer c ommands t he valid ator to be gin scanni ng bar co des and to report er rors. The c ounters increm ent while the valida tor is ena bled.
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 49 Power- Up Confi g. You can specify the Fac tory co nfiguration or any o ne of the eight possib le saved co nfigurat ions as the power-up configur ation. The defa ult is F actory. SMT : Status This m enu appears only if an RFID encod er is i nstalled.
Saving The Configuration 50 Saving The Configuration After c ustomizing your s ettings, s ave them as a configu ratio n: 1. Press the key to e nter the QUICK SETUP menu. 2. Press ↑ or ↓ until Save Config. / 1* display s. 3. If necess ary, p ress + or – until th e desired config uration displ ays.
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 51 Selectin g The Power-Up Configuration To have a saved configur ation auto matical ly loade d when you power up the printe r, set th e saved con figurati on as the Powe r-Up configur ation: 1. Press the key to e nter the QUICK SETUP menu.
Printing A Configur ation 52 Printing A Config uration We rec ommend tha t you pri nt and sto re your configura tions for future refer ence. T he prin tout provide s a list of the param eters tha t were set when you con figured t he printe r. To print a configur ation: 1.
QUICK SETUP Menu Items 53 Run A Barcode Demo T est IMPORT ANT Printronix recommends using the supplied r oll of 100 labels to set up and ver ify printer opera tion. If you have an SL5000r , this will avoid expending the more expensive s mart labels for this task.
Cleaning 54 Cleaning Depending on the m edia used, th e printe r may acc umulate residues (media dus t, adhesi ves, etc.) as a by-prod uct of n ormal printin g. To mai ntain top p rinting quality, you shou ld remov e these residu es by clea ning th e printer p eriodical ly.
Cleaning The Printhead, Platen Roller, And Media Sensors 55 (direct th ermal pri nt mode ). Clean t he printhead with the c leaning pen suppl ied with t he printer .
Cleaning 56 Pivoting Deck Printhead Heating Elements Deck Loc k Lever Lower Medi a Sensor (with visible red LED) Platen R oller Peel/Tear D oor A See page 57.
Cleaning The Printhead, Platen Roller, And Media Sensors 57 1. Rotate the d eck lock lever clo ckwise to o pen the piv oting deck and remov e any medi a and ribbon ( if loaded) to g ain acces s to the prin thead ass embly he ating element area.
Repacking The Printe r 58 Rep acking The Printer CAUTI ON Follow all of the r epacking instructions car efully, otherwise the printer could be damaged dur ing shipping. 1. Remove al l media a nd ribbon. 2. Install t he foam pads and tape t he media c over to the b ase pan as shown on page 12 .
Cleaning The Printhead, Platen Roller, And Media Sensors 59 5. Pack th e printer ( taped in i ts bag) as shown (a ). CAUTI ON Pack the printer with the media cover (window side) up. 6. Pack th e remain ing ite ms as show n (b), an d tape the b ox flaps closed .
Contact Information 60 Cont act Information Printronix Cu stomer Support Ce nter IMPORT ANT Please have the following information av ailable prior to ca lling the Printronix Customer Suppo rt Center: • Model num ber • Serial nu mber (loc ated on the back of th e printer) • Installe d option s (i.
Corpo rate Offices 61 Corpo rate Offices Printroni x, Inc. 14600 Myford Road P.O. Box 1955 9 Irvine, CA 92623- 9559 Phone: ( 714) 368-23 00 Fax: (714 ) 368-2600 Printroni x, Inc.
For More Informati on 62.
178423-0 01C *178423-001*.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Printronix SL5000r è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Printronix SL5000r - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Printronix SL5000r imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Printronix SL5000r ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Printronix SL5000r, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Printronix SL5000r.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Printronix SL5000r. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Printronix SL5000r insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.